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Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology Skoltech, SINT


Higher educational institution in the Skolkovo Innovation Center.

Skolkovo Foundation




+ Skoltech (Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Skoltech)
+ Government of the Russian Federation

Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech, SINT) is a private educational research university located in Skolkovo (Russia, Moscow Region). An institution offering master's and PhD programs.

Established by the Skolkovo Foundation and the Skoltech Massachusetts Institute of Technology, it is part of the project initiated by Dmitry Medvedev in 2010 to create an innovation cluster in Skolkovo. Skoltech should focus on education and applied research.

According to information for May 2012, it is planned that 1200 will study at the institute, and in the future - up to 1800 students, 200 professors will work. The Institute, located in the central zone, near the technopark and transport terminal, should become the core of the innovative ecosystem, the main city-forming enterprise of Skolkovo.

In June 2012, it became known that Skoltech completed the first enrollment of students. The pilot group includes 21 people from 14 Russian higher educational institutions.

Initially, the institute plans five educational and research programs that correspond to the priority areas of Skolkovo's work, namely:

  • energy,
  • informational,
  • biomedical technologies,
  • space science and technology,
  • as well as peaceful nuclear science and technology.

For each of these programs, it will be possible to obtain a master's degree or doctor of science.


2025: Master's Degree Launch Plan 'Artificial Intelligence and Financial Technology'

In the fall of 2025, Sberbank, the Russian School of Economics (NES) and the Skolkovsky Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech) will launch the master's program "Artificial Intelligence and Financial Technologies." The program combines best practices, scientific and applied knowledge. It focuses on quantitative finance and financial technology using mathematical models of artificial intelligence, analytics, risk management and trading. Students will study key aspects of modern financial markets, institutions, technologies and products and will be able to work on Sberbank projects. Sberbank announced this on February 12, 2025. Read more here.

2024: Plan to create a joint master's degree with MIPT with a double diploma

On the basis of the Department of Technological Entrepreneurship MIPT+Skolkovo and Skoltech, students will be offered a joint educational program that will ensure the training of highly qualified personnel for technological. industries economies Students will have the opportunity to attend classes of both institutes, master two master's programs at once (Technical Representative of MIPT + Skolkovo and one of the Skoltech Masters, which include a module of technological entrepreneurship and innovation) and receive two diplomas. This was announced on April 11, 2024 by representatives. Sk Capital More. here


Dozens of developers of base stations based on the OpenRAN architecture are moving to MTS from Skoltech

About 30-35 developers of base stations on open architecture (Open Radio Access Network, OpenRAN, which became known on November 20, 2023, are moving to the Irteya company of the MTS group from Skoltech. Read more here.

Agreement with Rosseti Moscow Region in the field of technological development of the electric grid complex

On October 11, 2023, an agreement was signed between PJSC Rosseti Moscow Region and ANO Skolkovsky Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech), which is aimed at interaction in the field of technological development of the electric grid complex of the Moscow region. The agreement was signed by the general director of Rosseti Moscow Region PJSC Pyotr Sinyutin and the rector of Skoltech Alexander Kuleshov. Read more here.

Launch of the "Open 4G/5G Radio Measurement Program" together with MTUSI

Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics (MTUSI) and Skoltech Wireless Project Center on June 19, 2023 announced the launch of the "Open Radio Measurement Program 4G5G/." The project aims to analyze and measure the characteristics of radio equipment for fourth and fifth generation mobile networks. More. here

Presentation with QLU of magnetic relaxometry

A team of scientists from the company developing ultra-sensitive magnetic sensors for medical applications at QLU, the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology and several other universities has completed laboratory tests to use the sensor to analyze magnetic nanoparticles. The researchers were able to visualize the signal both in test tubes and in the tissues of living organisms. This fat is known on January 18, 2023. Read more here.


Creation by scientists of an algorithm capable of predicting the behavior of quantum systems

On November 1, 2022, it became known that a group of scientists from the Russian Quantum Center, the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, MISIS University and the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, together with colleagues, developed an algorithm capable of predicting the behavior of quantum systems subject to their interaction with the external environment. The predictive approach is entirely based on the analysis of available data, which is comparable to predictive analytics based on "big data," often used by technology companies. The results of numerical experiments are described in the scientific journal Physical Review Research. Read more here.

In Russia, they learned to diagnose schizophrenia from human blood

Russia They learned to diagnose schizophrenia from human blood, which became known in mid-September 2022. Scientists of the Research Institute of Mental Health of the Tomsk National Research Medical Center RAS and their Moscow colleagues found proteins in the serum blood of people suffering from schizophrenia that can become biological markers for the timely diagnosis of this disease. More. here

Exclusion from 5G Developers Alliance

Russian companies have lost their membership in the international alliance OpenRAN (Open Radio Access Network), consisting of telecom equipment developers, Vedomosti writes. In particular, the operator MTS and Skoltech have been temporarily suspended from the activities of the alliance. This became known on September 21, 2022. Read more here.

