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Prime Group


Revenue millions Ths. rub

Number of employees
2014 year


+ Government of the Russian Federation

A company that offers design and implementation services, information technology performing the functions of a system integrator for ministries, departments, banks, oil and gas companies and other organizations and enterprises of various forms of ownership. Prime Group provides a full range of services for the supply and technical support of equipment, development and maintenance, ON design and construction of telecommunication networks, as well as for the development of the information infrastructure of customer companies.

Performance indicators

2021: Revenue growth by 51.3% to RUB 4,822 million

At the end of 2021, Prime Group's revenue amounted to 4,822 million rubles, an increase of 51.3% compared to 2020, which allowed it to take 103rd place in the ranking of TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia 2022. The revenue from the financial statements for 2020-2021 is indicated. Excluding VAT.


2022: Rosenergoatom bought Prime Group

In early May 2022, it became known about the sale of the developer of geoinformation systems "Prime Group" to the concern "Rosenergoatom," which already has its own IT integrator "Greenatom." The financial terms of the transaction were not disclosed. Freedom Finance analyst Vladimir Chernov estimated it at $20-30 million and noted that Prime Group is attractive for its extensive experience in the IT sector, especially in the industrial sector and the fuel and energy complex.

Chernov also drew attention to the fact that Greenatom was formed only in 2019, and Prime Group has been operating on the market since 1999, so he has much more experience and IT solutions.

Rosenergoatom bought a developer of geoinformation systems
If Greenatom mainly specializes in improving the efficiency of service functions (accounting and audit, personnel management, IT support and project office), then Prime Group is a system integrator with vast experience in implementing IT projects of various complexity. In particular, Prime Group develops and implements IT solutions for the fuel and energy complex, as well as for the financial and industrial sector, the expert said.

In his opinion, the synergy of the two integrators should have a positive effect on the final IT solutions of the company. But it is likely that Prime Group will simply take on more complex development tasks, and information technology Greenatom will continue to improve the efficiency of servicing functions.

Among the most significant projects that Prime Group indicates in the reference list attached to various competitive applications, there are also works for Rosatom State Corporation. Thus, in 2019-2020 Prime Group completed a set of work on the installation of the Virtual Prototyping Center facility for Rosenergoatom. In addition, the company was engaged in certification of workplaces for Atomenergoproekt and ensured the automation of business processes in the IS of the Rosatom security service[1]

The deal was documented in August 2022. The company "" included in Rosenergoatom Atomdata-Integration received 49% in Prime Group, Dmitry Milovantsev got rid of his share. The remaining participants retained 17% each.


Former son-in-law of Mishustin Udodov left the integrator "Prime Group"

As TAdviser found out, in August 2021, Alexander Udodov, the former son-in-law of Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, ceased to be a co-owner of the Prime Group integrator. According to the database of legal entities Kontur.Fokus, "its share in 12.5% of the authorized capital passed to the ex-Deputy Minister of Communications Dmitry Milovantsev, who now owns 25% of the company.

Shares of 25% of Prime Group are also with David Faradzhev, Alexander Bogdyl and Sergei Ryzhkov. Until April, 51% of Prime Group belonged to David Faradzhev, and then this percentage decreased in favor of Bogdyl and Ryzhkov.

Alexander Udodov became a co-owner of Prime Group at the beginning of 2021 "(photo - Facebook)"

Alexander Udodov and Dmitry Milovantsev became co-owners of Prime Group in early 2021. A few months after that, Prime Group won the largest tender in its history - to create the first stage of the data center of the unified automated information system of the Federal Customs Service in Tver, according to the data of the public procurement portal. The volume of the state contract concluded in June 2021 amounted to 3.145 billion rubles.

This amount is comparable to the revenue of Prime Group LLC in 2020, when it amounted to 3.2 billion rubles, an increase of 74%. Net profit in 2020 reached 38.1 million rubles. In the previous few years, the company's turnover was kept at the level of 2-3 billion rubles.

