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Electronic public services


Electronic public services

Feature articles:

2025: The experience of the regulatory guillotine will be applied to public services that cause complaints from the population

On March 7, 2025 Ministry of Economic Development Russia , it announced a draft resolution, according to which the government will take special control over the quality of public services and services. Changes are made in order to achieve key results and effects of the federal project "State for People."

According to the Kommersant newspaper, experts record claims to public services. In particular, due to the active introduction of chat bots by departments, users often rest "against an impenetrable wall." There is an underestimation of the volume and complexity of information InformSystem integration for superservices. Of the 264 federal services provided by 62 departments, only about half (54%) meet customer-centric standards, according to the Government Think Tank. The prepared draft resolution is designed to eliminate existing problems.

House of the Government of the Russian Federation in Moscow

The document provides for the empowerment of the government commission for administrative reform to consider issues related to improving the quality of the provision of state, municipal services, services and functions. It is planned to use the organizational experience of the regulatory guillotine in the work of the legal commission, including a compromise approach to making key decisions by voting.

Deputy Prime Minister - Head of the Government Apparatus Dmitry Grigorenko says that we are talking about a change in the state's approaches to the provision of services: it is planned to shift from the "ideal process" towards achieving "the final result in the form of citizen satisfaction." Improving services and services, including combining them on the principle of "life situations" faced by people and organizations, is a high priority for the government.[1]

2024: The State Duma adopted a law on accepting appeals to government agencies only after authentication of the applicant

In mid-December, the State Duma immediately adopted in the second and third readings draft law[2]" "On Amending the Federal Law" On the Procedure for Considering Appeals from Citizens of the Russian Federation, "which significantly changed the procedure for receiving electronic appeals by state bodies. The bill is amendments to No. 59-FZ "On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation," which was adopted in May 2006. For the amendments to come into force, the draft must still be approved by the Federation Council, signed by the President of the Russian Federation and officially published.

It should be noted that the text of the bill was greatly changed for the second reading. If in the original version it was simply planned to allow applications from citizens from e-mail addresses that are located only in the national domain, then in the final version there is no question of e-mail at all. Now it will be possible to accept appeals in electronic form only through the State Public services portal or "other information system of a state or local government body that provides identification and (or) authentication of citizens." Ordinary e-mail does not have such properties, since it is not a system of a state or municipal body.

It will be possible to contact state bodies on paper, or through public services - email is not suitable for this

The main goal is to increase the efficiency of interaction between the state and citizens, - said Andrei Mishukov, CEO of ITProtect. - The ban on the use of emails that are not in the RU domain zone only leads to a decrease in the number of likely users in foreign mail services. At the same time, even from Russian domain zones, you can "spam" any department, sending it tens of thousands of requests per day. In this case, the work of the department may be suspended for a while, or it may not comply with legislative norms on the time of response to citizens. That is why it is important to identify a citizen so that only with his knowledge and only with his consent can a message be sent, otherwise there is a possibility that the whole procedure will turn into "spam."

Indeed, for a long time the state has not been obliged to respond to anonymous messages and letters. Reaction is required only to those messages where the author fully introduced himself. The new bill actually equates email messages with such "anonymous messages," since users in them did not undergo a strict identification and authentication procedure, and also did not express their legally significant consent. Therefore, the state body, it seems, is also not obliged to respond within the legally approved deadlines to such messages as anonymous.

This is a completely expected and normal turn in regulation, which became possible with the advent and development of the Public services service, - Oleg Matyunin, managing partner of the law firm Matyunina and Partners, told TAdviser. - In fact, what is written in the bill reflects the already established trend: you, as an Internet user who wants to send an appeal, do it either on the website of the state body in the section "submit an appeal" or "Internet reception," having previously passed identification in the ESIA, that is, by logging into the account on the Public services, or you submit an appeal directly from your personal account to the Public services without using the intermediary website.

However, the bill also provides for mechanisms for protecting users who turn to law enforcement agencies. For such appeals, a different procedure for accepting citizens' appeals may be provided, which may hide the user's identity:

In order to ensure the safety of citizens in connection with their appeals to the authorities, carrying out operational-search activities or ensuring the security of the Russian Federation, to officials of these bodies by regulatory legal acts of the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs, the federal executive body in the field of security, the federal executive body in the field of foreign intelligence, the federal executive body in the field of state security may establish a special procedure for sending appeals in the form of an electronic document and sending responses to appeals, notifications, the bill says.

This norm is built into Art. 6 No. 59-FZ, which provides guarantees for the safety of a citizen in connection with his appeal. It prohibits the prosecution of a citizen for his appeal to state bodies, and also limits the disclosure of information that is contained in the appeal. The addition of this article by a special procedure for interaction with bodies that have the right to carry out operational-search measures, apparently, implies the protection of the identity of informants. However, in order for such a norm to work, these departments must adopt appropriate regulatory documents and build their systems for receiving messages from citizens.

The bill has an interesting wording that a number of law enforcement agencies can establish their own, special procedure for sending appeals in the form of an electronic document, taking into account the need to ensure the safety of applicant citizens, - said Oleg Matyunin. - How this order will differ, we do not know yet.


Receipt of public services accelerated due to the transfer of documents on the basis of an interdepartmental request in electronic form at the time of appeal

From October 1, 2022, several new laws, which were previously adopted by the State Duma, begin to operate on the territory of Russia. One of them involves simplifying the receipt of state and municipal services due to the fact that the documents and information necessary for the execution of the appeal will be submitted on the basis of an interdepartmental request in electronic form at the time of the appeal.

The draft law, which was developed by the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation, says that Russia does not have uniform requirements that must meet the information systems used by departments to provide state and municipal services. The authorities use information systems with various functionality and technological characteristics, "which negatively affects the quality of the provision of state and municipal services, does not allow unifying and automating the administrative procedures carried out during their provision."

Receipt of public services accelerated

As follows from the explanatory note to the document, the establishment of uniform requirements, as well as the creation of a unified system for the provision of state and municipal services, will ensure the unification and optimization of administrative procedures carried out using information systems by bodies providing state and municipal services in electronic form, will lead to an increase in quality and a reduction in the time for their provision.

Earlier in 2022, it became known that the Ministry of Digital Development, as part of a multi-year contract with Rostelecom, will allocate 12 billion rubles to state-owned companies to support the infrastructure of the electronic government system in 2022 and 2023. This is 3.7 times more than Rostelecom received for a similar front of work in 2019 and 2020. The state-owned company explained that this was due to a large increase in server capacity, which is now allocated for e-government due to the growth and expansion of digital state services.[3]

Mishustin approved the composition of the subcommittee on improving public services

In September 2022, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree approving the composition of the subcommittee "on improving the processes for providing state and municipal services to the Government Commission for Digital Development, using information technologies and to improve the quality of life and conditions for doing business." Read more here.

Mishustin instructed to conduct automated quality monitoring of all public services

At the end of May 2022, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree on monitoring the quality of all state and municipal services without exception. The Ministry of Economic Development has been appointed responsible for monitoring.

In accordance with the document, an automated analysis of the quality of the provision of public services will take place daily in real time. The rules for its holding by the Ministry of Economic Development and Ministry of Digital Development must be approved within five months after the entry into force of the decree.

Mishustin instructed to conduct automated quality monitoring of all public services

Another three months are allocated to ensure the technical readiness of information systems. Full-format monitoring should start in early 2023 - after 12 months. Reports on the results of the Ministry of Economic Development will be sent quarterly to the Government of the Russian Federation.

Monitoring should cover state services provided by authorities both at the federal and regional and municipal levels, as well as in multifunctional centers and using a single portal of public services. By the end of May 2022, it is held only on a limited number of services and mainly on the basis of feedback from citizens, the press service of the Cabinet of Ministers notes.

The document is prepared for control: is the order of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin on the provision of 24 hours a day seven days a week of the absolute majority of state and municipal services without the need for the personal presence of citizens.

Earlier, Putin instructed by January 1, 2023 to ensure the transfer to electronic format of mass socially significant state and municipal services. The head of state also instructed the Government of the Russian Federation to develop and ensure the implementation at the level of regions and municipalities of standard regulations for the provision of socially significant public services in electronic format, including using the infrastructure of the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services.[4]

Mishustin approved the concept of the transition of public services to digital format. Soon they will all be electronic

In April 2022, the Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree approving the concept of transferring public services to digital format. The document was developed on behalf of the president. Russia Vladimir Putin

According to the press service of the Cabinet of Ministers, the concept approved by Mishustin assumes that by the end of 2023, most of the state and municipal services in demand by Russians will be provided in a continuous format, without the personal presence of citizens, including in multifunctional centers of state and municipal services (MPSC).

Mishustin approved the concept of the transition of public services to digital format

Applicants will be able to solve their problems at any time in one click using intuitive services. To do this, all stages - from filing documents to obtaining a result - are planned to be translated into electronic form. At the same time, citizens will still be able to personally apply to state departments for public services if necessary. Communication with representatives of government agencies will be concentrated at the MPSC.

According to the concept, a list of services provided 24 hours a day 7 days a week without the need for a personal presence of a citizen will be formed in the second quarter of 2022. In the same time frame, it is planned to approve a plan for optimizing state and municipal services. In pilot mode, it will be held in the regions on the basis of specially created centers in the third quarter of 2022. In the course of this work, the internal processes of state departments in the provision of state and municipal services will be formalized and digitized. Later, the practice will be scaled across the country.

By April 18, 2022, a pilot project has already begun to optimize state and municipal services in four regions - Belgorod, Voronezh, Kaliningrad regions and the Chuvash Republic. As part of this work, over 60 proposals were prepared to simplify the receipt of 20 state or municipal services.

Order No. 837-r dated 11.03.2022


The Ministry of Digital Development will allow banks and mobile operators to provide public services in their applications

In early July 2021, it became known about the plans of the Ministry of Digital Development to allow the provision of public services through commercial applications. This initiative may be of interest to banks and telecommunications companies.

As Kommersant writes with reference to the draft government decree published by the Ministry of Digital Development, the provision of public services in electronic form and admission to government agencies or the MPSC can be carried out by IT systems integrated with the portal of public services, subject to the protection of personal data. Such systems can be, for example, banking applications, follows from the explanatory note.

It is planned to connect services to public services at the initiative of companies. A set of services and criteria for the selection of applications by early July 2021 are being worked out.

The Ministry of Digital Development will allow banks and mobile operators to provide public services in their applications

According to a newspaper source in one large bank, the project is difficult to implement in the coming years. Another interlocutor noted that the MPSC does not have a single software, respectively, banks will not be able to connect quickly.

Given the difficult architecture of the website of public services, more familiar applications may be in demand, according to experts interviewed by the publication. Thus, Rosbank announced its readiness to test the function when it appears. The same was reported in MTS and MegaFon. Tele2 called the initiative interesting, but added that they do not plan to implement it yet, since the operator's application serves the ecosystem of the company's services.

According to Karen Ghazaryan, general director of the Institute for Internet Research, most companies are unlikely to want to add a wide range of public services to their applications. Most likely, these will be some kind of niche services. For example, banks already provide the opportunity to pay for housing and communal services, receive statements and certificates via the Internet. The new service may interest them from the point of view of, for example, registration of transactions in real estate or cars, the expert believes.[5]

Create an application that replaces paper documents

In mid-April 2021, it became known about the upcoming launch Russia in the mobile application State docks"," which will be able to replace paper documents: SNILS and TIN certificates, policies, Campus Management OMS driver's license, etc. More. here

Integration of public services with mobile applications of banks

The Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation has engaged in the integration of public services with mobile applications of banks. The head of the department Maksut Shadayev announced this on March 24, 2021 during a speech at an expanded meeting of the State Duma Committee on the Financial Market in preparation for the report of the Government of the Russian Federation.

We have such a big experiment going on. We agree on integration schemes. It is important that it is seamless for the user, "the minister said.

According to him, by the end of March 2021, Ministry of Digital Development, together with a number of credit institutions, is working on the possibility of obtaining electronic government services "without additional authorization directly from the banking application." He explained that we are talking about those services that are "needed or related to the receipt of financial services," reports the Parliamentary newspaper.

The Ministry of Digital Development has begun integrating public services with mobile applications of banks

Maksut Shadayev noted that Russia the technology of filling out electronic forms when obtaining banking services using the portal of public services has already been developed in.

We have now implemented technology within the framework of the Government's decision, when you fill out an electronic application form on the bank's website, if you log in to public services at that moment, you can directly automatically put into this statement all the necessary information that is in the profile of public services, - said the Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media.

He stressed that the integration of services, on the one hand, makes it possible to significantly reduce the time for a citizen to fill out a form for obtaining financial services, and on the other, the bank receives information signed by electronic signature of departments. At the same time, the credit institution does not need to separately request such information, Shadayev added.

