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MIREA - Russian Technological University RTU MIREA


earlier, the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering of Electronics and Automation (MTU, MIREA)

Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation


Number of employees



+ MIREA - Russian University of Technology (RTU MIREA)
+ Government of the Russian Federation

RTU MIREA (Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "MIREA - Russian Technological University") is a higher educational institution in Moscow. It was created in 1947 as the All-Union Correspondence Energy Institute.

As of May 2021, about 26,000 students study at the university, about 4,500 budget places are allocated annually. About 1,200 foreign students from 80 countries are trained at the RTU MIREA Institute of International Education. Upon graduation, graduates receive a state-issued diploma recognized in Russia and abroad.

Rector of RTU MIREA - Stanislav Kuj, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of the Academic Council of the University.


RTU MIREA consists of 8 institutes, 160 departments, 38 research units, more than 52 main partner enterprises (basic departments), a military training center (data for May 2021).

The RTU MIREA Military Training Center (VUTs) trains reserve officers, reserve sergeants and reserve soldiers, annually selects students and graduates for scientific companies of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The university has developed student government, in 2003 and in 2013 the MIREA Student Union was recognized as one of the best in the Russian Federation. On Vernadsky Avenue there is the headquarters of the main student rescue squad of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Russia, whose fighters eliminate the consequences of emergency incidents in the country. University creative groups participate in prestigious all-Russian and international festivals, where they won more than 60 awards.

Institutes and other divisions

  • Institute of Physics and Technology,
  • Institute of Information Technology,
  • Institute of Cybernetics,
  • Institute of Integrated Safety and Special Instrumentation,
  • Institute of Radio Engineering and Telecommunication Systems,
  • Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies named after M.V. Lomonosov,
  • Institute of Management Technologies,
  • College of Instrumentation and Information Technology,
  • Institute of Youth Policy and International Relations,
  • Institute of International Education,
  • Institute of Further Education,
  • Institute of Pre-University Training,
  • Department of Physical Education,
  • Postgraduate studies.
  • Two branches: in Stavropol and in Fryazino (Moscow region).

RTU MIREA Campuses

In total, as of May 2021, there are 7 campuses that are equipped with modern equipment with multi-service infrastructure and high-speed Wi-Fi:

  • 78 Vernadsky Avenue (main campus). The building was designed by architect V. Opryshko.
  • 86 Vernadsky Avenue (a "new" complex of buildings of the Lomonosov Institute of Chemical Technology named after M.V. Lomonosov, which was built from 1980 to 2004. Architects: I. Kleshko, N. Menchinskaya, V. Savitsky, A. Pestov, I. Buyanov.
  • Malaya Pirogovskaya street, 1, building 5. The object of cultural heritage of Moscow as part of the "Ensemble of Moscow Higher Women's Courses," architects - A. Eichenwald and A. Sokolov. Here in 1908 the Moscow Higher Women's Courses were inaugurated, from which the institute traces its history.
  • Stromynka street, 20. One of the oldest buildings in Sokolnikov, an object of cultural heritage of federal significance.
  • 5th Street Sokolina Gora, 22. MIREA's first own building, built in 1970.
  • Usacheva street, 7/1. Military pulpit building.
  • 1st Shchipkovsky Lane, 23. The structural division of RTU MIREA is the College of Instrumentation and Information Technology.

Educational and scientific megalaboratoriums

Educational and scientific megalaboratoriums are universal scientific and technical centers in which the development of several departments or institutes is combined and educational, scientific and production capabilities are combined:

  • Inter-department specialized educational and scientific laboratory "Intelligent autonomous and multi-agent robotic systems" (2015);
  • Innovative technologies in microelectronics (2016);
  • Specialized educational and scientific laboratories of Information Technologies of the Internet of Things (educational project "IoT Academy Samsung" is being implemented) and Multimedia Technologies, equipped in the framework of cooperation with Samsung Electronics (2017);
  • Space Center Simulation Equipment (2018);
  • Universal educational and scientific laboratory of analytics, modeling, design and digital prototyping technologies based on the Institute of Information Technologies (2018);
  • Interinstitut Training Center "Industry 4.0 Digital Robotic Production" (2019);
  • Educational and Scientific Center for Catalytic and Mass Exchange Processes based on the Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies (2019)
  • Training Laboratory of Precision Information and Measuring Analytical Systems (2019).
  • Digital and additive technologies in mechanical engineering (3D modeling module) (2020).
  • Immersive Technology Laboratory (2020).
  • Laboratory of digital design and modeling of radioelectronic means on the basis of the RTS Institute (2020);
  • Specialized laboratory of technological processes for the production of radioelectronic equipment on the basis of the RTS Institute (2020);
  • Laboratory for Assembly and Installation of Radioelectronic Equipment (2020);
  • Laboratory for setting up and adjusting radioelectronic equipment (2020);
  • Laboratory of 3D prototyping and control of multilayer printed circuit boards based on the RTS Institute (2020);
  • Scientific and Educational Center for Biosynthesis, Isolation and Purification of Monoclonal Antibodies at the Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies (2020).
  • Laboratory of Geoinformation systems (2020);
  • Tracking and motion capture technology laboratory equipped with Vicon equipment (2020).

