Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation
Since 1946
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
7 Tverskaya str., 125375
Top managers:
Evgeny Vitalievich Filatov
Areas of activity
Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media Russia - federal executive body, which is engaged in the development and implementation of state policy and legal regulation in the following areas:
- in the field of information technology (including the use of information technology in the formation of state information resources and ensuring access to them),
- telecommunications (including the use and conversion of the radio frequency spectrum) and postal communications,
- mass communications and mass media, including electronic (including the development of the Internet, television (including digital) broadcasting and broadcasting systems and new technologies in these areas),
- in the field of printing, publishing and printing,
- in the field of personal data processing.
The Ministry of Communications of Russia acts as the postal administration of the Russian Federation and performs the functions of the communications administration of the Russian Federation in the implementation of international activities in the field of communications.
Ministry leaders
- From January 21, 2020 - Maksut Shadayev.
- May 18, 2018 - January 2020 - Konstantin Noskov - Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media.
- May 21, 2012 - May 2018 - Nikiforov Nikolai Anatolyevich - Minister of Communications and Mass Media.
- May 12, 2008 - May 2012 - Igor Olegovich Shchegolev - Minister of Communications and Mass Media
- 2004 - 2008 - Reiman Leonid Dodojonovich - Minister of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation
- 1999-2004 - Reiman Leonid Dodojonovich - Minister of Communications and Informatization
- 1980-1990 - Shamshin Vasily Alexandrovich - Minister of Communications of the USSR
The head of the ministry is appointed to the post and relieved of it by the President of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the Chairman of the Government. The Minister bears personal responsibility for the fulfillment of the powers assigned to the Ministry and the implementation of state policy in the established field of activity.
Ministry Structure and Staff
Higher authority state power:. Government of the Russian Federation
Subordinate bodies
The subordinate bodies of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media are:
- Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor)
- Federal Communications Agency (Rossvyaz)
- Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications (Rospechat)
- Public Council under the Ministry of Digital Development of Russia
Subordinate organizations
As of mid-2018:
- FSUE NTC Atlas
- FSUE SVYAZ-Security
- FSBI Research Institute "Voskhod"
- FSBI "Hotel Svyazist Plus"
- FSUE MNII "Integral"
- FSUE State Research Institute "TEST"
- FSBI "Coordination Center of the Intergovernmental Commission for Cooperation in the Field of Computing"
- FSUE "Russian Post"
- FSUE "Post of Crimea"
The team of Minister Maksut Shadayev
For November 2023
Deputy Ministers:
- Alyona Rudenko
- Oleg Kachanov
- Cherkesova Bella Mukharbievna
- Alexander Mikhailovich Shoitov
- Zarenin Andrey Alexandrovich
- Grigory Valerievich Borisenko
- Evgeny Vitalievich Filatov
- Sergei Valeryevich Tsvetkov
Apportionment of powers between minister and deputies as of November 2022
On November 11, 2022, the Minister of Digital Development of the Russian Federation Maksut Shadayev signed a new order on the distribution of duties between himself and his deputies. The document was required due to the fact that on October 31 new deputy ministers were appointed - Evgeny Filatov from Accenture and Grigory Borisenko from PwC.
As follows from the order, which TAdviser got acquainted with, the following areas are assigned to Yevgeny Filatov in the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development:
- Unified Information System for Personnel Management of the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation
- Typical automated workplace of a civil servant
- State Archive for Electronic Documents
- Electronic document management in state and municipal authorities
- State Unified Cloud Platform (Gosoblako)
- Gostech, including coordination and control of Gostech PKU activities (excluding international activities)
- Unified technology policy, including documents containing the architecture of government IT systems planned for creation and development
- Promoting the development of a domestic operating system for mobile devices.
According to the order, Filatov directly coordinates the work of the Department for the Development of Cloud Services and Data Management of the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development.
Grigory Borisenko as Deputy Minister is responsible for the following topics:
- Development and implementation of solutions using artificial intelligence technologies
- Unified information platform of the national data management system (including typical software designed to provide state money from IT systems)
- Unified regulatory reference information system
- Plans for the digital transformation of government agencies, including coordination of projects in the field of nature management, ecology, land and property relations (Rosreestr) and statistics (Rosstat)
- Unified electronic mapping and address basis of state IT systems
- Measures to create an IT complex for a customer-centric state support environment
According to the order, Borisenko directly coordinates the work of the Department for the Development of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Ministry of Digital Development (as of November 18, 2022, there was no such department in the structure of the ministry).
The Ministry of Digital Development Maksut Shadayev, among other things, left coordination of the development and implementation of a communication strategy to promote projects in the field of digital transformation of the economy, interaction with the media, coordination of personnel policy and anti-corruption, financial control and organization of antimonopoly compliance. The Minister directly coordinates the work of the administrative department, the department of digital transformation and coordination of budget expenditures, the department of special communications and information protection, as well as the department of regime and secret workflow.
Deputy Minister - Secretary of State Oleg Pak is responsible for working on bills and regulatory legal acts, informatization of migration processes, public-private partnership projects, state policy in the use of electronic signatures, coordination of work on a platform for signing and storing documents, including the State Key mobile application. By decision of the minister, Pak can coordinate the activities of other deputy and structural units of the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development, the order says.
Maxim Parshin is responsible for the development of the information technology industry, including measures to support software developers and stimulate business to engage in digital transformation, personnel potential, switching to Russian software, developing the infrastructure of data centers and cloud services, exporting IT products, and sports programming. He also oversees the activities of RFRIT, the Skolkovo Foundation, the IIDF and the Bortnik Foundation to support the development and implementation of Russian software, as well as the Center for Expertise and Coordination of Informatization (CECI), the Voskhod Research Institute and the Integral Research Institute.
Oleg Kachanov coordinates the digital transformation of the Ministry of Digital Development itself, is responsible for uniform approaches to the organization and design of state Internet resources, the development of e-government infrastructure (EPGU, SMEV, ESIA, etc.) and the design of super services in education and health care, video surveillance of elections, digitalization projects in the field of education, health care, sports and tourism, as well as control and supervision activities.
Kachanov shares the activities for the development of superservices and the portal of public services with another deputy minister Dmitry Oguryaev. The latter is responsible for designing the target state of services, optimizing business processes for their provision, as well as monitoring and improving quality. In addition, Oguryaev coordinates the activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Justice, the Russian Guard, Rosreestr, the Federal Tax Service and other departments on digital transformation and projects related to family relations, social protection, road safety, housing and communal services, etc.
Alexander Shoitov, as before, is responsible for information security issues, Dmitry Kim - for telecommunications, mail and universities in the introduction of Ministry of Digital Development, as well as for the Safe City direction, Andrei Zarenin - for stimulating demand for Russian-made civilian electronics and the direction of labeling goods, Bell Cherkesov - for mass communications and the media.
Salaries in the ministry
Main article: Salaries at the Ministry of Communications of Russia
Plan to change 10 laws and 10 government decrees
On January 23, 2025, the Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation announced a plan for organizing legislative and regulatory work. In total, the department in 2025 intends to prepare 10 bills and 10 government decrees, as well as 6 orders.
The list of bills includes:
- "On Amendments to the Federal Law" On Postal Service ";
- "On Amendments to the Federal Law" On Communications ";
- "On amendments to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and to paragraph 9 of Article 4 of the Federal Law" On the State Information System of Housing and Communal Services ";
- "On Amendments to the Federal Law" On Customs Regulation in the Russian Federation and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation ";
- "On Amendments to Article 165 of Part Two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation";
- "On Introduction into the Federal Law" On Activities for Receiving Payments of Individuals Carried Out by Payment Agents ";
- "On Amendments to the Federal Law" On the National Payment System ";
- "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation";
- "On Amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation";
- "On amendments to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation."
- "On Amendments to the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 28, 2023 No. 2008" On Approval of the Rules for the Formation and Maintenance of the Register of Hosting Providers "";
- "On Amendments to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 24, 2024 No. 1144" On Approval of the Rules for Including Information about a Hosting Provider in the List of Hosting Providers, providing computing power for placing information in an information system permanently connected to the information and telecommunication network "Internet," operators of state information systems, municipal information systems, information systems of state and municipal unitary enterprises, state and municipal institutions, as well as the exclusion of such information from it ";
- About a pilot project on operational interaction and information exchange of authorized state bodies and organizations in countering fraudulent actions committed using ICT;
- "On Amending the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 15, 2020 No. 2117" On the Competence Center for Import Substitution in the Field of Information and Communication Technologies and the Competence Center for New Production Technologies ";
- "On Amending the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 18, 2020 No. 1867" On Preliminary Installation of Programs for Electronic Computers, the Countries of Origin of which are the Russian Federation or Other Member States of the Eurasian Economic Union, for Certain Types of Technically Complex Goods and on Ensuring the Possibility of Use without Additional Settings (default) a search engine whose country of origin is the Russian Federation or other member states of the Eurasian Economic Union ";
- "On amendments to certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation (in terms of confirmation of biometric personal data)";
- "On amendments to certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on the issue of issuing a personalized card for attending a sports competition";
- "On amending the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 31, 2023 No. 884" On conducting an experiment on the use of virtual social cards when providing citizens at the expense of the budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation with measures of social protection (support) when using transport services ";
- "On Amending the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 29, 2021 No. 1046" On Federal State Control (Supervision) over the Processing of Personal Data ";
- "On Amending the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 15, 2008 No. 687" On Approval of the Regulation on the Specifics of Personal Data Processing Carried Out without the Use of Automation Tools. "
- "On approval of the Procedure for separate accounting of income and expenses by natural monopolies in the field of public postal services";
- "On amendments to the standards for the frequency of collection of written correspondence from mailboxes, the standards for its exchange, transportation and delivery, as well as within the deadlines for sending written correspondence approved by Order of the Ministry of Digital Development of Russia dated 29.04.2022 No. 400";
- "On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation for the provision of the state service" Registration of a personalized card for attending a sports competition ";
- "On amendments to the Processing Procedure, including collection, storage, biometric personal data, including requirements for the parameters of biometric personal data, and in the Procedure for posting and updating biometric personal data in a single biometric system, as well as cases and terms of using biometric personal data when they are placed in a single biometric system in accordance with Part 14 of Article 4 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2022 No. 572-FZ "On the Implementation of Identification and (or) authenticating individuals using biometric personal data, amending certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation and invalidating certain provisions of legislative acts of the Russian Federation "approved by order of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation dated May 12, 2023 No. 453";
- "On approval of additional requirements imposed on the official website of the Russian organization operating in the field of information technologies, in the information and telecommunication network" Internet ";
- "On amendments to the Rules for the provision of postal services approved by Order of the Ministry of Digital Development of Russia dated 17.04.2023 No. 382[1][2]32
Appointment by Deputy Minister Ivan Lebedev
In mid-January 2025, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree appointing Ivan Lebedev as the new Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation. Read more here
Increased control over employee expenses
The Ministry of Digital Development of Russia in January 2025 published a new order to strengthen control over the expenses of state employees of the department, their spouses and minor children, which also applies to employees of Roskomnadzor.
According to CNews, the ministry introduces new rules instead of the order of October 26, 2016, while deputy ministers are deprived of the right to make decisions on inspections of employees' expenses. Now such powers will belong only to the minister or head of the department.
The representative of the Ministry of Digital Development explained that control over expenses applies not only to employees and members of their families, but also to employees who fill certain positions in subordinate organizations. The changes are related to the update of the federal law on monitoring the compliance of the expenses of civil servants with their income.
According to the new procedure, transactions on the acquisition of land, real estate, vehicles, securities, digital assets and currency made over the past three years, if their total amount exceeds the total income of a civil servant and his spouse, are subject to verification.
The explanatory note to the order states that the changes are aimed at increasing the effectiveness of control over the expenses of civil servants of the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development, heads of territorial bodies of Roskomnadzor, as well as their families.
Increased control is taking place against the backdrop of a corruption investigation against former Deputy Minister Maxim Parshin, who is accused of receiving a bribe of ₽3,5 million for helping to allocate grants. The ex-official also found cryptocurrency and financial assets abroad.
The Investigative Committee charged Parshin under an article providing for up to 15 years in prison with a fine of up to 70 times the amount of a bribe and a ban on holding certain positions.[3]
Deputy Director of the Department German Gridin received a fine
On November 15, 2024, the Presnensky District Court of Moscow brought to administrative responsibility the Deputy Director of the Department for the Development of New Telecommunications Services of the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation German Gridin. He was fined for spending budget funds. Read more here
Allocation of 857.4 billion rubles for departmental expenses until 2027
In 2025, the Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation will receive 324.3 billion rubles for departmental expenses. In 2026 and 2027, 265.5 billion and 267.6 billion rubles are provided for these purposes, respectively. Thus, the total expenses for the three-year period will amount to 857.4 billion rubles. The corresponding figures are reflected in the law "On the federal budget for 2025 and for the planning period 2026-2027," which the State Duma adopted on November 21, 2024.
The document says that 19.7 billion rubles will be spent on the federal program "Development of digital and information projects on the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation" in 2025, almost 10.8 billion rubles in 2026, and approximately 8.7 billion rubles in 2027. The costs of the federal project Artificial intelligence"" will amount to 1.5 billion, 1.65 billion and 1.8 billion rubles, respectively. The Infrastructure fedproekt cyber security provides for 1.98 billion, 2.6 billion and 2.55 billion rubles in 2025, 2026 and 2027.
As part of the Fedproject "Infrastructure of Access to the Information and Telecommunication Network of the Internet," 3.8 billion rubles will be spent on the implementation of initiatives to create a low-orbital satellite grouping of broadband data transmission by providing concessional lending to Bureau 1140 LLC in 2025, in 2026 - 6.7 billion rubles, in 2027 - 6.7 billion rubles. To support the launch of spacecraft into low Earth orbit, the Ministry of Digital Development will allocate 943 million, 5.5 billion and 5.4 billion rubles, respectively.
