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T2 (T2 Mobile, T2 RTK Holding) formerly Tele2



Rostelecom - 100%


Revenue and Net Profit millions Ths. rub

Number of employees



+ T2 (T2 Mobile, T2 RTK Holding) formerly Tele2
+ Government of the Russian Federation

Board of Directors


The owners of the mobile operator Tele2 (T2 RTK Holding LLC) at an extraordinary meeting of the general meeting of participants on April 13, 2017 decided to re-elect the company's board of directors. The new composition of the council included 11 people. The Board of Directors of Tele2 was headed by Yury Solovyov, First Deputy President - Chairman of the Board of the Bank (VTB PJSC).

Tele2 Board of Directors:

  • Yury Solovyov, First Deputy President - Chairman of the Management Board of VTB Bank (PJSC), Chairman of the Board of Directors of Tele2;
  • Stefano Zuppet, Managing Director, Co-Head of Investment Banking at VTB Capital Global Markets;
  • Bojan Ivanovic, Managing Director of VTB Capital;
  • Mikhail Oseevsky, President of PJSC Rostelecom;
  • Sergey Anokhin, Senior Vice President of PJSC Rostelecom;
  • Vladimir Kiriyenko, Senior Vice President for Business Development and Management, PJSC Rostelecom;
  • Kai-Uwe Mehlhorn, Senior Vice President - Chief Financial Officer of PJSC Rostelecom;
  • Dmitry Lebedev, Managing Director of ADB Management CJSC;
  • Alexander Pentya, Deputy General Director of ADB Management CJSC;
  • Vladimir Lukin, First Deputy General Director of CJSC Severgroup"";
  • Bruno Ducharme, head of investment firm TIW Capital Partners is an independent director.

Mikhail Oseevsky, Sergey Anokhin and Vladimir Kiriyenko were elected new members of the board of directors from PJSC Rostelecom.

Also, under the Board of Directors, committees on strategy, capital investments, personnel and remuneration, audit were re-elected. They are designed to improve the efficiency of the council by in-depth study of key issues brought to its meetings.

Performance indicators

Main item: Tele2 financial indicators (T2 RTK Holding)

2024: Share of virtual operators working on T2 infrastructure reaches 54%

The four largest banking virtual mobile operators - Gazprombank Mobile, SberMobile, T-Mobile and VTB Mobile - occupied more than half of the Russian MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator) market. As of October 23, 2024, these operators are served on the T2 network and form 54% of the total market for virtual operators in Russia.

According to CNews, Irina Lebedeva, Deputy General Director for Commercial Activities of the T2, said that the banking segment accounts for 65% of all clients of virtual operators. The company is also working to create a new virtual operator together with PSB and is preparing to launch three more projects in the banking segment.

banks account for 54% of the Russian market for virtual mobile operators

The number of MVNO partner subscribers on the T2 network showed significant growth in 2023, an increase of 55% compared to the previous period. In 2022, the growth of the customer base was 17.6%.

In 2024, T2 updated the format for working with virtual operators, offering various launch scenarios - from light MVNO to full MVNO. The main emphasis is on a simplified light-format, which provides partners with easy entry, taking into account changes in legislation and minimizing costs.

The operator plans to introduce a boxed solution for regional banks and companies, allowing it to create its own virtual operators. Partners will have access to unique product solutions, including fireproof balances, exchanges, and the ability to share gigabytes.

T2 supports partners in meeting the requirements of the legislation on verification of customer data through KSIM and connection to the state system of IS "Antifrod." Companies that connect to the system note a tenfold reduction in fraudulent traffic in the first weeks of operation.[1]

2023: Revenue growth of 18.7%

Tele2 completed 2023 with revenue of 245.6 billion rubles, which is 18.7% more than a year earlier. The net profit of the Russian telecom operator in comparison with the same segments of time increased 1.7 times and reached 44 billion rubles. The company published such data in accordance with Russian accounting standards (RAS) in early March 2024.

According to Interfax, citing Tele2 materials, in 2023 the company's revenues increased in all directions and reached

  • 163.6 billion rubles from subscribers (+ 23.1% by 2022);
  • 41.6 billion rubles from operators (+ 1.4%);
  • 20.8 billion rubles from content providers (+ 37.3%);
  • 10.3 billion rubles from virtual cellular operators (+ 39%);
  • 3.6 billion rubles from the sale of equipment (+ 20.8%);
  • 1.1 billion rubles from the lease of property (+ 33.5%).

Tele2 completed 2023 with revenue of 245.6 billion rubles

Tele2's cost of sales in 2023 decreased by 11.3% and amounted to 130.9 billion rubles. Profit from sales increased by 41% and amounted to 65.4 billion rubles. Profit before tax also increased - 1.8 times, to 55.65 billion rubles.

Expenses for ordinary activities (including cost, commercial and management expenses) decreased by 12.3% and amounted to 180.2 billion rubles. "Other income" decreased by 30%, to 4.6 billion rubles.

In 2023, Tele2 launched more than 6,000 base stations. Of these, 2829 - as part of the second stage of the project to eliminate the digital inequality of Rostelecom (project UTSN 2.0). In 2023, the company installed 727 objects in the Volga macro-region, 359 in the Siberia MR, 368 in the Urals, 420 in the Chernozemye, 236 in Baikal and the Far East, 163 in the North-West macro-region, 262 in the South, 263 in the Center macro-region. By the end of 2023, the Tele2 4G network covered 98.11% of the Russian population.[2]

2019: The total share of LTE devices in the company's network was 83%

On March 6, 2020, Tele2 presented the rating of mobile devices for 2019. At the end of the reporting period, smartphones occupied 71% of the total number of devices, while in Russia the share of 4G devices among smartphones increased by 13 pp over the year.

The total share of LTE devices was 83%

Tele2 continues to develop its customer base through smartphone sales and focuses on 4G-enabled devices. At the end of 2019, a record increase in the number of LTE devices among smartphones - by 14 pp - was recorded in a number of regions. Their share in Central Russia was 81% in the operator's network, on the Volga the figure also increased to 81%, in Siberia - to 80%. The total share of LTE devices in the Tele2 network among smartphones was 83%.

The share of smartphones among all devices (push-button phones, tablets, routers, etc.) in the Tele2 network increased to 71%. The leader in Russia in this indicator remains the Moscow region, where the penetration of such devices is 91%. At the same time, the share of smartphones among phones in the capital reached 97%.

At the end of 2019, devices with a screen diagonal of 5.5 to 6 inches became the most popular - their share increased by 7 pp year-on-year and amounted to 31% of all smartphones on the Tele2 network. The second place is occupied by devices with a diagonal of 5 to 5.4 inches, their number in 2019 compared to 2018 decreased by 9 pp to 28% in the operator's network. At the same time, devices with a large screen are especially popular in Moscow. Their share in the region reached 32%.

Android holds the lead in the ranking of operating systems - its share was 88%. The second place is taken by iOS (11%). It is most in demand by users in the Moscow region, where iOS accounts for 18% of all operating systems.

In Russia as a whole, the share of smartphones supporting several active SIM cards in the Tele2 network was 79%. The largest penetration of such devices was recorded in Siberia - 82%.

Communication networks

5G networks

Main article: 5G in Tele2 and Rostelecom

Subscriber base

Main article: Tele2 subscriber base

The subscriber base of the company as of December 31, 2015 was 37.3 million people.

Network upgrade

Main article: T2 projects for the development of telecom infrastructure


2025: Launch of a retail chain under its own brand in the Stavropol Territory

T2 launched a network under its own brand in the Stavropol Territory. Already at the start, the operator covered the network of the city and small settlements of the region, stations, airports, sanatoriums and hotels, roads. Communication is available to 97% of the region's population, customers can use VoLTE and VoWiFi technologies. In two years, the T2 has built more than 1,300 sites and 3,500 base stations, and investments in infrastructure development amounted to 7.9 billion rubles. Residents of Stavropol can test communication before the end of the year for free. The company announced this on March 20, 2025.

With the entry into the new market, the total number of regions T2 increased to 70. The operator presented to residents of the Stavropol Territory infrastructure, products, service and digital solutions in the retail network based on the concept of "Other rules. A new level. " T2 introduces new customers to its mission: to set trends in the mobile market, maintain the lifestyle of subscribers and make digital services available in every corner of the country.

The operator offered residents of the region wide coverage and reliable communication. At the peaks of construction, the operator installed 100 base stations per week. In two years, the company has built more than 1,300 sites - sites for placing equipment, installed 3,500 base stations and continues to develop infrastructure. 97% of the population lives in the coverage area of ​ ​ the T2 network - communication is already available in all cities and in most small settlements. In the region, the company has licenses to operate in 2G/4G standards at 800/ 1800/2100/2300/2600 MHz frequencies. This combination of technologies and standards ensures an optimal balance of network speed, coverage and capacity.

The Technical Directorate has deployed indoor coverage at two important transport hubs: at the airports of Stavropol and Mineralnye Vody. T2 network infrastructure covers railway station buildings, 120 sanatoriums and hotels throughout the region. The operator's digital services can be used by residents of small villages and villages, farms, villages, villages and even SNT.

T2 opened sales in 686 settlements of the Stavropol Territory. The retail chain covers 78 monobrand salons and almost 3,000 trade partner outlets. In the region, the company cooperates with Russian Post"," M.Video"," "," "Tape and Dorado others.

{{quote 'author=said Anton Godovikov, CEO of T2. | Stavropol Territory is a strategic important region for us. This is an area with tourist potential, a transport hub, a region. For two years of preparation for the launch, we invested 7.9 billion rubles in infrastructure, focusing not only on cities and business areas, but also on villages, farms, summer cottages and places of recreation. Our product services support the interests of subscribers and are created with concern for them. These services can't help but resonate with digital lifestyle users and those who value the benefit. Finally, one of the key competitive qualities of the T2 is the high level of service that distinguishes non-scripting work and the personal approach of support operators,}}

{{quote 'author=noted Ivan Kovalev, Minister of Energy, Industry and Communications of Stavropol Krai. | The appearance of another player on the Stavropol telecom market is important for the region in the context of digital transformation. We expect that this will qualitatively affect the sphere of communication services in the region: it will increase competition, expand the digital capabilities of our citizens and increase the pace of construction of network infrastructure. These factors meet our main task - to make high-quality mobile services available to every resident of the region both in large cities and in small towns. I am confident that T2 will take an active part in this process and make a significant contribution to the development of the telecommunications sector of the region,}}

Шаблон:Quote 'author=noted Roman Zhitnik, director of the Stavropol branch of T2.


Increase in the number of new base stations introduced by 115% to 36 thousand units

The Russian mobile operator T2 in February 2025 announced that in 2024 it aired 115% more base stations than in 2023, and as soon as possible launched a large-scale VoLTE project in all regions of its presence using solutions from a Russian developer. In 2024, the company installed over 36 thousand base stations, provided LTE communication to 269 small settlements, conducted refarming in 43 regions of the country and completed the year with zero accidents of the first priority.[3]

Purchase of AdTech solutions developer Plazkart

On December 23, 2024, it became known that the mobile operator T2 (owned by Rostelecom PJSC "") acquired Plazkart (Placecart Digital LLC), which is engaged in development in the region. AdTech The value of the transaction as of the specified date has not been disclosed. More here

Buying a platform developer to host Redllama Digital Signage

On December 23, 2024, mobile operator T2 (owned by PJSC Rostelecom) announced the acquisition of AdTech-company Redllama (Aifox Group LLC). There is no official information on the value of the transaction at the time of its holding. Read more here

Purchase of AdTech company Yabbi

On December 23, 2024, mobile operator T2 (owned by PJSC Rostelecom) announced the acquisition of AdTech-company Yabbi. There is no information on the value of the transaction as of the specified date. Read more here.

Opening of a telecom workshop together with MIEM HSE

T2 together Tikhonov Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics (IIEM HSE) with implemented a workshop for training technical specialists telecom-. industries The operator has formed a scholarship program and an individual development plan for the high-quality preparation of students for future work in the company. During the training, 12 students will work on real cases, and their solutions will be applied in the interests of business. T2 The operator announced this on November 1, 2024. More. here

Company Name Change to T2

Russian the operator mobile communication Tele2 on September 4, 2024 announced the launch of the rebranding and presented an updated logo. The company is changing its name to T2.

The operator began preparations for rebranding two years ago. The logo and brand name were developed in-house, without the participation of the agency.

T2 will introduce an updated identity and re-register the retail network according to the plan, while acting exclusively in the legal field. By the end of 2024, the operator intends to re-register all monobrand salons and about 95% of federal retail in the updated style.

Tele2 is the first Russian operator to cancel roaming in Crimea

On June 18, 2024, Tele2, owned by Rostelecom, was the first Russian telecom operator to announce the abolition of roaming in Crimea and Sevastopol. The changes will take effect in the fall of 2024.

According to a Tele2 representative, the operator has begun improvements in IT systems to bring tariffs in the region in line with all-Russian ones. Tele2 customers arriving in Crimea and Sevastopol will automatically register in the Miranda operator's network, and minutes and gigabytes will be spent on the main tariff plan, as in any other region of Russia.

Sevastopol, Republic of Crimea, Russia

The company associates the abolition of the roaming mark-up with the fact that the southern regions of Russia have become popular among tourists amid restrictions on travel abroad. According to Tele2, in January - May 2024, data traffic in Crimea and Sevastopol increased by 13% compared to the previous year. The telecom company did not disclose absolute figures for the amount of data consumed and the number of users.

According to Vedomosti, earlier tariffs for communication in Crimea for Russian operators were significantly higher than for roaming abroad. For example, Tele2 has an Internet package for seven days in Turkey or Egypt costs 600 rubles per 1 GB, while in Crimea subscribers paid 2.5 rubles per 1 MB, which is equivalent to 2,500 rubles per 1 GB. The introduction of new conditions will allow users to save on communications in Crimea and Sevastopol.

According to Dmitry Galushko, President of the Association of Small Telecom Operators of the Regions, Tele2's decision to cancel roaming may be associated with possible fines from the FAS for discriminating against the region.

Mobile operators have long had to deploy their networks in the region, but the big four did not reach the peninsula from 2014 to 2022 due to fears of sanctions. Since 2022, telecom companies have already fallen to one degree or another under restrictions from the EU and the United States, so fears have decreased, "Galushko said.[4]

Moscow court approves recovery of 380 thousand euros Ericsson due to short supply of Tele2 equipment

On January 16, 2024, the Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeal partially satisfied Tele2's claim, in which the Russian mobile operator initially asked to recover 4.1 million euros from Ericsson for the underdelivery of telecommunications equipment. The amount approved by the court turned out to be significantly lower than the requested amount - 380.1 thousand euros in rubles at the exchange rate of the Bank of Russia on the day of payment. Read more here.


