Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Ministry of Health
Names and Ministers
- On June 2, 2020, Igor Kagramanyan was appointed First Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation.
- Until June 21, 2012 - Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Health and Social Development). Minister - Tatyana Alekseevna Golikova.
- Since June 21, 2012 - the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation has been separated from the Ministry of Health and Social Development along with the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection. The minister is Veronika Igorevna Skvortsova.
According to the decree (May 2012):
The head of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Veronika Skvortsova has five deputies.
The number of departments of the Ministry of Health is 15.
The maximum number of employees of the central office of the Ministry of Health for June 2012 is 549 people.
In addition, the decree introduces similar restrictions on the staffing of the central apparatus of Roszdravnadzor (no more than 154 people) and the Federal Medical and Biological Agency, FMBA (no more than 299).
Appointment of Dmitry Temnov as Head of IT Department
In early September 2024, it became known about the appointment of Dmitry Temnov as the new head of the Department of Digital Development and Information Technologies (DIT) of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. In this position, he replaced Vadim Vankov, who held the position from March 2021 to August 2024. Vankov went for an increase, becoming Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation, overseeing the digitalization of the industry. Read more here
Appointment of Vadim Vankov deputy head of the Ministry of Health and responsible for the digitalization of health care of the Russian Federation
At the end of August 2024, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree appointing Vadim Vankov as the new Deputy Minister of Health. In his new post, Vankov will be responsible for digitalizing the industry and creating a single digital health care circuit. Previously, these duties were assigned to Pavel Pugachev, who served as Deputy Minister of Health since February 2020. Read more here.
The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation creates a federal center for the purchase
At the end of June 2020, it became known about the creation in Russia of a federal center for the purchase of drugs. It will report to the Ministry of Health. Read more here.
Elena Boyko left the post of Deputy Minister of Health - Curator of Digital Development
On January 27, 2020, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin dismissed Elena Boyko from the post of Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation at her request. Read more here.
Roszdravnadzor and FMBA are removed from the subordination of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
In January 2020, the president Russia Vladimir Putin signed a decree "On the structure of federal executive bodies," which removed Roszdravnadzor Federal Medical and Biological Agency (FMBA) from subordination. Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation More. here
The Ministry of Health created the Center for Competence of Digital Transformation and appointed its head
In July 2019, Dmitry Zelenkov was appointed head of the Center for Competencies of the Digital Transformation of the Health Sector of the Ministry of Health. This is a new organization created in the spring of 2019 on the basis of the Central Research Institute of the Organization of Informatization of Health (TsNIIOIZ) subordinate to the Ministry of Health. Read more here.
Publishing Health GIS Requirements
On June 25, 2019, it became known that the Ministry health care RUSSIAN FEDERATION published Order No. 911n 'On Approval of Requirements state for Information Systems in the Sphere of health care Subjects of the Russian Federation, medical Information Systems of Medical Organizations and Information Systems pharmaceutical of Organizations. More. here
Medvedev launched a new stage of total informatization of health care
In November 2016, the Russian government declared health informatization one of the priority projects, described its goals and fixed a budget that turned out to be very modest (more).
Online health. What will be the unified information space of health care in Russia?
After analyzing the trends in the application of information technology in health care, TAdviser and the National Center for Informatization prepared an infographic and an overview of the prospects for creating a single eHealth space and considered it from the standpoint of the patient, doctor and industry regulators (more).
The application of digital technologies determines the development of healthcare
On July 13, 2016, speaking at a meeting of the Council for Strategic Development and Priority Projects, Veronika Skvortsova noted the digitalization of medical practice as a direction determining the further development of the health care system in the Russian Federation.
{{quote 'author
= Veronika Skvortsova, Minister of Health of the Russian Federation' Another priority area determining the development of healthcare is the transition from infrastructural informatization of healthcare to the widespread use of digital (digital) technologies in medical practice.
Thanks to modernization programs in 2012-2013, communication and computer telecommunication equipment was installed in more than seven thousand state medical organizations, a single secure network for the transmission of medical data was organized, federal components of a single information system were developed.
Already, in 81 regions of the country, medical information systems have been introduced, to which 57 percent of doctors are connected to automated workplaces, 83 regions have organized an electronic appointment with a doctor, 66 have introduced a single regional ambulance dispatch system.
For 2016-2018, we plan, together with the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation, to implement a project that allows by the end of 2018 at least 95 percent of all state medical organizations to connect to a single state information system in the field of health care by introducing a single electronic medical record.
