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Energy Systems of the East of RAO ES of the East






+ Energy Systems of the East (RAO ES of the East)
+ Government of the Russian Federation


JSC RAO Energy Systems of East is created on July 1, 2008 as a result of reorganization of JSC RAO UES of Russia. 52.7% of stocks of the company belong to the Russian Federation. JSC RAO ES of the East owns share blocks of the Far East power companies, such as: JSC DEK, JSC Yakutskenergo, JSC Magadanenergo, JSC Kamchatksenergo, JSC Sakhalinenergo. In addition, JSC RAO ES of the East owns share blocks of JSC Peredvizhnaya energetika and a number of the non-core companies of JSC RAO UES of Russia transferred to Holding on a separation balance sheet. Installed capacity of power plants of the Far East power companies which are a part of JSC RAO ES of the East is 8735 MW, and on this indicator the Holding wins first place to the FEFD and the sixth place in Russia.

The decision on JSC RAO ES of the East organization was made by extraordinary general shareholder meeting JSC RAO UES of Russia on October 26, 2007.

JSC RAO ES of the East and its subsidiaries and affiliates represent the holding operating in all regions of the Far Eastern Federal District and being the legal successor of the majority of the rights and obligations of JSC RAO UES of Russia to power industry of the Far East.

Core activity of JSC RAO ES of the East is management of the energy companies for effective and qualitative satisfaction of demand for electrical and thermal energy in the Far Eastern Federal District and in adjacent territories.

The area of the Far Eastern Federal District – the area of responsibility of RAO ES of the East – makes 36% of the territory of Russia and includes 9 regions: Sakha (Yakutia) Republic, Kamchatka, Seaside and Khabarovsk regions, Amur, Magadan and Sakhalin regions, Jewish Autonomous Region and Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.

This region has the considerable potential of consumption growth of the electric power that is connected with development of fields of non-ferrous metals, oil and gas, creation of the single transport system, expansion of a range of the provided tourist services here. Development of the district and its infrastructure is a priority problem of the all-Russian scale which is implemented among other things due to support of the Far East regions from the state budget, including through the federal target program "Economic and Social Development of the Far East and Transbaikalia until 2013.

Authorized capital of holding is equal to 21.558 billion rubles and is separated into 43,116,903,368 actions. From them: 2,075,149,384 preferred shares with a nominal value of 0.5 rubles each and 41,041,753,984 ordinary shares with a nominal value of 0.5 rubles everyone.

2015: "RAO Energy Systems of East" it is ready to bring service IT to outsourcing

On July 7, 2015 "RAO Energy Systems of East" announced plans of an output of IT department of holding for outsourcing model of interaction with[1].

Dmitry Smolyarov, the associate director of department of information technologies of JSC RusHydro, declared it, acting during the eighth Far East IT forum "New Technologies and Perspectives of Development" where RAO UES of the East, the organizer of a forum, brought together heads of IT departments of holding, representatives of the leading domestic and foreign companies of the IT sphere.

Transition to outsourcing was a principal theme of an action. Actions for inventory of the local systems in the companies of holding and to their division into subgroups are planned for July 8, 2015. Within subgroups the expediency and a priority of an output of systems and the personnel servicing them in the third-party company will be analyzed. The purposes on development of the agreement on the level of service and calculation of cost indicators of development and support for the directions of all-holding information systems and also expense optimization of service of IT infrastructure and telecommunications are set.

Participants of a forum discussed the course of the project on implementation of the Single Accounting system of Society, for unification of accounting and management accounting of the companies. For July 8, 2015 system implementation in JSC Sakhalinenergo is complete, works in PJSC Magadanenergo, PJSC Sakhaenergo, JSC DEK are conducted.

Interest of participants of a forum was attracted by information on plans of upgrade of an automated system of documentary and operational management of "Landoks". Changes will affect the improved interface, the unlimited license will allow to increase control and managerial transparency. The interesting feature - the automated workplace of the head, it will help the top management of a message work with the help of tablets.

Players of the industry participated in an action:

Electricity production


In 2009 the companies of Holding produced 27.14 billion kWh of electric and 30.97 million Gcal of thermal energy.


The JSC RAO Energy Systems of East (JSC RAO ES of the East) holding for 2014 increased electricity production in comparison with 2013 by 3.9% up to 31,155.9 million kWh.

In structure of development of electrical energy of 74% (23,124.1 million kWh) it was the share of JSC Far Eastern Generating Company (JSC DGK) which production grew by 4.9% because of decrease by 7.1% of a useful holiday of Zeysky hydroelectric power station and the Bureya hydroelectric power station relatively 2013 and consumption growth for 0.6% in territories of CUC of the East in comparison with last year. The surplus of the electric power made in the territory of CUC of the East was transmitted on intersystem transmission lines to CUC of Siberia and exported to the People's Republic of China. For January – December, 2014 total balance overflow made 3557.2 million kWh of CUC of the East.

Development of JSC DGK in December, 2014 continued growth, having increased by 29% to 3,013 million kWh generally because of decline of development of the HEPS by 36.8% and also because of growth of a power consumption on CUC of the East for 6% to 3561.4 million kWh.

Electricity generation in 2014 isolated by AO-energo and also JSC Peredvizhnaya energetika [1] made 8031.8 million kWh that is 0.8% more than in 2013. Among DZO in the isolated systems it is worth selecting growth of electricity production by 11.7% of JSC Magadanenergo and by 2.3% at JSC Yakutskenergo due to the growing demand from local large consumers. Development in DZO of the isolated systems and JSC Peredvizhnaya energetika in December, 2014 grew by 10%, having made 940 million kWh.

In 2014 electricity production in Russia in general made 1,046.3 billion kWh that is 0.1% more, than in 2013. In the Far East (taking into account the isolated systems) development of all power companies of the region made 47.2 billion kWh, having increased by 0.2% by last year. The share of power plants of RAO ES of the East Holding in the all-Russian development in 2014 made 3%, and in development of the Far East – 66%.

The utilization coefficient of the set electric power (KIUM) in made 39% that on 2 percent points it is more concerning an indicator of 2013. The specific consumption of conditional fuel (SCCF), general on Holding, on supply of electricity was reduced by 2.8 g/kWh, having made 380.5 g/kWh.