Tele2 bought TDM TECH for 5.95 billion rubles

In September 2023, T2 Mobile (brand) Tele2 bought 85% of TDM TECH from its co-founder Oleg Bratishko. The remaining 15 percent stake in the development of software and hardware solutions for telecom operators was acquired by the St. Petersburg Berving LLC, owned by the Crimean provider Mirandas Media. More. here

Closing of 130 communication salons in 3 months

From July 22 to October 6, 2023, Tele2 closed about 130 communication salons in Russia. Such data are provided in the Telegram channel RusTelco, dedicated to events in the telecommunications industry.

According to the collected statistics, in three months in Moscow, Tele2 has 7% fewer salons, in St. Petersburg - by 6%, in Krasnodar - by 9%. The number of points decreased in many cities of Russia, except for Rostov-on-Don (+ 2%), Nizhny Novgorod (+ 2%), Novosibirsk (+ 6), Kaluga (+ 8%) and Yaroslavl (+ 4%).

Earlier in 2023, Tele2 warned about the impending reduction in the number of communication salons and said the following:

These will be ineffective, low-margin points, where traffic reduction is most obvious. Recall that all Tele2 retail is developing on the principle of franchising - our partners are involved in state management with the involvement of Tele2 expertise. However, there is no problem of staff reduction - retail always has a great demand for competent, experienced sales consultants. If desired, employees of closed salons can easily go to work at existing points.

According to Denis Goleshchikhin, director of the Tele2 retail chain, the peak in the number of communication salons fell on 2017-2018. - there were about 23-25 thousand of them. Then the number began to decline, and by mid-2023 there were 15 thousand salons in Russia. Since 2020, Tele2 and other operators have reduced retail by 30%, Goleshchikhin said.

At the same time, offline still gives more than 90% of connections, online - 10%. As the representative of Tele2 noted, they are almost inseparable from each other: a client can order a card online, but pick it up in a convenient cabin for him on the way home. But the lion's share of connections will also go online over time. This is due to the development of esim technologies, the saturation of the market with gadgets supporting this technology, the development of portals of public services, marketplaces and other platforms. However, the share of branded retail with a decrease in the SIM card market for new connections will still remain at the level of 40-50%, Goleshchikhin is sure[5]

Anton Godovikov - General Director of Tele2

T2 RTK Holding (provides services under the Tele2 brand) has changed its general director. As the Non-Digital Economy Telegram channel reported on September 29, 2023, the company was headed by Anton Godovikov, who replaced Alexei Telkov in this post. Read more here.

Recovery of €0.5m via court from Ericsson for contract disruption

At the end of August 2023, the Moscow Arbitration Court partially satisfied the claim of T2 Mobile LLC against the Russian subsidiary Ericsson and the equipment supplier of the Swedish company. The complaint was filed due to the refusal of the defendants to fulfill their obligations to supply equipment. Read more here.

Separate tower infrastructure into a separate company

At the end of July 2023, the Russian mobile operator Tele2 announced the completion of the process of transferring its tower infrastructure to a separate company. The restructuring lasted about a year. Read more here.

Closing of 15% of salons in Russia

In July 2023, Tele2 announced the closure of 15% of salons in Russia. According to the director of Tele2 Retail Denis Goleshchikhin, by August 2023 the company will abolish about 400 points.

In the current market conditions, we consider the right strategy to optimize operator retail... Closing part of the salons will increase the efficiency of the remaining stores of the retail network, "he said in a conversation with TASS.

Tele2 announced the closure of 15% of salons in Russia

Denis Goleshchikhin noted that in Europe and the United States there are twice as many citizens per communication salon as in Russia.

This confirms the conclusion that Russian telecom retail is "overheated." All operators have long announced a reduction in the number of salons, but optimization should go at a faster pace. We predict network reductions by operators by 40-50% compared to pre-pandemic time, he added.

The funds released after the network was reduced will go to digital signs and price tags, virtual storefronts, video surveillance and visitor counting systems, a project to lease digital advertising media, the development of a mobile application for sellers, and collaborations.

According to Goleshchikhin, the redundancy of the number of salons of telecom operators is the result of the historical development of the distribution network in Russia. He explained that in pursuit of a set of bases, operators needed a huge retail network, and customers used SIM cards for temporary purposes.

Now the SIM card market has contracted dramatically. Traffic in salons has also decreased. It is important for us to adapt the number of salons to the real needs of the business - Tele2 adjusts to the volume of traffic and provides the necessary distribution. For example, at the end of 2022, it decreased by about 40% to the pre-pandemic [we are talking about the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic] period, we closed a little more than 20% of distribution, "Goleshchikhin said in July 2023.[6]

47% increase in traffic processing due to higher antenna suspension

Tele2 began to hang antennas higher, thanks to which the mobile operator was able to improve traffic processing. The Russian company told about this at the end of March 2023.

According to RIA Novosti, citing a representative of Tele2, the company has optimized the operation of the existing infrastructure by increasing the height of the antenna suspension by an average of 16 meters without the need to build new facilities. By the end of March 2023, the project covers about 1020 infrastructure facilities in 61 regions of the Russian Federation.

By the end of March 2023, the project covers about 1020 infrastructure facilities

Tele2 technicians have identified locations with the potential to expand coverage: a twofold increase in the height of the suspension helped increase the bandwidth and network performance. This makes it possible to reduce capital costs and improve the quality of mobile Internet for customers not through the construction of new facilities, but by achieving the greatest efficiency on the existing infrastructure. It is claimed that after optimization, traffic processed by the base station grew by an average of 47%.

According to Tele2, by the end of March 2023, the operator had implemented a project aimed at optimizing the infrastructure by increasing the height of the antenna suspension, by a third - engineers moved equipment to 320 facilities. When optimizing the network, Tele2 will focus on Moscow and the region (250 infrastructure facilities at the end of the year), on Baikal and the Far East (149), in the Urals (121) and Siberia (113), Tele2 added.

Against the background of the departure of large foreign manufacturers of telecommunications equipment from Russia, Russian operators slowed down the installation of new base stations. Infrastructure optimization is one of the measures that telecom operators are forced to resort to to improve the capabilities of their networks amid traffic growth.[7]

Appointment of a new CEO

On March 21, 2023, it became known about the appointment of Alexei Telkov as the new general director of T2 RTK Holding (provides services under the Tele2 brand, 100% owned by Rostelecom) instead of Andrei Patoka, who headed the Russian telecom operator since 2021. Read more here.


Tele2 explained why Ericsson was sued

Tele2 initiated legal proceedings against the Russian legal entity Ericsson - Ericsson Corporation, as well as against Satel TVK due to the refusal of companies to fulfill their obligations to supply equipment. A representative of the operator told TAdviser about this on November 11.

TAdviser wrote about the fact that Tele2 sued Ericsson the day before, on November 10. And in the file of arbitration cases, this claim was registered on November 9[8]

Most of the under-delivered equipment refers to orders made long before the imposition of sanctions. Tele2 appealed to the Arbitration Court to recover fines and penalties, as well as the obligation of the defendants to fulfill the terms of the contracts, - said TAdviser in Tele2.

Despite the willingness to find a compromise solution together with a former partner, following the results of eight-month negotiations, Tele2 did not receive constructive proposals to resolve the situation, the operator's representative added.

The amount of claims against Ericsson in the company at the time of publication could not be clarified. It is not indicated in the file of arbitration cases.

The lawsuit from Tele2 is listed as the first lawsuit against Ericsson in 2022 in the file of arbitration cases "(photo - Maxim Stulov/Vedomosti/TASS)"

Operator Tele2 is controlled by To Rostelecom"." The latter was previously included in the sanctions lists, and USA its president - Mikhail Oseevsky under EU sanctions.

In 2019, Tele2 and Ericsson signed a five-year agreement on the supply of 50 thousand base stations for installation in 27 regions, Russia including To Moscow St. Petersburg. And in 2021, the companies announced plans to install another 50,000 5G-ready base stations Ericsson Radio System in 27 regions of Russia. Thus, the partners supplemented the agreement of 2019 and doubled the initial plans for the development of the network by 2023.

At the end of February 2022, in the context of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, Ericsson stopped the supply of equipment to Russia amid sanctions against Russia, which were imposed by the United States and the European Union.

Introduction of measures to support mobilized employees

On September 29, 2022, measures to support employees of Russian cellular companies that fell under partial mobilization became known. Read more here.

Getting into the public access of the database of millions of subscribers

The Tele2 subscriber database got into open access. This was announced on August 8, 2022 by the Telegram channel "Information Leaks." According to him, we are talking about the data of participants in the Tele2 loyalty program.

In the database "merged" into the network, 7.5 million lines of information containing information about the field of the operator's clients, their names, surnames, phone numbers, email addresses. The dates for creating and updating records are September 5, 2017 to June 27, 2022. The base included:

  • Full name of clients (often only first and first/last name);
  • Phone number (7,457,370 unique numbers)
  • Email address (5,707,696 unique addresses)
  • gender (mostly listed for all male);
  • a BERCUT_CONTACT_ID identifier that suggests that the data is probably from the system;
  • links to pages on the domain;

The Tele2 subscriber database got into open access

It is noted that the data of Tele2 clients was posted on the network by the same hacker who previously published the data of users of Russian Post, Delivery Club, GeekBrains,

The press service of Tele2 confirmed the data leak, but assured that the published information does not carry material risks for subscribers. Most of this data does not pose a threat to users, in fact, it is recompiling information that is available online from other sources, the company said. The operator began conducting an internal investigation and promised to strengthen control over data in the potential access loop of less secure contractors.

It is already known that the responsibility is on the side of the IT partner who was subjected to a hacker attack. Our own systems are reliably protected, the fact of a leak on the Tele2 side is completely excluded, Tele2 assured.

On August 9, 2022, Roskomnadzor reported that the agency had requested detailed information from Tele2 about a possible leak of personal data of subscribers.[9]

Creation of Pilar Company

On July 13, 2022, it became known about the restructuring launched in Tele2, in which the mobile operator allocates tower infrastructure to a separate company. Read more here.

Requirement for the Russian "daughter" Nokia to pay 478 million rubles for refusing to supply equipment under the contract

Tele2, through the court, demands 478 million rubles from the Russian subsidiary Nokia for refusing to supply equipment under the contract. The corresponding application was submitted to the Moscow Arbitration Court on May 16, 2022. Read more here.


The ability for customers to switch to the network remotely

Tele2 on December 8, 2021 invited customers to switch to their network while preserving the number (MNP) remotely. The Tele2 card will be delivered home, and the documents can be signed remotely using the State Key application.

Customers do not need to go to the communication salon to arrange the transition to the Tele2 network according to the MNP procedure. To transfer the number, you will need a card with self-registration: you can buy it with delivery on the website or in the Tele2 application, on the largest marketplaces or in networks of large retailers. The application for the transfer of the number and the contract with the new operator are signed using the "State Key" application. It works on the basis of technologies that protect information, so the ability of another person to register is completely excluded.

To activate the card, the client needs to have a confirmed entry on the Public services portal and the State Key application. It goes to the Public services portal, after which the client's data is automatically loaded from the ESIA into the application. The State Key reproduces random numbers and, based on cryptographic protection, creates a unique enhanced unqualified signature certificate (UNEP). It needs to be generated only once - after that, you can sign documents by pressing one button.

Transfer of the number by MNP should begin in the application "My Tele2." After scanning the barcode on the SIM card package, the user can select the transition with his number in the menu item. Then you will need to enter the phone number and the desired transfer date. After choosing the date, the client will receive an agreement for signing and an application for MNP in the State Key application.

The client seamlessly goes to the "State Key" application, where he sees the "Documents Received" notification. As the owner of the generated UNEP, the subscriber signs both documents by pressing the button of the "State Key" application. The contract is sent electronically to the subscriber by mail, the SIM card is activated. According to TsNIIS, 21.5 million numbers have been transferred to the Russian market since 2014. At the same time, since the beginning of 2021, the total number of ports has increased by 3 million - an increase of almost 17%.

Шаблон:Quote 'author=said Sergey Kolesnyak, director of digital channel development Tele2.

In August 2021, Tele2 offered customers to remotely register SIM cards using an unqualified electronic signature in the State Key application. This became one of the ways to remotely conclude contracts according to the law, which entered into force on June 1, 2021.

A fine of 825 thousand rubles due to an increase in tariffs

On November 22, 2021, the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) announced the imposition of a fine on Tele2 in the amount of 825 thousand rubles for abuse of a dominant position in the market. The regulator recognized the violation of the actions of the telecom operator to overestimate the cost of tariffs.

According to a statement on the FAS website, in January 2021, Tele2 raised prices for cellular services for more than 12 million of its individual subscribers by an average of 13%, justifying the increase in its costs. The antimonopoly service received a large number of calls from subscribers of the telecom operator. FAS Russia found that the level of increase in tariffs is not due to increased costs.

Tele2 received a fine of 825 thousand rubles due to tariff increases

By its actions, the company violated antimonopoly legislation under Part 1 of Art. 14.31 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation and paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Art. 10 of the Law on Protection of Competition (Abuse of Market Position), the FAS reported. The operator is obliged to return tariffs to the previous level.

Tele2 told Forbes magazine that they cannot guarantee customers the proper level of service and the relevant filling of services without adjusting outdated tariffs.

At the same time, we act as carefully as possible and make the revision of the conditions touch little for subscribers. The January changes affected only a number of archival tariffs, some of which have never been changed before, a company spokesman said.

He added that at tariffs with an adjusted subscription fee, the revision averaged 20 rubles.

We choose a form of legal protection, but in any case we always proceed from the interests of Tele2 customers, the company's press service said.

In October 2021, the Moscow Arbitration Court confirmed the legality of the decision and the FAS order on the need to reduce Tele2 tariffs, as well as the legality of the company's fine.[10]

FAS obliged Tele2 to reduce the cost of tariffs

On September 13, 2021, the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) of Russia announced the completion of the consideration of the case, in which the regulator studied Tele2's pricing policy. As a result of this check, the mobile operator was found to have violated antitrust laws. FAS obliged the company to reduce tariffs.

According to the FAS, in January 2021, Tele2 increased the cost of cellular services for more than 12 million of its subscribers among individuals by an average of 13%, justifying the increase in its costs. The antimonopoly service received a large number of calls from subscribers of the telecom operator. In February 2021, the FAS Russia opened a case of violation of antitrust laws against the company.

FAS obliged Tele2 to reduce the cost of tariffs

Now the operator is obliged to return unreasonably increased tariffs for cellular services to the level applied before the increase, the FAS said in a statement.

At the same time, Tele2 announced that the company is open to a constructive dialogue with the FAS and will defend its position within the framework of the relevant legal procedures - the company.

