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+ SberLogistics
+ Government of the Russian Federation

"Sberbank" is a logistics operator of a federal scale, developing its own warehouse infrastructure, courier delivery and a network of points of issue of orders in all regions of Russia. The company implements technological logistics solutions with uniform standards of service quality throughout the country and abroad for private and corporate clients.



Placing the program on Standoff Bug Bounty

SberLogistics has launched a vulnerability search program on Standoff Bug Bounty. Positive Technologies announced this on December 5, 2024. Read more here.

The leak from "Sberbank" allegedly occurred due to the lack of two-factor authentication

In February, the court published documents on the case of leakage of information from the information system "Sberbank," which occurred a year ago - in February 2023. The court recognized the leakage of 670017 lines of personal data of customers and 10756 records of employees of the company itself, which contain names, email addresses and phones. The amount of the fine was not disclosed to the operator in the court order, but a fine of up to 60 thousand rubles was imposed for similar offenses.

The court considered the intercepted administrator password to be the reason for the leakage of personal data of "Sberbank"

It should be noted that sources analyzing the leak data indicate that it contained two files - 671,474 and 691,548 lines. Moreover, in addition to the names, email addresses and phones recognized by the court, they also contain password hashes. Analysis of these credentials from more than 9.5 thousand pairs of email and password hash showed that 60% of them are unique. The leak dates back to no earlier than February 3 and no later than February 28, 2023.

At the same time, as a possible reason for the data leak, the court ruling cites the defendant's version: "compromising the administrator's password for access to the personal account of the SberLogistics virtual infrastructure management platform." This suggests that the virtual infrastructure administrator did not enable two-factor authentication - it is precisely designed so that a password leak does not lead to the possibility of outsiders logging in under it.

In principle, for administrators of personal data management systems, it is recommended not only to use popular methods of obtaining a one-time password using SMS confirmation or QR code, but to connect full two-factor authentication biometrics using either a hardware one-time password generator. Fortunately, now these technologies are already available enough for daily use. This is especially necessary in the case of using a cloud virtual infrastructure, which is available to any desired visitor. Internet Failure to comply with such methods of protecting the credentials of privileged users can lead to the above consequences.

2023: Data breach of hundreds of thousands of users and employees

At the end of February 2023, it became known about the leakage of data of hundreds of thousands of users and employees of the SberLogistics service. The company has begun a review.

According to the Data1eaks Telegram channel, which specializes in covering events related to high-profile information leaks, hackers posted two files with SberLogistics data in the public domain. One of them contains 671,476 lines with fields such as:

  • Name of the client;
  • Email (127,606 unique addresses);
  • Telephone (668 601 unique numbers);
  • Password hash with "salt";
  • Other technical information.

Two files with SberLogistics data got into open access

The second file contains 691,550 lines with the following fields:

  • Full name of the employee;
  • Employee telephones (10,335 unique numbers);
  • E-mail on the corporate domain;
  • Branch and position data;
  • Other technical information and operational actions.

Experts found that the data in the leak were received no earlier than February 3, 2023. According to them, hackers from the NLB group are behind the leak.

We check the information and its accuracy. Such messages arise often and, as a rule, are associated with fraudsters who are trying to sell compilations of old databases under the guise [1]of original ones, SberLogistics quotes Interfax as checking the statement of SberLogistics[1]

In turn, Sberbank said that various data related to the clients of the credit institution are presented on hacker resources on the Internet. These are compilations of various databases obtained as a result of hacking of contractor companies of Sberbank subsidiaries. There is no sensitive financial information in them, the bank assured.

They also added that, as a rule, speculation on leaks was provoked by fraudsters who trade in data compilations.[2]

2022: Warehouse launch in Novosibirsk

SberLogistics launches a warehouse in Novosibirsk for SberMegaMarket sales, which was announced by the latter on May 17, 2022.

The warehouse leased by SberLogistics with a total area of 4300 sq.m. will be used as a sorting center or a point for receiving goods from SberMegaMarket sellers within the first mile, as well as a fulfillment center for storing goods with a large range of logistics services. The companies expect that the initiative will significantly reduce the delivery time of orders to marketplace customers in the region, and will also expand the partner network by involving local manufacturers and distributors in cooperation.

