6G networks
Main article: 6G (sixth generation of mobile communications)
For the first time in Russia achieved a stable 6G connection
In February 2025, for the first time in Russia, the Research Institute of Telecommunications of the National Research University Higher School of Economics and Economics achieved efficient and sustainable operation of the next generation wireless communication channel (6G) at sub-terahertz frequencies. During the tests, the data transfer rate reached 12 gigabits per second.
According to TASS, the researchers conducted successful trials in four typical scenarios for using 6G communication: when working with virtual reality systems, watching videos, during calls and in online games.
Evgeny Kucheryavy, director of the Research Institute of Telecommunications at the Higher School of Economics, said: We have shown that the 6G system can stably transmit data at the desired frequencies and speeds. This is an important step for the development of communication technologies. |
Russian physicists have developed a special algorithm that with a probability of 95% determines the nature of use of the device in real time. This makes it possible to adjust the operation of the antennas of the 6G devices in such a way that small changes in the position of the signal receiver do not affect the communication quality.
To conduct tests, the researchers created prototypes of subscriber devices and a base station using both foreign and Russian components. A year ago, the team already developed algorithms to allow the subscriber unit to detect interference sources with a probability of 96-98% within a few milliseconds.
6G devices operate at sub-terahertz frequencies - tens and hundreds of gigahertz. This provides a high data rate, but makes systems more sensitive to interference and changes in the position of receivers and signal sources.
The new technology has attracted interest from telecommunications companies. Scientists are discussing the possibility of creating commercial devices that can compete with foreign counterparts.[1]
Allocation of ₽4,5 billion for the development of 5G Advanced and 6G
In 2025, Russia will begin implementing a program for the development of 5G Advanced and 6G technologies, for which ₽4,5 billion will be allocated by 2030. This amount turned out to be five times less than the market initially requested. This became known in January 2025. The financing of the project is distributed equally between the federal budget and extrabudgetary sources. Read more here
The Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation is going to begin researches of the standard of mobile communication 6G
On September 17, 2024, the head of the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation Maksut Shadayev announced that scientific research is beginning in Russia to develop a sixth generation mobile communication standard (6G). The work will be carried out within the framework of the national project "Data Economics."
The Ministry of Digital Development plans to start scientific research of the 6G standard from 2025. Let's start to explore it all, finance it, "Shadayev said. |
According to the minister, scientific research is planned to be carried out in cooperation with friendly countries. At the same time, Ministry of Digital Development does not go into details about the initiative. At the end of 2023, the Government of the Russian Federation approved the concept for the development of the communications industry, according to which domestic equipment of the 5G standard will be put into trial operation until 2030, 6G-Ready - until 2035.
MTS representatives told ComNews resource that the introduction of promising technologies and cellular communication standards requires conducting in-depth comprehensive research, first of all, fundamental and applied, taking into account promising developments in the industry and the experience of other countries. At the same time, T2 Mobile LLC said that the operator is ready to take part in research aimed at the development of 6G.
Konstantin Ankilov, General Director of TMT Consulting LLC, emphasizes that the development cycle of the new standard is long-term, and therefore it is logical to start research in 2025. He also says the exact characteristics of the 6G are yet to be determined. It is expected that 6G networks will allow data transfer at speeds from 100 Gbps to 1 Tbit/s. Eldar Murtazin, a leading analyst at Mobile Research Group LLC, notes that sixth-generation networks differ from 5G in that they are even more focused on the Internet of things, smart cities, etc.[2]
Russian scientists brought the transition to 6G closer
Scientists from the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INF SB RAS) have created a terahertz plasmon interferometer. The development will help you quickly select materials for plasmon wireless devices. Compared to ultra-high frequencies, the data transfer rate on terahertsev is an order of magnitude higher. This was announced on June 24, 2024 by representatives of the INF SB RAS. Read more here.
The sixth generation of communication will make tactile Internet available
In sixth generation (6G) mobile networks, there should be a performance improvement of 10 − 100 times over 5G networks. In particular, a holographic presence will be possible that will allow remote users to be present in the visualized space. As a result, tactile Internet will appear. Such information on October 3, 2023 with TAdviser was shared in the press service of the State Duma deputy RFAnton Nemkin with reference to the words of specialists from the Scientific and Technical Center of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise GRCC.
"We believe that different sensory sensations can be combined with holograms. Now we can only communicate with audio and video, but we cannot touch objects and move them. But this will be possible thanks to the combination of peripheral computing, robotics, artificial intelligence, augmented reality and 6G communications, "says the study" 6G Wireless Systems: Vision, Requirements, Problems, Ideas and Capabilities, "which GRCC experts refer to in their[3]. |
So, for example, using the tactile Internet, doctors will be able to conduct operations remotely - their actions will be repeated by robots, while doctors will be able to feel the force of reverse mechanical action.