The source of the Daily Storm, close to Tele2, said that the actions of the FAS are little amenable to explanation. The company notified the department of the price increase, but did not receive any reaction.

The company in advance, on December 18, notified the FAS about the planned changes and provided all economic justifications for the adjustments. Tele2 did not receive any comments and objections from the FAS either two weeks before the start of the project, or within a month and a half after it, the source said.

Earlier in 2021, Kommersant reported that operators continue to raise prices for archival tariffs. In particular, MTS said that the price increase will average 30-40 rubles and will affect less than 1% of tariff plans. MegaFon also raised prices for some of the archival tariffs in a number of regions. The company noted that they offered subscribers to switch to current tariffs for free before raising the price.[11]

Andrei Patoka is the new head of Tele2

In early June 2021, it became known about the change of the general director of T2 Mobile (Tele2). The place of Sergei Emdin will be taken by the deputy head of Tele2 for product, marketing and work with corporate clients Andrei Patoka. Read more here.

Launch of two data centers in Novosibirsk for 560 million rubles

In March 2021, T2 RTK Holding launched two data centers in Novosibirsk, in which it invested about 560 million rubles. The mobile operator needs new data centers to manage its networks in nine Siberian regions - the Republics of Altai, Khakassia and Tuva, Altai and Krasnoyarsk Territories, Omsk, Novosibirsk, Tomsk and Kemerovo Regions.

The total area of ​ ​ open data centers is more than 2 thousand square meters. m The sites are equipped with safety systems, fire extinguishing, ventilation and air conditioning, as well as backup power supply. It is provided by battery rooms and autonomous generators, which are automatically started within two minutes after the power is turned off. The maximum power consumption of the equipment in each of the data centers is 4 MW. Tele2 cloud computing centers, compared to the current voice switching infrastructure, provide increased reliability by duplicating systems at different sites, the company said.

Tele2 launched two data centers in Novosibirsk for 560 million rubles
In a year and a half, the switching power at our disposal would leave us without a margin of safety before the growth of data transmission traffic. The new sites will allow us to have such a reserve for a long time. That is why we invested significant money and energy in the creation of new data centers, - said Dmitry Kromsky, director of the Siberia macroregion Tele2.

According to him, over the year of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, total data traffic increased by about one and a half times, and the main spikes occurred in the spring and summer of 2020.

Kromsky also noted that the number of operator base stations last year increased in Siberia by 14.5%. At 2 thousand operating sites in Siberia, the operator placed additional equipment and launched 4G there.[12]

Purchase of NPF "Berkut" for 3.5 billion rubles

In March 2021, the cost of the deal to sell NPF Berkut to T2 RTK Holding (Tele2 brand) became known. As reported in the reports of Rostelecom (owner of the Tele2 operator), the purchase of a developer of billing systems cost the telecommunications operator 3.5 billion rubles. Read more here.


Construction of 12 data centers for 3.5 billion rubles

In 2020, T2 RTK Holding built 12 data centers in Russia, in which it invested a total of more than 3.5 billion rubles. Data centers with machine rooms for 2286 seats and equipment capacity of 1.5-4.9 mW at each facility were launched in six regions: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov, Novosibirsk, Nizhny Novgorod and Yekaterinburg.

12 new data centers house equipment for all operator information systems, including billing, VAS, etc. The objects occupy an area with a total area of ​ ​ more than 10 thousand square meters. m.

Tele2 in 2020 built 12 data centers for 3.5 billion rubles

Tele2 data centers have automatic control of computer systems, systems for maintaining the required level of temperature and humidity, remote control, fire protection, monitoring and video surveillance. Backup power is provided by battery rooms and self-contained generators, which are automatically started within two minutes of power outage. Tele2 cloud computing centers, compared to the current voice switching infrastructure, provide increased reliability by duplicating absolutely all systems at different sites, the company said.

The large-scale launch of centers in Tele2 operating macro-regions will strengthen the company's technical infrastructure, create a margin of safety in the context of exponential traffic growth and quickly launch innovative products. The reliability of switching systems will allow us to more effectively contribute to the growth of the NPS indicator, according to which Tele2 is an unconditional leader in the industry, including thanks to continuous technological development, - said Alexey Telkov, Deputy General Director for Technical Infrastructure at Tele2

According to him, the construction of data centers is necessary to meet the growing demand for operator services: in 2020, the number of active users of Tele2 mobile Internet increased, and traffic on the network increased by 58%.

Creation of a new company "Communication - PR"

Tele2 has allocated the Chechen business to a new company - Svyaz - Chechen Republic, which is expected to be sold. The corresponding decision was made by the mobile operator on November 11, 2020, but information about the reorganization was made public only in early December. Read more here.

Agreement with SberMobile and Huawei to test 5G technology

On October 8, 2020, it became known that SberMobile (the brand of the telecom operator Sberbank-Telecom LLC), part of the Sberbank ecosystem, mobile operator Tele2 and Huawei will test scenarios for using 5G technology based on technologies and infrastructure of the Sberbank ecosystem. Read more here.

Connection of Tele2 Kazakhstan to the payment system of Sberbank

On June 11, 2020, Sberbank announced the connection of all mobile operators of the Republic of Kazakhstan to its payment system. Read more here.

Providing the Business Environment program to friends and family of B2B customers

On May 29, 2020, Tele2, an alternative mobile operator, announced a change in the approach to corporate services. In the Moscow region, the operator expands the capabilities of the Business Environment program - now private employees and partners of the company can take advantage of a simplified way to design a SIM card and connect to the Tele2 network without leaving their homes.

The operator offers employees of B2B customers, as well as their friends and relatives, to connect to the business tariff online on special terms. You can order a number or switch to Tele2 with an existing one by leaving an application on the program website. The courier will bring the SIM card home for free and transfer it contactless, and the subscriber can go through the self-registration procedure or conclude a paper contract.

As part of the Business Environment program, Tele2 offers special tariffs to company employees, and also provides corporate communications to third parties - contractors, relatives and friends of employees. Participants of the "Business Environment" pay for mobile services on their own, while all the benefits of the corporate tariff plan are available to subscribers in full.

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Thus, the tariff plans "My Business L" and "My Business XL" with 35 GB and 50 GB, respectively, will allow subscribers to effectively organize a home office, taking into account the translation of operational processes into an online format. -->

Start remote replacement of SIM-cards

On May 25, 2020, Tele2 announced the launch of remote replacement of SIM-cards in 31 regions. Now in case of its breakdown or loss subscribers can replace the card without leaving the house. This opportunity will allow customers to reduce contacts with people and movement around the city.

Start remote replacement of SIM-cards

In a pandemic, it is important for the company to provide customers with the opportunity to resolve issues in a convenient format, while observing prevention measures. In the coronavirus very first days, the service became popular Moscow with subscribers. Also, residents often apply for remote replacement of SIM-cards. Perm St. Petersburg The company allows the possibility of expanding the geography and extending the validity of the service.

Earlier, when the card was lost or broken, its replacement was carried out only when the client directly contacted the communication salon. Now the operator's subscriber can call the Tele2 hotline and inform the contact center employee about the problem. The operator will check which communication salons the subscriber can contact, and if delivery is convenient for the client, he will offer to carry out a replacement remotely. At the same time, the courier service of the Tele2 online store delivers SIM cards.

The service for remote replacement of a SIM card as of May 25, 2020 is valid in, To Moscow,, St. Petersburg,, Ivanov,, Yaroslavl,, Izhevsk,, To Yoshkar-Ola,, Kazan,, Nizhny Novgorod,, To Samara,, Ulyanovsk,, Cheboksary,, Arkhangelsk Veliky Novgorod To Vologda Perm Kaliningrad, Pskov Krasnoyarsk Novosibirsk Omsk Tomsk Salekhard, Yekaterinburg,, Barrow,,, and Orenburg. Syktyvkar Tyumen Khanty-Mansiysk Chelyabinsk Voronezh Lipetsk

During a pandemic, it is important to stay in touch with family, loved ones, friends and colleagues. Earlier in all regions of presence, the operator launched the possibility of independent connection in communication salons. In the Tele2 retail network, a client can choose a number without contact with the seller, take a SIM card for free and activate it at home. In addition, customers order a card from the operator's online store, choosing a contactless delivery service.

The Russian Ministry of Communications has assigned operators to continuously operating organizations that provide services that are critical for the population. Therefore, 87% of communication salons and modules continue to work during the period of high alert and are open to customers. At the same time, the company fulfills all recommendations for protection against coronavirus: sellers are given disposable medical masks and hand antiseptics, demarcation lines are applied in communication salons to ensure that customers comply with the necessary social distance.

Merger of Rostelecom and Tele2 retail chains

On May 19, 2020, Rostelecom announced the merger of the operator's retail networks and Tele2. They will be managed by Rostelecom - Retail Systems LLC . Read more here.

Providing customers with free online advice on COVID-19

On May 14, 2020, Tele2 an alternative mobile operator announced communications that his clients were given the opportunity to visit a doctor remotely. The company provided free access to online consultations of doctors in the service "" Telehoney on issues of colds and. During the coronavirus period of self-isolation, the number of calls to the system increased by 34% compared to normal days. This is dictated by the fact that thanks to the service, medical support online is available at any time.

Providing customers with free online advice on COVID-19

Tele2 supports Russians who comply with self-isolation recommendations. During a pandemic, it is especially important to pay attention to health and not expose yourself to unnecessary risks. You can do a lot from your smartphone remotely, including going to the doctor's appointment.

Tele2 takes care of the health of its subscribers, and within the framework of a partnership with the TeleMed system, there are special offers for them. With any purchase in the operator's salons, customers receive a promotional code. After activating it in the application or on the website, subscribers will be able to consult with doctors for free on any colds and viral diseases. A free hotline for the coronavirus COVID-19 is also available to customers. Round-the-clock consultations of doctors can be obtained by phone and in the form of a chat through popular instant messengers.

Tele2 subscribers can issue an annual online medical service at special favorable tariffs. The package is aimed at any customers: children, adults and pensioners. It includes consultations from doctors of the country's leading medical institutions. TeleMeda users can get a second expert opinion - specialists from the best medical centers of the Russian Federation will check the diagnosis already made and provide their conclusion.

As part of the "School of Health" option, doctors will give the patient lifestyle recommendations, for example, adjust the menu and physical activity.

The TeleMed service includes a wide range of services and focuses not only on medical advice, but also on oral legal assistance. Qualified lawyers will explain to users how to protect their interests, appeal against the actions of health workers and get an answer to the question about compulsory medical insurance. One of the services of the service - "Honest Pharmacology" - helps to choose drugs that are similar in effectiveness, but cheaper.

You can connect to the TeleMed service in the Tele2 retail network. Annual certificates with a different set of services cost from 2 thousand rubles. The cardholder needs to call and activate the certificate. The user also gets access to the personal account. It includes an archive where you can listen to consultation recordings and view written opinions.

Mobile operators of Kazakhstan agreed to share the network

In May 2020, the largest mobile operators Kazakhstan in agreed to share the network. The cooperation agreement was concluded by JSC "" Kcell(Activ and Kcell), LLP) Beeline and LLP. Mobile TelecomService (Tele2) More. here

Transfer of 96% of employees to remote work

On April 13, 2020, Tele2, an alternative mobile operator, communications announced that it had transferred remote work almost all office employees in the country to create safe conditions amid the pandemic. -The coronavirus IT company's specialists quickly configured remote access to all systems. The employees of the central Moscow and offices were the very first to go to work from home: already on March 18, 2020, 33% of these specialists performed tasks remotely, and by April 1, the share of those who remained in the office was less than 3.5%.

Only those employees whose presence is critical to the continuity of the telecom operator's business processes remained at the workplaces at the company's headquarters. 87 people, including members of the Tele2 management team, still come to the office.

IT department employees set up remote access for more than 8,000 Tele2 employees in less than two weeks. The company promptly organized three types of access: for corporate laptops of employees, for remote connection to work computers from home PCs, for creating virtual desktops. All internal communications were brought to independent online channels - mobile mail, an application for employees, SMS-informing. In the mobile application for employees "In touch," the company opened a hotline for remote work, published a simple memo on how to configure all the necessary systems yourself, launched a chatbot to answer frequently asked questions.

In regional offices, Tele2 introduced an IT partnership institute: each macroregion and large division was assigned to a responsible IT service employee who was constantly in touch and helped colleagues set up a home office. Thus, it was possible to evenly distribute the load and solve the problem as quickly as possible.

The most difficult thing was to transfer contact center operators to remote work. Over 2000 employees in Saransk, Irkutsk, Rostov-on-Don and Chelyabinsk help Tele2 customers daily and answer their questions. The difficulty was that operators use special equipment and software. Those who work on the first support line were equipped with home offices and transferred to remote work gradually in order to maintain a high quality customer service. Already at the beginning of April 2020, almost all operators of contact centers worked from home.

The Russian Ministry of Communications has assigned operators to continuously operating organizations that provide services that are critical for the population. Therefore, 70% of communication salons and modules continue to work during the quarantine period and are open to customers. At the same time, the company fulfills all the recommendations of specialists for protection against coronavirus: sellers are given disposable medical masks and hand antiseptics, demarcation lines are applied in communication salons that provide the necessary social distance.

IT department specialists monitor the quality of all systems: the number of hung letters in the mail, the number of conversations at conferences, the causes of these breaks - more than 300 indicators in total. According to statistics, all employees of the company use remote access systems every day. The "In Touch" application was installed by 7 thousand Tele2 specialists, the most popular sections were news and a directory of employees.

{{quote 'author=said Elena Ivanova, HR Director of Tele2|B Tele2 are accustomed to working according to different rules: to be faster and more flexible, to quickly adapt to economic realities. In the context of the coronavirus pandemic, we once again proved to ourselves that we can quickly transform and protect the main asset of the company - people. It took us two weeks to start working differently and still not lose efficiency. This is a real test of strength for any business. I am sure that Tele2 will pass it with dignity, since the operator is leading in the telecom industry in terms of employee engagement index: it is 85% and 11 pp ahead of successful world companies. This indicator characterizes the willingness of employees to do the best work possible and do more than is required of them, }}

Inclusion in the list of backbone organizations

In March 2020, the Government Commission for Improving the Sustainability of the Russian Economy included Tele2 in the list of backbone organizations. Read more here.

Rostelecom completed a deal to consolidate 100% stake in Tele2

On March 18, 2020, Rostelecom PJSC "" announced the closure of the transaction on the acquisition of 55% of the shares of T2 RTK Holding LLC Tele2 Russia (). As a result of the transaction, the Rostelecom group consolidated 100% of Tele2 Russia's shares, and PJSC "" and Bank VTB a consortium of investors became the owners of 29.4% of ordinary shares of PJSC Rostelecom.