Skoltech achieves the world's best quality of laser polishing of metal parts after 3D printing

Researchers from the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology and the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI have created the most effective (compared to existing analogues in the world) method of laser polishing complex-shaped metal parts made on a 3D printer, such as prosthetic joints. The advantage of the technology is that it can simultaneously eliminate both surface roughness and porosity of deeper layers of metal. This became known in September 2022.

Skoltech achieves the world's best quality of laser polishing of metal parts after 3D printing

{{quote 'On a 3D printer, you can make metal parts of a very complex shape, but their surface is rough, and defects in the form of pores are formed at a depth of about 0.1 mm, "says Daniil Panov, first author of the work, a graduate student at the Skoltech Center for Materials Technology. - Our team modified the traditional laser polishing technology so that it began to reduce by about an order of magnitude both the surface roughness and the porosity of the near-surface layer. We worked with steel samples, but there is no big doubt that similar results are achievable with two other common materials for prostheses - titanium and cobalt and chromium alloy. }} According to the developers, other surface processing methods cannot satisfactorily solve both problems at once. The roughness is handled well by standard laser polishing, but it does not help to get rid of pores because they lie at a depth of about 0.1 mm, and the laser usually melts a thinner surface layer of metal. To eliminate pores, "shock" methods are suitable, which subject the surface to shelling with solid particles or laser pulses, but the roughness does not decrease so significantly, and in some cases even increase.

Describing the method, Panov noted that instead of several passes by a laser on the surface at "optimal" power, as is usually done, the power of one of the passes increases in order to melt a thicker layer of metal and reach to the point.

{{quote 'Of course, this power is called optimal for a reason, so the surface will end up a little more rough, but we are talking about a very slight deterioration, within a few percent, but in return we get rid of harmful defects under the surface, "he added[1] }}

Skoltech lost foreign customers and teachers due to sanctions after the outbreak of conflict in Ukraine

Skoltech lost foreign customers and teachers due to US sanctions, and the Skolkovo Foundation - part of large foreign clients. The contracts with the institute were terminated by Philips, Bosch, TopCon and other American and European customers, Forbes reported in August 2022.

Dmitry Medvedev in Skoltech: There is no complete blockade and will not be. Scientists continue to cooperate around official bans

At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Skolkovo Foundation, held on May 13, 2022 at the Skoltech University of Technology, Deputy Head of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Board of Trustees Dmitry Medvedev said in relation to international scientific cooperation against the background of the situation with Ukraine that there is no complete blockade here and will not be.

Now, for obvious reasons, contacts are limited, which, of course, is bad. But there is no complete blockade, it is simply impossible to imagine, and it will never be. Therefore, it is necessary to continue to work with partners, to look for those who are ready and want to work with us, "Medvedev said.

Dmitry Medvedev held a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Skolkovo Foundation on May 13

Skoltech's example illustrates how sanctions pressure affected the interaction of Russian scientists with foreign colleagues. After the start of Russia's special operation in Ukraine, 22 foreign scientific organizations informed Skoltech about the termination of cooperation. This was announced at the meeting by the rector of Skoltech Alexander Kuleshov.

On the Skoltech website, the international cooperation section contains data on more than 50 concluded and planned contracts with foreign organizations on issues formations and science, of which more than 30 are organizations from Europe and. North America Skoltech clarified to TAdviser that this data has not yet been updated.

However, the notifications received from foreign organizations do not at all indicate that scientific contacts have been interrupted, Kuleshov said.

There is a blow, but in no case can we say that international cooperation has been interrupted, - said the rector of Skoltech. - Yes, institutionally they "burst," but nothing happens on a personal level: as they worked and work.

As an example, he cited the University of Ulm (Ulm University), based in Bavaria, Germany. Skoltech works a lot with him. According to Kuleshov, the leadership of this university gathered its professors and said that it forbids them to cooperate with Skoltech. However, the professors replied that at the institutional level, management can do what it wants, and they, as they worked with Skoltech, will continue.

Alexander Kuleshov cited statistics that in recent years Skoltech has published articles together with professors of 1636 international universities and research centers around the world. And while maintaining cooperation at the level of professors from Europe and North America, at the institutional level, partnerships are now developing with scientific and research organizations in the Middle East (Israel, UAE) and in the Asian region (China, India, Singapore).

Slide from the presentation of Alexander Kuleshov

In addition to contacts with professors based abroad, foreign scientists work at Skoltech University itself. At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Skolkovo Foundation, Alexander Kuleshov noted that Skoltech, for example, managed to gather a team of top-class specialists around the world in the field of photonic integrated circuits and devices. Among them are Franko Küppers, who worked for 15 years at a photonic center in Arizona. As a result, Skolkovo learned how to design and test photonic integrated circuits and devices. Now the question is in production.

In this regard, Alexander Kuleshov referred to the example of the USSR, when Stalin recruited foreign engineers during the Great Depression - mainly American, as well as a number of German ones, with whose participation the DneproHPP, Magnitogorsk (Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works) and a number of other facilities were designed. And in 1937, Stalin released them, because his own engineering school had already grown.

And in Skoltech there was a similar situation in the field of photonic technologies: a group of Russian young guys has already appeared who have received all the necessary competencies from foreign experts to do it themselves. This was the main goal, Kuleshov noted.

