Cancer diagnosis
According to research by American oncologists, from 2005 to 2015, there were 20% more cases of cancer worldwide than in the previous millennium. Cancer today affects people more than AIDS and tuberculosis. But technologies for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer are also constantly developing. One of the key factors in the success of oncology treatment is to make the most accurate diagnosis.
The main articles are:
Symptoms of cancer
Among the most characteristic common symptoms of cancer at the beginning of 2025 can be distinguished:
- unexplained weight loss,
- prolonged temperature increase,
- fatigue and weakness,
- bone pain,
- visible changes in the skin, moles or mucous membranes,
- decreased appetite and changes in stool character,
- frequent headache and fainting,
- bleeding or bruising for no known reason,
- prolonged cough,
- enlarged lymph nodes.
Symptoms should be assessed directly by the attending physician in conjunction with laboratory and instrumental data.
Breast cancer diagnosis
Main article: Diagnosis of breast cancer
Sechenov University develops oncodiagnostic platform to combat aggressive tumors
Scientists of the Institute of Personalized Oncology of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov are working on the creation of a multiomix oncodiagnostic platform of the next generation "Onkofuzhn," which includes software and a set of reagents for laboratory diagnostics. With its help, it will be possible to determine genomic rearrangements in the tumor in one test, using the minimum amount of tumor material. The findings will help doctors match patients with the most aggressive malignancies with the most effective personalized treatment. Scientists at Sechenov University are working on the creation of the platform together with the industrial partner Onkobox, a leading developer in the field of molecular biology and personalized medicine. This was announced on March 20, 2025 by representatives of Sechenov University. Read more here.
In Magnitogorsk, oncology will be detected using artificial intelligence
In March 2025, the press service of TechLAB announced that the Chelyabinsk Region is expanding its capabilities for early diagnosis of oncology: Magnitogorsk began to use an artificial intelligence service from TechLAB in the medical unit (ANO TsMSCH). A pilot project to work with a service to increase onconference was launched on March 14, 2025. Read more here.
NUST MISIS has developed a nanoelectrode sensor for diagnosing diseases at an early stage
NUST MISIS has developed a high-precision nanoelectrode sensor that can measure the concentration of copper ions in living cells and entire organs in real time. The development opens approaches in the diagnosis and analysis of the dynamics of cancer and hereditary diseases. In addition, the sensor will allow evaluating the effectiveness of new drugs containing copper. The university announced this on November 5, 2024. Read more here.
61% of cancer cases in Russia are detected at an early stage
61% of cancer cases in Russia are detected at an early stage. Natalya Pikovskaya, Deputy Head of the Coordination Center for the Implementation of the Federal Project "Fight Against Cancer," spoke about this in October 2024. According to her, in the Russian regions there are also fewer violations of the timing of diagnosis and the start of treatment of cancer.
We look at these reports every month, we see that there have been and sometimes there are still regions where these deadlines may be violated in some volume, but we see how much the volume of these violations is reduced, "she said. |
Roszdravnadzor has registered a platform for the diagnosis of prostate cancer
Roszdravnadzor registered an online platform that allows you to use AI for the diagnosis of acinar adenocarcinoma, the most common subtype. prostate cancer Clinical trials conducted on the basis NMHC named after Pirogov confirmed the overall diagnostic accuracy of 95%. The developer is a resident of "," SkolkovoDigital Oncomorphologist the company LLC "," which announced this on August 6, 2024. Read more here [1]
Russian scientists and developers have created a web platform for researchers based on ML, which helps fight cancer
On April 5, 2024, Riverstat announced that Russian scientists and developers have created a web platform for researchers based on ML, which helps fight cancer.
According to the company, in the fight against oncology, it is important to make a diagnosis on time, build a treatment plan and carry out an operation, if possible, preserving the organ. The sooner the oncologist can see the necessary information about the state of bioscience, the higher the chances of taking the patient into remission.
Russian companies Riverstart and Opticelastograph, which includes scientists from the IPF RAS, have created the OpticalElastograph web platform, which processes tomographic scans and provides detailed data on bioscience, which was previously difficult to obtain. So the doctor can apply optical biopsy methods and receive detailed data non-invasively. When creating algorithms, statistical ML methods were used. Read more here.
"Rostec" has developed a microscope for the early diagnosis of oncology
On March 29, 2024, Rostec announced that the Shvabe holding had created a high-resolution laser microscope for early diagnosis of oncology and analysis of the effectiveness of anticancer drugs. For March 2024, the development is used in scientific research - with its help, the "programmable" death of cancer cells under the influence of microgravity (weightlessness) is studied. A modified version of the microscope may take part in biomedical research as part of space programs. Read more here.
AI-technology of Sberbank predicts the development of malignant neoplasms
Artificial intelligence can assess the risks of potential diseases from electronic patient medical records (EMR). This hypothesis was confirmed by a retrospective experiment conducted by specialists from the Sberbank Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and the Ministry of Health of the Sakhalin Region. Sberbank announced this on February 28, 2024. Read more here.
VisionLabs unveils AI solution to detect kidney malignancies
VisionLabs On February 16, 2024, the company announced the launch of another area as part of a product strategy to expand its technology portfolio, which previously included human attribute analytics and marriage analytics in the field industries , etc. medical In the field, the first technology was in the recognition renal malignancies pictures. computed tomography More. here
A gamma locator has been developed at NRNU MEPhI to localize malignant tumors
A team led by Philip Dubinin, senior lecturer at the Department of Particle Physics at NRNU MEPhI, has developed a gamma locator - a device for finding and localizing malignant neoplasms. The university announced this on February 14, 2024. Read more here.
The detection rate of oncology in Russia doubled over the year
The detection rate of cancer and diabetes mellitus in Russia in 2023 almost doubled in comparison with 2022, which was facilitated by medical preventive examinations. Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova announced this in February 2024 during the Forum of National Achievements.
