Breast cancer (BC)
Breast cancer (BC) is a malignant neoplasm that forms in glandular breast tissue. The pathological process is started under the influence of provoking factors: malignant cells begin to actively divide and increase in size, provoking malignization (malignancy) of healthy cells.
Main article: Cancer (cancer)
Causes of the disease
Triggers for the beginning of the development of breast cancer in 2022 are considered:
- age over 45,
- heredity,
- genetic mutations,
- disturbances of hormonal balance,
- long-term use of hormone replacement therapy,
- high breast tissue density,
- late first births and
- early menarche (first menstrual cycle),
- excessive alcohol consumption,
- frequent radiation exposures and
- living in an unfavorable environmental situation.
There is usually a complex influence of 2-3 factors.
Heredity plays one of the key roles in the mechanism of tumor origin. As of 2022, about 10% of breast cancers are inherited. If blood relatives have been diagnosed with breast cancer or ovarian cancer, then in offspring the risk of developing breast cancer increases. Also, the likelihood of developing breast cancer increases significantly if mutations occur in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes (the mutated gene is inherited). A little less often, BC is associated with other genetic mutations, for example, PALB2, STK11 and others. At the same time, the hereditary type of breast cancer mainly affects women under 45 years old.
With age, the likelihood of developing breast cancer increases: in approximately 75% of cases, neoplasms are detected in women over 45-50 years old. Despite this, routine examinations with a mammologist should be performed regularly by girls of any age in order to detect the beginning of the pathological process in time. Women with an aggravated history fall into a special risk group.
Main article: Diagnosis of breast cancer
Incidence statistics
Breast cancer (BC) ranks first among all cancers in women in the world. An estimated 2020 breast cancer has been diagnosed in 2.3 million people worldwide by the[1]Due to the disease, 685 thousand women died.
Incidence rates are higher in advanced economies: the leaders are here, for example, Australia and Belgium.
According to the Federal State Budgetary Institution "National Medical Research Center of Radiology" of the Ministry of Health of Russia for October 2020, annually in Russia breast cancer is detected in 50 thousand women. In Russia, out of 100 women, about six get sick, that is, every 16th woman.
In Russia, breast cancer is the most common cancer among women, it accounts for 21.2% of all malignant neoplasms. In 2019, more than 74 thousand new cases of breast cancer were detected in Russia, over the past ten years, the incidence has increased by 21.6%. As of October 2019, breast cancer in Russia ranks second most common among all oncological diseases (11.5%), and first place (21.0%) among female oncological pathologies.
From 2008 to 2018, the incidence of breast cancer increased by 22.15%, and in 2018, 70,682 new cases of breast cancer were detected in Russia. At the same time, the primary diagnosis in a third of all cases is made at the advanced stages of the disease (in 20.6% of cases in the 3rd and in 7.8% of cases in the 4th stage).
Mortality statistics
2020: Breast cancer proves to be the world's deadliest cancer
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2020, 685 thousand women died from breast cancer around the world. This cancer has become the most common, ahead of lung cancer. In 140 of the 184 countries studied, breast cancer ranks first in cancer among women. The data were released in October 2021.
According to WHO statistics, by the end of 2020, there were 7.8 million women in the world who have been diagnosed with breast cancer over the past five years.
According to experts, in the context of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, when up to a million cases of cancer remain undiagnosed in Europe, active actions aimed at drawing attention to the problem of breast cancer and finding ways to improve the quality of medical care in this area are more important than ever.
The WHO emphasizes that early detection is extremely important for the effective fight against breast cancer. Experts say that when a disease is detected in the later stages, the survival rate is extremely low. For timely diagnosis of breast cancer in many countries at the state level, projects are being implemented to increase public awareness of the early signs of breast cancer and to expand the coverage of screening programs - clinical breast examination and mammography.