In accordance with the structure of the transaction previously approved by the Board of Directors, Rostelecom Group completed settlements with PJSC VTB Bank and a consortium of investors to acquire 55% of shares in Tele2 Russia, including:

  • the contract of sale of 45% of the shares in the authorized capital of Tele2 Russia (the amount of the contract is 108 billion rubles);
  • exchange agreement 10.0% of shares in Tele2 Russia for 10.0% of ordinary shares of Rostelecom, which were on the balance sheet of LLC Mobitel"" - a subsidiary of Rostelecom (the amount of the agreement is 24 billion rubles);

Financing of the acquisition of 45% shares in the authorized capital of Tele2 Russia was carried out, among other things, with the attraction of 66 billion rubles received as a result of an additional issue of ordinary shares of PJSC Rostelecom, which were placed by private subscription in favor of PJSC VTB Bank.

As a result of the additional issue, the number of ordinary shares in the authorized capital of PJSC Rostelecom increased by 708 082 975 units to 3 282 997 929 units (taking into account the sale by shareholders of the pre-emptive right of redemption). On March 16, 2020, the Bank of Russia decided to state registration of the report on the results of the additional issue of ordinary shares of PJSC Rostelecom.

Consolidation of 100% Tele Russia, to which the company has been going for more than one year, will undoubtedly go down in the history of not only Rostelecom, but also the entire Russian telecom market. One of the major deals in recent years will expand the company's market horizons, make it financially more powerful, dynamic and sustainable in the long term. In the near future, we will complete work on updating the strategic priorities of the enlarged company, which will be aimed at increasing the fundamental value of the business by ensuring leadership in the digital services market for the population, business and. states It is also important for us that VTB Bank and its partners become our major long-term investors interested in increasing the company's capitalization,
said Senior Vice President, Chief of Staff of the President, Anna Shumeiko

Purchase of the developer of billing systems "Berkut"

At the end of February 2020, it became known about the sale of NPF Berkut to T2 RTK Holding (a telecom operator operating under the Tele2 trademark). Oleg Bratishko, owner of the Typhoon Digital Development venture fund (TD Media belongs to the fund), told Vedomosti about this. Representatives of Berkut and T2 RTK Holding confirmed the information about the transaction. Read more here.


VTB earned 12.5 billion rubles on the sale of a stake in Tele2

VTB earned 12.5 billion rubles from the sale of a stake in Tele2. This amount came from the transaction with financial instruments and due to the revaluation of the asset between the two disclosure dates, the bank said at a teleconference on the occasion of the publication of statements according to international standards on February 26, 2020. Read more here.

666 complaints to Roskomnadzor about communication services

On February 12, 2020 Roskomnadzor , he summed up the results of systematic work with citizens' appeals regarding the provision of services communications by the Big Four operators. In 2019, more than 6.4 thousand such appeals were considered, of which 666 were for. Tele2 More. here

Training Yandex virtual assistant to call Tele2 assistant

On December 16, 2019, Tele2 announced the launch of another skill for Alice, a virtual assistant to Yandex. She calls the digital assistant Tele2 on command, which will answer popular questions from subscribers. Read more here.

Opening of 68 reception points for unnecessary mobile phones in 11 cities of Russia

On December 11, 2019, Tele2 announced the launch of a large-scale operator environmental project. Its aim is to explain to society the importance of recycling old mobile phones and encourage customers to recycle them. Tele2 has opened 68 reception points for unnecessary devices in 11 cities of Russia. All handed over devices will go to the Chelyabinsk plant "Megapolisresource" - a leading enterprise for the processing of mobile electronics and batteries.

Tele2 project "Remelting"

The Tele2 project "Remelting" answers one of the main challenges in the field of sustainable development of the planet - rational consumption and the need to process electronic garbage. Although smartphones live in the network of operators much longer than push-button devices, users update mobile phones more often than other electronics. Unnecessary machines are piled up at home or sent to landfill, exacerbating the problem of electronic garbage. According to the Davos report, smartphones and other gadgets accounted for 8.7% of waste in 2018.

Tele2 contributes to solving the current problem of electronic waste recycling. The company believes that the controlled collection of old smartphones and their disposal will radically change the situation.

Surveys show that most Russians are willing to participate in environmental initiatives and support a waste sorting model. Tele2 explains to the audience that mobile phones also require recycling, and encourages you to bring old devices for recycling. The project has already been joined by,, Moscow,, St. Petersburg,, Tula,, Smolensk, and Vladimir. Ivanovo Kaluga Ryazan Petrozavodsk Chelyabinsk Yekaterinburg

Non-systemic disposal of electronic garbage carries environmental risks, since with a small share of solid waste, it accounts for 70% of toxic waste. The average smartphone consists of different types of plastic, iron and ceramics, contains copper and alloys, other metals and epoxy resins. When batteries are destroyed, harmful chemicals penetrate the environment. The non-ferrous, precious and rare earth metals contained in the devices, as well as plastic, can be reused.

Rostelecom will buy 55% of Tele2 for 132 billion rubles

On November 13, 2019, Rostelecom disclosed the details of the purchase of Tele2. Consolidation will take place in three stages, as a result of which 55% of T2 RTK Holding will be bought out by the state operator for 132 billion rubles.

As RBC writes with reference to the president of Rostelecom Mikhail Oseevsky, 100% of the T2 of RTK Holding were estimated at 240 billion rubles. Consolidation will take place as follows:

  • LLC Mobitel"" (a subsidiary of Rostelecom) will exchange 10% of Rostelecom shares by 10% in T2 RTK Holding;
  • Rostelecom will buy 27.5% of Tele2 from VTB with money received as a result of additional issue. The transaction amount is 66 billion rubles, VTB itself should become the main buyer of shares in the framework of the additional issue;
  • Rostelecom will buy 17.5% in Tele2 for 42 billion rubles.

The deal will provide Rostelecom with full control over the most dynamic and successful mobile player in the Russian market, which will create the largest integrated provider of digital services in the country, the press service quoted Rostelecom President Mikhail Oseevsky as saying.

"Rostelecom" revealed the details of the purchase of Tele2

In his opinion, the consolidated platform will have no analogues in the Russian market for many digital services and solutions.

Rostelecom assures that payments will not significantly increase the company's debt and will not affect the implementation of the dividend policy (it assumes paying shareholders at least 5 rubles per share per year). By November 13, 2019, the debt level to Rostelecom's OIBDA indicator is 1.9.

The size of the net debt of T2 RTK Holding is 120 billion rubles, another 17-18 billion rubles, according to Oseevsky, account for various obligations of the company.

It is expected that by the end of 2019, the subscriber base of T2 RTK Holding may reach 44 million customers, the company will occupy 17% of the Russian mobile communications market. After the transaction, Tele2 Russia will remain an independent legal entity, will retain the brand and top management.[13]

SD Rostelecom approved a deal to acquire 55% of Tele2 Russia

On November 13, 2019, PJSC Rostelecom announced that the company's board of directors approved a deal to acquire 55% of the shares of T2 RTK Holding LLC (Tele2Russia). Consolidation will strengthen the position in the rapidly growing mobile business and create a leading integrated mobile-fixed carrier and digital services in the Russian market.

Strategic objectives of the transaction

Acquisition of fast-growing and highly profitable mobile business

Tele2 Russia is the fastest growing mobile player in the Russian market and the only mobile operator in the country that has managed to significantly increase its market share over the past three years - by 2 pp to 17%. [14].. The customer base of the operator is 44 million subscribers [15]., while the company is the leader in [16] of [17] in the industry. The average annual revenue growth rate of Tele2 Russia for 2016-2018 amounted to 16% compared to the industry average of 4%. Over the past three years, Tele2 Russia has increased the number of LTE base stations six times, which made it possible to reach the second place in their number among Russian mobile [18].. The company is the leader of the telecom market in terms of the overall pace of construction of network infrastructure. In terms of the number of base stations 2G/3G/4G Tele2, Russia ranks third in the industry.

The enlarged company will be characterized by higher revenue growth rates and OIBDA, profitability indicators and free cash flow generation.

Realization of significant potential of fixed and mobile assets

The deal will allow Rostelecom Group to supplement its digital ecosystem with new converged products, which will contribute to the growth of consumption and income through the implementation of high cross-sales opportunities between segments.

One of the key trends in the telecom market is the offer of converged services by leading players combining mobile and fixed-line capabilities. The experience of foreign players in the sector shows that subscribers of converged services are not inclined to change operators and bring higher average revenues - this is more economically beneficial for operators.

Rostelecom, having the most developed fixed network and the country's largest subscriber base for Internet access, will gain a strategic competitive advantage as a result of the deal and will become the only player in the Russian market capable of nationally offering a single converged service based on Tele2 Russia's own optical network and mobile infrastructure. This will be an important factor in further strengthening the company's competitive position and growing its share in both mobile and fixed segments.

Realization of 5G development potential in Russia

In light of the upcoming deployment of fifth-generation mobile networks, the deal will allow combining the technologically mutually complementary infrastructures of Rostelecom (both trunk communication lines and the last mile) and Tele2 Russia, as well as the expertise and best experience of the two companies necessary for the economically rational construction of mobile networks of the next generations.

In addition, the use of Tele2 Russia's technological infrastructure will allow Rostelecom to optimize operating costs. In particular, for certain segments of customers and territories, the transition from fixed to wireless access is possible, which will significantly save on the operation and development of networks.

Opportunities for synergies

As a result of the transaction, the Rostelecom group will be able to implement synergies that can ensure the creation of additional value for the company.

The deal will strengthen opportunities to create new services, cross-sales and bundling, as well as promote converged products, which will accelerate revenue growth.

There is significant potential to reduce operating costs by increasing the scale of operations, optimizing external costs and business processes.

Structure of the transaction The transaction for the acquisition of 55% shares in Tele2 Russia consists of three parts:

  • acquisition of 10.0% stake in Tele2 Russia by exchange for 10.0% of ordinary shares of Rostelecom, which are on the balance sheet of MOBITEL LLC, a subsidiary of PJSC Rostelecom. The transaction takes place on a cash-free basis based on an independent appraiser's report; the transaction amount is 24 billion rubles;
  • acquisition of 27.5% interest in the authorized capital of Tele2 Russia for cash raised as a result of an additional issue of ordinary shares of PJSC Rostelecom, placed by closed subscription in favor of PJSC VTB Bank at a price of 93.21 rubles per ordinary share, determined on the basis of the report of an independent appraiser; the amount of the transaction is 66 billion rubles;
  • acquisition of 17.5% shares in the authorized capital of Tele2 Russia for cash at a price determined on the basis of the report of an independent appraiser; the amount of the transaction is 42 billion rubles.

Integration and Management

After the completion of the transaction, Rostelecom plans:

  • leave Tele2 Russia an independent legal entity and maintain its brand;
  • ensure the work of the joint integration committee, the purpose of which will be to find and implement synergies while maintaining the ambitious pace of development of Tele2 Russia in the coming years;
  • maintain the Tele2 Russia management team and approve a new motivation system for management;
  • update and present the strategy of the Rostelecom group of companies during the first half of 2020.

The ability to connect to the Telemed service in Tele2 salons

On October 24, 2019, Tele2 announced that it now offers visitors to its salons throughout the country to connect to the Telemed service, a remote medical care network. The service allows clients to consult a doctor by phone, consult with health care lawyers and receive advice from a nutritionist. Read more here.

Putin allowed Rostelecom to increase its stake in Tele2 to 100%

On October 4, 2019, it became known that the president Russia Vladimir Putin signed a decree on a public joint stock company. " Rostelecom The document allows Rostelecom to increase its share in the mobile operator T2 RTK Holding (Tele2 trademark) to 100%. More. here

Agreement with the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen for the purpose of holding events in the field of education and science

On September 24, 2019, Tele2 announced that it had entered into a long-term cooperation agreement with the A.I. Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University (A.I. Herzen RSPU). The main goal of the partnership is the implementation of joint projects, activities in the field of education and science.

The agreement was signed by the director of the North-West macroregion Tele2 Sergey Timoshin and Vice-Rector for Innovation and Information Technologies of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen Mikhail Puchkov. The document provides for the organization of a number of joint events that contribute to the successful training of relevant skills and the adaptation of students to the real requirements of the labor market, advice from Tele2 representatives on building a successful career, as well as practice and internship in the company.

We have a positive experience of cooperation with educational institutions. On the cusp of the fourth industrial revolution, when the mass adoption of digital services changes our lives and work, we are ready to share with future workers the experience of the present and the vision of the future. Telecom in this regard is largely at the forefront of the digital economy: we are the first to introduce digital services, we are changing taking into account modern scenarios of customer behavior. In this project, our goal is to adapt students to real business tasks and maintain interest in current technological topics,

Cooperation with business is a necessary part of the educational process. We make sure that our graduates come out of the walls of the university not only with fundamental theoretical knowledge, but also have an idea of ​ ​ the practical application of their knowledge. In this regard, partnership with a representative of a large business of an intellectually capacious industry is the right initiative of the university in the interests of students,

Opening of the second digital salon in St. Petersburg

On September 23, 2019, Tele2 announced the opening of a second digital salon in the North-West. The project concept is based on an innovative digital approach in service, assortment and communications. This is a special project of the company.

Digital salon in St. Petersburg

The opened Tele2 salon is located in St. Petersburg on the ground floor of the Gallery shopping and entertainment center. Its concept is based on the Other Rules communication platform. The operator has developed communication with the visitor, using a digital service.

Thus, the virtual showcase "All in one click" allows the client to check the map of the Tele2 coverage area and performs the functions of a self-service terminal. Through the digital interface, the user can select a number, leave a request for the MNP transition or change the tariff.

A special display of goods is organized in the cabin. A visitor can get acquainted with smartphones using an interactive showcase. It displays not only the characteristics of the gadget, but also objective reviews of the model from the Internet. Thus, Tele2 helps buyers make an informed choice.


The updated cabin design offers customers a convenient navigation through the range. Zones of different manufacturers smartphones are visually highlighted, and for popular models the rating on the Internet is reflected. At the same time, the latest generation of open display is located in the digital salon. Unlike industry practices, the operator not only offers to get acquainted with current models of smartphones, but forms different scenarios of digital ecosystems. Devices in different categories are selected taking into account their complementarity. Users can not only choose a smartphone, but also supplement it with headphones, watches and other gadgets.

Also in the Tele2 salon there are showcases where the goods of the Chinese online hypermarket AliExpress are presented. The customer can test them and make an informed purchase decision. The range of display samples includes smartphones and complementary goods: headphones, smart watches, fitness bracelets and other gadgets

All communications in the cabin are digital, which allows you to control them with one button. Tele2 can flexibly adjust messages for customers taking into account changes in external conditions, promptly update information and make current proposals. The cabin has an event display. Here the company will present its recommendations and information about events with the participation of Tele2, offers of the More loyalty program and notable events in the cultural life of the city.