In the process of preventive examinations over the past [2023] year, we managed to identify 1.8 times more people who suffer from cancer, which means to pick up and provide medical care on time, "said the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet, which oversees the government's health care (quoted by the Interfax news agency). |
According to her, in 2023, relative to the previous year, 1.4 times more patients with cardiovascular diseases and 1.8 times more patients with diabetes were found. These are not at all frightening figures for health care, but, on the contrary, positive, since the increase in the detection of these diseases allows you to provide the necessary medical care to more people in a timely manner, Golikova emphasized.
He also explained that the positive dynamics is largely related to the conduct of preventive examinations, which in 2023 covered about 64% of the adult population of Russia.
Russian President Vladimir Putin at the end of 2023 said that more than half of cancer in Russia is detected at the initial stage. At the same time, the Russian leader emphasized that the priority of interaction between the medical community, science, the state, as well as the regions was the national program for the fight against cancer, which the country's authorities began in 2019.[1]
Nanotaturing has been developed to continuously control human cells. It will help detect cancer at the earliest stage
On August 7, 2023, American researchers at Johns Hopkins University announced the creation of a nanoscale tattoo, a special sensory array that allows you to monitor the condition of living cells and detect malignant formations ones at the earliest stage. More. here
Urinalysis developed to identify different cancers and metastases
On April 25, 2023, American researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) announced the development of a new method to identify different types of malignancies and detect metastases based on urinalysis. Read more here.
An ultrasonic patch is presented that measures the stiffness of tissues under the skin. This is needed to control liver cirrhosis and cancer progression
On May 2, 2023, American experts from the University of California, San Diego announced the development of a special ultrasonic patch that allows you to analyze tissue stiffness at a depth of up to 4 cm under the skin. The collected data can be used for various medical purposes, including monitoring liver cirrhosis, the progression of malignancies, the consequences of sports injuries, etc. Read more here.
A new mechanism for the development of any cancer has been identified
On May 9, 2023, American specialists from Harvard Medical School reported the discovery of gene mutations that cause the development of malignancies in a previously unknown way. Affected cells lose the ability to get rid of defective RNA strands.
By studying Danio fish, the researchers identified a CDK13 gene that suppresses cancer tumors. At the same time, mutations in this gene accelerate the development of melanoma. Subsequent analysis of human melanoma showed that in many cases the CDK13 is mutated. The protein encoded by this gene has also been found to be involved in the cellular purification system. It regulates a number of other proteins that ensure the timely removal of defective RNAs formed in the cell, but mutations interfere with the performance of this vital function.
As a result, accumulated "junk" RNA molecules significantly accelerate melanoma progression. Moreover, the disclosed mechanism extends to a variety of types of malignancies. In melanoma alone, approximately 21% of the human tumors the team examined had mutations in CDK13 or one of the related proteins. In addition, mutations in the CDK13 are found in the case of such types of formations as non-melanoma skin cancer, endometrial cancer, adenocarcinoma of the colon and small cell lung cancer.
The process of forming RNA consists of hundreds of steps, and sometimes everything goes wrong. These errors are usually screened out, but in this case, we found that the cell purification mechanism does not work, "said Megan Insco, one of the authors of the study. |
The findings may lead to the development of more effective treatments for malignancies. At the next stage of research, experts intend to find out whether the development of cancer is caused by the damaged RNA molecules themselves or by the abnormal proteins produced.[2]
"TechLab" is developing an AI-based service for early detection of cancer
A service will appear in Russia that will increase the frequency of detection of cancer. This was announced on May 10, 2023 by TechLAB. Read more here.
Russian scientists have developed a drug for diagnosing brain tumors with 100% accuracy
A drug based on DNA aptamers (short nucleotide sequences) developed by scientists from the Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after Professor V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky (KrasGMU) and the Federal Research Center "Krasnoyarsk Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences" (FIC KSC SB RAS) with the participation of specialists from the Hospital of Medical Care and the Cancer Center (Krasnoyarsk), allows you to diagnose glial tumors with very high accuracy - the most common and aggressive type of brain cancer. This was announced on April 19, 2023 in the RSK group of companies. Read more here.
In Russia, created a thyroid phantom to increase the skills of diagnosing formations
Metropolitan scientists have developed a thyroid phantom. This was announced on March 15, 2023 by Zdrav.Expert at the Center for Diagnostics and Telemedicine of DZM. According to scientists, the medical device simulates the human organ and its parameters and allows you to simulate specific pathologies. The phantom is designed to help specialists improve the skills of diagnosing neoplasms and taking biopsies under the control of ultrasound. Read more here.
Presented a simple and inexpensive device that finds tumor cells in the blood
In late February 2023, researchers at the University of Technology in Sydney unveiled the Static Droplet Microfluidic device to detect tumours with a blood test. Read more here.
Nanowire designed to detect brain tumours in urine
In early February 2023, Japanese researchers from the University of Nagoya announced the development of a new technique that allows the detection of malignant brain tumors based on the results of urinalysis. Read more here.
Russian AI platform for early cancer diagnosis received a medical license
The Oncodiag company received a medical license as part of the Cloud AIML Platform for Supporting Medical Decision-Making in Early Detection of Oncological Diseases project. This was announced on February 22, 2023 to Zdrav.Expert by the Skolkovo Foundation. Read more here.
Russia has created a method for detecting cancer by urine analysis
In January 2023, it became known that scientists at St. Petersburg State University (St. Petersburg State University) have developed a new method for diagnosing cancer of the genitourinary system. The technology does not involve surgery. Read more here.
In Russia, the share of cancer detected in the late stages has increased
In 2022, advanced malignancies were detected in 202,290 patients in Russia against 196,523 a year earlier. This is stated in the analytical note of the Accounts Chamber on the progress of the budget execution of the Federal Fund for Compulsory Medical Insurance (MHIF). The statistics were released in April 2023.
