Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

HydroEngineering Siberia




+ Government of the Russian Federation

HydroEngineering Siberia Ltd is the company performing design and implementation of all-corporate information systems at the enterprises of the RusHydro Group owing to what the unity of all-corporate business processes and management systems in the company is provided.

HydroEngineering Siberia Ltd performs functions of the uniform center of acceptance of project technical solutions, using the principle of system approach to creation of an information model of Group that allows to lower considerably operating costs of IT and to increase efficiency of investment of capital in new technologies. Such structure allows to coordinate the functions executed by earlier external contractors and also to extend the experience accumulated by JSC RusHydro on management of IT activity on all enterprises of Group that considerably reduces operating costs of IT and increases efficiency of investment of capital in new technologies.

Distribution of single project solutions on all enterprises of Group is carried out for the purpose of creation of corporate information space for the approved interaction between branches and DZO providing reliable and dynamic development of the company.