MIEM HSE Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
123458, st. Tallinn, d. 34
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The Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics (MIEM) is a structural unit of the Higher School of Economics.
Discovery of the direction of safety of machine learning and AI together with VK
The School of Engineering and Mathematics (IMSh) expands the training of specialists in the field of information security. Due to the high demand for specialized specialists, the workshop for high-load systems expands the areas of work and is transformed into the workshop for the secure development and operation of high-load systems. This is a strategically important area in which the IIEM HSE has accumulated significant expertise. The HSE announced this on March 10, 2025.
The workshop will open a division dedicated to machine learning security (ML Security). It focuses on protecting artificial intelligence models and their datacets from various types of attacks: theft, malicious data and substitution of results.
Students working in this direction will gain practical experience in automating machine learning processes (MLOps) and ensuring their safety (MLSecOps). In teams led by experts, they will deal with:
- the development of R&D MLSecOps tools - the study of attacks on ML models and the creation of a register of solutions for their protection;
- creation of security control tools for ML models and datacets - utilities for analyzing the resistance of models to threats and automating their security verification.
The direction is launched with the support of the industrial partner - VK. Project leaders are experts from the Center for Software Development and Digital Services at the Higher School of Economics: Viktor Minchenkov and Mikhail Shulgin.
The discovery of this direction in the HMI is an important step for MIEM. As part of the workshops, our students gain practical skills and confident command of tools. Thanks to the participation of experts and work on real projects from the industrial partner - VK, we help students get the necessary impetus to start a successful career in technology companies, said Dmitry Kovalenko, HSE Vice-Rector, Director of MIEM.
This area opens up opportunities for students to participate in current research and develop solutions that will determine the future of data protection and machine learning.
{{quote 'author=noted Dmitry Kukolev, head of SOC VK.|Work on projects of the Engineering and Mathematical School is a challenge. But the process will definitely be fascinating, and the results will be useful, }}
For the first time in Russia achieved a stable 6G connection
In February 2025, for the first time in Russia, the Research Institute of Telecommunications of the National Research University Higher School of Economics and Economics achieved efficient and sustainable operation of the next generation wireless communication channel (6G) at sub-terahertz frequencies. During the tests, the data transfer rate reached 12 gigabits per second. Read more here
Partnership with "Element" to create a model for training engineers for high-tech industries
The Element Group of Companies will become a key industrial partner of the Higher School of Economics National Research University (HSE) in creating a system for training specialists for high-tech industries. The training will be organized on the basis of the Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics named after A.N. Tikhonov (MIEM) HSE. Element announced this on January 29, 2025.
In this model of engineering personnel training, special attention is paid to microelectronics and electronic engineering - areas that are critical for the technological leadership of Russia. It is planned to develop educational programs focused on the study of advanced technologies, including artificial intelligence and automation of production processes; student participation in the development of innovative technological solutions; project training with a focus on real industrial tasks. Students will undergo practical training at the production sites of the Element Group of Companies.
Evgeny Kruk, combining the positions of scientific director and director of the Higher School of Economics, will concentrate on the scientific track of the Institute's development, and Dmitry Kovalenko, a graduate of the Higher School of Economics in the Management in Higher Education program, who previously held the positions of vice-rector of the Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology (MIET) and head of the center for work with universities at SberUniversity, will become the director . His work experience and deep understanding of the interaction between universities and the industry create opportunities for a qualitative increase in the level of training of engineering personnel.
Dmitry Kovalenko stressed that the task of the institute is to train specialists capable of developing competitive technological products. In turn, Yevgeny Kruk noted that cooperation with the Element Group of Companies will increase the HSE's contribution to the training of engineering personnel to ensure the country's technological leadership.
{{quote 'author=said Ilya Ivantsov, President of Element Group of Companies. | Together with Russian universities, we are working to revive the country's strong school for training specialists in engineering professions for high-tech industries, industries primarily microelectronics. Our experience and knowledge of technological processes will allow us to complement the HSE scientific base and create an advanced center for the training of engineering personnel capable of solving complex technological problems on the MIEM platform. As an industrial partner, we will be able to strengthen theoretical knowledge with practical skills and transfer to students our experience in organizing high-tech production, which they can apply at industry enterprises,}}
Шаблон:Quote 'author=noted Nikita Anisimov, Rector of the Higher School of Economics.
Opening of the Research Institute of Telecommunications
On the basis of the Moscow Institute electronic engineers HSE of Mathematics (MIEM), it was created, Telecommunications Research Institute (NIIT) which will work on advanced research and development in the field of communication technologies. NIIT will not only be engaged in innovation and commercialization of developments, but will also become an important educational center for the training of development engineers focused on the needs of the domestic. telecommunication industries This was HSE announced on November 14, 2024. Read more here. [1]
Opening of a telecom workshop together with T2
T2 together Moscow electronic engineers with the A.N. Tikhonov Institute of Mathematics (MIEM HSE), they implemented a workshop for training technical specialists -. telecomindustries The operator has formed a scholarship program and an individual development plan for the high-quality preparation of students for future work in the company. During the training, 12 students will work on real cases, and their solutions will be applied in the interests of business. T2 The operator announced this on November 1, 2024.
The T2 workshop is a design and educational structure with the provision of basic educational content from the company's experts and individual educational trajectories of students. The workshop will practice 12 students of MIEM. Based on the results of work on projects, they can apply for an internship and further employment in the technical and IT functions of the operator.
Throughout the year, students will work to implement various cases, including those related to analyzing data on the state of telecommunications equipment when deploying, debugging and maintaining mobile communication networks. Students will also be engaged in visualizing metrics to assess the quality characteristics of network coverage. During training, students are planned to be paid a scholarship from T2, and the results of the completed cases will be used in the work of the operator.
