Development of 6G networks in Russia
Main article: Development of 6G networks in Russia
2025: Terahertz Data System Launched - Suitable for 6G Networks
On March 11, 2025, Japanese researchers reported the launch of a terahertz frequency band data transmission system. Experts were able to organize a wireless communication channel with a bandwidth of 4 Gbps at a distance of about 4.4 km. Read more here.
6G networks managed to accelerate to 1 Tbit/s. This is thousands of times faster than 5G
On October 16, 2024, British researchers from University College London announced the establishment of a new world record for the speed of data transfer in a wireless network. The figure was recorded at 1 Tbit/s, which is thousands of times more compared to 5G.
It is noted that usually in wireless networks information is transmitted using radio waves in a narrow frequency range. Because of this, bandwidth is limited. In the case of 5G, a theoretical maximum speed of 20 Gbps is achieved, but in practice this value is usually much lower - several hundred Mbps. Wi-Fi 7 technology, in turn, can provide bandwidth of about 40 Gbps.
To overcome the limitations, British researchers expanded the total bandwidth to 145 GHz. The new approach combines two existing wireless technologies for the first time - high-speed electronics and millimeter wave photonics. Scientists claim that the first of these methods works well in the 5-50 GHz range, the second in the 50-150 GHz band. In the new system, signals are generated using high-speed digital-to-analog converters and light-based devices.
As a result, the team managed to provide data transmission over the air at an average speed of 938 Gbps. By comparison, the average 5G speed in Britain as of October 2024 is 100Mbps. Thus, an increase of 9380 times is provided. Using the new technology, a two-hour movie in 4K format (about 14 GB) can be downloaded in just 0.12 seconds. In a regular 5G network, this will take 19 minutes. In the future, the results of the study are expected to be used in the design of ultra-high-speed 6G networks.[1]
Innovative metamaterial antenna for 6G networks developed
On 12 April 2024, researchers at the University of Glasgow in Scotland reported on the development of an innovative wireless antenna that combines the unique properties of metamaterials with complex signal processing. The solution is expected to be used in 6G mobile networks.
The product is a DMA dynamic metasurface antenna that is controlled via a high speed programmable gate array (FPGA). The device operates in the 60 GHz millimeter band - this part of the spectrum is reserved by international organizations for use in industrial, scientific and medical devices.
The antenna uses specially designed, fully tunable metamaterial elements. The device is comparable in size to a matchbox. The solution makes it possible to form high-speed connections with simultaneous parallel control of individual elements through FPGA programming. In doing so, the DMA can create multiple beams simultaneously, switching in nanoseconds to provide coating stability.
The developers highlight several potential applications for a new type of antenna. One of them is self-driving cars and drones, which require high-speed and reliable communication channels for safe orientation in space. In addition, the antenna can be used as part of holographic systems that allow you to project high-quality 3D models of people and objects anywhere in the world in real time. Another area of application is called patient monitoring platforms in medical institutions. In the future, the project participants intend to expand the capabilities of their product.[2]
USA, France, South Korea, Britain and 6 other countries have established uniform rules for the development of 6G networks
At the end of February 2024, it became known that the United States, France, South Korea, Britain and 6 other countries agreed on the basic principles for the development of sixth-generation mobile networks. It comes as rivalry with China to develop 6G wireless networks is heating up.
According to the South China Morning Post, the declaration was also signed by,,,, and Australia Canada Czech Republic. Finland Japan We Sweden are talking about the creation of "safe, fault-tolerant and privacy-protecting technologies that meet global standards." This is expected to ensure the availability of 6G networks in the future, including in developing countries.
The statement also highlights the importance of leveraging the frequency spectrum and organizing sustainable supply chains to support the competitive and innovative 6G ecosystem. 6G networks are expected to surpass 5G not only in terms of data transfer rate, but also in the number of connections, spectrum efficiency and positioning capabilities. This will lead to the emergence of qualitatively new services in the field of virtual and augmented reality, telemedicine, autopilot systems, etc.
