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2025/03/07 13:01:47

NDD National Data Management System

A single information environment will unite hundreds of state information systems (GIS)


The tasks of the created National Data Management System in terms of government data:

  • Define standards for the exchange and storage of government data, including data quality requirements
  • Create uniform access conditions and ensure the provision of government data in the scope of the market for application applications
  • Create data markup standards in critical areas (medicine, drones, etc.)
  • Form a policy for the formation, access and distribution of datacets, including for research
  • Form publicly available and continuously updated private and public data sheets of research in the field of AI (analogue of ImageNet)

The main NDD products in demand when working with big data are

  • a federated data model, which in turn is
  • combining authorities data models, domain data models and high-confidence correlation models
  • data model catalog data source catalog (Metadata Data Type Registries

Interconnection of NSMS EIP and third-party IEs

The electronic government infrastructure (EEP) is an infrastructure that provides information and technological interaction of information systems used to provide state (municipal) services, perform state and municipal functions.

Integration of ICD with existing IED elements:

  • ESIA-is planned to be used to identify and authenticate users of NVS information products
  • EPGU integration is not planned
  • FSRU-should become a service design environment based on the NSMS EIP data type register
  • SMEV-is planned to be used to implement integrations with information systems of the OGV
  • The EU NSI should become part of the NVS and ensure the centralized maintenance and distribution of data from all-Russian directories and classifiers

Integration of the NVS with the elements planned within the framework of the TSU:

  • CPU (Digital Profile) - should become a showcase based on the data type registry
  • DAC (Digital Analytical Platform) - part of NSMS
  • Population EFIR - IS provider of reference data
  • State automated system "Management" -Analytical system operating on data received through EIP NSMS

Digital profile of a citizen of the Russian Federation

Main article: Digital profile of a citizen of the Russian Federation


Main article: GosData.hab

Government Data Model (MHD)

The state data model (MHD) is a description of state, municipal data, relations between state, municipal data in a format suitable for transmission, interpretation and processing using automation means (ZKP NSD).

The MHD is created in order to increase the efficiency of the creation, collection and use of state data both for the provision of state and municipal services and the implementation of state and municipal functions, and to ensure the need of individuals and legal entities for access to information (Concept NSD - RPRF 1189-r of 03.06.2019).

2025-2027: The Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development allocates ₽5,8 billion for the development of the data management system of Russians

The Ministry of Digital Development will allocate ₽5,8 billion to the development of the data management system of Russians in 2025-2027. This became known on March 7, 2025 from the updated passport of the departmental digital transformation program. The funds will be used to work with big data, develop AI services and create a system for processing geotreeks received from mobile operators.

According to Forbes, in 2025, ₽1,8 billion will be allocated for the development of FGIS "EIP NSD," in 2026 - ₽1,9 billion, and in 2027 - ₽2,1 billion. According to the program passport, at least one AI solution is planned to be developed on the basis of geotreeks of mobile subscribers in 2025. By 2027, the number of such AI solutions should reach four, and all mobile operators will provide geotreeks of their subscribers.

Ministry of Digital Development devotes 5.8 billion rubles to the development of the data management system of citizens Russia

The obligation of operators to transfer impersonal customer data is legally enshrined in the amendments to the law "On Personal Data," adopted in August 2024. The document provides for the creation of a state information system into which a business must transfer pre-impersonal personal data of customers and employees at the request of the state for free. The bill does not provide for obtaining consent from the owners of personal data for their transfer to the state system.

The head of the Ministry of Digital Development, Maksut Shadayev, said earlier that the first service in the framework of the "state lake" of data will be precisely the collection of geotreeks of mobile operators. In Ministry of Digital Development, the inclusion of the project in the departmental program is necessary for the Ministry of Finance to allocate funds for the appropriate revision of the NSD.

Market participants interviewed by Forbes consider the cost estimate for the project to be adequate. The Ministry of Digital Development explained that the composition of the platform is being discussed with users and data providers, including the industry. According to the ministry, thanks to impersonal data, the state will be able to make more effective decisions on the construction of the infrastructure necessary for citizens.[1]

2024: Ministry of Digital Development signed contracts with Rostelecom for the development of state IT systems for 812 million rubles

In December 2023 Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation , he signed Rostelecom contracts with "" for the development of state IT systems in the amount of almost 812 million. rubles The agency "" drew attention to these tenders. Interfax More. here


Rostelecom creates a platform for AI training for 250 million rubles

On December 11, 2023, the Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation signed a state contract with Rostelecom for the development of the federal state information system "Unified Information Platform of the National Data Management System." We are talking about creating a specialized platform for training artificial intelligence. The contract value is 250 million rubles. Read more here.