Directions and Specialties

The university is preparing in 112 areas and specialties (bachelor's, specialty, master's, graduate school) in the fields of IT, computer security, electronics, radio engineering, robotics, chemistry, biotechnology, etc., the possibility of obtaining additional education is provided.


The faculty of the university (more than 2,500 people as of May 2021) includes 21 academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, more than 280 members of other academies and scientific societies, including international ones. 77% of teachers (more than 400 doctors and more than 1300 candidates of sciences) have academic degrees and academic titles. Individual lectures and educational disciplines are given by specially invited foreign scientists and teachers. At the basic departments, students (starting from the 3rd year) are taught by practicing designers, chief engineers and general directors of enterprises.

International programs

As of May 2021, RTU MIREA is a member of the following international university associations and associations:

  • T.I.M.E Europe. (Top Industrial Managers for Europe Association);
  • Association Russia China of Sino-Russian Technical Universities;
  • International Association of Universities (IAU);
  • European Association of Research Managers and Administrators (EARMA).
  • University League of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO).

A significant number of educational programs have international certificates.

RTU MIREA has more than 60 foreign partner universities, programs of academic exchanges and double diplomas have been organized. The closest ties are established with Milan Polytechnic University (Italy), North China University of Technology (China), Chao Tun National University (Taiwan), Saitama University (Japan ). In addition, the RTU MIREA houses the Coordination Bureau for annual Russian-Japanese youth exchanges.

Research and practical activities

RTU MIREA closely cooperates with enterprises in the field of high-tech industries, in which more than 50 basic departments have been created (data for May 2021). The cluster system "university - basic enterprise - basic department" combines fundamental training in junior courses and training of senior students in future workplaces. Basic departments have been opened at the research institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Design Bureau and at high-tech enterprises in the Moscow region. In particular, the Department of Immunological Chemistry at the Federal State Budgetary Institution "NICEM named after N.F. Gamalei." The head of the department is Denis Yuryevich Logunov, deputy director for research at the Gamaleya Center, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, doctor of biological sciences, who headed the Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine development group in 2020.

Scientific schools and achievements of RTU MIREA scientists are the basis of strong partnerships with universities, scientific centers, production corporations in Germany, France, South Korea, Singapore, Finland, China, Japan and other countries.

In 2019, Yuri Sakunenko, Alexander Rogov and a group of co-authors from the RTU MIREA Physics and Technology Institute were awarded the VOIR Prize as the best invention.

Within the framework of international cooperation, physicists from RTU MIREA, the Prokhorov Institute of General Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow) and the Institute of Electronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnology (Lille, France) have proposed a new way to control the polarization of terahertz radiation, simpler and more effective.

In October 2020, RTU MIREA merged into the scientific and educational consortium "Polymer Materials for Advanced Technologies" TsNITI "Tekhnomash" from the holding "" Roselectronics(State Corporation), Rostec INEOS RAS and. ISPM RAS It is planned to conduct fundamental and applied scientific research, implement educational programs, develop scientific and educational infrastructure, launch the production of high-tech products, and jointly participate in the implementation. national project "Science"


2024: Agreement with STC IT ROSA on development of solutions for Rosa Mobile OS

JSC "STC IT ROSA" and RTU MIREA signed an agreement on cooperation in the field of education, science and innovation. The parties will cooperate in the development and testing of software solutions for the ROSA Mobile mobile operating system. About this "STC IT ROSA" reported on September 11, 2024.

source = IT Research Center Rosa

RTU MIREA students will have the opportunity to participate in projects related to the development of software for mobile devices. This step will open up prospects for students to participate in real projects and develop competencies in demand in the IT industry.

{{quote 'author = said Oleg Karpitsky, General Director of STC IT ROSA JSC. | Cooperation with such universities as RTU MIREA opens up opportunities for innovation. We strive to develop mobile technologies, and student participation in these processes will help bring new ideas and solutions. Our joint project with RTU MIREA is aimed at strengthening the domestic IT industry and creating competitive products based on ROSA Mobile, }}

Шаблон:Quote 'author = added Sergey Golovin, Head of the Department of Mathematical Support and Standardization of Information Technologies, Institute of IT RTU MIREA.


Astra Linux Software Lab Opening Plan

A laboratory for the study of software products of the Astra Linux family will open in RTU MIREA. This was announced on August 9, 2023 by the Astra Group of Companies.

The agreement between RTU MIREA and Astra Group of Companies was signed in February 2022. Then the parties agreed to create and implement a comprehensive program for the training and retraining of specialists in system programming as part of import substitution. RTU MIREA is already teaching students system programming on domestic IT products. With the opening of a specialized laboratory for the study of software products of the Astra Group of Companies, educational opportunities for students will increase significantly.