According to the publication "Medical Bulletin" with reference to this document, the number of patients with a newly diagnosed "malignant neoplasm" (ZNO) detected in the late stages (III and IV), by the end of 2022, increased by 3%, or by 5767 people. The correct diagnosis of malignant neoplasm was established in 2022 in 1 million 11,455 patients. At the same time, early RVO (0, I and II) was detected in 43% (434,982 people), in late stages (III and IV) - in 20% (202,290), in the remaining 37% of patients (374,183) revealed RVO, which are classified without stage.
The number of subjects in which the proportion of patients with newly diagnosed non-stage PRN exceeds 50% increased in 2022 from six to nine. For two years, Vladimirskaya (73.72%), Kurskaya (57.56%), Yaroslavskaya (59.2%) of the region, Moscow (88.95%), the Republic of Kalmykia (51.26%) appear in this list. Earlier, the MHIF explained that the indicator of the proportion of patients with non-stage PRN is associated with a large proportion of reasons for "diagnosis" and "symptomatic treatment." At the stage of diagnosis, there is not enough clinical data to clarify the diagnosis, including the prevalence of the oncological process and the stage of the disease, therefore, the number of regions in which the proportion of patients with newly diagnosed non-stage PRN exceeds 50% increases.
The Accounts Chamber also clarified that the analysis of the detection of oncological diseases in the context of stages does not form an accurate idea of the stage of diseases, as it is based on the data of the MHIF, "which are not complete and reliable." They are formed on the basis of information submitted within the framework of the Order of the MHIF No. 260 of 29.11.2018 "On Approval of the Forms and Procedure for Submitting Reports on the Volume and Cost of Medical Care to Patients with Cancer Provided by Medical Organizations," according to which the field of the register of an invoice for payment for medical care indicating the stage of the disease is not necessary to fill out.
From 2019 to 2024, within the framework of the national project "Healthcare," the federal project "Fight against oncological diseases" is being implemented in Russia. Its goal is to reduce to 185 cases per 100,000 people deaths from neoplasms, including malignant ones. At the end of 2020, this figure was 202 cases per 100,000 people, follows from the data of Rosstat.
One of the tools for the effective fight against cancer is their more prompt detection. The share of malignant neoplasms detected in the early stages should be 60.1% in 2021, 61.2% in 2022, 62.3% in 2023, 63% in 2024, according to the passport of the national project.
The problems identified in the regions may indicate improper medical examination and require analysis by the Federal Compulsory Health Insurance Fund (FFOMS), according to the conclusion of the Accounts Chamber.
According to the order of the Ministry of Health No. 124n, citizens aged 18 to 39 can undergo medical examination once every three years, and Russians over 40 years old and beneficiaries annually. Every year, more than 25 million residents of Russia undergo preventive examinations and medical examination.[3]
Laser patch developed to continuously track signs of cancer through the skin
On December 22, 2022, it became known that researchers at the University of California, San Diego (USA) have developed a special patch that allows you to continuously track signs of possible development of malignant formations through the skin. Read more here.
Mishustin allocated 54 million rubles for payments to doctors for the detection of cancer
In December 2022, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed an order according to which medical workers will continue to receive special payments for detected oncological diseases in patients. For 2023, 53.9 million rubles of budget funds were allocated for these purposes. Read more here.
A cheap and simple method of checking for all types of cancer at once has been created
In early December 2022, specialists from Chalmers University of Technology presented a new, previously unproven method that can easily detect several types of newly formed cancer tumors at the same time - including those species cancer that are difficult to detect using similar methods.
As part of an international collaboration, Chalmers researchers have developed a new method for early detection of cancer based on human metabolism. The findings, published in the scientific journal PNAS, open new avenues for cheaper and more effective cancer screening. In the study, which involved 1,260 people, scientists first discovered that the new method could identify all 14 cancers that had been tested. They then showed that the new method could detect twice as many stage I cancers in asymptomatic healthy individuals compared to emerging DNA-based MCED tests.
The study was conducted by researchers from Chalmers in collaboration with more than 30 partners from 10 different universities and research institutes in Sweden and abroad. These are: Lund University, Uppsala University, Salgren Academy at the University of Gothenburg, Karolinska Institutet, Vancouver Prostate Center, University of British Columbia and Vita-Salute San Raffaele University.
The method builds on a discovery made by Dr. Francesco Gatto and Professor Jens Nielsen at Chalmers in 2012: so-called glycosaminoglycans - a type of sugar that is an important part of our metabolism - are excellent biomarkers for noninvasive cancer detection. Researchers have developed a machine learning method that uses algorithms to find cancer-indicating changes in glycosaminoglycans. The method uses comparatively small volumes of blood or urine, making them more practical and cheaper to use.[4]
New way to diagnose leukemias patented
In Russia, a patent was issued for the invention "Method for recognizing the structure of blood and bone marrow blasts nuclei." The authors of the patent are employees and students of the NRNU MEPhI, as well as doctors of the National Medical Research Center of Oncology named after N.N. Blokhin. NRNU MEPhI announced this on November 28, 2022. Essence of invention lies in special method of diagnostics of dangerous oncological diseases - acute leukemias on the basis of computer analysis of data of microscopic examinations of blood and bone marrow. Read more here.
Russia has created a way to detect prostate cancer by analyzing seminal fluid
Scientists at Sechenov University have found a new way to detect prostate cancer by conducting a study that relies on the analysis of seminal fluid through the isolation of tumor cells. The university told about this at the end of September 2022. Read more here.
Russia has learned to diagnose cardiovascular and oncological diseases by exhaled air
Scientists at Sechenov University, the Federal Scientific Center of the Research Institute (NCNI) of Systems Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI have developed a new method for detecting diseases through the analysis of air exhaled by the patient. This became known in September 2022. Read more here.