Business in Russia will receive paid access to information from state systems

Russian companies will receive paid access to information from government systems. The corresponding possibility by the end of August 2023 is being worked out in the Government of the Russian Federation.

We are talking about a bill on the National Data Management System (NSMS), which will have to combine data from hundreds of state systems, registers and databases so that departments can exchange them, Vedomosti clarifies. In the new version, the authors of the document clarified that circulation is regulated by special sectoral laws, for example, the law "On bank secrecy" for financial information, and if there is no regulatory document, they will be sanitized in accordance with the procedure established by the government, the newspaper writes.

The process and cost of paying for data sanitation will be determined by a government decree, a representative of the Ministry of Economic Development explained to Vedomosti. At the same time, only accredited organizations will be able to fulfill the function of sanitizing data in the manner that the Cabinet will establish, he added.

As the interlocutor of the publication, familiar with the discussion of the document, explained, the bill "will be designed to regulate the exchange of data between the state and business." For example, a category of "national data" will appear in it, that is, data from state systems, as well as the definition of sanitized information, which will allow after processing to transmit and distribute information that was previously information of limited access, the source said.

He added that by 2023 the state is not only a consumer, but also the largest data producer, so the unified rules for the formation of registers, their use and cleaning will simplify the turnover.

Kirill Lyakhmanov, general legal adviser to the intellectual property practice of the EBR law firm, teacher of the Moscow Digital School educational platform, suggested that, most likely, the system will be a showcase of cleaned data, but the user will not have the technical ability to access the internal contour of the NSD.[2]


Ministry of Digital Development will allow companies to independently depersonalize data

On October 7, 2022, it became known that the Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation would allow business to independently depersonalize the personal data of Russian users before being transferred to the National Data Management System (NSD). The agency has developed appropriate amendments to the law "On Personal Data." Read more here.

Minek introduced the concept of "sanitization of data" for their exchange between government agencies

The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation introduced the concept of "data sanitization" for their exchange between government agencies. This is stated in the amendments to the law "On Information" prepared by the department, regulating the work of the National Data Management System.

As Kommersant writes with reference to this document, sanitized data should include either personal information modified so much that it is impossible to restore its ownership to a specific person, or related to banking, tax secrecy, communication secrecy, and so on, from which all confidential details are removed that create the need for protection (details about transactions, taxes paid, and more). It is assumed that special technologies and sanitation algorithms will be developed for each type of information of limited access.

Minek introduced the concept of "sanitization of data" for their exchange between government agencies

The law "On Information" has end-to-end regulation, as part of its changes, they are developing an opportunity to sanitize data for both the state and business, the Ministry of Economy specified. At the same time, each industry by-law requires the development of technologies and algorithms, as well as special approaches to the regulation of sanitation. Sanitation does not contradict data protection policies, the Ministry of Digital Development assured.

President of the Big Data Association Anna Serebryanikova believes that sanitized data should be introduced for business. As an example of such data, Kirill Lyakhmanov, General Counsel of the Intellectual Property Practice of the EBR, cites information about weather, transport and pedestrian traffic, air pollution, etc.

Karen Ghazaryan, Director General of the Institute for Internet Research, believes that the sanitation procedure allows businesses to use limited access information in processed form for artificial intelligence analysis.[3]

Rostelecom signed contracts for 390 million rubles for the development of the National Data Management System

Rostelecom has signed contracts in the amount of 390 million rubles for the development of the National Data Management System. This became known on August 18, 2022.

According to TASS, citing materials on the public procurement portal, within the framework of one of the contracts worth over 316 million rubles, Rostelecom will operate the electronic government infrastructure in terms of the federal state information system "Unified Information Platform NSD" in 2022-2023. The contract is calculated until the end of 2023. Under the terms of the agreement, Rostelecom will provide services for the design and development of information technologies for applied tasks and testing system software.

Rostelecom received state contracts for the operation of the National Data Management System

The second contract involves the provision of services for setting up, adaptation, implementation, support of the standard replicated data mart software "NSD Data Mart," which is designed to provide state data for the provision of state and municipal services. Rostelecom will have to fulfill the terms of this agreement by the end of 2022, in this case we are talking about the cost of 73.4 million rubles.[4]

The customer in both projects is Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation.

