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Depositary of Sberbank


Financial services, investments and audit
Since 1997
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
Vavilov St., 19 (Operational hall, 2nd floor, section 28-29)



+ Government of the Russian Federation

The depositary of PJSC Sberbank is one of the largest bank depositaries of Russia and offers the clients (residents or nonresidents of the Russian Federation) a full range of depository services with securities of the Russian and foreign issuers in all regions of the Russian Federation. Depository activity is performed by PJSC Sberbank since 1997.

Depository service

For December, 2019 Sberbank offers a broad spectrum of the depository services including:

  • opening of all account types of the depot necessary for accounting and transition of the rights on the Russian and foreign securities;
  • storage and accounting of the property rights to securities, including storage and accounting of documentary/not issued securities;
  • carrying out depository operations on the security transactions, including using correspondent accounts of depot of Sberbank of Russia in the international settlement clearing centers Clearstream Banking and Euroclear Bank;
  • encumbrance by obligations of securities: registration and accounting of mortgage transactions;
  • carrying out corporate actions of issuers: consolidation, converting, crushing, participation in shareholder meetings by proxy;
  • payment of income for securities, securities redemption and coupons of securities.

Information technologies in Sberbank

Main article: Information technologies in Sberbank

History and performance indicators


The volume of client assets - 9 trillion rubles

Client assets stored in Depositary of Sberbank reached 9 trillion rubles. On December 18, 2019 reported about it in Sberbank. The total quantity of the clients serviced by Depositary exceeded 1.2 million. This digit includes retail and corporate clients and also financial institutions.

The factory for service of electronic mortgages from all regions of Russia is let into Depositaries. In December, 2019 the Depositary registers more than 18 thousand e-mortgages — an absolute majority of all electronic mortgages in the country.

In 2019 the Depositary of Sberbank began to provide direct access on the Russian market to large international banks and sovereign funds from Europe, Asia and America. Process automation allows the international clients to perform operations with the same speed, as to the Russian market participants.

Implementation of the latest technologies helps to provide to our clients the advanced services. In December, 2019 the Depositary of Sberbank put into the commercial operation decentralized depository a blockchain system which we implemented on the MasterChain platform together with Fintekh association. At the initial stage we will use this system for accounting of e-mortgages, and in process of improvement of technology it can be extended also to other types of securities, - Yury Dubin, the director of depositary of Sberbank said.

An opportunity for clients to give depository instructions more than in 40 points in Russia

According to information for December, 2019 clients of Depositary of PJSC Sberbank can give depository instructions and receive performance reports of operations in more than 40 points of depository service across the territory of Russia. For information exchange with clients the Bank uses different types of remote service, including systems Sberbank Online and SWIFT.

The depository accounting is carried out in the centralized automated information system Depositary (development of PJSC Sberbank) conforming to requirements for conducting depository accounting imposed by regulating documents of the Russian Federation and also has high degree of security and fault tolerance.

Depositary of Sberbank - bank custodian of the international depositary banks

For December, 2019 the Depositary of public joint stock company Sberbank acts as bank custodian of the international Depositary banks The Bank of New York Mellon, J.P. Morgan and Citigroup on storage and accounting of an underlying asset for release and repayment of depositary receipts (ADR/GDR).