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Urban technology


Information Technology
Since 2017
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
308034, Belgorod region, st. Koroleva, d. 2A, bldg. 2, office 309

Top managers:
Zhernova Fedor Evgenievich



+ Urban technology
+ Government of the Russian Federation

The group of companies "City Technologies" (LLC) specializes in the development of software solutions for the transport industry.


2022: Purchase of 75% of the authorized capital of City Technologies LLC by the Rosatom structure

RuSat Infrastructure Solutions (RIR, part of the State Corporation Rosatom"") December 21, 2022 announced TAdviser the acquisition of 75% of the authorized capital of the City Technologies Group of Companies, a developer software in the region. transport The relevant agreement was signed by the parties in. To Moscow The value of the transaction was not disclosed.

Структура «Росатома» купила 75% Russian software developer for the transportation industry

According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the share in the amount of 74.9% of the authorized capital of City Technologies was received by Digital Platforms and Smart City Solutions JSC, which is part of the management loop of Rusat Infrastructure Solutions (RIR). Directly, the company "RuSat Infrastructure Solutions" became the owner of a share in the amount of 0.1% of the authorized capital. Under the terms of the agreement, Fyodor Zhernova remains the general director and co-founder of the City Technologies Group of Companies with a share of the authorized capital of 25%.

With the closure of this transaction, RIR expects to expand the line of digital products in the direction of intelligent transport systems (ITS) and transport infrastructure. As of December 2022, the City Technologies Group of Companies has about 40 digital products, including solutions in the field of organizing parking space, video surveillance, weight and size control, intelligent transport systems, etc.

"Transport infrastructure is one of the key areas of the territory's life support and an important element of Smart City. Combining the competencies of our companies will expand the range of solutions for transport, offer cities and regions domestic import-independent technologies that will make the management of the transport complex more efficient and the life of citizens more comfortable and safe, "said Ksenia Sukhotina, General Director of RuSat Infrastructure Solutions JSC.

Rosatom is dynamically developing the IT direction, expanding its presence in the market of solutions for urban management, housing and communal services, and transport. I am sure that together with the state corporation, the company will receive new opportunities for development, and our partners and customers will receive comprehensive solutions for the digital transformation of all major areas of urban life, "said Fyodor Zhernovoy, founder and founder of the Urban Technologies Group of Companies.

The introduction of intelligent transport systems is one of the main directions for the development of Smart City technologies in Russia. Digitalization of the operation of the transport complex leads to a reduction in accidents, a decrease in traffic jams, optimization of traffic flow, predictable and transparent work of urban transport, and also provides an operational response to emergency and emergency situations. RIR specialists are implementing ITS projects in several regions of Russia, including Vologda, Belgorod, etc.