According to the Fedproekt "Applied Research and Promising Developments" to create critical technologies for 5G communication equipment Advanced/6G it is planned to allocate 250 million rubles in 2025, 2026 and 2027. The Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development will allocate 1.95 billion rubles in 2025 and 645 million rubles in 2026 for state support of Irteya LLC to reimburse the costs associated with the creation of equipment for 4G/5G base stations with open architecture.[4]
Former Deputy Minister of Communications Aleksei Soldatov was sentenced to two years in prison in the case of "theft of IP addresses"
On July 22, 2024, the Savelovsky District Court of Moscow sentenced in the case of the former Deputy Minister of Communications and one of the founders of Runet Aleksei Soldatov. He received two years in prison on charges of "stealing IP addresses." Read more here
The Ministry of Digital Industry will be responsible for the Artificial Intelligence fedproject instead of the Ministry of Digital Development of Economic Development
Ministry of Digital Development Russia will become responsible for the implementation of the federal project Artificial intelligence"," changing in this role. Ministry of Economic Development The corresponding draft resolution prepared by the Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation was published in July 2024 on the federal portal of draft regulatory legal acts for public discussion. More. here
Former IT Minister of the Ryazan Region headed the Department of the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation
Former Minister of Digital Ryazan region Development Andrei Ulyanov in June 2024 was appointed head of the Department for the Development of Services and Client Experience. Ministry of Digital Development Russia This was reported on the website of the federal department. More. here
Access to state secrets in the field of transport and military transportation
The Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation received access to state secrets in the field transport of military transportation to increase cyber security these areas. The corresponding presidential decree Russia Vladimir Putin was published on April 11, 2024.
The document makes changes to the list of state bodies empowered to dispose of such information. In particular, according to the decree, the Ministry of Digital Development is endowed with access to "information revealing measures for the use of transport infrastructure and (or) vehicles in the Russian Federation in order to ensure state security, special measures to ensure the safety of transportation or safety of goods, volumes of military transportation or routes for transporting weapons, military equipment." Previously, only the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergencies, the Ministry of Defense, the FSO, the Russian Guard and the Ministry of Transport could get access to such information.
The Ministry of Digital Development gained access to state secrets in the field of transport against the background of the implementation of the project "Digitalization for Transport Security," the goals of which are:
- creation of a single secure information space and secure technological networks of the transport complex;
- digitalization of public services in the field of transport security using limited access information;
- implementation of mechanisms for ensuring information security at transport facilities and a preliminary information system;
- monitoring security of transport information infrastructure.
According to the authors of the project, by the time of its launch in Russia, there was a low awareness and coordination of the actions of the authorities, subjects of transport activities on transport safety issues (including cybersecurity).
The share of the IT industry in Russian GDP reached almost 2%. Minister Maksut Shadayev reported on the results of the work of the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development
On March 26, 2024, the Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media Maksut Shadayev at an expanded meeting of the Committee on Information Policy, Information Technologies and Communications of the State Duma summed up the work of the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development over the past year.
He began with the basics - the infrastructure of Internet access. In 2023, another 2865 small settlements with a population of 100 to 500 people were connected to LTE. In total, now more than 1 million people are covered in settlements of this type of LTE. An important event in 2023 in this area was also the launch of three domestic low-orbit communication satellites as part of a project to create a commercial satellite broadband access service (broadband broadband) on the Internet, which will operate in low orbits, at high speed and with minimal delays.
The development of the sphere of public services in electronic form continued. The total number of the latter on the public services portal reached 1312. The audience of the portal for the reporting period increased by 9 million people and amounted to 110 million. The number of ordered public services for the year increased by 28%, to 601 million.
Applications related to public services, such as Gosdoki, State Key, State Services Culture, and State Services Auto, also grew in audience. In 2023, a new application was launched - "Public services House." Since its launch, 2.7 million users have registered in it.
Maksut Shadayev noted that the IT industry showed good growth: the total revenue of players falling under the general taxation system (OSN) increased by 43.2% compared to 2022, reaching 5.5 trillion rubles. Growth, first of all, was achieved due to the effective development and implementation of domestic solutions. The share of the IT industry in Russian GDP reached almost 2%.
According to the minister, these are already significant indicators, and they are provided, including through support measures. According to him, in 2023, IT industry employees actively issued preferential mortgages - more than 40 thousand mortgages. The department also continued to support small companies with grants. In total, grants were issued to startups and developers totaling more than 0.9 billion rubles and customers of IT solutions in the amount of 6.3 billion rubles.
The department continued to pay special attention to the field of cybersecurity. According to Maksut Shadayev, the implemented tools to combat phishing sites work effectively. In 2023, 122 thousand phishing sites were promptly blocked, which is 4 times more than a year earlier. Measures to combat fraudulent calls also played a role - there were 24% fewer of them. The total number of incidents in the field of information security is growing - by 16% in 2023, the minister cited.
Some of the previously announced Ministry of Digital Development of plans remained unfulfilled, said Alexander Khinshtein, head of the State Duma's IT committee, starting from the minister's speech a year ago. So, this is a change in the technology of circulation of citizens along a short path through the portal of public services - the very "single button" of complaints that has been discussed more than once. Until today, no bill has been prepared or introduced in this part. And there are complaints about the portal of public services in terms of interruptions that occur there, added Alexander Khinshtein.
In addition, a transparent system for working with consent to the processing of data has not yet been created, allowing citizens to see their consent and withdraw it, and a transparent protected domestic messenger for the public sector, for civil servants has not been created.
Danil Shilkov, auditor of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, who was present at the meeting of the IT committee of the State Duma, said that a number of events were carried out related to the activities of the Ministry of Digital Development and Roskomnadzor. During the audit of the implementation of the Federal Law on the Federal Budget for 2022 and the planning period 2023-2024. in Ministry of Digital Development, violations of the general requirements for budgetary and accounting reporting, as well as violations of the procedure for determining the volume and conditions for granting subsidies to state budgetary institutions were revealed. At the same time, no serious violations, such as the misuse of budget funds, were identified. And during the audit of the federal budget for 2024 and the planning period 2025-2026. the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development and Roskomnadzor revealed a violation of the formation of justifications for budget allocations.
Departure of Yury Zarubin
On December 26, 2023, it became known about the departure of Yury Zarubin from the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation, in which he worked as Deputy Director of the Department for the Development of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data. Read more here.
Departure of Dmitry Oguryaev, appointment of a new deputy minister - Sergei Tsvetkov
On October 31, 2023, the Ministry of Digital Development announced that a government order had been signed to dismiss Dmitry Oguryaev, Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media. The post of deputy minister will be taken by the director of the department for the development of e-government infrastructure in Sergei Tsvetkov. In this post, he will oversee the development of state electronic services, the introduction of superservices on the portal of public services, the development of state information systems. Read more here.
Ministry of Digital Development plans to launch bug bounty programs
In 2023, Ministry of Digital Development plans to launch vulnerability search programs for a reward for 20 information systems. In addition, it is planned to expand the powers of applicant researchers. Deputy Director of the Cybersecurity Department of the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development Yevgeny Khasin announced plans to launch on October 6, 2023. Read more here.
Appointment of Dmitry Ugnivenko as Deputy Head of the Ministry
Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree appointing Dmitry Ugnivenko as Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation. Prior to that, he worked in the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development as the director of the department and oversaw the development of infrastructure projects, in particular - connecting socially significant objects to the Internet, providing Wi-Fi in schools and the program "Eliminating digital inequality," within the framework of which small settlements are connected to the Internet. Read more here.
The departure of Deputy Minister Dmitry Kim from the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development
Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, by his order, dismissed Dmitry Kim from the post of Deputy Minister of Digital Development at his request. The corresponding document was posted on September 29, 2023 on the portal of the official publication of legal acts Ошибка цитирования Отсутствует закрывающий тег </ref>. Read more here.
New State Secretary - Deputy Minister of Digital Development - Alyona Rudenko
On September 13, 2023, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, by his order, appointed Alyona Rudenko to the post of State Secretary - Deputy Minister of Digital Development and Mass Media of the Russian Federation. The corresponding document was posted on the portal for the publication of legal information on September 14[5]."
In this post, Alyona Rudenko was replaced by Oleg Pak, who moved to work at Rostelecom.
Ministry of Digital Development employees are sent to a remote location after a drone strikes the Moscow City building. Supplemented by comments from the Ministry of Digital Development
Ministry of Digital Development employees are sent to remote work after a drone strikes the Moscow City building, which houses the ministry's office. This was announced on July 31, 2023 by the Mash Telegram channel. According to him, in a closed intra-departmental chat, the Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media Maksut Shadayev called on employees to perseverance and said that they had the opportunity to show an example of endurance and determination to "usually alarming IT specialists."
On Sunday night, July 30, 2023, two drones crashed into the towers of the Moscow City complex. According to Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, as a result of the attack, the facades on two office towers were damaged. The Defense Ministry called the drone attack "an attempt at a terrorist attack by the Kyiv regime."
One Ukrainian UAV was destroyed in the air by air defense systems over the territory of the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region. Two more drones were suppressed by means of electronic warfare and, having lost control, crashed on the territory of the complex of non-residential buildings of Moscow City, - said in the Telegram channel of the defense department. |
According to the Telegram channel "112," the attack on the capital was carried out by two drones, one flew into the tower of the "IQ-quarter," the second - into the CrystalCity car wash. According to him, the area of the glazing collapse on the tower of the "IQ-quarter" was 20 square meters, and at the CrystalCity car wash - 40 "squares." According to Mash, one of the UAVs hit the 11th floor of the building in the Moscow City IQ quarter, where the Ministry of Digital Development office is located. The fact that the Ministry of Digital Development office is located in the Moscow City IQ quarter is reported on the official website of the department.[6]
According to the publication of the Telegram channel, from July 31, 2023, employees of the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development can optionally go to a remote location, only managers and those who are needed on the ground come to the office. It is planned to return to normal operation in a week, according to the publication of the Telegram channel dated July 31, 2023.[7]
The Ministry of Digital Development of Digital Science told TAdviser some details of what happened:
"The ministry continues its work. The building itself received minor damage: bearing structures, engineering and technological systems, including elevators, were not damaged. The elements of the facade were mainly destroyed. Now access to the building is carried out as usual.
The workplaces of employees housed in the affected premises have been transferred to other offices. Restoration and repair work is already underway on the floors themselves. This week, all specialists, except for deputy ministers and department directors, can work remotely by agreement and at will. For this, the necessary technical conditions have been created. From next week, the work will return to its usual mode. "
Deputy Minister of Digital Development Andrei Zarenin significantly expanded his powers after the dismissal of Maxim Parshin
On July 24, 2023, the Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media Maksut Shadayev signed an order that amends the distribution of duties between him and his deputies approved in November 2022. TAdviser has reviewed this document. It significantly expands the scope of responsibility of Deputy Minister Andrei Zarenin. Read more here.
Detention of Deputy Head of the Ministry of Digital Development Maxim Parshin in the case of a bribe, dismissal from the ministry
On July 13, 2023, it became known about the detention of the Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation Maxim Parshin. He is accused of corruption. Read more here.
On July 18, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree on the release of Maxim Parshin from the post of Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation at his request. The duties performed by Maxim Parshin were transferred to another Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation Andrei Zarenin.
Ban on employees using iPhones for official correspondence
On July 13, 2023, it became known about the decision of the Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation to limit the use of iPhones by employees. This was told by the deputy head of the department Alexander Shoitov.
We plan to take the same order [for subordinate organizations]. It is now under approval, I think that this week [it will be adopted], - said Shoitov (quoted by TASS) on July 13, 2023, specifying that iPhones will be prohibited for official use. |
According to the subordinate organizations of the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development, "the issue is also being worked out," Shoitov added.[8]
Thus, Ministry of Digital Development became another witchcraft that decided to ban employees from using Apple phones for official purposes. On July 12, 2023, the first deputy head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Vasily Osmakov said that in 5 days - from July 17 - employees of the department will be prohibited from using the iPhone at work.
Yes, there was an order... There the wording is as follows: for official purposes. A ban on working correspondence via iPhone, "he said (Q. according to RIA Novosti). |
State bodies and companies began banning iPhones at work after the FSB reported disclosing a US intelligence action using the virus on Apple mobile devices. According to the FSB, several thousand smartphones of the American manufacturer were infected. In addition to Russian users, the special service also discovered a virus on the gadgets of foreign subscribers using sim-cards registered with diplomatic missions and embassies in Russia. We are talking about the infection of devices of employees of diplomatic agencies of NATO countries and the post-Soviet space, as well as Israel, Syria and China.
After that, the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov said that employees of the presidential administration also cannot use Apple mobile devices for work purposes. According to him, everyone knows that "these gadgets are absolutely transparent," and therefore their use in official communication is prohibited.
Creation of the Department of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence
As TAdviser found out in March 2023, a new structural unit, the Department of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, recently appeared in the Ministry of Digital Development. This area is supervised by the profile Deputy Minister of Digital Development Grigory Borisenko, and the new department is headed by Sergei Sergienko, who previously worked as an adviser to the minister.
Grigory Borisenko told TAdviser that the department's specialized areas include data - everything related to them, as well as analytics and artificial intelligence. The first includes the creation of different products within the department using data: for example, "data factories," digital profiles, etc. And in the field of AI - creating an infrastructure for providing data sets for AI training, analyzing and working to eliminate barriers - both regulatory and process, related to the development and implementation of AI in public administration and in various industries.
The Department is responsible, among other things, for the national data management system (NDMS), for the system of interdepartmental electronic interaction (SMEV) and various aspects of the transfer of public administration to a digital basis. Previously, responsibility for them is scattered, parts, divided by different departments.
"The ministry, of course, dealt with these areas earlier, just these tasks were functionally distributed: someone was engaged in data from the point of view of public services, someone from the point of view of public administration, etc. And now the minister has decided to combine all this activity in one department in order to intensify the development of everything related to data. Indeed, not only the Ministry of Digital Development, but also many other departments are interested in high-quality data, "explained Grigory Borisenko.