A blood test that defines most cancers has been developed
In mid-September 2022, doctors from the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center New York conducted clinical studies of a new blood testing technology that determines most species. cancer We are talking about the Galleri system developed by the company. Grail More. here
In Moscow, began to introduce artificial intelligence for the diagnosis of cancer
In Moscow, they began to introduce artificial intelligence for the diagnosis of cancer. This became known on August 15, 2022.
As of August 2022 oncological hospitals Moscow City Oncological Hospital No. 62 Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after A.S. Loginov , two services are being tested on the basis of two city (and), neuronets said Anastasia Rakova the Deputy Mayor for Moscow Social Development. More. here
"Biocad" patented a test system that helps identify mutations in the EGFR gene and detect lung cancer at an early stage
Researchers of the Russian biotechnological company "Biocad" patentalitest system, which helps to identify mutations in the EGFR gene. With the help of a patented method at the intersection of biotechnology, molecular biology and medicine, it is possible to formulate an effective therapeutic treatment for non-small cell lung cancer. Read more here.
In Russia, created software for the diagnosis of oncology using electron microscopes
The North-Eastern Federal University (SVFU) has developed a program that increases the accuracy of diagnosis and monitoring of cancer and other diseases. The technology is based on a new technique for machine recognition of red blood cells based on images obtained by raster electron microscopy. This was reported to the university in May 2022. Read more here.
85 percent of Russians have never had cancer screening in their lives
On January 31, 2022, Kirill Rodin presented the data of the VTsIOM survey on the awareness of Russians about melanoma and readiness to undergo examinations, as well as the results of screenings conducted in Novosibirsk, Chelyabinsk, Zlatoust and Magnitogorsk. Read more here.
The service "CT of the lungs" learned to detect oncological diseases at an early stage
On October 22, 2021, SberMedII announced the improvement of the Lung CT service. Now artificial intelligence has learned to detect cancer at an early stage when analyzing chest CT scans and can help doctors in diagnosis. Read more here.
A free system of personal recommendations for cancer prevention has been launched in Russia
Medical Solutions Fund "Not in Vain" On October 22, 2021, he TAdviser announced that he had developed an online assessment of program individual development risks cancer and receive specific, individual recommendations for the prevention, screening and early diagnosis of cancer. More. here
AstraZeneca implements a project of retrospective analysis of CT scans of lungs in Nizhny Novgorod and St. Petersburg
Biopharmaceutical The company AstraZeneca"" together with regional scientific and medical institutions is implementing a project for retrospective analysis of computed tomography images () CT of lungs in and. Nizhny Novgorod Within St. Petersburg the framework of the project, CT images. This became known on August 25, 2021. More. here
Development of an "electronic nose" that detects cancer in blood samples with 90% accuracy
In early June 2021, researchers from the University of Pennsylvania developed a so-called "electronic nose" that detects signs of cancer from blood plasma samples. During the tests, the device was able to detect various types of cancer with an accuracy of more than 90%.
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are chemicals that are responsible for odors, with different sources releasing different mixtures. Sensitive instruments, such as the human nose, are able to reveal subtle differences in the composition and ratio of these volatile organic compounds and determine whether this odor is coffee or cloves.
Over the years, scientists have investigated how VOCs secreted by a malignant tumor can be detected within the diagnostic system. Sniffer dogs have shown promise in detecting lung cancer from a patient's breath, and electronic devices have been able to diagnose cancers of the stomach, esophagus, head and neck.
In the new study, scientists used an "electronic nose" to analyze blood plasma samples for signs of cancer that are usually difficult to detect, such as pancreatic and ovarian cancers. The device used algorithms that had previously been trained to link specific combinations of VOCs to different cancers and stages of progression, and to distinguish between benign and malignant tumors.
The team studied samples from 93 people -- 20 with ovarian cancer, 20 with benign ovarian tumors, 13 with pancreatic cancer, 10 with benign pancreatic disease and 30 people from controls of the same age and sex. The "electronic nose" was able to detect ovarian cancer with 95% accuracy and pancreatic cancer with 90% accuracy. At the same time, the tool found all patients with cancer at an early stage.
However, it is worth bearing in mind that only a small group participated in this study, so a much larger study would be needed to confirm the results.[5]
Creating a Device for Automatic Histological Analysis
On April 19, 2021, the Perm National Research Polytechnic University (PNIPU) announced the creation of a device for automatic histological analysis. It allows detecting cellular pathologies in humans and animals. The accuracy of the technology ranges from 82% to 92%. Read more here.
Nanoparticle-antibody hybrid will help detect cancer cells
On March 18, 2021, NUST MISIS informed Zdrav.Expert that its scientists were able to synthesize "Biomicrobots" capable of finding and tagging various macromolecules in living tissues of the body. They consist of magnetic nanoparticles and antibodies attached to them and in the future will be able to visualize the distribution of proteins in cells. Read more here.
OneCell has developed a comprehensive AI platform for diagnosing cancer
On February 12, 2021, it became known what he medical startup OneCell had developed. comprehensive platform with AI for the diagnosis of cancer More. here
"TechLAB" has released a solution for the early detection of cancer
On February 2, 2021, TechLAB announced the release of a solution for the early detection of oncological diseases - Onconference. The solution is intended for doctors of non-oncological specialties. Based on the general data on the patient and his complaints, the IT solution compiles a list of clarifying questions for the specialist, answering which, he can assess the likelihood of a particular cancer and decide on the advisability of referring the patient for further diagnosis to exclude the diagnosis. Read more here.
Sensei Surgical Tool Announcement to Detect Cancer in the Lymphatic System
At the end of January 2021, the company Lightpoint Medical developing surgical instruments for intraoperative detection cancer was released. robotic gamma probe Sensei It is intended for intraoperative detection of sentinel lymph nodes as well as cancer metastases in the lymphatic system. The developers note that this technology can be used in all major types of cancer, including colon, lung cancer stomach gynecological cancer and. prostate cancer More. here
The Russian government has simplified the procedure for registering software for the diagnosis of cancer
On November 23, 2020, it became known that the Government of the Russian Federation simplified the procedure for registering software for diagnosing cancer.
