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Баннер в шапке 2





+ Government of the Russian Federation

Founded in 1991, the Atomic Defense Inform Center is engaged in the protection of information in the nuclear industry.

Directions of the center's work: research of models of weapons and military equipment for the possibility of their unauthorized use, construction, reconstruction and re-equipment of buildings of organizations of the nuclear weapons complex, participation in the digitalization program of the industry, creation and operation of automated process control systems at YAK enterprises, as well as the development of high-performance special-purpose computing systems. The center also monitors the implementation of information protection measures in Rosatom organizations and coordinates the implementation of the Program of priority areas of research and development in the field of information protection in state corporation organizations, including the implementation of priority measures for information protection until 2027.

By order of the state corporation of June 28, 2018, Atomoprotainform was entrusted with the functions of the head research organization in the industry on the problems of information protection, on the development and implementation of software and hardware, organizational tools and methods for protecting against unauthorized access to information processed in automated control systems and electronic computing.