During the meeting, the minister also cited data according to which the main increase in new users of the public services website (by March 24, 2021, their number exceeds 75 million) was provided by banking applications.[6]

Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko - in an interview with TAdviser: by the end of 2022, all mass public services will be available in electronic format

In 2020, the pandemic and related restrictions have become a serious incentive for the transition to a digital format for interaction between citizens and the state. The demand for the State Public services portal has increased significantly: more than 40 new electronic services appeared on it in just a few months, [1] "Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko said in an interview with TAdviser in February 2021. - Today you can apply for unemployment benefits, receive a notification from bailiffs. A maternity certificate and payments for children are automatically issued. Applicants with a confirmed account have the opportunity to send documents to several universities at once and monitor the situation and results in their personal account

By the end of 2022, all mass public services will be available in electronic format, according to Chernyshenko. Such a list has already been formed - there are 169 of them.

Experience in the pandemic has confirmed that we can launch new electronic services very quickly. The terms of their provision are reduced - somewhere a few minutes or hours, - added the Deputy Prime Minister

By the end of March, according to Chernyshenko, a new version of the public services portal will be launched - on a more advanced technological platform capable of withstanding the highest user load, with a new search system and chat bot: "we will first transfer 20 services to it, and by the end of the year - 100."

Roskomnadzor will launch digital public services for 5.6 billion rubles

At the end of January 2021, it became known about the plans of the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor) to transfer its services to electronic format. The agency estimates the implementation of this project at 5.6 billion rubles until 2023. Read more here.


The most popular electronic public services among Russians in 3 years

The most popular public services provided in Russia in electronic form in 2018-2020. were associated with medicine: appointment to the doctor, registration of a referral for hospitalization, etc. This is evidenced by the data of the Institute for Statistical Research and Economics of Knowledge of the Higher School of Economics. In their study, published in 2021, experts refer to Rosstat.

As can be seen in the graph below, about 50% of Russians aged 16 to 72 who receive state and municipal services in electronic form use medical services. The three most popular digital public services included services/and MINISTRY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS.TRAFFIC POLICE Federal Tax Service

According to the report, among the age groups, the most active users of electronic public services are young people from 30 to 34 years old - in 2020, 91.5% of such citizens used state Internet services. The smallest share of such users was registered in the age category of 60-72 - just over 50% at the end of 2020.

The report also states that in 2020, 73.2% of users of electronic public services received information through official websites and the portal of state and municipal services. 61.7% of Russians made appointments via the Internet, paid online fines, tax and duties - 54.5% of users. The shares of those who send completed forms and other documents in electronic form, and also receive the results of public services on the Internet in 2020 amounted to 45.9% and 43.7%, respectively.

About 71.6% of Russians surveyed in 2020 were satisfied with the quality of electronic public services, 27.2% were partially satisfied. This is less than in 2019, when the indicators were measured 73.6% and 25.3%, respectively.

The full report is here.

Increase in attendance of state portals in Russia by 2 times - Ngenix

The number of calls to state web services in Russia by the end of 2020 approximately doubled (depending on the month, the growth was in the range of 1.8-2.35 times) compared to 2019. Such data are provided by Ngenix (a Russian cloud service provider).

The Public services portal attracted the most new users in April-May 2020 - then 4.5 million new users a month came to it against 1.5 million in other months of 2020. The number of calls to the service reached about 9 million people daily, the Ministry of Digital Development told Kommersant.

In 2020, the audience of the portal more than doubled, growth continues, according to the Department of Information Technology (). DIT During the Moscow coronavirus pandemic COVID-19 , the portal "became the main channel for citizens to receive public services and urban services for Muscovites," the department emphasized.

Attendance of state portals in Russia in 2020 doubled

At the same time, Ngenix notes that the increase in the load on the IT infrastructure of state services actualizes the issue of ensuring their fault tolerance at times of peak loads. So, in April 2020, failures in the digital pass system were recorded, and in May the Public services portal faced problems due to a tenfold increase in the load. The failures caused a large number of requests for benefits for children.

At the beginning of the pandemic, state services really faced problems due to a large influx of users, but in general they coped with traffic, says Qrator Labs Alexander Lyamin. According to Dmitry Pudov, Deputy Director General for Technology and Development of the Angara Group of Companies, infrastructure expansion projects for state and municipal services can together cost billions of rubles, but these costs justify themselves, since they save citizens' time.[7]

Rating of leading regions in terms of the quality of electronic public services

The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation has published a rating of the quality of the provision of public services in electronic form in Russian regions. The first place at the end of 2020 was again taken by Moscow, which scored 87.81 points.

The top three also included Moscow (85.37 points) and Tula (85.32 points) regions. Next are the Smolensk, Rostov and Novosibirsk regions, as well as the Stavropol Territory, the Belgorod Region and the Kamchatka Territory. The top 10 regions with the highest quality electronic public services were closed by the Udmurt Republic.

The worst situation with public services in digital format is in Crimea, where their quality was assessed by specialists of the Ministry of Economic Development at 6.39 points. In Ingushetia, the figure was 7.45 points, in the Trans-Baikal Territory - 16.1.

Rating of the quality of provision of public services in electronic form in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

When compiling the rating, experts from the Ministry of Economic Development assessed the parameters affecting the quality and convenience of providing electronic services. This, for example, is an opportunity to get acquainted with complete and up-to-date information on the procedure for obtaining services, the convenience of submitting an application, informing about the status of consideration of an application in the applicant's personal account, as well as a number of others.

Commenting on Moscow's leadership in the rating of the Ministry of Economic Development on the quality of provision of state and municipal services in electronic form, Deputy Mayor of the capital Natalya Sergunina noted the following:

Muscovites are already accustomed to receiving many services online. It's convenient and fast. The development of the digital environment is a requirement of time and an important indicator of urban comfort. We are constantly improving the Moscow ecosystem, complementing it with new features and functions.

By January 2021, more than 370 electronic services and services are available to Muscovites. In total, since the launch of electronic services and services in the city, residents have used them more than 1.8 billion times. On average, more than 20 million users visit the portal every month, and more than 13 million people registered their personal accounts on it.[8]

Russia adopted a law on the "proactivity" of electronic public services

On December 23, 2020, the State Duma adopted in the third and final reading a bill on proactive public services. Amendments to the legislation were initiated by the Ministry of Economic Development.

Proactive services will be automatically provided by the state to a citizen without submitting an application on his part. For example, issuing a passport: the process can be launched automatically when a citizen reaches a certain age, data will be collected from several legally significant databases, which will immediately release an updated document.

Some of the options by December 2020 are already available in a proactive mode - for example, a certificate from the maternity hospital comes to the parents' personal account, payments for children are credited to the card. Among life situations in which "proactive activity" can be introduced, the Ministry of Economic Development names the birth and upbringing of a child, a change in the social status of a family (large family), a change of residence, etc.

The Russian Federation adopted a law on the "proactivity" of electronic public services
These changes create new opportunities for the provision of public services in many areas. This is a fundamentally important document in terms of the next step in improving the quality of the provision of public services, creating services convenient for citizens, taking into account both the technologies that we now have and the user experience of citizens, "said State Secretary - Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Alexei Khersontsev.

The ministry added that the bill is aimed at implementing measures of a national action plan that ensure the restoration of employment and incomes of the population, economic growth and long-term structural changes in the economy. The agency's initiative enshrines the transition to a registered model of accounting for the results of the provision of services, the transfer of personal storage documents into electronic form and the rejection of paper administrative regulations.[9]

Russia adopted a law allowing companies to provide electronic public services

In December 2020, the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted a bill allowing non-state companies to provide state and municipal services, including electronic ones, through their infrastructure.

In accordance with the document, the government will determine the list of public services that can be provided when citizens apply to commercial and non-profit organizations. Also, the Cabinet of Ministers will name the criteria for the selection of companies, as well as requirements for the protection of personal data.

Russia has adopted a law that allows non-state companies to provide electronic public services

The bill provides for the following:

  • obtaining public services through the infrastructure of commercial and non-commercial organizations, including in electronic form;
  • proactive (proactive) mode of obtaining public services;
  • register model of accounting for the results of the provision of public services;
  • a machine-readable description of the processes of presenting public services;
  • translation of paper documents of applicants into electronic form in the MPSC;
  • possibility and procedure of using regional identification and authentication systems;
  • the possibility and procedure for the provision of federal services at the RPGU and regional services at the EPGU.

According to the law "On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services," the necessary and mandatory services are provided by organizations participating in the provision of public services. At the same time, legislation provides for cases when the necessary and mandatory services are provided by authorized individuals - experts. For example, when conducting an examination of cultural property to obtain permission to export them or during a state historical and cultural examination.

Earlier, a number of large Russian companies showed interest in this bill. Thus, VTB is ready to participate in the formation of standards for the provision of public services. MTS also announced its readiness to consider proposals for the provision of public services based on its infrastructure.[10]

Digitization of regulations for the provision of public services begins. This will allow them to robotize

The provision of public services can be made almost completely algorithmized when the decision-maker actually has no grounds for refusal, if all the formal conditions are met by the applicant, according to the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Digital Development ).

To do this, it is necessary to create and control digital regulations that will ensure typification and machine readability of the requirements for the provision of public services, said on the ministerial portal of vacancies in the description of the vacancy of the head of the corresponding project. Such digital regulations will be implemented by information systems of federal and regional authorities. Support for their implementation will be provided in the cloud digital platform for the provision of public services, the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development notes.

The target state is that the service can be provided automatically, without the participation of the person making the decision to provide the service. If the applicant does not meet all the criteria for receiving the service, the information system will instantly inform the applicant according to which criteria he does not meet the requirements, which will significantly save the applicant's time.

The first digital regulations are expected to appear in 2021, and the promising timing of automatic provision for the most popular services is 2022-2023, TAdviser reported in Ministry of Digital Development.

Achieving the target state (automatic provision) will reduce the level of subjectivity when deciding on the provision/non-provision of public services, according to the ministry.

The transition to digital regulations and algorithmization of the provision of public services requires updating the legislation, which was done by a team of experts led by Mikhail Braude-Zolotarev (you can read in detail about this work in an interview with him). At the end of August 2020, the Ministry of Economic Development submitted to the Government of the Russian Federation a bill to adjust the federal law on public services.

The Ministry of Digital Development simplifies the receipt of legally significant papers with the results of public services provided in electronic form

The Ministry of Digital Development developed and in October 2020 npa=109287 published for public discussion a draft government decree, the approval of which, according to the idea of ​ ​ the department, should optimize the procedure for issuing electronic documents to applicants on paper, which are the result of public services received through the portal of public services.

Alexey Gorobtsov, Director of the Department of Advanced Digital Solutions of the Ministry of Digital Development, explained to TAdviser that the ultimate goal of these innovations is the convenience of citizens when receiving public services.

To obtain such results of public services "on paper," citizens will be able to sign up for the MPSC and get a print version of the document certified by an MPSC employee, says Gorobtsov. For example, a citizen, receiving in electronic form on the public services portal a certificate of the presence or absence of a criminal record, will be able to send it to the selected MPSC for printing and certification by an MPSC employee. After that, a paper certificate can be submitted at the place of demand.

When receiving many socially important services, citizens still have to submit documents in paper or duplicate electronic documents with hard copies, while often having no legal force "(photo - RIA Novosti/Varvara Gerthier)"

Currently, not all bodies/organizations are ready to accept documents issued by government agencies in electronic form: for example, when presenting a certificate of temporary registration in a clinic; presenting a certificate of registration at the place of residence to management companies for calculating fees for services; presentation of documents at the request of the employer; presentation of title documents for residential premises to the bank, etc.

In this regard, when receiving many socially important services, citizens still have to submit documents in paper or duplicate electronic documents with paper copies, while often having no legal force, TAdviser explained to the Ministry of Digital Development. It is this practice that is intended to exclude the proposed draft resolution by introducing a unified unified procedure for issuing electronic images of documents on paper and certifying them to the MPSC.

At the same time, it is important to remind citizens once again that, based on the requirements of the legislation on electronic signature (63-FZ), a independently printed electronic document has no legal force and cannot qualify as signed, the department added. An electronic signature is information in electronic form that is attached to other information in electronic form (signed information) or otherwise associated with such information and that is used to identify the person signing the information; shall provide for the procedure for verification of the electronic signature.

In order to implement this, the decree provides for amendments to the rules for organizing the activities of the MPSC, previously approved by the government. One of the changes is to supplement the rules with the condition that the MPSC, free of charge, at the request of the applicant sent using the public services portal, issues documents confirming the content of electronic documents on the public services received through this portal on paper. The applicant can choose any MPSC for this.