We are talking about software for devices and products that are used in the diagnosis of cancer, as well as in surgery - to monitor the condition of elderly patients or rehabilitation. A decree has been prepared that establishes an accelerated, one-stage procedure for registering such software products for medical devices, - said Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin at a meeting of the Presidium of the Coordination Council for the fight against coronavirus COVID-19 (quoted by TASS Information Agency of Russia). |
According to him, the accelerated procedure for registering software will allow you to quickly apply innovative developments in medical practice. The head of the Cabinet noted that the government has simplified the procedure for registering medical devices, which are classified as new software products, including using artificial intelligence technologies.
In August 2020, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation proposed to amend the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1416 of December 27, 2012 and equalize medical devices for in vitro and 1st risk class diagnostics with medical software by introducing an accelerated one-stage registration procedure. As noted in the explanatory note, changes are being made to solve the tasks set by the national project in the field of digitalization of the economy and health care, including the creation of regulators when using artificial intelligence technologies.
In July 2020, the State Duma adopted a law suggesting the possibility of establishing experimental legal regimes in medical activities, including using telemedicine technologies and technologies for collecting and processing information about the state of health and diagnoses of citizens.[6]
New PET/CT method to diagnose prostate cancer emerges
At the end of October 2020, the researchers presented evidence that the PET/CT technique with PSMA (prostate specific membrane antigen) allows us to effectively differentiate localized and metastatic cases of high-risk prostate cancer (PC). Read more here.
Announcement of an electrochemical biological barcode analyzer for cancer diagnosis
At the end of October 2020, Canadian researchers from McMaster University developed a portable device that allows you to quickly assess the presence of cancer biomarkers in blood samples. This device, called an electrochemical biological barcode analyzer, can be used to measure different markers at home. Read more here.
In Yakutia, developed an AI platform for detecting cancer in the early stages
More than two thousand Yakutans participate in testing the platform for identifying the risks of oncological diseases, developed by Viktor Bialostotsky, a master's student at the M.K. Mmosov Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of the SVFU in Yakutsk. This was announced on September 4, 2020 by the Press Center of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in Moscow. Read more here.
"Yunim" will translate oncodiagnosis in the Khabarovsk Territory into digital format
Yunim, a resident of the Skolkovo Foundation Biomedical Technology Cluster, and the Ministry of Health of the Khabarovsk Territory signed a cooperation agreement. Thus, a whole region of the Russian Federation has officially announced the start of the process of translating cancer diagnostics into digital format. Read more here.
Botkin.AI platform helps Moscow doctors detect lung cancer on CT scans
In Moscow, artificial intelligence began to analyze computer tomograms and detect signs of lung cancer on them. This was reported on August 18, 2020 by the Skolkovo Foundation. To do this, the Botkin.AI platform is used, developed by the resident of the Skolkovo Foundation by Intellectodzhik. The service is integrated with the Unified Radiological Information System of Moscow. Read more here.
"Gordiz" registered a test system for the diagnosis of cancer
The company Gordiz"," a resident of the Biomedical Technology Cluster, Skolkovo Foundation developed and registered diagnostic kit reagents to detect the state of microsatellite instability (MSI) and malfunctions of the human genomic DNA repair system. About this Foundation "Skolkovo" on June 19, 2020. More. here
Russia has developed a test for the diagnosis of cancer by exhaled air. Money for its production has already been allocated
On May 6, 2020, it became known about the development in Russia of a test system for the diagnosis of cancer by exhaled air. This was reported on the procurement website of the state corporation Rosatom, which allocated 4.5 million rubles for the production of technology. Read more here.
Skolkovo resident opens free access to online platform for cancer diagnosis
UNIM, a resident of the Skolkovo Foundation and a portfolio project of the IIDF, provided all medical institutions in Russia during the COVID-19 pandemic with the opportunity to use its online platform Digital Pathology for cancer diagnosis for free. This was announced on April 30, 2020 by the Skolkovo Foundation. Read more here.
JVS Diagnostics oncomarker, which recognizes the types of various carcinomas, is registered with Rospotrebnadzor
The company "Jayvis Diagnostics," a resident of the Cluster of Biomedical Technologies of the Skolkovo Foundation, received a registration certificate from Roszdravnadzor for the medical device "Set of reagents for the quantitative determination of cancer antigen (oncomarker) SA-62." Read more here.
Oncodiagnoses delivered to children in the regions will be rechecked in Moscow due to a large number of errors
On March 6, 2020, it became known that oncological diagnoses delivered to children in the regions will be rechecked in Moscow - at the National Medical Research Center for Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology (NMIC) named after Dmitry Rogachev.
As RBC writes with reference to the president of this center, Alexander Rumyantsev, his institution was instructed to develop regulations for improving diagnostics and organizing a second opinion for morphological diagnosis. " This procedure will provide for a re-mandatory verification of the biomaterial of children with cancer.
According to Rumyantsev, by the beginning of March 2020, when the center reviews materials received from the regions, a third of the diagnoses made are erroneous. Misdiagnoses, in turn, entail incorrect treatment.
Then it became clear that every child in Russia who has suspicions of a tumor, or is diagnosed with a tumor, must be double-checked, he added. |
Deputy Rumyantsev Alexei Maschan noted that at present the "second opinion" is not necessary, and sending analyzes from the regions to the National Medical Research Center is paid either at the expense of parents or at the expense of the center together with regional medical insurance organizations. The center also raised the question of direct funding for rechecking diagnoses.
As of the beginning of March 2020, there are about 4-4.5 thousand children with cancer in Russia. 80% of them can be saved, Rumyantsev said.