The main purpose of creating and ensuring the functioning of the National Data Management System is to increase the efficiency of creating, collecting and using state data both for the provision of state and municipal services and the implementation of state and municipal functions, and to ensure the need for individuals and legal entities to access information. The achievement of this goal will be carried out through regulatory legal, methodological, information technology, organizational and personnel mechanisms through:

  • increasing the availability of government data;
  • ensuring the completeness, relevance, consistency and connectivity of government data;
  • ensuring information security.


In Russia, they lay the foundation for creating a marketplace for state money and providing it to business: the bill

The Ministry of Economic Development has prepared a draft law on the national data management system (NSMS), which regulates the mechanisms for consolidating data, exchanging them and providing access to data to various structures, including business. In accordance with the document, uniform requirements for GIS data, including their quality, will be determined, mechanisms for using both free and reimbursable data will be spelled out. Data owners who now refer to their "closeness" will be obliged to provide them anonymized. Advisor to the head of the director of Gostech, Sergei Sergienko, believes that the bill creates the conditions for launching a public money marketplace.

The bill provides for a change in the legal status of data in the NSD, defines methodological approaches to working with them, and also provides for the creation of an IT infrastructure. Thus, a single information platform of the national data management system (EIP NSMS) should be built. It will combine data from various state systems: the digital analytical platform Rosstat (DAC), SMEV, the federal register of state and municipal services (FRGU), the unified system of regulatory reference information (EU NSI), etc. As explained in the Ministry of Economic Development, all federal GIS, including methodological, legal, organizational, management and information technology, are attributed to the components of the NSD.

The Ministry of Economic Development has prepared a draft law on the national data management system. Photo - Open Sources

The NWD Act introduces the concept of real-time data exchange. This is done to give legal status to the automatic exchange of information. There is a classification of data by levels of access, the rules for access to various categories of data will be determined by by by-laws. The law introduces the concept of reference data and introduces the definition of their only supplier for many consumers. This, according to the developers, should ensure the correctness and uniformity of data formats, which guarantees their quality and will minimize the number of errors in the provision and processing of information.

Director of Regulatory Regulation of ANO "Digital Economy" Dmitry Ter-Stepanov, who took part in the development of the law on NSD, believes that the creation of an open data market will bring practical benefits to everyone, since it will allow putting in order the often unrelated data of state systems.

It is very important that the bill lays down mechanisms for business access to data. For citizens, the order in the state is, firstly, the absence of errors and discrepancies in the documents, and secondly, the basis for truly proactive public services, when all the benefits and payments about the state are received automatically by the citizen. In addition, the law will serve to create a stable and secure infrastructure for processing and storing data, access to data will be possible only if the security requirements established by law are met, "Dmitry Ter-Stepanov told TAdviser.

The bill prescribes mechanisms for the use of impersonal data by businesses, non-profit organizations and the scientific community. According to the Ministry of Economic Development, these NSDs can be in demand by banks, insurance and investment companies, financial and analytical services of enterprises, advertising and marketing, travel companies and financial organizations. The draft law defines the conditions for companies and citizens to access open or impersonal data, as well as provides for mechanisms for the paid acquisition of certain categories of data by commercial organizations.

The bill provides for the regulation of paid access to data. It is no secret that the data that the state has is in demand by business both for the development of new services and services, and for attracting investments. The state is interested in such an exchange, since this stimulates the development of the economy, new technologies and ultimately benefits all participants in the data turnover: citizens, business, the state. It is important that such data exchanges are controlled, and the data themselves would be anonymized, so that the rights of citizens to protect their personal data are fully respected in accordance with the law, - commented Sergei Sergienko, adviser to the head of the director of Gostekh.

The law will be adopted in the form of amendments to Federal Law No. 149-FZ of July 27, 2006 "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection." And they will also require the adoption of a wide range of by-laws. Amendments to the legislation were developed within the framework of the national project "Digital Economy."

Ministry of Digital Development regulated work with the National Data Management System

In August 2021, the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation provided regulations for working with the federal state information system (FGIS) "Unified Information Platform of the National Data Management System (NSMS)."