The deputy minister explained the choice of Sergei Sergienko as the head of the new department to TAdviser by the fact that he has long been involved in topics related to the NSD and SMEV in different qualities. "Therefore, this big block is better than a candidate and cannot be found," said Grigory Borisenko.
In addition to the Department of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, the Deputy Minister himself also oversees work with regions in the field of digitalization. In the regions, this topic is also actively developing, they produce a lot of data that is interesting to the federal center, says Grigory Borisenko.
Another block of responsibility of the deputy minister is the supervision of digitalization in the Ministry of Natural Resources, Rosstat and Rosreestr. The choice is due to the fact that colossal amounts of data are generated in these departments.
The Ministry of Digital Science is authorized to create and use infrastructure software, which is required by the Ministry of Digital Development of Internal Affairs to provide public services - government decree
In November 2022, a decree signed by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin was published, which was Ministry of Digital Development authorized to create and use infrastructure software required by the Ministry of Internal Affairs to provide public services. Read more here.
Appointment of new Deputy Ministers
On October 31, 2022, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin appointed two new Deputy Ministers of Digital Development of the Russian Federation - a native of PwC Grigory Borisenko and a native of Accenture Yevgeny Filatov.
The departure from Ministry of Digital Development of two deputy ministers - Nikolai Yatselenko and Andrey Chernenko
As TAdviser found out on October 21, 2022, Deputy Minister of Digital Development Andrei Chernenko resigned from the Ministry of Digital Development of his own free will, and another deputy minister, Nikolai Yatselenko, also leaves the department. Read more in their questionnaires here and here.
TAdviser interview with Minister Maksut Shadayev
The to the country TAdviser Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media spoke about how the processes of development of digitalization in ours are going on at the SummIT 2022 plenary meeting. He RUSSIAN FEDERATION Maksut Shadayev gave a detailed "interview on stage": he answered in detail the questions asked by Alexander Levashov the editor-in-chief of TAdviser, as well as representatives of suppliers of domestic IT solutions and companies from various sectors. economies More. here
Ministry of Digital Development has formed priorities for 2022. Shadayev's presentation
On April 5, Minister of Digital Development Maksut Shadayev at a meeting of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, IT and Communications spoke about the priorities of the department's work for 2022, which are partly dictated by the current crisis context. He recalled that the work of the ministry is built around five priorities: digital services, Internet accessibility, industry development, personnel training and cybersecurity.
On the results of the work of the Ministry of Digital Development in 2021 and priorities for 2022. Presentation of Maksut Shadayev
In terms of digital services, the department is heading for further rejection of paper, which it focused on earlier: "this is our most important priority." Now the direction of mailings from government agencies in electronic form is being discussed by default. Taking into account the level of demand for services and the scale of the audience of the public services portal - 96.4 million registered users as of April 1, 2022 - the Ministry of Digital Development believes that there is a readiness for this, and you can save on registered paper letters.
The initiative to refuse to send utility bills in paper form is also being discussed. Personnel electronic document management is also important: the State Duma at the end of 2021 supported the legislative initiative so that everything related to the interaction of the employer and the employee at all stages would take place electronically.
The same applies to the digital profile of a citizen - in his personal account on the portal of public services, he must have access in electronic form to all data concerning him, which are in departmental systems. We are also talking about data related to real estate, personal transport, all kinds of permits, etc. And all the necessary data must be pulled up from departmental databases when filling out various applications.
The portal of public services is an ecosystem of services for life. The priority is the launch of new services in 2022, including to support business in the current economic situation.
As for infrastructure, taking into account the suspension of the activities of foreign companies that supply telecom equipment, in Ministry of Digital Development they consider it important, first of all, now to rebuild logistics and more clearly determine taking into account the availability of equipment on existing infrastructure priorities.
Despite the difficulties, the department plans to continue work on connecting sparsely populated points to the Internet. Moreover, the ministry plans to ask the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, IT and Communications to develop a regulatory framework so that in such territories, as well as on the roads, it is possible to abandon the principle of using a base station by only one operator and its subscribers. The base station in a sparsely populated area should work with subscribers of different operators according to the principle of inter-network roaming.
Taking into account the current restrictions and the time required to rebuild logistics and organize our own production, we need to increase the efficiency of the equipment used, the base stations that exist, the minister said. - We are preparing the corresponding bill. |
In the direction of development of the IT industry, Ministry of Digital Development has already told in great detail. Shadayev recalled that the new package of measures to support the industry includes a decrease in income tax to 0% until 2025, the extension of tax benefits to a large number of companies, an increase in the total volume and size of grants for new developments and much more.
The minister said that about 50 thousand small businesses have already used the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development program when they buy IT solutions with a 50 percent discount. This is important because the SMB is the driving force. The Ministry of Digital Development claims that the previous tax maneuver gave the IT market growth by 20-25% and brought more than 80 billion rubles of additional taxes to the budget. The department also considers it important to reduce the property tax on land by 2 times for infrastructure companies, for telecom operators, for data centers, to reduce rental rates by 2 years and provide an investment tax deduction.
Regarding training, for example, Ministry of Digital Development in 2022 plans to expand the practice of providing schoolchildren with the opportunity to learn free online programming languages and other categories of citizens - to teach online new digital professions. This year, it is planned to clarify the conditions for the need for digital professions: those who have lost their jobs and are on the labor exchange will pay 100% of such training from the budget, and those who have not entered the exchange - 75%. Parents on parental leave will also receive a large discount.
We saw a tremendous demand among high school students for online programming training. And this year we are launching a large program for high school, which makes it possible for 2 years to study deeply modern programming languages with the possibility of learning offline: you can go twice a week or to a classroom in your city, and if there is no such opportunity in the city, then you can study with teachers online, - said the minister. |
The Ministry of Digital Development expects that the program will cover more than 100 thousand schoolchildren who will be able to undergo such training for free. And at the level of university departments, it is planned to launch a project that offered business: the opportunity to get a second specialty related to IT, without interruption from training in the main specialty.
This turned out to be a very popular measure. More than 100 universities have said they will participate. The plan for this year assumes that more than 80 thousand students will sign up for these digital departments, - said Maksut Shadayev. |
And finally, in the field of cybersecurity, the introduction of a mandatory second authorization factor on public services based on SMS, biometrics and banking applications is among the priorities. Technically, the agency is ready to offer a second default authorization factor.
The minister also recalled that responsibility for the leakage of personal data was strengthened - fines for violation of the requirements for their processing were increased by 2 times. However, this is not enough, says Shadayev. You need to switch to negotiable fines.
We will jointly with Roskomnadzor this year come up with an initiative to introduce large negotiable fines for businesses that have leaked personal data. We know foreign practice - there fines sometimes amount to tens of millions of dollars, if this is sensitive data that business did not protect, - said the minister. |
In the case of a data leak from government agencies, the issue with fines still looks less understandable: "government agencies, after all, live on national money, budget," said Maksut Shadayev.
Another priority in the field of cybersecurity is to move on to real testing of the IT systems of authorities, state-owned companies - CII facilities in order to constantly identify vulnerabilities. Only the regularity of this can guarantee a high level of security. This can be done both using pen tests conducted by specialized companies and through Bug Bounty when a reward is announced for finding vulnerabilities. The latter is a wide practice in the world, Shadayev emphasized.
Launch of cybersecurity center to protect GIS from cyber attacks
in Ministry of Digital Development Russia February 2022, it launched a cybersecurity center to protect state information systems (GIS) from. cyber attacks One of the main tasks of the project is to coordinate the counteraction to computer attacks, as well as their attribution (search for those who are behind such attacks). More. here
Creation of a digital attaché service
As it became known on February 7, 2022, the Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation creates a service of "digital attachés" in 16 countries Brazil Vietnam Germany Egypt(,,,,,,,,, India on Iran, in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan,,,, and To Cuba) Malaysia to UAE Singapore Thailand Turkey REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA South Korea promote Russian IT products abroad.
The Ministry of Digital Development of Digital Science announced a competition for the position of "digital attaché." Candidates need to have a higher education (not lower than a specialty or master's degree), as well as know the language of the host country and legislation in the field of trade.
The selected candidates will conduct comprehensive work to promote domestic software products abroad, provide consulting, information and analytical, legal and organizational support to Russian IT companies in the countries of presence, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko explained.
According to him, in 2024 the geography of the presence of "digital attaches" will be expanded to 28 countries. According to experts, the institute of "digital attaches" as an effective tool for the development of exports of domestic IT solutions is in demand in the markets of Southeast Asia, the Middle East, South America, the press service of the Cabinet notes.
Russoft President Valenten Makarov supported the idea of creating "digital attaches" and believes that this service will contribute to export growth, but by no more than 2-3% per year.
To increase this indicator, it is necessary that the functions of the attache are performed not by employees of the trade mission, but by business representatives working under contracts with associations and having, in addition to salary, an incentive in the form of a percentage of sales of Russian IT products abroad. Representatives of various associations are now discussing a similar format with the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development, "he said in a conversation with RBC.[1]digital attachés[2] |
Transition of "Digital Economy" program management
ANO "Analytical Center under the Government of the Russian Federation" (ANO AC) will be excluded from the management of the national program "Digital Economy." The functions of the project office will be transferred to the Ministry of Digital Development. The changes are spelled out in the draft government decree published on on December 29, 2021. The project was prepared by the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development. Read more here.
Mishustin assigned to the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development of the obligation to stimulate demand for IT equipment and software
In December 2021, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a government decree approving new areas of responsibility for the Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation. One of the innovations is that the department has responsibilities to stimulate demand for domestic IT equipment and software.
The Ministry of Digital Development is determined by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy to stimulate demand for domestic civilian electronic products and software, as well as state policy in the field of development and support of Russian electronic products and software, including in the implementation of measures to support projects for the development, implementation and use of information and telecommunication solutions, - said in a document published on the official Internet portal of legal information. |
In June 2021, when the Ministry of Digital Development published a draft resolution on changes in its position, the deputy head of the department, Andrei Zarenin, said that the document would not just become a formality - the ministry would take on a number of large and difficult tasks: this is forecasting demand, and developing measures of state support for the electronic industry, and promoting the use of mainly domestic electronic products. Zarenin also pointed out that the Ministry of Digital Development will also deal with issues of increasing the competitiveness of Russian electronic products.
The June version of the project said that the Ministry of Digital Development should keep a list of developers, manufacturers and customers of domestic radio electronics, hardware and software systems and software that have the right to receive state subsidies or tax benefits, as well as determine the criteria for classifying organizations to this list. As a result, this provision was removed after coordination with other departments.[3]"
TAdviser interview with Minister Maksut Shadayev
Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation Maksut Shadayev in an interview given at TAdviser SUMMIT 2021, answered questions from TAdviser editor-in-chief Alexander Levashov prepared by the IT community. Read more here.
A new head of the department for the development of services and client experience has been appointed to the Ministry of Digital Development
In October 2021, Timur Zaripov was appointed Acting Director of the Department for the Development of Services and Client Experience. Ministry of Digital Development Russia More. here
Maksut Shadayev named the main KPI of the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development
Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of Russia Maksut Shadayev in an interview with TAdviser editor-in-chief Alexander Levashov called the main KPI of his ministry - this is a reduction in the staff of officials as a result of automation of the provision of public services.
If we have digitized interdepartmental exchange as part of the provision of public services, then no official is required, - says Shadayev |
As an example of a situation when decisions are made without human participation, the minister cited payments to families with children aged 3 to 7 years.
Just for this reason, the president announced the transfer of payments for children for two weeks - they were supposed to be on August 16, and made from August 2. Because the system works automatically. After all, what is a payment for families with children aged 3 to 7 years, which fall under the definition of need? We confirm income, property, everything is checked automatically and a decision is made |
Another example is the Federal Treasury.
The agency has created a state-of-the-art electronic payment system. Some of the employees were freed up due to this. And they were transferred to accounting in federal departments, which, in turn, made it possible to reduce a large number of departmental accounting services and redirect their employees to other meaningful tasks |
According to Maksut Shadayev, the largest, mainly processing departments will be reduced. The services they provide are an absolutely formalized process, the minister said.
In order to move fully to this model, you need to have "clean data" in online access on the side of departments. It is necessary that they are centralized, harmonized, accessible, added the head of the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development.
The full interview can be read at the link.
The Ministry of Digital Development will lead the fight against deepfakes, and will coordinate games and leisure on the Internet
On July 28, 2021, it became known that the Ministry of Digital Development would coordinate two directions for the development of the digital economy: "New production technologies" and "New communication Internet technologies." For these purposes, billions of rubles will be allocated from the federal budget and various funds. Read more here.
Dmitry Tur - New Director of the Department of State Regulation of the Telecommunications Market of the Ministry of Digital Development
On July 13, 2021, Dmitry Tur took office as director of the Department of State Regulation of the Telecommunications Market, which is part of the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development. This was reported on the website of the department. Read more here.
New Deputy Ministers - Dmitry Kim and Andrey Zarenin
On May 11, 2021, by order of the government, Dmitry Kim was appointed Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media. Prior to that, he worked at Rostelecom . The Ministry of Digital Science explained to TAdviser that the new deputy Ministry of Digital Development will oversee the development of state policy in the field of telecommunications, including the use of the radio frequency spectrum. Dmitry Kim replaced Oleg Ivanov in this post. Read more here.
On the same day, another new deputy minister of digital development, communications and mass media was appointed - Andrei Zarenin. In this position, he will oversee the state policy on the formation of demand for electronic products, the creation and implementation, including for state needs, of electronic products and software, taking into account the innovative development of the industry. Read more here.
New Deputy Minister - Alexander Shoitov
On April 12, 2021, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree appointing Alexander Shoitov to the post of Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation. Among other things, he will oversee the federal project "Information Security" of the national program "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation." Read more here.
Creation of a department for the development of the microelectronics market
In early March 2021, it became known about the creation in Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation of a new department that will deal with the development of the microelectronic industry.