Member of the Federation Council Committee on Social Policy, Honored Doctor of Russia Vladimir Krugly says that not all regions generally do immunohistochemical analysis of children.[7]
Children's oncology is not in vain singled out as a separate specialty - there are other diseases that either never occur in adults at all, or very rarely, "he explained. |
Artificial intelligence will look for metastases in the lymph nodes
On February 26, 2020 Skoltech , he announced that, together Federal State Budgetary Institution NMIC koloproktologii imeni A. N. Ryzhikh Russian Ministry of Health with, they began joint development to algorithm artificial intelligence determine metastatically altered pelvic lymph nodes in patients cancer with the rectum. More. here
The incidence of early cancer has increased in the United States
The incidence of cancer among people under 50 in the United States increased from 2010 to 2019, with the largest increase among people aged 30 to 39 years. This is stated in the study, the results of which were published on August 16, 2023 in the journal JAMA Network Open. Read more here.
Ultrasound and biopsy. Named the most effective way to predict metastases in patients with endometrial cancer
In late December 2019, researchers found that the use of ultrasound in combination with endometrial biopsy and evaluation of clinical manifestations allows physicians to reliably predict the risk of lymph node metastases in patients with endometrial cancer before surgery. Read more here.
Doctors start using virtual biopsy
In December 2019, doctors at Wexner Medical Center, during research conducted at State University, Ohio developed a "biopsy" method virtual that allows diagnosing pancreatic cysts in the early stages with almost no errors. The solution has already begun to be used in practice in the clinic. More. here
The State Duma adopted in the last reading a law on bonuses to doctors for early detection of cancer
On November 19, 2019, the State Duma adopted in the third reading a bill on awarding doctors for early detection of cancer in patients.
In particular, it is assumed "the provision of interbudgetary transfers for incentive payments, primarily for identifying the early stages of cancer during preventive examinations and medical examinations," the document says.
For the payment of incentives for 2020-2022, funds will be allocated to the territorial funds of compulsory health insurance (compulsory medical insurance). We are talking about an amount of 1.2 billion, rubles said earlier Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Health Protection Leonid Ogul.
The bill will allow detecting oncology in people at the earliest stages, promptly and quickly apply appropriate therapy, said Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Olga Epifanova.
If any study conducted calls into question the diagnosis of cancer, there should be a direct patient's path to the oncological dispensary, where a person will be determined and given an accurate diagnosis, an effective course of treatment will be prescribed, the vice speaker emphasized. |
The authors of the initiative are also confident that payments will "not only stimulate doctors, but also discipline, motivate and encourage each physician to improve their diagnostic skills and constantly learn."
According to the head, Ministry of Health Veronika Skvortsova for each confirmed case of a newly diagnosed cancer, it is proposed to allocate 1 thousand rubles each: 500 rubles for a therapist, paramedic responsible for organizing and conducting preventive medical examination and medical examination, with the exception of the head of a medical organization.
500 rubles in total for medical workers who appointed and did a study that confirmed cancer on time.[8]
Clinics start using Microsoft's artificial intelligence to quickly diagnose cervical cancer
In November 2019, it became known that Indian clinics began to use artificial intelligence Microsoft for rapid diagnosis cancer of the cervix. This is a joint project of the company with - SRL Diagnostics the country's largest network of diagnostic centers engaged in pathological and radiological research. More. here
Hospitals have begun to use a new contrast that allows the detection of liver disease at an early stage
At the end of October 2019, hospitals began using a new contrast material based on gadolinium, which allows the detection of sub-millimeter tumor lesions in MRI images and warning of early-stage liver cancer. Read more here.
Yandex voice assistant now finds potentially dangerous moles to fight skin cancer
On October 16, 2019, it became known about the appearance in the voice assistant "Alice" of the function of identifying dangerous moles to fight skin cancer. It was developed by Eora in conjunction with the Live Without Fear social project. Read more here.
A laboratory for the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer was opened at the NTI Competence Center of the IBH RAS
On August 22, 2019, the Russian Venture Company (RVC) announced that the laboratory of biomolecular technologies for oncoterantics of the NTIIBH RAS Competence Center will develop innovative approaches for highly selective diagnosis and effective targeted therapy of cancer, in particular breast adenocarcinoma, ovarian cancer and other types of aggressive human tumors characterized by overexpression of HER2, HER1 and EpCAM receptors. Read more here.
Doctor Smart launches AI-based skin scoring service
On August 13, 2019, the Doctor Smart service announced the launch of a service - AI-based skin scoring. Users can scan their moles (pigment nevi) in a few seconds by uploading the photo to the app. The neural network will analyze the picture and prepare a conclusion whether education is dangerous. Read more here.
Konica Minolta joins global cancer gene study
On July 1, 2019, Konica Minolta announced the conclusion of an agreement with the University of Tokyo (UTokyo) and the National Cancer Center of Japan (NCC) for the research and development of the Todai OncoPanel oncogenic panel test (TOP). Read more here.
Israel has developed a test for early diagnosis of cancer
On June 26, 2019 Savicell , she reported that she had developed a test for early diagnosis. cancer More. here
Skin cancer detection device introduced
At the end of June 2019, the German company FotoFinder introduced AI technology for digital imaging of skin changes, allowing skin cancer screening and extremely accurate and early diagnosis of melanomas. Read more here.
39% of stage 3-4 cancer patients in Russia did not seek medical care
39% of stage 3-4 cancer patients in Russia did not seek medical help, such data were announced by specialists in June 2019. Solving the problem of late detection of malignant neoplasms is possible only within the framework of the transition of insurance medical organizations to new principles of work and a well-coordinated system of their interaction with medical organizations. Improving the effectiveness of cancer care is one of the main challenges facing the health care system at this time. To solve it, you need to focus on early detection of cancer at the stage of preventive measures. Increasing the level of onconference is a task facing not only specialist doctors, but primarily primary care doctors. Focus on increasing the care for their own health on the part of citizens, involve them in the passage of preventive measures, increase motivation to fulfill the recommendations of doctors - the tasks facing insurance medical organizations (SMO) for the coming years, which can be solved in cooperation with the patient community.