According to TASS, the Information Agency of Russia, citing documents published on the portal of regulatory legal acts, the department has developed:

  • the procedure for managing the quality of government data using FSIS;
  • the procedure for submitting state data to the subsystem of information and analytical support of a unified information platform and exchange of state data using data marts of state authorities and management bodies of state extra-budgetary funds, etc.

The Ministry of Digital Development has prepared documents regulating work with the NSD

The developed procedures, according to the explanatory note, describe:

  • mechanisms for connecting public sector bodies and organizations to a single information platform;
  • issues of improving the quality of data available to government agencies;
  • rules for the creation of data storefronts by public sector bodies and organizations;
  • mechanisms for data exchange between participants in a single information platform in order to provide public services to citizens and organizations.

According to the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development, the full launch of a single information platform after the entry into force of the orders in the future will allow all state systems to work with the data of departments as a single relevant and reliable array of information and will enable the government of the Russian Federation to more quickly make weighted decisions based on available data.

It is noted that a single information platform will make it possible to systematize many state information systems, registers and databases.[5]

Ministry of Digital Development signed a contract for the development of the National Data Management System for 390 million rubles

In July 2021, the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation signed a contract with AT Consulting for the development of the federal state information system "Unified Information Platform of the National Data Management System (NSMS)." The transaction value is 390.1 million rubles.

The concluded agreement concerns the creation of a subsystem of information and analytical support. Other details of public procurement were not disclosed.

Ministry of Digital Development signed a contract for the development of the National Data Management System for 390 million rubles

According to the public procurement portal, by July 22, 2021, the Ministry of Digital Ministry of Digital Development had previously allocated more than 700 million rubles for the development of the NSD.

In May 2021, the regulation on the Unified Information Platform for Data Management was published. The unified information platform of the national data management system should work by the end of 2021.

We are talking about creating a platform that will combine information from many government systems, registers and databases. It also systematizes the data of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the Unified State Register of Real Estate, the State Register of Vehicles, the Pension Fund, explained in the Government of the Russian Federation.

The system is supposed to allow integrating all data on a single platform, determine the sources of legally relevant information, and constantly monitor their reliability, relevance and consistency.

In June 2021, the Ministry of Digital Development announced a tender for the modernization of the federal state information system "Unified Information Platform of the National Data Management System" for 48.3 million rubles. According to information about the object of purchase, 37.2 million rubles. will be allocated for the purchase of information protection means, as well as information and telecommunication systems, 11.1 million rubles. - for the payment of services for the design, installation, installation, adjustment, testing and repair of information protection means.[6]

In Russia, the approach to working with government officials is changing. What will it be like, said Deputy Minister of Digital Development Oleg Kachanov at TAdviser SummIT

The priorities of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Digital Development) in 2021-2022. are the transfer of mass socially significant services to electronic form and the national data management system. This was announced on May 26, 2021 by the deputy head of the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development Oleg Kachanov, speaking at the TAdviser SummIT conference, which was held with the support of this department.

In the next two years, there should be a significant shift in the transfer of mass socially significant services to electronic format, - said Oleg Kachanov.

File:Качанов Олег 2021-05-26-28.jpg
Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation Oleg Kachanov spoke at the TAdviser SummIT conference on May 26

Those services that are now called services, but de facto are simply the provision of information - certificates, extracts, etc., should not be provided within some regulatory period. This is information that is available to citizens online. That is, socially significant state and municipal services should be transferred to the online format as much as possible.

And to implement this, you need to move on to the full implementation of the national data management system not just as a set of rules, but also technological solutions.

According to the Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media, criteria have already been introduced for what are mass socially significant services: if there are more than 100 thousand requests per year, then this means mass. There are exceptions for which there are less than 100 thousand requests per year, but they are socially significant. These include, for example, the services of the Ministry of Emergency Situations . According to the criteria of mass, the Ministry of Digital Development has already selected 169 such services, which form the basis of the list of socially significant services, which will be supplemented and expanded.

Slide from Oleg Kachanov's presentation

The novelty of the approach, according to the Ministry of Digital Development, is that the ministry, as an agency that has been translating public services into electronic format for a fairly long time, has gained experience, understands what the optimal user scenario should look like. And this is put at the forefront. The department comes from the user - from a citizen. The optimal scenario involves a minimum of actions on the part of the user, the absence of manual input, pulling up data from a digital profile, answering questions.