In 2021, the European Cancer Organization launched the Time to Act campaign to encourage the general public, patients, health professionals and authorities representatives to take action to address gaps in care for cancer patients and delays caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the organization, in 2020, such delays affected every second patient in Europe; by October 2021, up to 20% of patients still face them.[2]
Genetic predisposition
Malignant diseases of the reproductive system (including breast cancer) can be genetically determined and associated with mutations in the BRCA1, BRCA2 and other genes that can be inherited. Mutations in BRCA1/2 genes among all patients with BC are observed in ~ 5% of cases, and in patients with a corresponding family history this number increases to about 24%. In patients with these mutations, the diagnosis is often made at a younger age and a more aggressive disease occurs. Read more here.
Metastatic triple-negative breast cancer
Metastatic triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is a form of breast cancer characterized by the absence of alpha-estrogen and progesterone receptors on the surface of malignant neoplasm cells, as well as the membrane protein HER2. Triple negative breast cancer is diagnosed in 15% of cases, but it accounts for about 40% of deaths from breast cancer.
How to reduce breast cancer risks
By 2019, fighting or preventing breast cancer is more and more feasible. Breast cancer found in the early stages has been proven to be curable in 90-95% of cases. The main weapon in the fight against cancer is information on how to reduce risks, how to fight cancer.
1. Pay attention to lifestyle and nutrition: reduce the consumption of animal fats and high-calorie food, eat more vegetables, fruits and foods rich in fiber, maintain a normal body weight, exercise.
A responsible attitude to lifestyle is not a guarantee of protection against oncology and breast cancer, in particular. No person in the world is immune from this disease. However, if your diet contains more plant food, fiber, you replace juices with fruits - all this will allow you to prolong the feeling of saturation, which means that together with regular physical activity, it will solve the problem of excess weight, which is one of the activators of many dangerous diseases, including cancer.
2. Be careful with breast implants. For 2020, it has been scientifically proven that some breast implants lead to a risk of developing breast cancer (more here ). Also, implants interfere with adequate mammography and this interferes with cancer screening.
3. Choose the right antipersperant. In 2020, it is believed that sweat and odor remedies for the armpits, which contain various chemical compounds, tend to be absorbed into the lymph nodes and accumulate in the upper chest, thereby causing the development of cancer. There are no studies confirming this, but there are scientific articles that describe cases of aluminum particles found in the lymphatic tissue of the chest. Experts recommend paying attention to the composition of the antiperspirant and avoiding the purchase of such products with a high metal content. In addition, it is not recommended to apply antipersperant to the newly shaved skin of the armpits.
How to detect breast cancer early
Breast cancer in the early stages is asymptomatic and is found, as a rule, on mammography. But what should definitely alert is compressions in the chest and in the axillary fossa or above the collarbone, transparent or bloody discharge from the chest, nipple retraction, change in the color or structure of the skin of the chest, asymmetry. Among the non-specific symptoms - non-passing pain in the thoracic spine.
Here's a list of simple steps to take to detect cancer early:
1. Regularly, 1 once a month on the 5-12 day of the menstrual cycle, examine the mammary glands, as well as lymph nodes with the armpits for seals.
2. Women from 25 to 35 years old need to undergo a US-examination of the mammary glands 1 times a year, and women over 35 years old - a mammological examination.
3. If lumps or neoplasms are detected in the chest, it is necessary to seek advice from an oncologist-mammologist. Breast cancer, especially primary, is not always manifested by compressions in the chest or axillary areas, although in this way too. All women should pay attention to any changes in their menstrual cycle, monitor lymph nodes and discharge from the chest, including compressions in the chest, which most often talk about hormonal change and are benign formations. Nevertheless, all such changes must be reported to the doctor who will order the necessary examination.
4. Visit a gynecologist regularly, at least 1 times a year.
5. Women over 40 years old, as well as those who have relatives of the first and second generation (mother, sister, grandmother, aunt) with diagnosed cancer of the mammary glands or ovaries, must undergo screening examinations 1 once a year for gene mutations in BRCA₁ and BRCA₂. Such analysis helps to identify the disease at the earliest stage, start treatment in time and in 95% of cases preserve functionally full breast.
Male breast cancer
Men also face breast cancer, but are significantly less likely to experience women. As of 2020, only 1 patient with a breast tumor out of 100 will be a man. In life, only 1 in 800-850 men will face this diagnosis. At the same time, the prognosis may be worse than in women with a similar stage of the disease.