According to experts, 6G technologies will allow you to operate in real time with such volumes of data and at such a speed that it will be comparable to the work of the human brain. According to experts, such technologies will require three orders of magnitude higher data transfer rates against 5G networks.
To transmit a holographic image of a medium-complex person in a near-real time mode, it will be necessary to divide the image into fragments measuring 10x10 cm, while a data transfer rate of about 4.32 Tbit/s is required. 4G and 5G technologies will not be able to provide these indicators. But scientists expect that such speed in 6G networks will be achievable, and the development of technologies today quite proves this theory, says Anton Nemkin, a member of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Information Technology and Communications.
"We will be able to use the sixth generation of communication by the end of the current decade, and judging by what experts say, this will be a completely different level. What used to seem fantastic is gradually becoming part of reality, the deputy said. |
For example, when implementing the 6G radio interface, artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies will be widely used. Augmented and mixed reality technologies will help create the effect of immersion of a person in an artificially created environment, communication will be used to ensure multisensory telepresence and holographic communication. The system will provide the possibility of wireless communication between devices with extremely high throughput with a low delay in transmitted messages. At the same time, the main goal of the development of the sixth generation mobile communication system is "to quickly overcome digital inequality," Anton Nemkin emphasized.
As previously told in Roskomnadzor, the sixth generation mobile communication system will IMT-2030 provide high throughput and provide a wide range of services, with data transfer rates up to several Gbps. For the operation of the system, a wide frequency range from 1 GHz to the sub-terahertz range (100-300 GHz) will be used, the development of which will ensure ultra-high speed in local areas.
The Ministry of Digital Development named the timing of the launch of commercial 6G networks in Russia
The launch of commercial 6G networks in Russia should take place by 2035. This is stated in the Strategy for the Development of the Communications Industry published Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation. The document was released in mid-August 2023.
According to the project, excerpts from which Interfax cites, the frequency requirements for 6G will depend on the scenarios of their use taken into account and range from 1 GHz to 3 GHz. It is noted that the Strategy for the Development of the Russian Communications Industry will be implemented in several stages. At the first of them (in 2023-2030), it is planned to develop and pilot operation of domestic equipment of 5G and 6G-Ready standards, as well as the introduction of the practice of sharing the supporting infrastructure by mobile operators to deploy 5G networks, and by 2035 - and 6G. It is predicted that the deployment of sixth generation networks in the world will begin in 2030, according to the document.
When manufacturers have some developments, operators will be ready to connect their expertise and discuss 6G testing, said an employee of one of the communications companies. Now there is no single concept of 6G technology in the world, it is under discussion, noted in Megaphone"" in August 2023. The operator's representatives are unfamiliar with the project, but welcome any Russian scientific research in this direction.
The introduction of the 6G is a question of a very distant future, how to develop this technology in the commercial plane in isolation from world institutes and equipment manufacturers, it is not very clear, says Sergey Polovnikov, head of the Content-Review project.
It is not even clear where to get LTE equipment now, there is no talk of even introducing 5G. And, as you know, defocusing and spraying efforts do not lead to the achievement of the intended goals, "he said.[4] |
6G communication system will work using artificial intelligence
Roskomnadzor In told about how communications the 6G system will work. In particular, when implementing it, technologies based on will be used, and artificial intelligence technologies will added mixed realities help create the effect of immersion of a person in an artificially created environment, a rich interactive video sequence will be possible. This was announced on July 28, 2023 by the press service of the deputy. State Duma of the Russian Federation Anton Nemkin
The International Telecommunication Union has already completed the development of a recommendation for the creation of a sixth-generation mobile communication system IMT-2030. The approval of detailed technical requirements for IMT-2030 will be completed by 2027, and the process of standardization of the latest generation mobile communication system - by 2030.
When implementing the radio interface of the IMT-2030 system, artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies will be widely used, including to eliminate mutual unacceptable radio interference. A radio network based on artificial intelligence will allow the implementation of intelligent data processing and the provision of resources on demand, - said the press service of Roskomnadzor. |
Multisensory telepresence and holographic communication will also be used. A distinctive feature of the sixth generation systems will be computing services along with data transfer services. Data processing will be carried out near their sources, which will reduce the waiting time for a response, as well as reduce the cost of data transmission, increase energy efficiency and confidentiality.
The sixth generation mobile communication system IMT-2030 is the next generation of 4G, which as of July 2023 is in every smartphone, recalled Anton Nemkin, a member of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Information Technology and Communications.