The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications has created a single cloud for the provision of standard regional services

September Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media 9, 2020 announced the creation of a single platform for the provision of standard regional and municipal services. The cloud platform, as the Deputy Prime Minister said RUSSIAN FEDERATION Dmitry Chernyshenko at a meeting of the president Vladimir Putin with members of the government, will simplify the provision of public services to the population to the regional authorities. At the same time, the system will not require additional costs and will be convenient for citizens, he said. More. here

The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications has outlined the launch of 300 electronic public

On September 8, 2020, it became known about the intentions of the Ministry of Communications to make about 300 public services available online by 2024. The head of the department Maksut Shadayev told TASS about this.

We have plans to provide 300 services over 3 years, approximately 120 are federal and 180 are regional and municipal. They are now presented on the portal, but when we talk about a new service, we imply that no face-to-face visits are required. It is clear that not for all services we will have [completely remote service - approx. TASS]. For example, to get a passport, you will need to come in person, "he said.

According to Shadayev, the target model is that a person will be able to fully submit documents and get the result online. The minister said that 95% of 300 public services will be provided completely electronically.

The Ministry of Communications is going to make available online about 300 public services by 2024

Maksut Shadayev also stressed that electronic services will be provided faster - it will take one and a half minutes, and the result can be obtained electronically.

If the refusal comes, it will come as quickly as possible, because all interdepartmental checks will be carried out promptly, - explained the head of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications.

Earlier, the head of Rostelecom, Mikhail Oseevsky, said that by the end of 2020 a new high-performance version of the unified portal of public services could start working. According to him, the portal will be able to process up to 100 million requests per day.

In connection with the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications launched new services on the public services portal in a short time. So, the service for citizens stuck abroad, they are also automatically provided with electronic sick leave. In addition, it became possible to issue unemployment benefits and register with the employment center. The most popular public services on the portal in the first half of 2020 were an appointment with a doctor, information about the account in the Pension Fund and payment for children from 3 to 16 years old.[11]

Development of a service for organizing a funeral from the Ministry of Communications

In early September 2020, details about the creation of a superservice for organizing the funeral "Loss of a loved one" became known. This project is supervised by the Ministry of Communications. Read more here.

Automatic registration and enrollment in kindergarten. Minek announced proactive public services

At the end of August 2020, it became known about the upcoming automatic provision of public services in Russia. The Ministry of Economic Development has submitted to the Government of the Russian Federation a bill to adjust the federal law on public services as part of the implementation of the national program "Digital Economy."

One of the principles of the provision of public services enshrined in the bill is proactivity. It allows you to start providing the service before the actual application of the applicant. So, for example, on the day of the 45th anniversary, a citizen may be offered to sign a pre-formed and completed draft request for a passport replacement. Or, for example, after registering birth, the child will automatically be registered and enrolled in kindergarten.

Project of the Ministry of Economic Development: only photos will be needed to replace the passport

Also, when receiving services that are likely to entail an appeal for other services, the applicant will be offered to immediately apply for such services (for example, when replacing a passport due to a change in surname, you can also change your rights and foreign passport in one set).

In addition, Minek points out the need to implement a registry model, in which the result of the provision of most services will be an entry in the registry. It is assumed that a document that can be lost, spoiled or seized illegally will not be issued. To verify the information in the register, other authorities will also not require the applicant to submit the specified document - only the information contained in it will be needed.

In his message to   the Federal Assembly on February 20, 2019, presidents RossiiVladimir Putin set the task of transferring all key state and municipal services to a proactive format by the end of 2020, excluding the filing of additional applications and excessive visits to the bodies providing them.[12]

Russian banks will begin to provide public services in 5 regions of the country

On July 28, 2020, the Ministry of Economic Development announced the development and submission to the Government of the Russian Federation of a draft resolution on an experiment to provide public services in banks. As part of this initiative, credit organizations will be able to accept documents from applicants, transfer them to the authorities, issue the results of the provision of public services and inform about the procedure for their provision.

According to the plans of the Ministry of Economic Development, the experiment will take place from January 1 to December 31, 2021 in five regions:

By July 28, 2020, Svyaz-Bank, Sberbank, Gazprombank, PJSC Promsvyazbank, VTB, Sovcombank and Rosselkhozbank had previously confirmed their participation in the project. At the same time, as reported in the Minek, all credit organizations with a license to carry out banking activities, participating in the system of compulsory deposit insurance, in respect of which bankruptcy prevention measures are not applied, will be able to participate in the experiment.

Banks will begin to provide public services in 5 regions of Russia

The experiment will apply to some services of the Pension Fund, the Social Insurance Fund, the Federal Tax Service of Russia, the FSSP of Russia. Among them are the issuance of certificates of the amount of pension, informing about taxes and fees and accepting applications for the payment of tax benefits.

As a result of the experiment, the mechanism of interaction between banks and the list of services provided can be adjusted, and if successful, the practice can be extended to the entire territory of the Russian Federation, - said Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Alexei Khersontsev.

According to him, the experiment on the provision of public services by banks will increase their availability, as well as open up opportunities for the provision of state and banking services to citizens and businesses.[13]

IT companies will be able to connect to the e-government infrastructure

IT companies will be able to connect to the e-government infrastructure. This was announced on July 9, 2020 by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin at a plenary discussion with the heads of the largest technology companies in the Russian Federation.

For example, marketplaces, recruiting portals and private announcement portals will be able to authorize their users using the state unified identification system, the head of government said.

According to Mikhail Mishustin, connecting companies to the e-government infrastructure and embedding its services in their ecosystems will significantly increase confidence in the information posted

He also noted that users of public services will be able to certify various documents with an electronic digital signature; with the permission of a specific person, access to his personal data can be opened to business on the ustate services portal. For example, the head of the Cabinet of Ministers cited the current situation when a patient can give a doctor of a commercial clinic access to his CT image in digital form, which is contained in digital form in his personal account on the public services portal.

The most important thing is that business can become a full-fledged participant in the development of the ecosystem of state services, "Mishustin believes.

He stressed that earlier some proposals on the implementation of projects on public-private partnership in the field of health care, education, construction, transport, communal sphere have already been considered. The government intends to actively develop and support the implementation of projects to attract private investment, Mishustin added.

He also said that the current growth rates of Russian IT companies are insufficient to overcome the historically established lag of the Russian Federation from countries in terms of the development of the technological industry. To achieve leading positions in the world, the government has prepared a program for the development of the IT industry. It includes a new tax regime, stimulating demand, supporting innovation, developing public-private partnership, expanding the personnel base of the industry, the prime minister said.[14]

Minek instructed to transfer 8 more public services to electronic format

At the end of June 2020, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation published a bill on the transfer of a number of public services to an electronic register model. The full list of services that, according to the instructions of the department, should be provided remotely as follows:

Ministry of Economy decided to translate a number of public services into an electronic model
  • licensing of alcohol production;
  • issuance of permits for the construction and commissioning of the facility, for the transfer of residential premises to non-residential and, conversely, approval of the reconstruction and redevelopment of housing;
  • obtaining permits for the use of land or land plot in state and municipal ownership;
  • certification of officials of management companies in housing and communal services;
  • certification and recertification of individuals for the right to prepare expert opinions on design documentation and results of engineering surveys;
  • obtaining permits for work on the preservation of the cultural heritage site;
  • issuing a conclusion on the compliance of the capital construction facility with the requirements of the design documentation, as well as permits for the installation and operation of advertising structures;
  • maintenance and breeding of hunting resources and issuance of rental certificates for films.

The social block of services is proposed to include the provision of social benefits to citizens, including young families for    the purchase or construction of housing, the provision of utility benefits to family members of dead military personnel, registration of citizens as those in need of housing and the issuance of preliminary permission from the guardianship authority for transactions with the property of the wards.

According to Kommersant, amendments to the current legislation, formalized by the bill "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" and the corresponding draft government decree with reference to the federal project "Digital Public Administration" of the national program "Digital Economy," as well as a schedule of legislative changes for these purposes dated March 12, 2020.[15]

Private companies in Russia will be allowed to provide public services

In early June 2020, the Government of the Russian Federation announced the National Economic Recovery Plan, which states the need to allow private companies to provide digital public services.

According to the portal "Future of Russia. National projects "(its operator - TASS Information Agency of Russia) with reference to this document, in terms of digitalization of public services and services, the government proposes to enable citizens and organizations" to receive state and municipal services through the infrastructure of non-state organizations, including in electronic form. "

In addition, it is planned to proactively receive state and municipal services, switch to a register model for accounting for the results of their provision and establish the specifics of the provision of public services in the context of the spread of coronavirus. COVID-19

Rostelecom (operator of the public services portal) reported that citizens and organizations receiving state and municipal services through the infrastructure of private companies will primarily expand their access.

Now, for example, this can be done through online banks. There will be more opportunities, including for obtaining commercial services through identification on the portal of state services, the operator's press service said, adding that the state services themselves will continue to provide the state.

Earlier, the government approved a "roadmap" on the digitalization of public administration, which involves business participation in the provision of public services.

Companies will be able to provide the full range of public services, provided that there are those who wish, says Vladislav Onishchenko, head of the [[|Analytical Center under the Government of the Russian Federation|Analytical Center under the government]]. For this, according to him, models of interaction between the state and business will be developed in order to reduce the costs of citizens to receive these services and ensure the commercial attractiveness of services.[16]

In Russia, launch electronic voting in elections

On May 13, 2020, the State Duma adopted in the third reading a bill on electronic voting in elections and referendums. Russians will be able to cast their votes by mail, via the Internet and on the public services portal. Read more here.

In Russia, it will be possible to apply to a university via the Internet

At the end of April 2020, the timing of the launch of the super service "Admission to the university online" became known, which will allow you to apply to higher educational institutions via the Internet. Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education Andrei Omelchuk told the details. Read more here.

The government ordered the transfer of 15 ministries and departments for electronic registration of permits

Until December 31, 2021, federal executive bodies (FOIV) are obliged to establish the provision of permits in electronic form. The corresponding action plan for the transition of state structures to electronic permits was approved by the government on February 10, 2020. Control over its implementation will be carried out by the Ministry of Communications.

Federal executive bodies responsible for the implementation of the plan, as noted in the order, annually, until May 20 and November 10, will have to submit information to the Ministry of Communications on the implementation of its measures. The ministry is obliged every year, until June 20 and December 10, to send a report to the government on the implementation of the plan, taking into account the information received from government agencies.

The accelerated transition to electronic registration of permits will cover 15 ministries and departments in 47 of the most popular citizens and business representatives of public services. Earlier, before the order prescribing this transition, a number of permits could already be obtained electronically, but now the document completely saves citizens and business representatives from the need to visit a state authority or multifunctional centers to submit the necessary documents.

The implementation of the plan will ensure the issuance of permits in electronic form according to the register model, reduction in the timing of the execution of permitting functions, automation of the validation procedure, validity periods and the status of the issued permits, the government is sure.

During an operational meeting with deputy prime ministers on February 10, 2020, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin said that in a number of positions, the electronic format would reduce the time for obtaining permits "by two to three times, and somewhere - up to one working day."

Information on the issuance will be entered into electronic registers posted on the Internet, which, in my opinion, will simplify the verification of the validity of permits, the terms of their validity and status, the Prime Minister said.

According to a government order, citizens and business representatives will now be able to obtain permits completely electronically - without visiting a state authority or multifunctional centers to submit the necessary documents.

According to the plan, the electronic form will have a number of procedures and documents. Among them are the following:

  • registration of declarations of conformity of communication means;

  • license for production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic alcohol (except for retail sale) and alcohol-containing products;

  • application for passing the exam for the right to drive vehicles and the documents attached to it and issuance of driver's licenses;

  • registration of motor vehicles and their trailers;

  • permission to introduce a batch or batch of immunobiological medicinal product into civil circulation;

  • right to medical and pharmaceutical activities;

  • permission for educational activities;

  • registration of radio electronic means and high-frequency devices of civil purpose;

  • assignment (assignment) of radio frequencies or radio frequency channels for radio electronic means of civil purpose;

  • license for provision of communication services;

  • media registration certificate;

  • permit for storage of weapons and/or cartridges;

  • license for private security activities;

  • licenses and other permits for export and/or import of individual products;

According to the plan, a number of changes will be made to translate permits and procedures into the appropriate regulatory framework and information systems into electronic format. In addition, interactive forms of permits and procedures will appear on the Public services portal, experimental operation of their provision in electronic form and other measures necessary for this will be carried out.


The Russian government has launched a mobile application for complaints about bad roads

On December 17, 2019, the launch of the mobile application "Public services. Roads, "which will allow Russians to assess the repair of the road surface, as well as leave complaints about the unsatisfactory condition of the roads . Read more here.

The social support provided to the Russians will be notified through the portal of public services. Law passed

In December 2019, the State Duma adopted in the third reading a bill on informing citizens about their social support through the portal of public services. more here.

Introduction of electronic contracts for the sale and purchase of motor vehicles

In Russia, electronic contracts for the sale and purchase (DCT) of cars will be introduced, which can be concluded through the portal of public services. This became known on December 9, 2019.