It is high time to transfer some of the services to a proactive format, says Oleg Kachanov. He gave an already implemented example - the transfer to the pro-asset of the service of obtaining maternity capital for the first child. And so that the services are as online as possible, the goal is not to require any additional information and papers from a citizen. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly define the subcriteria of decision-making, what should be the composition of interdepartmental requests.

And for services to be available online, the data needed to make decisions on these services, and to provide them, too, must be available online. The Ministry of Digital Development believes that the right option for this is to move within the framework of the national data management system to a new ideology of the interdepartmental electronic interaction system (SMEV). This concept assumes that the data is not available in the format of interdepartmental requests, but in the format of departmental data marts.

As part of creating departmental data marts, we monitor the quality of this data. This is a prerequisite, - Oleg Kachanov emphasized.

Slide from Oleg Kachanov's presentation

At the data mart level, personal data access is protected, access control is flexible, and performance is easily scaled. In fact, this is a transition to a federal state database, added the Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media, which has storefronts as a representation of departmental data. And there are certain requirements for the performance and scalability of these storefronts.

Separately, the deputy minister noted reliability issues. At the moment, says Oleg Kachanov, the reliability of SMEV is not four nines. But the task is to achieve such a target state. This is achieved by cloud work with the central part of the federated database core, where data is virtualized, requests are prepared, a request processor, etc., and the departmental storefronts themselves. SMEV 4 as a federal state database should use the resources of the State Cloud.

Slide from Oleg Kachanov's presentation

From the point of view of the front, it looks like working with a regular database. And the data provider departments have a special freely distributed standard software. As an example of the deputy minister already using it, he cited the Ministry of Internal Affairs, whose data store has already been prepared and is working.

We expect that the rest of the departments will either follow the same path, or will develop their storefronts under our requirements, if these departments are digitally mature, "said Oleg Kachanov.

According to Deputy Head of the Ministry of Digital Development, in addition to data storefronts and a query mechanism, there is also a high need for data-based public administration - in a certain analytical module of the national data management system. Data lakes, where only depersonalized data are provided, are enough to already understand the current situation in the country, in the market and make certain decisions. For example, monitor the situation in the tourist market. On its basis, a number of government decisions have already been made regarding this market. Another example is data on the situation with the coronavirus.

Slide from Oleg Kachanov's presentation

And the next step is data availability.

We understand that government data cannot be closed to external users. Accordingly, we must take certain sets of data and disclose them - in fact, have constantly updated storefronts of departmental data that can be used by external users, - explained Oleg Kachanov.

Slide from Oleg Kachanov's presentation

An important initiative is to amend the legislation on the processing and protection of personal data (152-FZ): the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development makes a change so that it is possible to depersonalize personal data without the consent of the subject, provided that these data themselves are obtained legally. According to Oleg Kachanov, this initiative has already been agreed with the information security regulator.

This opens up quite a serious scope in terms of the use of this data, says the Deputy Minister of Digital Development.

Slide from Oleg Kachanov's presentation

And an important innovation in the proposed Ministry of Digital Development bill in the field of data is that business in strictly defined cases provides part of the depersonalized data in the interests of the government.

TAdviser SummIT has more than 700 delegates in total

The TAdviser SummIT conference, held in traditional offline mode, has become one of the largest in the history of its holding: in total, more than 700 delegates attended the event. Also at the exhibition within the framework of the summit, the most extensive exhibition of IT solutions in the history of the event was presented: suppliers of products and services deployed 21 stands. In total, about 100 speakers spoke in the plenary part and the five parallel sectoral sessions that followed.


NSD revealed systemic problems in public administration

An experiment on the creation of the National Data Management System showed that there are a number of systemic problems in public administration. It became known on November 26, 2020 from the words of the expert of the Analytical Center Ivan Fost.

Ivan Fost highlighted two key difficulties:

  • regulatory support that needs to be finalized,
  • interagency interaction, including duplication of functions.

The experiment was supposed to end with 2020, experts have already completed many tasks, but, according to the expert, the work will continue in 2021.

NSD is developing in five directions. Ivan Fost cited two as an example:

  • enriching Federal Information Address System with data from Rosreestr in order to use a single address register. The methodology has been completed, and the digital profile has yet to be dealt with;
  • centralization of collection of data on municipalities in GASU. Testing has been completed, this block will be improved within the framework of the work of the Ministry of Economic Development. According to state automated system "Vybory," the main task was not closed, because they did not gain access to the data.

In 2021, the technical part of the NSD will be developed as the creation of data storefronts; according to the methodology, they plan to implement 5 complex data management projects (their composition is still under approval).

