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Tyumen Branch Gazprom Design




+ Government of the Russian Federation
+ Rosneft of the Tax Code
+ Gazprom Design

The Tyumen branch of Engineering LLC Gazprom performs design and survey work related to the development of gas gas condensate and. oil-gas condensate fields The design of industrial infrastructure, housing and social and cultural facilities, trunk and interfield pipelines is carried out.


2017: Termination of TyumenNIIgiprogaz

On September 28, 2017, in accordance with the decision of PJSC Gazprom, TyumenNIIgiprogaz LLC ceased operations through reorganization in the form of joining Gazprom Design LLC, to which all the rights and obligations of the Company passed.

2015: Establishment of the Tyumen branch of Gazprom Design

In 2015, OAO Gazprom decided to consolidate its project assets within the newly established company OOO Gazprom Design. On the basis of TyumenNIIgiprogaz LLC, the largest scientific and design institute of Gazprom PJSC, the Tyumen branch of Gazprom Design LLC was created.

2014: Activities of TumenNIIgiprogaz

In 2014, TyumenNIIgiprogaz LLC is a subsidiary of Gazprom OJSC, which carried out scientific, design and production activities. Located in Tyumen and was the parent organization for scientific support of production activities of gas industry enterprises in Western Siberia. Work was carried out in the Irkutsk region, Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the Far East and other regions. Its distinctive feature was the completed cycle of scientific and design, as well as industrial support for field development from seismic exploration to production and commissioning.

In 2014, projects were prepared for the development of the second, fourth and fifth Achimov sections of the Urengoy field.


In 2013, we prepared comprehensive development projects for the Yamburgskoye (Cenomanian deposits) and Zapolyarnoye fields. According to the design documentation of the Company, reconstruction facilities of the Western and Northern domes of the Komsomolsk gas field, as well as facilities of the launch complex of the Achimov deposit 1A site of the Urengoy field, were put into operation.


In 2012, as a result of geological exploration work based on the recommendations of TyumenNIIgiprogaz specialists, the Ilbokichi gas condensate field was discovered in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The Bovanenkovskoye oil and gas condensate field was put into operation, all production wells of which were built according to the projects of TyumenNIIgiprogaz.


In 2011, work was completed on the Unified Technological Scheme for the Development of Hydrocarbon Deposits of Achimov Deposits of the Urengoy Field, a unique design document that took into account the interests of three subsoil users.

In March, the pilot project of Gazprom Neft, the Development of the Cenomanian Deposit of the Muravlenkovsky Gas Field, prepared by TyumenNIIgiprogaz LLC on the principle of automated fishing based on "low-people technologies," was put into operation.

In August, according to the project of the Institute at the Kazan oil and gas condensate field (Tomsk region), a gas compressor station was launched, which utilizes more than 95% of associated petroleum gas and will provide 50% of the power and housing and communal complex of the region.


In 2010, the increase in reserves according to the recommendations of TyumenNIIgiprogaz amounted to about a third of the total increase in OJSC.Gazprom


In 2009, TyumenNIIgiprogaz was headed by Sergey Aleksandrovich Skrylev, candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences.

As part of Gazprom's Clean Water program, the production of Waterfall electric coagulation treatment stations with a capacity of 5 to 200 cubic meters has begun. meters of purified water per day. On March 16, 2009, the first stage of the core storage facility was opened at 70 thousand linear meters of core. After entering the second stage, the total storage volume will be 200 thousand linear meters.


In 2003, TyumenNIIgiprogaz was certified for compliance with all types of activities by the international standard ISO 9001:2000. A project was developed to develop two gas fields (Etypurovsky and Vyngayakhinsky) as a single gas production complex, which provides for the preparation and compression of gas at one site.


In 2002, by Resolution of the Management Board of Gazprom OJSC No. 2 of January 14, 2002, TyumenNIIgiprogaz was entrusted with the functions of a leading organization for scientific support of production activities of gas industry enterprises in the West Siberian region.