The head of this department of the Ministry of Digital Development will be Alexander Ponkin, who previously worked in the Ministry of Digital Industry, heading the department of infrastructure projects and subsequently the department of regulation of radio frequencies and communication networks.
According to Vedomosti, this department will allow solving industry problems in a comprehensive manner. In particular, he will deal with the issues of providing Russian software and equipment developers with orders from Russian companies for specific technological solutions. Initially, the Ministry of Industry and Trade was responsible for the development of the Russian microelectronics market.
According to one of the newspaper's interlocutors, by early March 2021, microelectronics developers are conducting expensive research and development, the results of which remain unclaimed by end customers.
Now anchor customers will have to shape the demand for electronic products with specific technological partners, "he said. |
According to Ivan Pokrovsky, director of the Association of Russian Developers and Electronics Manufacturers, such goals require, first of all, measures for state regulation of the final product market, when, due to benefits and restrictions, conditions are created under which it becomes more profitable to produce in Russia than to import.
Earlier, the head of the radio electronics department of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Vasily Shpak also announced the need to coordinate the actions of the departments.
Our interdepartmental interaction is one of the keys to a successful movement. Synchronizing products now is the main thing, "he said (quoted by Vedomosti).[4] |
The functions of Rossvyaz passed the Ministry of Digital Development
In mid-February 2021, the Ministry of Digital Development of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation announced the transfer of the functions and powers of Rossvyaz to the department. The procedure was launched in accordance with the decree of President Vladimir Putin of November 20, 2020 No. 719 "On improving public administration in the field of digital development, communications and mass media" and the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 9, 2020 No. 3266-r. Read more here.
Distribution of duties between deputy heads of the Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation
In December 2020 Ministry of Digital Development RUSSIAN FEDERATION , it approved the distribution of duties between the Deputy Ministers of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media. of the Russian Federation
Oleg Borisovich Pak is the head of the federal project "Digital State Administration" of the national program "Digital Economy." In this capacity, he oversees: the digitalization of public administration, the development and implementation of state policy in the field of postal services. Coordinates the work of the Department for the Implementation of Strategic Projects and the Department for the Development of Architecture and Coordination of Informatization.
Bella Mukharbievna Cherkesova is responsible for developing state policy in the field of mass communications and media, publishing and printing activities, protecting children from information harmful to their development. She also coordinates the work of the Department of Public Policy in the field of media.
Maxim Viktorovich Parshin is the head of the federal project "Digital Technologies" of the national program "Digital Economy." In this role, he oversees the development of state policy in the field of information technology development, the creation of favorable conditions for the development of Russian companies in the field of ICT. Coordinates the work of the IT Development Department and the Department of International Cooperation.
Oleg Anatolyevich Ivanov was appointed head of the federal projects "Information Infrastructure" and "Information Security" of the national program "Digital Economy." His duties include the development of state policy in the field of telecommunications (including the use of the radio frequency spectrum). He also coordinates the work of the Department of Infrastructure Projects, the Department of State Policy in the Field of Communications and the Department of Information Security.
Oleg Yuryevich Kachanov oversees the introduction of digital technologies into the work of government agencies, the development and implementation of the state policy of digital transformation, the digital transformation of the ministry, the development of the State Public services portal. Coordinates the work of the Department of Digital Government.
Dmitry Aleksandrovich Oguryaev is responsible for the development of state electronic services on third-party resources, the introduction of superservices on the State Public services portal, the development of state information systems within the framework of the federal project "Digital Public Administration," the development of the "Digital Profile" based on the ESIA. Coordinates the work of the Department of Advanced Digital Solutions.
New Deputy Minister - General from the FSO
By order of Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin dated December 29, 2020, the former head of the FSO Special Communications Vladimir Belanovsky was appointed Deputy Minister of Digital Development of the Russian Federation.
New Deputy Minister - curator of the media industry
On October 23, 2020, by order of the government, Bell Cherkasov was appointed Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation. She will oversee the media industry and the Internet.
TAdviser interview with Deputy Minister of Digital Development Dmitry Oguryaev
In October 2020, Dmitry Oguryaev, Deputy Minister responsible for the development of electronic public services of the Ministry of Digital Development, in an interview with TAdviser Editor-in-Chief Alexander Levashov spoke about new approaches to the development of the public services portal. Read more here.
TAdviser interview with Deputy Head Maxim Parshin
In September 2020, in an interview TAdviser , the deputy Ministry of Digital Development Russia Maxim Parshin head spoke about the features of a new support program for projects for the development and implementation of the Russian digital solutions. Read more here.
Absolyut Bank is chosen by authorized bank of the Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation
Absolut Bank on September 17, 2020 announced the selection at the Ministry of Digital Development, Mass Media Communications of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Digital Media), becoming the authorized bank of the Ministry.
Absolut will take part in the implementation of the program within the framework of Resolution of the Russian Federation No. 1598 "Promising Measures to Support the IT Industry and Digital Transformation of Sectors of the Economy." The program is designed to support the industry of domestic IT products. Read more here.
The Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media it is officially renamed into the Ministry of Digital Development
On September 11, 2020, it became known about the official renaming of the Ministry of Communications. Now it has received the abbreviated name "Ministry of Digital Development." Such changes were approved by government decree No. 1389 of September 9, 2020, writes the publication D-Russia.
In paragraph 1, replace the words "(Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia)" with the words "(Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development of Russia)," the document says, published on the government's website and signed by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin. Changes are made to the Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation regulation. |
Although back in May 2020, the president Russia Vladimir Putin by his decree renamed the "Ministry of Communications and Mass Media" to the of the Russian Federation"Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation," the department retained the short name "Ministry Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of Communications," or "," which was used both in the media and in official documents.
In addition to changing the name, government decree No. 1389 of September 9, 2020 introduces changes to the ministry's regulation regarding electronic signature. In accordance with the document, the Ministry of Digital Development will have to accredit certification centers trusted by third parties, check compliance by trusted third parties with the requirements established by the Federal Law "On Electronic Signature" and other regulatory legal acts adopted in accordance with it, and if non-compliance with these requirements is detected, issue orders to eliminate the identified violations.
The accreditation period of certification centers was reduced from five to three years. Administrative liability was introduced for violations in the work of technical certification centers; criminal liability is provided for the deliberate actions of employees of certification centers, in addition to administrative liability.[5]
Dismissal of Lyudmila Bokova from the post of Deputy Minister of Digital Development
On September 11, 2020, it was announced the release of Lyudmila Bokova from the post of Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media. The corresponding government order signed by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin is published on the official Internet portal of legal information. Read more here.
A resident of the Krasnodar Territory stole €819 thousand from the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications
On August 20, 2020, the Moscow prosecutor's office announced a criminal case against a resident of the Krasnodar Territory who stole €819 thousand from the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications. He is accused of fraud on an especially large scale (part 4 of article 159 of the Criminal Code).
According to the website of the city prosecutor's office, in Moscow July 1991, the USSR Ministry of Communications, whose successor is the Ministry of Communications, Russia joined the international satellite communications organization Intelsat () Netherlands and paid a $900,000 admission fee.
After the liquidation of the said organization in 2004, the Ministry of Finance of the Netherlands deposited funds of the Russian Federation in an amount exceeding €819,000, which it placed in its accounts.
The prosecutor's office clarifies that the accused forged documents on the assignment of the right to claim the debt in his name and received funds from the Ministry of Communications of Russia, thereby committing a crime affecting the interests of the Russian Federation. The accused stole the indicated amount after learning about the possibility of collecting debt on the Internet.
The prosecutor's office of the North-Eastern Administrative District of Moscow approved the indictment. The materials were sent for consideration to the Presnensky District Court of Moscow. The defendant was taken into custody. The property and funds of the accused were seized.[6]
Withdrawal from the founders of the ANO "Coordination Center for the National Domain of the Internet"
On June 10, 2020 ANO "Coordination Center of the National Internet Domain" , he announced his resignation from the founders (Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media Russia on the basis of his application). More. here
Create a Department of Advanced Digital Solutions
On June 4, 2020, it became known that communications Russia Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media an additional unit, the Department of Advanced Digital Technologies, had appeared as part of the Ministry of Digital Development and Mass Media (). It was included in the staffing table of the department, approved in May 2020.
The post of head of this department was taken by Alexei Gorobtsov, now the former head of the Department for the Development of the Digital State, also part of the Ministry of Communications. Alexander Tutryumov, Oleg Alekseenko and Timur Zaripov became his deputies.
According to the Electronic State Expert Center, the Department for the Development of the Digital State will receive a different name in the foreseeable future - it will become known as the Department of Digital Public Administration and will be engaged, among other things, in the development and operation of the electronic government infrastructure . The leadership will be taken over by Sergei Tsvetkov, who works in the Department of Digital Transformation Projects at the beginning of June 2020.
One of the activities of the Department of Advanced Digital Technologies will be the development of the digital profile of organizations and individuals, and with it - the interfaces of the mobile application and the portal of public services. In addition, its employees will monitor the quality of e-government and engage in the unification of state services with information systems (IS) of the business community, as well as the development of public services services for legal entities.
The department headed by Alexei Gorobtsov will also take over the implementation of tasks for the implementation of superservices for various life situations. Among them will be: justice and notary, birth of a child, digitalization of agriculture, as well as social support and labor relations.
In addition to the above, the department will monitor the implementation of other superservices. It will also be responsible for the digitalization of all communications of the state and citizens of Russia, including notifying Russians about their benefits[7] of [8] in the Ministry of[9].
Reassignment of six substituents
On May 19, 2020, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed orders appointing six Deputy Ministers of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media Maksut Shadayev.
Deputies were reassigned, Maxim Parshin,, Evgeny Kislyakov, and Oleg Kachanov. Andrey Chernenko Oleg Ivanov Alexey Volin
The reassignment was necessary in connection with the previously issued government decree of April 28, 2020 No. 596, according to which the number of deputy ministers of digital development was reduced from nine to eight.
Of the 9 deputies, the first deputy Oleg Pak was not reassigned, the deputy minister - State Secretary Lyudmila Bokova, as well as the usual deputy Aleksei Sokolov.
Earlier, TAdviser wrote that Sokolov could leave the ministry.
The reassignments of Pak and Bokova are likely to take place soon.
Ministry of Communications launched a study of the readiness of the transport industry for digital transformation
On May 6, 2020 Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media Russia , they reported that in accordance with the task of transforming priority sectors of the economy and social sphere, established by Decree President of the Russian Federation of 07.05.2018 No. 204 "On national goals and strategic objectives of development RUSSIAN FEDERATION for the period up to 2024," as well as within the framework of the implementation of measures national program "Digital Economy" aimed at promoting digital transformation priority sectors of the economy, The Ministry of Communications of Russia, with the participation of the Department of Digital Transformation, Ministry of Transport of Russia key industry associations and expert organizations, launched a study to assess readiness for digital transformation transport logistic and industries. More. here
Transfer of employees to remote work in connection with coronavirus
On March 17, 2020, RBC announced that the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Communications, who moved to the government complex in Moscow City, intend to transfer their employees to remote work.
The heads of departments signed a corresponding order in connection with the epidemiological situation in Moscow against the background of the spread of coronavirus infection. Read more here.
Mishustin allowed the head of the Ministry of Communications to have 9 deputies
Instead of eight, the Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media Maksut Shadayev will have nine deputies. This follows from the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, published on the official website of legal information on February 10, 2020.
Financing of expenses related to the emergence of a new deputy head of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, as noted in the resolution, will be carried out within the maximum number of employees of the central office of the ministry and federal budget funds provided for the management and management of this state body.
The previous head of the Ministry of Communications, Konstantin Noskov, had eight deputy ministers. Maksut Shadayev, as of February 11, 2020, did not part with any of Noskov's deputies, but additionally attracted another deputy, Lyudmila Bokova, to work in the Ministry of Communications.
Maksut Shadayev told in detail what the Ministry of Communications will do under his leadership
Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media Maksut Shadayev spoke about the priorities of the Ministry of Communications and Communications and interaction with the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Information Technology and Communications, speaking at its expanded meeting held on February 5, 2020.
A TAdviser correspondent who attended the event recorded the main points of the minister's report.
I really hope that we will be able to form constructive interaction between the Ministry of Communications and the committee. We will have constant work, because the introduction of any new technologies is a change in processes that requires changes in the relevant legislation. The speed of those projects that we launch will depend on our close, cohesive work, - said Maksut Shadayev |
At the same time, the head of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications noted that the committee was always characterized by a constructive position.
Our main task is the quality of life, a convenient format of interaction between citizens and the state, this is a change in processes within the authorities themselves, - Shadayev emphasized |
The head of the ministry spoke about digital services as one of the priorities in the activities of the Ministry of Communications. According to him, it is very important to get qualitative changes in the interaction of citizens and authorities. It is necessary to make it more comfortable, simple and convenient for business and citizens, in particular, making the state not so noticeable by the administrative barriers it creates, as well as removing or expanding the existing bottlenecks.
Shadayev also recalled that, according to the Digital Economy national program, by 2024 the 70% of state services should have an electronic format.
This is a very difficult, big, ambitious task. Much has been done in the field of digitalization of public services. It's about the quality of their change that the president and the government demand. Moreover, it is necessary not only that people do not need to visit authorities and various other state structures, it is also important to make many public services and services seamlessly accessible to our citizens, the minister drew attention to |
Such accessibility, in his opinion, in some cases in principle eliminates the need for public services or their provision in a proactive mode. In cases where the need to apply to state institutions, nevertheless, remains, the task, according to Shadayev, is to reduce the corresponding process to an extremely simple scheme: filling out the form is to receive a service "in two clicks."
We must move away from large and complex forms, optimize the process of consideration of applications. To make sure that the time for the provision of public services is significantly reduced - by an order of magnitude, at times. Or make sure that they are provided completely online. Unfortunately, for many of them, the term has not changed for decades, - said the minister. - At the same time, when reducing the timing of the provision of services, it is important to eliminate the subjectivity of officials that they have when making decisions within the framework of certain processes. This is important, since the human factor remains at the municipal and regional levels |
In addition, in his opinion, digitalization should result in a reduction in labor costs at the level of the state apparatus. Officials should be sent to work that requires intellectual activity, and not processing sets of documents received to receive public services.