Up to 80% increase in SMS mailing prices

On August 21, 2019, it became known that the Moscow Arbitration Court satisfied Megafon's claim against the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS). The lawsuit was filed in connection with the decision of the FAS of May 2019, in which the company was recognized as a violator of antimonopoly legislation in terms of increasing the cost of SMS mailings and establishing unequal conditions for state and non-state banks. According to the materials of the FAS in the case of increasing the cost of SMS-mailings by the four federal telecom operators, the largest increase in prices occurred at Megafon - up to 500%. In VimpelCom, the cost increased to 200%, in MTS - to 120% and in Tele2 - to 80%. Read more here.

Training Yandex virtual assistant in finding a lost phone

Tele2, an alternative mobile operator, on August 23, 2019 announced the launch of a free search for a lost home or phone office for Yandex's virtual assistant. Read more here.

Launch of updated retail format in the North-West

On August 15, 2019, Tele2 opened an updated salon on Sennaya Square in St. Petersburg. The innovative concept for the industry relies on a digital approach in three planes: service, assortment and communications.

Tele2 launched an updated retail format in the North-West

According to the company, this concept of digital salon is based on the communication platform "Other Rules." Tele2 has developed communication with the visitor, using digital technologies, which allows the company to offer the client a digital service.

The digital approach helps the operator establish an open, barrier-free interaction with visitors. Instead of traditional cash registers and large monitors, a light rack is installed in the reception area.

Digital service in salons helps to provide a virtual showcase "All in one click." It allows the client to check the Tele2 coverage map and performs the functions of a self-service terminal. Through the digital interface, the user can select a number, leave a request for transition according to MNP or change the tariff.

Also in digital salons are showcases, where products of the Chinese online hypermarket AliExpress are presented. The customer can test them and make an informed purchase decision. The range of display samples includes smartphones and complementary goods: headphones, smart watches, fitness bracelets and other gadgets.

In the salons of the updated format, Tele2 applies a digital approach to the display of goods. The visitor can interact and get acquainted with smartphones using an interactive showcase. It displays on a large display not only the characteristics of the gadget, but also objective reviews of the model.

The updated cabin design offers customers a convenient navigation through the range. Vendor zones are visually highlighted, and for popular models the rating on the Internet is reflected.

In the digital salon there is an open display of the next generation. Unlike industry practices, Tele2 not only offers to get acquainted with current models of smartphones, but forms different scenarios of digital ecosystems. The operator selected devices in different categories, taking into account their complementarity. Users can not only test the smartphone, but also supplement it with headphones, watches and other gadgets. Tele2 invites the client to "customize" the digital lifestyle himself.

All communications in the cabin are digital, which allows you to control them with one button. Tele2 can flexibly adjust messages for customers taking into account changes in external conditions, promptly update information and make current proposals.

The cabin has an event display. Here the company will present its recommendations and information about events with the participation of Tele2, offers of the More loyalty program and notable events in the cultural life of the city.

Launching LTE roaming in Cuba

August 9, 2019 Tele2 announced the launch - LTEroaming on. To Cuba High-speed mobile is now available Internet to travellers on the 4G network on the Caribbean's largest island, with the cost of services remaining the same.

You can reduce the cost of mobile Internet using the Unlimited Internet Abroad service. The option allows Tele2 customers to freely use data services on foreign trips and not be afraid of unexpected communication costs. The subscription fee is 350 rubles per day and is debited from the client's account only in case of actual access to the network. If the client does not use the Internet abroad or is in Russia, there is no fee for the service. Connecting the option is free.

Travelers will be able to call from Cuba to anywhere in the world for 65 rubles per minute, the same amount will cost incoming calls. Sending SMS will cost 12 rubles.

Do our customers need LTE in Cuba? Of course, we decided, having studied the reports on roaming activity of users. Subscribers downloaded more traffic on Freedom Island last summer than in some European countries. Those traveling to Cuba are our young and active audience. Such customers receive a lot of impressions on vacation - and prefer to quickly share them without waiting for access to Wi-Fi,

Commissioning of SkyNet MVNO

Tele2, an alternative mobile operator, launched into commercial operation MVNO SkyNet on its network on June 26, 2019 in. St. Petersburg More. here

As of June 2019, more than 20 MVNOs were launched on the Tele2 infrastructure. These include projects of Rostelecom, Sberbank, Virgin Connect, Tinkoff Bank, Tsentr2M, MS-SpecTelecom, MCN Telecom, TransTeleCom, Easy4, SIM SIM, V-Tell, Danycom, etc. At the same time, the number of MVNO subscribers on the Tele2 network exceeds 2 million people. Tele2 accounts for more than half of the subscribers connected by Russian MVNOs for 2017-2018. The rapid launch of virtual operators is provided by the MVNE and MVNA platforms implemented by Tele2.

The Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian Federation agreed on the purchase by Rostelecom of VTB's stake in Tele2

Rostelecom has agreed with the government a deal to acquire VTB's stake in Tele2, TASS reported in June 2019, citing a statement by Sergei Ivanov, Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for Environmental Protection, Ecology and Transport, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Rostelecom, which he made on the sidelines of the PMEF-2019 (St. Petersburg International Economic Forum).

Ivanov said that the corresponding directive is now in the government. "The deal has been agreed and is not negotiable. Documentary and legal registration goes on as usual. But even without issuing all the directives in recent years, Tele2 has actually been under the management of Rostelecom managers. Financial conditions and everything is agreed, VTB will enter [the shareholders], "he said.

FAS recognized VimpelCom, MTS and Tele2 as violators of antimonopoly legislation

On May 15, 2019, it became known that the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) recognized mobile operators Mobile Telesystems (MTS), VimpelCom and T2 Mobile as violators of the Law on Protection of Competition. We are talking about the establishment of discriminatory conditions when forming tariffs for SMS mailings for state and commercial organizations that put consumers in an unequal position. Read more here.

Joint testing of IoT solutions for housing and communal services with Rostelecom and Nokia

On April 15, 2019, Tele2 announced that, together with Rostelecom and Nokia, it tested solutions based on the Internet of Things (IoT) for housing and communal services. The tests took place in Moscow on the basis of the Tele2 LTE network. The technology will allow energy sales companies to reduce the cost of data collection, and users to conveniently pay for electricity. Read more here.

A fine of 250 thousand rubles. for creating a false impression of involvement in FIFA

On April 10, 2019, it became known that the FAS fined Tele2 250 thousand rubles. for violation of the Law on the Protection of Competition. The operator's marketing campaign gave the impression of his involvement with the FIFA brand and the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

The Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) of Russia imposed a fine on Tele2 (T2 Mobile LLC) for placing an external advertisement "SPECIALLY FOR FANS," as well as information on its official website about the tariffs "Goal" and "Super Goal" and about a series of events planned for fans.

The FAS saw in the operator's actions the creation of a false impression among consumers that the company is a sponsor of FIFA or is otherwise involved in the FIFA events. The International Federation of Football Associations did not conclude agreements with the company giving the right to post such information.

{{quote 'Such a presentation of information also led to an outflow of consumer demand from the services of the official sponsor of FIFA, a decrease in profits that FIFA and its official sponsor could count on, and an unreasonable redistribution of demand between Tele2 and other mobile operators, "the FAS reports. }}

Olga Galushina, head of the Tele2 strategic communications department, said that Tele2 is considering appealing the FAS decision[19] of [20].

Rostelecom announced plans to increase its stake in Tele2 to 100%

Rostelecom will increase its stake in Tele2 from 45% to 100% by buying back shares from Tele2 Russia Holding AB, which is owned by VTB and Alexey Mordashov's Invintel B.V.

The fact that Rostelecom agreed on the conditions for the consolidation of 100% of the Tele2 operator was told by the president of the state operator Mikhail Oseevsky, Vedomosti writes. According to him, now the parties are discussing the technical aspects of the deal. Oseevsky also noted that the revenue of the combined company will amount to about 500 billion rubles. At the same time, he stressed that Tele2 will remain an independent company with existing management.

According to the interlocutor of Vedomosti, Rostelecom could pay for the purchase of a stake in Tele2 with quasi-treasury shares. According to one of the members of the board of directors of Tele2, for a deal with Rostelecom, the entire T2 RTK Holding is estimated at 240 billion rubles.

Readiness to start creating a cellular network for socially significant facilities in Russia

The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications supported the proposal of Rostelecom, T2 Mobile LLC (Tele2 brand) and FSUE RTRS to determine the only provider of wireless broadband services for socially significant objects, including the Russian Guard, the Ministry of Emergencies and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Kommersant Publishing House reported on February 12, 2019 with reference to a letter from the Deputy Head of the Ministry of Communications Yevgeny Kislyakov to the Analytical Center under the government. Read more here.


Launch of tax monitoring

On December 25, 2018, Tele2 announced that it was switching to online tax monitoring from January 1, 2019. The operator joins 43 companies that have already implemented tax monitoring and jointly provide 12.25% of tax revenues to the federal budget.

Tax monitoring is a form of tax control. It replaces traditional checks with online interaction: the system provides remote access to the taxpayer's information platforms and their tax records. This method of providing data to the tax service allows you to quickly coordinate approaches to taxation and consult about completed and planned transactions.

This monitoring system allows you to check only those transactions that may be potentially risky. Also, the format will reduce the number of tax disputes and increase the likelihood of pre-trial settlement of issues.

As part of the transition to tax monitoring, Tele2 is introducing a single platform "Data Showcase" - an account with remote access to operator data for tax officers. Representatives of the inspectorate online will be able to view tax reports and samples of the company's primary documents. In the personal account of "Data Marts," the taxpayer will receive requests from the regulatory authority to clarify the indicators of tax reporting and promptly respond to them. This format of interaction will help Tele2 optimize the costs of tax administration and reduce the number of requests from the regulatory authority.

Entering the tax monitoring regime will allow Tele2 not only to improve the quality of tax administration, but also to simplify the processes related to the control of tax reporting. This is the next stage of cooperation with the tax service, which meets global trends in improving the format of tax control. The open interaction envisaged by monitoring contributes to the strengthening of mutual trust between the inspecting body and the taxpayer. We appreciate the opportunity to conduct a dialogue with the tax service in a similar format and are confident that it will increase the effectiveness of cooperation with regulatory authorities.
'Nikolay Surikov, Chief Financial Officer of Tele2 '

International roaming launch in Antarctica

On December 24, 2019, Tele2 announced that it had begun providing communication services in international roaming in Antarctica. The bulk of the population of Villa las Estrellas is the Chilean military and their families. However, travelers and philatelists often look here. The latter travel to the village specifically to send a postcard from local mail with an Antarctic stamp.

Roaming in Antarctica

Travelers will be able to call from Villa las Estrellas anywhere in the world for 65 rubles per minute, the same amount will cost incoming calls. Sending SMS will cost 12 rubles. You can reduce the cost of mobile Internet using the Unlimited Internet Abroad service. For 350 rubles a day, roumers will receive the Internet without restrictions on the volume of traffic.

A significant part of Tele2 subscribers is a young and active audience that loves extreme sports and unusual travel. These customers get to both Kamchatka hills and Icelandic Tórshavn. And when this amazing event happens, Tele2 services will be available to our subscriber.

Rostelecom intends to gain control over Tele2 - media

Rostelecom intends to increase its stake in Tele2, in which it owns 45%. Vedomosti writes about this in September 2018, citing sources close to the operator and its shareholders. Mobile business will be an important competitive advantage for the Internet provider, according to the media.

According to the publication, the federal provider is going to receive a controlling share or higher. One of the sources said that VTB could sell part of the shares to Rostelecom. The operator can pay for the package with quasi-treasury shares.

The publication writes that negotiations on increasing the share have probably been going on since at least the beginning of summer. A number of sources suggest the deal could be closed as early as this fall.

New Chief information officer - Dmitry Kholkin

In February 2018, Dmitry Kholkin was appointed Director of IT Tele2]. In this position, he replaced Olga Mordkovich, the wife of the former Minister of Education Dmitry Livanov, who worked at Tele2 for more than 13 years. Read more here.


Revenue growth by 16% to RUB 123 bln

  • Revenue increased by 16.2% compared to 2016 and reached 123 billion rubles;
  • EBITDA amounted to 30.5 billion rubles − increased by 83.9% compared to the same period last year;
  • The company's net loss decreased by 64.6% in 2017 to 5.5 billion rubles from 15.6 billion rubles a year earlier.

  • The subscriber base of the company as of December 31, 2017 amounted to 40.6 million people, an increase of 1.6 million people per year;
  • Average income per subscriber (ARPU) increased by 10.9% and amounted to 252 rubles;
  • The number of active mobile Internet users for the year increased by 39%;
  • In 2017, the number of regions of the Russian Federation where 4G networks operate increased 2 times from 25 to 50 regions.

Opening of the Federal Competence Center B2B

Tele2 logo in 2017

On September 5, 2017, the operator Tele2 , as part of a project to introduce a new business model, announced the creation of a federal center for operational support for corporate sales and service. It operates at two sites in and and Irkutsk Nizhny Novgorod serves all regional divisions of Tele2.

The development of the Tele2 corporate services market and the increase in the client base has become a key factor for the creation of the B2B competence center. The operator is moving from a regional structure to a federalized management model to optimize business processes in the corporate services market and ensure a better return on investment.

The main tasks of the B2B competence center are to support the company's macro-regions in terms of operational reporting and analytics, as well as to conduct financial and service operations in the business segment. The center's specialists are responsible for forecasting and analyzing the main indicators of corporate business, conducting financial transactions, controlling receivables, working with customer claims, drawing up contracts and promoting remote services and services.

Operational support groups for corporate sales and services in Irkutsk and Nizhny Novgorod serve all macroregions of Tele2 - Baikal and the Far East, Siberia, Ural, Volga, North-West, South, Chernozemye, Center and Moscow.

Earlier, Tele2 opened a service center for legal support and contractual work, and the operator also intends to create centers of competence for the commercial function and personnel management directorate.

Moving to Comcity

Tele2 and PPF Real Estate Russia, a developer and management company of the Comcity class A office park, announced the signing of a long-term lease agreement by the operator of more than 13 thousand square meters. The consultant for the lease was JLL.

Tele2 will be headquartered in the Comcity office park. The operator consolidates the central and Moscow offices in one space. The company's move is scheduled for the first half of 2018.

Comcity's Class A office park has a city-in-town format

The office park is located in the Southwestern administrative district of the capital, 350 meters from the Rumyantsevo metro station. As of August 2017, it employs more than 8 thousand employees.

The Class A office park has a city-in-town format, which consists of office space, a retail gallery, underground parking and a large landscaped area. Comcity has a developed infrastructure: in addition to offices, there are two canteens, 10 restaurants and cafes, a fitness center, a supermarket and stores that provide various services and goods.

