Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

TSNIISICHLKH Central Research and Development Institute of stomatology and maxillofacial surgery



+ Government of the Russian Federation

The federal state budgetary institution "Central Research and Development Institute of Stomatology and Maxillofacial Surgery" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Federal State Budgetary Institution TSNIISICHLKH of the Russian Ministry of Health) is head organization of the country on problems of stomatology and maxillofacial surgery.

From the moment of the creation in 1962 TsNIIS coordinates the scientific activities for stomatology questions which are carried out in scientific, educational and medical institutions of the country. At institute the stomatology develops side by side with unique school of cranial and maxillofacial surgery. Today specialists of institute actively participates in implementation of the national Health project in the field of rendering hi-tech medical care.


  • Therapeutic stomatology: treatment of channels, treatment of caries of teeth, treatment of a pulpitis and periodontitis, sealing of channels, bleaching of teeth, esthetic restoration of teeth
  • Surgical stomatology: zubosokhranyayushchy transactions, laser surgery, removal of teeth of any complexity, including under intravenous anesthesia
  • Orthodontics: correction of a bite at adults, orthodontic treatment using the most modern breket-systems
  • Orthopedic stomatology: prosthetics of teeth, byugelny prostheses, removable prostheses, immediat-prostheses, difficult maxillofacial prosthetics, metal ceramics, production of crowns, tabs, vinir, bridges
  • Children's stomatology: treatment and removal of milk teeth; correction of a bite, prevention and treatment of caries at children
  • Complex treatment of diseases of the parodont
  • Intra bone implantation with the subsequent prosthetics
  • Functional diagnostics in stomatology
  • Treatment of diseases of a mucous membrane of a mouth