An important role in protecting the rights of cancer patients at all stages of treatment, and especially in restoring the violated rights of patients, is assigned to third-level insurance representatives.
"Starting from 2019, there has been a reorientation of the compulsory medical insurance system to strengthen the role of insurance medical organizations. Now health insurance organizations are obliged not only to inform people, they must accompany them online, almost online. I think that by 2024 we will approach this, including in terms of cancer, "said Olga Verkhovodova, Head of the Department for the Organization of Compulsory Medical Insurance of the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund. |
Russian platform for diagnosing cancer using AI attracted 100 million rubles
The Intellect company, which develops the Botkin.AI project, has raised 100 million rubles. from the funds Digital Evolution Ventures (created with the participation of Rosatom) and RBV Capital (founded by R-Pharm Alexei Repik and the Russian venture capital company), as well as current investors - Primer Capital and ExpoCapital. Botkin.AI is developing an artificial intelligence (AI) based system to analyze and determine pathologies in CT, X-ray and mammography images. The company says it has already implemented pilot projects for the early diagnosis of lung cancer in four regions of Russia. Read more here.
Israeli scientists and Ikhilov Medical Center discover unique ubiquilin-4 protein
In Israel, research was carried out on the genetic study of cancer tumors on the basis of the medical faculty of Tel Aviv University and the Ikhilov medical center. Scientists at the Department of Human Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry at Tel Aviv University have discovered a unique protein that can be used to judge the severity of cancer. The study was led by Professor Yosef Shilo and its findings were reported in early 2019. Read more here.
Microsoft founder found cancer again
On October 1, 2018, Paul Allen reported that he was diagnosed with cancer again, in connection with which he began repeated treatment. Doctors give upbeat predictions, Microsoft co-founder says Previously, he twice managed to escape death in the fight against cancer. Read more here.
CT scan causes cancer
In July 2018, Dutch scientists proved the link between computed tomography and the development of cancer. Moreover, children are at high risk.
The Journal of the National Cancer Institute published a study on the relationship between cancer development and radiation procedures during tomography in childhood.
The data of more than 168 thousand people who under the age of 18 underwent one or more CT scans from 1979 to 2012 were studied. Experts paid attention to the case of cancer and the causes of death of people when they met.
According to the study, the total incidence of cancer among participants was one and a half times higher than expected. Experts did find a link between CT procedures and the development of brain tumors of various types. So, the higher the dose of radiation, the higher was the risk of the occurrence of a terrible disease. In patients who did tomography several times, the risk of developing oncology increased two to four times.
At the same time, the connection between the development of leukemia and computed tomography was not confirmed. Radiation, apparently, does not have a significant effect on the development of tumors and disruption of blood and bone marrow cells, the authors of the work note.
According to them, despite the fact that the use of CT determines the patient's condition quite accurately, this procedure gives a considerable dose of radiation. Children are most at risk, since their bodies are less protected from negative influences. In addition, the consequences of radiation exposure may not appear immediately.
True, the study considered children who were forced to undergo CT due to suspicion of oncology. In this case, it is not clear whether the scan could somehow affect the development of the disease.[9]
The risk of radiation damage in women depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle
On July 10, 2018, scientists at Stony Brook University led by Dr. Anat Biegon presented the results of a study according to which the increased risk of cancer in women exposed to radiation depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle.
It is well known that young women have a much higher risk than men, however, the mechanism behind this phenomenon has not been fully understood. Despite successes in reducing radiation load in CT, PET and MRI, these methods have hardly found application in nuclear medicine, since the image quality is significantly reduced when the dose of radiopharmaceuticals is reduced.
Dr. Bigon decided to approach the problem from the other side and assess the risk of radiation damage depending on the hormonal background of the woman's body associated with her menstrual cycle. Bigon believes it is an underestimated but easily correctable risk factor for cancers of the female reproductive organs, especially ovarian, endometrial and breast cancers.
A study conducted since April 2015 evaluated the effects of radioisotope C11 on the body of men, postmenopausal women and women of reproductive age. The latter were also evaluated depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle - the early follicular phase of ovulation.
The researchers found that on average, ovarian radiopharmaceutical uptake was three times higher in young women in the middle of their menstrual cycle (ovulation) compared to women in the early follicular phase or postmenopause. Increased uptake is thought to have been associated with ovulation and the corresponding hormonal background of women. In this case, the uptake of the radiopharmaceutical administered in a standard dose exceeded safe values. The researchers concluded that it was necessary to conduct additional studies and revise the recommendations.[10]
IBM Creates Liver Cancer Diagnostic Software
In July 2018, the American IT corporation IBM and the French developer of contrast agents Guerbet announced the creation of software for the diagnosis of liver cancer. The development is based on artificial intelligence algorithms taken from the IBM Watson Health platform. Read more here.
AI is better than doctors at recognizing skin cancer
At the end of May 2018, a study was published that showed higher efficiency of artificial intelligence compared to humans in terms of cancer recognition. However, in hard-to-reach places, the computer is not so accurate.
A group of scientists from Germany, France and the United States conducted an experiment, the results of which were published in the journal Annals of Oncology. Ultra-accurate neural networks have been trained to recognize images to diagnose skin cancers. The computer was shown about 100 thousand life-threatening melanomas and harmless moles, and then sent photos to 58 dermatologists who, based on their experience, tried to identify cancer.
According to the results of the study, it turned out that the machine turned out to be more accurate than most specialists: it recognized 95% of malignant lesions on the skin, while professional doctors demonstrated a result of 86%.
As the authors of the study noted, neural networks looked like a child's brain, requiring replenishment with knowledge. With each new image of melanoma, AI's ability to distinguish its features increased.
Nevertheless, experts admit that artificial intelligence does not always work effectively. So, problems can occur with such hard-to-reach places as toes or hands, as well as the scalp. There are also incorrect recognition of atypical skin changes that require additional examination.