A little earlier, in June 2021, Udodov left another IT company, where he had a share -|GDC Energy Group, a cloud solutions provider operating under the GDCcloud brand. In 2015, Udodov owned it by 70%, and the remaining 30% belonged to Euro Line LLC. In 2020 , NRB-Capital received 16% in GDC Energy Group. And from June 2021, 99.9% of this company is listed as "Date Services Holding s.A R.L.," registered in Luxembourg. The share in 0.1% of GDC Energy Group is now with Vostok Mobile B.V., a subsidiary of MTS, based in the Netherlands.

Alexander Udodov at the time of publication of the material could not comment on TAdviser his departure from the co-owners of Prime Group and GDC Energy Group. Prime Group itself also did not provide comment.

Apparently, Alexander Udodov decided to more actively develop his real estate business. According to Kontur. Focus, two new companies appeared in its assets in 2021: in May - Altair Prom LLC, which works in the field of rental and real estate management, in June - Russul LLC with a similar activity profile. For more information about Udodov's existing and new businesses, see his profile on the TAdviser portal.

New co-owners of Prime Group - Alexander Udodov and Dmitry Milovantsev

As TAdviser found out, in February 2021, Prime Group had new co-owners: Dmitry Milovantsev and Alexander Udodov. They received 12.5% each in the authorized capital of the company.

A 51% stake in Prime Group is owned by David Faradzhev. Another 12% of the company is owned by Alexander Bogdyl and Sergey Ryzhkov.

Dmitry Milovantsev in the early 2000s served as Deputy Minister of the Russian Federation for Communications and Informatization, and in 2004-2008. was Deputy Minister of IT and Communications of the Russian Federation. After his dismissal from Ministry of Communications in 2008-2010. was chairman of the board of directors of the Zelenograd plant "" and Angstrom was a member of the board of the group of companies Armada"." And since 2017, he worked as an adviser, who at Mikhail Oseevsky that time held the post of president. "Rostelecom

Dmitry Milovantsev (pictured left) and Alexander Udodov acquired 12.5% of Prime Group each "(photo -, alexanderevgenievichudodov/Facebook)"

According to the database of legal entities Kontur.Fokus, "Milovantsev, together with Udodov, also owns a firm in the field of architecture - Aforra Engineering LLC. They own 25% and 75% shares in this company, respectively. In 2019, the revenue of this company was about 8 million rubles.

Since 2008, Alexander Udodov has been married to Natalya Stenina, sister of Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin[2] is [3] In December 2020, Interfax reported that they divorced[4]. According to the database of legal entities Kontur. Focus, "Udodov is the main shareholder of the company" Mushroom Rainbow, "which is engaged in the production of champignons in the Kursk region. It is the largest vertically integrated producer of fresh mushrooms and raw materials for mushroom production in Russia.

And of the IT assets, according to Kontur. Focus, Udodov's portfolio also includes GDC Energy Group, a cloud solution provider operating under the GDCcloud brand. Udodov owns 54% of this company.

Earlier, Alexander Udodov was also engaged in retail real estate in Moscow, in particular, invested in the Moscow shopping and office complexes Gimeney and Yakimanka 26, which he sold at the end of 2019. Udodov, like Mishustin, was part of the Sportima amateur hockey club.

Prime Group has a 9 percent stake in Irene Light Systems LLC, which is based in Skolkovo. The company was established in 2016. Its main activity is indicated scientific research and development in the field of natural and technical sciences. And the main owner of the company is Alexei Leshchev, who also has a stake in the Udmurt recruitment company and a stake in Agrokibernetika.

By the standards of the Russian IT market, Prime Group is a rather large company: its revenue in 2019 was about 1.8 billion rubles. The company received a net profit of 33.2 million rubles, according to the database of legal entities Kontur.Focus. " It also follows that for the entire existence of Prime Group, it acted as a contractor for government contracts totaling about 3 billion rubles.

The largest projects on state contracts for Prime Group were: the development of an industry automated informatization system of the Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning of the city of Moscow (382.7 million rubles), work on the creation of an information and communication infrastructure of the data center for Rosstat (205 million rubles).

The top three also includes a contract with Rosstat for work related to the development of an automated system for the preparation, conduct, processing of materials and obtaining the results of the All-Russian Agricultural Census at the federal level (about 164 million rubles).

Rosstat can be called one of the main customers of Prime Group: for all the time the company has concluded about 20 contracts with the department. And from other large government agencies-clients of Prime Group, the Pension Fund can be cited.