I realized, we can let foreigners go, like Stalin in the 37th year, - Dmitry Medvedev joked at the meeting. "But I think it's better to keep some.

In total, until recently, almost 30 foreign professors worked at Skoltech University[2] scientists[3]. About a month after the start of the operation in Ukraine, some of them announced plans to stay in Russia. For example, they decided to continue working in Russia, First Vice-Rector for Science Keith Stevenson (USA), Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Clement Fortin (Canada), Professors Henny Huerdan (France) and Pavlos Lagudakis (Greece)

Pavlos Lagudakis, in particular, previously noted that a number of countries have stopped official cooperation, and his laboratory also affected this - one of the Russian-German projects.

However, informal cooperation, personal contacts - all this is still encouraged, because science knows no boundaries. I am not a politician, but if we talk about science, then people understand: behind the facade of politics there is an international science in which progress is possible only with the contribution of all scientists. In science, walls cannot be built: this will have negative consequences for scientists around the world.

Cooperation with Innopolis University for undergraduate studies in Informatics and Computing

Innopolis University and Skoltech will jointly teach bachelors in the field of "Informatics and Computer Engineering." The university announced this on April 14, 2022. Read more here.

Creation of technology for imparting antibacterial properties to textiles

Scientists of NUST "MISIS" together with colleagues from other Russian universities have created a technology for imparting antibacterial properties to nonwoven textile materials. This was reported to Zdrav.Expert on March 17, 2022 by representatives of MISIS. Employees of Kazan National Research Technological University, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology and N.N. Blokhin National Medical Research Center of Oncology also took part in the work. Read more here.

Found a way to change the electronic properties of carbon nanotubes and adjust them for use in electronic devices

On February 10, 2022, representatives of MIPT reported that, together with Skoltech scientists, they found a way to change the electronic properties of carbon nanotubes and adjust them for use in electronic devices. The work is published in the magazine Carbon. Read more here.

2021: Presentation of 3D printing technology for magnetic alloys

In Russia, they created a technology for 3D printing of magnetic alloys. Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology told about its achievement at the end of October 2021. Scientists were able to overcome the limitation of 3D printing, when the object is made entirely from a homogeneous material or a homogeneous mixture. Read more here.


Development of cathodic materials based on polymers and their testing in lithium two-ion batteries

December 29, 2020 RCTU named after D.I. Mendeleev reported to TAdviser that Russian researchers from RCTU, Skoltech and IPHF synthesized cathode materials based on polymers and tested them in lithium two-ion batteries. Read more here.

Agreement with Sberbank on the creation of an ecosystem for the development of AI in healthcare in Russia

The Sber Group and the Skolkovsky Institute of Science and Technology on December 28, 2020 announced the signing of an agreement on the creation of an ecosystem for the development of artificial intelligence in Russian healthcare. The operator will be the SberMedII company created in the summer of 2020. Read more here.

Participation in the creation of the Association "Open Network Technologies"

November 30, 2020 Autonomous non-profit organization for assistance in the development of digital infrastructure "Consortium" Telecommunications Technologies " (ANO TT) reported that together with PJSC Mobile Telesystems (MTS), Kryptonit Research and Production Company JSC and Skolkovsky Institute of Science and Technology, an autonomous non-profit educational organization of higher education (Skoltech) established the Association of Organizations for the Development of Open Network Communication Networks "Open Network Technologies" (Association "Open Network Technologies") with the aim of developing promising technologies in the telecommunications industry based on open international standards. Read more here.

Skoltech was included into Industrial Internet ConsortiumTM, IIC

Skoltech was included into Industrial Internet ConsortiumTM, IIC (Industrial Internet Consortium - IIC). The center of competences NTI on the basis of Skoltech on technologies of wireless communication and the Internet of things will take part in creation of the international technological standards on processing of industrial data and will get access to the certified platforms for testing and debugging of solutions of IIoT.

Thanks to membership in the consortium, the Competence Center will be able to introduce approaches and methods of digitalization of enterprises at a new level, relying on world experience. First of all, we are talking about international standards for the processing of industrial data, since their implementation allows building unified comprehensive solutions for intelligent work with information from components of different suppliers at enterprises.

The Competence Center has extensive experience in this area, developing an unparalleled software platform for solving typical problems of the industrial Internet of Things (DATASKAI project). Currently, the NTI Competence Center, together with Skoltech's technological partners, is creating testbed stands for demonstrating and testing industrial Internet of Things solutions in real conditions.

TAdviser interview with IT manager Nikolai Ledovsky

In September 2020, Nikolai Ledovsky, information technology manager at the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, answered TAdviser questions. Read more here.

Scientists "Skoltech" and MIPT discovered a rule for predicting superconducting metal hydrides

On April 16, 2020, it became known that Skoltech and MIPT researchers and their colleagues discovered a rule that makes it easier to find high-temperature superconductors. Scientists managed to establish a connection between the position of the element in the Periodic Table and its ability to form a high-temperature superconducting hydride. The results of the study, supported by the Russian Science Foundation, are presented in an article in the journal Current Opinion in Solid State & Materials Science. Read more here.