On the basis of the workshop, MIEM students will be able to receive the maximum specialized training for future work in a telecom company on current tasks. To manage the workshop and organize the educational process, MIEM has formed a team of teachers with experience in mobile operators and leading manufacturers of mobile equipment. Special courses are available to students on all aspects of mobile communication, as well as the basics of designing mobile networks and infrastructure equipment.
{{quote 'author=said Aleksei Dmitriyev, technical director of T2. | Improving the quality of training of IT specialists in universities is designated by the regulator as one of the ten priority tasks of the telecom industry. To fulfill market-critical goals, including import substitution, we need highly qualified personnel. You can be sure of the quality of this task only if you are involved in it. We are sure that personnel can and should be nurtured from the student bench. T2 experts will train the younger generation to work in the operator using the example of real business tasks, and we plan to use the results of their work to improve our network. The result of training in the workshop will be the involvement of students in work in T2,}}
Шаблон:Quote 'author=said Sergei Portnoy, D.Sc., professor at MIEM, workshop manager.
Opening a telecom technology workshop with Yadro
MIEM HSE and Yadro have opened a workshop in the field of telecom technologies. This was reported on February 16, 2024 at the Higher School of Economics.
The workshop "Mathematical Algorithms and Modeling in Telecommunications" is a joint project of the Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics named after A.N. Tikhonov of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics" (MIEM HSE) and Yadro.
Students who have successfully passed the selection, under the guidance of teachers of the Higher School of Economics and experts from Yadro, will work on solving practical problems for the development, optimization and modeling of mathematical algorithms used in modern mobile networks of the 4th and 5th generations. In addition, all workshop participants will receive a monthly scholarship from Yadro.
The Yadro educational track will complement the undergraduate programs of the IIEM HSE, which will allow students of different courses to gain theoretical knowledge and practical skills that are in demand in the field of telecommunications and are necessary for a successful career. In addition, teamwork will be another step in the implementation of practice-oriented study at the university, which also includes the opportunity for well-established students to complete an internship at Yadro.
"The opening of the workshop was another step in the development of cooperation between Yadro and MIEM HSE. Advanced mobile technologies are promising areas of high-tech production, in which it is extremely important to increase competencies. We appreciate the opportunity to directly learn what knowledge and skills a potential employer wants to see from young specialists, and we expect that our cooperation will provide a high level of training for specialists in the field of telecom technologies, "said Evgeny Kruk, scientific director and director of MIEM NIU. |
"Our cooperation with MIEM is aimed at popularizing promising telecom technologies, as well as the profession of engineer in telecom development. The Yadro educational track will combine the experience of company experts and university teachers. Together with project work in the new Workshop, this will allow future specialists to gain knowledge and practical skills in one of the fastest growing industries, "said Evgeny Maksimov, director of ecosystem development and educational initiatives at Yadro. |
2017: Launch of the named scholarship program InfoWatch
On September 4, 2017, InfoWatch Group of Companies (GC) announced the launch of a personalized scholarship program at the Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics of the National Research University Higher School of Economics (IIEM HSE), which is aimed at supporting and developing the intellectual and creative potential of students of technical specialties in the field of information security.
According to Natalia Kasperskaya, President of InfoWatch Group of Companies, the best second and third-year students of the university who are interested in the IT field will receive personal InfoWatch scholarships annually. According to the results of three stages of the competition, 10 university students will be selected annually, the best of whom will become scholarship holders of the company directly, and several more people will remain in the program reserve.
One of the main goals of the InfoWatch scholarship is to support specialized training of highly qualified personnel in the field of information security, "said Natalya Kasperskaya, president of the InfoWatch group of companies. - Despite the fact that everyone knows about the importance of information security in the modern digital world, Russia is still experiencing a personnel shortage in this area. I hope that our scholarship will help talented children who are interested in information security and related areas to develop their knowledge and skills, continue to conduct research activities. I am especially pleased that MIEM students will become fellows of the company, and InfoWatch will thus support the high reputation of my native alma mater. |
Students who study at the budget department of the Higher School of Economics and do not have grades below "Good" in the last two (before the competition) modules of the year can take part in the InfoWatch scholarship program. In addition, the applicant will have to write project work on one of nine topics: computer networks, microcontrollers and robotics, the Internet of Things, information security, wireless sensor networks, programming for the Internet, applications for mobile devices, quantum algorithms, mathematical modeling and optimization. The selection of candidates will be carried out by a special commission, which will include representatives of InfoWatch and program coordinators from the IIEM HSE. Each finalist of the competition will receive 15 thousand rubles a month during the year.
In 2016, Natalya Kasperskaya and the management of IIEM HSE signed a framework agreement on cooperation between the company and the university. The launch of the scholarship program was the next stage in the development of comprehensive cooperation between InfoWatch Group of Companies and IIEM HSE. The plans for 2018, within the framework of the cooperation agreement, define the creation at the IIEM HSE of a specialized department of information security, the graduates of which should in the future make up the intellectual core of InfoWatch Group of Companies.
Training specialists in the field of information technology, including security and security, is a priority, the solution of which will be focused in the near future. In this regard, cooperation with InfoWatch Group of Companies is considered by MIEM as a driver of one of the strategic directions of the university's development, "said Evgeny Kruk, director of the MIEM HSE, professor, doctor of technical sciences. |
1993: Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering renamed the Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics, retaining the abbreviation MIEM
In 1993, the Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering was renamed the Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics, retaining the abbreviation MIEM, and shortly before that the third faculty - radio engineering - was renamed the Faculty of Informatics and Telecommunications. A new faculty appeared - economics and mathematics, where they recruited mainly "commercial" students.
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