The statement of partner countries emphasizes the need to form a safe, inclusive and sustainable 6G ecosystem. Cooperation and unity are essential to address the serious challenges facing the telecommunications industry, it said.
China has made significant progress on wireless, coming to the forefront in the 5G era. The country leads the world in the number of base stations, connected devices and its own patents in the relevant area. In the PRC, active research in the field of 6G is also underway.[3]
ICT.Moscow and DIT of Moscow published the second part of the review of the development of 6G in the world
ICT.Moscow and the Moscow Department of Information Technology on December 12, 2023 presented the second part of the review of world experience in the field of the sixth generation of communications (6G). It covered 122 foreign initiatives, in which 48 foreign countries participate. Domestic research experience in this area is collected in a separate chapter. In Russia, various aspects of 6G are independently worked out by at least 12 centers, most of which are universities located in the Moscow region. This is in line with global trends, where research is conducted simultaneously in many areas, but there is a tendency to cooperate and unite around educational and scientific centers, as well as the formation of associations and alliances.
Foreign activities for the development of the sixth generation of communications are considered in the planes of three types of initiatives:
- create profile associations;
- Start programs and projects.
- opening specialized centers (sites).
Since 2018, a significant number of initiatives related to 6G have begun to appear in the world. A surge in the opening of sites for studying the sixth generation of communications occurred in 2021-2022. In Europe, we can note the high activity of Germany (participates in 59 initiatives), Spain (30 initiatives) and Great Britain (28 initiatives), and in Asia, the leading role is played by China (14 initiatives) and the Republic of Korea (6 initiatives). In the macro-region of North and South America, the United States participates in the largest number of initiatives (10). The main financial source for 6G initiatives is the state, while vendor companies and operators are also actively involved in development and financing.
The development of the 6G is closely related to other technological areas, such as artificial intelligence, advanced reality (XR, which includes virtual, augmented, mixed reality - VR/AR/MR), cloud technology, the Internet of Things and robotics. And among the most priority industries in which the future 6G standard can be applied is industry, logistics and transport, medicine.
ICT.Moscow also publishes an open dataset containing information on identified foreign initiatives. Its markup allows you to independently study information according to different criteria and find new patterns.
In Russia, as of December 2023, the main work on 6G is concentrated on the regulatory, legal and technical sides. Focusing on development, the researchers are not yet proposing possible use cases for future services and commercialization options for 6G in different industries. At the same time, the development of 6G is included in the government roadmap for the development of mobile communications in Russia, which emphasizes the importance and relevance of this technology for the country.
Almost all participants in the preparation for the creation of the sixth generation of communications are concentrated in the Moscow region. The 6G study has been ongoing for at least four years. At least 12 centers are engaged in research aimed at developing the 6G connection, most of them being educational scientific organizations. In 2019, such work began Skoltech"," research is engaged in,,,,,,,,,, Research Institute of Radio ITMO MSTU named after N.E. Bauman SPbGUT named after M.A. Bonch-Bruevich MEPHI"" and Lomonosov Moscow State University MIPT MISIS RUDN others Zelenograd Nanotechnology Center.
Communication is one of the priorities of the technological development of Moscow. For the metropolis to remain a leader among smart cities, it is necessary to monitor innovations and promising developments in the field of communication of the latest generation. The 6G development review allows us to analyze the need and degree of involvement of the city in the development of future technology, predict new services and the impact of the new communication standard on the development of the city's infrastructure, "said Evgeny Novikov, Advisor to the Deputy Head of the Moscow City Information Technology Department. |
Since associations or consortia have not yet formed in Russia, uniting scientists from different centers and business representatives to coordinate efforts to develop 6G, we can expect this to be the next step towards the development of a new communication standard.
The review provides an opportunity for telecom market participants, industry analysts, scientific organizations, authorities representatives, as well as companies studying the prospects for the development of new and existing digital services, products and solutions, to get a more complete idea of the development of the 6G direction abroad and in the domestic market, - explained Nikolai Romadin, representative of ICT.Moscow. |
The material is based on the analysis of publications from more than 300 open sources in Russian, English and Chinese about programs, projects and development centers in Russia and abroad, directly related to 6G. You can get acquainted with the full text of the review by following the link.