As the deputy head of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications Maxim Parshin told Kommersant, with the help of the service, buyers will be able to find out the parameters and history of the car: the number of owners, restrictions on bailiffs, finding the car wanted, etc. On the website of public services, it will be possible to form an electronic DKP, which is filled out automatically. To complete the transaction, it is enough to assure it with a simple electronic signature.

The contract for the sale of a car will be based on an electronic basis

Every year, traffic police units record 3.5 million registrations related to the change of car owner. It is assumed that the new service will avoid errors that are often encountered when filling out paper contracts. In addition, fake documents also happen. For example, in the case where the owner of the car did not provide consent to sell.

In addition, electronic DCTs will make the procedure more transparent and will not allow sellers to artificially underestimate the amount of the transaction or sell the car twice.

At the first stage, the new service will be available only to individuals. It will work in 2020, reports. In Kommersant December 2019, the service is being technically debugged.

Boris Ionov, Managing Director of Electronic Passport JSC, appreciated the emergence of such an opportunity, but raised the issue of implementation. He noted that transactions involve the transfer or transfer of money, which fraudsters can use. He also considers the distance when the buyer and seller are in different locations to be a problem.

The transfer of the purchase and sale registration process to electronic format is "convenient and timely," but in 2020 the service is unlikely to work - explained CarPrice CEO Denis Dolmatov.[17]

210-FZ will be replaced by a new law "On smart public services"

The team of the Ministry of Economic Development Center for Strategic Research RANEPA and in 2019 is developing a bill that will oblige departments to formalize the processes of providing public services and make it possible to fully automate them. The [2] TAdviser Alexander Levashov head of the Center for Competencies for Digital Transformation state and Municipal Services of the CSR and the director of the Center IT for Research and Expertise of the RANEPA spoke about the stages of movement towards progress and mechanisms of protection against this progress, the pitfalls and risks of automation of public services, about new components of the e-government infrastructure in an interview with the editor-in-chief. Mikhail Braude-Zolotarev

The Russians were offered to evaluate the prototypes of five super services

On November 21, 2019, information appeared that the Russians were offered to evaluate the prototypes of five super services: "Labor relations online," "Digital documents on education online," "My health online," "Online assistance in disability," "Property online." According to the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, the pages of these superservices appeared in the corresponding section of the public services portal.

The Labor Relations Online super service will allow you to remotely conclude and terminate an agreement with the employer, as well as register at the employment center and select vacancies.

With the Digital Documents About service, education legally significant electronic certificates, diplomas, exam results, olympiads and competitions will always be at hand.

"My Health Online" is an opportunity to use medical documents electronically, sign up with specialists and monitor your health indicators.

The Online Disability Assistance service is designed to simplify the process of registering disability and receiving benefits.

"Property online" will help without leaving home to issue the right to a land plot.

After users view the prototypes, they are invited to take a survey and share their comments and suggestions. The superservice development team will analyze all feedback received and finalize the superservices taking them into account. The first results for the presented super services will appear in 2020.

Superservices are a type of government electronic services that minimizes the use of paper documents and the need to visit government agencies. The service is built on the analysis of a person's life situation and the provision of the necessary set of services, as well as assistance in obtaining the required benefits and payments - almost "in one click."[18]

Former head of digital transformation in Australia: We could not launch superservices, I wonder how this will come out in Russia

On October 21, the Ministry of Digital Development hosted an open meeting between Deputy Minister Maxim Parshin and Paul Shetler, who was previously responsible for reforming the public services system as CEO of the Australian Digital Transformation Agency. A foreign expert was invited to Russia to exchange experience in the development of a digital state - an area where Australia is known as one of the most advanced countries. In the UN e-government ranking in 2018, Australia ranked 2nd, and Russia only 32nd.

Answering TAdviser's questions during this meeting, Maxim Parshin noted that Russia and Australia are in many ways following a similar path, but the Australian experience is more focused on industry services, for example, in the field of health care, transport, education, and in Russia, so far, public services are developing more in the traditional sense.

Here we see the direction where we need to go, catch up with Australian colleagues, "says Parshin.

The deputy minister also noted that Russia is ready for this, and even in their daily work in their department, it was decided to use not the concept of "public services," but the English word "service," because the former narrows the range of work. A citizen should not delve deeply into and understand where the public service ends and the health service begins, for example. The task of the state is to build comprehensive services for citizens.

Maxim Parshin (pictured left) and Paul Shetler answer questions from the participants of the open meeting "(photo - TAdviser)"

Maxim Parshin told TAdviser that Australia also has interesting experience working with regions (states), where Australian colleagues were able to find a balance between the fact that the state has a federal structure, on the one hand, and on the other, to develop interesting regional solutions that can be extended to other states. This experience at the Ministry of Digital Development is also being studied with great interest.

In turn, Paul Shetler noted that in Russia there is experience that could be interesting for Australia, especially regarding super services. Services in this wording were worked out in Australia, and conceptually they are very close to what they are doing in Russia. But at the stage of their modeling, many questions arose how to regulate them, who exactly will be responsible for what. Difficulties arose with this, so the process did not go further than modeling.

Shetler explained that Australia has department secretaries and heads (CEOs) of government agencies. For example, he himself served as CEO of the Digital Transformation Agency. Every three months, heads of departments and agencies must report to the Senate on the work done. And when discussing the creation of superservices, one of the key problems was the lack of understanding who exactly will report to the Senate if something goes wrong with the superservice, who is the owner of the superservice. After all, different structures are involved in the provision of one super service.

Due to the fact that it was not possible to come to an understanding of how to share this responsibility, super services at the federal level could not be deployed. In this regard, the Russian experience in the field of super services could be especially interesting, says Shetler.

It is noteworthy that one of the first in the framework of digital transformation in Australia was worked out service for the inclusion of a newborn in the health care system. Initially, to do this, the mother in the hospital after the birth of the child was required to sign many paper documents. An option was being worked out with replacing the signature of the papers with a click in the smartphone, but it did not fit, because it still assumed many documents, only in electronic form.

Then, Paul Shetler said, an option was introduced when a mother is required to make a small change to only one document, and after that the rest of the changes necessary to connect the child to the health care system are automatically pulled up.

"Birth of a child" is one of the first superservices that are planned to be launched in Russia. Now, to draw up a basic set of documents and the required benefits at the birth of a child, up to 14 personal visits to state departments or to the MPSC are required, where you need to write about 2 dozen paper applications. The new service should allow citizens to quickly and conveniently draw up the necessary documents in a few clicks at the birth of a child. The launch of this service is scheduled for 2020.

Speaking to TAdviser, Paul Shetler highlighted the special role open source software plays in government digital projects in Australia, where it is widely used. When Shetler ran the Digital Transformation Agency, an agreement was signed between the agency and the British authorities in 2016 to exchange code written for government information systems, he said. Now in Australia there are systems that use customized code that was originally used in British projects. The possibility of such interaction has not yet been discussed with the Russian side, the Australian expert said.

Large banks in Russia will provide public services

On October 17, 2019, it became known that large banks in Russia will provide public services. The experiment of the Ministry of  Economic Development, which starts in 2020, was reported by Izvestia.

Among other things, Russians in credit institutions will be able to receive a pension or maternity capital, apply for the status of an individual entrepreneur, and also register as an insured. Citizens will be able to receive public services in these financial institutions both directly in branches and online.

Six large banks in St. Petersburg may begin to provide public services to the population

It will be possible to enter the bank instead of the MPSC in five regions - Moscow, Astrakhan and Kirov regions, St. Petersburg and Bashkiria. The pilot project will last two years, then this practice can be extended to all of Russia.

The experiment will identify opportunities to increase the availability of public services without increasing the budget of the Russian Federation, the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets, the explanatory note to the draft resolution says.

The purpose of the experiment is to find out if there is an opportunity to increase the availability of public services without increasing budget expenditures.

According to Deputy Minister of Economic Development Savva Shipov, the new functions will be free. In addition, banks will be banned from using the personal data of people who used the service for commercial purposes.

Sberbank already performs some functions. In particular, you MPSC can get a passport, driver's license and other public services without a commission at bank branches in and Blagoveshchensk To Ufa.

VTB told the media that they were interested in the experiment, but considered it premature to talk about the details of their participation.[19]

Experts assessed the initiative of the ministry positively. The experiment is beneficial for banks, since the inclusion of them in an extensive system of interaction with various government agencies will add solidity and increase the status in the eyes of customers, says Alexander Balobanov, associate professor at RANEPA.

Criticism and skepticism. Experts were cautious about the concept of a unified IT architecture of government agencies

According to the plan of the Ministry of Communications and the Research Institute "Voskhod," in 2020 the main state IT architect should appear in Russia, which will unify the methods and tools for creating state digital platforms and IT systems. The first discussion of the concept involving the development of a unified IT architecture and the appointment of an architect, held on August 16 at the Analytical Center under the Government of the Russian Federation, showed that it would be difficult to implement these ideas in practice (more).

FIU will launch the Pension Online super service

On September 12, 2019, details about the Pension Online super service became known. In it, Russians will be able to control how fully and accurately the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) collects the pensions necessary for calculating pensions. Read more here.

The government showed video prototypes of the first state super services

On July 31, 2019, Deputy Prime Minister Maxim Akimov and Deputy Minister of Digital Development Maxim Parshin announced the publication of the first prototypes of super services - paperless public services built around typical life situations.

Prototypes are published on the public services portal in the form of video videos that demonstrate the receipt of services from the screen of a mobile phone.

The purpose of publishing videos is to collect feedback from three groups of audiences, said Maxim Akimov.

Birth of a Child Superservice Prototype

Prototype of the "Digital Enforcement" superservice

Prototype of the superservice "Design of Europrotocols online"

Prototype superservice "Moving to another region"

Prototype of the super service "Admission to the university online"

The first group is citizens, future consumers of public services.

"We want to ask whether we like the design, whether the design is convenient, whether the functionality is correct," the Deputy Prime Minister explained. You can give assessments to prototypes through questionnaires on the website of public services, published in the description of each super service.

The second large audience is the professional community.

"The prototypes are the processing of all business processes of departments, the logic of the movement of officials, the movement of securities. This is the most difficult part of the issue, "Akimov added. Business processes in departments, he said, should be built on a stack of high-tech solutions and on modern architecture. On this occasion, the government would like to invite developers, designers, and customer communications specialists to the dialogue.

Maxim Akimov and Maxim Parshin presented prototypes of the first super services

The third group is Russian business.

"Take, for example, the purchase of a car - in this process, part of the state is small. Everything else does business, "Akimov explains. - We buy a car from a commercial dealer, take out insurance and service it also in commercial organizations. And the role of the state is only to register and issue registration plates and a vehicle certificate. "

The functions of the state, according to the Deputy Prime Minister, can be built into the applications of commercial companies. But there may be a reverse situation when commercial services are embedded in government applications.

For example, with the loss of a loved one, a number of services arise and, as Akimov put it, "everything is wild and uncivilized, different people begin to call." The Government believes that the process should be civilized, and a person should be offered services only if he gave permission for this.

In total, in the next three years, according to Maxim Akimov, it is planned to develop 25 different superservices. The creation of applications is carried out under the auspices of the Ministry of Digital Development by teams consisting of representatives of various departments, as well as RT Labs, Sberbank and other companies.

The Presidium of the Government Commission approved the superservice for the registration of the Europrotocol online

On July 24, 2019, it became known that the Presidium, Government Commission on Digital Development headed by the Deputy Chairman, Governments of the Russian Federation Maxim Akimov generally approved the concept of a super service for the design of an online European protocol and the stages of its implementation. The project was developed Bank of Russia with direct support Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media Russia as part of the implementation of the federal project "Digital Public Administration" of the national program "."Digital economy

The superservice "Registration of the European Protocol Online" through the State Public services portal and mobile applications will allow citizens to independently, without the participation of traffic police officers, issue notifications about an accident in electronic form, as well as receive the results of the consideration remotely. All data (driver's license, vehicle registration certificate, insurance policy) for notification will come from the driver's personal account, he will only have to check their correctness and upload a photo from the scene.

In the personal account on the portal of public services, it will be possible to store, use documents for a car, insurance policies, data on an accident, as well as send documents to the Russian Union of Auto Insurers and the Insurance Company in one click for consideration, obtaining the necessary registration statuses and other issues.

Users will also be able to online search for an insurance company to conclude an OSAGO and CASCO agreement. At the same time, the calculation of the cost of the policy (including online verification of the current value of the bonus-malus coefficient, which increases or lowers the cost of the policy depending on the accident rate in previous periods) will be carried out automatically.