This bill, obliging the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to connect to this system, has already been prepared, passed public discussion, agreed with all interested federal bodies and will soon go to the Government.
Citizens of Russia will have access to a secure personal account "My Health" on the public services portal, which will provide a wide range of opportunities: making an appointment with a doctor, checking the compulsory medical insurance policy, attaching it to the clinic, calling a doctor at home, viewing their own electronic medical record and receiving information on a healthy lifestyle and on other important issues.
By the end of 2018, at least 95 percent of doctors working in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in state medical organizations will be connected to the system. This will allow you to completely switch to electronic document management, abandon the maintenance of paper documentation by a doctor and thereby free up 30 percent of your working time for direct communication with the patient.
In addition, the continuity of patient treatment will be ensured regardless of the medical organization and the introduction of unified information systems to help make a decision by a doctor. This is an electronic classifier system that is currently in active development and will be completed by the end of the year, including clinical algorithms, guidelines, drug and other reference books that should be convenient for use by doctors at any time, including primary care.
In addition, distance programs of continuing medical education will be provided. To increase the availability of high-quality medical care in each region, by the end of 2018, the following will be introduced: a single dispatch of the ambulance service, which will reduce the time to reach the patient, telemedicine counseling between specialists of different medical organizations of different profiles and levels - from district hospitals to leading federal centers.
In addition, an automated system of preferential drug provision will be introduced, which will not only improve the management of trade stocks of drugs, but also make drug provision more targeted and comfortable for each person. In the future, it is planned to connect all medical organizations, including private ones, to a single information system within the framework of a single national health care system, as well as extend telemedicine technologies to doctor-patient relations with the introduction of remote health monitoring, which is especially important for remote areas of the country and for rural areas. Thus, the introduction of digital technologies will make it possible to have a comprehensive positive impact on the availability and quality of medical care, the working conditions of the doctor and the satisfaction of the population.}}
Non-targeted 700 million for informatization
On June 10, 2016, it became known about the misuse by the Ministry of Health of Russia for informatization of more than 700 million rubles.
The agency agreed with the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications a informatization plan for 2015, but it was not approved, and in violation of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 365, the ministry sent more than 700 million rubles to informatization of health care.
The Board of the Accounts Chamber approved the conclusion on the execution of the federal budget in 2015 at the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Health).
According to a previously violated plan, (2016)
Other results of the audit are on the website of the Accounts Chamber.
Ministry of Health drew up an IT plan for 2013-2018
On June 20, 2013, the Ministry of Health approved [1] the department's activity plan for 2013-2018, including, among other things, indicators for the informatization of health care, which are planned to be achieved during this period. Deputy Minister of Health Andrei Yurin has been appointed responsible for achieving all the goals specified in this area.
The document highlights five key areas of informatization, according to which it is necessary to achieve specific indicators by year: the introduction of a medical electronic card, the creation of a single information space for the provision of telemedicine services, ensuring the possibility of remote monitoring of the health of citizens at risk, an electronic library for doctors, as well as distance education for health workers.
According to the plans of the Ministry of Health, by the end of 2013, at least 26% of medical records of citizens must be submitted in electronic form in accordance with uniform standards. In 2015, this figure should be 50%, and in 2018 - 95%.
At least 95% of federal medical institutions should have telemedicine capabilities in 2013, in 2015 - a similar percentage of institutions at the level of inter-district centers, in 2018 - institutions at the level of the municipality.
At least 10% of citizens in the high-risk group in 2014 should be provided with the possibility of remote monitoring of the state of health. In 2015, this figure should be 70%, and 100% coverage should be provided in 2017.
As for the electronic library for doctors, its volume should grow from 1.25 million pages in 2013 to 6.3 million pages in 2018. The number of distance forms of additional education and advanced training for health workers over the planned period should increase 5 times - from 40 to 210.
The Ministry of Health demanded daily IT reports from the regions
At the end of July 2013, the Ministry of Health sent a letter to the heads of government agencies in the field of health protection in the constituent entities of Russia with a request to ensure the daily provision of information to the department on the implementation of regional programs for the modernization of health care in terms of the introduction of information systems.
The Ministry of Health justifies this request by the fact that the Office of the President of Russia for the Use of Information Technologies and the Development of Electronic Democracy is conducting a "control event (check)" on the issue of implementing Article 50 of Federal Law No. 326 "On Compulsory Medical Insurance in the Russian Federation" regarding the introduction of IT systems.