Proven: Popular breast cancer treatments accelerate people's aging
In mid-October 2024, scientists from University of California published data according to which common treatments for breast cancer, including chemotherapy radiation therapy surgery, can speed up the aging of patients.
Scientists conducted a two-year study that tracked women before and after breast cancer treatment by analyzing biological markers in blood cells. Particular attention of the researchers was attracted by the phenomenon of cellular aging - a process in which cells stop dividing but do not die. These so-called "zombie cells" can accumulate over time and release harmful substances that damage healthy cells and promote aging. The researchers evaluated markers of cellular aging, including DNA damage and inflammation, and showed that these rates increased significantly in all women who survived breast cancer, regardless of the type of treatment they received.
Previously, chemotherapy was already associated with accelerated aging, but for the first time, scientists received similar results after radiation therapy and surgery. Study co-author Judith Carroll noted that advances in cancer treatment have significantly improved patient survival, but accelerated aging can affect the physical condition, independence and lifespan of cancer survivors. All these problems require a special approach.
Oncologists already know that breast cancer treatment can accelerate aging or the onset of menopause and often leads to skin and hair changes. However, doctors may also offer treatments that will mitigate side effects. Even lifestyle factors such as social support, stress reduction, exercise and a healthy diet can help during treatment.[3]
An innovative therapy has been developed to treat breast cancer with bone metastases, which was considered indistinguishable
In mid-October 2024, promising results of a study of a new drug RK-33 for the treatment of breast cancer with bone metastases, previously considered almost incurable, were published. It has previously been shown that RK-33 also helps in the treatment of other cancers and viral diseases. Read more here
First Russian breast cancer therapy selection system released
In Russia, the first domestic test system has been developed to select targeted therapy for breast cancer (BC). This was announced on October 15, 2024 by specialists from Sechenov University, who created an innovative genetic test of a new generation. Read more here
Detection of breast cancer at an early stage in Moscow increased to 79%
October 15, 2024, on World Breast Cancer Day, it became known about significant progress in the early diagnosis of this disease in Moscow. The percentage of detection of breast cancer in the early stages in the capital reached 79.1%, which is higher than in 2018, when it was 73.2%. Read more here
Robots start touching women's breasts to detect breast cancer
In mid-October 2024, researchers from the Chinese University of Science and Technology introduced a soft robotic finger with advanced tactile abilities to perform a number of routine medical examinations, including pulse measurement and detection of tumor seals in breast tissue. It is assumed that this technology will improve the early detection of breast cancer, increasing the effectiveness of treatment, as well as make the examination itself more comfortable and less invasive for patients. Read more here
Absorbable breast repair implant released after breast cancer treatment
On August 29, 2024, the American company Melodi Health announced the release of the absorbable Matrix implant for patients diagnosed with malignant breast lesions. The product is intended for women undergoing breast reconstruction after mastectomy. Read more here
A device for removing tumors in the mammary glands with an accuracy of 1 mm was released
On February 16, 2024, Merit Medical Systems announced a new generation surgical guidance system called Scout MD. It is claimed that this solution allows operations to remove malignancies in the mammary glands and other soft tissues with an accuracy of 1 mm. Read more here.
Russian chemists have developed compounds that trigger the self-destruction of cancer cells
In November 2023 MIPT , they announced the creation of biocompatible nanoparticles based on lactic and glycolic acids. They, according to the developers, are able to selectively penetrate breast cancer cells, illuminate and destroy them when irradiated with lasers. More. here
Presented a device for examination for breast cancer, which will be placed in pharmacies
On October 4, 2023, British specialists from the University of Bristol presented an automated system for conducting examinations for breast cancer. The device can be housed in pharmacies, for example, making it easier for women to access diagnostic procedures. Read more here.
Exacay releases equipment to treat breast cancer on a deep breath
On August 9, 2023, Accurate Incorporated announced the release of the Radixact VitalHold system, developed to treat breast cancer on a deep breath. Read more here.