The results for the superservice "Registration of the European Protocol Online" should appear in 2019. In November 2019, in pilot regions, road accident participants will be able to issue a europrotocol right on the spot in 15 minutes and disperse, saving time and nerves and not creating additional traffic jams. The service will start working in Moscow, the Moscow region, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, from mid-2020 - throughout the country,
Maxim Parshin commented, Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media RUSSIAN FEDERATION

A bill was approved on the creation of a single information resource containing information about the population

On July 18, 2019, it became known that the government commission on legislative activities approved a bill that provides for the creation in Russia of a single information resource containing information about the population. This was reported on the government website. The draft law prepared by the Ministry of Finance was called "On a single federal information resource containing information about the population of the Russian Federation." At the next stage, the bill will be considered at a government meeting.

The site explains that as of July 2019, there is no single centralized information resource in Russia where basic information about the population would be presented. It is assumed that such a resource will enable tax and other bodies to receive complete and reliable information about individuals. Accordingly, the authority to maintain the resource will be assigned to. FTS Russia

It is also noted that information about the population will be available to citizens themselves - thanks to this, users will know what information government agencies have about them. Ordinary users will be able to access the data through the public services portal. They will be able to use the information received when applying for the provision of any state service through the portal. The creation of the resource should make public administration more efficient and transparent, the authors of the project believe.

The information provided in this information resource is supposed to be reliable and consistent. One entry will be devoted to one citizen in the resource. The data will be drawn from the information resources of various government agencies.

The bill was developed according to the Concept for the formation and maintenance of a single federal information resource containing information about the population of Russia, which the government approved on July 4. At the same time, a "roadmap" was approved, that is, a plan for the implementation of this concept. These documents were also prepared by the Ministry of Finance.

The concept defines the principles of creating and maintaining an information resource, as well as the requirements for its information system and its interaction with other GIS.

They plan to implement the concept in four stages. At the first stage, which covers 2017-2018, regulatory acts governing the creation and maintenance of the resource will be developed. At the same stage, approaches to the formation of the resource and the exchange of impersonal information with government agencies will be tested.

At the second stage, that is, in 2018-2019, the resource information system will be designed and requirements for information protection will be formulated.

At the third stage, which is scheduled for 2020-2022, it is planned to directly create this information system and carry out the initial filling of the resource. In the same period, it is planned to establish data exchange with some GIS.

At the fourth stage, that is, in 2023-2025, the resource will be connected to various state and municipal GIS.

The resource will contain information about both Russian citizens and foreign citizens and stateless persons who live in the country.

There will be presented such information about an individual as last name, first name and patronymic, dates and places of birth and death, gender, date of arrival and departure for permanent residence, as well as identifiers of information about an individual contained in basic state information resources, and details of birth and death certificates.

In addition, the information will include data on identity documents and the right to carry out certain activities, as well as identifiers of information on registration with tax authorities and registration at the place of residence.

It is also supposed to add identifiers of information about registration in the systems of compulsory pension, medical, social insurance, registration with employment authorities, as well as identifiers of information about other types of accounting for individuals[20] the[21].

Medvedev gave instructions to ministries to accelerate the digital transformation of public services

Following a meeting of the government commission on digital development, which was held by Dmitry Medvedev on May 28, 2019, the Prime Minister gave instructions and recommendations in the field of digital transformation of public services. They relate to federal ministries and Russian regions.

Prime Minister given instructions in the field of digital transformation of public services

1. The Ministry of Communications of Russia was instructed to analyze the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of information and communication technologies for the completeness and sufficiency of the norms:

  • regulating the circulation of data in the information systems of state executive bodies, including copyright regimes with such data;
  • coordination and audit of the creation, development and operation of information systems of state executive bodies.

On issues requiring a decision of the Government, draft relevant regulatory legal acts must be submitted by August 1, 2019.

2. The Ministry of Communications of Russia, together with the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, was instructed to submit draft regulatory legal acts providing for:

  • development and support of a unified technological architecture of information systems of federal executive bodies, as well as the development of uniform principles for the formation of the architecture of information systems of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments;
  • approval of target models and requirements for the provision of state and municipal services in electronic form, including the following principles:
    • using a registry model;
    • possibility of connecting services of commercial organizations;
    • obtaining the results of the provision of services in real time;
    • possibility of proactive mode of service provision;
    • possibility of automatic decision-making in service provision;
    • multiservice architecture of reused elements;

  • development and support of the environment for development of application software of information systems with the possibility of its use by state executive bodies and local authorities;
  • using a unified biometric system to identify recipients of state and municipal services and access to cloud qualified electronic signature services.

The deadline for the execution of the order is September 2, 2019.

3. The Ministry of Communications of Russia, the Federal Tax Service of Russia, Rosreestr, the Ministry of Finance of Russia, the Ministry of Justice of Russia and the Ministry of Labor of Russia, with the participation of the executive authorities of the Government of Moscow and the Government of the Moscow Region, it is required to submit proposals to ensure access of regional executive authorities to the information resources of federal state information systems (primarily the Federal Tax Service of Russia and Rosreestr) in real time.

The deadline is August 1, 2019.

4. The Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, the Ministry of Finance of Russia and the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia need to submit a draft concept of the bill providing for changes in the procedures and conditions for the placement and execution of state and municipal orders regarding the use of information and communication technologies in the activities of state authorities, ensuring a reduction in the creation, development and operation of information systems.

The deadline is November 1, 2019.

5. The Ministry of Communications of Russia, together with the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia and the Ministry of Finance of Russia, was instructed to submit proposals with the draft necessary decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation to determine the competence center (with appropriate organizational and technical support and determination of key performance indicators for 2020-2024), responsible for the implementation of the following tasks:

  • development and support of a unified technological architecture of information systems of federal executive bodies;
  • development of uniform principles for the formation of the architecture of information systems of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments;
  • creation, development and operation of federal components of e-government infrastructure;
  • development and support of the environment for development of application software of information systems with the possibility of its use by state executive bodies and local authorities.

The deadline is November 1, 2019.

6. The Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, together with the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia, with the participation of the executive authorities of the regions, it is required to submit draft regulatory legal acts providing for the possibility of organizing user registration in a single biometric system in the MPSC.

The deadline is November 1, 2019.

7. The Ministry of Communications of Russia, with the participation of regional executive bodies, it is necessary to ensure the creation of a "cloud" digital platform for the provision of state and municipal services in electronic form, providing for its priority use in regions that do not have information systems for processing applications for these services and generating the results of their consideration in electronic form.

The deadline is December 1, 2020.

8. The Ministry of Economic Development of Russia was instructed to organize the collection and analysis of proposals from the highest executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to exclude from federal laws norms that prevent the introduction of new principles for the provision of public services, including ensuring a proactive, multi-channel or omnichannel and automated mode of their provision, according to the registry model, as well as obtaining the results of the provision of such services in electronic form.

The deadline is September 2, 2019.

9. The following is recommended for the regions:

  • send to the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia by September 2, 2019 information on the best practice available in the region for the provision of regional and municipal services in electronic form and proposals for the replication of applied software solutions that ensure their provision, the rights to use and revision of which belong to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
  • ensure registration with the ESIA of applicants (with the consent of a citizen) applying for public services at the MPSC, executive authorities and institutions subordinate to them;
  • provide information on the progress of consideration of applications for obtaining public services, as well as the history of requests for receiving such services through a single personal account of the public services portal.

The head of the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development Noskov offered Medvedev a reform plan for a digital breakthrough

Three points of the plan

Speaking at a meeting of the government commission on digital development on May 28, 2019, Minister of Digital Development Konstantin Noskov addressed Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev with proposals, the implementation of which will make a digital breakthrough in the field of public services.

Глава Ministry of Digital Development Konstantin Noskov proposed a reform plan for a digital breakthrough
First, we need to strengthen the coordinating role of the Government and the ministry. We need the authority to regulate the turnover of data and audit the created information systems in order to ensure architectural and technological unity. It is necessary to revise the principles of developing an application system, creating a single federal development environment that both regions and municipalities can also use. You need to be able to approve the basic requirements for digital services, - said Noskov.

The second is legislation on public procurement. The entire cycle from budgeting and procurement planning to commissioning does not correspond to the modern practice of developing InformSystems in terms of efficiency and flexibility. As a result, products often created for budget funds turn out to be clearly uncompetitive. We need a special procedure for creating IT systems within the framework of the state order, "the minister continued, adding that his department is ready to participate in this work, helping the Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Finance.

Third. In many countries - the leaders of digital transformation, specialized organizations are created - centers of competence. A well-known example of a Singapore-based organisation called GovTech. We observe the same in the leading Russian regions. In Moscow, in the Moscow region, there are also organizations that are engaged in ensuring the development of electronic government systems. These organizations provide both the development and monitoring of standards for the technological architecture of state information systems, and the direct development and operation of digital state platforms. We have these functions now completely outsourced. For a dynamic movement forward, changes are needed in accordance with the best practices, including world ones, "said Noskov.

The minister also added that he had already repeatedly discussed the issue of creating a Russian analogue of GovTech with Deputy Prime Minister Maxim Akimov and the Ministry of Economic Development, and promised Medvedev to offer optimal options for the organizational and legal form, financing mechanisms and performance indicators of such a structure. Subsequently, it became known about the creation in Russia of a new project of the eletkron government "Gostech." Read more here.

Support of the Ministry of Economic development

Following Noskov, the head of the Ministry of Economic Development Maxim Oreshkin spoke in support of the ideas of the head of the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development.

The head of the Ministry of Economic Development Maxim Oreshkin supported the proposals of Konstantin Noskov
It must be understood that standard procedures do not work here. If you follow the standard procedure (getting into the budget, writing a technical assignment, order, competition, and so on), then by the time all this long procedure reaches the end, what was prescribed may no longer be necessary. Therefore, in reality, we see that successful regions and authorities that move well along the path of informatization simply grow all this competence within themselves. That is, they refuse the order, create some institutions that provide exactly the quality of the product that is necessary, - said Oreshkin. - On any information system it is necessary to make hundreds of changes per year. This cannot be done within standard procedures.

According to Oreshkin, a new form of state order can be formed - not a specific product, but services for changing systems in real time.

Why there was a need for reforms

According to Konstantin Noskov, it is necessary to reform the digitalization of the public sector for a number of reasons.

With all the successes, we clearly see the challenges that stand before us. After the powerful legislative impulses given by the 210th law and the regulations developed in its development, in the past few years, unfortunately, the development of digital services has been inertial, Noskov said. - Yes, we see very good dynamics, but at the same time we realize that it is very limited. If you do not remove the existing restrictions, then in the near future we will face its sharp slowdown.

The overwhelming majority of the about 400 federal services presented on a single portal are only application forms, to which, as a rule, you need to attach scanned copies of documents, sign them with an enhanced qualified electronic signature, which citizens, as a rule, do not have. Then there is the usual analog process in the department, as a result of which a paper document is issued, the minister explained.

As a result, many services are not in demand, and 90% of the traffic on the portal - large traffic - falls on 20 out of 400 services.

In the regions, according to Noskov, the situation is even worse - "as the study of the Ministry of Economic Development shows, almost half of electronic applications remain unanswered at all."

Another problem, Noskov added, is that the MPSC is poorly integrated with the e-government infrastructure, although it was thought that the MPSC and the public services portal should be only different interfaces for interaction between the citizen and the state (online and offline, respectively), and a single business process should be provided behind them, which includes all the involved bodies and levels of government.

This, unfortunately, is not yet. All services are disparate, not linked to each other, for the most part not integrated with budget and commercial services. We cannot yet provide a single process - end-to-end, seamless client experience, - said the minister.

In federal industry legislation, according to Noskov, there are many norms that actually make digital transformation impossible. For example, the requirement to issue only a paper result of the service. Accordingly, the provision of comprehensive services for life situations online, without the participation of an official, proactively, according to the registry model, becomes impossible.

Of course, there are a number of leading regions. Among them it is worth highlighting Moscow, the Moscow region, St. Petersburg. There are a number of non-capital regions that have clearly jumped ahead. But most subjects, for objective reasons, are seriously lagging behind. This is a big problem, - said the minister.

Practical work on superservices

Speaking at the right-wing commission, Konstantin Noskov also spoke about the practical activities for the development of super services, which are carried out in the Agile mode by teams from different departments and regions.

Now we have the prerequisites to make a digital breakthrough in the field of public services, - said the minister. - By presidential decree of May 7, 2018, the vector of movement was determined. In the Address of the President, the Federal Assembly was instructed until December 31, 2020 to ensure the possibility of citizens receiving comprehensive state and municipal services, grouped by the main life situations. Within the framework of the national program "Digital Economy," the federal project "Digital Public Administration" was approved. It provides for measures aimed at the digital transformation of the public administration system and, in particular, the provision of public services. At the same time, the federal budget provides for sufficient, in our opinion, resources.

The 25 major life situations faced by citizens and businesses that should be turned into superservices have already been identified (see section below). According to the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, they cover up to 90% of all interactions between citizens and business with the state in various fields - this is the social sphere, business, education, health care, law enforcement, and so on.