The previously launched cooperation between RTU MIREA and Astra Group of Companies already has its own results. The university has introduced and uses in the educational process the Russian operational system Astra Linux, provided by the technological partner of Astra Group of Companies. The Fullsteck Development profile is being jointly implemented as part of the Information Systems and Technologies training area. 94 students of this program have already received the status of certified users under the program "OCAstra Linux Special Edition 1.7."

A joint program "Administration of domestic operating systems" was also implemented within the framework of the "Digital Department" of RTU MIREA, which the university opened as a participant in the Priority 2030 project. Astra Group is actively involved in the preparation of not only students, but also schoolchildren who study on the basis of the Altair Children's Technopark RTU MIREA: a joint free course "Fundamentals of the Astra Linux Operating System" is available for children, career guidance measures are held on the basis of the company. Thus, a comprehensive multi-level training system is being built: from schoolchildren to young specialists.

Cooperation between RTU MIREA and Astra Group of Companies has been going on for several years, in 2023 we will go to a new, higher level - the opening within the walls of the Astra Laboratory University. Here students will be able to access all software products of the Astra Group of Companies with the possibility of acquaintance, testing, completing project tasks, going through various practices and participating in special projects. The combination of excellent fundamental training with practical classes at Astra Laboratory makes specialists in demand in the IT market from RTU MIREA graduates, "said Fedor Kirdyashov, director of the education department of Astra Group of Companies.

I am glad that the list of joint educational initiatives of RTU MIREA and our partner - Astra Group of Companies - is expanding. We are preparing for the full-scale opening of a laboratory where students will be able to work with domestic software, which is being introduced in Russia as part of the import substitution program. I am sure that our joint work will bring to a new level the training of highly professional personnel who will have to introduce breakthrough technologies in the domestic IT industry, "commented Stanislav Kuj, Rector of RTU MIREA.

Launch of the training program for specialists in the field of radio and microelectronic industry of IT and information security

and Rostec MIREA launched a training program for specialists in the field radio- and, and microelectronic industries IT. information security Graduates higher education institution will receive guaranteed employment at enterprises state corporations and will participate in the creation of the Russian electronic engineers software systems and systems. This was announced on April 10, 2023 by the state corporation Rostec.

Participants of the Rostec Code project will receive competencies in the field of, robotics,, programming 3D modeling IT architecture,,, etc geoinformation technologies circuit designers. The goal of the program is to prepare and attract universal specialists and engineering teams to industrial enterprises with in-demand competencies at the junction of several technologies at once.

In 2023, it is planned to recruit a pilot group of 25 students at MIREA - Russian Technological University, children from families of industrial workers will receive priority upon admission. The project is being implemented with the support and taking into account the requirements of one of Rostec's key holdings in the field of radio electronics - the United Instrument-Making Corporation.

The strategic task is to eliminate critical dependence on foreign technologies and saturate the market with the necessary electronics. We are talking about the creation of domestic materials, electronic components, complex software systems and systems. At the same time, the problem of acute personnel shortage affects more than 230 organizations of the Corporation in 47 regions where employees are needed in 40 main specialties in the field of IT and instrument making. The task of Rostec is to train specialists with strong competencies necessary for the electronic industry,
said Alexander Nazarov, Deputy General Director of Rostec State Corporation.

The training program is based on a single target model of advanced training, which has already been tested as part of the educational program "Wings of Rostec," focused on engineering personnel for the Corporation's aviation complex.

In 2023, recruitment will be conducted in three areas: computer science and (computing technology undergraduate); information security telecommunication systems (specialty); electronics and nanoelectronics (undergraduate).

Graduates of the program will be able to choose the profession of a programmer, database administrator, information technology engineer and tester of industrial Internet of Things systems, telecommunications systems design engineer, design engineer in the field of electronic instrumentation, as well as an information security specialist.

The Rostec Code program was developed with the network methodological support of the Southern Federal University - a partner of the Corporation within the framework of the federal project "Advanced Engineering Schools" with an emphasis on the real tasks facing REC specialists, including JSC OPK, as a key customer. The key feature of the program is the end-to-end school-university-enterprise training system with guaranteed employment at enterprises. Mentors and experts of Rostec enterprises were involved in the educational process. This makes it possible to reduce the qualitative gap between the requirements of employers for young specialists and the current level of training of students, to provide students with a guarantee of a stable professional future,
stated Deputy General Director of Rostec State Corporation Nikolay Volobuev.

For students of the program, corporate social support is provided. They will receive an increased academic scholarship from the employer in the amount of from 20 thousand rubles, as well as motivational payments for accelerated learning of the English language. Students are guaranteed employment and salary payments from the first year.

Mentors who will oversee production practice will help students form an individual professional trajectory. At the final stage of training, a participant in the Rostec Code program must protect a thesis written on a topic relevant to the employer.