This article defines the procedure for financing regional programs for the modernization of health care, including informatization. Regarding the latter goal, for which budget funds are allocated, they include "the introduction of modern IT systems for the transition to compulsory health insurance policies of a single model, including a universal electronic card provided with a federal electronic application, the introduction of telemedicine systems, electronic document management systems and the maintenance of medical patient records in electronic form."
For the daily provision of information on the implementation of regional modernization programs in terms of IT, the Ministry of Health developed and sent to the subjects a unified report form, including three main points: information on the amount of funds provided by the program for IT systems and actually spent by the recipient, on the volume of computer equipment provided by the program and actually purchased by the region, as well as statistical data on IT systems introduced in the region.
The latter, in particular, is detailed to indicators of the possibility of maintaining an electronic medical record of a citizen in the region, recording with a doctor in electronic form, exchanging telemedicine data, introducing an EDMS and a unified register of medical workers in medical institutions, as well as maintaining an electronic passport of a medical institution and a health passport of a subject.
2012: Ministry of Health reports on informatization results
On May 24, 2013, within the framework of the expanded board of the Ministry of Health, the head of the department , Veronika Skvortsova, reported to Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev on the results of the ministry's work in 2012, including in the direction of health informatization .
According to Skvortsova, more than 286 thousand units of computer equipment were delivered to medical organizations over the year, and the number of local medical networks increased 3.5 times.
The service of electronic appointment with a doctor has been introduced in 4 thousand organizations. Since its commissioning in December 2012, about 7 million Russian citizens have used it. The Minister of Health admitted that "this is negligible compared to the circulation of Russians." The department hopes to complete this fragment of work in 2013.
The ability to maintain an electronic medical record, according to Skvortsova, is provided in almost 2.5 thousand medical organizations. and more than 36 million electronic cards have been uploaded to the federal service, which today accounts for about 26% of the country's population.
Among other results of informatization for 2012, Skvortsova noted the equipment of about 19 thousand cars of sanitary transport and more than 2.5 thousand stations and ambulance departments with GLONASS satellite navigation, as well as the creation of an electronic catalog "Russian Medicine," the total volume of bibliographic records of which exceeds 500 thousand.
"These are our first steps in the field of industry informatization. Together with the Ministry of Communications and the expert community, we are accelerating the implementation of all projects, "said Veronika Skvortsova.
According to her, by the end of 2013, the department hopes to gradually introduce a computer workplace for a doctor in medical institutions with the possibility of remote continuing education, teleconsultations with colleagues, assistance in decision-making, as well as a decrease in the volume of paper document circulation.
2011: Uniform State Health Information System Concept
The Ministry of Health and Social Development approved a new concept for creating a unified state health information system (Uniform State Health Information System) in healthcare. The document was developed under the leadership of the new Chief information officer of the department Vadim Dubinin on the basis of a similar concept prepared by his predecessor Oleg Simakov, the Ministry of [1].
The basis of the EIS infrastructure should be made up of the federal data center of the Ministry of Health, which will be created specifically for the deployment of the system. According to the concept, it can be geographically distributed. Regions will be able to use data center resources according to the IaaS model. Under what conditions they will receive this service, the document does not stipulate. According to Dubinin, medical institutions will be able to use their own resources at will, but for this they will have to configure a gateway for exchanging data with central structures.
The applied components of the system (transactional, managerial and information) in the Ministry of Health are divided into federal and regional. The first, for example, include systems for maintaining a schedule of appointments for specialists, issuing referrals for examinations, systems that ensure telemedicine consultations and consultations, including using mobile devices, accounting and personnel accounting systems, various registers, an electronic medical record management system and many others.
Among the federal components, an electronic medical library has found its place, within which a "social network for doctors" or "professional network" will be created, as the new Chief information officer calls it. Recall that after the scandal surrounding the tender for its creation in 2010, his predecessor Oleg Simakov quit.
The document includes regional components of medical information systems that automate processes directly in medical institutions, systems for issuing and servicing preferential prescriptions, remote monitoring of the health status of individual citizens, as well as archival storage and provision of access to medical images.
The creation of the EIS is planned in two stages until 2020. At the first stage, in 2011-2012, it is planned to develop sections of regional programs for the modernization of healthcare and various standards, design and design documentation, begin to create a data center, provide medical facilities with computers, etc. Over the next period, it is planned to complete the work on standardization, creation of a data center, transfer to it the main centralized components of the UIS, federal application software, etc.