Superservices are headed by deputy heads of authorities, and in total, more than 200 people are involved in these working groups, according to Noskov. Each group includes employees of Rostelecom and Sberbank, who ensure the conceptual and technological connectivity of the proposed solutions.

Each super service consists of interconnected public services (functions), services of budgetary institutions, as well as non-governmental services, for example, banking, insurance and others. Most superservices contain a regional component.

In June 2019, at a meeting of the presidium of the digital legal commission, it is planned to consider the target states of superservices and approve "road maps" for their implementation, Noskov said.

Of course, the creation of superservices will be impossible without a systematic change in industry legislation and serious refinement of key information systems, the minister said. In order to equalize the capabilities of the regions, we are developing platform solutions that the regions can use. This is a cloud platform of public services that will allow regions to independently configure the full cycle of service provision, as well as integrate their solutions and commercial services with it. This is a digital profile of a citizen - within the framework of a single identification and authentication system. This is a single biometric system and a cloud qualified electronic signature. And finally, this is a single environment of state Internet resources in the "one window" model, what we call "Gosweb."

The general principle of interaction with the regions, according to Noskov, is as follows. Federal platforms are being created and developed with which the best regional solutions are being integrated.

We must preserve, develop and replicate the best regional practice of leading regions. At the same time, of course, it is necessary to provide standard solutions to regions that do not have them (this, unfortunately, is the majority of regions of our country). Thus, the imbalance in the volume and quality of the provision of affordable digital services for both citizens and business will be equalized.

The list of state electronic superservices, the launch of which is planned until 2021

The Deputy Chairman Governments of the Russian Federation Maxim Akimov held a meeting of the Presidium, Government Commission on Digital Development during which the organization of work on the optimization and digital transformation of public services and the list of super services were discussed.

The government commission headed by Maxim Akimov approved a list of 25 priority super services

At the meeting of the presidium, a list of 25 priority life situations for the digital transformation of public services (development of superservices) was mainly approved. To implement each of the 25 such services, a separate digital transformation team will be formed. The main tasks of such teams will be to develop the target state of the super service in terms of the best user experience, optimize business processes, analyze existing GIS and develop requirements for their modernization, taking into account uniform architectural requirements and world best practices.

List of superservices to be implemented by 2021:

  • Registration of Europrotocol online
  • Digital Enforcement
  • Online Disability Care
  • Labor relations online
  • Online Social Support
  • Pension online
  • Medical certificates and documents online
  • Registration of traffic violations and improvement rules
  • Online registration and passport services
  • Land for construction online
  • Notification and appeal of fines online
  • Justice Online
  • Filing applications with law enforcement agencies online
  • Digital Business Permits
  • State support for business
  • Business registration
  • Digital construction
  • Admission to the university online
  • Paperless transportation of passengers and cargo
  • Digital documents about education online
  • Birth of a child
  • Loss of a loved one
  • Education in the Russian Federation for foreigners
  • Online Labor Migration
  • Moving to another region

In February 2019, the task of realizing the possibility of citizens receiving comprehensive public services, grouped by basic life situations, was set by the president. Russia Vladimir Putin His instruction, in particular, said that such services should be provided automatically, including using. single portal of public services

Russia entered the top 10 countries in terms of the activity of using electronic public services

On March 13, 2019, the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) published the results of a study on the use of electronic public services in different countries. In total, more than 13 thousand people were interviewed in 30 states.

According to RBC, referring to BCG data, Russia is in ninth place in terms of the intensity of the use of public services in digital form. Saudi Arabia, the UAE, India, Indonesia, Argentina, Morocco, Malaysia and China were ahead.

Most often, Russians go to the websites of various departments and the portal of public services to pay taxes and fines and find out the data of official statistics

In terms of the growth rate of the electronic public services market, Russia entered the top three. Over the two years by the time of the study, the number of Russians using such services increased by 42%. This is almost three times the global growth rate, which is 15%. Only Australia (54%) and Sweden (52%) overtook Russia in this indicator.

The BCG report says that Russians go to the websites of various departments and the portal of public services to:

  • pay taxes and fines - 84.2%;
  • find out the data of official statistics and "live" data - 84%;
  • register with the employment service and use its services - 73.8%;
  • register for an appointment with a doctor - 68.9%;
  • file a complaint about the quality of repair work - 44.9%;
  • fill out a tax return - 43.8%;
  • enroll a child in a school or kindergarten - 43.6%;
  • register a car or update data about it - 43.6%;
  • obtain or replace a passport - 40.2%;
  • declare the right to a benefit or subsidy and receive it - 38.3%.

According to the results of the study, most often people complain about the complexity and duration of searching for the necessary information or the inability to find it (16% each), technical difficulties in compiling requests (16%) and the inaccessibility of the necessary service online (12%). At the same time, a significant number of users of digital public services are still not confident in the security of their personal data. [22]]

Putin instructed to implement comprehensive electronic public services, grouped by main life situations

On February 27, 2019, the President Russia Vladimir Putin approved a list of 47 instructions prepared following the message to the Federal Assembly. One of the instructions is aimed at developing the public services sector.

Putin instructed to implement comprehensive public services, grouped by life situations

Thus, the President set the task to realize the possibility of citizens receiving comprehensive state and municipal services, grouped by main life situations. Such services should be provided automatically, including using a single portal of public services.

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has been appointed responsible for the implementation of the order. The deadline is December 31, 2020.

The list of electronic public services has been expanded

By order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 19, 2019, the list of public services that can be provided electronically has been expanded.

The government has expanded the list of electronic public services

The new electronic services, in particular, include the provision of information from state information systems in the field of education, including about organizations with state accreditation of educational programs, about the results of the final essay (presentation), the final certification of the student and the documents on education issued to him . Also, services related to the reception of data in the "Federal Register of Information on Education and Qualification Documents, Training Documents" will have to appear on a single portal. These state services belong to Rosobrnadzor.

In addition, the list of electronic public services included the provision of information from electronic passports of vehicles. JSC "Electronic Passport" is responsible for this service.

The decision made by the government creates the legal basis for the listed public services to be provided on the Unified Portal of Public Services (EPGU).


74.8% of Russians use electronic public services

On June 10, 2019, information appeared that Russia electronic public services are gaining popularity, for which you do not have to personally contact MPSC or state departments. According to data, in Rosstat 2018 the share of Russians who use electronic public services reached 74.8%. At the same time, in 2017 it was 64.3%, and in 2016. — 51,3%. In 2015 and 2014, the figure was 39.6% and 35.2%, respectively. More. here

The government allowed the use of a simple EDS to obtain public services

The Russian government decided to allow citizens to use a simple electronic signature to work with the public service portal. The corresponding resolution (No. 996) on August 30, 2018 was published on the website of the Cabinet of Ministers.

Previously, the ability to send applications for services in electronic form was provided to users only if they had a so-called enhanced electronic signature, which was issued on a USB drive in certification centers. Read more here.

State duty for e-documents instead of paper will be reduced by half

The Ministry of Communications and Communications of the Russian Federation has developed a bill according to which the state duty for receiving documents only in electronic form will be halved for Russian citizens. As the Izvestia newspaper reported on April 27, 2018, citizens who agree to abandon a paper certificate or extract in favor of only the electronic version will be given a 50% discount.

To obtain a discount, you also need to order a document through the portal of public services ( or sites associated with it with a unified identification system, and through it pay the state duty.

As you know, there is already a discount for those who receive documents in electronic form, but it is only 30%. In addition, this is a temporary norm, valid only until January 1, 2019.

The bill of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications establishes a discount on an ongoing basis.

It is assumed that the transition to electronic certificates will reduce the time for their preparation, solve the problem of losing documents and save tons of paper. The problem so far is that not all government agencies accept documents digitally, although they are obliged to do so by law. Electronic interaction has not yet been established everywhere.

In electronic form, you can get, for example, extracts from the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN), some - but not all - tax service certificates.

According to the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, more than 70 million Russians are registered on the unified portal of public services. The ability to save money affects the decision of citizens to use e-government services, this confirms the growth in the number and volume of payments through a single portal, Izvestia said. According to the department's report on the results of 2017, 25.8 million payments worth 30.3 billion rubles were made using the public services website. The amount increased 3.7 times compared to 2016, when there were no discounts.

The transition to electronic document management is a tremendous saving of time, labor costs and material resources for everyone - both for citizens and for government agencies, - said Roman Malyshev, Marketing Director of the Software Product group of companies. - The process of such a transition is already irreversible, although it does not proceed as easily and quickly as it should, given the level of development of electronic communications in Russia. We still have to deal with differences in formats, shortcomings in integration between the information systems of state institutions and other problems that so far prevent the state document flow from being completely electronic. Distrust of digital documents of citizens accustomed to putting an equal sign between the concepts of "document" and "paper" also affects quite significantly. The initiative of the Ministry of Communications is designed to make electronic document management more attractive to the population, and this can only be welcomed.

The development of a bill on reducing the size of state duties is provided for by the plan of legislative activities of the Government of the Russian Federation for 2018. According to the plan, changes will be made to Chapter 25.3 of the Tax Code. The document should be submitted to the government at the end of summer and submitted to the State Duma in October.[23]

The government will determine the format of electronic requests for public services

On April 18, 2018, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a federal law giving the Government of the Russian Federation the right to determine the requirements for the formats of applications and other documents necessary to receive state and municipal services and provided in electronic form.

Building of the Government of the Russian Federation. Photo:

We are talking about submitting documents and applications through the Network to the multifunctional centers "My Documents" without the need for their personal visit.

In Moscow, for example, through such centers, citizens can receive services from 780 state organizations and request more than 400 types of various documents from various departments, including the Pension Fund, the Federal Tax Service and many others.

Some documents can already be requested electronically, but a unified format for such requests has not yet been created.

The state naturally seeks to translate document flow into electronic form wherever possible. The unity of formats is a practical need: the effectiveness of electronic interaction between citizens and the state largely depends on this, - says Roman Malyshev, Marketing Director of the Software Product Group of Companies. - In recent years, our experts have been successfully optimizing information systems of state and municipal departments. Ideally, all information systems of numerous government departments should become one.

The law stipulates that if the requirements for the formats of applications are not determined by the Government of the Russian Federation, then they can be established by the high executive authorities of individual constituent entities of the Russian Federation, on the territory of which authorized departments - executive authorities and local governments - provide appropriate services.

The federal law was adopted by the State Duma on March 29, 2018 and approved by the Federation Council on April 11, 2018. He amends Article 10 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2010 No. 210-FZ "On the Organization of the Provision of State and Municipal Services." You can get acquainted with the text of the document here.

Sberbank for 3 years is ready to create an infrastructure for the digitalization of public services

Sberbank is ready to take from the state the function of digitalizing public services and provide them for free. This was stated by the head of Sberbank German Gref at a plenary meeting of the Gaidar Forum in February 2018[24].

There are 48 public services, which make up 80% of all services people use, Gref said.

Give these 48 services to outsourcing, to digitalization to business. I am ready for it not to be Sberbank, let it be anyone. To all those who are ready to take on this work for free - and we are also ready - and you will transform the state in a short time. The state will see citizens - citizens will receive service, - he said.

German Gref announced Sberbank's readiness to take over the digitalization of public services. Photo Source -

Sberbank explained to TAdviser that we are talking about the most popular public services - from obtaining a certificate from the Pension Fund to replacing a passport, driver's license, etc. Now all these services imply a personal visit of a citizen to a department or MPSC and a lot of paperwork for the departments themselves, the bank said.

The representative of Sberbank clarified to TAdviser that if the state agreed to this proposal, the bank would be ready to deploy infrastructure for the provision of services within three years.

To transfer services to the bank for digitalization, certain steps by the state are needed, said TAdviser in Sberbank: in particular, a structure of those responsible for the regulatory framework, for the development of e-government infrastructure, for the development of the services themselves in departments should appear. Now the responsibility is scattered and scattered between various departments, they say in Sberbank.

There is support for such a proposal from some departments, and Sberbank is actively working with them, Sberbank added: for example, the Pension Fund, the Federal Bailiff Service.

Speaking at the Gaidar Forum, German Gref also noted that many decisions in the field of public services can be made by artificial intelligence. We are talking, for example, about business registration, issuance of passports, birth certificates, pension certificates. All these simple decisions can be made without human input using algorithms, Gref noted

In the view of Sberbank, the state can act as a platform on which business, citizens and ultimately things - the Internet of things - are all connected, "generate information there" and are trained in decision-making. Complex decisions remain with people, simple decisions are transferred to the field of their automatic adoption, the chairman of the board of Sberbank described the principle of the digital state.

Such a thing has not yet been implemented in any state. Many states on the way, the most advanced state is Singapore, "he said.


Instructions of the President on improving the quality of electronic public services

On July 28, 2016, Vladimir Putin gave Dmitry Medvedev a number of instructions aimed at improving the quality of public services provided electronically.

