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The company creates software for optimizing and modeling the development of parts of machines, mechanisms, devices.

VEB Ventures


Number of employees
2017 year


+ Government of the Russian Federation

Since December 2010 - Resident of the Skolkovo Foundation Information Technology Cluster. The company's offices are located in Moscow, Toulouse (France) and Munich (Germany).

The company was organized in 2010 based on the results of the project together with the European Aerospace and Defense Concern EADS. A group of leading employees worked at the Institute for Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPPI). The project was completed in September 2009 and in January 2010 Datadvance appeared as a company to create additional IPI revenues, a joint project of EADS and a group of private investors.

In addition to developing the MACROS software complex, designed for automation of engineering calculations, data analysis and optimization, the company is engaged in engineering consulting. Datadvance has extensive experience in solving problems in the field of optimizing aerodynamic shapes and structures by weight and strength, including multidisciplinary optimization, calibration of models against experimental data, processing large amounts of experimental data and other areas.

The company actively cooperates with leading universities of the country - MSTU named after Bauman, St. Petersburg "Polytech," Moscow "Fiztech," Mehmat Moscow State University, companies "ASCON," "T-Services" (a subsidiary of the company "T-platforms"), Fidesis (Skolkovo startup) and IPPI RAS.

Datadvance uses the technology Siemens PLM Software to expand the capabilities of the MACROS-based pSeven proprietary development platform to offer a fully integrated solution for automation of engineering calculations, data analysis and multidisciplinary optimization to companies in various industries - primarily aerospace, automotive, engine, shipbuilding and others. Datadvance can offer users a system, Siemens NX an integrated solution for manufacturing engineering preparation and engineering analysis (//), CADCAMCAE easily integrated into the familiar environment, an additional solution that increases the return on investment in the product lifecycle management system (). PLM


2022: Joining CAD/CAE Consortium

On July 5, 2022, Rosatom announced the signing of an agreement on the entry of another 15 participants into the CAD/CAE consortium, including Datadvans JSC. Read more here.

2016: Datadvance opens a representative office in France

A resident of the Skolkovo Foundation's IT cluster, Datadvance, a company specializing in the development of software products for optimizing and analyzing data, opened the French office of Datadvance SAS in late 2016 in order to strengthen its position and develop its business in Europe and Asia. In December, Laurent [1]

Datadvance's representative office is located in Toulouse in southern France. This region is considered one of the most promising in Europe for the development of modern high technologies. The largest research clusters and advanced industrial enterprises are located there, including the central office of the Airbus Group concern, which until recently was one of the shareholders of Datadvance and is closely associated with the development of the flagship software product of pSeven.

In addition to Airbus, pSeven is used by a number of other French (AREVA, TOTAL) and world (Porsche, Mitsubishi, Toyota) corporations.