The class A warehouse is located at Dargomyzhsky Street, 8V and is equipped with the latest technological equipment for processing more than 20,000 cargo items and online storage of an assortment of more than 250,000 units of goods. For safe unloading and loading, seven pre-levellers are provided, including for unloading trucks. The warehouse is also equipped with a high-rise rack system - a shelf mezzanine for storing goods. Electric loaders and electric chips are provided for quick unloading and placement.

As of May 2022, companies in the field retail e-commerce are rapidly reorganizing processes, solving problems with logistics, demand forecasting and delivery. You can maintain the availability of goods for consumers and support sales by using a completely ready-made marketplace infrastructure. Novosibirsk is a large Siberian city, the demand for buyers in which we are growing multiple times. Thus, the number of orders for SberMegaMarket Novosibirsk region from residents in the 1st quarter of 2022 increased by 3268% compared to the same period in 2021. We hope that the active launch of the warehouse and the opportunities we offer will contribute to the development of local sellers and allow us to become more competitive in the region in terms of delivery speed and service quality, said Anton Sizemin, Head of Sales Marketplace SberMegaMarket.

{{quote 'Novosibirsk is one of the priority regions for the development of our company's business. Providing the full range of logistics and warehouse services, we contribute to the development of e-commerce not only in Novosibirsk and the Novosibirsk region, but also enable buyers of the entire Siberian region to receive orders in the shortest possible time. Cooperation with our company will give the business community of the region a number of indisputable advantages - receiving orders through its own network of checkpoints and parcel delivery points, located within walking distance of the buyer, good courier delivery, refined operational processes that allow you to maintain a high level of quality and flexible pricing approach. I am sure that together we will be able to give a new impetus to business development to local manufacturers and sellers, - said Maria Zaytseva, Deputy General Director for Commerce of SberLogistics. }}

2021: More than 8,000 postamates installed

The federal logistics operator SberLogistics has crossed the mark of 8,000 posts throughout Russia. Sberbank announced this on July 7, 2021. In the capital, as of July 2021, there are more than 400 checkpoints and 415 points for issuing orders in Sberbank branches.

The expanded federal network of Sberbank checkpoints allows customers to even more efficiently plan their time and resources for receiving parcels and purchases from more than 10,000 online stores and marketplaces, including SberMegaMarket, iHerb, Chitai Gorod, Sunlight, Detsky Mir, etc. You can issue the parcel in the mobile version of SberBank Online, on the company's website and at the Sber branch. The cost of services depends on the weight, dimensions of the parcel and destination.

SberLogistics also analyzed its parcel traffic in the capital region and found out that most often Muscovites send parcels in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Moscow Region, Krasnodar and Krasnoyarsk Territories. Most of the parcels are received from Moscow and the Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Voronezh and Sverdlovsk regions. In the Moscow region, the number of shipments and the turnover of the service in 2021 increased 2 times compared to the same period in 2020, and the average weight of the parcel is about 2 kilograms.

{{quote 'author=said Vyacheslav Tsybulnikov, Vice President of Sberbank - Chairman of Moscow Bank. |

Expanding the network of checkpoints in the capital's branches of Sberbank allows Moscow residents to combine receiving or sending a parcel not only with solving such familiar financial issues as opening an account, receiving a card or withdrawing cash from ATMs, but also provides our customers with the opportunity to familiarize themselves, test with the help of a manager and purchase a product they like from the line of digital services of the Sberbank ecosystem,}}

{{quote 'author=noted Alexander Trapeznikov, CEO of SberLogistics. |

Our main task is to make delivery comfortable, accessible and timely for both the sending client and the receiving client. That is why we continue to actively expand the network. Our points of issue of orders and postamates are located in the branches of Sberbank. The convenience of the service consists in an understandable location, because usually everyone knows where the nearest bank office is located, and therefore can choose where and when you can receive or send a parcel,}}


Performance indicators

  • 42 regions with their own courier service, with more than 500 satellite cities serviced
  • 26,000 settlements geography of partner delivery networks
  • More than 1,100 full-time employees
  • More than 100 thousand square meters of warehouse space in 5 cities
  • More than 500 fleet units
  • Own regular long-distance trunk routes
  • Agency agreements with Aeroflot, UTair and S7
  • 15,000 courier deliveries per day
  • 24-hour contact center
  • Operational quality above 97%
  • By July 1, 2500 points for receiving and issuing parcels in Sberbank branches
  • By July 1, 1000 posts in Sberbank branches (growth to 10 thousand during the year)

