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Баннер в шапке 2

Luntry (CloudRan)


Information Technology
Since 2021
North-West Federal District of the Russian Federation
St. Petersburg
195197, Polyustrovsky pr-kt, 28 letter D, office 33g


Solar Ventures - 10%



+ Government of the Russian Federation

CloudRan LLC is developing a solution for security. safety containers


2024: Solar bought a 10% stake in Luntry

On October 29, 2024, it became known that the Solar group of companies acquired a stake in Luntry (Claudran LLC), which specializes in the development of information security solutions. There is no information about the value of the transaction as of the specified date.

According to Sheets the newspaper "," we are talking about the acquisition of a 10 percent stake in Luntry. This is the first transaction of the Solar Ventures fund, formed in mid-October 2024 with the aim of stimulating the development of the information security industry in. The Russia company Luntry, created in 2021, specializes in the comprehensive protection of container applications and orchestration tools based on. Kubernetes Among the clients of Luntry are large Russian, banks insurance and - IT companies, retailers of federal significance.

Solar bought a stake in the developer of the information security solution Luntry

It is expected that the purchase of a stake in Luntry will allow Solar to strengthen its competence to ensure the security of microservice architectures and containerization, as well as create an additional set of services and services to protect such infrastructures. The transaction is a continuation of Solar's investment strategy, covering the period until the end of 2025. As the founder and technical director of Luntry Dmitry Evdokimov notes, the agreement with the Solar group will not change the overall development strategy of the company, but at the same time will allow "jointly protect critical state information systems using containerization."

Mikhail Burmistrov, General Director of the Infoline Analytics analytical agency, says that as part of the deal, we are talking about a venture capital investment, which involves large-scale growth of the company. Therefore, certain additional conditions may be stipulated. Alexander Gorny, co-founder of the United Investors Business Angels Club, citing public data, estimates Luntry at about 500 million rubles. Thus, the purchase of a share of 10% could cost Solar 50 million rubles.[1]
