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Sber Trading Swiss


Since 2019




+ Government of the Russian Federation

Performance Indicators

2020: Increase in portfolio to $3 billion

The trading subsidiary company of Sberbank Sber Trading Swiss AG which is based in the Canton of Zug (Switzerland) summed up on January 20, 2021 the work results in 2020.

Having built from scratch infrastructure and an operational model, our new trading company a little more than for half a year of operating activities showed an excellent financial result. Our colleagues in Sber Trading Swiss AG managed to conclude sign bargains in power, agriculture and basic metals, to increase a portfolio to 3 billion US dollars and to show operating profit in difficult conditions of a koronakrizis, - Anatoly Popov, the vice chairman of the board of Sberbank said.

As noted, the company created in October, 2019 acts as the central link of the international commodity and raw business of Sber. So, Sber Trading Swiss AG offers clients:

  • the international commodity financing through products of prepayment and the postponed payment of physical supply of raw materials;
  • international purchase and sale of raw materials;
  • monetization of trade inventories (raw a repo) on oil and oil products, gas, bulk and agricultural goods, basic metals.

The company provides not only financing, but also all range of examination, acting as the buyer of goods and the supplier of hedging for clients. In the next plans — expansion of a product line and the international transactions in commodities markets with a support on a reliable payplayn of transactions, strong client communications with producers of raw materials in Russia and the CIS.


2020: Opening of office in Switzerland

On May 29, 2020 Sberbank announced continuation of expansion of presence in commodity markets and opens office of the trading company in the Canton of Zug, Switzerland. Sber Trading Swiss AG will become the central link of the international commodity and raw business of Sberbank.

Sber Trading Swiss

Planned opening of office became the international addition to the existing Russian trade infrastructure of PJSC Sberbank for precious metals and also local transactions with raw products within the company "SB Syryevoy LLC trading".

The Sber Trading Swiss AG company specializes in the international transactions with raw materials — oil and oil products, coal, metals, bulk and agricultural goods. Strategy relies on the existing strong client links of Sberbank with producers and processors of raw materials in Russia and the CIS and will allow to increase and diversify the international transactions of group of Sberbank in commodities markets.

At the time of opening the company offers clients of service:

  • on the international purchase and sale of raw materials, their storage, transportation and sale;
  • on the international commodity financing through products of prepayment and the postponed payment of physical supply of raw materials;
  • on monetization of trade inventories (raw the Repo) on oil, oil products, metals, bulk and agricultural goods.

Opening of own raw trader is reaching qualitatively other level in trade in raw materials in the world market. We calculate that Sber Trading Swiss AG will strengthen our position as one of operators — providers of solutions for clients in the international and local trade in raw materials, to structural financing and strategic hedging. The company will be focused on transactions with raw materials in international markets — oil and oil products, coal, metals, bulk and agricultural goods. We are going to work first of all with clients of bank, producers and processors of raw materials in Russia and the CIS, and we will carry out the first transactions in the 3rd quarter 2020,
told Anatoly Popov, the vice chairman of the board of Sberbank

Denis Lunin who was earlier engaged in development of commodity and raw business and businesses with fixed income in a number of the Russian and international banks is appointed the CEO of the company.