Russian scientists have found an effective combination of nanoparticles against breast cancer cells
Scientists of the University of MISIS and RNIMU named after N.I. Pirogova created a combination of magnetic nanoparticles of iron oxide (III) (MCH) with redox-sensitive substances (from the English redox - REDuction-OXidation, i.e. sensitive to cellular redox processes), which can become a promising basis for multifunctional nanomaterial for the treatment of cancer. Exposure can be particularly effective in treating cancer cells sensitive to ferroptosis, such as 4T1 breast cancer cell line. This effect is described for the first time in the world in the international scientific journal Pharmaceuticals (Q1). This was announced on July 11, 2023 by representatives of NUST MISIS. Read more here.
In the US, officially counted 24 cases of breast cancer due to breast implants
On March 8, 2023, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released an update on cases of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) associated with breast implants. Read more here.
Radiotherapy after breast surgery does not improve overall survival
In mid-November 2022, radiotherapy after breast surgery for early breast cancer significantly reduces the risk of recurrence of the disease, however, this advantage did not lead to an improvement in overall survival for 30 years. This is stated in a report by scientists from the Scottish Bureau of Cancer Research at the University of Edinburgh.
The study involved 585 patients who were diagnosed with breast cancer between 1985 and 1991. The age of the participants at the time of diagnosis was 70 years or less. All patients received radical breast resection and systemic therapy depending on the condition of estrogen receptors.
Compared to no radiotherapy, adjuvant locoregional radiotherapy reduced the risk of ipsilateral breast tumor recurrence by 61% (HR 0.39, 95% CI 0.27-0.55, P<0,0001), сообщил исследователь Ян Кунклер из Эдинбургского университета. В 10 лет частота местных рецидивов составила 8,8% при использовании радиотерапии против 31% без радиотерапии; в 20 лет - 15,2% и 37,6%, а в 30 лет - 27,8% и 42,7%. Примечательно, что не было значительной разницы между пациентами, получавшими и не получавшими радиотерапию (HR 1,08, 95% CI 0,89-1,30, P=0,43). Показатели составили 72,5% и 70,8%, соответственно, в 10 лет; 48,6% и 48,4% в 20 лет; и 23,7% и 27,5% в 30 лет.
At the same time, the risk of breast cancer recurrence was 61% lower in patients who underwent adjuvant locoregional radiation therapy than in those who did not receive it. The relapse rate at six years was 5.8% in the radiotherapy group and 24.5% in the non-radiotherapy group.
Scientists from the University of Edinburgh's Scottish Cancer Research Office suggest that the lack of long-term improvement in overall survival rates among patients undergoing radiotherapy, particularly long-term after it, is due to treatment complications such as heart and blood vessel disease.
The NSABP B-06 study, which was started in 1976 and first compared total mastectomy, lumpectomy and lumpectomy plus radiation in women with invasive breast cancer, showed at 20 years of follow-up that adding radiation therapy to lumpectomy did not improve survival but significantly affected the likelihood of cancer recurrence in the breast. In the study, the main effect of radiotherapy on local relapse was observed in the first 10 years. According to the scientists, this is actually almost the same as the Scottish group showed - a sharp decrease in local recurrence in the first 10 years, and about the same growth in both groups over the next 20 years.[4]
A new type of radiation therapy has begun for breast cancer patients who have heart and vascular problems
On August 15, 2022, Brainlab announced the first group of breast cancer patients to be treated in the U.S. with the ExacTrac Dynamic Deep Inspiration Breath Hold module. The new method helps those with heart and vessel problems. Read more here.
Breast biopsy device released in minutes
On August 10, 2022, TransMed7 announced that the first clinical cases of the final commercial version of the Sparrow device (a member of the new SpeedBird family - vacuum assisted single-injection multiple-sampling breast biopsy (SIMC) devices) were successfully conducted by Dr. Edgar Staren, a reputable surgeon and former president of the American Society of Breast Surgeons (ASBrS). Read more here.
Matmodel of scientists of the Perm Polytechnic will help predict the development of breast cancer
On August 12, 2022, representatives Perm Polytechnic announced that matmodel scientists Perm the Polytechnic would be able to predict development. cancer More. here
Announcement of an ultrasound scanner for finding breast cancer in 3D format
On October 12, 2021, Delphinus Medical Technologies announced the release of the SoftVue 3D full breast ultrasound tomography system as a supplement to digital mammography in the examination of asymptomatic cases in women with dense breast tissue. Read more here.
