IXcellerate Ixelereit
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IXcellerate is an operator of a network of commercial data centers, one of the three largest data center suppliers in Russia. The company offers customized solutions for the placement of server and telecommunication equipment (colocation). Services are provided on the basis of data centers located at two sites in Moscow - North and South campuses (as of December 2023).
Areas of activity
The main activity of IXcellerate is the provision of colocation services based on a network of neutral data centers, the first of which is the Moscow One data center. The company offers custom-designed solutions for placing server equipment, including placement in dedicated areas of the machine room and round-the-clock technical support (remote hands).
Customers include the largest financial institutions, multinational corporations, telecom operators and other companies that process large amounts of data.
- The fundamental neutrality of the data center allows you to connect to any of the existing telecommunications and network service providers, increasing reliability and optimizing costs for customers.
- Full compliance with the global standard of design, construction and operation of the Level Tier 3 data center, confirmed by the international certificate. IBM All control and safety processes in the data center comply with the requirements of the and standards. PCI DSS ISO 27001
- Service (SLA) is guaranteed at the 99,999% level and allows downtime of no more than 5 minutes 16 seconds per year. Technical support 24x7x365.
- Individual approach to equipment placement, unlimited possibilities of expansion and flexible management of client configurations due to the design capacity of 13 MW and the total area of machine rooms more than 10,000 m ².
Top managers
Guy Willner, ex-president of Equinix Europe, founder of IXEurope (European IX) and Clifford Gauntlet, ex-vice president Golden Telecom and managing director of Russia Online founded the company in 2010.
TAdviser interview with CEO Andrey Aksenov
The trend towards digitalization continues in Russia, and against this background, the demand for services for placing client equipment in data centers - colocation is growing. IXcellerate, an operator of a network of commercial data centers in Moscow, one of the top 3 largest players in Russia, for which colocation is the main business area, expects revenue growth by 45-50% year-on-year by the end of 2023. CEO of IXcellerate Andrei Aksenov in an interview with TAdviser in December spoke about what the year was like for both the market and their company. Read more here.
Moscow government's refusal to sue IXcellerate
On November 24, 2023, the decision of the City Arbitration Court Moscow on the refusal of the Moscow Government and the Moscow City Property Department from claims against the building of the IXcellerate MOS1 data center (Altufevskoye Shosse, 33G) in full entered into force. The trial is over, TAdviser was told in IXcellerate.
Construction of a data center in the north of Moscow
IXcellerate has received permission to build a new data center in Moscow. This was announced on May 4, 2023 by the deputy mayor of the capital for urban planning policy and construction Andrei Bochkarev. Read more here.
Lawsuit from the Moscow government over the demolition of the data center
In April 2023, it became known about the first case in Russia when the authorities demand to demolish the data center. We are talking about the site of IXcellerate, which is located on Altufevskoe highway in Moscow. This data center is one of the three largest in Russia in terms of the number of standing places.
On April 10, 2023, the first meeting was held in the Moscow Arbitration Court on the claim of the Moscow government, which requires recognition as unauthorized construction and demolition of the data center building. In the framework of this case, the court involved the Rosreestr Office in Moscow, the State Construction Supervision Committee, the State Real Estate Inspectorate of the city of Moscow, Sberbank of Russia PJSC, Ixelereit LLC and Orange Business Services LLC as third parties.
Sberbank also filed a petition in the case file to attract Sberbank Investments LLC as a third party. The defendant's lawyer (SMAK JSC) asked the court to postpone the hearing due to the absence of a third party. The court found the argument compelling and adjourned the trial to May 29, 2023.
The press service of the Moscow City Property Department reported that the land plot at Moscow, Altufyevskoye sh., vl. 31A, pp. 1-6 until 2054 was leased to SMAK JSC for the operation of the warehouse complex.
If during the litigation it is established that the object does not violate the architectural appearance of the city, does not pose a threat to the life and health of citizens, it can be preserved after confirming its compliance with urban planning standards and rules, as well as the settlement of land and legal relations and payment of penalties, - said the press service of the Department of City Property of the city of Moscow. |
IXcellerate said the company is consulting with city structures.