In general, the prospects for NSD as a global project are possible only after making correct amendments to federal laws, the expert summed up.

Results of the experiment:

Experiment on the use of NSD extended until December 31

The corresponding Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 27, 2020 was published on the official portal of legal information.

The experiment has been carried out since July 1, 2019 and should make it more efficient to exchange information in electronic form between individuals, banks, government agencies (including when providing banking services to citizens) through the use of the created components of the national data management system (NDMS), as well as created within the framework of a unified digital profile infrastructure identification and authentication system.

Also, the document among the participants in the experiment included:


How to organize the exchange of data in a digital state? Discussion on TAdviser IT Government DAY

The question of organizing the exchange of data in the state is not just relevant, but, one might say, burning. There is no ready answer to it anywhere in the world yet. What is the main "pain" of state structures in relation to public funds? How is this "pain" seen from a business point of view? The material contains details about how the public sector and business tried to add up a single "puzzle" of the data cycle in a digital state on the TAdviser site.

The TAdviser IT Government DAY 2019 discussion on data regulation was attended by:

Competition for the development of the first stage of the Unified Information Platform of the National Data Management System announced

On September 10, 2019, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications announced a competition for the creation of the first stage of the Unified Information Platform of the National Data Management System (NSMS). The cost of work is estimated at 479.7 million rubles.[8]

Almost 480 million rubles were allocated for the creation of the first stage of the Unified Information Platform of the National Data Management System

The system you create is designed to automate government data management processes. As part of the first phase of the project, the following processes should be automated:

  • formation of a model of government data;
  • creation of descriptions of the data supplied by the supplier;
  • generation of data request for data provision by the consumer;
  • placing the data provided by the data provider in the respective data marts;
  • The consumer receives data generated as a result of aggregation of data from multiple vendor data marts.
  • generation of incidents related to data quality;
  • analysis of incidents and their closure;
  • creation of rules for automatic creation of incidents;
  • control and monitoring of incidents elimination;
  • registration of users in the NVS.

The entire project must be completed by March 31, 2020. At the first stage, proposals for the development of the data management system, TA for the information protection system, individual technical specifications for the system components, as well as the current system layout should be developed.

The second stage provides for the development and commissioning of subsystems and a component of the first stage of the system, including subsystems for maintaining metadata and managing directories and registers, data quality control subsystems, information security subsystems, Data Marts, etc.

At the third stage, trial operation of the first stage of the system should be carried out, acceptance tests should be carried out. In addition, data should be uploaded to conduct a state experiment in the areas of "Register of Voters," "Enrichment of Federal Information Address System data," "Passports of municipalities."

Approximate volumes of downloaded data in the directions of the state experiment:

  • Voter Register - 108 million entries
  • Enrichment of Federal Information Address System data - 50 million records
  • Passports of municipalities - 23 thousand records

Pilot operation of the first stage of the FSIS should take place with the participation of the regions of the Russian Federation, the list of which will be determined by the Ministry of Communications.

The system developer will be selected in mid-October 2019.

The concept and "road map" of the creation of the NFD was approved

On June 3, 2019, the Russian Government approved the concept of creating and functioning a national data management system (NDMS). As noted, the creation and functioning of the system will lead to an increase in the efficiency of management decisions based on the use of state information resources in order to improve the quality and accessibility of state, municipal and commercial services for citizens.

The government approved the concept and "roadmap" for the creation of a national data management system

The concept defines the goals, objectives, principles and procedure for creating an NVS, describes the main components of its elements and participants. An action plan ("roadmap") for its creation was also approved, which provides, first of all, for the development of an appropriate regulatory legal framework, the development of mechanisms for improving the quality of government data management. The full version of the document can be found here.

The Ministry of Communications of Russia, the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, together with interested federal executive bodies, as well as the autonomous non-profit organization Analytical Center under the Government of the Russian Federation, have been identified as responsible for the implementation of the concept and the roadmap.

In order to minimize the risks of implementation, ensure further successful functioning and study the potential capabilities of the NSD, a decision was made to conduct an experiment from July 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020 to test the main approaches to creating NSD on data provided by state authorities.

The experiment, in particular, will involve the Ministry of Communications, the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Rosreestr, the Federal Treasury, the Federal Tax Service, the Pension Fund of Russia, the Analytical Center under the Government of Russia, the Central Election Commission, the Bank of Russia, banks and insurance organizations, as well as the highest executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the federation on a voluntary basis.