The President instructed the Prime Minister to improve electronic public services and not duplicate them on regional portals

Simpler, cheaper, smarter

Electronic public services, according to instructions, should become:

easier - for this, the Prime Minister will have to ensure a reduction in the number of documents required to be submitted by the applicant for services,

cheaper - by reducing the amount of state duty for applicants who do not require the issuance of the result of the provision of the service on paper,

smarter - the Unified Portal of Public Services (EPGU) must learn to proactively inform users about the services it relies on, provide comprehensive services on the basis of a single application upon the occurrence of certain events (birth of a child, registration of marriage and others).

The result of the provision of the service on paper should be provided only at the request of the applicant.

Single standard, single form, single portal

One of the points of the document concerns the elimination of duplication on regional websites of those electronic public services that are displayed on the Unified Federal Portal.

According to the instruction, the Prime Minister must approve the list of socially significant regional and municipal services in demand. The procedure for their provision should be brought to a single all-Russian standard. They should be provided using uniform forms at EPGU.

Further, as follows from Putin's order, "the exclusion of duplication of this form on regional portals of state and municipal services and other sites on the Internet" should be ensured.

Dmitry Medvedev has until February 1, 2017 to fulfill the order.

Typing services will lead to a significant reduction in the costs of regional and municipal budgets due to the use of uniform forms at EPGU without duplication of their development on regional portals, explained TAdviser Director of the e-Government Development Department of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications Vladimir Averbach.

The point is that the most demanded services should be provided according to unified rules. For example, the application form should be unified regardless of region. Then all these services can be transferred to a single portal and removed as unnecessary from regional portals, - said the Minister of IT, Communications and Public Administration of the Moscow Region Maksut Shadayev. - Centralization is increasing, which is precisely justified. There should be fewer sites. All this will be promoted by the Unified Portal

For the user, according to Shadayev, the fewer portals, the better.

But there is another aspect - if all regions are forbidden to engage in their own portals, and the single portal will stand still, then this will not lead to anything good. In the regions, in the absence of competition, sprouts of a new one will not be able to appear, the minister fears.

Mikhail Braude-Zolotarev, director of the Center for IT Research and Expertise of the RANEPA, considers the correct part of the order regarding uniform standards and uniform forms for the provision of socially significant regional services through the EPGU, and its continuation on "eliminating duplication" is unjustified and difficult to implement.

Why prohibit regions from providing services through their portals? These are their questions and their budgets, there will be no benefit from such exclusivity of the EPSU for anyone. In addition, the Constitution of the Russian Federation refers these issues to the jurisdiction of regions and municipalities, - he explains

The main thing, according to the expert, is to ensure at the EPGU the unity of service detection (search and catalogs) and authorization (ESIA), the application interface (use of unified forms) and the provision of information about the progress of the service and its result (personal account), and if somewhere there are additional opportunities to access services, for example, on the regional portal or on the conditional Yandex.goservices - this is on the contrary good.

Another important point of the order, Braude-Zolotarev considers amendments to the legislation for "the formation of state information resources as sources of information on the results of the provision of services."

In connection with the implementation of this order, legal consequences will arise from the results of entering data into electronic registers, and not due to the issuance of a paper document, he says. True, the deadline until February 1, 2017, according to the expert, is unrealistic, because dozens of federal laws and departmental information systems will have to be changed.

Portals of federal bodies are also waiting for "exclusion of duplication" with EPGU

Vladimir Putin instructed the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media Ministry of Economic Development Development Institute to present measures to improve the quality of the provision of electronic public services in Internet January 2016.

At the same time, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Finance and Rosfinnadzor were instructed to give proposals to exclude duplication of expenses by executive authorities, local governments and budgetary institutions when providing services in electronic form.

The instructions of July 28, 2016 refer only to the exclusion of duplication in the provision of regional services. Thus, we should expect the appearance of similar instructions related to the provision of public services through the portals of federal bodies and extrabudgetary funds.

Existing legislation allows some federal departments (for example, Rosreestr, FTS, PFR, FSSP) to provide public services not through EPGU, but through departmental Internet portals that actually duplicate the functionality of EPGU, explains TAdviser Vladimir Averbach. - We consider it necessary, in order to avoid duplication, to analyze the costs of creating new and developing existing electronic services on departmental portals, as well as the costs of operation, in order to conclude that it is advisable to provide state services to federal bodies exclusively at EPGU

Full Order Text


D.A. Medvedev

In order to improve the quality of provision of state and municipal services (hereinafter referred to as "services") in electronic form and to eliminate duplication of expenses by executive authorities, local governments and budgetary institutions (hereinafter referred to as "bodies and organizations") in the provision of such services:

1. Ensure that legislation is amended to further improve the electronic service delivery by including:

a) the formation of state information resources as sources of information on the results of the provision of services;

b) obtaining the result of the provision of the service on paper only at the request of the applicant when he visits the body or organization once and regardless of the address of his registration at the place of residence;

c) determination as a state and municipal function of bodies and organizations of activities for the formation of the Federal Register of state and municipal services (functions), establishment of responsibility for the performance of this function.

Term - until February 1, 2017

2. Ensure the creation of conditions for the high-quality provision of services in electronic form through the implementation of the following measures:

a) approval of uniform requirements for the procedure for the work of employees of bodies and organizations with information systems, using which applications for obtaining services are processed in electronic form;

b) approval of the list of socially significant regional and municipal services in demand, the procedure for providing each of which should be brought to a single all-Russian standard by establishing a single form on a single portal of state and municipal services (hereinafter referred to as a single portal) and excluding duplication of such a form on regional portals of state and municipal services and other sites on the Internet;

c) elimination of restrictions on the use of documents issued by bodies and organizations in electronic form.

Term - until February 1, 2017

3. Prepare proposals for step-by-step improvement in the quality of service delivery processes in electronic form, including reduction of:

a) the number of documents required for submission by the applicant to receive services;

b) the deadline for sending a response to an interdepartmental request by bodies and organizations in electronic form;

c) the size of the state duty for applicants who do not require the issuance of the result of the provision of the service on paper.

Term - until October 1, 2016

4. Provide proposals to change the principles of the provision of services in electronic form, providing for the following changes:

a) organization through a single portal of preliminary informing of the applicant (without the applicant's request) about the services due to him on the basis of information in state information resources;

b) provision of a set of services on the basis of a single application in electronic form upon the occurrence of a certain event giving the right to receive such services (birth of a child, registration of marriage and others);

c) independent monitoring of the terms of provision of services in electronic form by bodies and organizations, including using information generated in the e-government infrastructure, as well as the collection and provision of official statistical information on the work of bodies and organizations for the provision of services in electronic form using such infrastructure.

Term - until October 1, 2016

Government Decree on Requirements for Electronic Public Services

On March 26, 2016, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed government decree No. 236 "On Requirements for the Provision of State and Municipal Services in Electronic Form." Federal authorities must bring their services to requirements from July 1, 2017. Regions are advised to do so by the end of 2018.

Developer comment: What and how seriously is changing?

At the request of TAdviser, Mikhail Braude-Zolotarev, one of the developers of this document, director of the Center for IT Research and Expertise of the RANEPA, spoke about the main changes in connection with the emergence of requirements for electronic public services.

Government Decree No. 236 is called "On Requirements for the Provision of State and Municipal Services in Electronic Form[25]." Accordingly, the first question is what are the main requirements for services so far and what are the requirements now?

By and large, there were no requirements for electronic services before. The profile Law on Public Services (210-FZ) defines the electronic form of services through the "use of information and telecommunication technologies" and declares the "possibility" of receiving services in electronic form, if this is not prohibited by law. The law is not specific to certain components of services, and allows you to issue electronic services of almost any quality and completeness for translating the service into electronic form.

At the same time, on the one hand, with the conscientious implementation of the law, the responsible authorities should, without additional norms, treat electronic public services not as an object of reporting, but as full-fledged services. For example, decide: the applicant's pressing the "Get Service" button actually allows you to submit an application in electronic form, and then this should automatically start the same processes that a traditional paper application starts. But if the applicant, in addition to submitting an electronic application, still needs to go to the authority or the MPSC and submit an application on paper, it is better to remove such a button from the Public Services Portal altogether and not mislead citizens.

Today, the overwhelming number of "electronic services" both from the point of view of law and practice are not services, but electronic services with an uncertain legal status and without guarantees to applicants

Now the government has used Art. 10 of the Law on Public Services and determined the requirements for the components of services in electronic form. For example, now it is not just said that the applicant is provided with the formation in electronic form of an application (request) and other documents necessary for the provision of the service. The obligation of the body to accept and register them is introduced, as well as a ban on requiring a repeated submission of the application on paper. It would seem that this should have been so, but in practice we have repeatedly encountered the position of departments that formally the law does not require them to consider an electronic statement (!). Such arguments will now probably not sound anymore.

Another example: the appearance of a requirement that the applicant can choose the form in which the result of the service will be transferred to him, including in the form of an electronic document signed by an electronic signature. Reference unsigned services, which are now the majority, thereby cease to be "services in electronic form."

An important innovation is the obligation of the department to inform the applicant about all stages of providing the service during the working day as they occur by e-mail or through a single personal account. Uncertainty for the applicant of the current status of the provision of the service today is one of the weakest points of the Public Services Portal. A person, for example, filed an application and believes that in a month he will be sent a result. And no one even analyzed his statements, as if the departments had no obligation to report what was happening with the citizen's statement.

Of course, in the spirit of the Law, there was such a duty before, but there was no literal requirement, and for a large part of the electronic services, the department simply did not support dialogue with citizens

Another example: it has now been established that the provision of the service begins with the moment the body registers the electronic documents necessary to provide the service, except in cases where the legislation directly requires its personal appearance. I.e. in general, the gray area, which is considered the "application submission," is now interpreted in favor of the applicant's great rights.

If we talk about priority federal services, how do they meet the new requirements?

Most often do not correspond, and what is priority, that all other services. The main flaws that the monitoring carried out by us together with Ministry of Economic Development Russia reveals that out of 655 federal services, it was possible to send an application only for 315 (48%), and get at least some reverse communication after sending an application for 240 services (37%). Application forms were available for 224 services (34%), information on the procedure for obtaining the service was provided for 241 services (37%), payment receipts were available for 11 out of 301 paid services (4%).

Best of all, probably, the situation with information services: 35 out of 88 such services can be obtained in electronic, but, as a rule, reference form, without an electronic signature, as already mentioned above. For example, I will quote the official website of the FMS of Russia regarding the verification of invalid Russian passports: "this service is informational, the information provided is not legally significant."

The situation is similar with regional and even more so municipal services: the characteristic problems are the same as those of federal services, but the statistics are worse.

What will change for the departments providing services? What do they have to do?

The agencies providing services used to independently determine how and what fragments of the service they translate into electronic form. At the same time, any result, even frankly hack, was considered by some departments and the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia formally as positive. The logic here, apparently, is as follows: since there is a "use of information and telecommunication technologies," it means that the service has been translated into electronic form.

Now, firstly, the departments will have to determine a specific list of actions that the applicant has the right to perform electronically when receiving a service and for priority services to obtain his approval from the Government Commission on the Use of Information Technologies (for other services - from the relevant subcommittee)

Secondly, the departments will have to establish the deadlines and requirements for the procedure for performing these actions

And, finally, you will have to fix all this in the administrative regulations for the provision of services

This will require the authorities providing services to work quite extensively on the legal analysis of their services, clarifying legal acts and finalizing electronic services and regulations. Theoretically, all this work should have already been carried out earlier, but in fact, some, it can be considered, have not yet begun. Since the department will have to explain its position at the Right Commission (or sub-commission), and those who venture to predict will believe that by default, all components of the service should be available to citizens in electronic form, the position of the departments should be well argued.

How do you assess the deadlines set in the resolution?

The timing is frightening. In order to actually ensure the provision of public services in electronic form from July 1, 2017, not as it got, but in accordance with the requirements of Resolution No. 236, it is necessary to go through all the stages listed above, including having time to update the administrative regulations. So, if you plan to finish by the summer of 2017, you need to start right away.

Theoretically, I repeat, all this work by the departments should have been carried out to a large extent earlier.

Should the emergence of requirements affect the statistics on the use of electronic public services?

The adoption of the Decree itself, of course, will not change the statistics. However, if it is at least partially implemented, the number of real users by electronic public services will increase. "Revolution," of course, will not happen. We have no reason to expect full compliance with the norms of the law, but formally closing orders and reporting to departments will become more difficult.

Thanks to the greater certainty of key concepts, many today supposedly electronic services will cease to be such. The work of control bodies will be somewhat simplified and the results of monitoring the quality of public services will become less optimistic

So the equilibrium will shift towards improving the quality of electronic services, and we will get acquainted with the real leaders in translating services into electronic form.

Should the methodology for calculating the share of citizens using electronic public services change?

