Consortium Telecommunication technologies of ANO
ANO Consortium Telekommunikatsionnye tekhnologii (ANOs TT) is created by Sozvezdiye Concern (enters into Ruselectronics holding of State Corporation Rostec), PJSC Rostelecom and Element group with assistance of Minpromtorg for the purpose of formation of conditions for implementation of the state strategy in import substitution and development of domestic radio-electronic production, localization of the equipment for the telecommunication industry, creation of demand for domestic electronic and component base and formations of conditions and address measures of support on all production stages and start of new products: including regulatory legal acts in the field of purchasing activity, formation of production chains, the organization of financing, support of promotion in the Russian and global market.
According to the strategy of the radio-electronic industry, the new model of industry consortia as instrument of support of domestic manufacturers is aimed at formation of the ecosystem including the Russian organizations in the field of development, production and use of telecommunication equipment and components to it including electronic component base, research activity and educational activity in the field of development of personnel potential of highly qualified specialists.
Participation in creation of Open Network Technologies Association
On November 30, 2020 the Autonomous nonprofit organization of assistance in development of digital infrastructure of Konsortsium Telekommunikatsionnye tekhnologii (ANO TT) reported that together with PJSC Mobile TeleSystems (MTS), JSC Nauchno-proizvodstvennoy kompaniyey Kriptonit and the autonomous non-profit educational organization of the higher education "Skolkovo institute of science and technologies" (Skoltech) Open Network Technologies (Open Network Technologies association) for the purpose of development in telecom industry of perspective technologies on the basis of open international standards founded Association of the organizations for development of open networks of communication. Read more here.
Creation of strategy for construction of a 5G networks on the open equipment
As it became known on October 5, 2020, "Element"RostelecomRostec submitted to ANO Telekommunikatsionnye tekhnologii (the TT, is created by group, "" and "", integrates 25 companies) the strategy of development of production of telecommunication equipment. In it 5G Open Radio Access Network (OpenRAN) is told about need to oblige to build telecom operators - networks on the equipment with the open interface, in particular.
Now the proprietary model when the supplier does all elements of network acts on the market and on each section there is an equipment only of one vendor. It is possible to pass to other producer, having only completely replaced network" — the CEO of Telecommunication technologies Gulnara Hasyanova told Kommersant. |
According to her, open interfaces are capable to solve a problem of consolidation of the market in hands of the largest producers and also should promote implementation of domestic solutions in telecommunication networks.
Also within strategy transition to the equipment with the open interface is supposed to be stimulated by means of a number of measures. In particular, free selection to operators of a new radio frequency spectrum at a term of use of exclusively Russian equipment.
Besides, according to the presentation, within strategy it is supposed to release a frequency range for networks of new generations of a 5G and 6G with open interfaces.
In MegaFon already use the equipment with open interfaces from different vendors, reported the edition in the company. But OpenRAN covers only a part of network therefore it would be wrong to become isolated only on this technology, and transition to the domestic equipment should have market character, otherwise it will cause value increase of services for end customers, emphasized there.[1]
Inclusion ElVIS-NeoTech in the structure of consortium
The ElVIS-NeoTech company — the domestic developer and the producer of hi-tech security systems – was included into the Consortium ANO Telekommunikatsionnye tekhnologii (ANO TT) formed by Rostec state corporation, PJSC Rostelecom and Element group. On June 9, 2020 the Consortium reported about it. Read more here.
Inclusion Faybertreyd in the structure of consortium
The domestic developer and the producer of fiber-optical transceivers (SFP modules) for data transmission - the Faybertreyd company - was included into the Consortium ANO Telekommunikatsionnye tekhnologii (ANO TT) formed by Rostec state corporation, PJSC Rostelecom and Element group. On June 8, 2020 the Consortium ANO TT reported about it. Read more here.
Inclusion of "ATB of the Electronic engineer" in the structure of consortium
The ATB of the Electronic Engineer company, the Russian developer and the producer of electronic modules, entered the Consortium ANO Telekommunikatsionnye tekhnologii (ANO TT) formed by Rostec state corporation, PJSC Rostelecom and Element group. On June 2, 2020 the consortium ANO TT reported about it. Read more here.