The minister also spoke about measures that will help solve existing problems. Among them - the legalization of the system of identification and authentication of citizens - the introduction of it at the legislative level as a single online system; ensuring the legal significance of documents submitted in electronic format, in particular through biometric online identification; resolving the issue of the obligation of government agencies to register citizens in the MPSC systems against their wishes; replacing paper passports of citizens with electronic ones.
Speaking about the automation and digitalization of state and municipal services, Maksut Shadayev noted that for the development of relevant services, a number of changes will need to be made to federal law No. 210, which determines the procedure for obtaining them. He also noted the need to move from consistently filling out a number of electronic applications to one document that allows you to launch the provision of a whole range of state and municipal services - the transition to the so-called "super services." In addition, according to the minister, it is necessary to make legally significant not only paper documents, but also electronic ones.
For all municipal services, we must switch to a registered model of accounting for the result of their provision. However, if a person wants to receive a paper document, he should be guaranteed the possibility of printing it from the relevant registers in the MPSC. In addition, special attention should be paid to the protection of these registers, - said Maksut Shadayev |
Subjectivity in decision-making, in his opinion, can be eliminated using the so-called "checklists." Some of them, as the minister noted, will be filled automatically, some - by the officials themselves. According to the checklist, the electronic algorithm will form the corresponding document.
The minister also touched upon the problem of receiving paper registered letters from courts, municipal and state bodies.
We do not propose to abandon paper registered letters yet, but it is necessary that all services also imply electronic notification, "Shadayev said. |
The need to digitalize control and supervisory activities, according to him, is caused by the fact that, despite the existence of a single register of inspections, at the regional and municipal levels, many inspections are carried out unscheduled. At the same time, the system of these unscheduled inspections is not transparent enough.
Here we propose to streamline the conduct of inspections, making it mandatory to post information on both planned and unscheduled inspections in the register. At the same time, the business will have to provide all reporting to government agencies in electronic form. In general, all interaction between the inspector and business should take place in electronic format, - said the head of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications |
At the same time, he assured that the use of Internet of things technology will be of great benefit to control and supervisory activities. Appropriate sensors can replace inspectors to quickly record violations.
As a number of other necessary measures in the field of electronic interaction with the state, Maksut Shadayev outlined providing citizens with access to their data available to the state and creating a single window service for more objective public hearings.
Residents should have new mechanisms to influence the local agenda. The authorities should become more sensitive - to respond more quickly to requests and complaints from residents. In this sense, to a certain extent, it will be necessary to revise the entire existing procedure for appeals from citizens - so that those problems that concern the citizen at a particular moment in time and can be promptly resolved are eliminated, - explained Maksut Shadayev |
The minister also drew attention to the lack of understanding of citizens, where to file complaints and how powers are distributed between the state, regional and municipal levels.
We believe that it is necessary to create one window for complaints from citizens and implement in it the mechanism of intelligent automatic routing to that department, the executor who is responsible for the specific issue raised by the citizen. At the same time, each citizen's problem should have its own digital algorithms for solving it, and a person should be able to confirm its solution. Moreover, in addition to how to file a complaint, a citizen should be able to submit certain proposals, - said Shadayev |
At the end of the meeting, the head of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Information Technology and Communications, Alexander Khinshtein, expressed the hope that the reset of relations between the committee and the Ministry of Communications will continue and their joint work will take place in the closest and most cohesive way.
Our tasks are the same and, I hope, there is one understanding, - said the head of the committee |
Also, for the maximum success of digitalization, Alexander Khinshtein proposed to be subordinated to the ministry, Rosleskhoz since, in his opinion, there is already a need for statistics showing how many trees will not be cut down as a result of a departure from mass paper circulation.
Earlier, on January 27, 2020, Maksut Shadayev spoke at the working group of the State Council and listed the main priorities for the development of the digital economy, including reducing the time for receiving public services, equal access of students to high-quality education and the possibility of its personalization, the availability of basic medical care. Read more here.
Alexander Khinshtein spoke about the interaction of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, IT and Communications with the Ministry of Communications
The head of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Information Technologies and Communications Alexander Khinshtein spoke about the priorities of the committee's activities and interaction with the Ministry of Communications at its expanded meeting on February 5, 2020. Read more here.
New Minister - Maksut Shadayev
Shadayev Maksut Igorevich was appointed Minister of Digital Development in January 2020.
The Ministry of Communications of Russia - options for a new life. Experience of political science fantasy
TAdviser analyzed the possible options for the transformation of the Ministry of Digital Development in connection with the resignation of the government in January 2020 in more detail.
Draft methodology for determining the initial price of the radio frequency spectrum
On October 9, 2019, it became known that the Ministry of Digital Development had prepared a draft "Methodology for determining the initial price of the subject of the auction for obtaining a license for the provision of communication services using the radio frequency spectrum." The document is published on the portal Read more here.
Publication of the draft resolution on subsidizing the creation of "sectoral" centers of State system of detection, prevention and elimination of consequences of computer attacks
On July 30, 2019, it became known that the Ministry of Digital Development, communication and mass media published draft resolution Governments of the Russian Federation[10], which regulates the rules for allocating subsidies for the creation of an industry State center for a system for detection, prevention and elimination of consequences computer attacks State system of detection, prevention and elimination of consequences of computer attacks (). More. here
Negotiations with the power structures to expand the frequency range for 5G
On July 26, 2019, it became known that at a meeting of the State Commission on Radio Frequencies (GKRCH), Deputy Minister of Communications Oleg Ivanov said that "positive negotiations are underway with the power unit" regarding the transmission of 4.4-4.8 GHz frequencies for 5G. Read more here.
Order on amending the rules of SORM equipment
On July 5, 2019, it became known that, as part of the implementation of Article 13 of Law No. 374-FZ "On Amendments to the Federal Law" On Countering Terrorism, "the order Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media RUSSIAN FEDERATION amended the Federal Law" On Communications. " In particular, in the "Rules for the use of equipment of switching systems, including, software ensuring the implementation of established actions during operational-search measures. Part III. " here More.
Bill on mandatory pre-installation of Russian applications on smartphones and PCs
On June 28, 2019, it became known that the authorities will oblige smartphone manufacturers to pre-install applications from Russian developers on devices that are supplied to Russia. The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications has already prepared a corresponding bill that will introduce the necessary amendments to the law "On Communications." Read more here.
Developing requirements for 5G-enabled mobile devices
The Ministry of Communications and Communications of the Russian Federation announced the beginning of the preparation of "rules for the use of subscriber terminals of mobile radiotelephone networks of the 5G standard of NR technology." The document on April 12, 2019 was published on the Federal Portal of Draft Regulatory Legal Acts.
The description of the problem indicates that in the case of using "subscriber terminals of 5G mobile radiotelephone networks of NR technology on a single telecommunication network of the Russian Federation, there are significant risks of disruption of sustainable functioning associated with non-compliance of the parameters of this equipment with the necessary mandatory requirements." At the same time, Russian legislation does not contain formalized requirements for such equipment - that is, for devices with 5G support. Which is what is proposed to be corrected. Read more here.
Launch of Eurasian Software Registry
On April 9, 2019, the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation announced the commissioning of the Unified Register of Programs for Electronic Computers and Databases of the Member States of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). Inclusion in the register of software products allows their copyright holders to participate in public procurement in Russia on a par with Russian companies. This was stated by the head of the ministry Konstantin Noskov. Read more here.
The government complains about poor discipline in the Ministry of Communications and calls for order
In March 2019, the Government Department for Monitoring and Verification of Implementation of Decisions complained about poor discipline in the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media.
The fact that the government called on Minister Konstantin Noskov to restore order in the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications and take appropriate measures is stated in the letter of the department, a copy of which came to the Vedomosti newspaper.
As reported in the letter, the reports of the ministry, as a rule, are received by the government after a working day, in violation of the established deadlines, while being registered retroactively. So, the report on one of the instructions had to be worked out with the employees of the ministry on Saturday, although the deadlines for it expired the day before, as a result, the report was signed, but registered retroactively.
At the same time, the control division of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications does not know at all about the stage of preparing reports to the government. The leadership of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications approaches the execution of orders formally, the ministry has weak discipline, and its employees do not bear personal responsibility, the department complains.
In addition, according to the data at the beginning of 2019, over the past three years, the share of the president's instructions executed in due time Russia Vladimir Putin has decreased from 45% to 34%, and the cabinet of ministers from 93% to 85%. At the same time, the publication does not specify whether these figures relate to the work of the Ministry of Communications.
The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications replied that there were fewer overdue orders in the second half of 2018, and the number of orders itself increased. They also assured that the leadership of the department is taking all measures to reduce such cases - the head of the department, Konstantin Noskov, holds operational meetings every week, and official inspections are carried out on the fact of violation of discipline.[11]
The Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation will act as the coordinator of creation of an IT hub in Vietnam
On February 20, 2019, the Minis try of Digital Development of the Russian Federation announced that it would coordinate the creation of an innovative hub in Vietnam, which, among other things, will support Russian IT companies in entering the Vietnamese market. The corresponding decision was made during the visit of the Russian delegation headed by the deputy head of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications Mikhail Mamonov to Vietnam.
The hub should include a site with exhibition and demonstration and office infrastructure and be managed by an experienced operator with competencies to promote companies in local markets. The hub can also assist promising startups and IT companies in accessing national venture capital and expertise. |
The hub could be the Center for Russian High Technologies, which will be created under the auspices of the Ministry of Communications of Russia, the deputy head of the ministry said. Interest in participating in the project has already been expressed by Geoskan, InfoWatch, Kaspersky Lab, Mikran, T8, Rosatom University and other Russian companies. According to Mikhail Mamonov, the center will become a permanent platform for scientific and technological cooperation between Russian and Vietnamese universities and companies in the field of cybersecurity, IT, critical infrastructure and personnel training.
The Vietnamese side has shown special interest in Russian IT solutions in the field of e-government, the development of the portal of public services, information security, smart city technologies, the organization of multifunctional centers and others. In the coming months, Vietnam will prepare and send Russia a project for the development of e-government in its country based on Russian technologies, as well as proposals for the participation of Russian companies in the implementation of specific projects in the republic. After that, a "roadmap" will be drawn up for the implementation of the project.
Russia and Vietnam are already actively interacting in the IT sphere in February 2019. In particular, Rostelecom cooperates with Vietnam Telecom International on the organization of an intelligent communication network, Mail.Ru and the VKontakte service are ready to cooperate in the creation of Internet services for Vietnamese residents, the Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics trains Vietnamese specialists in the field of communications and telecommunications[12] as [13].
Audit by the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation of the execution in the Ministry of Budget for 2018
On June 24, 2019, it became known that the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation checked the execution of the budget for 2018 at the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media.
During the audit, violations were revealed in the formation of budget reports. In particular, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications did not reflect in the budget accounting information about two bank guarantees received to secure obligations under contracts in the amount of 21.14 million rubles. Also, the document did not find information about the apartments that the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications transferred to employees for free use, and about the written-off property with a total of 82 units at a notional price of 1 ruble with an estimated value of 14.29 million rubles.
Also, the Accounts Chamber noted shortcomings in the disposal of property: the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications placed its hardware and software complexes and information systems at the technical sites of other organizations without concluding contracts for responsible storage or transfer for free use. This entails the risks of losing this property.
In addition, violations of the Rules for the preparation of plans for the informatization of state bodies were revealed. The Ministry of Communications and Mass Media as an authorized state body did not comply with the deadlines established by the rules for the expert assessment of documents on information and communication technologies Ошибка цитирования Отсутствует закрывающий тег </ref>.
The Ministry of Digital Development will have 10 deputy ministers, 18 departments and many new powers
In June 2018, the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media presented a draft government decree expanding the authority of the department inherited from its predecessor, the Ministry of Mass Communications and Communications. The document proposes to increase the allowed number of departments of the department, as well as deputy ministers.
According to the project, the Ministry of Communications will be responsible, among other things, for the preparation and implementation of the Digital Economy program, including:
- Participation in the development and implementation of plans for the digital transformation of government agencies, state institutions, corporations and funds
- Implementation and scaling of best practices of technological development of the digital economy;
- Development, implementation and operation of digital data platforms;
- Organization of the use of data production mechanisms in digital form;
- Implementation of digital public administration functions;
- Developing a unified policy for the digital development of public administration processes and coordinating the introduction of digital technologies and platform solutions in the fields of public administration;
- Determination of the requirements for qualification of IT managers of state bodies, including in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as assessment of the compliance of candidates for the relevant positions with the specified requirements.
According to the document, the minister will now be able to acquire 10 deputies, and the number of departments should expand to 18.
Earlier, in accordance with the 2008 government decree on the Ministry of Communications, the minister was allowed to have up to 8 deputies and 15 departments in the main areas of activity.
New Minister - Konstantin Noskov
On May 18, the president Russia Vladimir Putin approved Dmitry Medvedev the candidacy proposed by the Prime Minister for the Konstantin Noskov post of Minister of Communications.
Renamed the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media
On May 15, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree renaming the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media to the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media. He announced the signing of the document at a meeting with Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, who put forward a corresponding proposal.
The renaming was required "in order to implement the very digital agenda that the whole world is engaged in and which is absolutely relevant in our country," Medvedev explained.
The day before, on May 14, TAdviser wrote that Konstantin Noskov, head of the Analytical Center under the Government of the Russian Federation (AC), could head the updated ministry.
AC is the project office of the Digital Economy program, and Noskov previously, in 2009-2011, headed the IT department of the White House.
Joining the Digital Health Consortium
The national consortium "Digital Health" began work in Russia, the memorandum of creation of which was signed on February 16, 2018 at the National Medical Research Center named after Almazov. The consortium is attended by the Shvabe holding (structure of Rostec Group of Companies), the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of Russia, Rusatom Healthcare, Almazov National Medical Research Center, Lomonosov Moscow State University, ITMO University and the engineering center ElTech SPb. Read more here.