Opening a new data center
On September 9, 2022, the operator of the IXcellerate network of commercial data centers officially opened the first stage of its new, third data center - MOS5. It is the first active facility on the company's South Campus, which is located in Moscow, Biryulyovo District, and covers an area of 14 hectares. Read more here.
$190 million in investments from Mubadala, Sberbank, RDIF and other investors
IXcellerate, a Russian commercial operator, data centers raised about $190 million from existing shareholders and new investors, including (Mubadala Investment Company Mubadala, a sovereign wealth fund), UAE and (SberInvest RDIF, Russian Direct Investment Fund a sovereign wealth fund). This RUSSIAN FEDERATION was announced Sberbank TAdviser by "" on January 25, 2022.
{{quote 'author = said Andrey Aksenov, CEO of IXcellerate.|As one of the independent operators of data centers in the country, IXcellerate promotes digitalization in Russia due to the high scalability of infrastructure and growth opportunities. Our goal is to provide current and future customers with high-performance capacity and uninterrupted service that will be sustainable in the long term and in line with the best ESG practices, }}
IXcellerate, based on its own network of world-class data centers, provides equipment placement (colocation) services, ensuring continuity and availability of services for Russian enterprises and global corporations in the face of rapidly growing demand for data processing and storage in various industries.
The company intends to direct those received investments to expand the North and South campuses in, To Moscow which will allow IXcellerate to build new facilities, increase energy intensity and ensure the operation of one of the major campuses in DPC. According to To Europe the company's expectations, scaling the business in accordance with high industry standards will allow IXcellerate to offer customers additional capacity, maintain the availability of the service at 99.999% and guarantee better connectivity.
{{quote 'author = noted Abdullah Nasser Almarzuki, deputy head of Mubadala's investment program in Russia and CIS. |
The role of the lead investor in this IXcellerate funding round is fully consistent with Mubadala's strategy to invest in the digital economy and its developing sectors,}}
According to Abdullah Nasser Almarzuki, IXcellerate has proven itself to be a reliable provider of high-quality data center services in Russia. The company has every opportunity to further grow and strengthen its position in the colocation market, which directly contributes to the development of the digital infrastructure of Russia.
Mikhail Kireev added that investments in IXcellerate are part of the RDIF strategy aimed at supporting the development of Russia's digital infrastructure, and are expanding the Fund's portfolio in the field of data centers. IXcellerate will be able to introduce new capacities and expand the customer base, which will enable more companies to scale up the digital business.
Appointment of Andrei Aksenov to the post of General Director
On July 6, 2021, IXcellerate announced the appointment of Andrei Aksenov to the post of CEO of IXcellerate (IXELEREIT LLC). Previously, this position was held by Guy Willner, who combined the post of CEO and chairman of the board of directors. Read more here.
Start of construction of the IXcellerate Moscow South site
IXcellerate, operator of a network of commercial data centers in Russia, on February 16, 2021 announced that it had begun development of a site in the south of Moscow with a total area of 14 hectares. The south campus - data center IXcellerate Moscow South - will unite several data centers and, according to the company, will become the largest in Europe. Its energy capacity will be more than 200 MW, the design capacity is 20,000 racks. The first 1,200 racks are planned to be commissioned in the second half of 2021.
Media reports plans to raise $500 million from Sberbank, but the company denies
On February 19, 2021, it became known that IXcellerate, the British data center operator (DPC), intends to raise $500 million from Sberbank on the security of a share in the company. Kommersant refers to pledge agreements concluded by the British legal entity of the company in 2020 and registered in the SPARK-Interfax system. The funds received are planned to be directed to the construction of a campus of data centers in the south of Moscow, which, according to IXcellerate, will become the largest in Europe.
According to data to sources, Kommersant IXcellerate was tested as part of the due diligence procedure, but has not yet received the funds, since it has not reached final agreements on the creditor terms of the transaction.
As TAdviser was later told in IXcellerate, the published "information regarding the terms of cooperation does not correspond to reality and Sberbank has no financing deal for $500 million with IXcellerate."