Creating an online test to detect breast and ovarian cancer risk
On September 8, 2021, the biopharmaceutical company AstraZeneca announced that, together with the service of online consultations of doctors and medical support of patients, RT-Doctis, has developed an online test with which women can independently check for risk factors for breast cancer (BC) and ovarian cancer (OC). According to the test results, women who are at risk can receive telemedicine advice and, if necessary, be examined by a specialized specialist. Read more here.
Association between body mass index and breast cancer revealed
In late May 2021, Flinders University researchers established a link between high body mass index (BMI) and breast cancer survival rates. According to the paper, an increased BMI suggests a worsening prognosis in patients with early breast cancer, but paradoxically improves survival in advanced breast cancer.
In a new study, the findings of which were published in the journal Nature, scientists evaluated data from 5,000 early-stage breast cancer patients and 3,496 advanced breast cancer patients to determine the association between BMI and survival rates at both stages.
The researchers reported that the results represent a true "obesity paradox": an increased BMI suggests an unfavorable prognosis in patients with early breast cancer, but is associated with higher survival in advanced cancer. Researcher Natansh Modi of Flinders University says understanding the biological reasons obesity affects breast cancer survival rates at an early and late stage in different ways will be key to developing more effective treatments.
Higher body mass index (BMI) is known to be associated with an increased risk of many types of cancer, including breast cancer, due to higher levels of circulating sex hormones such as estrogen, estrone and testosterone, high serum leptin levels and chronic inflammation associated with obesity.
Senior researcher at Flinders University and co-author of the new study Ashley Hopkins notes that the study used high-quality modern data.
This is the world's first evidence of the paradoxical impact of obesity on breast cancer patient survival. The results highlight the urgent need to further assess and study the biological basis of such an impact throughout the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer, he said.[5] |
Announcement of a system for the detection and removal of "smallest tumors" of the mammary glands
In early May 2021, Molli Surgical introduced the Molli system to detect and remove the "smallest tumors" of the mammary glands. The new technology helps radiologists mark lesions quickly and accurately, and surgeons find and effectively remove small tumor lesions, providing the best cosmetic results. Read more here.
Koios DS Breast Announcement - Ultrasound Breast Cancer Detection Software
In mid-March 2021, the developer of medical software based on IIKoios Medical released in Europe the Koios DS Breast medical decision support system for interpreting ultrasound images of the breast. Read more here.
Creation of a device for contactless research and treatment of breast neoplasms in the Russian Federation
On March 1, 2021, it became known that the Novosibirsk Instrument-Making Plant (refinery, part of the Shvabe holding) had created a device for contactless research and treatment of breast neoplasms. Read more here.
Black women are more likely to die from breast cancer
At the end of January 2021, the results of a study were published in the journal JAMA Oncology, according to which black women have higher mortality from breast cancer and relapse rates than non-speaking Caucasian women.
Dr. Kent Hoskins, an adjunct professor in the Department of Hematology/Oncology at the University of Illinois College of Medicine in Chicago, and his team wanted to find out whether mortality differs from breast cancer without lymph node lesions among women of different races, and whether the predictive accuracy of the genetic test differs by race?
The team of researchers found meaningful differences in women's mortality, even when cancer in black patients was diagnosed early. Hoskins and colleagues included data from 70,000 American patients diagnosed with stage I-III estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer between 2004 and 2015. All data were obtained from the National Surveillance Registry (SEER).
Typically, women with hormone-dependent breast cancer have a favorable prognosis, but it turned out that even when adjusted for age at diagnosis, tumor stage and applied treatment, black women die more often than non-Hispanic white women with a comparable prognosis from a genetic test. Black women were also more likely to relapse. The underlying cause is currently unknown but under investigation.
In addition, the oncotypic test in black women provides less predictive accuracy than in Caucasian women, the researchers said. Researchers insist that similar tests should be revised in populations with greater racial and ethnic diversity.[6]
Terminal breast cancer patient cured thanks to advanced method
In mid-December 2020, therapy with T cells with chimeric antigenic receptors (CAR-T) helped a woman with end-stage cancer whose estimated lifespan with traditional therapies was less than 12 months. Read more here.