Reporting irregularities
In 2016, the Ministry of Communications again violated the rules for preparing informatization plans. In particular, the department signed a contract worth 41.6 million rubles for the event, which was absent in the approved plan. The Accounts Chamber came to this conclusion during the audit of the Ministry of[14].
In addition, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications admits violations when approving state assignments. For example, in the state assignment for 2016 for the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Research Institute Voskhod" there are types of activities that this institution does not carry out. The report on the implementation of this state assignment was not published in a timely manner on the website for posting information about state institutions, the same applies to the task for the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Center for Expertise and Coordination of Informatization." At the same time, most of the works and services from the standard list of the Ministry of Communications, published in the Electronic Budget system, do not correspond to the generally accepted list of public services.
Internet traffic of the Russian Federation under control
On February 11, 2016, the Ministry of Communications announced the preparation of amendments to the laws "On Communications" and "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection," which implies state control over the passage of Internet traffic[15] of the Russian[15].
The amended legislation will ensure the security of Runet, in particular - protect against external attacks, the accompanying note to the document says.
The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications offers several ways for government authorities to track Internet traffic routes through communication networks:
- creating a state system for monitoring "the use of global addressing resources and global Internet network identifiers (DNS and IP addresses)." Such a system will control the operation of critical elements of the Runet infrastructure. At the same time, it is proposed to create a register of IP addresses of the Russian segment of the Network.
- control over foreign communication channels and traffic exchange points. According to the document, operators with an appropriate license will organize cross-border data transfer. The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications proposes to oblige operators to use only traffic exchange points entered in the state register.
In early February 2016, on the website of the Government of the Russian Federation, a draft order of the Ministry of Communications on SORM (a system of technical means to ensure the functions of operational-search measures) was published and presented for public discussion. The document contains requirements for the use of telegraph communication as the third point of connection of Russian special services to communication channels.
Шаблон:Main 'Internet censorship (control). Russian Experience
Plans of the Ministry of Communications for the period 2016-2021
In June 2016, the Ministry of Communications published an order "On the approval of the action plan of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation for the period 2016-2021[16][17].
The list of events precedes the determination of the main goal of the Ministry of Communications - improving the quality of life and work of citizens, developing the country's economic potential based on the use of ICT. To achieve it, from the point of view of the department, it must provide high-quality communication and Internet access, eliminate "digital inequality," develop an information environment, prevent information threats, and ensure the provision of public services in electronic form.
Growth in the IT industry
The schedule contains 79 points. From it, for example, you can find out that in 2016 the volume of production in the Russian IT industry should reach p390 billion, and by 2021 it should increase to p700 billion. Labor productivity in it will have to grow by 6% annually, and the number of created high-performance jobs annually will be 15 thousand.
Import substitution of software
The plans of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications regarding the selection of priority projects for the development of competitive Russian software do not go further than 2016, within which their number should be eight. In the columns opposite the rest of the years there are dashes. Apparently, this is due to the fact that the financing of projects in the amount of p5 billion has so far been determined only for the current year.
At the same time, the Register of Domestic Software, supervised by the ministry, in 2016 should include 2 thousand programs, and by 2021 - 5 thousand. As explained by CNews in the Ministry of Communications, this forecast was made based on the current dynamics of filing applications, "as well as taking into account its potential values in future periods as the register is filled."
Use of public services and services
Over the next six years, the share of citizens receiving public services in electronic form will increase from 50% to 80%, and the share of provided electronic services from their total number will increase from 25% to 50%.
The share of entrepreneurs who downloaded the plugin of the Independent Registrar system, which ensures the recording of tender actions on electronic trading platforms, will increase from 6% to 30% (of the total number of users). The share of citizens using GIS housing and communal services in 2016 will be only 0.1%, but by 2021 this figure should grow 300 times - up to 30%.
Development Internet
According to the plans of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, by 2021 only settlements with fewer than 20 thousand inhabitants will remain without fiber-optic Internet, and 97% of citizens will be able to receive high-definition TV by that time.
Also of interest are the plans of the Ministry of Communications to increase the number of Russians using legal Internet content. In 2016, their share is estimated at 20%, and in 2021 it should grow to 42%.
The Ministry of Communications of Russia sums up the results of 2014
Main article here.
The Accounts Chamber spoke about billions of dollars in violations in the Ministry of Communications
After checking the execution of the federal budget for 2012, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications established violations in the amount of 5.1 billion rubles. This was announced at the "Government Hour" in the State Duma by the auditor of the Accounts Chamber Sergei Agaptsov.
The expenses were carried out in violation of the current legislation, without achieving the required result, - according to the control department. "The main reason is poor-quality budget planning, low performance and financial discipline, as well as the untimely conclusion of agreements on the use of subsidies from the federal budget and delays in transferring these funds to recipients." |
In the subordinate Rossvyaz, the volume of financial violations amounted to 171.9 million rubles. The auditors' claims were mainly related to the delay in the delivery of equipment for the Olympic communication facility. The amount of violations identified in Roskomnadzor amounted to 575.8 million rubles. In this case, we are talking about violation of accounting legislation, non-compliance with the "principle of effectiveness and targeted nature of the use of budget funds[18] in the Ministry of Telecom and Mass[18].
Creation of a working group to support Russian developers of computer games
In May 2014, the Ministry of Communications announced the creation of a working group under the department to support Russian developers of computer games. Within the framework of the new group, it is planned to discuss the situation in the industry, the peculiarities of its functioning, as well as develop ways to solve possible problems.
The first meeting of the group was attended by the deputy head of the Ministry of Communications of Russia Alexei Volin, the head of the legal service of Mail.Ru Anton Malginov, the head of the gaming department of 1C Nikolai Baryshnikov and other representatives of the gaming industry.
Alexey Volin during the meeting noted that computer games have long been out of the attention of the state, and they must be considered as a segment of new media. In his opinion, it is important to understand what kind of support for the industry can be provided, how the Ministry of Communications can help. First of all, this applies to those games that fulfill the tasks of education and patriotic education of young people, he added.
According to expert data provided by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, the volume of the Russian computer games market is about $1.5 billion, and about 25 million citizens regularly play computer games in Russia.
This market is comparable or even larger than cinema, but for some reason cinema is given tremendous attention, and computer games are considered harmful. However, a number of games perform an educational function, teaches children and adults patriotism, "said Alexey Volin. |
He added that piracy poses a serious threat to games . The agency is actively discussing this problem in relation to films, audio content, and computer games should also be protected from pirates, the deputy minister said.
In the fall of 2014, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia, together with Uralvagonzavod, plans to hold the final of the Russian championship in the game "World of Tanks," and at the end of 2014 - the championship in the game "Il-2 Sturmovik: Battle for Stalingrad," dedicated to the continuation of the series of flight simulators "Il-2 Sturmovik."
Creation of a project office to coordinate the transfer of public services to electronic form
September 15, 2014 it became known about the next meeting of the Subcommittee on the use of information technologies in the provision of state and municipal services.
The head of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia announced the creation of a project office ministry to coordinate the activities of federal authorities and regions in the process of transferring public services to electronic form. The results of the work and emerging issues will be submitted to the subcommittee for consideration.
This is the second project office in the department. Since 2013, the ministry has been operating a project office coordinating the implementation of the Interdepartmental Electronic Interaction System (SMEV) in the regions.
A lot of work has already been done to transfer public services to electronic form. At the same time, if you look at monitoring the quality of the provision of public services, it becomes obvious that not enough has been done. It is necessary to make even more efforts to bring the provision mechanisms in line with the requirements of the legislation. For these purposes, a project office was created, "Nikolai Nikiforov explained. |
Team updated by a third
In February 2013, it became known that the staff of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications was updated by about a third in six months, Svetlana Yershova, director of the organizational development department of the ministry, told Vedomosti. Since the summer of 2012, 94 people have left, 78 have been hired - the total number of employees has decreased from 329 to 318. About half of those who came have experience in the civil service, the rest are former managers of MTS, VimpelCom, Megafon, Tele2,, Runa Capital, Acronis, etc. 12 departments remained in the Ministry of Communications: some were disbanded (information societies, state communications and digital TV policies), but departments for the development of the IT industry, regulation of radio frequencies, communication networks and infrastructure projects were created.
The volume of the salary fund has not changed, confirms Yershova, but the point on this issue has not been set: discussions continue[19] Mass[19].
The initial impulses to increase wages were eventually reflected in the order signed by Nikolai Nikiforov dated 14.03.2013 No. 49 "On the approval of the Anti-Corruption Plan of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation," where paragraph 2.3 states "Establishment of a special procedure for remuneration of civil servants of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia, depending on the achievement of performance indicators of professional performance, as well as a unified approach to the payment of bonuses to civil servants for fulfilling especially important and complex tasks based on the results of work. " The implementation date is October 2013. Thus, another shuffle of personnel is quite likely by mid-2013.
Nikolai Nikiforov also asked to allocate him 150 million rubles a year for his personal special fund, from which he planned to pay for expert consulting services of third parties without competitive procedures provided for by law. In particular, it was planned to pay for the services of foreign consulting companies, which were supposed to transfer the functions of developing industry bills.
By May 2013, 12 departments with 6 deputy ministers were formed in the structure of the ministry, which renewed the staff of managers by 70%, despite the fact that Nikolai Nikiforov said that he would retain the continuity of the team of the former head of the department. The department goes for approval of an order to increase the number of departments to 15.
Of the four deputy ministers, so far only one has retained his place - State Secretary Alexander Maslov, who, apparently, after being awarded the "retired medal" at the board of the Ministry of Communications on May 23, moves to OJSC Rostelecom"," where, most likely, he will replace Naum Marder, criticism from whom Minister Nikiforov could not forgive.
With the arrival of Nikolai Nikiforov from the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media, Deputy Minister Ilya Massukh, who was responsible for IT issues, was the first to leave the department. Before leaving, he made a number of loud statements and sharply criticized Nikiforov's course.
Naum Marder was the next to leave the department, who began his work in the Ministry in 1980 and interrupted it only during the reign of Reiman.
Before the Prime Minister signed his resignation petition, Naum Marder called some initiatives supported by Nikolai Nikiforov unreasonable, including the lack of economic justification in the project to ensure universal broadband Internet access in the Russian Federation and haste in the development of especially important by-laws. Quite quietly left the post of Deputy Minister Alexei Malinin, who was in charge of television issues.
Of the 12 directors of departments, two retained their places: Larina and Tikhomirov.
Minister Nikiforov speaks very vividly at meetings on the Open Government, makes many statements about transparency and readiness for public control, but all appointments are made under cover of secrecy, secretly and clearly taking into account the interests of various groups of influence.
The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications version 2.0, as it is now called, has undergone several more serious organizational perturbations. So, in turn, classic meetings for federal ministries with the participation of heads of services and agencies, directors of departments are no longer held. From the outside, it may seem that in the updated department from now on everything goes by itself, but in fact it is not so.
To strengthen the ties of the "new signalmen" in early March 2013, employees of the Ministry of Communications, headed by the minister, held a street team building in the form of a quest game.
Resignation of Rostelecom CEO
The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications under the leadership of Nikolai Nikiforov on the second attempt was able to remove Alexander Provotorov from the post of head of Rostelecom. On March 28, 2013, the board of directors of Rostelecom, the largest telecommunications operator in the Russian Federation, at a meeting approved the early resignation of the company's president and the appointment of Sergei Kalugin, co-founder and former general director of National Cable Networks (now a subsidiary of Rostelecom).
The initiator, represented by the ministry, did not hide his desire by any means to change Provotorov appointed in the summer of 2012 for the next term. In order not to excite the minds of citizens, Sergei Kalugin publicly abandoned the "golden parachutes." This should undoubtedly be considered a hardware victory for the Ministry of Communications[20].
Backlog in budget development
According to the Ministry of Finance, the telecommunications ministry occupies a solid 85th place among the main managers of budget funds in the Russian system of executive authorities.
As of April 1, 2013, the ministry has mastered 1 billion out of 15.1 billion allocated for expenses for all items. As an example, we note that the criticized at all levels of the Ministry of Education has an indicator of 126 billion out of 391.
Change of the head of the Russian Post
By analogy with the change of Provotorov, it was planned to change the general director of the largest postal operator - the state "Russian Post." However, apparently, the capabilities of Alexander Kiselev were underestimated and instead of a smooth change in the head of one of the most criticized companies in Russia, the Ministry was able only to transfer the Federal State Unitary Enterprise from the subordination of Rossvyaz directly to the Ministry, and after a series of scandalous publications in the press, which were clearly custom-made, hardly pushed the candidacy of the former general director of Tele-2 - Dmitry Strashnov. Interestingly, the text of the orders of April 19, 2013 on the dismissal of Kiselev and the appointment of Strashnov was removed from the official website of the department.
In the case of mail, the victory of Nikolai Nikiforov overnight may turn into a weight that will drag the department to the very bottom. Already accustomed to attacks from citizens, the Federal Communications Agency was a shield that protected the department's image from the glory of a "toxic postal asset."
Confirmation of uncertainty and misunderstanding of ways to solve the problem can be the words of Nikolai Anatolyevich himself expressed on April 15, 2012 in an interview with correspondents of the radio station "Echo of Moscow":
The enterprise (Russian Post) needs a serious reboot and modernization, we are preparing a comprehensive program. In order to quickly make these decisions and quickly implement them, in fact, it took the decision that was made. Russian Post is such an enterprise where a revolution, in principle, is impossible. We must establish how the clock of its effective operation. It makes no sense to expect from the Post some quick results, some miracles. They won't happen. |
Preparation of radio frequency distribution auctions
Since March 2013, reports have repeatedly appeared in the press that the Ministry of Communications intends to take away from Roskomnadzor the authority to conduct trading on radio frequencies. The spectrum is planned to be distributed through auctions, and not by competition.