There is an active adoption of 5G technology, but progress does not stand still. AI will multiply reduce data transmission, increase energy efficiency and confidentiality of information, told in Roskomnadzor. In simple words, the connection will become even larger, more accurate and more efficient. The main reason is the elimination of global digital inequality. The Russians in this regard were very lucky - our Internet is one of the best in the world, - said the parliamentarian. |
Earlier, the Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation proposed to create a single radio frequency operator with state participation to implement the 5G communication standard, the Kommersant newspaper said, citing its sources. According to media reports, it is proposed to transfer to a single operator - it can be created on the basis of Rostelecom - frequency bands for creating 5G communication networks until 2035, including the spectrum used by analog broadcasters (694-790 MHz), bands 4.8-4.99 GHz and range 3.4-3.8 GHz. The selected operator, in turn, should implement a frequency sharing system with the ability for power bodies to turn off the radiation of radio electronic communications of operators in a given location.
Russia has developed software to speed up the emergence of 5G and 6G
On April 11, 2023, it became known about the creation of a software package in Russia, which should help accelerate the emergence of 5G and 6G networks. The technology was developed at the National Research Nuclear University of the Moscow Engineering and Physics Institute (MEPhI).
The created program uses complex mathematics and computational equations to calculate quantum states. The development independently conducts calculations several times faster than the foreign program, which scientists had previously tested. According to the results of the program calculation, specialists from MEPhI made test samples of heterostructures, which will soon begin to be used for the development of electro-optical components. It is noted that thanks to the development of a set of materials and technologies for creating component bases of radiophotonics, modern domestic communication systems will be able to get a new impetus for development.
As the experts of the institute noted on April 11, 2023, in the near future the frequencies of radio signals will step from the range of units of gigahertz (GHz) to tens and hundreds of gigahertz. If 5G + requires 37 GHz, then 6G will require more than 70 GHz.
To work with the new frequency band, it is no longer enough to simply put a base station that emits radio waves in all directions, you need to focus the rays. The concept of civil radio communication of the future is sharp beam beams with frequencies of several dozen gigahertz, explained in MEPhI.
The 6G is expected to operate in the 95 GHz to 3 THz band, which will require rebuilding networks around the world. But, as a source on the telecom market explained to Kommersant, the terahertz range has not yet stood out to anyone, not for any tasks - "it has not been studied either in terms of data transmission or in terms of security for humans."[5]
Rostec asked the government to add 6G to the roadmap for mobile networks
On June 1, 2022, it became known about Rostec's proposal to expand the Fifth Generation Mobile Communication Networks roadmap and add 6G communication standard developments there.
We are actively looking at opportunities to look into 6G. I understand that now it sounds a little fantasistic, because there are great difficulties in participating in those discussions, at those venues where 6G standards are discussed. But it is impossible and wrong to abandon this, we will look for new solutions through science, through institutions, through education, through partners - so that we are not thrown out of this agenda, - said Anna Sharipova, Managing Director for National Projects at Rostec. |
Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media RFAndrei Zarenin considers it absolutely correct to add section 6G to the roadmap for the development of networks in Russia.
Because if we don't, then we will constantly catch up. We need to step up here. To be introduced into international consortia and offer their solutions, - he said. |
By early June 2022, 6G network standards are not yet ready. Telecom companies from many countries of the world, including China and South Korea, are working on them. In particular, Huawei, LG and Samsung are working in this direction.
According to Rostelecom, in order to participate in the development of 6G, it is necessary to fully implement 5G, thanks to which there will be practical experience in operating the network and operating fundamentally new digital services based on it.
All these developments will be logically incorporated into the 6G network. It is important to think about the 6G today in order to secure a decent place for yourself in the future. Currently, the next generation is being formed, which means that domestic developers have a chance to take part in the technological race and protect innovations that are fundamental for the operation of sixth generation networks, the company emphasized.[6] |
Mishustin instructed to engage in the development of 6G networks
At the end of January 2022, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin instructed in two weeks to submit to the Government of the Russian Federation proposals for research and development aimed at developing sixth-generation (6G) mobile networks in the country.
The Ministry of Digital Development and the Ministry of Industry and Trade must prepare and submit to the government proposals for research and development work in the development of sixth-generation mobile networks by February 14, the press service of the cambin reports. |
This order was given by Mishustin following his trip to the Voronezh region on January 20, 2022. During this working visit to the radio electronic equipment factory in Voronezh, the head of the Government of the Russian Federation got acquainted with the latest developments for mobile communication networks.
According to forecasts of the Radio Research Institute (NIIR) and the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, 6G networks will appear in Russia by 2035. Pilot operation will begin no earlier than 2028-2029, and real equipment will appear in serial production at the turn of the 2030s.
6G networks will be an evolutionary continuation of networks, 5G as well as 5G will grow from the networks of the current generation, the To news representative explained. MTS Alexey Merkutov Therefore, industries and telecom operators first need to solve regulatory problems, build fifth-generation networks and implement business cases on their basis. It will be technologically impossible to jump right through the standard, and years will pass before the 6G is approved, he said.