Among other major clients of Prime Group are Gazprom, which implemented the industry geological and geophysical information system (OGGIS), Lukoil, for which the company developed and accompanied GIS Subsoil Use, Norilsk Nickel, for which a subsystem for visualizing objects of the land and property complex was implemented, etc. Several projects were completed by Prime Group for the Bank of Russia.

The company also collaborated with regional government agencies: for example, it implemented a number of projects in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra.

Prime Group told TAdviser that due to the intensification of the trend of digitalization of the economy and import substitution, there is a rapid growth of the entire Russian IT market. Significant experience and knowledge of new partners will positively affect the expansion of the company's portfolio of solutions and will help attract additional investments in the development of promising areas, Prime Group expects.

Today, the company is implementing a strategic development plan for its key competencies. We create unique software developments, complex technical projects, and attracting new partners enables the company to reach a new level with its solutions, increase competitiveness, offer our customers the most modern information technologies, "says Maxim Lukichev, CEO of Prime Group.

2020: Revenue - RUB 3,186 million

At the end of 2020, Prime Group's revenue amounted to 3,186 million rubles.


Prime Group has three project departments - the Department of State and Public Organizations, the Department of Fuel and Energy Complex and the Department of Financial and Industrial Organizations, which work in cooperation with the Engineering and Technical Center of the company, in turn, including: the Department of Information and Management Systems, the Department of ACS, the Department of System Solutions and the Department of Information Protection.

Products and Services

Prime Group offers comprehensive design, implementation and support services:

Automated Control Systems

  • system integration;
  • Design, Development, Supply and Commissioning:
  • automated process control systems (PCS)
  • emergency protection systems (ESD) at oil and gas facilities;
  • commercial metering units for oil, petroleum products and gas condensate;
  • automated power consumption monitoring, accounting and control systems (AICMS);
  • automation systems of utilities and power supply facilities

Geoinformation Systems (GIS)

  • Delivery, orthophotototransformation and decryption of data of aerial and space images, creation and updating of digital maps
  • Creation of thematic GIS based on heterogeneous data: environmental, cadastral, property, etc.
  • GIS Integration - Solutions with Enterprise Applications and Other Information Analytics Systems
  • Implementation of specific analytical models and modules for GIS

Software products

  • Audit, consulting on creation of new, reengineering and improvement of existing information systems for automation of customer's business processes
  • Implementation of integrated enterprise management systems based on SAP ERP systems R/3
  • Creation of Document Management and Workflow Systems
  • Create web information portals and portal solutions.

Telecommunications systems

  • Development of projects, construction and commissioning of data transmission networks, using wired and wireless technologies, including high-speed satellite channels.
  • Building Classic and IP Telephony Systems
  • Protecting information systems from unauthorized access, virus and hacker attacks, building secure corporate VPN networks.

Infrastructure solutions

  • Build solutions to support your critical business areas.
  • Create and implement enterprise storage and backup solutions
  • Develop projects to create or improve the customer's IT infrastructure
  • Support for fault-tolerant operation of information systems

Service center

Since its inception, Prime Group's Hardware Solutions and Telecommunications Department has included the Service Department (Service Center), which provides the following services:

  • Maintenance of computer and office equipment at the customer (warranty and post-warranty)
  • Customer Information System Maintenance
  • Planning and development of the customer's IE


In June 2010, the company confirmed the validity of certificates of compliance of the quality management system (QMS) with the requirements of GOST R ISO 9001-2001 (ISO 9001-2000) standards. The confirmation was received based on the results of the annual internal audit in the company and inspection control, which was carried out by the specialists of OJSC VNIIS on June 4, 2010.

This certificate certifies that QMS in relation to development, design, production, system integration, supply, installation, commissioning, implementation, maintenance, maintenance and consulting in the field of information management, geographic and banking automated systems, communication systems, information security, engineering and automated accounting; system integration, delivery, installation, commissioning, implementation, maintenance, maintenance and consulting in the field of computer and microprocessor equipment, office equipment and communication equipment, automation, measurement and communication equipment; geodetic, cartographic and construction works; production and supply of derivative materials of space and aerial photographs meets the requirements of GOST R ISO 9001-2001 (ISO 9001-2000).