The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia, as the body responsible for the Unified Portal of Services, should establish an independent accounting of the number of services provided in electronic form by individual procedures, from filling out electronic forms and submitting an application to receiving a result. And this accounting should be integrated taking into account the services provided in the traditional form.

In the end, the conversation is not only about the convenience of citizens, but also about budgetary expenditures on the interaction of departments with applicants. We must learn to count what price it costs the budget (that is, citizens) to support each channel of access to services - face-to-face, MPSC, electronic - and take this into account when planning both budgets for informatization and the current activities of departments

We have been talking about this for a very long time, and the relevant requirements were even included in the legal acts of the Government, but, as far as I know, this work has not yet been systematically carried out.

The full text of government decree No. 236

In accordance with Part 2 of Article 10 of the Federal Law "On the Organization of the Provision of State and Municipal Services" the Government of the Russian Federation p o s t a n o l i e t:

1. Approve the attached requirements for the provision of state and municipal services in electronic form (hereinafter referred to as the requirements).

2. Federal executive authorities, bodies of state extra-budgetary funds, State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom and State Space Activities Corporation Roscosmos:

a) ensure, no later than July 1, 2017, the provision of public services in electronic form using the federal state information system "Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services (Functions)";

b) provide state services in electronic form using their official sites additionally if, in accordance with federal laws or acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, the relevant state services can be provided using such official sites.

3. Recommend to the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation:

a) ensure the provision of state and municipal services in electronic form in accordance with the requirements no later than December 31, 2018;

b) approve, no later than January 1, 2017, consolidated plans to bring in line with the requirements of regulatory legal acts establishing the procedure for providing state and municipal services in electronic form.

4. The Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation, in agreement with the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, within 4 months, submit to the Government of the Russian Federation proposals on bringing the acts of the Government of the Russian Federation in line with the requirements.

5. The implementation of the requirements is carried out by federal executive bodies within the maximum number of employees of these bodies established by the Government of the Russian Federation and the budgetary allocations provided for by it in the federal budget for management and management in the field of established functions.

Requirements for provision of electronic state and municipal services

1. This document establishes the requirements for the provision in electronic form of state and municipal services (hereinafter referred to as "services") by federal executive bodies, bodies of state extra-budgetary funds, the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom and the State Corporation for space activities of Roscosmos, as well as state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government bodies (hereinafter referred to as bodies (organizations).

2. When providing services in electronic form through the federal state information system "Unified portal of state and municipal services (functions)" (hereinafter referred to as the unified portal), portals of state and municipal services of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the service portals), as well as official websites of state and local authorities (hereinafter referred to as the official websites), the applicant is provided with:

a) obtaining information on the procedure and timing of service provision;

b) an appointment with a body (organization), a multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services (hereinafter referred to as a multifunctional center) for submitting a request for the provision of a service (hereinafter referred to as a request);

c) generating a request;

d) acceptance and registration by the body (organization) of the request and other documents required to provide the service;

e) payment of the state fee for the provision of services and payment of other payments charged in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - payment for services);

f) obtaining the result of the service provision;

g) obtaining information on the progress of the request;

h) assessment of the quality of service provision;

and) pre-trial (extrajudicial) appeal against decisions and actions (inaction) of the body (organization), an official of the body (organization) or a state or municipal employee.

3. The list of actions that the applicant has the right to perform in electronic form when receiving a service using a single portal, service portals and official sites is determined in the administrative regulations for the provision of the service.

4. The administrative regulations for the provision of the service include the composition, sequence and timing of actions in electronic form, as well as requirements for the procedure for their implementation.

5. The list of actions that are included in the administrative regulations for the provision of the service is approved by:

a) by the decision of the Government Commission on the Use of Information Technologies to Improve the Quality of Life and Business Conditions - for services included in the approximate list of services subject to priority optimization provided by federal executive authorities or state extra-budgetary funds, as well as an approximate list of services subject to priority optimization provided by executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local authorities or other organizations in which the state or municipal task is located (order), in accordance with Appendix 1 to the Concept for the Development of Mechanisms for the Provision of State and municipal services in electronic form, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 25, 2013 No. 2516-r (hereinafter - approximate lists);

b) by the decision of the subcommittee on the use of information technologies in the provision of state and municipal services to the Government Commission on the use of information technologies to improve the quality of life and conditions for doing business - in relation to services provided by federal executive bodies, bodies of state extrabudgetary funds, the State Rosatom Atomic Energy Corporation and Roscosmos State Space Activities Corporation, not included in the approximate lists;

c) by the decision of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation authorized to organize the process of transferring services to electronic form in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - in relation to services provided by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local authorities that are not included in the approximate lists.

6. Information on the procedure and timing of the provision of the service, based on information on services contained in the federal state information system "Federal Register of State and Municipal Services (Functions)," posted on a single portal, service portals and official websites, is provided to the applicant free of charge.

7. It is not allowed to refuse to accept the request and other documents necessary for the provision of the service, as well as to refuse to provide the service if the request and documents necessary for the provision of the service are submitted in accordance with the information on the timing and procedure for the provision of the service published on a single portal, service portals and official websites.

8. Access to information on the terms and procedure for providing the service is carried out without fulfilling any requirements by the applicant, including without using software, the installation of which on the applicant's technical means requires the conclusion of a license or other agreement with the software owner providing for charging, registration or authorization of the applicant or providing personal data to them.

9. When arranging an appointment with a body (organization) or multifunctional center, the applicant is provided with the possibility to:

a) familiarization with the work schedule of the body (organization) or functional center or authorized employee of the body (organization) or multifunctional center, as well as with the dates and intervals of reception available for appointment;

b) records at any free date and time within the schedule of admission of applicants established in the body (organization) or multifunctional center.

10. When making an appointment, the body (organization) or multifunctional center shall not be entitled to demand that the applicant perform other actions than identification and authentication in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, specify the purpose of the reception, as well as provide information necessary to calculate the duration of the time interval that must be booked for reception.

11. The appointment can be made through the information system of the body (organization) or multifunctional center, which provides the ability to integrate with a single portal, service portals and official sites.

12. The request is generated by filling out an electronic request form on a single portal, service portals or official sites without the need for additional request submission in any other form. Samples of filling out the electronic request form are posted on a single portal, service portals and official websites. If on a single portal the applicant is not provided with the possibility of filling out an electronic request form, then to form a request on a single portal in the order determined by the Ministry of Communications and mass communications of the Russian Federation, automatic transition to filling out the electronic form of the specified request on the service portal or official website is provided.

13. Format-logical check of the generated request is carried out in the order determined by the body (organization), after the applicant completes each of the fields of the electronic request form. If an incorrectly filled field of the electronic request form is detected, the applicant is notified of the nature of the detected error and the procedure for its elimination by means of an information message directly in the electronic request form.

14. When generating a request, the following is provided:

a) the ability to copy and save the request and other documents necessary for the provision of the service;

b) the possibility of several applicants filling out one electronic request form when applying for services, assuming a joint request by several applicants;

c) the possibility of printing on paper a copy of the electronic form of the request;

d) storing previously entered values ​ ​ in the electronic request form at any time at the request of the user, including when input errors occur and return to re-enter values ​ ​ in the electronic request form;

e) filling in the fields of the electronic request form before the start of entering information by the applicant using information posted in the federal state information system "Unified system of identification and authentication in the infrastructure, providing information and technological interaction of information systems used to provide state and municipal services in electronic form" (hereinafter referred to as the Unified Identification and Authentication System), and information published on a single portal, service portals or official websites with respect to information missing from the Unified Identification and Authentication System;

f) the ability to return to any of the stages of filling out the electronic request form without losing previously entered information;

g) the possibility of the applicant's access on a single portal, service portal or official website to requests previously submitted by him within at least one year, as well as partially formed requests - within at least 3 months.

15. The formed and signed request and other documents necessary for the provision of the service are sent to the body (organization) through portals or official sites.

16. The body (organization) shall ensure the acceptance of documents necessary for the provision of the service and registration of the request without the need for the applicant to re-submit such documents in hard copy, unless otherwise established by federal laws and acts of the Government of the Russian Federation adopted in accordance with them. The Federation, the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and acts adopted in accordance with them by the highest executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The provision of the service begins from the moment of receipt and registration by the body (organization) of electronic documents necessary for the provision of the service, as well as receipt in accordance with the established procedure of information on payment for the service by the applicant, except if a personal appearance is required to start the procedure for providing the service in accordance with the law.

17. Payment for services is carried out by the applicant using a single portal, service portals or official sites according to the details pre-filled by the body (organization).

The provision of information on payment for services is carried out using the information contained in the State Information System on state and municipal payments, unless otherwise provided by federal laws.

When paying for the service, the applicant is provided with the possibility of saving a payment document filled out or partially filled out in accordance with the rules for specifying information in the details of orders for transferring funds to pay payments to the budget system of the Russian Federation, approved by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, including in a single personal account of a citizen - the information subsystem of a single portal ensuring the display of the current status of the provision of services and the preservation of the history of requests for receiving services, including the storage of the results of such requests and electronic documents (hereinafter - a single personal account). The payment document contains a unique accrual ID and a payer ID. In addition, the applicant is provided with the possibility of printing on paper a copy of the completed payment document.

18. An applicant who has paid for services using a single portal, service portals or an official website is informed about the fact of payment for services through a single portal, service portals or an official website (including in a single personal account) using information obtained in accordance with the established procedure from the State Information System on state and municipal payments.

19. The applicant as a result of the provision of the service is provided, at his choice, the possibility of obtaining:

a) an electronic document signed by an authorized official using an enhanced qualified electronic signature;

b) a paper document confirming the content of an electronic document sent by an authority (organization) in a multifunctional center;

c) information from state information systems in cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

20. If federal laws or regulations adopted in accordance with them do not establish the requirement to draw up a document exclusively on paper, the applicant is provided with the opportunity to choose the option of obtaining the result of the service in the form of an electronic document signed by an authorized official using an enhanced qualified electronic signature, regardless of the form or method of applying for the service.

The possibility of obtaining the result of the service provision in the form of an electronic document or a paper document is provided to the applicant during the validity period of the service provision result (if such a period is established by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation).

21. The applicant is provided with access to the result of the provision of the service, received in the form of an electronic document, on a single portal, service portals or official websites (including in a single personal account) during the period established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The applicant is given the opportunity to save the electronic document, which is the result of the provision of the service and signed by an authorized official using an enhanced qualified electronic signature, on his technical means, as well as the possibility of sending such electronic document to other bodies (organizations).

22. Notification of the completion of the actions stipulated by these requirements by the bodies (organizations) shall be sent to the applicant within a period not exceeding one working day after the completion of the corresponding action, to the e-mail address or using the means of a single portal, service portals or official website in a single personal account at the choice of the applicant.

Bodies (organizations), the operator of a single portal, as well as operators of service portals and official sites have the right to determine additional ways to obtain information about the progress of the request by posting information on service portals or official sites.

23. When providing the service in electronic form, the applicant shall be sent:

a) notification on the appointment to the body (organization) or multifunctional center containing information on the date, time and place of reception;

b) notification of receipt and registration of the request and other documents necessary for the provision of the service, containing information on the fact of receipt of the request and documents necessary for the provision of the service, and the beginning of the procedure for the provision of the service, as well as information on the date and time of completion of the provision of the service or a reasoned refusal to accept the request and other documents necessary for the provision of the service;

c) notification of receipt of information confirming payment for the service;

d) notification on the results of consideration of documents necessary for the provision of the service, containing information on the adoption of a positive decision on the provision of the service and the possibility of obtaining a result of the provision of the service or a reasoned refusal to provide the service.

24. Assessment of the quality of the service provision is carried out in accordance with the Rules for assessing the effectiveness of the activities of the heads of territorial bodies of federal executive bodies (their structural divisions), taking into account the quality of the provision of public services by them, as well as the use of the results of this assessment as a basis for making decisions on early termination of the performance of their duties by the relevant managers, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 12, 2012 No. 1284 "On Citizens' Assessment of the Effectiveness of the Activities of the Heads of Territorial Bodies of Federal Executive Bodies" (their structural units) and territorial bodies of state extrabudgetary funds (their regional offices) taking into account the quality of their provision of public services, as well as the application of the results of this assessment as a basis for making decisions on the early termination of their duties by the relevant managers. "

The applicant's assessment of the quality of the provision of the service in electronic form is not a prerequisite for the continuation of the provision of the service by the body (organization).

25. The applicant is provided with the possibility of sending a complaint against decisions, actions or inaction of a body (organization), an official of a body (organization) or a state or municipal employee in accordance with Article 112 of the Federal Law "On the Organization of the Provision of State and Municipal services "and in accordance with the procedure established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 20, 2012 No. 1198" On the federal state information system providing the process of pre-trial, (out of court) appeal against decisions and actions (inaction) committed in the provision of state and municipal services. "


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  25. " Government Decree No. 236 "On Requirements for the Provision of State and Municipal Services in Electronic Form