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Let’s Taxi



+ 1C: The first BIT (earlier 1C: Accounting and Trade)
+ Government of the Russian Federation

Let’s Taxi is online dispatching office which helps taxi pools to monitor work of their drivers, via whatever aggregators they worked. Service fixes everything that happens to drivers on the line. On the card it is possible to see where the driver with what speed when stood idle where was in certain time whether he misses orders, whether he leaves the line that "work on itself" - all this is visible in the program moves. The project is created by "taxi drivers for taxi drivers", organizers of a startup herself owned earlier and managed a taxi pool.

As of fall of 2017:

  • 2,000 drivers work through the application
  • 300,000 orders pass through a system in a month

The Internet Initiatives Development Fund and The First BIT company invested in September, 2017 in Let’s Taxi at a preseeding stage: 4.2 million soinvestition with shares on 5-7%. According to the results of acceleration of IIDF doubling of revenue of the project is expected.

See Also