MTS and Skoltech launched an artificial intelligence laboratory

On March 2, 2020, MTS announced the launch of an artificial intelligence laboratory at the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech). This project aims to create new algorithms for text recognition and understanding, which will allow the telecom operator to improve the quality of products and services, such as virtual assistants. Read more here.

Skoltech asked 27 billion rubles for the production of components for 6G networks

On February 6, 2020, it became known about the proposal of the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech) to create an infrastructure on its territory for the production of components for optoelectronics in Russia, which can be used, among other things, in 6G networks. Investments in the project are estimated at 26.9 billion rubles (minimum production costs - 12.6 billion rubles), but the source of investment has yet to be found. Read more here.

Creating a laboratory for artificial intelligence, machine learning and the Internet of Things in conjunction with Softline

Softline and the Skolkovsky Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech) have created a joint laboratory "Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Internet of Things Systems." Softline announced this on February 4, 2020. Read more here.

The beginning of the development of an AI algorithm for the search for metastases in lymph nodes based on mathematical models Cobrain-Analytics

Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology together Federal State Budgetary Institution NMIC koloproktologii imeni A. N. Ryzhikh Russian Ministry of Health with began to develop algorithm artificial intelligence the definition of metastatically altered pelvic lymph nodes in patients with cancer the rectum. This was reported in Skoltech on February 26, 2020.

The first version of the solution will be received in the first half of 2020. After development, it will go through clinical trials at the A.N. Ryzhikh National Medical Research Center for Coloproctology. The solution will be based on a dataset of depersonalized medical data and mathematical models developed together with specialists from one of the Skoltech laboratories Cobrain-Analytics.

One of Skoltech's key competencies is science about data. " The Institute both develops the theoretical foundations of artificial intelligence and machine learning creates application solutions based on these technologies for various industries. The analysis of medical data, primarily MRI CT and images as well as signals, electroencephalography is in the focus of several Skoltech research groups that have developed a number of AI solutions for various neurosurgery and neurosurgery tasks. Cooperation with the National Medical Research Center for Coloproctology named after A.N. Ryzhikh will expand the field of applications of AI technologies "Skoltech," - said Mikhail Belyaev, senior lecturer at Skoltech.

According to Skoltech, the pre-operative assessment of the state of lymph nodes is fundamentally important not only for determining the tactics of treating patients with rectal cancer, but also is a significant prognostic factor in the development of the tumor process, including the occurrence of local relapses. Finding and identifying metastatically altered lymph nodes at any stage of the tumor process is the most difficult diagnostic task associated with the need to analyze a large amount of data in a short period of time.

Connecting to the analysis of medical images of artificial intelligence shows increasing efficiency around the world. The creation of trained models of artificial intelligence, which will allow detecting metastatically changed regional lymph nodes from to data MRI images in patients with rectal cancer, will help to radiologists to stage the tumor according to the TNM system more accurately and in a shorter time, which is of fundamental importance for choosing a treatment program for this category of patients, - explains the head of the radiation diagnostics department of the National Medical Research Center of Coloproctology, Doctor medical of Sciences Irina Zarodnyuk.


Agreement with Element and MTS on cooperation on the development of equipment for 5G networks in Open RAN standards

The companies and "Item" MTS Skolkovo the Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech) signed a tripartite agreement on cooperation on the development and production Russia of equipment for networks 5G in open international standards. Open RAN This was reported on December 10 of the year in the "Element."

Element and MTS intend to assist the Skoltech Research Center in the project to develop an end-to-end digital solution Open RAN for fifth-generation networks. The domestic component base of the Element will be used at all levels of the planned cooperation: from the creation of test zones and laboratories to the prototyping of samples of localized and domestic radio access equipment.

The agreement involves the work of participants to study new principles and architectures for building mobile networks of the next generations; analysis of the component base of products in order to form a localization strategy; assessment of the possibilities of creating domestic equipment with characteristics comparable to foreign counterparts based on the ECB of the Element's enterprises.

We are confident that combining our competencies with MTS and Skoltech will speed up the introduction of 5G technologies in Russia on the basis of domestic ECB. Synergy between the project participants will become a driver in expanding the range of 5G solutions and the availability of services to the "digital economy," - commented on the agreement, Project Director of Element Yury Halif. - The development of the domestic market for Russian telecom equipment and the emergence of competitive products will have a strong positive effect. It is important that this partnership will benefit primarily from consumers of end-user mobile services and the Internet of Things.

We hope that cooperation between telecom operators, element base manufacturers, system integrators, scientific centers and startups in Russia will result in the creation of a wide ecosystem of equipment and software suppliers through the localization of promising radio access solutions. Developers and manufacturers will receive an impetus in innovative development, and telecom operators will be able to reduce costs, reduce the time for launching new technologies on the market, and be flexible in creating customized solutions, including using elements of their own development, "said Alexey Maslyankin, head of digital technology development at RAN MTS.