The rapid development of Tele2's business and the expansion of the team require a large office space that can contribute to the further growth of the company. The project of consolidating four existing Tele2 offices in Moscow in a single space will allow us to achieve a synergy effect: the new joint operator's office in Comcity will create a favorable atmosphere for interaction between employees and partners, open communication and comfortable work of the team, - commented on the move Alexander Shmagelsky, Director for Control of Administrative Activities and Regional Interaction Tele2.


Key Events of the Year

  • During the year, the company introduced HD-Voice technology in 3G networks, which allows you to strengthen the realism of voice transmission and create a feeling of live communication among users. Now HD-Voice mode is valid in all third-generation Tele2 networks.
  • In February, Tele2 began selling its first branded smartphone, the Tele2 Mini. In the second half of 2016, new models of the company's branded devices entered the market - Tele2 Midi, Tele2 Midi LTE, Tele2 Maxi, Tele2 Maxi LTE. They are also very popular among the operator's subscribers.
  • Tele2 continued to launch 4G networks. Residents of Voronezh, Irkutsk, Kemerovo, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Rostov, Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk regions, the Republic of Karelia and Krasnodar received access to fourth-generation mobile Internet services.
  • In May 2016, Tele2 put into commercial operation the first in the Russia LTE network at 450 MHz frequencies in the Tver and Novgorod regions. Later, the LTE-450 network under the Skylink brand appeared St. Petersburg in the Leningrad Region, in the Moscow Region. The uniqueness of this technology lies in the quality coverage and high data transfer rates even in the most remote corners, which undoubtedly helps to eliminate the digital inequality in the country.
  • In the fall, Tele2 celebrated its first year of operation in Moscow and the Moscow region. During this time, the company has increased the number of base stations, expanded the coverage area of ​ ​ the network - operator services are available in the territory where 97% of the population of Moscow and the region lives. In addition, Tele2 has already been recognized three times as the leader in data transfer rates in the capital region.
  • Subscriber support has always been one of the priority areas in Tele2. In October, the company celebrated the 10th anniversary of the launch of a unified remote subscriber support service in Rostov-on-Don. During this period, Tele2 expanded the contact center and opened new sites in Chelyabinsk, Irkutsk and Saransk.

Tele2 stopped taking money for the transfer of the number, but pays extra for the transition

Tele2 offers subscribers of Primorye, Kamchatka, Sakhalin, Kolyma and the Jewish Autonomous Region to go to the company's network for free with the preservation of the previous number and receive a bonus - 300 rubles to the mobile phone account.

Tele2 provides new subscribers who came from other operators with their number with a bonus of 300 rubles to the mobile phone account within three months. The first 100 rubles will arrive a month after the transition, and in the next two months the subscriber will receive 100 rubles each when replenishing the balance in the amount of 50 rubles or more.

{{main 'Mobile number portability, MNP "Mobile slavery

Sberbank CIB called Tele2's exit to Moscow a mistake

The operator's entry into the Moscow market damaged its profitability and increased its debt burden, analysts say. Shareholders Tele2 are unhappy with how things are going and can sell their shares, the source said, "Sberbank Sheets[21][22]

Due to high marketing costs and low tariffs that did not bring proper income, entering Moscow damaged Tele2's profitability and increased the company's debt burden, analysts say. The operator's total capital expenditures in 2015 tripled to 39 billion rubles, the share of capital expenditures relative to revenue jumped to 41% from 15% in 2014, Sberbank CIB analysts say. The ratio of debt to EBITDA in 2013 was 1.2, in 2015 - 4.4, and by the end of 2016 will grow to 6. ​V a result, Tele2 now spends more than half of EBITDA on servicing interest on debt, the report emphasizes.

According to the authors of the report, the fate of a niche player awaits in the capital of Tele2: according to the Big Three operators, only 0.7-0.8 million Tele2 subscribers from the Moscow region communicate with their subscribers. Tele2 works in networks of standards/ 3G, 4G which 40% of Moscow subscribers cannot use, analysts say. The influx of subscribers could also slow the rise in prices for the operator's cheapest tariff, they warn.

In the report, Sberbank CIB names four possible scenarios for Tele2: continuing investments in the Moscow market, merging with another operator, selling the capital's network to a Big Three company and full consolidation with Rostelecom, which with a 45% stake is Tele2's largest shareholder.

In addition to Rostelecom, T2 RTK Holding (operates under the Tele2 brand) is owned VTB (share - 27.5%), Bank "" Russia(22%) and billionaire Alexei Mordashov (5.5%). Tele2 shareholders are unhappy with how things are going in, To Moscow two sources close to one of the operator's co-owners told Vedomosti. One of the sources did not rule out that VTB, Russia and Alexei Mordashov could sell their shares. An interlocutor close to VTB ruled out the possibility of selling: "this is a newly growing company with corresponding difficulties," he explained.

The representative of VTB called the information about the possible sale of the share untrue and noted that the conclusions of Sberbank CIB analysts "are based on abstract reasoning, do not take into account business realities and are speculative." The representative of Rostelecom Valery Kostarev said that the company is pleased with the operational indicators of Tele2's entry into Moscow. A representative of Alexei Mordashov declined to comment, the Mikhailov & Partners agency, representing Rossiya Bank, did not respond to the request.

AK&M confirms Tele2 creditworthiness rating at "A +"

The "A +" rating means that Tele2 has a very high level of creditworthiness. According to AK&M analysts, the key factors supporting the assigned rating were: maintaining stable market positions of the federal mobile operator, the effectiveness of the company's business model, positive dynamics of cash flows from core activities and the growth of the subscriber base.

According to analysts, Tele2's position in the Russian market for mobile communications services continues to strengthen. After the integration of Rostelecom's cellular assets is completed, Tele2 controls about 15% of the subscriber base in Russia and is constantly increasing its share of its presence in the country's telecom market. According to the results of the first quarter of 2016, the operator's number of subscribers amounted to 38.4 million people, an increase of 3.4 million people year-on-year. According to AC&M Consulting, in the fourth quarter of 2015, Tele2 provided 46% of net connections in Russia, and in the first quarter of 2016 this figure was 100%.

Analysts of the rating agency AK&M also note the stability of net cash flow (Net Cash Flow, NCF) from Tele2's operating activities. At the end of 2015, it increased by 5.2% year-on-year and amounted to 18.7 billion rubles. In the first quarter of 2016, this indicator increased by 74.9% compared to the same period last year.

Tele2 and VimpelCom will unite networks in 27 regions

VimpelCom and Tele2 agreed in the summer of 2016 to create a joint network in several dozen regions of Russia, follows from their agreement of intent, which Vedomosti managed to get acquainted with. Operators will share passive and active infrastructure (communication channels and switching equipment), as well as 2G, 3G and 4G (LTE) frequencies in 27 regions, including Irkutsk, Saratov, Tver regions, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, Krasnodar Territory, the agreement says, under which the signatures of the general directors of VimpelCom Mikhail Slobodin and Tele2 Sergei Emdin. In addition, the companies agreed to create united networks in eight more regions - Magadan, Ulyanovsk, Omsk, Astrakhan, Ryazan and Orenburg regions, Kamchatka and Mordovia - but with a reservation: since VimpelCom has similar agreements with other operators in these territories, it should try to talk with them about concluding trilateral agreements, with the participation of Tele2[23].

The partnership between VimpelCom and Tele2 does not apply to Moscow and the region, in addition, Tele2's 450 MHz frequencies are not included in it - until it builds a commercial network on them.

The purpose of the agreement is to reduce the operating and capital costs of both companies: from now on they will share the costs of maintenance and modernization of the network. How significant savings can be is not specified in the agreement.


Loan of 15 billion rubles for the purchase of foreign equipment

On December 28, 2015, it became known that a new credit line was opened at VTB for Tele2 in order to purchase foreign telecommunications equipment. This loan is far from the first for a mobile operator.

According Interfax to VTB, within the framework of long-term financing of import contracts, the bank provides (T2 RTK Holding LLC Tele2 operator) more than 15 billion rubles for a period of 6.5 years. This money will be used to pay for the supply and installation of telecommunications equipment, ON licenses and related communication services.

VTB provided Tele2 with more than 15 billion rubles for the purchase of foreign equipment

The names of the equipment and software suppliers with whom Tele2 will cooperate using the new credit line are not named.

In May 2015, VTB provided Tele2 with a loan for 97.5 million euros with a maturity of 6.5 years for the purchase of Nokia Networks equipment. At the same time, VTB opened a 131.5 million euro credit line (until November 2021) to finance the purchase of equipment and Ericsson software.

Being one of the shareholders and the largest creditor of Tele2, VTB provided the operator with several large loans. In April 2014, the cellular company attracted two credit lines in the bank with a total volume of 33 billion rubles. In addition, a preferential loan was provided under the project financing mechanism for 16 billion rubles, issued for the construction of mobile networks in Moscow and the Moscow region.

According to Tele2 reports, by the end of September 2015, the company's short-term liabilities amount to 72.9 billion rubles against 47.9 billion rubles in early January. At the same time, long-term liabilities decreased during this period to 60.4 billion rubles from 75.3 billion rubles.[24]

8 thousand employees

In the fall of 2015 Tele2 , about 8 thousand employees work in. The staff structure of the company was formed as a result of the merger of mobile assets "" and Rostelecom their transfer to business processes Tele2. According to the results of the second quarter of 2015, there are 4.3 thousand subscribers and 2.95 million rubles revenues per employee. Thus, Tele2 demonstrates the best performance indicators in the cellular communication market. Russia

Launch of the Tele2 network in Moscow

The launch of the Moscow network "T2 RTK Holding," operating under the Tele2 brand, was scheduled for August 15, 2015. The date of entry into the capital's communications market Tele2 was announced by[25] to Vedomosti, a person familiar with several managers of this company and confirmed by one of Tele2's former partners. Konstantin Prokshin, a representative of T2 RTK Holding, did not confirm or deny this information: the company has not yet disclosed the start date in Moscow. Future tariffs have also been kept secret for now.

It was reported that Moscow Tele2 subscribers will be able not only to talk on the phone, but also to use mobile Internet in 3G and 4G LTE networks, Prokshin told the newspaper. The network will cover not only the city, but also the Moscow region, Tele2 contracts will be sold in its own salons, the number of which at the start will exceed 600, as well as in stores Video m"," Auchan"," "Coherent" kiosks "AiF" and "Rospechat," branches "" Russian Post Office- only about 10 thousand points.

Before launching the network, Tele2 must put it into operation. To Roskomnadzor While the network has not been commissioned, an official close to this department told the publication, but the operator is actively installing base stations - there are already about 2,000 of them registered. Earlier, Vedomosti interlocutors said that by the time of the Moscow launch, Tele2 will have 4,000 operating base stations.

Tele2 in Moscow (2015)

On October 19, 2015, the operator Tele2 announced the readiness of the distribution network in Moscow and the Moscow Region to launch operations[26]

Completing the creation of its own single-brand retail network, the operator entered into agreements on the sale of SIM-cards with federal and local partners. After the launch of the Tele2 network into commercial operation, the operator's SIM cards will be sold in 11 thousand points in Moscow and the region. On the eve of entering the Moscow market, the company established partnerships with the largest national cellular retailers: agreements were concluded with Svyaznoy Group of Companies and Euroset on the sale of Tele2 connection kits.

In Moscow, as in other regions of presence, the operator will continue to cooperate with Russian Post, ARIA-AiF retail chains, Eldorado and other partners.

On October 14, 2015, Tele2 entered into a cooperation agreement with the Pyaterochka trading network (X5 Retail Group) in the Moscow region. The operator's SIM cards will appear in about a thousand stores of this retail chain in Moscow and the Moscow region.

The company has reached an agreement with Moscow network telecom retailers: Mobile Element Group of Companies and Artex Mobile. Tele2 branded communications supermarkets located on the central streets of Moscow, on the territory of the main transport hubs of the capital, are ready for opening.

It was reported that on October 22, 2015, Tele2 will open more than 400 monobrand salons and trading modules for residents of the capital region. Points of sale and service of the operator's subscribers will appear in popular shopping and entertainment centers of the capital, including Evropeyskiy, Afimol, Okhotny Ryad, Metropolis, Capitol, RIO and others.

Tele2 communication salons will appear in Mytishchi, Orekhovo-Zuev, Krasnogorsk, Vidny, Odintsovo, Reutov, Bronnitsy, Dmitrov, Domodedovo, Dubna, Volokolamsk, Elektrostal, Zelenograd, Sergiev Posad, Korolev, Zvenigorod, Pushkin, Troitsk, Nakhabin, Mozhaisk, Naro-Fominsk, Shchelkov, Balashikha.

Igor Maistrenko, director of sales and development of the mass segment of Tele2, noted:

"For the sale of connection kits in the metropolitan area, Tele2 has created an effective distribution network that will harmoniously combine a variety of sales channels. For such a large city as Moscow, it is very important that subscriber service centers are within walking distance: this applies not only to mono-brand retail, but also to alternative sales channels. That is why we paid great attention to high-quality planning of the targeted program of our points, chose the most significant and visited shopping centers, streets and transport hubs of the city. "


New Federal Cellular Operator Completed

Tele2, an alternative mobile operator, and Rostelecom, a national telecom operator, announced in August 2014 the closure of the second stage of the transaction to integrate mobile assets and the legal completion of the creation of a new federal cellular operator.

As part of the closure of the second stage of the transaction, Rostelecom contributed to the capital of the new federal cellular operator created on the basis of Tele2 100% of the shares of RT-Mobile CJSC, which includes a wide range of cellular licenses 2G/3G and a federal 4G license.

During the first stage of the transaction, on March 28, 2014, Tele2 was transferred to seven subsidiaries of Rostelecom cellular companies: SkyLink, Nizhny Novgorod Cellular Communications, Baikalvestcom, BIT, Volgograd GSM, Yeniseitelecom and AKOS.

The shareholders of the new federal mobile operator are VTB Group, ROSSIYA Bank Group, SOGAZ Insurance Group and Alexei Mordashov's structure, which owns 55%, and Rostelecom, which owns 45%.

After the closure of the second stage of the transaction, the new federal cellular operator Tele2 began to provide communication services in more than 60 regions of Russia, received 2G/3G licenses in all federal districts and a 4G license for the entire territory of Russia.

At the moment, Tele2 continues to transfer Rostelecom's assets to unified business processes and bring them in line with the overall organizational structure. As part of the integration, the rebranding of cellular companies is planned.

