Far Eastern Federal District of the Russian Federation
685000, st. Sovetskaya, d. 24
Magadanenergo OJSC is located in the North-East of Russia. It is part of JSC RAO Energy Systems of the East RAO ES East. Four DZO are a part of JSC Magadanenergo: JSC Chukotenergo, JSC Magadanenergoremont, JSC Magadanelektrosetremont, JSC Magadanenergonaladka and branches: Arkagalinsky state district power plant, Magadan combined heat and power plant, East electrical networks, Western electrical networks, Central electrical networks, Southern electrical networks, Magadanenergopostavka, Magadanenergosbyt. Regions of service are located in the conditions of permafrost and off road terrain, with strong winds and snowfalls, powerful floods of the rivers and an avalanche, an annual temperature difference in 100 wasps: in the summer +40os, in the winter - 60 wasps.