Development of AI-based non-invasive mapping technology with Burdenko Neurosurgery Center

On November 17, 2019, it became known that artificial intelligence (AI) technologies could begin to be widely used in planning and conducting neurosurgical operations as early as 2021. The corresponding joint project is being developed by specialists from the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech) and the Center for Neurosurgery named after Academician N.N. Burdenko, head of the neurosurgical department of the Center named after Burdenko Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences David Pizhelauri and Professor Skoltech, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Alexander Bernstein.

When planning and conducting neurosurgical operations in areas of the brain lying near critical functional areas (motor, speech, visual, etc.), it is necessary to accurately know their individual localization (mapping) in the patient. Together with Skoltech scientists, we have developed a technology of preoperative non-invasive mapping using functional rest MRI data, based on the synergy of MR diagnostics technologies and artificial intelligence technologies, which allows localizing the functional zones of the brain on MRI images with sufficient accuracy for neurosurgical operations and eliminates a number of significant shortcomings inherent in the methods of mapping used. As of November 2019, the technology is used in the neurorentgenological and clinical departments of the Burdenko Center for planning surgical interventions in intracerebral tumors, the technology is compared with standard MRI mapping methods. In the future, it is planned to introduce this technology into mass clinical practice,
said Professor David Pithelauri

{{quote 'author=added Professor Pizhelauri' The next task we set for Skoltech scientists is to clarify the online position of these zones and their dynamics according to intrapertional mapping using electrical stimulation during neurosurgical surgery. Further, the created algorithms and models are planned to be included in the software of neuronavigation equipment }}

The creation of this technology required the development of other analytical methods for analyzing data that take into account the specifics of functional MRI. For November 2019, Skoltech is developing various mathematical models of intrapertional mapping using machine learning methods using data obtained at the Burdenko Center during operations,
supplemented by Professor Bernstein

This work is part of the research carried out at Skoltech in the development of artificial intelligence methods and machine learning for biomedical applications, which, together with Alexander Bernstein, are led by Professor Yevgeny Burnaev and researcher Maxim Sharaev with the involvement of postdocs, graduate students and students of Skoltech.

The technological base of research is the CoBrain-Analytics platform created by Skoltech specialists as part of the Neuronet Strategic Initiative for the Development of AI Technologies in Medicine. The Project Rooms created on this platform allow developers to store anonymized biomedical data in them and build on it, using a wide range of artificial intelligence algorithms and procedures stored on the platform, problem-oriented mathematical models and algorithms available to subject area specialists for use in clinical practice[4].

Scientists were able to synthesize a superconducting material - thorium decahydride

Scientists led by Professor Skoltech and MIPT Artem Oganov and Ivan Troyan from the Institute of Crystallography of the Russian Academy of Sciences were able to synthesize a superconducting material ‒ thorium decahydride (ThH10) with a very high critical temperature of 161 K (-112C). This was reported on November 7, 2019 at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Skoltech and the Russian Scientific Foundation (RNF). Read more here.

Joint development of digital models of fields based on AI with Gazprom Neft Research and Development Center

On February 12, 2019, Gazprom Neft reported that experts from the Gazprom Neft Scientific and Technical Center and scientists from Skoltech launched the next stage of a joint project to create digital geological and hydrodynamic models based on artificial intelligence technologies. Read more here.

Skolkovo Open University (OtUS)

The program of the Skolkovo Foundation to attract, involve and develop talented young people with scientific, technological and entrepreneurial competencies in the innovative ecosystem of Russia. For 2019, OTS is part of the ecosystem of the Skolkovo innovation center. This is a source of applicants (masters and graduate students) for the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech), a source of interns for Skolkovo partner companies, and a source of projects for Skolkovo.


The opening of the new campus "East Ring" with an area of ​ ​ 136,000 sq. M.

On September 1, 2018, the new Skoltech campus, the Eastern Ring, opened its doors. The total area of ​ ​ the building, designed by the architect bureau HERZOG&DE MEURON, was 136,000 sq. M. The new campus has four levels, its circumference is 880 m.

Collaboration with Philips in R&D

Philips and the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech) signed an agreement on cooperation in the field of research work on June 7, 2018. Within the framework of the partnership, it is planned to involve the best young scientists of Skoltech in the projects of the Philips research laboratory at Skolkovo. The corresponding agreement was signed between Maxim Kuznetsov, CEO of Philips in Russia and the CIS, and Alexander Kuleshov, rector of the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology.

Thanks to cooperation, the best students of Skoltech will have the opportunity to undergo a 1.5-year paid internship at the Philips laboratory at Skolkovo, part of the Philips Research global research network. Students will be able to gain practical experience in the Philips scientific ecosystem and apply the accumulated knowledge to solve urgent problems in the field of health care. The scientific work of the laboratory is focused on conducting research in the following areas in healthcare: machine learning, analysis and processing of data of various nature, predictive analytics, recommendation systems. As part of their thesis, they will have the opportunity to engage in projects such as the development of deep learning algorithms for segmentation of images of histopathology of tissues, segmentation of medical images using neural networks, reconstruction of CT images in MRI, etc. The results of research projects will form the basis of students' theses.