Experts interviewed by the publication suggest that Sberbank actually intends to acquire the company, and not just make money by providing a credit line. The Russian bank is interested in expanding its own IT infrastructure for technological projects.
In August 2020, it was reported that Sberbank is ready to spend 2.55 billion rubles. to place its server racks in a third-party data center. Under the terms of the tender announced by the bank within four and a half years, the partner of the organization had to be ready to gradually accept up to 700 racks, and then smoothly get rid of them. The bank failed to find a contractor then, and, according to information a Kommersant source, he is still interested in another data center.
As of February 2021, Sberbank owns two data centers located in the South Port and in the Skolkovo innovation center, respectively. At the end of October 2020, it became known about the bank's plans to build a data center in the southeast of Moscow. In addition, in early December 2020, Sberbank announced its intention to deploy a regional data center in Balakovo, Saratov Region[1].
Rosenergoatom plans joint projects with IXcellerate
In early December 2020, it became known about the intentions of Rosenergoatom to acquire data centers. Rosatom's subsidiary, according to its deputy general director and financial director Sergei Migalin, is also considering the possibility of building new data centers. The company is thinking about joint projects with IXcellerate. Read more here.
Appointment of Konstantin Borman as Managing Director of IXcellerate in Moscow
On May 12, 2020, it became known that IXcellerate, the operator of a network of commercial data centers in Russia, appointed Konstantin Borman to the post of managing director in Moscow. Read more here.
Establishment of the Advisory Board
On November 18, 2019, it became known that IXcellerate formed the Advisory Board. The main purpose of the Council is to help and support the company's management in developing and coordinating a development strategy. The decision was made in connection with aggressive plans for the growth of the operator: the total capacity of IXcellerate facilities by 2023 will exceed 15,000 racks, which is estimated as 25% of the local market.
The Advisory Council was headed by the CEO of Guy Willner, and Frank Hassett, a veteran of the global data center industry, became its first member.
The Advisory Board will work in parallel with the Board of Directors responsible for the development of plans and control of operating activities. The main functions of the Advisory Council will be:
- assistance in the formation of a long-term business development strategy;
- analysis of the current situation and providing feedback to shareholders and top management;
- business risk management in the short, medium and long term, creation and adjustment of appropriate mechanisms in the company;
- translation to the IXcellerate team of world practices in areas such as hyperblack, connectivity, etc.
I have watched IXcellerate since its inception and truly admire the tenacity and professionalism of his entire team. There are no people here who are indifferent to their work. The quality of service for them is paramount. I am very excited to be part of this team and hope to help the company with its most daring tasks, commented Frank Hassett
Russia is a major Internet-market in. To Europe A deep understanding of customer needs, including compliance challenges, as well as the team's high level of professionalism position IXcellerate as the best partner for global corporations in this market. We work hard to remain a leader among independent players in the data center market, and for this we need the best minds of the global IT industry. We are honored to have Frank's consent to join the Advisory Board, said Guy Willner, CEO of IXcellerate
IXcellerate intends to acquire four sites in Moscow for the construction of new data centers
On October 3, 2019, it became known that IXcellerate, the Russia the British operator of the commercial data center network (), established in the structure, DPCs intends to purchase To Moscow four sites for constructions them within a few months. data centers The purchase of the first site should take place in October 2019. The other three - by February 2020. Such an announcement at the opening of the second data center of the company - the capital's Moscow Two - was made by the managing director of IXcellerate. Fokin
As of October 3, 2019, the first of the existing IXcellerate data centers accommodates about 1800 server racks of the company's customers. The second is 1480. Four additional sites will potentially be able to accept about 28 thousand racks, but Fokin considers this level of their filling to be a very distant prospect. The company's specific plans until 2023 imply an increase in client placements to 15 thousand racks, which by that time should account for approximately 25% of the Russian market for commercial data centers.
Fokin clarified that IXcellerate estimates the commercial market of our country at 30-40 thousand racks, although these calculations are complicated by the fact that it is difficult for companies like Rostelecom to separate its own resources from those rented out. Accordingly, by 2023, Fokin predicts the twofold growth of this market associated with the total digitalization of business.
