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TSMU (Pacific State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation)



+ Government of the Russian Federation


2023: Agreement with Astroy to create an authorized training center

September 12, 2023 Astra Group of Companies" state medical and the Pacific University (FSBEI HE THMU) Ministry of Health of Russia secured the partnership by signing an agreement.

An authorized training center of the Astra Group of Companies will be created on the basis of the FSBEI HE TSMU of the Ministry of Health of Russia. For this, already in October 2023, university teachers will be trained according to the programs of courses of the Russian developer and in the future will be able to acquaint both medical students with domestic IT products as part of advanced training courses and everyone. Training is planned for five programs:

  • OCAstra Linux Special Edition 1.7 for users;
  • administration of Astra Linux Special Edition 1.7;
  • Advanced administration of Astra Linux Special Edition 1.7;
  • network administration of Astra Linux Special Edition 1.7;
  • security in Astra Linux Special Edition 1.7.

A training class equipped with a domestic operating system will appear in the authorized training center of Astra Group of Companies. In the future, the partners intend to jointly develop educational programs for students taking into account the medical orientation of the university, to create educational and methodological materials for courses and disciplines on the development of Astra Linux OS and software products of Astra Group of Companies. In addition, the parties agreed on the implementation of projects and educational initiatives to study, implement and maintain information systems based on developer solutions. The university plans to create a demonstration stand for domestic infrastructure IT solutions and a complete transition to Russian software.

Informatization and digitalization deeply affect all aspects of our activities. In order to increase the efficiency of the health care system in our country at the state level, within the framework of the national project "Health," the federal project "Creating a single digital health care circuit based on Uniform State Health Information System" is being implemented. Our university, in the preparation of new and advanced training of practitioners, does everything necessary to ensure that both of them acquire competencies that allow them to work effectively in the context of digital health care and the transition to domestic software. In this regard, within the framework of the development program, when implementing the Priority-2030 program, we create a laboratory of digital medical technologies and actively cooperate with Astra Group of Companies not only for the purpose of our own transition to domestic software, but also for the purpose of positioning the university as a "conductor" of such a transition for medical organizations of the Primorsky Territory and the Far Eastern Federal District.
said Valentin Borisovich Shumatov, Rector of the Pacific State Medical University, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

{{quote 'author = noted Anton Yuryevich Bugretsov, Commercial Director of Astra Group. | The medical sphere is one of the key segments that must be transferred to domestic solutions in the near future. This is due to both personal data and the security of their processing, as well as the preservation of medical secrecy when transferring information about patients in information systems. Our partnership with TSMU, an important step towards solving the problem of switching medical organizations to domestic IT products and training doctors to work with them. Because it is not easy to transfer all systems to Russian solutions, it is important that users can effectively interact with them.}}