Skoltech is an innovative international research university that creates optimal conditions for scientific development in parallel with the training of innovative activities. The projects of our employees, graduate students and students have tremendous potential for solving key scientific and technological problems both in Russia and around the world. Our partnership will allow Skoltech students to gain practical experience in working on healthcare projects and contribute to the development of advanced medical technologies, "said Maxim Fedorov, Professor, Director of the Skoltech Center for Scientific and Engineering Computing Technologies for Tasks with Large Data Arrays.

Scientific cooperation and development of digital healthcare in Russia is one of the priorities in the activities of Philips. That is why we want to attract the best Skoltech minds to the projects of our research laboratory at Skolkovo, "said Maxim Kuznetsov, CEO of Philips in Russia CIS. - Partnership with Skoltech, a world-class research university, gives a serious impetus to the development of healthcare innovations in Russia. We expect that our cooperation will contribute to the attraction, formation and retention of young talents and will increase achievements in the field of medicine and health protection.


Creation of a laboratory for applied research in the field of AI

In October 2017, within the framework of the Open Innovations forum at Skolkovo, the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech) and Zyfra, a company specializing in the development of artificial intelligence technologies for industry and healthcare, signed an agreement to create a joint laboratory in the field of intelligent production and industrial Internet of things.

The laboratory is created as an international university competence center aimed at research and development of artificial intelligence technologies for capital-intensive industries, in particular, industry.

The base of the Laboratory is the Center large data arrays for Computational and Data-Intensive Science and [5] - Center for Computational and Data-Intensive Science and Engineering) Skoltech [6] Skoltech, while, if necessary, the resources of other Skoltech divisions, as well as external expert resources, will be attracted.

According to the latest analysts' estimates, the use of AI (artificial intelligence) in industry will avalanche in the coming years, catching up with such advanced industries as FMSG and banks.

According to Alexei Ponomarev, vice president for strategy and industries at Skoltech, the laboratory will accumulate Russian and foreign expertise in the field of intellectualization of production, develop partnerships with the international academic environment and develop approaches and methods in accordance with global trends.

Cooperation with Skoltech will allow Zyfra to gain access to advanced scientific knowledge and artificial intelligence technologies. We, in turn, will introduce these technologies into real production, providing a transfer between science and the needs of the industrial sector, - said Igor Bogachev, CEO of Zyfra, for his part.

Opening of the PLM laboratory with the assistance of Lanit

In early July 2017, a PLM laboratory (product lifecycle management) was opened at the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology. The project was implemented with the assistance of the Department of Computer Aided Design Systems "Lanit" and the company "Lanit-Integration" (part of the "Lanit" group). The laboratory has introduced technologies for creating complex engineering products. The first joint event in the life of the laboratory was the seminar "Simcenter 3D - a new platform for engineering analysis tasks," organized in conjunction with the supplier of software and services for product lifecycle management Siemens PLM Software.

As explained in Lanit, the PLM laboratory was created primarily to solve industrial problems related to the use of end-to-end design and life cycle management methods. At the same time, the laboratory is a universal platform for the development of educational programs in the field of digital design. The head of the PLM laboratory is Professor Igor Konstantinovich Uzhinsky, who has 20 years of experience in the aerospace industry.

"As part of the Introduction to PLM course, students had to master several software products for numerical modeling, engineering analysis and optimization in a short time. Working in teams, the guys model a transport aircraft, calculate its strength and aerodynamics, design a production line for the manufacture of the wing, "said Sergei Nikolaev, head of the Modeling and Engineering Analysis department at Skoltech

The joint seminar was devoted to the developing field of engineering analysis (building complex finite element models and improving their quality, interdisciplinary interaction, creating a fully calculated digital twin, conducting digital tests, etc.). Technologies for modeling interdisciplinary processes have become a topic for conversation between representatives of key universities from Kazan, Samara, Perm, Chelyabinsk and Moscow. In particular, the teachers of the Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman shared their experience in using technologies and software packages to solve various engineering problems in the educational process. The round table seminar on training competent personnel for the digital economy has ended.

As noted, the opening of the PLM laboratory in Skolkovo is the second initiative implemented by Lanit in the field of training in the field of technologies for complex engineering. Since 2016, students of the Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman have the opportunity to take a training course in the field of product life cycle management (PLM), for which methodological materials and a special educational program have been developed. Since 2017, Bauman Racing Team, a student team that independently designs a racing car and participates in international competitions, has also received support from specialists.

For two months, students get an idea of ​ ​ what product lifecycle management is and try on the role of designers, calculators and technologists as part of a teamwork on a complex project.

Gazprom Neft will develop digital technologies together with Skoltech

The Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech) entered into a cooperation agreement with Gazprom Neft in June 2017. The document was signed by Skoltech Rector Alexander Kuleshov and First Deputy Chairman of the Gazprom Neft Management Board Vadim Yakovlev in the new laboratory of the Skoltech Hydrocarbon Production Center in the Renova Lab building. The signing ceremony took place as part of the international conference Startup Village 2017 in Skolkovo.

The agreement is aimed at forming long-term partnerships between the company and a scientific and educational institution, which will contribute to the development of promising projects and the identification of new opportunities in the oil and gas sector.