To participate in the project, the applicant must have from 220 to 250 points USE in mathematics, computer science and physics, depending on the chosen specialty. The average score of the certificate must be from 4 and higher, the level of knowledge of the English language - not lower than A2. In addition, individual achievements are taken into account, including prizes in the multidisciplinary Zvezda Olympiad. Everyone who enters must write a motivational essay.

Agreement with the Center for Diagnostics and Telemedicine of DZM on the launch of a program for training IT specialists in healthcare

MIREA - Russian University of Technology (RTU MIREA) and the Center for Diagnostics and Telemedicine of the Moscow Department of Health on February 20, 2023 announced the start of joint training of IT specialists in healthcare. Read more here.

Cooperation with Astra Group of Companies to train fullsteck development specialists

In 2022, RTU MIREA and Astra Group signed a cooperation agreement to launch a large-scale program to train IT specialists to work with domestic software and equipment. As a result, the university has already introduced and uses the Russian operational system Astra Linux in the educational process, provided by the industrial partner of Astra Group, which announced this on February 13, 2023.

The cooperation was continued: now the Fullsteck Development profile opened earlier in RTU MIREA in the framework of the Information Systems and Technologies training area will be implemented jointly with Astra Group of Companies. The program is taught by the Institute for Advanced Technologies and Industrial Programming RTU MIREA.

Thanks to the university's cooperation with the company, its technological and methodological support, the quality of training for future fullsteck developers reaches a different level. Students will be able to study the following areas: general programming, front-end and back-end development, mobile programming, programming, databases microcontrollers, internet of things technology equipment, artificial intelligence and analysis. During big data the training process, novice IT specialists master the most popular and popular programming languages:,,, and C/C++, C# Java JavaScript Python others.

We are glad to effectively cooperate with RTU MIREA and consider it important to develop it in all directions, continuing to help educate students and schoolchildren. Our joint program with RTU MIREA contributes to the development of various IT areas in Russia, in particular fullsteck development. In the development, implementation and operation of software, we are worthy of competing with existing foreign solutions and strive to surpass them, - said Fedor Kirdyashov, Director of the Education Department of Astra Group of Companies.

Cooperation between RTU MIREA and Astra Group of Companies is not limited to the implementation of a joint educational program. The pool of current and planned activities includes the creation of a joint laboratory and an authorized training center, training and certification of RTU MIREA teachers, the launch of training and retraining courses for system programming specialists, student participation in the Astra Career project and the opportunity to apply for positions in various Russian companies.

Together, students are being trained under the program "Administration of Domestic Operating Systems" within the framework of the "Digital Department" of RTU MIREA, where those who wish can receive additional education in the field of IT. Astra Group of Companies is also actively involved in the training of schoolchildren on the basis of the Altair children's technopark RTU MIREA: a joint free course "Fundamentals of the Astra Linux operating system" is available for children, career guidance activities are held on the basis of the company.

Cooperation between RTU MIREA and Astra Group of Companies is an example of an effective comprehensive collaboration between higher education and the real sector of the economy. Together, we strive to train highly qualified IT professionals, while covering all levels: from schoolchildren and students to adult education. I am sure that our cooperation will continue to give positive results, - commented the rector of RTU MIREA Stanislav Kuj.

Expanding student development training in Directum RX low-code environment

RTU MIREA is expanding the training of students to develop in the low-code environment Directum RX, as well as their theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of digitalization through a partnership program with a vendor. Directum (Directive) announced this on February 10, 2023.

RTU MIREA has been partnering with Directum since 2021. Teachers were trained in Directum RX, confirmed knowledge and skills in certification exams. Interaction with the vendor made it possible to improve the quality of practical training of students and help students understand the stages of the IT system life cycle. Graduates with knowledge in the field of corporate content management and skills in ECM systems have high potential and are of interest to employers.

IT training is difficult to imagine without training in working with software products in demand on the market, which, of course, include Directum RX. In digital business transformation, ECM/BPM systems are mandatory and fundamental, "said Anna Lagunova, Ph.D., Head of the Department of Digital Transformation, RTU MIREA Institute of Information Technologies.

For February 2023, the department is preparing to introduce a course on applied development in the Directum RX programming environment into the educational process. This direction is of high interest to students. The university plans to develop a program of cooperation with Directum for training in development and business tasks for content management.

MIREA positively assesses the partnership program with educational institutions.

Directum actively meets universities, providing both methodological and technical support at the highest level. I note that the department and the university have extensive experience in working with vendors, and not all companies are as attentive to universities as Directum, - confirmed Andrei Zuev, director of the RTU MIREA Institute of Information Technologies.


Launch of an educational project with Robin

In the fall of 2022, as part of the development of the import substitution program and training on Russian software for students of Russian universities, ROBIN and RTU MIREA announced the start of cooperation in the field of education. Robin announced this on November 25, 2022.