Government data is dirty oil. The head of the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development Noskov presented Medvedev with a plan of work with Big Data

On May 29, 2019, during a Government meeting, the head of the Ministry of Digital Industry Konstantin Noskov spoke about the formation of a national data management system.

According to Konstantin Noskov, the national data management system should be the key to information management

The essence of the problem

According to him, in recent years, the state has made great investments in the development of information systems. The number of such systems, the array of state data, the intensity of their exchange are constantly growing. As of the end of May 2019, the government information systems are estimated by the ministry to hold more than 80 PB of information. At the same time, over the next five years, this volume is expected to double.

At the end of May, more than 800 information state resources are operating in the country. For example, [1] there are more than 300 million entries in the Unified State Register of Real Estate alone. The system of interdepartmental electronic interaction has been operating for nine years, in 2018 more than 32 billion transactions passed through this system. According to the minister, theoretically all this allows making decisions based on data, but in practice, unfortunately, not everything is always so rosy.

The information contained in the most important state resources is often unreliable, outdated or simply poor-quality. Access rights to information are governed by separate agreements and are not combined by general rules. We do not actually have reliable information about the composition and structure of these data available in various departments. In these conditions, with the growth of information exchange, of course, technological problems are aggravated, - said the minister

All this, according to Noskov, affects the quality and efficiency of working with data, which means it creates risks to information security, interferes with the adoption of informed decisions, and makes it difficult to provide high-quality public services.

Recently, experts have often called the data new oil. So, like traditional, we also have a lot of this new oil, - the minister added

And it, too, like ordinary oil, can be dirty, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev added.

According to Noskov, it is necessary to describe, structure this data, determine the rules for accessing them. In addition, it is necessary to build a system that would allow the authorities, business, and every citizen of the country to "start producing this new oil."

Approaches to solving this problem are outlined in the concept presented today for the creation and functioning of a national data management system (NDMS). It will increase the availability and quality of state data, ensure their completeness, relevance, consistency and connectivity, the official added

Noskov called safety the number one priority. Therefore, the protection of both state and personal data should be ensured.

The ICD provides for data quality control, uniformity of requirements for their management, one-time provision of government data for their further repeated reuse. In addition, work with government officials will become available to a wide range of users, Noskov said.

It is necessary to determine key, basic information resources containing data on the most important entities: about a person, about real estate, about vehicles, about legal entities.

Let me explain by example what I mean. Today, a particular person in different InformSystems is identified in different ways. For example, in the traffic police system - by the driver's license number, as a taxpayer - by TIN, for pension accounting - by SNILS, in many systems - by the number of a general civil passport, which also changes several times in a lifetime. And it is almost unrealistic to sew all this with high quality. The same is true for other basic identifiers, - said Noskov

According to his plan, it is necessary to determine in which information systems or key resources reference data will be located, and ensure the binding of all other systems with them. To do this, the Ministry of Communications, together with the Analytical Center under the Government, the Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Finance, will audit the information systems of government agencies, form a plan for their development, and ensure their modernization.

The next task laid down in the concept: the NFD should determine the format of storage of information and data, the structure and composition of data, who stores reference data and who has access to them or to certain data. All of the above should be implemented within the framework of a single NSD information platform. This information system should be a kind of key to information management.

In fact, we are building, in technical terms, an MDM platform, that is, a reference data management system. It also monitors the fact of a change in the standard and signals to other systems about the adjustments that have occurred, - said the head of the Ministry of Digital Ministry of Digital Development

In addition to the order on the approval of the NSD concept, a draft resolution on conducting an experiment to improve the quality of data connectivity contained in state information resources was considered at a government meeting. In fact, this is a kind of run-in to create a large national data management system.

When implementing the Smart City program, the National Data Management System will allow:

  • Increase the efficiency of urban infrastructure management based on big data, reduce accidents and the level of losses on utility networks.
  • Increase the efficiency of collecting municipal taxes, correctly carry out accruals and collection of fiscal fees
  • Increase the efficiency of urban transport systems, promptly manage urban traffic, introduce a single pass for all types of public transport
  • Reduce the number of incidents of public order violations, increase the level of security in cities
  • Ensure transparency and openness of urban data, relevance, relevance, analyzability and information management in urban, regional sections
  • Reduce the costs of municipal and regional budgets for inefficient development of information systems

Five directions of the experiment

NSD is both an organizational and technically very complex project. Therefore, in 2019, with the involvement of key departments, we plan to conduct an experiment in five areas in order to confirm the correctness of the choice of methodology for managing various data and test the components of this created single platform, - said Noskov

One of the directions of the experiment is the formation of a federal register of voters. There are 85 election commissions of subjects in the country, almost 2.8 thousand territorial election commissions, more than 92 thousand precinct election commissions. 108 million voters were registered in Russia, another 2 million abroad.