Earlier in October 2023, ICT.Moscow released an overview of foreign sites where 6G research is underway. In total, the document includes detailed descriptions of 50 sites (laboratories, hubs) from 15 countries that position themselves as 6G development centers.
Leaders in the number of patents on 6G networks named
As of November 2023, China is the leader in the number of patents in the field of mobile communications technology 6G, but South Korea is demonstrating the greatest readiness to implement this standard. This is stated in the Uswitch study, the results of which were released on November 17, 2023.
By the date under consideration, researchers from the PRC had registered a total of 4,604 patents in the 6G sphere. In second place in this indicator are the United States with a result of 2229 patents, and South Korea closes the top three - 760 patents. This is followed by India (265 patents), Japan (155), Britain (115), Germany (77), Australia (55) and Finland (12).
At the same time, in terms of data transfer rates in existing 5G networks, South Korea holds the lead with a result of 814 Mbps. This is followed by India and Finland, where values of 465 Mbps and 452 Mbps, respectively, are recorded. In Britain, the bandwidth of 5G connections reaches 392 Mbps, in the USA - 363 Mbps, in Germany - 330 Mbps. This is followed by Australia at 296 Mbps and China at 142 Mbps.
Thus, according to Uswitch experts, taking into account the number of patents in the field of 6G and the level of development of 5G networks as of November 2023, South Korea shows the greatest readiness for the introduction of sixth-generation communication technologies: its score is 8.75 points out of 10 possible (on the Uswitch scale). The country is said to have pioneered a 5G rollout plan, investing heavily in fiber and new communication technologies. In second place in the 6G readiness rating is India with a score of 7.5 points, in third place is the United States with 6.88 points. Then come China and Britain: each of these countries received a score of 5 points. Japan In Finland, the score is 3.75 points, in Germany - 3.13 points, in Australia - 1.25 points.[4]
China Mobile has taken up the development of 6G networks
China Mobile cooperates with dozens of equipment operators and manufacturers as part of a large-scale project to develop and implement sixth generation (6G) cellular technologies. This is stated in a document released in mid-February 2023 by the Next Generation Mobile Network Alliance (NGMN).
It is noted that industry participants will have to develop 6G in a very complex macro environment. Moreover, deploying the appropriate infrastructure will require much more effort from operators than any previous generations of mobile communications. Therefore, partnerships are of great importance. It is said, in particular, that other leading operators, including Vodafone and US Cellular, as well as about 50 companies and organizations, including 23 manufacturers of devices and equipment and 13 research institutions, participated in the preparation of the NGMN document.
6G networks in China will appear approximately by 2030. The throughput of such systems will theoretically reach 1 Tbit/s, and the delay will be reduced to microseconds. For 6G networks, it is planned to implement an advanced architecture that provides intelligent power management and reduced power consumption at all levels. The report says that 6G technologies will become a link between the physical and virtual worlds, as well as people. China Mobile has already published 31 reports and 60 documents related to the development of the 6G.
The goals of the initiative are to study the requirements for the design of sixth-generation communication systems and provide timely recommendations for industry research and development in this area. In addition, operators' efforts are aimed at preventing the fragmentation of 6G standards and ecosystems, which should contribute to the effective deployment of infrastructures.[5]
South Korea has developed a roadmap in the field of 6G networks
On February 20, 2023, the South Korean government unveiled a plan for the development of sixth generation (6G) mobile networks. It is said that such services, providing the highest data transfer rates, will begin to be deployed in 2028. Read more here.
The British government allocated $136 million for the development of 6G technology
On December 13, 2022, the British authorities announced a new large-scale initiative aimed at developing and introducing fifth (5G ) and sixth (6G) generations of mobile communications technologies in the country. A total of £110 million (approximately $136 million) will be spent on relevant research and development. Read more here.
