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Chief Scientific Innovation Computing Center. Until 2016, GNIVC of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

Federal Tax Service (FTS)
Federal Agency for State Property Management (Federal Property Management Agency)


Number of employees



+ Federal Tax Service (FTS)
+ Government of the Russian Federation

JSC Main Scientific Innovation Computing Center (formerly the Main Research Computing Center of the Federal Tax Service of Russia) is one of the leaders in the Russian market in the field of automation of complex business processes.

GNIVC has many years of experience working with government agencies and commercial organizations, provides a full range of services for the design and development of automated information systems, software systems, their implementation and maintenance throughout the life cycle.

For more than 45 years, GNIVC has been the developer of an automated information system. FTS Russia The software systems developed by GNIVC are used by tax authorities and taxpayers.

At the end of 2024, the center's staff has over 1800 employees in 8 regions of Russia, which allows you to quickly resolve the issues of introducing and maintaining automation tools. Most employees are highly qualified specialists in the development of complex automated systems, consulting and information technologies and in the field of information security, certified by world manufacturers of software and hardware.

JSC GNIVC has its own training and methodological center.

Information technologies in the Federal Tax Service

Main item: Federal Tax Service (information systems)


2024: Participation in TAdviser SummIT

GNIVC will talk about the peculiarities of analytics in the public sector as part of the TAdviser SummIT 2024: the best IT practices in Russia "summit of the IT in the public sector section. Read more here.

2023: Data breach

In early May 2023, it became known about the leakage of data from the state "Main Scientific Innovative Implementation Center" (GNIVC), subordinate to the Federal Tax Service (FTS) of Russia.

According to the magazine "Company," the merged archive contains many internal servers with databases, scripts, keys, valid certificates and instructions. In addition, there are databases of developers of the Federal Tax Service itself and projects. The hackers decided not to demonstrate working versions of the tax products.

It became known about the leakage of data from the state "Main Scientific Innovative Implementation Center" (GNIVC)

According to the publication, at the disposal of which was the merged archive, on the servers of the GNIVC there was a "huge amount of data" on the Bank of Russia, the Federal Tax Service, the Ministry of Finance and other government agencies. According to the hackers, they managed to hack more than a hundred servers.

They gave some people this data for processing, they tried to negotiate with GNIVC. But apparently, nothing came of it, "they said.

The Federal Tax Service of Russia denied reports of a leak of taxpayer data. The department said the following:

During the study of the archive published in the public domain<…>, it was revealed that this file was received by hackers during the incident on November 10, 2022. It is worth noting that this is not the first time that attackers have published fragments of the same array of data files. "

The press service of the department noted the lack of new information in the "leaked" file. The Internal Revenue Service estimates that it also contains "generated information."

The Federal Tax Service also recalled that GNIVC JSC is not and was not an organization that exploits state information resources operated by the tax service.

All taxpayer data, as well as GNIVC infrastructure, are still safe and reliably protected, the Federal Tax Service assured.[1]


As of July 2017, the center's staff totaled over 800 employees in 6 regions of Russia. At that time, GNIVC JSC had its own educational and methodological center and a testing laboratory of software. At the end of 2017, the number of employees was 971.

2016: Transformation into GNIVC JSC

Logo in 2017

On May 5, 2016, information appeared on the website that the federal state unitary enterprise "Main Scientific Research Computing Center of the Federal Tax Service" (FSUE GNIVTS) FTS Russia was reorganized into the joint-stock company "Main Scientific Innovative Implementation Center" (JSC GNIVTS) (Certificate state of registration of a legal entity in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities dated May 06, 2016 series 77 No. 017806250).

JSC GNIVC is the legal successor of FSUE GNIVC of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for all its rights and obligations, including for all contracts concluded by FSUE GNIVC of the Federal Tax Service of Russia. For more than 25 years, GNIVC has been the developer of the automated information system of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

The founder of the center is the Russian Federation represented by the Federal Agency for State Property Management.