The voter register is maintained by physically transmitting information on machine-readable or even paper media from several departments, after which they are brought together by local governments. Up to 90 days are allowed to transmit and summarize information. This is due to the narrow level of automation of the entire process, which, of course, significantly increases the timing of data updates and administrative burden. The result of the experiment will be the automatic collection of information for the federal register of voters from available information resources.

Another area of ​ ​ the experiment is the formation of a digital profile of a citizen. It will allow a person to transfer legally significant information about himself to state bodies (and even business - for example, for the purpose of obtaining a mortgage loan).

Another area is the experiment with the Federal Information Address System, the so-called FIAS. Address information is contained in Rosreestr, FTS, partially in Rosstat, Rosavtodor, Ministry of Justice, municipalities. As part of this experiment, the relevance and unambiguity of targeted information will be ensured.

As part of the next direction, passports of municipalities will be formed on the basis of the available information resources of Rosstat, the Federal Treasury, the CEC and the Ministry of Economic Development. The experiment is planned to be carried out in at least three pilot regions.

Finally, the fifth direction of the experiment will be the creation of a digital analytical platform to reduce the reporting burden and simplify the process of collecting statistical data by business and the population. As part of the experiment, it is planned to form a single information space for collecting statistical reports from Rosstat and the Ministry of Agriculture and exclude duplication of the information collected.

The first results are planned to be obtained by the end of 2019, and the entire experiment will be completed by the second quarter of 2020. According to the results of the experiment, the Ministry of Digital Development will come out with proposals to clarify the requirements for information protection and, if necessary, adjust the provisions of the concept on the national data management system.

I would like to say that a lot of work has been done to prepare the documents that we are considering today. Projects were repeatedly discussed at various sites, including with business, leading system architects. We have received the approval of more than 20 departments. To date, the positions of the departments and key architects of the country have been agreed. I ask you to support the adoption of these acts, "Konstantin Noskov concluded, addressing the Prime Minister.

According to Dmitry Medvedev, the system should be fully operational in 2022, and preparatory work must be completed by the end of 2019.

It is necessary to prepare legislative decisions, conduct a special experiment, test this infrastructure. Together with the CEC, the electronic voting mechanism will be tested. There are plans to conduct a similar experiment in September, on a single voting day, to assess the effectiveness of these tools in order to subsequently use them, the prime minister said.

2018: First information on the creation of the NSJ

At the end of November 2018, it became known about plans to create a national data management system (NDMS) in Russia, which will include all information available to the state about citizens, companies, goods and objects. A single information environment will unite hundreds of state information systems (GIS).

As Kommersant wrote, the first version of the concept developed by the Analytical Center (AC) under the government was discussed at a meeting of the working group on digital public administration of the ANO Digital Economy on November 25, 2018.

In Russia, they decided to create a single system that combines many GIS and registers

It is assumed that the data will fall into the NDD from GIS, registries and databases. In addition, an interface will be created with access to data on the operation of material objects, on the provision of public services, on the movement of various goods. Business will replenish the database of mandatory reporting to the state.

For the NSD, it will be necessary to write a separate law. To make the system work, concept developers propose classifying data and legislating uniform requirements for their formats, the concept says.

It is planned to build the system on the basis of the existing e-government infrastructure - the Unified Identification and Authentication System, the Federal Register of Public Services, the System of Interdepartmental Electronic Interaction, the Unified System of Regulatory Reference Information. The developing systems of the digital profile of the citizen and the digital analytical platform, acting as consumers of data, will also be integrated with the NDD.

Representatives of the autonomous non-profit organization "Digital Economy" have not yet decided whether the business will receive paid access to all data from a single database or to their part. According to them, if the state's costs for a single system are too high, companies will be able to access it for "symbolic contributions," but so far this issue is being discussed. The launch of the NSD is scheduled until the end of 2021.[9]