The main diagnostic method for melanoma is dermatoscopy, examination of dark lesions on the skin using a magnifying glass. Characteristic features allow to distinguish a malignant tumor from a regular mole (nevus): asymmetry of the spot, heterogeneity of color, uneven edges. Melanoma is a widespread disease; in 2016, more than 3 million people around the world suffered from it.[11]
Introduction of the world's first digital AI cancer diagnosis system
On April 16, 2018, Ibex Medical Analytics, a developer of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, used an AI-based digital system to diagnose cancer for the first time in the world in clinical practice. Read more here.
Russia proposed to create a unified digital cancer diagnosis system
In Russia, a Unified Digital System for the Diagnosis of Oncological Diseases can be created. On February 1, 2018, at the opening of the country's first digital laboratory, Yunim, in the Skolkovo innovation center, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Arkady Dvorkovich said. To develop mechanisms for its implementation, it is planned to create a working group under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Read more here.
China's Infervision rolls out AI to boost tumor detectability
The Chinese company Infervision is introducing artificial intelligence (AI) and in-depth training technologies into the practice of radiology in order to increase the detection of tumors in the early stages. Read more here.
IBM Watson to help fight cancer in China
In August 2016, the American corporation IBM announced the introduction of a cognitive platform Watson in Chinese hospitals in order to assist in the treatment of cancer. More. here
Diagnosis of adenocarcinoma and squamous cell lung cancer by AI
In August 2016, the results of medical tests were published, showing the effectiveness of the computer in diagnosing cancer during pathological studies.
A group of specialists from the Stanford Stanford University University Medical Center took more than 2,000 images from the Cancer Genome Atlas, a collection of genetic and clinical materials obtained from several thousand people with cancer. Data on the degree and stage of adenocarcinoma and squamous cell development were considered. lung cancer
The researchers used the images to train a computer program to detect nearly 10,000 specific signs of cancer, while experienced doctors usually find only a few hundred.
The scientists focused on a subset of cellular characteristics determined using software that can distinguish tumor cells from surrounding non-cancer tissues, identify a subtype of cancer and predict patient survival after diagnosis. The machine learning algorithm takes into account not only the size and shapes of cells, but also parameters such as the shape and texture of nuclei, as well as the spatial ordering of neighboring cancer cells.
The computer managed to find the smallest differences between thousands of samples several times more accurate and faster than a person. The technology made it possible to distinguish between adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma of the lungs, which is difficult to do even for an experienced doctor.
Pathological anatomy is a highly subjective discipline, says Michael Snyder, professor and head of genetic research at Stanford University. According to him, two highly qualified specialists in this field come to the same results when studying the same sample only in 60% of cases. The computer program replaces subjectivity with quantitative measurements, which improves patient outcomes, Snyder noted.[12]
Microsoft has taken up big data analysis to fight cancer
On June 22, 2016, Median Technologies and Microsoft announced a global collaboration in which the companies began to jointly develop new methods for detecting, diagnosing and monitoring cancer using Big Data analytics. Read more here.
Hitachi develops urinalysis cancer diganostics tool
On June 14, 2016, medical solutions manufacturer Hitachi Medical Systems, part of the Japanese conglomerate Hitachi, announced the development of a simple urine testing system for the detection of tumor diseases. The technology has already been tested on a small number of patients and may soon begin to be applied in many medical institutions.
According to Bloomberg news agency, Hitachi is developing a simple urine-based screening method for breast and colon cancer in conjunction with Summit Pharmaceuticals International and Sumitomo. The scientists tested the development on 15 patients with breast cancer, 15 people with colon cancer and 15 healthy people. Biological markers were found in 10 study participants to determine the presence of cancer cells, Minoru Sakairi, head of research at Hitachi, told reporters in Tokyo.
According to him, the next experiment will be larger and carried out on a group of 200 patients with breast cancer and 200 healthy people, following which it is planned to create a simple and effective method of detecting the disease and subsequently apply for registration of the corresponding patent.
We give priority to breast cancer. It concerns a large number of women and, unlike prostate cancer, develops at an early age, - said Sakairi. |
Hitachi says cancers cause Japan huge economic harm, measured at about 10 trillion yen ($94 billion) a year. This includes medical expenses, cash losses of companies from reducing working hours, etc.
Scientists Hitachi, Summit Pharmaceuticals and Sumitomo believe that the diagnostic method they developed is the easiest for patients themselves compared to blood tests, fluorography or X-rays. In a few years, they expect to implement their solution throughout Japan.[13]
The launch in Russia of a free service for the diagnosis of cancer for oncologists
In May 2016, the Russian company Unim opened doctors around the world with free access to its commercial IT platform for remote diagnosis of cancer, thanks to which oncologists will be able to conduct remote training consultations on the diagnosis of cancer. Read more here.
See also
- ↑ In Russia, in 2023, the detection rate of oncology and diabetes almost doubled
- ↑ A New Cancer Mechanism: Failed Cell Housekeeping
- ↑ The Accounts Chamber reported an increase in the share of cancer detected in the late stages in Russia
- ↑ Ground-breaking new method for multi-cancer early detection
- ↑ Electronic nose sniffs out cancer in blood samples with over 90% accuracy
- ↑ The Cabinet of Ministers has simplified the procedure for registering software for the diagnosis of cancer
- ↑ Oncologists will be obliged to check the diagnoses of children in Moscow due to frequent errors
- ↑ The State Duma adopted a law on premiums to doctors for early detection of cancer
- ↑ CT scans may increase risk of brain cancer, study suggests
- ↑ Women's menstrual phase may increase radiation risk
- ↑ AI is now better at detecting skin cancer than human doctors
- ↑ Computers beat humans in lung cancer pathology study
- ↑ Hitachi Developing Urine Test for Cancers of Breast and Colon