Successful testing of the 6G network in China
On November 23, 2022, it became known that China had tested the sixth generation (6G) mobile technology. The experiment was attended by the manufacturer of smartphones and telecommunications equipment ZTE and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the country (MIIT).
Current networks 5G are capable of providing theoretical throughput up to 20 Gbps. Future 6G systems are expected to allow transmission data from speed up to 1 Tbit/s. This will make it possible to deploy new generation services: telemedicine services, virtual, augmented and mixed reality projects, autopilot platforms, transport robotic systems, etc.
It is said that China 6G tests were carried out in several directions. This is a distributed autonomous network 6G and experiments with a digital twin; computing capabilities of the 6G network; the concept of 6G using the THz spectrum; Principles for integrating 6G into existing infrastructure 6G intelligent metasurface concept.
The tests gave good results, but no more accurate one was revealed information. Earlier, former chairman of the board of China Mobile and consultant GSMA associations Wang Jianzhou said that 6G networks could be deployed in China by 2030. Intelligent power management is planned for such systems and a significant reduction in power consumption compared to 5G base stations. However, in the case of the THz band, it is necessary to solve the problems associated with the loss of power during signaling and the range of action. Reportedly, research in this direction is also conducted by companies and. Ericsson Nokia In 2021, the State Intellectual Property Office (PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA CNIPA) reported that the country had become a leader in the 6G area. It is claimed that of the approximately 38,000 patents related to 6G worldwide, 13,449, or 35%, came from. China[6]
LG tested 6G communication in urban conditions
September 7, 2022 the South Korean LG Electronics tested the transmission and reception of data in the terahertz range 6G at a distance of 320 m outdoors. Testing took place in. Berlin
The tests bring the commercial use of the 6G closer in cities, as coverage requires base stations to be placed at a distance of about 250 m. In 2021, LG Electronic successfully tested 6G data transmission at a distance of 100 m outdoors.
The 6G uses ultra-wideband frequencies and has the potential to offer high speeds, but has a relatively short range and experiences power losses from transmission to reception. To overcome these obstacles, LG and engineers from the institute jointly developed a power amplifier to increase the signal level, as well as a low-noise amplifier on the receiving side to improve signal quality.
{{quote 'Thanks to the success of our latest demonstration, we are one step closer to implementing 6G speeds of 1TB per second in urban areas both indoors and outdoors! LG will continue to partner with research institutes and industry innovators to further strengthen its leadership in 6G technology. We expect the 6G to be the main driver of the future of the business and new opportunities for users, and we would like to be at the forefront of its development, "said Kim Byoung-hoon, CTO and Executive Vice President of LG Electronics. }} Discussions on standardization of 6G networks are expected to begin in 2025, with commercialization of the technology scheduled for 2029. Compared to 5G, the 6G will provide much higher data rates with less latency and higher reliability.[7]
Germany launched a state project for research and standardization of 6G networks
In mid-July 2022, Nokia was appointed head of a new research project in the field of 6G networks, it was named 6G-ANNA, funded by the German government, in collaboration with 29 other industrial, startups and academic partners to conduct research and standardization. Read more here.
Tests of 6G networks began in Japan
On June 6, 2022, NTT DoCoMo, Fujitsu and NEC announced the start of testing 6G networks in Japan. First, testing will take place indoors, and in March 2023 it will begin the stage of testing on the street. The commercial launch of technology, according to companies, will take place in 2030. Read more here.
China plans to launch the first 6G network by 2030
On December 18, 2021, Wang Jianzhou, former chairman of the board of the operator China Mobile and senior consultant to the GSMA association, said that China has no plans to stop at 5G and is going to launch the first 6G network by 2030.
When we created the 5G network, work on the 6G had already begun. By 2030, the 6G network will be commercially available. Now we need to accelerate 6G definition, research and development, "Jianzhou said. |
Wang Jianzhou noted that before the advent of 6G networks, an intermediate stage will be introduced - the so-called 5.5G. He emphasized that the design of the 6G network architecture should fully take into account the impact of hardware and algorithms on power consumption, implement intelligent power control and reduce the power consumption of system operations in general.
