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RIR Rosatom Infrastructure Solutions


Information Technology
Since 2018
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
40 Bolshaya Ordynka Street, Building 1, Moscow, 119017

Financial results
2020 year
Revenue: 14 millions Ths. rub
Number of employees
2020 year



+ RIR (Rosatom Infrastructure Solutions)
+ Government of the Russian Federation

Rosatom Infrastructure Solutions JSC is a division of Rosatom State Corporation, a diversified holding company operating in the power, IT and housing and communal sectors for 2022.



The Company manages the non-nuclear generation of ROSATOM State Corporation, implements projects to digitalize municipal and regional management, modernize resource supply, and develop the urban environment.

The generating capacities of the company and heating networks for 2022 are located in 17 regions of Russia, including the facilities of PJSC Quadra, which became part of the company in 2022. The total installed electric capacity of power plants is more than 4 GW, thermal - about 20 thousand. Gcal/h. Various projects in the field of digitalization and housing and communal services are being implemented in more than 30 cities from Murmansk to Sakhalin.

For 2021, the company's assets included:

  • Management company in Moscow
  • Branch in the city of Glazov,
  • Branch in the city of Novouralsk,
  • Branch in the city, Seversk
  • Branch in the city of Krasnokamensk,
  • NIIAR-GENERATION LLC in Dimitrovgrad,
  • LLC "RIR-Lesnoy" in the city of Lesnoy,
  • LLC "RIR-Sarov" in the city of Sarov
  • LLC "RIR-Sakhalin" in the city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk,
  • TVK LLC in the city of Glazov,
  • RTP LLC in the city of Tomsk,
  • TEFRA LLC in Seversk,
  • Digital Platforms and Smart City Solutions JSC in Moscow


2024: Renaming to Rosatom Infrastructure Solutions

Rosatom has agreed with the Government of the Russian Federation to rename 21 companies that are part of the state corporation's management loop in such a way as to include the words "Russian Federation," "Russia" or their derivatives in their names. The corresponding order of the Cabinet of Ministers (of 22.01.2024 No. 109-r) was published on the official portal of legal information on January 23, 2024. According to the list approved by the order, RuSat Infrastructure Solutions JSC received the name Rosatom Infrastructure Solutions JSC.

On April 19, 2024, Rosatom completed the procedure for renaming the division working in the field of infrastructure development and digitalization of the urban environment. On April 18, 2024, the charter of the company was registered with the name Rosatom Infrastructure Solutions JSC. Previously, changes were made to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Full name in English - Rosatom Smart Utilities, Joint-Stock Company (RSU, JSC).

2023: Agreement with Rusat Infrastructure Solutions in order to train personnel for Smart City

JSC "RuSat Infrastructure Solutions" and the Institute of Information Technologies, Mathematics and Mechanics of the N.N. Lobachevsky signed an agreement on cooperation within the framework of the project "Digital Departments." According to the document signed in September 2023, RIR and NNSU will cooperate in the development and implementation of educational programs of the digital economy, including for advanced training of state and municipal employees. This was reported to the RIR on September 27, 2023. Read more here.

2022: Purchase of 75% of the authorized capital of City Technologies LLC

RuSat Infrastructure Solutions (RIR, part of the State Corporation) Rosatom on December 21, 2022 announced TAdviser the acquisition of 75% of the authorized capital of the Group of Companies, a Urban technology developer software in the region. transport The relevant agreement was signed by the parties in. To Moscow The value of the transaction was not disclosed.

According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the share in the amount of 74.9% of the authorized capital of City Technologies was received by Digital Platforms and Smart City Solutions JSC, which is part of the management loop of Rusat Infrastructure Solutions (RIR). Directly, the company "RuSat Infrastructure Solutions" became the owner of a share in the amount of 0.1% of the authorized capital. Read more here.

2021: Receiving a grant in the amount of 90.2 million rubles from RFRIT

logo in 2021

Russian Information Technology Development Fund (RFRIT) On January 12, 2021, he announced TAdviser the results of two competitive selection for grants: support for projects for the implementation of domestic IT solutions (PP RF No. 550) and support for development projects (domestic software PP RUSSIAN FEDERATION No. 1185).

On the "Introduction of an information system for calculating technical and economic indicators and planning regimes," RIR received 90 2 million rubles (90 214 169.29). Read more here.

The directions of the company at this time:

  • Introduction of digital technologies. The main product solution is the Smart City base platform
  • Business Area for Implementation of Water Treatment, Water Treatment and Desalination Solutions
  • Operation of resource support facilities in the territories of the State Corporation Rosatom""
  • Complex processing of ash and slag mixtures
  • Centralization of management of urban resource supply systems through the conclusion of concession agreements

2019: Agreement with "Sitronics" on the development of "smart" cities

RuSat Infrastructure Solutions LLC (part of Rosatom State Corporation) and Sitronics JSC will combine developments in the development of the digital industry of cities. The companies announced this on May 15, 2019 in connection with the signed agreement of intent to develop joint projects. As promising areas of cooperation, the introduction of digital platforms and elements of the "Smart City" in the improvement of public territory, the creation of technological infrastructure and data centers, including on the basis of the principles of public-private partnership, and others are considered. Joint pilot projects in a number of regions are planned to be launched this year. Read more here.


For 2018, RuSat Infrastructure Solutions LLC (RIR LLC) is a division of Rosatom State Corporation, an integrator of industry IT solutions in the direction of digitalization of the urban environment Smart City. The company is responsible for interaction within the industry and coordinates the innovations and advanced technologies of Rosatom organizations for effective urban management, improving the quality of life of citizens, creating a comfortable and safe urban environment.