Election of the Board of Directors, Head - Yury Solovyov

Tele2 shareholders (T2 RTK Holding LLC) decided in April 2014 to elect the company's board of directors. The board included 11 people representing Tele2 shareholders. The Tele2 Board of Directors was headed by Yury Solovyov, First Deputy President - Chairman of the VTB Board . The Board of Directors also established committees on strategy, capital investments, personnel and remuneration and audit. The committees are designed to improve the efficiency of the council by in-depth study of key issues brought to its meetings.

Tele2 Board of Directors:

  • Yury Solovyov, First Deputy President - Chairman of the Management Board of VTB - Chairman of the Board of Directors of Tele2
  • Bruno Ducharme, head of investment firm TIW Capital Partners - independent director
  • Stefano Zuppet, Managing Director - Head of Investment Banking at VTB Capital Light Industry
  • Bojan Ivanovic, Executive Director - VTB Capital Private Equity and Special Projects Department
  • Mikhail Irzhevsky, Vice President, Rostelecom Legal Affairs
  • Sergey Kalugin, President of OJSC Rostelecom
  • Dmitry Lebedev, Managing Director of ADB Management CJSC
  • Vladimir Lukin, First Deputy General Director of Severgroup CJSC
  • Kai-Uwe Mehlhorn, Senior Vice President - Chief Financial Officer of OJSC Rostelecom
  • Alexander Pentya, Vice President of ADB Management CJSC
  • Alexander Rogovoy, Executive Vice President of OJSC Rostelecom

Transition from 7 to 9 macro-regions in 60 constituent entities of Russia

The federal cellular operator Tele2 provides communication services under the Tele2 brand collectively in more than 60 regions of Russia, with a subscriber base of about 38 million people.

In connection with the expansion of the geography of the company's activities, nine macro-regions (MR) were formed instead of seven that existed earlier.

The structure will increase the efficiency of managing Tele2's operating activities and the integration project of Rostelecom's cellular assets.

In the structure of Tele2, a new macro-region "Moscow" was created, and MR "Volga and Ural" was divided into two divisions - "Volga" and "Ural." In addition, the macroregion "Central-Chernozemny" was renamed "Chernozemye."

  • The macroregion "Moscow" includes Moscow and the Moscow region. Igor Zhizhikin, who previously served as general director of the Volga-Ural macro-region, was appointed general director of the macro-region in March 2014.

  • The macroregion "Center" now includes 9 regions, including two new ones. The general director of the macroregion is Sergey Timoshin, who has held this position since 2011.

  • MR Chernozemye includes 9 regions, including two new ones. The general director of the macroregion is Dmitry Sadykov, previously the general director of the Central Chernozemny MP.

  • Macroregion "South" now includes 12 regions. 9 new regions were added to three regions of Tele2. Director General of the macro-region Andrei Andrei Holodov this position since 2013.

  • The MR "North-West" includes 11 regions. Since 2012, the macro-region has been headed by Oleg Telyukov.

  • MR Volga has been expanded from three to 10 regions. Ravil Haybulin, previously commercial director of MR Central-Chernozemny, became the CEO of MR.

  • MR "Ural" has 9 regions. The vacancy of the head of the region is still open.

  • MR Siberia includes 11 regions, including 7 new ones. Director General of the macro-region Alexey Nozdrin has been working in this position since 2010.

  • MR "Far East" has been supplemented by 5 new regions, and now it includes 10 regions. Director General of the macro-region Vladimir Osipenko has held the position since 2011.


The merger of the assets of Tele2 Russia and Rostelecom

The Board of Directors of Rostelecom approved in December 2013 the merger of its cellular assets into a joint venture with Tele2 Russia Holding AB. As a result of this transaction, T2 RTK Holding will be formed. At the same time, Rostelecom will contribute most of its cellular assets and licenses to the capital of T2 RTK Holding, while Tele2 Russia will transfer all its cellular assets in Russia to the joint venture. It is expected that the first stage of the transaction will be closed in the first quarter of 2014.

As part of the transaction, the transfer of assets of this operator will be carried out in two stages. At the first stage, Rostelecom will transfer its independent mobile subsidiaries and other assets, including Sky Link, to T2 RTK Holding. At the end of the first stage, Rostelecom will receive 45% of voting rights and 26% of the economic share in T2 RTK Holding.

During the second stage, Rostelecom will allocate its integrated mobile assets to a 100% subsidiary - CJSC RT-Mobile, for which Rostelecom's licenses for the provision of cellular services (including LTE licenses) are expected to be re-issued. Upon completion of the allocation, Rostelecom will contribute all shares of RT-Mobile CJSC to the capital of T2 RTK Holding and bring its economic stake in T2 RTK Holding to 45%.

Start of acceptance of applications from subscribers of other networks for number change

In December 2013, Tele2 began accepting applications from subscribers of other operators for the transition to its network with the preservation of the number (MNP). As an operator acting in the interests of subscribers, Tele2 has always supported the idea of ​ ​ abolishing "mobile slavery." The number transfer service gives users greater freedom to choose the most appropriate operator.

Transfer of the holding company to the jurisdiction of Russia

In October 2013, Tele2 announced the transfer of the holding company to Russian jurisdiction. Now all subsidiaries of the operator belong to T2 Rus Holding LLC. LLC T2 Rus Holding, owned by VTB Group, controls regional legal entities Tele2 Russia. Previously, all operating companies were owned by Tele2 Russia Holding AB (Sweden), which came under the control of VTB after acquiring Russian business from the Swedish group Tele2 AB in March 2013.

As part of the change in jurisdiction, the entire existing business of Tele2 Russia has been preserved in full, and the regional structure of the group has not undergone changes.

MVNO License Acquisition

In September Tele2 Russia , she received a federal license to work as a virtual mobile operator (, MVNO Mobile Virtual Network Operator). The license allows Tele2 to implement MVNO with any mobile operator and provide communication services using any technology available to possible partners, including 3G and 4G.

How friends of Vladimir Putin bought Tele2. Scheme

In September, VTB registered T2 Netherlands offshore in the Netherlands to consolidate mobile operators owned by Tele2. It was in this offshore structure that the structures of Bank Russia - also registered in Holland offshore companies Invintel and ABR Investments - acquired 40% and 10% of shares, respectively[27].

According to an extract from the Dutch Chamber of Commerce register at the disposal of CNews, Invintel was wholly owned by ABR Investments at the time of its inception in September. That, in turn, completely belongs to the St. Petersburg investment company Abros - 100% of the subsidiary of Bank Russia, also registered in St. Petersburg (see scheme).

Image:Акционерная структура Tele2 Россия.jpg

The consortium created by Rossiya Bank for the purchase of Tele2 also included other investors. One of them is the owner of Severstal Alexey Mordashov. The names of the remaining investors, as well as the distribution of shares between them, were not disclosed. Judging by the extracts from the register, new investors received shares in the offshore Invintel.

The authorized capital of T2 Netherlands is 2.4 billion euros. It had five members on its board in September. After the sale of half of the shares of this offshore, the board of directors was reduced to four persons, and it was left by the first deputy chairman of VTB Yury Solovyov. Now there are two people on the council from VTB. The council also included the head of the management reporting department of Bank Russia, Alexander Pentya, and the Dutch company Intertrust, which manages the aforementioned offshore company Invintel (apparently, we are talking about a trustee).

Note that the chairman of the board of directors of Bank Russia is Yuri Kovalchuk. He and his brother, Mikhail Kovalchuk, director of the Kurchatov Institute, are considered longtime acquaintances of President Vladimir Putin. In particular, in the 1990s, the Kovalchuk brothers, together with Putin, were shareholders of the St. Petersburg dacha cooperative "Lake."

The current president of Russia was probably familiar with other co-owners of Bank Russia. Thus, Nikolai Shamalov, who owns 10% of the bank, was also a shareholder of the Lake cooperative, and Dmitry Gorelov, who also owns 10%, was a partner of the Putin-led Committee on External Relations of St. Petersburg. As for Alexei Mordashov (6%), he is a long-time partner of Bank Russia. Mordashov is a shareholder of both the bank itself and the National Media Group he created. Yuri Kovalchuk owns a 30% stake in Bank Russia.

VTB agreed to sell half of Tele2 Russia to Bank Russia and A. Mordashov

VTB agreed to sell a 50% stake in the mobile operator Tele2 Russia"" to three Russian investors for more than $1.8 billion, said First Deputy President of VTB Yury Solovyov in an interview with The Wall Street Journal. The buyers of the share will be the subsidiaries of Rossiya Bank Yuri Kovalchuk and the company owned by Severstal owner Alexei Mordashov, he said. A third buyer was not named.

Successful LTE trials in the 1800 MHz band

In the summer of 2013, Tele2, together with the Research Institute of Radio, successfully conducted the second series of tests of LTE technology in the 1800 MHz band in the operating network of the operator in the Kaluga Region. Tests have proven that the operation of LTE networks at 1800 MHz frequencies in Russia is possible and does not lead to a decrease in quality in GSM networks.

The operator's network covers 11 thousand federal roads - this is 94% of key highways passing through the licensed territory of Tele2. In 2013, Tele2 activated the TFO (Tandem Free Operation) function in 37 out of 42 regions of the operator's network in Russia. The function made it possible to significantly improve the quality of speech transmission during conversations within the network.

Takeover of Voronezh "Kodotel"

In June 2013, for the first time in several years, the company carried out a deal to acquire a regional player - Voronezh Kodotel. The deal confirmed Tele2's intentions to further develop its business, increase value, strengthen its positions in existing regions and enter new ones.

A1 plans to challenge the sale of VTB, because it is ready to pay more

On March 28, 2013, Alfa-Group's investment division, A1, announced its intention to challenge VTB the acquisition Tele2 Russia and its readiness to offer up to $4 billion in cash for the company without using debt financing.

The company said in a statement that it had been negotiating the purchase of Tele2 Russia for a year. According to the company, the price proposed by VTB for Tele2 Russia is lower than the market price, and this transaction contradicts the interests of Tele2 shareholders.

In the evening of the same day, a statement of readiness to jointly acquire Tele2's Russian business for $4.0-4.25 billion, including $1.15 billion of the company's net debt, was made by MTS and VimpelCom.

The amount of the premium for Tele2 AB shareholders may be up to 30% compared to the price previously proposed by VTB, the operators said in a statement. They sent a letter with a corresponding proposal to the management and board of directors of Tele2.

"We concluded that the potential joint acquisition is realizable and, acting together, we will be able to obtain the necessary regulatory approvals in each relevant regional market in accordance with the practice of the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS)," the operators said in a joint statement.

VTB buys Tele2 Russia

Tele2 AB Group made a decision in the spring of 2013 to sell the Russian division to VTB Group, the company said in a statement. The structure of the transaction involves the payment of funds in the amount of $2.4 billion for the company's share capital and the redemption of net debt to Tele2 Russia, which is $1.15 billion.

The amount of the transaction is equivalent to the EV/EBITDA multiplier of 4.9 based on the results for 2012. The transaction is planned to be completed in the near future.


Tele2 thought about selling Russian business

As it became known to RBC daily, the local "daughter" of the Swedish operator Tele2 will be sold if the company fails to get frequencies for development on its fourth-generation communication networks. A potential buyer has already been found: Tele2 held preliminary consultations on this issue with Rostelecom.

Shareholders of the Russian Tele2 will have to decide the fate of this asset in the near future, three managers in large telecom companies told RBC daily and confirmed the director of one of the investment funds. According to them, the Swedes are seriously considering the possibility of "profitably selling" business in Russia, if the company fails to obtain licenses for the development of the 4G standard in the local market.

"The chances that Tele2 will allow developing data transmission at existing frequencies are frankly too small. The voice services market is stagnating. And the company's management in private conversations with representatives of various companies has repeatedly voiced the idea that in the absence of a frequency resource, the company's business may become unprofitable by 2015, "says one of RBC's daily interlocutors.

Tele2 held talks with Rostelecom, but they were preliminary in nature, sources told RBC daily. According to one of them, the company's valuation at the level of 3.4-3.7 billion dollars appeared in the negotiations. "This is the seller's price, Rostelecom did not conduct due diligence," says an interlocutor close to the state operator. Earlier, Tele2 estimated its business based on a multiplier of 8 EBITDA, or just over $5 billion, another source knows. But, he says, now the Swedes are ready to make significant concessions.

"The asset may be of interest MTS to". " MegaFon There will be a fight for him, "the top manager of one of the operators is sure. He says that Swedish shareholders do not yet have a clear position on the sale issue, they are only "working out" this option for an "extreme case." "Clarity will come in a few months," he says.

Tele2 officially announced that the information on the possible sale of the company and the alleged negotiations on the sale contained in the article "Tele2, give two" newspapers "RBC daily" (No. 87 of May 15, 2012) is completely untrue.

A source close to the company says "consolidation is inevitable, but this is not a matter of immediate perspective." Rostelecom declined to comment.

The number of Tele2 subscribers in Russia exceeds 20 million people. The company has licenses for the provision of services in the 2G standard in 37 Russian regions. According to AC&M Consulting, at the end of the year Tele2 was the fourth cellular operator in terms of the number of subscribers in Russia.

The merger of cellular assets controlled by Svyazinvest (currently controlled by Rostelecom) was discussed with any of the regional players even during the period of approval of the holding's strategy before the reorganization. Tele2 also appeared in the draft strategy (and with it another major regional player, Motive). But then the Swedish company was not ready to part with the asset, and Svyazinvest had to abandon this idea.

Nevertheless, Tele2 does not seem to lose hope that the company will be able to maintain independence by being able to provide data services using the latest technology. Dmitry Strashnov, head of the company in Russia, yesterday on the sidelines of the Svyazexpokom exhibition told RBC daily that Tele2, despite the unfavorable conditions of LTE contests, intends to participate in them. In addition, he noted, the company hopes to adopt the principle of technological neutrality. "We tested the compatibility of two standards, 4G and 2G, on the same frequencies. We are confident that technically nothing prevents such a principle from being adopted, "says Mr Strashnov.

The estimate at the level of 3.4-3.7 billion dollars is quite fair, said Anna Kurbatova, an analyst at Gazprombank. "The multiplier is thus approximately 5.6 to EBITDA. The Big Three operators trade with the multiplier at 4.3-4.5. This is a normal difference, since the value of public companies during transactions is slightly higher than the market value. In addition, if we compare the cost of one subscriber, say, with the same indicator from MTS, we get a quite fair price - $165 per subscriber from Tele2 against $179 from MTS, "says Ms. Kurbatova.

Results of the technical development of the Tele2 Russia network

The company increased the number of base stations by 14%, which allowed to expand the coverage area of ​ ​ the network and improve the quality of communication. Over the year, the Tele2 network covered new territories, which are home to more than 1.8 million people.

