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Russian Government Office


the state body formed for ensuring activity of the Government of the Russian Federation and the Russian Prime Minister and the organization of control over the implementation by executive authorities of the decisions made by the Government

Government of the Russian Federation





+ Russian Government Office
+ Government of the Russian Federation


2021: Creation of 7 new departments

The prime minister Mikhail Mishustin determined by new resolutions the extreme number of government employees and fund of payment of their work and also approved changes in structure of government office in which seven new departments will appear. On January 12, 2021 the press service of the Cabinet of Ministers reported about it.

New departments in structure of government office became:

Mikhail Mishustin approved creation of department of health care in the government

At the same time the department of health care and social development, department of the industry, power and transport and also department of regional development and infrastructure are abolished.

Besides, the department of maintenance of lawmaking activity will be transformed by the new order of the government to department of maintenance of lawmaking activity and legal regulation. Also summary and analytical management of the government is created.

By January 13, 2021 functions and tasks of department of health care are not designated, is also not reported who will head new department. The director of the department of health care and social development is Sergey Velmyaykin.

The decision on conversions is made for improvement of work of government office and the organization of effective control behind accomplishment of the decisions made by the president Vladimir Putin is explained in the message of the Cabinet of Ministers.

The government also considers that reform will help to improve efficiency and quality of the made decisions and also will be able to create such system of a state administration which will be able to carry out qualitatively tasks of achievement of the national purposes of development.[1]