The sixth generation mobile technology will be integrated with advanced computing, more data, artificial intelligence and blockchain, according to a white paper released by the IMT-2030 Promotion Group (6G), established in June 2019 under the leadership of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.
The 6G network will provide a deep integration of the real physical world and virtual digital and create a new world of "intelligent communication of everything and digital twin," the report said.
As expected, the international digital organization 3GPP will begin to study and develop the international technical standard 6G around 2025 and will carry out the process of its commercialization in 2030. By comparison, China issued 5G licenses for commercial use and began research in 6G back in 2019. The country is an advanced developer of 6G technologies.[8]
Germany allocated 250 million euros for research of 6G networks
At the end of June 2021, German Federal Minister of Research Anja Karliczek allocated 250 million euros for research on 6G networks. A total of about 50 scientific and industrial partners will take part in the work of the four research centers, who will be able to combine their experience and competencies. Read more here.
Samsung showed a prototype of the 6G wireless communication system
On June 16, 2021, Samsung Electronics announced to TAdviser that it had demonstrated a prototype 6G wireless communication system using the terahertz frequency band with the University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB). Read more here.
The first commercial 6G networks will appear in 2028
In early May 2021, ABI Research released a 6G development report that will see the first commercial sixth generation networks worldwide in 2028 and 2029, with the first standard technologies expected to launch around 2026.
While the rollout of 5G networks has barely begun, 6G development is actively gaining momentum. Academia and industry are already preparing to introduce sixth-generation wireless networks in the 2030s. If 5G networks are to provide data transfer rates up to 20 Gbps and an average user interaction rate of 120 Mbps, then to support applications such as holographic communication and X-reality (a combination of augmented, virtual and mixed reality), these values must reach 1000 Gbps and 1 Gbps, respectively. It is on them that the developers of 6G networks will be guided.
ABI believes that the 6G will provide a framework for creating a mixed real-virtual environment where human-machine interaction will be carried out in real time. In-band full duplex technology will allow communication nodes to explore or recognize other available channels during data transmission, which reduces latency and increases spectrum efficiency, and communication in the THz band will provide incredibly wide bandwidth. ABI believes that combining AI and machine learning technologies with distributed computing will meet the needs of users growing due to the rapid increase in data.
Studying the state of development of the 6G, ABI said that since 2018, the Finnish flagship program 6G, led by the University of Oulu, has begun to test theoretical research and create the first industrial prototypes. Experts also added that many other countries, including China, South Korea, the European Union and the United States, have also launched new projects related to the development of 6G networks.[9]
Launch of the 6G Development PPP Program in the United States
At the end of April 2021, the National Science Foundation USA (NSF) launched the largest program public-private partnership for the development of 6G and attracted nine largest companies in the field cloudy telecommunication and technology to its implementation. More. here
Huawei has taken up the development of 6G networks
In mid-April 2021, Huawei announced that it had started developing 6G networks. The plans of the largest manufacturer of telecommunications equipment rely on the advantage already achieved over competitors in 5G networks.
While the world is just beginning to get used to 5G networks, Huawei is thinking about the future, making plans to deploy the 6G. China is a global leader in the commercial use of 5G communication networks, accounting for 70% of connections in the global 5G network in 2020. The Chinese authorities actively support their companies and encourage the development of this communications sector, so it is not surprising that it was the Chinese company that made such a proposal. According to Huawei management, the company began research in the field of 6G a very long time ago, almost immediately after the start of work on 5G, in order to provide a competitive advantage in the future.
Huawei Chairman Xu Zhijun used the company's international conference in Shenzhen to announce plans to develop 6G equipment and launch networks by 2030, CGTN reported. According to Xu Zhijun, these networks will be 50 times faster than 5G. Later, Huawei is going to release an official description of the 6G, which will help the industry understand the essence of next-generation networks. In addition to the increase in speed, 6G networks will provide latency of one-tenth of latency in 5G networks. 6G networks are also expected to far surpass 5G networks in terms of peak speed, number of connections, mobility, spectrum efficiency and positioning capabilities.