VimpelCom believes that the development of 6G networks in Russia should differ from the situation with the fifth generation. The main obstacle to the large-scale launch of 5G networks is the lack of radio frequency spectrum for their implementation, the company recalled.[7][8]
NII Radio will conduct two research and development projects on the 5G and 6G line for MTUSI
There were no applicants for two research and development projects on the 5G and 6G lines, which the Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics (MTUSI), which was subordinate to it, ordered for the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development Science, except for another summing up of the ministry. As a result, not a penny from the total work budget of 356 million rubles. will not be saved. Read more here.
Ministry of Digital Development begins work on the creation of 6G networks in Russia
On August 30, 2021, it became known that the Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics (MTUSI), subordinate to the Ministry of Digital Science, is going to conduct research on wireless communication technologies, intelligent antenna systems, as well as quantum communications technologies.
The research work, which was assigned the Ether cipher, is aimed at developing wireless communication technologies in Russia. One of them is the sixth generation (6G) communication networks. The institute will transfer the results of the work to the Ministry of Digital Development. Read more here.
The head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade announced the start of work on 6G-networks in the Russian Federation
In early August 2020, it became known about work in Russia on 6G networks. The head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov shared some details in an interview with TASS.
According to him, Russian companies need from a year to three years to create 5G networks, and work on the next generation is still at the initial stage. The minister explained that for the introduction of 5G, the Ministry of Communications must make final decisions in which it will determine the standards for the use of such networks.
First you need to implement 5G projects, then 6G. And there are also such plans, but so far at the initial stage. And there is a complete understanding of 5G, we expect the Ministry of Communications to finally make decisions so that we can launch our investment projects. From the moment of making a decision and a go-ahead, it takes from a year to three years, depending on the components that are provided for in this standard, - TASS quoted Manturov as saying. |
He added that by the beginning of August 2020, research work was underway on 6G networks.
Earlier, the deputy head of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation Oleg Ivanov said that Russia should begin to develop 6G networks without waiting for the introduction of 5G. In his opinion, this is necessary in order not to lag behind other countries.
As noted by TASS, the sixth generation communication will replace 5G. By early August 2020, manufacturers are preparing various prototypes of equipment that could work on such networks.
On June 29, 2020, it was reported that scientists at ITMO University in St. Petersburg presented an ultra-fast router for data transmission in the 6G standard. In its work, the device uses a new high-frequency range, which allows you to increase the bandwidth that limits the capabilities of the technology of previous communication standards (4G and 5G).[9]
Skoltech asked 27 billion rubles for the production of components for 6G networks
On February 6, 2020, it became known about the proposal of the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech) to create an infrastructure on its territory for the production of components for optoelectronics in Russia, which can be used, among other things, in 6G networks. Investments in the project are estimated at 26.9 billion rubles (minimum production costs - 12.6 billion rubles), but the source of investment has yet to be found.
As RBC writes with reference to the presentation of Skoltech, the institute intends to engage in the development of optically saturated systems. They will help transfer, process and write large amounts of data and will be useful in complex calculations on such arrays of information. In addition, the new technologies will be applied in medical diagnosis and therapy systems.
Ruslan Yunusov, General Director of the Russian Quantum Center (Skolkovo resident), told RBC that the funds should go to the purchase of equipment, creating a clean zone and launching production. According to him, we are talking about government funding.
To organize production, Skoltech plans to create a cooperation of ten research institutes and nine production companies. Among the potential participants in the association, the presentation indicates both small companies (T8, Crocus Nanoelectronics) and specialized divisions of large corporations (Rostec, Rosatom, etc.), as well as universities and scientific organizations.
According to Skoltech, the volume of the global market for traditional photonics in 2019 reached $600 billion, while the potential of such technologies by February 2020 was realized by only 20%.
Rostelecom called the Skoltech project promising in terms of import substitution of the component base of domestic telecommunications equipment and the development of new promising Russian developments in this direction, which may be able to outstrip imported ones.[10]
- ↑ The Russian Federation plans to increase the stability of 6G communication systems
- ↑ Russia will study the 6G standard
- ↑ publication technology ability review/6G: what the new technology can give
- ↑ The launch of 5G in Russian cities with a population of 100 thousand people is scheduled for 2035
- ↑ Russian scientists have created a program to accelerate the emergence of 5G and 6G
- ↑ Rostec proposed to include 4G equipment tasks in the 5G roadmap
- ↑ Mikhail Mishustin gave instructions following a working trip to the Voronezh region
- ↑ Idea six: 6G may appear in Russia in 2035
- ↑ Manturov spoke about the possibility of introducing 6G in Russia
- ↑ Institute at Skolkovo asked for ₽27 billion for components for 6G