Officials expect that the creation of the EIS will reduce the mortality rates of disability and complications caused by medical errors, a low level of efficiency, additional costs for the treatment of untimely diagnosed diseases, increase the labor potential of the nation by reducing the temporary and constant loss of working capacity of the population due to illness, the concept says.
2024: Former drug chief Evgeny Brun given 7 years in prison for fraud
On October 17, 2024, the Kuzminsky District Court of Moscow convicted the former chief narcologist of Russia Yevgeny Brun, finding him guilty of large-scale fraud. The court sentenced Brune to seven years in prison in a general regime colony. Read more here
2023: The head of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation has a new deputy
In July 2023, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree appointing Evgenia Kotova as the new Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation. In the new position, Kotova will oversee the organization of medical care for children, the maternity service, mental and public health issues, the press service of the Ministry of Health said. Read more here.
The Ministry of Health has mastered less than half of the annual budget for the construction of medical facilities
At the end of 2022, the Russian Ministry of Health actually mastered less than half of the budget for the construction of medical facilities within the framework of the Federal Targeted Investment Program (FAIP). This is stated in the conclusion of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation published in early July 2023 on the results of an external audit of the implementation of the Federal Law "On the federal budget for 2022 and for the planning period 2023 and 2024."
The document says that in 2022, the Ministry of Health of Russia provides for capital investments in the amount of 83.1 billion rubles. This, in particular, 63.9 billion rubles from the federal budget and 19.2 billion rubles from the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. However, in fact, in 2022, 39.9 billion rubles were spent at the expense of all sources of financing. This represents approximately 48% of the intended means.
It is said that in 2022, within the framework of the FAIP, the Ministry of Health planned 77 capital construction facilities, which provide for a limit of budgetary allocations for capital investments for construction, reconstruction, design estimates and other measures. At the same time, 19 objects were supposed to be commissioned by the end of 2022, but only eight medical organizations managed to complete the work.
In accordance with the reporting documentation (as of the beginning of 2023), 26 objects of the Ministry of Health have been built for more than 10 years. The volume of construction in progress is estimated at 23.8 billion rubles, which is 1.7 billion rubles higher than in 2021.
In general, the measures taken by the Ministry of Health of Russia in 2022 can be assessed as sufficient, but there is a reserve for reducing receivables in terms of reducing receivables to capital construction facilities, the report says. |
Conclusion of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation
The Accounts Chamber pointed to billions of dollars in budget violations in the healthcare sector
Billions of violations were identified in financial management in the Ministry of Health of Russia, Roszdravnadzor, Rospotrebnadzor and the Federal Medical and Biological Agency (FMBA). This is evidenced by the audit of the Accounts Chamber, the results of which were published on July 4, 2023.
When maintaining accounting and reporting in the FMBA, at the end of 2022, violations were found in the amount of 4.2 billion rubles, in Rospotrebnadzor - by 413 million rubles. In Roszdravnadzor, most of the violations relate to the field of legislation on the contract system. In addition, the Ministry of Health, FMBA and Rospotrebnadzor revealed violations in the formation of government assignments.
The audit also showed non-compliance with the procedure for providing interbudgetary transfers to the FMBA and the Ministry of Health. In particular, the FMBA transferred funds to the regions in the absence of their applications in the amount of 90.4 million rubles, the Ministry of Health - to regions that did not meet the selection criteria for a total of 4.3 million rubles. It was also established that the FMBA improperly exercised the powers of the owner in relation to federal property, including transferred to the Federal State Unitary Enterprise, as well as the powers of the administrator of federal budget revenues.
At the same time, it is noted that the FMBA, the Ministry of Health and Rospotrebnadzor in 2022 showed a significant overfulfilling of the income plan - 210%, 207% and 118%, respectively. In Roszdravnadzor, income revenues amounted to 86% of the plan. The costs of the implementation of the state program "Development of Healthcare," the responsible executor of which is the Ministry of Health, in 2022 were fixed at 98.5%. For comparison: in 2021, this figure was 93.2%. Of the 13 targets set for 2022, one value has not been achieved - "the share of citizens leading a healthy lifestyle": a result of 7.2% has been demonstrated with a plan of 10.5%.[2]
The arrest of Eugene Brun in a fraud case
On August 19, 2022, the chief freelance psychiatrist-narcologist of the Ministry of Health Yevgeny Brun was detained, and later sent by the court under house arrest until October 3, 2022. He is suspected of embezzling more than 20 million rubles from the Moscow Department of Health. The case file says that he, as well as the deputy head of the Association of Narcologists of Russia, Vladimir Yakushev, were charged under the article of the Criminal Code "fraud on an especially large scale." Read more here.
