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NPF GAZFOND is a Russian non-state pension fund, the largest in the country for 2009 in terms of pension reserves (at the end of Q1 2009 - 49% of the total reserves of non-state pension funds in Russia)





+ Gazfond
+ Government of the Russian Federation
+ Rosneft of the Tax Code

About the Foundation

The founders of the Fund are the largest national companies: Gazprom OJSC, Gazprombank, Gazprom Dobycha Urengoy LLC, Gazprom Dobycha Yamburg LLC and Gazprom Transgaz Saratov LLC.

The Fund attracts management companies with many years of experience and a high degree of reliability to the placement of pension reserves and own funds, as well as investing pension savings. The main volume of pension reserves is placed by the fund through the management company ZAO Leader, a company that has an impeccable reputation and 15 years of experience in the stock market. Pension savings are managed by the largest in the asset management market LLC UK Capital, CJSC UK UralSib, CJSC UK TRINFICO and CJSC Leader.

NPF GAZFOND uses the services of OJSC Specialized Depository INFINITUM, which occupies the highest positions in terms of the number of funds serviced and in terms of the value of controlled property, to store and take into account the rights to securities in which the received funds are invested. According to the results of the 1st half of 2007, the depository was assigned the rating of the highest reliability of AAA in accordance with the National rating of the reliability of depositories.


Financial performance

2021: Investment of 80 billion rubles in Gazprombank shares

Non-state pension funds in 2021 invested 264 billion rubles in securities and deposits of related banks. Pension funds of citizens - more than 7% of the total portfolio of funds.

The record holder was NPFs of the Gazprombank group, which had 127 billion rubles of such investments. (11.4% of the portfolio). In particular, Gazfond for more than 80 billion rubles. owns Gazprombank shares. Gazfond Pension Savings owns Severgazbank worth 7 billion rubles. In addition, these two funds invested more than 33 billion rubles in the bonds of GPB itself. Included in the group of NPF "Diamond Autumn" placed deposits in the same bank for 1.9 billion rubles.

2018: Retirement savings returns


  • Pension reserves:

Pension reserves are funds formed through voluntary pension contributions of legal entities and individuals within the framework of the non-state pension provision system. Pension reserves are intended for fulfillment by a non-state pension fund of obligations to participants in accordance with pension agreements. The volume of pension reserves is one of the key indicators of the activities of NPFs, as it indicates the stability of the fund.

NPF GAZFOND places pension reserves in securities, bank deposits, real estate and other assets in order to generate income. Income is distributed and accrued to the pension accounts of depositors and participants.


Currently, almost 211 thousand people have become participants in non-state pension programs. Over 300 companies entrusted pension provision to their employees of NPF GAZFOND.

  • Pension savings:

Pension savings are the funds of citizens who chose GAZFOND NPF as an insurer for compulsory pension insurance. These funds are intended to finance the payment of the funded part of the labor pension.

The amount of pension savings entrusted to the Fund almost doubled in 2010 to RUB 8.53 billion (as of January 1, 2011).

Today, over 427 thousand Russian citizens form the funded part of their labor pension at the GAZFOND NPF.

  • Pension benefits:

Pension payments - funds paid to a participant in a non-state pension fund in accordance with the terms of the pension agreement. According to this indicator, it is possible to navigate how carefully the Fund fulfills its obligations to depositors and how effective its activities to preserve and increase the entrusted funds are.

For 1.01.2011 years, more than 88,000 citizens have already received a non-state pension of NPF GAZFOND, the average size of which is 6,425 rubles. per month.

The average amount of pension payments to participants of NPF GAZFOND in comparison with the FIU:


The total amount of pension payments for the period of the Fund's activity amounted to more than 26.38 billion rubles (excluding redemption amounts and payments to heirs).

The volume of payments to the participants of NPF GAZFOND:


More than a third of the participants of NPF GAZFOND are pensioners and are already receiving a non-state pension.

Participants of NPF GAZFOND:

  • Profitability:

Return on investment of pension savings funds

At the end of 2010, the Fund accrued 9.24% per annum to the pension accounts of insured persons who entered into compulsory pension insurance contracts, which exceeds the profitability of the State Management Company for the same period (7.62%).


Return on the placement of pension reserves

Under non-state pension agreements, the profitability for accrual on registered pension accounts of clients in 2005-2010 amounted to:

  • The profitability indicator for pension schemes of NPF GAZFOND No. 2 and No. 3.

The return on investment of pension reserves for the period from 2005 to 2010 on average for the year amounted to 15.27%, accumulated - 134.61%