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Gas Fund Pension Savings




+ Government of the Russian Federation
+ Rosneft of the Tax Code
+ Nowfinteh

NPF Gazfond Pension Savings JSC specializes in non-state pension provision and compulsory pension insurance.


2021: Investments in Gazprombank securities

Non-state pension funds in 2021 invested 264 billion rubles in securities and deposits of related banks. Pension funds of citizens - more than 7% of the total portfolio of funds.

The record holder was NPFs of the Gazprombank group, which had 127 billion rubles of such investments. (11.4% of the portfolio). In particular, Gazfond for more than 80 billion rubles. owns Gazprombank shares. Gazfond Pension Savings owns Severgazbank worth 7 billion rubles. In addition, these two funds invested more than 33 billion rubles in the bonds of GPB itself. Included in the group of NPF "Diamond Autumn" placed deposits in the same bank for 1.9 billion rubles.

2020: Purchase from Alrosa NPF Diamond Autumn

On July 20, 2020, the Republican specialized registrar Yakutsk Stock Center registered the transfer of ownership of shares of NPF Almaznaya Autumn JSC from AK ALROSA to NPF Gazfond Pension Savings JSC. This was reported by "ALROSA."

As a result of the transaction, 99.75% of the shares of NPF Almaznaya Autumn became the property of NPF GAZFOND pension savings. After the closing of the transaction, a shareholder agreement was concluded between the shareholders. It provides for a three-year period from the date of its signing a ban on the acquisition or accession of the Fund without the consent of all shareholders, as well as the right of the shareholder who owns the remaining 0.25% of the shares to participate in the work of the Board of Directors of the Fund. At the end of this period, the main shareholder buys the remaining shares and becomes the sole shareholder of the Fund. Read more here.


As of January 2019, 55% of the shares of NPF Gazfond Pension Savings are controlled by the founder of the brokerage company Alor"," Anatoly Gavrilenko 35% belong, Gazfond another 10% -. To Gazprombank[1]
