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Indata Network Technology Development Fund




+ Network Interaction Technology Center (CTVS)
+ Government of the Russian Federation


2016: Creating a backup copy of Runet

The Russian segment Internet in the fall of 2016 will have a so-called backup copy of part of the infrastructure, writes in July 2016 [the Backup RBC[1]

The creation of a "backup copy" will be carried out by the autonomous non-profit organization MSK-IX, which, together with Rostelecom, owns the largest traffic exchange point in Russia.

"Indata" will be engaged in "macroscopic research of the Internet," writes RBC, will analyze how traffic "walks" and how autonomous systems interact with each other.

Based on this study, it is planned to create a single system that will combine the databases of the Dutch RIPE NCC, which distributes IP addresses between telecom operators, including Russian ones, and other registrations, as well as databases of route information interneta.​

Such a system, according to project participants, "will help optimize routing" or more effectively combat DDoS attacks.

Now each operator independently determines traffic routing policies. Companies do not share this information with each other, but "note" their routes in the routing database - the Internet Routing Registry, which is also managed by RIPE NCC. Destroying some of the information from this database can lead to failures on the entire Internet.

The system being created will be non-commercial, and its use for operators will be voluntary.

2015: Launch of the online magazine "Internet from the Inside"

Internet from the Inside magazine, published online since November 2015. Magazine publisher: Indata Network Technology Development Fund.
