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Баннер в шапке 2

RGUTiS - Russian State University of Tourism and Service


Education and Science
Since 1952
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
141221, Moscow region, Pushkin district, dp Cherkizovo, st. Main, 99


+ Government of the Russian Federation

RGUTiS is a higher educational institution that trains Russian and international personnel for the service and tourism industry.

RGUTiS is a large university in Russia, whose structure as of July 2018 includes 8 faculties, 16 branches, an extensive network of which covers the cities of the Russian Federation and the CIS countries.


As of July 2018, as part of the RGUTiS:

Faculties and Institutes

  • Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality;
  • Faculty of Service
  • Faculty of Economics, Management and Law (formerly Faculty of Law and Social Communications);
  • Faculty of Art and Technology;
  • Faculty of Training of Highly Qualified Personnel;
  • General University Department of Scientific and Methodological Support of Tourism and Service;
  • Institute of Service Technology;
  • Institute of Tourism and Service (Lyubertsy).