The parties are considering joint work to study the prospects for the use of cognitive technologies for the exploration and development of oil and gas fields, including the field of drilling and completion of wells. In addition, Skoltech and Gazprom Neft are interested in expanding research related to the prognostic analysis of large amounts of information (big data) and the development of technologies for collecting, storing, modeling and visualizing data from geological and technological processes, as well as data from oil transportation and processing processes.

Within the framework of the partnership, the parties plan to organize an independent examination of existing technological solutions, develop and implement new projects, as well as carry out research and development work (R&D). Another area of ​ ​ cooperation agreed by the agreement is employee training, the organization of internships and the exchange of scientific and technical information.

2015: Russian Prime Minister D. Medvedev presents diplomas to first graduates

In June 2015, the Prime Minister Russia Dmitry Medvedev presented diplomas graduating from the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology to the first graduates.


V. Putin cancels D. Medvedev's order on contributions of state-owned companies to the Skoltech endowment fund

In January 2012, the Presidential Modernization Commission decided that Skoltech would be funded through an endowment fund. Medvedev ordered state-owned companies to transfer 1% of innovative development programs to the fund within three years, or 0.5-3% of net profit over the past year, it was planned to raise 30 billion rubles, officials did not rule out that state-owned companies would continue to deduct funds further. In 2012, state-owned companies transferred only 4 billion rubles, in 2013 there were no deductions, a federal official knows.

In June 2013, it became known that President Vladimir Putin canceled the order of his predecessor, President Dmitry Medvedev, that state-owned companies should allocate funds to the endowment fund of the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech), a federal official told Vedomosti and confirmed a senior government official. This order of Putin has a stamp "for official use," so it is not known about it, says one of the interlocutors of Vedomosti.

Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov explained that state-owned companies can finance Skolkovo voluntarily. Medvedev's spokeswoman Natalya Timakova declined to comment.

A federal official explains that Skoltech will be completely dependent on budget funding, which is available until 2015, and private orders. "The goal of the endowment was to avoid this, but it was necessary to collect at least 15 billion rubles," he complains.

The leaders of several state-owned companies turned to Putin with the initiative to cancel deductions, the federal official notes, but does not name which ones. State-owned companies did not want to pay, because they did not receive any rights in project management, for example, they could not order Skoltech research or training of specialists, explains a top manager of one of the state-owned companies:

"Therefore, everyone wanted to develop innovations on their own. The deductions to 'Skoltech' were like tribute, not investment. "

Rosneft is creating its own research center in Skolkovo and considers this a sufficient contribution to the project, the company's employee notes. His colleague from Gazprom says that the monopoly considers it more effective to finance research by industry institutions. Inter RAO also wants to finance industry developments, the company sends funds to the Energy Without Borders fund, its representative says. By law, "Rostec" does not have the opportunity to engage in charity work, explains an employee of the state corporation. The representative of Russian Railways could not inform the position of the company.

Funding is on hold, the project is not as effective as planned, a senior government official admits:

"First you need to build infrastructure, then talk about research. So far, one building has been built in an open field[7]

Putin considers the project artificial and has always distanced himself from it, for example, he has never visited a construction site, says a federal official, the president's decision could have been pushed by financial irregularities that the Investigative Committee is investigating in 2013:

"In addition, after the dismissal of Vladislav Surkov, 'Skolkovo' lost an influential curator who could convince the president not to make hasty conclusions."

Putin's team once again defeated Medvedev's team, it seems that Skolkovo will soon be closed, said Igor Yurgens, vice president of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs:

will be a mistake, venture capital investment cannot produce results so soon."

If there are financial violations at Skolkovo, you need to open cases and bring them to the end, until a draw is proven guilty, Jurgens notes.

"At the launch of the project, everyone understood the political risks. Unfortunately, they have been implemented, "admits the top manager of Skolkovo.

Plan to graduate at least 1,000 students by 2020

The number of graduates of the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology by 2020 should be at least 1000 people, and the specific number of publications per 100 researchers should be in the range from 75 to 85.


Recruitment of the first group of students

In June 2012, it became known that the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech) completed the first enrollment. The pilot group includes 21 people from 14 Russian higher educational institutions. Students will be trained in an interdisciplinary master's program, the uniqueness of which consists in the integration of education, research and entrepreneurial activities.

The course of study is designed for three years and implies the active participation of students in scientific research together with leading scientists from around the world. Students will get acquainted with international entrepreneurship technologies, which will give them invaluable experience and allow them to further implement their boldest ideas in the field of innovation.

"Getting the right people on board is the main challenge we have to address if we are to build a world-class institution," said Edward Crowley, Skoltech's president. - Looking at the first group of students, I feel that the idea of ​ ​ creating a university is becoming a reality. I am confident that with the development of research centers and with the effective work of the center for entrepreneurship and innovation, our students will have every opportunity to make Skoltech a successful university. "

In order to join the first group, applicants had to undergo a strict selection, which assessed their academic abilities, leadership qualities and potential. Applications for the competition were sent by students from all over Russia with a bachelor's degree in information technology or power. More than 40 people were selected from the first pool of candidates, who were invited to Skoltech to participate in the final round. Over the course of two days, a panel consisting of professors and the Skoltech administration, alumni of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) evaluated students on the results of group assignments and individual interviews. Applicants also had to successfully pass the English exam under the TOEFL system. As a result, the selection committee led by Skoltech President Edward Crowley decided on the final composition of the first group of students.