In 2001, at the Tevriz field (Omsk region), the most compact UKPG with a capacity of only 50 thousand cubic meters per year was commissioned. Here, the technology of an integrated approach to field development was first tested.


In 2000, GDS and hydraulic fracturing were launched in Khabarovsk with a capacity of 150 thousand cubic meters. meters per day are the most powerful in Siberia and the Far East. All equipment was developed, manufactured and installed by the specialists of TyumenNIIgiprogaz. In the same year, the design part of the institute switched to three-dimensional modeling.


In 1999, the world's first single-core integrated gas treatment plant with a capacity of 32 billion cubic meters was designed and launched at the Komsomolskoye field. meters per year. The project participants were awarded an industry prize.


In 1997, under the projects of TyumenNIIgiprogaz, commercial operation of oil wells of the Urengoy gas condensate field, which has since been called oil and gas condensate, began.

1993: Dissolution of NPO Tyumengaztekhnologiya

In 1993, the association was disbanded, all northern enterprises passed to gas production associations.


In 1992, an expert base center was created that licenses work on gas industry facilities in the Ural-Siberian zone.


In 1990, the northern hydrogeological expedition to the village. Komsomolsky.


In 1989, the association included the newly created Surgut Engineering Center for the reliability of the linear part of main gas pipelines and the scientific and production department of Neftegazdobycha (Urengoy).

1986: Transformation into NPO Tyumengaztekhnologiya

In 1986, TyumenNIIgiprogaz was headed by Georgy Vasilyevich Krylov, candidate of technical sciences. At this time, a model of an integrated approach to field development is beginning to be formed, linking science, design and production together. The Institute is being transformed into NPO Tyumengaztekhnologiya, which includes newly created branches in Nadym and Urengoy, the Engineering and Geological Monitoring and Survey Trust, SKB Tyumengaztekhnika and an experimental plant through which new design developments are being introduced into production.


In 1983, according to the project and under the control of the institute's specialists, the first inclined well in the USSR was built in conditions of permafrost. In the next five years, 29 enlarged clusters of such wells were built at the Urengoy and Yamburg fields.


In November 1981, Pyotr Nikiforovich Grigoriev, candidate of technical sciences, became the director of the institute. Since then, special attention has been paid to the organization of drilling operations. For the first time in the practice of gas fields, drilling of directional wells is introduced, problems of column collapse in wells penetrating permafrost rocks are solved.

1980: Opening of a new main building

In 1980, a new main building was opened on the street. Vorovsky, 2. All units previously located in the neighborhood moved to this six-story building, or in rented premises at st. Melnikaite, 99a; Republics, 176; Dzerzhinsky, 67.

1973: Conversion to TyumenNIIgiprogaz

In January 1973, SibNIPIgas received the name - TyumenNIIgiprogaz. The staff of the institute consisted of 853 people, including 20 candidates and 1 doctor of sciences. The attention of scientists is focused on the development of the first gas giant of the Tyumen North - the Medvezhye field. The construction of the first laboratory building has been completed.

1971: Conversion to SibNIPIgas

In May 1971, the branch was separated from VNIIGAZ and transformed into the Siberian Scientific Research and Design Institute of Natural Gases SibNIPIgas with subordination to Tyumengazprom. By this time, the organization had 224 employees.

In December 1971, Pyotr Terentyevich Shmyglya, Doctor of Technical Sciences, became the director of the institute.


In 1967, the branch was headed by Georgy Stepanovich Gryaznov, candidate of economic sciences. During this period, in connection with the development of the Medvezhskoye field, Mingazprom sets the task for the Institute to scientifically study the problem of drilling wells with increased casing diameters in permafrost conditions. The results of the work are successfully applied at Medvezhy, Urengoy and other fields of the Tyumen region.

1966: Creation of the Tyumen branch of VNIIGAZ

By order of the USSR Ministry of Gas Industry No. 145 of February 3, 1966, the Tyumen branch of the All-Union State Research Institute of Natural Gases (VNIIGAZ) was organized. The first director of the branch was Ivan Dmitrievich Karyagin, Doctor of Economics.