"The organization of tenders is carried out by the federal executive body in the field of communications," says the draft decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, prepared by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications. According to the document, bidding in the form of an auction or competition will be carried out at the expense of the federal budget allocated by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications. To make a decision on putting up frequencies for auction, a decision of the State Commission on Radio Frequencies (SCRF) on the limited spectrum is required.
Earlier, Deputy Minister of Communications and Mass Media Denis Sverdlov said that all frequencies, including those requiring conversion (cleaning from military and special-purpose electronic equipment), will be put up for auction. At the same time, the frequencies sold will be burdened with obligations on the timing of the deployment of networks and the quality of services provided, he specified earlier at a press briefing. Thus, the Ministry is likely to take into account the transfer of powers from its "daughter" into its own hands within the framework of the updated law "On Communications" and deprive the service of an important function, again under the pretext of "improving efficiency."
The result of the contradictions was a breakdown, due to the lack of a quorum, of the meeting of the State Commission on Radio Frequencies (SCRF), which was supposed to be held on April 30, 2013. As already written, the main issue on the agenda of the meeting was to allocate 1900-1920/1980-2000 MHz bands to the Antares group for the construction of an LTE network. Such breakdowns have not been observed before and everything indicates a specific and accurate calculation.
In May 2013, a discussion is underway on the reassignment of Roskomnadzor directly to the Government of the country, as Nikolai Nikiforov himself speaks about.
Delaying the preparation of the financial model
An objective indicator of the presence of internal contradictions in the structure of the department is the fact that among 90 federal authorities, the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media was among three out of the entire list who did not submit the approved financial model for the period 2014-2016 (May 2013). This is evidence of a clear struggle to control financial flows. As mentioned above, there is no documented distribution of duties between the six deputies of Nikolai Nikiforov, and the undercover intrigues between Denis Sverdlov and Mikhail Evraev for control over the most capital-intensive projects do not contribute to a quick exit from this peculiar bureaucratic peak.
Another important fact testifying to the internal contradictions and attempts of most deputies to pull over the "financial blanket" is the Dmitry Medvedev closure of the most corruption-intensive documents - the approved procurement plan, work plan and inspections subordinate to the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of organizations for 2013, from the beginning of which 5 months have already passed. The placement of these documents is a mandatory requirement of the anti-corruption strategy for all federal authorities without exception, aimed at exercising public control.
Slipping of the Communications Act
The leadership of the Ministry of Communications promised to write a new law "On Communications" back in the summer of 2012, planning to submit it to the Duma in December 2012. In March 2013, the ministry first presented the concept of this document to operators.
After a heated discussion in the press and the professional community, it was necessary to make such a large number of amendments to the new law that there is practically no chance of consideration in the State Duma before the summer holidays of the deputies.
Failure to comply with the deadlines, lack of completeness and, sometimes important, detail of certain provisions, the unavailability of related documents and their proper execution - all these are the consequences of internal contradictions.
Speaking with a reporting report, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said that since the beginning of 2013, 80 bills have been sent to the State Duma. Having carried out simple calculations and dividing the number of documents by the number of ministries, about 4 bills from each are obtained. In May 2013, in the Duma, opposite the column of the Ministry of Communications, the value is 0.
Delay in the development of a new law "On Mail"
In 2013, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications decided to carry out a radical reform of the Russian Post, dividing it into a public service network and logistics infrastructure.
After considering the sent bill, the Ministry of Economic Development prepared an opinion on the draft new law "On Postal Service." It indicates that some of the proposed provisions of the project may lead to monopolization by Russian Post of services for the delivery of subscription publications. In addition, the Ministry of Economic Development pointed out the possibility of unjustified restrictions on the activities of entrepreneurs in the field of postal services, as well as an increase in their expenses, as well as the expenses of "all levels of the budget system of the Russian Federation."
In general, following the consideration of the bill, the Ministry of Economic Development concluded that it contains provisions that introduce excessive administrative restrictions. In addition, the provisions of the bill contribute to the emergence of unreasonable expenses of entrepreneurs and state budgets at all levels.
The growth of administration instead of the "reduction of barriers" recited by Denis Sverdlov looks at least strange.
Alexey Mitrofanov, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Information Technology and Communications, also criticized the timing of the preparation of the draft law "On Postal Services."
The government is already coordinating the 85th version of the law, the deputy recalled. - I understand that there is no limit to perfection, but it is time to contribute. The mechanism for adopting the law is such that by the second reading all contradictions will surface in the Duma[21] of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass[21]. |
The politician also recalled that the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications promised to submit the law back in March 2013. But everything shows that until the end of May, the law will not be introduced.
At an expanded meeting of the board of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, Alexei Mitrofanov again addressed the topic of postal rule-making:
At the moment, the law has not yet been submitted to the State Duma. We expected in February, March, April, we are waiting in May. If you do in June, it's also good. |
The failure of Denis Sverdlov's undertakings to develop and adopt a new law resulted in the fact that Mikhail Evraev will deal with all postal issues, as well as the presentation of the bill in the lower house of Parliament. The "profile" adviser to the minister from the new team, Boris Onikul, was actually fired for Sverdlov's failures.
Working out Medvedev's order to create centers for breakthrough IT research
In May 2013, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications announced that, in accordance with the instructions of Dmitry Medvedev, together with the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Finance, they worked on the development of breakthrough research centers in the field of IT in Russia on the basis of existing universities and research institutes. DETAILS.
Kozyrev - Deputy Minister of Communications for Electronic Government
In October 2013, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev appointed Alexei Kozyrev as Deputy Minister of Communications and Mass Media (Nikolai Nikiforov).
The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications reported that in his new position Kozyrev will continue to deal with e-government issues. This area was left without a supervising deputy minister after in the summer of 2013, the deputy head of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications Denis Sverdlov left his post and became an adviser to the minister.
Alexey Kozyrev is a member of Denis Sverdlov's team, and he will continue the reforms launched by Sverdlovsk[22] added to the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications and appointed[22].
One of the main initiatives of the leadership of the Ministry of Communications, headed by Nikolai Nikiforov in the field of electronic government, was an attempt to transfer the functions of the sole executor from Rostelecom to the Voskhod Research Institute and Russian Post. However, this has not yet happened, and the ministry concluded by the end of 2013 a number of contracts on this topic with Rostelecom.
In October, it is expected that contracts will be concluded with the operator for 2014, and Voskhod will become its subcontractor. As CNews previously wrote, Voskhod director Alexei Sividov may move to Rostelecom as vice president to coordinate this activity.
During this period, the main efforts of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications in the field of e-government are associated with the development of a system of interdepartmental electronic interaction (SMEV). In particular, as Kozyrev himself recently said at the CNews round table, it is planned to introduce a system for guaranteed message delivery to SMEV and simplify the procedure for connecting applications.
The main sphere of the resigned Denis Sverdlov was telecommunications. The position of the deputy minister in this area is still vacant. Market participants predict Eldar Razroev, who became an adviser to the Minister of Communications in May, and the head of the infrastructure projects department of the ministry Dmitry Alkhazov.
Shchegolev leaves his deputies in Rossvyaz and Roskomnadzor
Expecting his own resignation at the beginning of 2012, Igor Shchegolev made a kind of "gift" to the new minister for appointment. Two deputy ministers from Shchegolev's team headed federal agencies in the structure of the Ministry of Communications - Oleg Dukhovnitsky By Order of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin No. 632-r of April 23, 2012, he was appointed head of the Federal Communications Agency (Rossvyaz), Alexander Zharov By Order of May 3, 2012 No. 702-r was appointed head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor).
Nikiforov becomes minister
In May 2012, Nikolai Nikiforov was appointed Minister of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation. According to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin "On the structure of federal executive bodies," all federal services and agencies accountable to the Ministry of Communications have been preserved in the new government structure.
The new minister and his predecessor Igor Shchegolev, who will continue to oversee communication as an assistant to the President, agreed to cooperate in the future.
And I was very pleased that Igor Olegovich invited me yesterday to an informal meeting with the team, at which I was received very warmly, "said Nikolai Nikiforov. |
According to him, they discussed a wide range of issues, and close working interaction is planned in the future.
Nikolai Nikiforov did not give promising statements on the threshold of a new position. But he publicly promised to decide on priorities soon and said that the department should show the results of the work in six months. The minister announced the requirement to find the very results of the work within three months at one of the first meetings with the heads of structural divisions.
Director of the Development Department is headed by Svetlana Yershova
Since September 2012, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications has been working as the director of the department for organizational development, which oversees, among other things, personnel policy, a Svetl ana Yershova, former vice president for organization of the Yota operator, invited by Denis Sverdlov.
Alexey Kozyrev - Head of the Department of Electronic Government
On November 12, 2012, 35-year-old Alexei Kozyrev joined the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications as director of the e-government development department.
This department arose in connection with the renaming of the Department of State Policy in the field of creation and development of electronic government, which existed in the previous structure of the Ministry of Communications. It was headed by Andrey Lipov, in November 2012, the head of the president's department for the application of IT and the development of electronic democracy.
Alexey Kozyrev became at least the fourth new director of the department, appointed by the Minister of Communications Nikolai Nikiforov. Earlier, Oleg Pak, who moved from the Ministry of Economic Development, became the director of the department of state policy in the field of IT and coordination of informatization, and Ekaterina Osadchaya, who had previously worked at ProfMedia, headed the department of information and public relations. Tatyana Cherkas, who previously held the post of deputy director of the Department of Economics and Finance of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, became the director of the department of case management.
According to the order on the new structure, signed by Nikolai Nikiforov on October 31, 2012, these and other departments of the ministry change the names and some functions.
The department, headed by Oleg Pak, has been transformed into a department for coordinating informatization. The unit responsible for public relations will be called the Department of External Communications. Instead of the liquidated department of case management, a department of organizational development will appear, which has selected accounting and reporting functions.
By the end of 2012, some of the proteges of Nikolai Nikiforov himself began to leave their posts. So, Olga Strykhar, who came from Tatarstan to the post of assistant, resigned without working in the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media for a year. It was Olga Strykhar who was the press secretary of the Ministry of Informatization and Communications of the Republic of Tatarstan when Nikolai Nikiforov was its head. In May 2012, after his appointment as federal minister, she moved to work with him in Moscow. Strykhar returned back to Tatarstan. According to rumors, the reason for the dismissal was a conflict with one of the deputy. Ministers - Denis Sverdlov, who is responsible for the law on postal services. The adviser to the new minister, Boris Oniknul, also moved from the ministry to another job.
Abolishing "mobile slavery"
Amendments to the law "On Communications," allowing subscribers to save a mobile phone number when changing operators, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed in December 2012. The basis for saving your phone number when changing the operator is the decision of the subscriber without the need to obtain the consent of the authorized federal executive body. The user must pay off all debts to the carrier, and the mobile service provider must ensure that the number is transferred to the network of another carrier.
By law, room portability must be implemented from December 1, 2013. The operator may charge for the provision of the service a fee not exceeding 100 rubles. First, it will be provided at the regional level.
However, mobile operators may not have time to introduce a number portability service by December 1, 2013, said the head of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media Nikolai Nikiforov on the air of the Ekho Moskvy radio station.
Telecom operators say that they want to try not to have time by December 1 to introduce the portability of the telephone number. We want to disagree with this, but it is obvious that if there is no technical readiness, then it will be necessary to think about some kind of transition period, "the minister said. He noted that the position of mobile service providers "does not quite suit the ministry." |
The curator of the project in the Government Arkady Dvorkovich, as soon as possible, defends one of his image projects, the implementation of which is already under threat on time.
The tasks of the ministry until 2018 are outlined
On September 5, 2012, Minister of Communications and Mass Media Nikolai Nikiforov presented five initiative blocks to public hearings, which the department intends to actively develop in the next 5-6 years.
On the website, created personally by the minister and "a number of colleagues in their free time" until September 30, 2012, citizens of the whole country can express their wishes and comments on five blocks.
The minister proposed five main areas for discussion, and also presented the main tasks that should be completed within the framework of the existing government.
Communication Tasks:
- meeting the quality of communication of up to 80% of the country's inhabitants;
- availability of the Internet in all modes of transport;
- annual growth of broadband Internet users to 5 million households;
- portability of the number without changing it from one operator to any other;
- safe internet for children and free access for adults;
- the annual increase in users who have access to fourth-generation communication should be 20 million subscribers.
Mail Tasks:
- Job quality satisfaction -80%
- delivery of mail within the city 100 thousand + in one working day;
- delivery of departures between cities not more than 3 days and between any settlements not more than 7 days;
- the possibility of a citizen receiving any public service in any of 42 thousand post offices.
Media Tasks:
- the ability to view at least 20 TV channels in digital format;
- improving the economic climate to legalize content and combat piracy;
- the ability to receive up to 50 radio channels anywhere in the country;
- creation of a national audio-visual archive.
IT Tasks:
- twofold increase in IT employment. Now about 400 thousand people are directly involved in the development of IT products and another 800 thousand are engaged in IT issues in companies;
- growth of venture capital investment to 40 billion rubles in the IT sector;
- IT industry growth rate is three times higher than GDP growth .
Electronic services The minister noted that in this block we mean electronic services in general, and not only within the framework of the project to provide public services. Tasks:
- the ability to receive 100% of public services on their own at any time;
- assessment of the quality of the services provided;
- complete transition to electronic passports;
- satisfaction with the services provided at the level of 90%;
- reducing cash payments to a minimum;
- the ability to receive government services electronically in 80% of cases.
At the same time, Nikolai Nikiforov noted that among these blocks IT and Electronic services will be priority. "IT is one of the most important growth points of our economy," the minister said.
According to the minister, after the completion of the public discussion, projects will be formulated, the implementation of which will be a priority for the department until 2018. "We plan on this de site to report on the progress of implementation and give the opportunity to comment and discuss projects," the minister concluded.
2011: Prosecutor General's Office reveals embezzlement of 300 million rubles
- On August 30, 2011, the Prosecutor General's Office announced the identification of embezzlement of budget funds allocated for the implementation of the federal target program "Electronic Russia (2002-2010)."