Student Relations Director Bram Kaplan noted, "Students applying for their freshman year performed remarkably well; striking their technical knowledge, creativity and genuine commitment to making the world a better place. It is very important that they understand the uniqueness of the opportunities that our institute provides, and are ready to use them in order to implement their own scientific projects in the future. "

In August 2012, the first pilot group will undergo a 4-week training course at MIT, where they will be able to get to know each other better and adapt to work in the international scientific environment, as well as take a short course on the commercialization of innovation and entrepreneurship.

In September 2012, students will begin their studies in the main master's program. They will spend their first year at one of the world's four leading research institutes: Imperial College London (ICL), the Swiss Higher Technical School in Zurich (ETHZ), the Hong Kong Institute of Science and Technology (HKUST) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Anastasia Uryasheva, about her decision to become a Skoltech student: "I really liked the atmosphere that reigned during the qualifying rounds. It is important for me to get a high level of knowledge, but this can be done at many universities in the world. Studying in Skoltech is more interesting because everyone here is open to new ideas. The culture of innovation, new technologies, entrepreneurship brings together everyone who works here. "

Creating the Skoltech Campus Architectural Concept

The SINT concept was created, among other things, based on the experience of Skolkovo's partner, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The architects, in addition to the standard requirement to comply with the optimal ratio of classrooms, laboratories, libraries, hostels, make them convenient and beautiful, were tasked with creating a space suitable for design work and, at the same time, integrated with the urban environment.

The layout of the institute does not imply the existence of a rigid structure based on faculties, which is an innovation for Russia. Students and teachers will be able to step directly from the audience onto Central Boulevard - the busiest street in the city or enjoy the peace of quiet courtyards. A well-thought-out system of pedestrian connections will allow you to move around the institute with minimal time loss.

The star architectural bureau Herzog & de Meuron Architekten (Basel, Switzerland) is involved in the design of the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology campus. It is known for such projects as the Tate Modern Gallery, which brought the founders of the bureau the Pritzker Prize for achievements in architecture, the Brandenburg University Library-Media Center in Cottbus, and the National Olympic Stadium in Beijing.

The campus will be about 60 hectares. Construction is planned to be carried out in two stages. The first is due to be commissioned in May 2014 to open the SINT doors to students in September of that year.

Plan for the establishment of 15 research centers and the Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

The Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology will have fifteen associate research centers supporting academic programs. These centers will be distributed - created with the participation of leading Russian and international research institutes and universities.

According to the plans for May 2012, the first research centers of the institute will begin work in 2012, the pilot educational program will start in 2013, and a full-fledged training and research program will be deployed in 2014.

According to the plans for 2012, the university will operate the Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, which will be responsible for relations with the commercial sector and provide various services, including licensing support.

2011: Vekselberg announces plans for Skoltech

On April 25, 2011, Viktor Feliksovich Vekselberg at a meeting of the Modernization Commission spoke about plans to create the Skolkovo Technological Institute[8]

So I would like to pause and say a few words about the University of Technology, working title Skolkovo Institute of Technology. This institution, as we see it (and the concept in which it should be created and work, we have already prepared, detailed consultations have begun both within the framework of the scientific advisory council and with our foreign partners), should comply with the following principles. It should be a non-state, necessarily international, technological and entrepreneurial university. Answering these basic parameters, we hope that we will be able to ensure the process of training those specialists, again those new high-quality specialists that we need so much.

One of the key conditions is that the university should be international, its expert community and, first of all, the teaching community should be formed from the best scientists and specialists in each industry.

The basic, key center of such a university should be research centers. In accordance with our plans, we must create about 15-20 research centers of 3-4 for each of our basic areas. And within the framework of each research center, 3-4 laboratories will work. It is planned that the topics, specialization of these research centers will be discussed in detail within the framework of our research council.

First of all, we plan to launch the university in 2013, and by this time the first stage of the campus should be synchronously prepared and launched, where they will provide the opportunity to stay and train specialists. An important, extremely important element of the university's activity will be the creation of endowments, because the university in fact in the future should live not only on public funds, but also on funds related to the provision of third-party services, as well as donations, which, we hope, will have to be made by interested individuals and legal entities.


  1. Skoltech achieves unrivaled quality of laser polishing of metal parts after 3D printing
  2. [ Why did foreign
  3. decide to stay to work at Skoltech]
  4. Artificial intelligence will help plan neurosurgical operations
  5. Engineering (CDISE
  6. Center (Center for Computational and Data-Intensive Science and Engineering) occupies a leading position in the industry. Professors of the center take part in important conferences on, machine learning such as NIPS, AISTATS and ICML, and also publish research in leading scientific journals (Nature, Journal of Machine Learning Research, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing).)
  7. "# ixzz2XCkIqw9L Putin canceled Medvedev's order to finance Skoltech.
  8. Joint meeting of the Modernization Commission and the Skolkovo Foundation Board of Trustees: