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+ Expocenter
+ Government of the Russian Federation

Expocenter is a Russian exhibition company, organizer of the largest international industry exhibitions in Russia, the CIS and Eastern Europe, as well as national expositions of our country at exhibitions abroad and at the EXPO world exhibitions.

Expocenter consists of professional exhibition and congress organizations: World Association of Exhibition Industry (UFI), Association of Leading European Exhibition Centers (EMECA), Association of Organizers of National and Collective Expositions at International Trade Fairs and Exhibitions (InterEXPO), International Association of Congresses and Conferences (ICCA), International Association of Congress Centers (AIPC), (International Federation of Exhibition and Congress Service (IFES), Russian Union of Exhibitions and Fairs.

Expocenter is a partner of international exhibition companies, including Euroexpo, RESTEK, ChipEXPO (Russia), Ay.Ti.I. Group Pi.eSi. " (UK), "Mass Dusseldorf," "East-West Partner," "Mass Frankfurt," AUMA - Association of Exhibition and Fair Activities of Germany (Germany), "Bologna Fiere" (Italy), " Brno Fairs" (Czech Republic ).

The topics of the annual exhibitions "Expo Center": "Mechanical engineering and technology," "," "Chemistry economy Rural ," "Food industry," "High technologies,, science innovation," "health, Medicine hygiene," "Woodworking, furniture industry," "Consumer goods, products for children," "Advertisement and design."

The Expocenter Central Exhibition Complex (Expocenter Central Exhibition Complex) includes 9 exhibition pavilions and 32 multifunctional halls for congresses, seminars and business presentations. The total exhibition area is 165 thousand square meters. m (closed - 105 thousand square meters. m, open - 60 thousand square meters. m). The possibilities of the pavilions make it possible to hold exhibitions of heavy engineering with the demonstration of exhibits in action. Expocenter often uses exhibition pavilions to hold large-scale (with the participation of over 1000 people) congress events.

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2022: Participation in TAdviser Summit

Delegates of the Russian High Technology Week project will take part in the TAdviser Summit, as well as in the exhibition exhibition. Read more here.


In 2002, pavilion No. 7 was built, where the idea of ​ ​ a two-level exhibition complex with transformer halls was first implemented. The construction of pavilion No. 7 allowed Expocenter to bring congress activity to a qualitatively new level, since it houses a conference hall with a capacity of more than 300 people, in which even film forums can be held.

The 1980th

In the 1980s, the construction of the exhibition complex on Krasnopresnenskaya embankment was proceeding at a rapid pace. Soon after pavilion No. 1, pavilions No. 2 and 3 were commissioned, as well as the Forum pavilion - a unique structure in the form of a glass pyramid in its architectural solution. The Forum has become the hallmark of the Expocenter Central Exhibition Complex.

The 1970th

A significant increase in the number of exhibitions required the expansion of exhibition space and the strengthening of the material base. In the mid-1970s, at the initiative of the Minister of Foreign Trade of the USSR N.S. Patolichev, the USSR Chamber of Commerce and Industry appealed to the Government with a proposal to build a new modern exhibition complex on the banks of the Moskva River, next to the Krasnaya Presnya Park.

The first exhibition pavilion appeared in 1977, and already in January 1978 it hosted one of the largest industry exhibitions - "Woodworking."

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The 1960th

In 1964, Expocenter held the first major international industry exhibition - Stroydormash, which presented the latest examples of construction and road machines, means of mechanization of construction and installation work. The statistics of the show are impressive even by modern standards: on an area of ​ ​ 54 thousand square meters. m 377 companies from 20 countries of the world demonstrated advanced equipment and technologies for road construction work. The co-organizer of the exhibition was the State Committee for Construction, Road and Municipal Engineering at the USSR State Construction Committee.

In the 1960s, the exhibition program "Expocenter" began to form, which two decades later, in the mid-1980s, covered the main sectors of the national economy of the USSR.

Among the many exhibition projects implemented in the 1960s and 70s, it should be noted the international industry review "Chemistry," first held in 1965 at the initiative of the Minister of Chemical Industry of the USSR L.A. Kostandov. It was Chemistry that was the first of the Russian exhibitions to receive the Sign of the World Association of the Exhibition Industry (UFI) in 1975.

The successful premiere of the Chemistry exhibition was followed by no less significant and large-scale reviews: Svyaz, Lesdrevmash, Electro, Neftegaz, Inlegmash and others.

The 1950th

Under the All-Union Chamber of Commerce (hereinafter referred to as the USSR Chamber of Commerce and Industry), the Exhibition Department was created, later transformed into the Office of International and Foreign Exhibitions in the USSR, the successor of which is Expocenter.

In the 1950s, the interest of foreign business circles in economic cooperation with the USSR significantly increased.

In 1959, Expocenter held an exhibition of industrial products in Sokolniki Park. USA On an area of ​ ​ 41 thousand square meters. m was presented household appliances, equipment for urban and communal enterprises, vehicles and much more. The exhibition was opened by N.S. Khrushchev and U.S. Vice President R. Nixon.

Soon, national exhibitions of Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Czechoslovakia and other countries took place.