Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Energy Sales Company of Bashkortostan (ESCB)


Energy Sales Company of Bashkortostan (ESKB LLC) LLC

Power supply company RusHydro (ESK RusHydro) - 100%


+ Government of the Russian Federation

Energy Sales Company of Bashkortostan (ESKB LLC) LLC - the legal successor of Energosbyt of JSC Bashkirenergo.

On October 1, 2003 the decision on liquidation of Energosbyt of JSC Bashkirenergo and transfer of all its functions of ESKB LLC is made. All personnel of Energosbyt passed into power supply company, and interdistrict departments of the enterprise became branches of ESKB LLC.

ESKB LLC - the guaranteeing supplier in the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan since January 1, 2011.


For March 24, 2015 ESKB LLC incorporates 9 interdistrict departments, 61 sections created by the principle of interaction with the network organizations.

At the end of 2012 the customer base of Society more than 1 million subscribers, more than 990 thousand – residential consumers (8.8% of the electric power) and more than 46 thousand - legal entities (91.2% of consumption).

At the end of 2014 the customer base of Society made 1,351,340 consumers, 1,302,906 – residential consumers (8.8% of the electric power) and 48,434 legal entities (91.2% of consumption).