The central event of 2012 was the launch of the GSM network in the Russian Far East. In the fall, the company began working in the Sakhalin and Magadan regions, Kamchatka Territory and the Jewish Autonomous Region. Now the operator's services are available to residents of 41 regions of Russia from Kaliningrad to Kamchatka. An important area of ​ ​ technological development of Tele2 in 2012 was the expansion of radio coverage of key roads in Russia. Large-scale work to improve the quality of communication was carried out on the routes: Moscow - St. Petersburg (M10 "Russia"), Moscow - Riga (M9 "Baltic"); Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod (Volga M7).

At the end of the year, the Tele2 network covered 164 thousand km of roads of regional and inter-municipal importance, as well as more than 10 thousand km of key federal highways. The coverage of roads passing through the licensed territory of Tele2 Russia was 86%. In addition to the development of network infrastructure on highways, the coverage along the Moscow-St. Petersburg railway track was expanded.

During the year, work to increase the network capacity was carried out in all regions of Tele2 Russia's presence. Thus, more than 98% of the population of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region became available to the operator. The company has improved the quality of communication inside buildings in the central areas of the Northern capital and in remote residential areas. Tele2 communication appeared at the Vododny Canal metro station.

Tele2 has improved the quality of communication and expanded the coverage area of ​ ​ the network in popular places of recreation for Russians, including on Lake Seliger and on the Black Sea coast. The operator carried out work to increase the coverage of Olympic facilities, special attention was paid to the quality of communication in the city of Sochi. In addition, the company has completed technical measures aimed at providing Tele2 with communication to the last district of the Rostov region.

Mobile construction Tele2 affected not only large regional centers, but also remote settlements, where the presence of mobile communications is of important social importance. Thus, the Tele2 network appeared in the villages of Karay-Saltykovo, 1st Left Lamki and the village of Sovkhozny, Tambov Region, in which previously mobile communications were completely absent. Also, work to improve the quality of communication was carried out in sparsely populated areas of the Vologda, Kemerovo, Kostroma, Pskov, Chelyabinsk regions and the Republic of Udmurtia.


Continued network expansion in Russia

In November 2011, Tele2 continued to expand its coverage area and improve the quality of communication in all regions of its presence in Russia. In September and October 2011, Tele2 Russia built more than 200 new base stations and additionally provided communication to about 300 settlements. The network capacity in the Krasnodar Territory was increased. Additional base stations have been launched in Krasnodar, Sochi, Novorossiysk, Armavir and Kropotkin. In the Omsk region, network infrastructure facilities were built in the Tarsky, Novovarshavsky, Azov and Pavlograd districts. More than 9 thousand residents of rural areas of the region can now use Tele2 communication.

In September - October, the quality of communication was improved and the coverage area was increased in 11 districts of the Rostov region. The Tele2 mobile network signal appeared in 17 settlements of the Novosibirsk region. On the territory of the Tver region, the coverage of the federal highway M-9 has been improved. The Tele2 technical service carried out large-scale work to expand the coverage area and improve the quality of communication in the Glazovsky, Vavozh and Debessky districts of the Udmurt Republic. The network signal appeared in the settlements of Vodzimonye, Zyambaigurt, Kakmoz, Kvashur, Bolshaya Mozhga, Vavozhsky district and Parzi, Chebershur, Yagoshur, Glazovsky district. New network infrastructure facilities made it possible to improve the quality of communication and expand the coverage area in the Leningrad Region. Base stations were built in Vyborg, Lodeinopolsky, Priozersky, Tikhvin, Volosovsky, Luga, Lomonosov districts of the region. Thanks to active work to increase the coverage area, more than 15 thousand residents of remote rural areas of the Komi Republic can use a high-quality and inexpensive mobile network.

Meeting of the Minister of Communications I. Shchegolev with a member of the Board of Directors of Tele2

In early April 2011, the Minister of Communications of the Russian Federation Igor Shchegolev met with the general director of Investment AB Kinnevik (owns 47.5% of Tele2 voting shares) and a member of the board of directors of Tele2 Mia Brunell Livfors. The meeting took place last week in Stockholm, where a session of the Russian-Swedish Supervisory Committee for Trade and Economic Cooperation was held. The initiator was the Swedish side.

Shchegolev and Brunell Livfors discussed many issues, including the possibility of creating 4G networks in Russia. For Tele2, this is a burning issue, because in a few years Russia has turned for the Swedes into the most important market. In 2010, it provided more than 50% of all group subscribers and about 35% of consolidated EBITDA. Meanwhile, all attempts by Tele2 to get frequencies to create a 4G network in Russia based on LTE technology have so far been unsuccessful.

The Swedish company was not included in the consortium, which the State Commission on Radio Frequencies (GKRCH) in December 2010 instructed to create a state-owned Rostelecom to study the situation with LTE-suitable frequencies and to develop the conditions for tenders for these frequencies (now most of them are occupied by the military). GKRCH allowed Russian operators of the cellular "Big Three" - MTS, VimpelCom and Megafon to participate in this work. But it is difficult to imagine that Swedish Tele2 will be able to access the strategic frequency resource, Shchegolev told reporters in January 2011.

Tele2 nevertheless decided to compete. In February 2011, President of Tele2 Russia Dmitry Strashnov sent a letter to Shchegolev with a request to include the Swedish company in the consortium. There is no answer yet, Strashnov told Vedomosti[28]. The decision on Tele2's participation in the consortium should be made collectively and with the participation of the regulator, said Anna Aibasheva, a representative of VimpelCom. However, the consortium itself has not yet been created - lawyers are still discussing its charter, adds the manager of another company participating in the association.

Tele2 was excluded from another major agreement. In early March 2011, the Big Three operators and Rostelecom agreed with the WiMax operator Scartel (Yota brand) to use the LTE network, which this company will build on its existing frequencies. In addition, four operators received options to buy 20% of Yota shares in 2014.

The meeting with Shchegolev did not give the Swedes special results, says the Russian partner Tele2. At a meeting with Brunell Livfors, the minister made it clear that all issues related to the allocation of frequencies for Tele2, the creation of networks and their use must be resolved "within the framework and procedures established by Russian law," says Lashkina.

Plan for the placement of bonds for 30 billion rubles ($1 billion) in Russia

On March 30, 2011, it became known that Tele2 Russia Holding AB decided that the St. Petersburg Telecom OJSC controlled by it should place seven issues of ten-year bonds totaling 30 billion rubles. ($1.06 billion at the Central Bank exchange rate as of March 30[29].

The funds raised will be used to finance corporate needs and for the further development of the Tele2 group of companies, Tele2 Russia President Dmitry Strashnov told Vedomosti. But in Russia this year, the company intends to invest three times less - 2 billion Swedish crowns (about $310 million), according to a Tele2 report for 2010. Usually money for investments in Russia is engaged in the West, but Tele2 decided to act outside the box - to borrow in Russia for development, including foreign companies of the group, says Strashnov. Russia has the greatest potential among Tele2 markets and "we considered that this is the right and beautiful decision," he added. He refused any other details.

In total, Tele2 has invested more than $2 billion in the construction of networks in Russia since 2003. Now the reverse process is taking place. Tele2 plans to replace intra-group loans with external loans, a source close to the participants in the bond placement says. The financial debt of St. Petersburg Telecom itself at the end of 2009, according to SPARK-Interfax, amounted to only 886 million rubles. (about $29.3 million).

At the beginning of 2010, St. Petersburg Telecom had only 3.9 billion rubles. ($129 million) assets, revenue for 2009 amounted to 5.24 billion rubles. ($173 million), net profit - 845 million rubles. ($28 million). With such indicators for a loan of 30 billion rubles. the company will most likely have to find guarantors, says Veles Capital analyst Ivan Manaenko. Moreover, the Swedish shareholder can hardly become a guarantor, he says, but several other companies of the holding can vouch. This has already happened on the Russian market, but this reduces the quality of the borrower in the eyes of creditors, warns Manaenko. A source close to Tele2 confirmed: there will be guarantees.

In any case, Tele2 will have to disclose more information about Russian subsidiaries in order to place bonds with a yield comparable to the securities of competing companies - VimpelCom and MTS, which are more understandable for investors. Now similar issues of MTS and VimpelCom bonds are traded at a yield of about 7% per annum.

However, perhaps Tele2 already has agreements with one of the banks and bonds - this is just a form that replaces lending, Manaenko suggests. Then the company is unlikely to have problems with placement.

Neocorp demands through the court from Tele2 to buy out Orwell

In March 2011, it became known that Neocorp Inc., which owns telecommunications assets in the CIS countries, filed a lawsuit against Tele2 in arbitration at the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce[30]. The lawsuit was registered, the hearing was scheduled for November 2011, the arbitration materials say.

Neocorp requires Tele2 to fulfill the agreement on the purchase from it of Orvell, which owns 100% of LLC Construction and Installation Department of Mobile Communications (SMUPS), for $38 million. The contract was concluded in the spring of 2007 on the eve of auctions on GSM frequencies, at which Tele2 won licenses for 17 regions, actually doubling its presence in Russia: now the company operates in 37 regions. According to a representative of Neocorp, Tele2 asked her to help in planning networks and preparing sites for their construction. Under the terms of the contests, the faster the operator promised to launch the network, the higher its chances of winning, so the Swedish company needed to enlist such support. In accordance with the agreement, SMUPS undertook to submit reports on the configuration of the network, its development priorities, as well as analyze the market in all competitive regions. And Tele2, in turn, was supposed to buy Orwell from Neocorp no later than March 31, 2008. But Tele2 refused to pay, he says.

Even before the completion of the transaction, Neocorp handed over to Tele2 all the documents to the SMUPS, the representative of Neocorp claims. Then a group of people who are employees of the Russian representative office of Tele2, including the management, caused economic damage to the SMUPS in the amount of 356.8 million rubles, according to a letter from the general director of the SMUPS Vyacheslav Chukanov, which was sent to the Minister of Communications and Mass Media Igor Shchegolev in early March 2011.

Chukanov refers to the audit report of YVK Audit dated October 20, 2008, according to which SMUPS, in particular, conducted several transactions with Tele2 subsidiaries with a significant loss to itself.

On the fact of damage, the Investigation Department of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Southern District of Moscow opened a criminal case under the article "Fraud," Chukanov's letter says. This was confirmed by a law enforcement source. But, according to him, the case has now been suspended due to the inability to identify the perpetrators.

No formal criminal cases were initiated against Tele2 employees, said Bengtsson, chief legal adviser to Tele2.

2010: Dealer Agreement with Euroset

On August 3, 2010, it became known that Tele2 both "" Euroset entered into a new dealer agreement. Until now, there have been local agreements between the companies with their own conditions in each region. Now the agreement is unified, unlimited and applies to all 34 regions of Tele2's presence. Euroset The new sales plan, according to Smirnova, provides for an increase in the monthly volume of connections to Tele2 by 40% compared to 2009. If so, then at least 420,000 Tele2 SIM cards will have to be sold over the year.

Euroset sold about 12 million sim-cards in 2009, of which Tele2 accounted for, according to Alexander Malis, 2.5%, that is, about 300,000.

The partners did not disclose the commercial terms of the new agreement, noting only that the amount of remuneration that Tele2 will pay to the retailer will be no less than the payments of Megafon and VimpelCom (according to these operators, in 2009 each subscriber attracted through Euroset cost them $24.2 with VAT). The difference in the commissions of Tele2 and VimpelCom with Megafon will be proportional to the difference in the size of the average accounts of their subscribers (ARPU), a source close to one of the parties to the negotiations said. At VimpelCom and Megafon, the size of the Russian ARPU was 307.7 rubles in the first quarter of 2010. and 295 rubles. per month, respectively, Tele2 - 206 rubles. per month (30-33% less). Based on these calculations, Tele2 must pay Euroset $16-17 per subscriber. But in fact, this is more than $20, says a manager close to the other side of the negotiations: the ARPU of new Tele2 subscribers is higher, and the constant part of the remuneration (about $10 per subscriber) is the same for all operators.

Tele2 is actively recruiting subscribers itself, says Anton Pogrebinsky, partner at AC & M-Consulting. But the mobile market is becoming more and more saturated and poaching subscribers from other companies is becoming more and more difficult, he explains. In addition, over the past year, Tele2 has begun operations in 20 new regions and Euroset can help the operator quickly take a share in local markets, says Pogrebinsky.

2009: Dmitry Strashnov appointed president of the company in Russia

In 2009, Dmitry Strashnov was appointed president of Tele2 Russia.

At this time, Tele2 Russia is a division of the Swedish company Tele2 AB. The fourth largest mobile operator in Russia. It provides GSM mobile services in 19 regions, serving about 11 million subscribers. The company also owns a cellular network in the Kaliningrad region and GSM licenses for 16 more regions of Russia, which are planned to be launched under the Tele2 brand during 2009-2010.

2008: Russian Tele2 business with 10 million subscribers separated into a separate unit

Tele2 headquarters decided to separate Russian business into a separate business unit in 2008. In the same year, the number of Tele2 subscribers in Russia exceeded 10 million people.

2003: Sweden's Tele2 AB launches cellular network in Russia

In 2003, Sweden's Tele2 AB launched a cellular network in Russia.


  1. T2 serves 54% of virtual operator market subscribers in Russia
  2. Tele2's annual revenue under RAS increased by 18.7% - to 245.6 billion rubles
  3. T2 has installed over 36 thousand base stations - the results of technical development in 2024
  4. Tele2 will cancel roaming in Crimea and Sevastopol in the fall
  5. Tele2 closed another 130 salons in 3 months
  6. Tele2 intends to reduce the number of stores by 15% by August to improve efficiency
  7. Mobile operator Tele2 optimizes infrastructure operation
  8. Case A40-245858/2022.
  9. Data of participants in the Tele2 loyalty program got into the public domain
  12. Tele2 transfers network management processes to the cloud
  13. "Rostelecom" revealed the details of the purchase of Tele2
  14. According to ACM-Consulting, not including MVNO for 6 months of 2019
  15. Tele2 Russia forecast at the end of 2019
  16. NPSNet promote score - the index
  17. determining consumer adherence to a product or company (readiness to recommend index).
  18. operators. According to Roskomnadzor, as of October 30, 2019
  19. [ ChM-2018 cost Tele2 a quarter
  20. ]a million
  21. CIB considers Tele2's exit to Moscow in vain
  22. Sberbank CIB called Tele2's exit to Moscow a mistake.
  23. Vedomosti: Tele2 and VimpelCom will unite networks in 27 regions. But in Moscow, operators will continue to work one by one
  24. VTB provided Tele2 with more than 15 billion rubles. for foreign equipment
  25. Tele2 will start working in Moscow on August 15
  26. The Tele2 retail network is ready to launch in Moscow.
  27. How Putin's friends bought Tele2. DIAGRAM
  28. ixzz1Iv0qacF8 Swedish intercessor
  29. )# ixzz1I42jDj7h To Russia for money
  30. Billed