The materials of the audit carried out by the Prosecutor General's Office were sent to the Investigative Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
"The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia has concluded state contracts with Rostelecom OJSC worth more than 2 billion rubles. for the performance of work within the framework of the federal target program" Electronic Russia (2002-2010), "the Prosecutor General's Office said in a statement. - During the audit carried out by the General Prosecutor's Office in the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia and OJSC Rostelecom, data were obtained indicating the embezzlement of part of these funds by deception or breach of trust. "
Thus, by creating schemes from numerous intermediary firms by almost 270 million rubles. the cost of software and hardware acquired by the Ministry of Communications through Rostelecom under the state contract was overestimated, the Prosecutor General's Office said.
"The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications paid 653 million rubles for the purchased equipment, with its actual cost of 383 million rubles," the investigators say.
At the same time, it was established that one of the main equipment suppliers carried out dubious operations related to the transfer of funds in the amount of 150 million rubles. to the accounts of an offshore company. At the same time, the General Prosecutor's Office discovered the presence of a conflict of interest among persons who worked at Rostelecom and in the commercial structure that purchased equipment within the framework of the Electronic Russia federal target program.
Also, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications transferred 10 million rubles. to Rostelecom for the implementation of research work on the topic: "Conducting an examination of the implementation of the state program for creating technology parks in the Russian Federation in the field of high technologies," which in fact were not carried out by the company. The report on their implementation consists entirely of materials previously prepared by the Ministry of Communications as part of the implementation of the functions assigned to it, the Prosecutor General's Office adds.
In this regard, the Prosecutor General's Office sent the inspection materials to the Investigative Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to resolve the issue of initiating a criminal case under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud committed on an especially large scale).
- On August 31, 2011, Deputy Minister of Communications and Mass Media Ilya Massukh commented on the results of the audit by the Prosecutor General's Office of the implementation of the Electronic Russia program. The audit was carried out for the period 2009-10. in connection with the expiration of the program, the deputy minister said. But the statement of the prosecutor's office is surprising in the Ministry of Communications, since the materials for the check were provided to the supervisory authority only five days ago.
The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications does not know which supplier and which heads of Rostelecom are in question, since they have not seen the inspection materials. If violations are discovered, the ministry is ready to cooperate with the Prosecutor General's Office, Massukh stressed, adding that "we live in a legal state and only the court can make a decision on guilt."
Rostelecom also expressed disagreement with the conclusions of the Prosecutor General's Office. In its statement, the company claims that all purchases are carried out during tenders, suppliers are certified distributors of the world's largest vendors, and the prices of government contracts are agreed with the Ministry of Communications, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economy.
The supplier to which the Prosecutor General's Office drew attention is NVision Group, a source close to one of the audited organizations of the Ministry of[23] told CNews[23]. The contract in question is the procurement of IBM equipment, he adds.
"It is not clear where the Prosecutor General's Office got the figure of 270 million rubles," says the source of CNews. - Even the difference between the price of the state contract concluded by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications with Rostelecom and the cost of equipment purchased for its sale is less - 130 million rubles. This despite the fact that this difference includes not only Rostelecom's margin, but also the cost of commissioning. "
"Perhaps, by the market value of the equipment, the Prosecutor General's Office understands the price of components without taking into account delivery and assembly," the CNews source continues.
As its own version, the interlocutor of CNews suggested that under offshore the Prosecutor General's Office could mean the structure of foreign developers of technology: "Maybe these are companies from Southeast Asia that supply equipment?" NVision does not comment on the situation, since they have not seen the inspection materials.
- On December 5, 2011, it became known that the Investigative Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia was carrying out the necessary set of measures to verify the information contained in the material received from the Prosecutor General's Office on the fact of embezzlement of budget funds as part of the implementation of the target program "Electronic Russia (2002-2010)"[24]
Among other things, during the audit, the Prosecutor General's Office suspected that Rostelecom purchased IBM equipment through the system integrator NVision Group to fulfill the contract with the Ministry of Communications, overestimating its cost by 270 million rubles. At the same time, schemes from "numerous intermediary firms" were used.
Rostelecom explained the difference between the money received from the Ministry of Communications and the cost of equipment by the need to pay for additional work related to commissioning, as well as the cost of software licenses.
"Having considered all the available documents, the investigation concluded that the information contained in the materials of the audit of the General Prosecutor's Office is not enough for the qualification of the studied acts of unidentified persons and the initiation of a criminal case," the Ministry of Internal Affairs notes. "So, in particular, there are no results of the study of financial documentation, there are no data on the conduct of audit inspections, no surveys of officials have been conducted."
The Investigative Committee conducts additional inspections, collection of materials and operational-search activities together with specialists from the Main Directorate for Combating Economic Crime and Corruption of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
"The Investigative Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is extremely objective about all incoming materials and is strictly guided in its activities by the norms of the criminal law legislation of the Russian Federation," the Ministry of Internal Affairs said in a statement. - To check the actions of officials of the Ministry of Communications of Russia and Rostelecom, it is planned to conduct a number of additional inspections of the financial and economic activities of Rostelecom (which are absent in the materials received from the Prosecutor General's Office), to receive explanations from a number of employees of the Ministry of Communications and Rostelecom, etc.
"If there is a criminal component in the actions of officials, the investigation will make a final decision regarding the criminal prosecution of the perpetrators," the investigation department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs concludes.
- 2008-2010 in the activities of the Ministry of Communications (2008-2010) show that it feels more confident in managing issues in the field of mass communications than communications issues.
This is evidenced by the successful approval of the federal target program "Development of Broadcasting in the Russian Federation for 2009-2015" prepared by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications with a total funding of 122.445 billion rubles, and the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications has been appointed chief curator of the program.
Another success is the government's decision giving the Ministry of Communications the authority to agree on informatization programs for government agencies and control over their implementation. In fact, this makes the Ministry of Communications a key link in the implementation of extensive programs related to the formation of e-government, including the creation of a system for providing public services in electronic form.
In addition, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications put forward and implemented the idea of creating a.rf domain zone, and also convinced the country's leadership of the advisability to participate in the international Internet governance system at the level of the advisory body of the organization ICANN.Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, an Internet corporation for managing domain names and numerical addresses
But in the sphere of communication, the ministry did not succeed at all. Contests for the creation of new communication satellites were delayed, which threatened to disrupt the timing of the renewal of the satellite constellation. There was a threat of illegitimacy of all communication networks from January 1, 2010 in general - due to the unavailability of the regulatory framework for registration of networks. Until now, attempts to create a regulatory framework for justifying a new architecture of communication networks based on the IP protocol have not been successful. And the adopted regulatory documents on the work of virtual mobile operators (MVNO) and the transition to a new format of codes for choosing long-distance and international operators do not work with full efficiency for various organizational and technological reasons.
- In May 2010, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin signed Decree No. 365, according to which documents related to the informatization of government agencies will undergo an expert assessment of the Ministry of Communications. The Ministry of Finance will have to take it into account when allocating money for ICT projects (for more details, see a separate article).
In addition, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications flocks plans for the informatization of government agencies. In fact, the prime minister endowed the communications department with additional leverage to influence financial flows coming from the ICT budget in government agencies.
The USSR Ministry of Communications (USSR Ministry of Communications) was established on March 15, 1946 (formerly the USSR People's Commissariat of Communications). It was the central body of state administration of the USSR, managed all types of communications (postal, telegraph, telephone communications and public radio communications), technical means of broadcasting, radio broadcasting and television and the distribution of periodicals.
Since February 4, 1992, in connection with the liquidation of the USSR Ministry of Communications, its successor was the Ministry of Communications of the RSFSR. In connection with the liquidation of the Ministry of Communications of the RSFSR, according to the order of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR of July 26, 1990 No. 911r, the successor was the Ministry of Communications, Informatics and Space of the RSFSR.
By decree of the President of the RSFSR of November 10, 1991 No. 181, the Ministry of the RSFSR for Communications, Informatics and Space was transformed into the Ministry of Communications of the RSFSR (hereinafter - the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation).
In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 17, 1997 No. 249 and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 09, 1997 No. 857, the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation was transformed into the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Communications and Informatization. Then, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 25, 1999 No. 651, the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Communications and Informatization was transformed into the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Telecommunications.
In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 12, 1999 No. 1487, the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Telecommunications was transformed into the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Communications and Informatization. By decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated March 09, 2004 No. 314, the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Communications and Informatization was abolished.
By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 20, 2004 No. 649, the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation was established.
In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 12, 2008 No. 724, the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation was transformed into the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation.
Previous Ministry lineups
2018-2019: Konstantin Noskov Ministry
Deputy Ministers:
- Ivanov Oleg Anatolyevich - oversees the communications industry
- Kislyakov Evgeny Yuryevich - national project "Digital Economy," coordination of IT spending in authorities, work with constituent entities of the Russian Federation
- Parshin Maxim Viktorovich is a digital state, i.e. everything related to public services in electronic form and the back office of state administration, interdepartmental and internal departmental document management, etc.
- Aleksei Valeryevich Sokolov - IT industry development and cybersecurity
- Oleg Borisovich Pak - special projects, including Universiade in Krasnoyarsk, video surveillance of elections, digitalization of the Prosecutor's Office, digital health care, digital education, smart city
- Volin Alexey Konstantinovich - media
- Voitenko Oleg Vladimirovich - back office of the ministry and subordinate enterprises, services, agencies, several universities, the development of the postal industry and, in particular, FSUE Russian Post
- Mamonov Mikhail Viktorovich - development of international relations
2012-2018: Nikolay Nikiforov Ministry
Minister: Nikolay Anatolyevich Nikiforov
Deputy Ministers:
- Sverdlov Denis Lvovich - communication (until 2013)
- Volin Alexey Konstantinovich - media
- Mark Mikhailovich Shmulevich - development of the IT industry (until 2014)
- Rashid Rustamovich Ismailov - IT industry development (since 2014)
- Alexander Vasilievich Maslov - administrative issues (until 2015)
- Evraev Mikhail Yakovlevich - legislation
- Oleg Borisovich Pak - IT in the public sector
- Kozyrev Alexey - e-government
- Aleksei Sokolov
Heads of Departments:
- Larina Ekaterina Gennadievna - state policy in the field of media
- Andrey Chernenko - informatization projects
- Kirill Alekseevich Stepanenko - regulation of radio frequencies and communication networks
- Tatiana Ludwigovna Cherkas - Case Management
- Maria Viktorovna Kazanskaya - international cooperation (since 2014)
- Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Osadchaya - public relations
- Alexander Vyacheslavovich Narukavnikov - Economics and Finance
- Andrey Alekseevich Tikhomirov - legal issues
- Svetlana Borisovna Yershova - org development and HR (until 2014)
- Yatselenko Nikolay Sergeevich - coordination of informatization
Structure of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications since October 31, 2012
2008-2012: Ministry of Igor Shchegolev
Minister: Shchegolev Igor Olegovich
Deputy Ministers:
- Massukh Ilya Issovich - informatization of the public sector
- Marder Naum Semenovich - communication
- Alexey Vesmirovich Malinin - digital TV
- Oleg Gennadievich Dukhovnitsky
- Igor Milashevsky - Department of State Policy in the Field of Information Technologies and Coordination of Informatization. Deputy Directors of the Department - Solodovnikov Denis Anatolyevich and Pugachev Pavel Sergeevich.
- Science, Innovation and Education Development Division. Head of Department - Vladimir Aleksandrovich Vodopyanov
- Information Systems Development and Operation Methodology Division
- IT Project Review Department
- Budget Cost Coordination Division
- Public ICT Policy and Engagement with International Organizations Division. Head of Department - Denis V. Shipovskov
- Oleg Viktorovich Chutov - Department of Scientific, Technical and Strategic Development of the Industry.
- Mironov Arseniy Stanislavovich - Department of Information and Public Relations. Deputy Director: Nikolai Mitrokhin
See also
Honored Worker of Communications and Information
- ↑ and media/07/02/2022/61ff64cd9a79470860259e01? utm source=yxnews & utm medium=desktop & utm referrer=https% 3A% 2F% 2Fnews% 2Fsearch% 3Ftext% 3D Russian
- ↑ will start working abroad
- ↑ Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 17.12.2021 No. 2344 "On Amendments to the Regulation on the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation
- ↑ Ministry of Digital Development will deal with microelectronics
- ↑ The Ministry of Digital Development is officially renamed the Ministry of Digital Industry of Russia
- ↑ Moscow approved an indictment in a criminal case on the theft of fraudulently funds belonging to the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia
- ↑ [ The Department
- ↑ Advanced Digital Solutions has appeared
- ↑ Telecom and Mass Communications. It was headed by the ex-head of IT Sevastopol]
- ↑ npa=93409 On approval of the Rules for granting subsidies from the federal budget to a Russian legal entity for the creation of an industry center of the State Detection System, prevention and elimination of the consequences of computer attacks
- ↑ The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications is critically bad with discipline
- ↑ [ , etc. The Ministry of Communications of Russia will act
- ↑ the coordinator of the creation of an IT hub in Vietnam]
- ↑ Telecom and Mass Communications again illegally spent money on IT
- ↑ 15,0 15,1 [ in the country, the Ministry of Communications
- ↑ " Order "On the approval of the action plan of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation for the period 2016-2021
- ↑ " Ministry of Communications predicted a sharp drop in the audience of Russia Today
- ↑ 18,0 18,1 [ ," etc. The Accounts Chamber spoke about billions of dollars in violations
- ↑ 19,0 19,1 ixzz2JuxIYjWM the Ministry of Telecom and
- ↑ The first year of the Ministry of Communications Nikolai Nikiforov
- ↑ 21,0 21,1 [ "The first year
- ↑ 22,0 22,1 [ , Medvedev
- ↑ 23,0 23,1 [ Telecom and Mass Communications and Rostelecom
- ↑ The Ministry of Internal Affairs checks Rostelecom and the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications for theft of Electronic Russia money.