As for the use of four purchased sites, the company has public investment plans so far only for two of them. IXcellerate intends to invest $230 million in the two nearest data center construction.
Financing the construction of the next data center is planned, including at the expense of credit funds, the company's reference message says.[2] |
IXcellerate plans to invest $260 million in the construction of new data centers in Russia
IXcellerate, operator of commercial data centers, on February 6, 2019 announced the start of construction of a second data center in Moscow and a planned investment of $260 million in accordance with a 5-year development strategy in Russia. Investments are planned to be provided by shareholders' own funds, bank financing and capital attracted in international markets.
As part of the investment program, it is planned to build and purchase additional sites for the commissioning of new capacities in the Moscow region in the period 2019-2023. In addition to the current data center IXcellerate Moscow One, the company plans to manage a network of at least 4 facilities in 5 years, where the largest data center will have machine rooms for up to 10 thousand racks. According to the development strategy, the total capacity of IXcellerate facilities will exceed 15 thousand racks by 2023, which, according to the company's estimates, will occupy about 25% of the local market.
One of the steps towards expanding the share in the Russian market will be the first tranche of investments in the amount of $30 million in 2019 in the construction and launch of the second IXcellerate data center - Moscow Two, corresponding to the Tier III reliability level and designed to accommodate 1,485 high-load racks with a total capacity of 12MW.
2017: Goldman Sachs investment
On September 12, 2017, IXcellerate entered into a 15 million convertible loan agreement dollars USA with an international corporation. Goldman Sachs The funds are planned to be invested in the expansion of the existing IXcellerate Moscow One data center in the north. Moscow The deal is structured at IXcellerate headquarters in. Great Britain
Goldman Sachs became IXcellerate's third key investor (along with IFC and Sumitomo Corporation) and will receive about a 25% stake in the conversion. Thus, taking into account the signed agreement, the total volume of international investments attracted by IXcellerate to Russia amounted to $35 million.
The main investment will be aimed at the growth of IXcellerate and the expansion of the current IXcellerate Moscow One platform. Over the coming months, new engine rooms for 1100 and 350 racks will be built, the capacity of which is already 20% reserved by existing and new customers. A distinctive feature of the IXcellerate business model is modular commissioning. The capabilities of the site still allow you to implement the project "DPC in the data center." The introduction of new halls will allow IXcellerate to enter the TOP-3 of existing commercial data centers Russia ones in terms of the number of racks. Taking into account the planned construction, the total capacity of the IXcellerate Moscow One data center will be 2185 racks.
2016: IXcellerate becomes a member of D-Infinitum Global Data Center Alliance
In December 2016, IXcellerate announced the start of cooperation with PCCW Solutions, the flagship of IT services, part of PCCW Limited, headquartered in Hong Kong. The goal of this mutually beneficial partnership is to meet the growing demand for cost-effective colocation services (placement of equipment in data centers) in various regions and countries of the world in compliance with local legislation.
As part of the collaboration, IXcellerate becomes an official partner of the D-Infinitum Global Data Center Alliance (or simply D-Infinitum), a strategic alliance of the world's leading data center service providers founded by PCCW Solutions. IXcellerate and PCCW Solutions, together with other D-Infinitum participants, intend to offer a full range of hosting and colocation services, connectivity, as well as additional technical services. D-Infinitum offers its corporate clients the ability to host equipment in data centers in different regions/countries under a single contract.
IXcellerate - operator of the Russian Tier 3 data center
As of June 2015, IXcellerate is the operator of the Russian Tier 3 data center located on the territory of 15,000 m ² in Moscow within the Moscow Ring Road. The company is headquartered in London.
TAdviser interview with Dmitry Fokin, Managing Director of the company
By what parameters do large customers choose a data center in Russia? How did the law on personal data affect the development of the industry? What is IXcellerate's growth strategy and expansion plans? Dmitry Fokin, Managing Director of IXcellerate, answered these and other questions in an interview with TAdviser. Read the interview.