In addition, experts remind, a high-speed network is just one of the applications of the 6G. In their opinion, the correct implementation of the 6G will ensure the integration of terrestrial wireless and satellite communications, thereby ensuring seamless coverage of the entire globe through the integration of satellite communication systems.[10]
Europe allocates 900 million euros for research and development of 6G networks
At the end of February 2021, the European Union allocated 900 million euros for the research and development of 6G networks until 2027. Thus, the EU is trying to strengthen the technological "sovereignty" of Europe and ensure cooperation between European and national funding programs.
The key difference from its predecessor, 5G-PPP, will be the new management model. The proposal will be discussed between member states in the Council, and the final decision will be made in the fall of 2021. In addition to 6G, the project will also drive the rollout of 5G in Europe to develop leading digital markets and ensure the transition of the economy and society to digital and green technologies. Management will also ensure that pan-European programmes are coordinated with national projects, including within the Recovery and Resilience Facility, as well as with other European programmes and mechanisms such as the Digital Europe Programme and InvestEU.
Operators in 23 EU countries have already launched commercial 5G networks in major cities, with widespread rollout expected by 2025 of networks covering urban areas and major transport routes across Europe. These 5G networks will not only provide a wide range of consumer, business and industrial services, but will also provide an important starting point for the adoption of 6G technologies in Europe.
Work on the 6G has already begun with the flagship project Hexa-X, led by the Finnish company Nokia. The project group included seven more organizations, including Ericsson, Intel, Siemens, the University of Oulu, the University of Pisa, as well as telecom operators Orange SA and Telefonica SA. 6G networks are expected to use ultra-high frequency terahertz radio waves, which will provide advanced connectivity.[11] to[12]
Apple is looking for engineers to develop 6G communication technology
In mid-February 2021, Apple posted ads to find research engineers to develop the next generation 6G technologies. Job descriptions say the corporation is looking for employees who will "research and develop next-generation wireless systems for radio access networks" and take part in industry/academic forums focused on 6G technology. " They also note that the new team member will have a unique and useful opportunity to develop next-generation wireless technology that will have a profound impact on future Apple products. Read more here.
Ericsson Launch 6G Platform Development Project
In late January 2021, technology experts Ericsson joined forces with partners from academia and industry to develop and build a new type of Multi-Agent Technology-Based Intelligent Connectivity (MIMO) platform that will be an integral part of future 6G systems. The initiative will be implemented within the framework of the project. REINDEER More. here
Europe launched a project to develop 6G networks
In early December 2020, it became known that the Finnish telecommunications company Nokia will lead the European project Hexa-X, aimed at developing sixth generation (6G) mobile communication systems. Read more here.
China launches world's first 6G satellite
On November 6, 2020 China , using the Changzheng-6 launch vehicle (Long March-6), it launched three of its own into orbit and a group of 10 Argentine Lands NewSat 9-18 remote sensing satellites. Among them is a satellite for testing - 6G nets, which was the first of its kind. More. here
LG begins developing technologies for 6G networks
On August 12, 2020, LG Electronics signed an agreement with South Korean partners to develop telecommunications technologies for 6G networks. The project is expected to be completed in 2029.
To develop technologies for the next generation wireless communication system, LG Electronics has partnered with the Korea Standards Research Institute (KRISS) and the Korea Institute for Advanced Technology (KAIST). The project participants will explore the possibilities of implementing data transmission at a speed of 1 TB/s.
Starting in the second half of 2020, LG Electronics, together with its partners, will develop completely new technologies related to the terahertz range. The plan includes the creation and management of infrastructure for technology validation, frequency detection and channel characterization analysis. Terahertz (THz) implies one trillion cycles per second.
LG spokesman Kim Byung-hoon noted:
Through this agreement, LG Electronics hopes to modernize research on wireless data transmission and reception in the terahertz band, which is key to the 6G, and establish a solid global technological leadership. |
The head of KRISS, Park Hyun-min, hopes that the solutions developed by the Korean Research Institute of Standards and Science will become an effective tool for Korean companies to ensure global competitiveness in 6G research and development.