Gilead buys breast cancer drug and technology developer Immunomedics for $21 billion
On September 14, 2020, Gilead announced the purchase of Immunomedics for $21 billion. The value of the transaction in terms of one share of the sold company is $88, which is 108% more than the rate of quotations by the closing of the exchange on September 11. Read more here.
Scientists from Russia have proposed a device that will allow MRI of the breast on any medical tomograph
On August 3, 2020, it became known that a group of Russian scientists, which included researchers from ITMO University, proposed a universal device that allows MRI studies of the mammary glands even in standard tomographs that do not have special equipment for this. The researchers' work is published in the journal Nature Communications.
As explained, magnetic resonance imaging - as of August 2020, is considered a promising research method for detecting breast cancer at an early stage. Read more here.
Celsus neural network will be able to determine the presence of tumor cells in breast tissues
The creators neuronets for the analysis medical of images "" Cels began work in a different direction - pathomorphology. Now artificial intelligence the service will be able to analyze histological studies: study samples of breast tissues and determine the presence of tumor cells. This was announced on June 30, 2020 by the company "." Medical System Screening (Celsus) More. here
Google's artificial intelligence detects breast cancer more accurately than doctors
In early January 2020, Google introduced a new AI technology that detects breast cancer in women with greater accuracy than rengtenologists. Read more here.
Hospitals have started using AI that detects breast cancer with 90% accuracy
In late October 2019, hospitals began using AI, which detects breast cancer with 90% accuracy. Read more here
2018: Google AI detects BC in lymph node biopsy assessment
On October 12, 2018, Google presented a promising solution for detecting breast cancer in the assessment of lymph node biopsies. It has already begun to be used at Naval Medical Center San Diego, whose researchers were also involved in developing the technology. Read more here.
Master class on breast reconstruction in Russia
Breast cancer diagnosis can be contrasted with early diagnosis as well as innovative treatments. At the same time, unfortunately, the body itself cannot always be preserved. In such cases, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery helps.
In July 2017, one of these operations was carried out in the Second City Hospital of Severodvinsk. The master class was supported by the Ministry of Health of the Arkhangelsk Region and the Mentor direction of Johnson & Johnson.
The importance for patients of such operations is difficult to overestimate: after the removal of the breast, such surgery helps to regain self-confidence and the usual quality of life. That is why, despite a number of contraindications that are available for such manipulations, the project is designed to make breast reconstruction more accessible to patients.
Gynecologists update breast screening guidelines
In June 2017, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG ) issued a recommendation that breast screening can be performed in women over the age of 40.
Breast screening - an examination of healthy women without complaints, the purpose of which is to try to diagnose breast cancer in the early stages. Examination of this type of cancer at the beginning of the development of the disease increases the woman's chances of complete recovery, allows her to receive less aggressive treatment.
The ACOG recommends screening mammograms for women over the age of 40, but stipulates that in each individual case a personal consultation of the attending physician is needed, since this procedure can be harmful (overdiagnosis, unreasonable anxiety disorder, false positive result).
The debate over the benefits and harms of mammography has led to changes in screening recommendations that put patients and doctors in trouble when choosing the best approach, the association said. At the age of 40, the benefits of mammography are not as clear compared to examinations of older women.
Given the spread of today's recommendations, we have come to the conclusion that obstetricians-gynecologists should help patients with the choice of screening with a personal approach, "said Christopher Zahn, vice president for practical work at ACOG. |
So, the main recommendations of ACOG are as follows:
- Breast screening should be offered to women in their 40s, however, before starting the procedure, doctors and patients should discuss its benefits and harms to make a final decision;
- Women should start having a screening mammogram at least 50 years of age;
- Screening should be performed once every one or two years, however, the frequency may increase depending on the risk of developing breast cancer in a particular woman;
- Breast screening must be done before the age of 75, but examinations can be continued if necessary.[7]
Endocrine therapy less toxic than chemotherapy
In February 2017, Nikolay Vladimirovich Zhukov, MD, during a review of the clinical recommendations for the treatment of HR +/HER2- mBC, called on specialists to strictly comply with the treatment recommendations. Endocrine therapy should be prescribed to patients with any detectable level of receptors and/or progesterons, it is no less effective than chemotherapy, and is significantly less toxic. Endocrine therapy should be prescribed at the beginning, and used as long as possible. The range of available drug combinations has changed, and the solution algorithms have become like an exciting quest, Nikolai Vladimirovich is sure. But the general trend in all recommendations, both foreign and Russian, is the prescription of fulvestrant in combination with palbociclib. The discovery of palbociclib was an important milestone in the treatment of mBC. Palbociclib-supplemented therapy showed a significant magnitude of difference in progression-free survival compared to standard hormone therapy, with the size of adverse events of great importance.
Sergey Alekseevich Tyulyandin once again emphasized that palbociclib was registered in the Russian Federation in 2016 and became available for patients (see below).
2016: Palbociclib registered in Russia
Palbociclib, registered in Russia in October 2016 as Ibranza, is a new class of drug that can significantly slow down the progression of cancer and increase life expectancy. It is the first in a new class of cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) 4/6 inhibitors to treat mBC and is indicated for the most common type of mBC known as HR +/HER2- mBC.
The success of palbociclib in HR +/HER2- mBC therapy in February 2017 was described by Nadia Harbeck, Professor, MD. The professor was the head of registration studies for PALOMA-2 and PALOMA-3 in Germany. The most relevant study for Russia, PALOMA-3, was the first published study of pablociclib from the PALOMA series. Data from the updated analysis show high disease control with pablociclib with progression in relapse-free survival of patients - up to 11 months instead of 4-6 months.
The professor noted that, according to the PALOMA-3, the quality of life of patients has improved significantly. It is much easier to control the disease with this drug, the drug has demonstrated a high level of effectiveness and safety, it allows you to prolong life and improve its quality, Nadia Harbeck emphasized again in conclusion.
2015: 66,000 new cases in Russia
According to the results of 2015, in most developed countries, including in Russia, the incidence of breast cancer (BC) is increasing. 66,000 new cases of morbidity were recorded in the Russian Federation in 2015, 30% of cases already have a common form of the disease at the time of diagnosis. And if in most developed countries there is a decrease in mortality from breast cancer, which is due to early diagnosis and highly effective treatment, then in Russia such a trend is not observed.
Speaking of patients with a metastatic process, it is rarely possible to achieve a complete cure, but now there are therapies that allow not only to significantly prolong the patient's life, but also to significantly improve its quality.
The consistent prescription of hormone therapy lines allows maintaining the quality of life and long-term control of the disease, which is the standard for the treatment of mBC even in the presence of visceral metastases, said Mona Aleksandrovna Frolova, Ph.D., Senior Researcher, Department of Clinical Oncology, Federal State Budgetary Institution N.N. Blokhina Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, in February 2017.
2001: Nobel Prize for Discovery of Tumor Growth Suppression Mechanism
In 2001, a significant event in the field of medicine occurred: the Nobel Prize was awarded for the discovery of a mechanism for suppressing tumor growth of cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) 4/6 inhibitors, which is fundamentally different from hormone or chemotherapy.
As a result of this discovery, a new class of drugs was created that causes and reduces the growth of a cancer tumor.
World Breast Cancer Day
October 15 is World Breast Cancer Day. Every year on this day in 44 countries of the world, the medical community is activated with one very important goal: to talk about the dangers of breast cancer, methods of treatment and preventive actions, following which everyone can protect themselves from danger.
See also
- ↑ World Health Organization. Estimated number of cases in 2020, worldwide, both sexes, all ages.
- ↑ Breast cancer
- ↑ Common Breast Cancer Treatments May Accelerate Aging, Study Finds
- ↑ RT After Breast-Conserving Surgery Shows No Survival Advantage Decades Later
- ↑ Decoding the Effect of Body Mass Index on Breast Cancer
- ↑ Black women die more frequently from breast cancer
- ↑ ACOG sticks to 40 for breast screening, with caveats