In terms of implementing the educational program of the Digital Transformation profile in the direction of preparing the Applied Informatics, ROBIN and RTU 09.03.03, MIREA will prepare joint training programs for specialists who are ready to take on the implementation of large-scale digital transformation projects based on domestic software. As part of this collaboration, students will familiarize themselves in detail with the import-substituting Russian ROBIN platform for automating business processes using customizable software robots (RPA) and chat bots. ROBIN solutions are applied both by commercial companies of the Enterprise segment in the framework of digital transformation projects, and by large organizations from the public sector and enterprises whose activities are associated with a large number of routine processes, processing and routing of various information.

All ROBIN training programs focus on the development of practical skills and the transfer of real experience in process management in Russian companies.

We see that the level of penetration of information technologies into our lives achieved over the past ten years requires a large number of high-class personnel who are able to implement comprehensive digital transformation projects based on domestic software, "said Pavel Borchenko, CEO of ROBIN. - The main resource of the company is its employees. Their qualifications and motivation determine the success and future of any project, so we understand how important it is to "raise" such specialists in higher educational institutions before they enter the labor market. Our agreement with RTU MIREA is a serious step for the development of the industry, since one of its key factors is high-quality training of highly professional personnel. The university has been actively cooperating with IT developers for a long time, demonstrates interest in such cooperation and follows technological trends, adapting its educational programs.

RTU MIREA is distinguished by the desire and ability to train specialists with all the skills and skills in demand on the market. Of course, the participation of technological partners in educational programs, especially in IT-directed ones, such as our Digital Transformation profile, is necessary and connects theory and practice, provides students with up-to-date knowledge and competencies, and focuses them on current trends in IT. ROBIN software in the disciplines of the profile will allow the training of such specialists in the framework of solving the problems of digital transformation of organizations, - said Anna Lagunova, head of the Department of Digital Transformation at the RTU MIREA Institute of Information Technologies.

Based on the concluded cooperation agreement, ROBIN transferred its software for teaching students to RTU MIREA, and also provided the opportunity for internships in the company for senior students of the Institute of Information Technology to familiarize themselves with the practical part of robot programming and further employment.

Opening of the educational and scientific complex of import substitution, created for the training and retraining of IT specialists

In Moscow, on the basis of MIREA - Russian Technological University (RTU), an educational and scientific complex of import substitution, created for the training and retraining of IT specialists, began work. The opening ceremony was attended by Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation Elena Druzhinina, President of PJSC Rostelecom Mikhail Oseevsky and Rector of RTU MIREA Stanislav Kudzh. This was reported in the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia on October 04, 2022.

The Ministry of Education and Science Russia purposefully pays a lot of attention to development - ITindustries to achieve technological independence. Russia This is evidenced by the launch of such large-scale programs, advanced engineering schools, digital departments, a platform for university technological entrepreneurship, a budgetary doubling of places in IT specialties. The first results of close cooperation between leading companies and universities appeared. The general goals and tasks of import substitution allow you to work together on the content of the educational process. Betting on domestic software especially important, in conditions cyber attacks and cyber threats. The work of the complex will contribute to the production of specialists in the most promising IT areas,
said Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education, Elena Druzhinina.

The curriculum of the Center was developed as part of the Digital Departments project. This is a professional retraining program in the IT field, which has been launched for universities.

Classes in the complex will begin to be held using only domestic software products. In the future, it is planned to introduce the Basis digital platform developed by Rostelecom. This system is designed to replace foreign software at universities.

From October 2022, the Center will start a training program in the most popular area in IT - "DevOps-development." Students will work out a set of practices aimed at creating and configuring software. To solve these problems, individual specialists are needed, whose IT market is in short supply. According to Russian platforms - job search aggregators, the annual increase in vacancies in the DevOps region is about 59%.

The training of senior students will be carried out in other IT specialties, such as "Data Analyst" and "Software Information Security." The demand for education in the complex among students is expected at the level of 1.5 thousand students.

The company is happy to interact with the university and such cooperation will certainly be beneficial and useful. The volume and content of what students and teachers would like to tell will grow every year,
noted the president of PJSC Rostelecom , Mikhail Oseevsky.

Rector of RTU MIREA Stanislav Kuj conducted a tour of this complex, which is located in the main building of the university. The event participants were shown four equipped classes:

  • immersive technology laboratory, where students will solve complex engineering problems while in the same VR space;
  • a laboratory for capturing movements and tracking objects, in which data gestures and facial expressions will be transmitted on a 3D model;
  • a virtual modeling and prototyping laboratory, where students will be trained in business processes using special cyber capsules;
  • an engineering class designed to work with programming and build robots.

Within the walls of the training center, students will gain practical experience in solving complex engineering problems with modeling real production processes. The first stage of training will take place in virtual reality mode. The coverage of the educational program will be more than 500 RTU MIREA students.

Education project with Comindware

Comindware and MIREA - The Russian University of Technology will prepare the ground for training specialists who are ready to take over the implementation of large-scale digital transformation projects based on domestic software. This was announced on September 15, 2022 by Comindware. The professional standard developed by the Association of BPM Professionals was chosen as the basis for future training programs. The association includes expert practitioners with many years of experience in business process management. All training programs have a focus on developing practical skills and transferring real experience of process management in Russian companies.