Vladimir Zelensky - the new first deputy head of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
In December 2021, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree approving Volodymyr Zelensky as first deputy head of the Russian Ministry of Health. Read more here.
The head of the Ministry of Health will be able to coordinate the candidacies of regional ministers after a personal interview
At the end of October 2021, the Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree " Governments of the Russian Federation On the approval of the rules for coordinating the appointment to the post of head of the executive body of state power of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the field of health protection." In accordance with the document, the head of the Ministry of Health will be able to coordinate the candidacies of regional ministers health care after a personal interview.
Until April 2021, the regional authorities could appoint health ministers on their own, but after the law came into force, they became obliged to coordinate applicants with the Ministry of Health. According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1821 of October 27, 2021, the head of the region must send to the Ministry of Health a letter of recommendation, questionnaire, information on education, labor activity, consent of the candidate for the processing of personal data, as well as information established by the Law "On Combating Corruption." The Commission under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation within 15 working days should consider the documents and decide on approval or refusal. By decision of the head of the Ministry of Health, the candidate can be invited for a personal interview.
In case of refusal, the governor can re-send additional information in favor of the employment of this particular person.
As Dmitry Morozov, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Health Protection, recalled, when considering the document in the first reading (a bill obliging the regional authorities to coordinate with the Russian Ministry of Health candidates for the posts of heads of health ministries in the subjects), the Committee consistently insisted on centralizing the health care system "in terms of coordinating regional leaders with the federal Ministry of Health."
{{quote 'There is already such a practice in healthcare - it works in Roszdravnadzor and the Compulsory Health Insurance Fund, - he said. [3]"}}
The State Duma adopted a law giving the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation the right to approve the candidacies of regional ministers
On April 14, 2021 State Duma , it adopted a law in the third (final) reading, according to which Ministry of Health Russia it will approve the candidacies of regional ministers. The procedure for such coordination will be determined by the government.
Previously, the authorities of the Russian regions could independently appoint the heads of local ministries of health. At the same time, the government believes that the role of the regions in the implementation of federal projects requires a consistent personnel policy, special training of the heads of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Heads of regional ministries of health should have certain knowledge, skills and competencies, since they face difficult tasks in the field of protecting the health of citizens, indicated in the explanatory note to the bill.
In accordance with the bill, governors will appoint their regional health ministers in agreement with the federal Ministry of Health. This will ensure consistency of actions in the implementation of the health development strategy and the national project "Health," the authors of the initiative believe.
Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Alexandra Dronova noted that one of the conditions for the appointment of heads of ministries and departments of health will be the candidate's medical education and experience in this area. According to Dronova, the approval procedure is not only a "formal conversation," but also a short-term internship either in the central office of the ministry or in a subordinate institution.
Without the agreed activities of the executive authorities in the field of health protection at all levels included in the unified system of state power, as well as ensuring the compliance of regulatory legal acts of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with federal legislation and the application of uniform principles for the implementation of federal acts at the regional level, the goals of health development cannot be properly achieved, - noted in the explanatory note to the bill.[4] |
Appointment of Vadim Vankov to the post of Director of the IT Department of the Ministry of Health
In early March 2021, it became known about the appointment of Vadim Vankov to the post of director of the Department of Digital Development and Information Technologies of the Ministry of Health of Russia. Read more here.
Appointment of Viktor Fesenko to the post of First Deputy Minister of Health of Russia
In mid-February 2021 Victor Fisenko , he was appointed First Deputy Minister. health care Russia The corresponding decree was signed by the Prime Minister. Mikhail Mishustin More. here
Health ministers in the regions will be appointed in agreement with the Ministry of Health
On November 25, 2020, it became known about the tightening of the selection of health ministers in the regions of Russia. They will be appointed only after coordination with the Ministry of Health. The procedure for such coordination will be established by the government.
The proposal to empower the Ministry of Health to coordinate the appointment of the head of the executive body of the state power of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the field of health protection is contained in the bill that the Cabinet of Ministers submitted to the State Duma.
The document notes that according to the Constitution, the coordination of health issues is under the joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of Russia. At the same time, in the powers of the Ministry of Health, develop and implement state policy and legal regulation in the field of health, as well as coordinate activities in the field of health protection of all participants in the national health care system, including executive authorities of the constituent entities of Russia. Without such concerted health-care activities at all levels, development goals cannot be achieved.