LG noted that commercialization of the 6G system is expected in 2029. 6G is 5 times faster than 5G, a project the researchers believe will usher in a whole new era. The new technology will remove all the current restrictions associated with the Internet connection, providing users with affordable, effective AI solutions.[13]
Samsung: 6G networks will be launched in 2028
On July 14, 2020, Samsung Electronics published a report entitled "Next Generation Hyper-Connectivity Technology for All," which outlined its vision for the sixth generation (6G) communication system. The project document includes technical and social trends, new services, requirements, potential technologies and expected dates for standardization of networks.
As reported in the report of the South Korean manufacturer, the completion of the development of the 6G standard and the beginning of its commercialization may occur as early as 2028, and a massive commercial launch - around 2030. The main users of 6G will be both people and cars. The 6G will enable services such as immersive augmented reality (XR), high-quality mobile holograms and digital replication.
Samsung defines three categories of requirements that must be met to implement 6G services: performance, network architecture and reliability. Examples of 6G performance requirements are peak data transfer rates of 1000 Gbps and latency of less than 100 μs, 50x peak data transfer rates and latency 10 times lower than 5G.
6G's architectural requirements include addressing the limited computing capabilities of mobile devices, as well as implementing artificial intelligence at the initial stage of technology development and providing flexible integration of new network objects. For sufficient reliability of sixth generation networks, it is necessary to ensure the security and confidentiality of user data and artificial intelligence technologies, Samsung is confident. The white paper also lists technologies that can meet 6G requirements. These include the use of a terahertz (THz) frequency band, new antenna technologies to expand the coverage area of high-frequency signals, advanced duplex technologies, network topology development, spectrum sharing to increase frequency efficiency, as well as the application of artificial intelligence in wireless communication.Samsung forecast for the development of 6G networks
Xiaomi began testing the 6G network
At the end of May 2020, it became known about the testing of sixth generation (6G) networks started at Xiaomi. The founder and CEO of the company Lei Jun told the Xinhua news agency about this.
He did not share detailed information about the tests and only noted that Xiaomi had begun research on 6G networks. The head of Xiaomi stressed that the company is interested in mastering the new communication standard, the development of which, according to him, is impossible without the deployment of an extensive satellite Internet network.
In the context of the discussion of 5G technology, Lei Jun pointed out that the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic has negatively affected the development of the industry around the world. The entrepreneur noted that the company intends to continue to produce smartphones with 5G support in order to "protect" the Chinese market and organize the international expansion of Xiaomi.
5G devices are designed to meet the needs of the Chinese market, he said, adding that 5G will revolutionize the industry and will be actively used for conference calls, cloud games and services, as well as in self-driving cars, and the transition to the 6G standard will further strengthen this trend. |
By the end of May 2020, several countries are actively working on the development of 6G networks, among them USA-,,, and Japan China. France Finland On May 25, the French Center for Micro and Nanotechnology Research CEA-Leti announced research work in accordance with the roadmap for the development of 6G wireless systems in millimeter wave bands.
Wireless networks in the 20 GHz to 300 GHz bands are expected to become the basis of 6G technology. CEA-Leti focuses on research into the so-called D-band, in the 140 GHz frequency domain, which may play a significant role in creating 6G systems.[14]
China begins work on 6G networks
China In officially started development and research in the field of creating networks of the sixth generation. This was reported in a statement by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the PRC, published on November 8, 2019.
Research under this global project will be conducted simultaneously by two groups. The first group will consist of representatives of relevant government ministries responsible for promoting the methods of research and development of 6G network technologies. The second group will deal with the technical side of development, it will be represented by scientific institutes, telecommunications companies and scientists from 37 Chinese universities.
At the same time, Deputy Minister of Science and Technology Wang Xi admitted that the idea of 6G is at its infancy, and it is completely unclear how to approach this issue from a technical point of view.