Educational the initiative is being implemented with support. Digital Transformation Academies The Academy brings together scientific leading employees, specialists and enthusiasts of digital transformation on a common platform in order to develop personnel potential countries based on practical experience.

We see that the level of digitalization achieved over the past ten years requires a large number of high-class personnel who are able to implement ambitious digital transformation projects based on domestic software. We hope that our project with MIREA - the Russian University of Technology will not only help overcome the shortage of specialists in IT, but will also create a groundwork for breakthrough development, despite the consequences of foreign sanctions, - Maxim Tsyplyaev, founder and president of Comindware, expressed his point of view.

Of course, the value of any knowledge is confirmed by practice, and we at MIREA strive to train specialists with skills in demand in the country, "said Dmitry Denisov, Head of the Department of Modern Management Technologies at the Institute of Management Technologies at RTU MIREA. - We rely on the best world standards of process management, and have built training programs based on BPM CBOK, but we need to connect theory with real Russian practice. We think Comindware's expertise in accelerating platform-based digital transformation Low-code BPMS will go a long way in putting our graduates into practice.

Creating a game development program with VK

VK and RTU MIREA have created a game development program for undergraduate students looking to build careers in the field. The top graduates will have the opportunity to join the VK team, as the latter announced on July 11, 2022.

VK is a technological partner of the Development and Design computer games of Multimedia Applications profile implemented by information technology the RTU MIREA Institute in the direction of preparing Software Engineering. To do this, the university deployed a special one, Russia IT infrastructure including a motioncapture laboratory and an immersive technology laboratory.

The program was developed in conjunction with VK experts and includes disciplines from industry practitioners: development of server applications in Java, development of games on Unity and game design. Students will practice using VK technology with support from company employees. Lectures will be organized for students with the participation of experts from among the staff of game studios and the VK Play platform. The program is launched as part of a cooperation agreement between VK and RTU MIREA, which involves the implementation of other initiatives in the fields of higher and additional vocational education.

The best of the students who passed the competitive selection for the profile "Development and Design of Computer Games and Multimedia Applications" in 2022 will also receive the opportunity for additional free education under the created educational program VK and RTU MIREA, scheduled for the beginning in September 2022. The training will take place in the fall and spring semesters, will last three months and will be held online.

Gamedev is an industry that is at its peak in popularity as of July 2022. A career in game development is a great opportunity to turn the craze into a lucrative profession. Students of our joint course with RTU MIREA will receive all the necessary set of knowledge and skills to take the first step in this direction. Cooperation with universities is an important element of the VK educational development strategy. We want as many children as possible to be able to get popular IT professions and move towards their dreams, "said Anna Stepanova, director of educational projects at VK.

The formation of the digital economy of our state requires higher education institutions to train a large number of specialists with advanced digital competencies, including in the gaming industry. RTU MIREA has successfully solved this problem in close cooperation with major technology companies, including VK. Joint educational initiatives implemented on the basis of our university will become a special environment for the concentration and transfer of advanced digital competencies between the University, students and teachers, VK and IT industry professionals, "said Stanislav Kuj, Rector of RTU MIREA.

Agreement with T1 Consulting on the preparation of IT personnel

On July 1, 2022, developer POT1 Consulting announced the launch of a cooperation program with Russian universities. Cooperation is also concluded with MIREA. Read more here.

Opening of the profile department together with Greenatom and Consyst-OC

A program for training IT specialists to work in Rosatom is being launched in MIREA RTU. This was announced on July 1, 2022 by Greenatom. Key partners were major IT companies included in Rosatom, Greenatom JSC and Consyst-OC JSC signed an agreement on the creation of a specialized department to train future employees of the nuclear industry. From 2022, Rosatom will begin training specialists for its enterprises in the field of "Software Engineering."

The curriculum of the Department of Information Technologies in the Nuclear Industry consists of disciplines aimed at training IT specialists who can immediately after graduation start working at Rosatom enterprises. Classes in the main disciplines will be conducted by current employees of the company with academic degrees and experience in teaching in universities.

The peculiarity of this undergraduate educational program is the possibility of attending additional free classes, including information security, upon successful completion of which students will be able to receive a diploma in professional retraining. After completing their studies, students will be able to continue their studies in master's programs.

It is difficult to overstate the role of Rosatom in the stable development and security of our country. The opening of the profile department of Rosatom IT enterprises in RTU MIREA is an important event not only for our university. It is this approach of close cooperation between universities and the country's largest enterprises that is the future of Russian higher education, "said Stanislav Kuj, rector of RTU MIREA.

After completing the training, graduates will have extensive knowledge in the field of software engineering, which will allow them to choose a career path in several specialties: mobile application developer, web developer, system administrator, information systems specialist in the nuclear industry, information security specialist, database administrator (developer), etc.