Development of domestic radio electronics led by Gulnara Hasyanova
On April 21, 2020 Mikron announced TAdviser that State Corporation Rostec, Rostelecom and the Element group with support Minpromtorg combine efforts on an output to the market and promotion of the Russian radio-electronic products. The Consortium Telekommunikatsionnye tekhnologii (ANO TT) which purpose is formation of conditions for implementation of the state strategy in import substitution and development of domestic development and production of radio-electronic products, localization of the equipment for the telecommunication industry and also creation of demand for domestic electronic and component base is created. The Sozvezdiye concern (enters into Ruselectronics holding of State Corporation Rostec), RTK-Centre Regionalnykh Initsiativ LLC (enters into PJSC Rostelecom) and Element group acted as founders of Consortium.
Rates of development of digital economy directly depend on telecommunication infrastructure and its technology independence, and we cannot reduce this speed therefore are forced to use products of foreign production. For localization of the equipment it is required to synchronize development plans for networks and development of the Russian equipment and component base is one of tasks of Consortium, emphasized the president of PJSC Rostelecom Mikhail Oseevsky
Development of domestic radio electronics – one of the strategic tasks set by the President of Russia. During an era of general digitalization it is important to provide an importonezavisimost of telecommunication infrastructure by coordination of interaction between the state, business community and the scientific and educational organizations, commented the interim CEO of Sozvezdiye Concern Mikhail Artyomov
Work on development of the domestic radio-electronic industry corresponds to the strategic tasks set by the President of Russia. It is required to create terms of use of radio-electronic products of the Russian production and to lower an importozavisimost in telecommunication infrastructure, commented the CEO of State Corporation Rostec Sergey Chemezov
Our cooperation is directed to creation of steady long-term demand for domestic component base due to formation of a transparent chain: from producers of basic technologies to consumers of end products. So, within consortium we actively work on strategic issues of localization and development of the Russian technologies in the field of telecommunication equipment, reported the president of the Element group Ilya Ivantsov
The solution of a general meeting of founders of ANO Consortium Telekommunikatsionnye Tekhnologii the CEO of PJSC Mikron Gulnara Hasyanova who will combine these positions headed.
Unlike other instruments of development we will create offers on address measures of support not of the separate enterprises, but an end product on all chain of producers, noted the CEO of ANO Consortium Telekommunikatsionnye tekhnologii, the CEO of PJSC Mikron Gulnara Hasyanova
According to strategy with the strategy of the radio-electronic industry, the appeared model of industry consortia as instrument of support of domestic manufacturers will be aimed on aimed at formation of the ecosystem including developers, suppliers and consumers.
One of tasks of Consortium Telekommunikatsionnye tekhnologii (ANO TT) is coordination of interaction of business community, the scientific and educational organizations, public authorities and other structures which can influence conditions for development and production of radio-electronic products by the Russian enterprises for localization foreign an equipment telecom.
2019: Creation of consortium
On November 28, 2019 it became known of creation in Russia radio-electronic consortium — ANO Telekommunikatsionnye tekhnologii. Were engaged in this project concern "Constellation" (enters into Rostec state corporation), "RTK are network technologies" (joint venture "Rostelecom" and Nokia), "Element" (joint venture AFK "System" and "Rostec").
According to Vedomosti with reference to the presentation of ANO, Russia such consortium because of the high competition in the world hi-tech market where the Russian companies cannot compete with global players in the certain taken country is necessary. "Telecommunication technologies" should help to create the guaranteed sales market at an initial stage with the subsequent development of the producer in a certain niche on the international scene.
Is going to admit new participants in exchange for membership fees to consortium. Their size is not reported. Participants of consortium are going to sign the agreement in which interactions in several directions can be described with Minpromtorg.
It is supposed that ANO Telekommunikatsionnye tekhnologii will become operator of the register of the Russian telecommunication equipment and the operator of the register of electronic component base for telecommunication equipment, the administrator of subsidies and other measures of state support to be engaged in monitoring of state procurements regarding telecommunication equipment, etc. For example, producers of the radio-electronic equipment and electronic and component base will be able to expect state support in type of loan, subsidies of preferential taxation.
Creation of consortium will allow the companies entering it to be engaged in development of technologies of wireless communication, at the same time without competing with each other. In this consortium there will be both a production base, and possibilities for approbation and implementation of the equipment on the available communication networks or the perspective markets — the director of technology practice in risk consulting of KPMG in Russia and the CIS Sergey Vikharev reported.[2] |
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