Earlier, Beijing planned to launch 5G services with support for new features in early 2020, but then decided to accelerate the implementation of plans due to the growing tension in trade relations with Washington.[15]
6G projects may start as early as 2028
On October 10, 2019, it became known that the first commercial projects of the 6G could start in 2028.
6G mobile technologies could be one of 15 breakthrough technologies that will have a key impact on the global industry in the coming years, according to a report by Bank of America Merrill Lynch (BofA). They will be able to deliver speeds up to 400 times faster than 5G.
According to BofA's forecast, 5G communication networks, which are just beginning to develop in individual countries, will not be able to cope with the exponential growth in data transmission in the next ten years.
Operators claim that they are already exploring the prospects for the next generation. But first in Russia it is necessary to resolve the issue of frequencies for the speedy launch of 5G, primarily with the release of the 3.5-3.8 GHz range. Before the advent of 6G technology, the same period may pass as between the commercial launch of 4G and 5G networks, that is, about ten years, operators explain.
According to experts, according to the pace of development of the telecommunications industry, 6G technology should rather be expected closer to 2030. It is assumed that it will occupy the terahertz and sub-terahertz frequency bands[16].
Companies begin work on 6G networks
In mid-August 2019, it became known that Huawei and a number of other companies began work on sixth generation (6G) networks.
The development of relevant technologies started at the Huawei Labs Research Center in Ottawa. The company does not disclose the investment.
In 2009, when Huawei began creating 5G solutions, it allocated $600 million for this. In 2016, expenses amounted to $1.4 billion.
By August 15, 2019, 6G does not have any official standards, and research by most large technology companies in the field is at a theoretical stage.
In the summer of 2019, research in the field of 6G networks was launched by Samsung Electronics Corporation. To do this, the South Korean giant has formed a center for research in the field of advanced communications. His team included specialists who participated in the development of 5G technologies.
Meanwhile, LG Electronics has entered into a cooperation agreement with the South Korean Institute of Advanced Technologies, under which the partners intend to engage in scientific research in the field of 6G networks. This laboratory will be launched in Daejeon (central South Korea).
Huawei, Samsung and other telecom market participants suggest that the deployment of 6G networks will begin no earlier than 2030. They are expected to allow data transfer at speed more than 1 Tbit/s. For the 5G standard, this figure is up to 20 Gbps.
The 6G network, with its ultra-high speed and other technical benefits, is projected by researchers at Jacobs University in Bremen to enable cloud-based artificial intelligence - a system that everyone in the digital world can use.
Peter Vetter, head of access research at Nokia Bell Labs and Bell LabsFellow, believes that the 6G will not just provide connectivity, but will become a kind of "sensor that captures environmental change and automatically proposes changes to improve the lives of both people and machines."[17]
5G Fifth Generation Mobile
- 5G Fifth Generation Mobile
- Development of 5G networks in Russia
- The development of 5G networks in the world
- Vehicle-to-Everytning (V2X) 5G in car evolution
- ↑ UCL engineers set new record on how fast data can be sent wirelessly
- ↑ Research breakthrough could enable future 6G communications networks
- ↑ US, allies set out 6G principles as tech rivalry with China heats up
- ↑ Study: UK 4th most 6G ready country
- ↑ China Mobile unveils 6G white book with global partners
- ↑ China stretches its 6G lead with successful tests; U.S. turns to Nokia and Ericsson
- ↑ LG conducts successful 6G data trial, could make 1 terabit per second speeds possible
- ↑ Early commercial 6G deployments anticipated by 2028
- ↑ Huawei Plans to Launch 6G in 2030
- ↑ [ €900m 6G project
- ↑ replace 5G-PPP]
- ↑ LG Electronics joins hands with state body for early development of original 6G technologies
- ↑ Xiaomi announces the ‘cheapest 5G phone’ in China, preps for 6G
- ↑ China kicks off work on 6G research, state media say
- ↑ Analysts are waiting for the 6G standard to appear
- ↑ Huawei starts research on 6G internet