The coordination of the head of the regional Ministry of Health with the federal department will help make the coordination of work between federal and regional structures clearer, said Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin.
Recently, there have been a lot of complaints about the inaction and indifference of officials, and the new order involves a tougher selection for such a post important for the safety of people, because in such positions a lot depends on the exactedness, professionalism and responsibility of the one who leads health care in the region, republic or other subject, - said the head of government. |
Amendments are made to Articles 14 and 16 of the Federal Law "On the Basics of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation." They were kind in the government.[5]
Appointment of Andrei Plutnitsky to the post of head of the Department of Project Activities of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
At the end of August 2020, Andrei Plutnitsky was appointed head of the Department of Project Activities of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. He took this position, moving from Roszdravnadzor, in which he headed the territorial body (TO) of the department in Moscow and the Moscow region. Yevgeny Turyansky has been appointed acting head of the Moscow maintenance department of Roszdravnadzor, Vademec reports. Read more here.
Mikhail Murashko - the new Minister of Health of the Russian Federation
On January 21, 2020, Mikhail Murashko was appointed Minister of Health of the Russian Federation. Previously, he headed Roszdravnadzor. Read more here.
2012: Separation of the Ministry of Health from the Ministry of Health and Social Development
The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation was separated from the Ministry of Health and Social Development along with the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection by decree of Vladimir Putin of May 21, 2012. The president appointed Veronika Skvortsova as the head of the Ministry of Health. Rospotrebnadzor was separated from the department and repaired directly to the government.
2010: Golikova - the year was one of the most difficult in socio-economic terms
On March 25, 2011, at an expanded board in the Government House, Minister of Health and Social Development Tatyana Golikova summed up the results of 2010, calling it one of the most difficult in socio-economic terms[6]. She noted that the decisions taken in 2010, in particular to support low-income groups, despite the crisis, were the most significant in the last 10 years. In particular, the valorization of pension rights of citizens was carried out, social supplements to pensions were introduced, the size of which was lower than regional living wages. As a result, the average pension exceeded the pensioner's living wage. At the same time, the largest increases in pensions due to social supplements were established for recipients of pensions in cases of loss of the breadwinner and social pensions.
Social pensions were indexed twice a year, while the amount of indexation of benefits to citizens with children and monthly cash payments to certain categories of citizens exceeded the inflation rate. In December 2010, the average pension amounted to almost 7600 rubles, the old-age labor pension was 8200 rubles, which is 1.45 times higher than in 2009. The growth of pensions in real terms amounted to 35%. The average size of assigned pensions was 35.3% of the average accrued salary, while in 2009 - 27.8%.
According to Golikova, in 2010 it was possible to stabilize the situation in the labor sphere. The number of unemployed decreased from 6.6 million people in the first quarter of 2010 to 5.2 million people in the fourth quarter of 2010, and registered unemployed - from 2.2 million people to 1.6 million people. In 2010, real wages increased by 4.2%, despite the fact that a year earlier they decreased by 3.5%. Golikova recalled that in 2010, overdue wage arrears decreased by 1.5 times, and the number of part-time workers decreased from 725,000 people to 271,000 people, that is, 2.7 times, and the need for employers for workers increased by the beginning of 2011 1.36 times from 724,000 to 982,000 people.
According to Golikova, such results were achieved, among other things, thanks to state measures to promote employment. According to the Ministry of Health and Social Development, in 2010, the state helped 12.2 million people, including 456,000 who underwent retraining and advanced training, 793,000 took part in paid public works, 85,000 were employed in temporary work, 285,500 people received a subsidy to start their own business, 965,500 people were employed in temporary work, 24,800 university graduates were employed.
A special program was needed to localize problems at AvtoVAZ OJSC and Vyatsko-Polyansky Machine-Building Plant Molot OJSC. Special programs required the support of navigators and flight engineers, as well as a separate program was developed to support the labor market in the North Caucasus Federal District and in single-industry towns.
- ↑ Health will build a mega-data center
- ↑ The Accounts Chamber checked the implementation of the budget in the field of health care
- ↑ Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 27.10.2021 No. 1831 "On Approval of the Rules for Approval of Appointment to the Position of the Head of the Executive Body of the State Authority of the Constituent Entity of the Russian Federation in the Field of Health Protection
- ↑ The Duma adopted a law on the procedure for appointing health ministers in the regions
- ↑ Health ministers in the regions will be appointed in agreement with the Ministry of Health
- ↑ ixzz1Hb4MXWp9 the Ministry of Health and Social Development reported for 2010