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Solar TZI




+ Government of the Russian Federation


2022: Establishing a Company

On August 23, 2022, it became known that Rostelecom had created a company to protect state secrets. We are talking about a joint venture between the developer of information security solutions Rostelecom Solar (100% owned by Rostelecom) and the Information Security Center (CBI). The established structure was called "Solar TZI."

According to Forbes, citing data from the SPARK-Interfax system, Solar TZI was registered on July 20, 2022, it is 49% owned by the Central Bank and 51% by Solar-PT. Director of Strategic and Investment Development of RTK-Solar Yaroslav Galayko confirmed to the magazine the creation of a joint venture with CBI. According to him, the beginning of his work is planned to be announced at the end of 2022. The joint venture will deal with technologically complex large projects of departments and state corporations, for the implementation of which competitors do not have enough resources, primarily people, he added.

Rostelecom has created a company to protect the state secret Solar TZI

According to a Forbes source close to Rostelecom, the creation of the joint venture will allow Rostelecom Solar to protect not individual sections of infrastructure that do not contain state secrets, but to take away large projects of state-owned companies and departments entirely. This will bring more money and will allow you to work in conjunction with a joint venture partner, with whom it is easier to negotiate than with a third party, the source noted. According to him, the new company will supply customers with protected equipment, software and special equipment, as well as carry out certification of InformSystems containing state secrets.

Compared to the "civilian market" for information security, the market for state secret protection services is less - this is a highly specialized area that imposes serious risks on both the company itself and its management, says Vladimir Makarov, head of the audit department at T.Hunter. According to him, working with state secrets involves serious bans for direct performers: for example, ordinary information security specialists will not like the ban on leaving Russia.[1]