"We have created from scratch a federal-scale logistics company with its own extensive infrastructure and a competitive product line in order to make high-quality logistics services from the first to the last mile available throughout Russia," says Sergey Malyshev, CEO of Sberbank. - Our products are integrated into the bank's sales channels and all digital platforms, including the Sberbank Online mobile application for more than 25 million private clients and the personal accounts of 2.5 million corporate clients of the bank in Sberbank Business Online. Infrastructure capabilities and quality of service have already been appreciated by many leading players in the e-commerce market, such as Beru, AliExpress, M-Video, DNS Digital Store (DNS Computer Center), ASNA pharmacy network, MTS, Leomax, Mothercare, Shop & Show and many others. Today we have passed the stage of formation, created basic things. The next stage is to scale infrastructure and bring innovative solutions to market for business and people. "

Appearance of Sberbank and Sberbank services in Sberbank Business Online

On April 27, 2020 Sberbank , he announced that, together with Sberbank logistic , services were launched in - Internetbank Sberbank Business Online. More than 2.5 million legal entities can connect the services of Sberbank in a few minutes via SberBusiness ID. The contract is formed automatically without paper documents, and immediately after its confirmation, corporate customers can deliver goods throughout the country on a postpaid basis.

Two products are available for sending correspondence and parcels to Sberbank Business Online users - Sberbank and Sberbank. Read more here.


Agreement with Hermes to issue parcels at 1635 points

On December 16, 2019, Sberbank announced that the logistics company SberLogistics is expanding the network of parcel delivery points in cooperation with the federal network of delivery offices Hermes Russia. By agreement between the companies, SberLogistics customers will be able to receive their parcels at any of the 1635 points of the Hermes network throughout Russia from the beginning of 2020.

The project with Hermes is a step towards the implementation of our company's strategy to form a federal network of parcel delivery points within walking distance for customers. We are on the path of creating a network not only with the greatest geographical coverage, but also with a high density of points in order to be closer to our customers and provide them with a truly convenient and affordable service. That is why SberLogistics, along with the development of its own infrastructure, is actively increasing its partner networks,
said Sergey Malyshev, CEO of SberLogistics

Having entered the market in November 2019, SberLogistics already in December 2019 has a network of 6,000 points for receiving and issuing parcels. In 2020, they will be supplemented by more than 2,000 checkpoints in stores, Dixy 2,500 branches of Sberbank and 5,000 checkpoints in 800 cities of Russia. The 19 largest Russian cities operate their own courier service SberLogistics, in 465 - partner courier networks. In addition, the company is building a federal warehouse architecture. Class A storage areas are open in, To Moscow,, and St. Petersburg Yekaterinburg. Vladivostok Rostov-on-Don

We are glad to start cooperation with SberLogistics, an element of the Sberbank ecosystem. Service and geography of points of issue - we have created all the conditions in order to meet any needs of customers. Hermes has the experience of successful cooperation with large logistics companies and online stores, and it will undoubtedly be in demand within the Sberbank ecosystem. Strategic partners and their special needs are an excellent incentive for the development of our company and the evolution of its services,
noted Alexey Shulev, CEO of Hermes Russia

The convenient location of pick-up points on the main city routes and in the most popular locations makes Hermes the best choice for consumers who regularly order goods in online stores. Another tangible plus in favor of Hermes in the eyes of consumers is a convenient mode of operation, most focused on residents of megacities.

Agreement with "I take" on delivery of orders to marketplace customers

On November 28, 2019, TAdviser became aware that the Beru marketplace and the Sberbank company signed an agreement on the delivery of orders to service users. Now Sberbank will pick up orders from the logistics centers of Beru, sort them in their own warehouses and deliver them to customers by courier or to pick-up points. Read more here.

Shiptor acquired by Sberbank and will become part of SberLogistics

On July 30, 2019, Sberbank announced the acquisition of the logistics company Shiptor, which will become part of the SberLogistics business. On the basis of the aggregator, the SberLogistics platform will be built, integrated with all Sberbank systems and ecosystem services. Read more here.

Company registration

On May 29, 2019, the company was registered in the unified state register and began implementing a strategy for the development of logistics services within the Sberbank ecosystem.