{{quote "The detailed curriculum is designed so that graduates after graduation can solve various professional problems: from interaction with the customer on the project to software development, testing and support," said Evgeny Abakumov, IT Director of Rosatom. }}

The qualifications of the employees of Consyst-OC JSC participating in the educational project are confirmed by 30 years of experience in building and supporting the entire information and technological infrastructure of the nuclear industry, and we are ready to share our expertise, to enable young specialists to test their knowledge in practice, interning and working with us in companies, - said Mikhail Lysachev, General Director of Consyst-OC JSC.

Rosatom continues to actively work with universities to attract IT specialists to the nuclear industry: in addition to interacting with the ring of supporting universities of the State Corporation, master classes, webinars and workshops are held in educational institutions of the country, where students can learn about the company's developments. In addition, the State Corporation has trainee programs, thanks to which early students and graduates can receive an offer of employment in the company.

The implementation of Rosatom's global goals requires an increase in the number of employees, so we are expanding our staff and by 2025 we will hire about 5,000 IT specialists. As of July 2022, the IT industry market is overheated - everyone needs IT specialists, but they are always lacking. Instead of competing for personnel, we have taken a different personnel and are shaping this market ourselves by betting on second-, third- and fourth-year students. Every fifth accepted IT specialist is a student who comes to us for an internship and then remains to work in the company, - said Mikhail Ermolaev, General Director of Greenatom JSC.

Launch of a digital department for training with domestic software together with Astra Group of Companies

MIREA - Russian Technological University and Astra Group of Companies, which has combined Astra Linux software products and a number of other domestic IT brands, are starting to implement two educational projects in the IT field at once. Thanks to them, university students will be able to acquire demanded skills and knowledge and in the future get a job in the largest companies in the country. This became known on June 27, 2022.

The first project is the creation of a "Digital Department" on the basis of RTU MIREA, that is, a professional retraining program envisaged by the federal project "Development of the personnel potential of the IT industry" of the national program "Digital Economy of Russia." Such departments for June 2022 are created in several universities participating in the Priority 2030 program. The first program in Russia "Administration of domestic operating systems" (based on the Russian operating system Astra Linux) is launched at MIREA - Russian University of Technology.

Students who have undergone retraining under the program will be able not only to gain new knowledge and skills in working with the OS. In an authorized training center based on RTU MIREA, they will be given certificates from the Astra Group of Companies confirming their competencies. In the future, certificates from the vendor will allow them to take part in the Astra Career project, that is, get into the database of specialists who know how to work with the company's products, and get a job in one of hundreds of companies throughout the country cooperating with Astra Group of Companies.

This is an extremely popular program, since with the departure of Microsoft from the Russian market, more and more organizations are switching to domestic operating systems, including Astra Linux. Accordingly, every day the need for qualified specialists capable of working with such products is increasing, - noted in RTU MIREA.

The second joint project of the university and the IT company is the master's program "System Programming" on the basis of the Institute for Advanced Technologies and Industrial Programming. The demand for specialists in this area also increased significantly due to the departure of Western companies from Russia and, as a result, their employees. RTU MIREA acted as the developer of the program: together with Astra Group of Companies, curricula and methodological materials for the disciplines included in the course were selected and worked out.

The theory of system programming will be taught by university employees, and the curriculum will include practices from the Astra Group of Companies. Participation in the master's program will also give students the opportunity to take part in the Astra Career project and apply for positions in various Russian companies. RTU MIREA emphasizes that it is quite possible to become a participant in this program - thanks to the allocation of additional budget places to the university in the magistracy.

The development of the IT sphere is a task for June 2022 without exaggerating the state importance. Realities dictate to us the conditions when we must act proactively, train specialists not only in industries that are already experiencing a shortage of employees, but also predict the development of events. The joint programs of our University with Astra Group of Companies will not only improve the quality of student education, make it more relevant, corresponding to the rapidly changing reality, but also in the future provide hundreds, if not thousands, of organizations throughout the country in various industries with truly competent specialists. Our programs are a contribution to the stable development of not only the IT sphere, but also the entire economy. The launch of a digital department for retraining specialists and training them in working with domestic software is our contribution to the import substitution program, - comments Stanislav Kudzh, rector of MIREA - Russian Technological University.

Cooperation with Astroy and Baikal Electronics

On February 17, 2022, RTU MIREA, Astra Group of Companies and Baikal Electronics announced cooperation. The agreements signed by the university and vendors were the beginning of a comprehensive collaboration between a key technological university and domestic developers of microelectronics and software aimed at training IT specialists.

RTU MIREA, Astra Group of Companies and Baikal Electronics announced cooperation

As reported, the parties will ensure the creation and implementation of a comprehensive training and retraining program for specialists in system programming, as well as the introduction and maintenance of domestic software within the framework of import substitution.

In the foreseeable future, communication networks and information systems used in healthcare, power, chemical industry, etc., as well as almost all critical information infrastructure will be built mainly on Russian software and equipment. In this regard, there is a growing demand on the labor market for specialists capable of introducing and exploiting domestic developments. The country's universities are faced with the task of preparing such personnel "for the future" - a period when their demand will peak, that is, it is already necessary to give students the knowledge and skills that will be relevant in a few years.

