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Баннер в шапке 2

National association of biobanks and biobankirovaniye (NASBIO) specialists



+ Government of the Russian Federation
+ Scientific center of obstetrics, gynecology and perinatology of V.I. Kulakov

2019: Creation of association

On April 9, 2019 was it is announced creation by the first in Russia association in the field of biobanking thanks to which it is going to conduct effective search of new therapeutic and diagnostic methods, to identify the biomarkers defining efficiency and security of some methods of treatment.

The national association of biobanks and biobankirovaniye (NASBIO) specialists is created Russia with assistance of the Ministry of Health, TASS with reference to the press service of department reports.

In Russia the association of biobanking appeared

NASBIO it is designed to combine efforts of the Russian specialists in the field of biobanking, to establish their cooperation with prof community. The association intends to implement in practice of the Russian biobanks of the uniform standards and methodical approaches accepted in the international practice, to promote development and projects implementation with the research centers and pharmaceutical companies, to develop cooperation with the international profile organizations (ISBER, BBMRI-ERIC, etc.) and also to provide training.

 The Center of strategic planning and management of medicobiological risks to health,  the Skolkovo institute of science and technologies,  NMITs of obstetrics, gynecology and perinatology of  Kulakov,  "NMITs of preventive medicine" of the Russian Ministry of Health,  medico-genetic scientific center, etc. became participants of association.[1]

Biobankirovaniye becomes in Russia not only the integrating link between the medical centers and biomedical developers, but also the driver of the most research activity — the CEO National Bioservice Vitaly Prutsky says. — Significant progress in this direction, in particular, in the field of involvement of the Russian participants in global process R&D, and, as a result, quality improvement and the level of developments according to international standards is obvious.