To solve these problems, RTU MIREA, Astra Group of Companies and Baikal Electronics JSC agreed to work together to create laboratories and an authorized training center, as well as to introduce the Astra Linux operating system and Baikal processors into the educational process of the university. In RTU MIREA, students will begin teaching system programming on domestic IT products, teachers will be able to pass certification from Astra Group and Baikal Electronics. In addition, it is planned to launch training and retraining courses for specialists in system programming. Schoolchildren who receive additional education at the Altair Children's Technopark on the basis of RTU MIREA will also be able to study the development of industrial partners. Thus, a comprehensive multi-level system for training specialists will be built: from classes for schoolchildren and students to training and retraining adults.

Authorized Training Center
RTU MIREA pays close attention to cooperation with industrial partners, without whose participation it is impossible to train modern in-demand specialists. I note that we managed to reach an agreement on cooperation with Astra Group of Companies and Baikal Electronics. As of February 2022, RTU MIREA is a university that launches a comprehensive cooperation program to train specialists to work with domestic software and equipment. In the near future, the list of our joint initiatives will be expanded.

commented Stanislav Kuj, rector of RTU MIREA

The main resource of the company is its employees. Their qualifications and motivation determine the success and future of any project. We understand how important it is to "raise" such specialists from school age and in universities - before they enter the labor market, as well as pay attention to the advanced training of ready-made pros.

told Andrey Evdokimov, General Director of Baikal Electronics

RTU MIREA is a university in terms of interaction with the industry, the use and introduction of domestic software and hardware into the educational process. The university has been actively cooperating with IT developers for a long time. One of the key aspects of our cooperation is an integrated approach to training. Courses for all levels of education will appear in RTU MIREA: secondary, professional, higher and additional professional. Comprehensive programs designed for everyone - from schoolchildren to ready-made specialists - include training in working with both software and hardware.

noted Ilya Sivtsev, General Director of Astra Group of Companies

2021: Signing of the roadmap for the development of cooperation with BGUIR

In March 2021, a roadmap for the development of cooperation (joint programs for the training of specialists, masters, advanced training and retraining, taking into account the requirements and the issuance of educational documents of both parties) was signed between RTU MIREA and the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radio Electronics (BGUIR).


Opening of the Situation Center of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

On the basis of the university, a single platform was created for collecting, accumulating and subsequently analyzing information on indicators in the fields of science and education - the Situation Center of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. The opening ceremony, held in December 2020, was attended by the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation V.N. Falkov and the head of Rosstat P.V. Malkov.

Opening of the Cyberzone Esports Center

In November 2020, the Cyber ​ ​ Zone eSports Center was opened in RTU MIREA, the ceremony was attended by the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation V.N. Falkov and the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus I.V. Karpenko.

2019: Opening of the Children's Technopark

On August 28, 2019, on the basis of the Russian Technological University, the Altair Children's Technopark was opened, equipped with modern, often unique, high-tech equipment. The decision to create a children's technopark based on MIREA was made by the Moscow Government in the fall of 2018.

On the basis of the children's technopark, 3 educational clusters were organized in the following areas: "," "Information Technology and Biomedical chemical technologies" and "Radioelectronics," which will provide high-quality additional education on the basis of specially equipped laboratories. More. here

Programs for the technopark were developed with the participation of industrial partners - Yandex LLC, Mail.Ru Group, Rostelecom Solar, Samsung Electronics, Oracle, Roselectronics, Generium, etc.

Training is carried out free of charge and is either short-term courses (popular science lectures, master classes, excursions), or long-term programs (from 36 academic hours), ending with preparation for competitions, project protection or case solution, which was developed jointly with industrial partners.

The results of training, successfully presented at competitions, conferences, olympiads, subsequently give bonuses when entering specialized universities. The best graduates have an advantage in selecting industrial partners for targeted training programs with the opportunity to train in companies and conclude a deferred employment contract.

The technopark was awarded the special prize "Digital Volunteer" of the national award "Digital Peaks 2020" for the operational transfer of all programs to the VKontakte platform during the quarantine period. Since March 2021, it has the status of a federal innovation platform.


In 2018, by the decision of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the federal institution MIREA - Russian Technological University was created. It included:

2017: Opening of the laboratory "IoT Academy Samsung"

On October 27, 2017, within the framework of the MIREA cooperation agreement with Samsung Electronics and the implementation of the educational project "IoT Academy Samsung" on the basis of the Institute of Information Technologies, a laboratory of information technologies of the Internet of Things was opened. "IoT Academy Samsung" is an educational project implemented with the support of reputable technical universities, the purpose of which is to provide students of technical specialties with the opportunity to gain additional relevant knowledge and form practical skills in the field of the Internet of Things. Samsung has provided comprehensive technical and methodological support for the educational process by equipping the laboratory with specialized equipment and computer equipment.[1]

For May 2021, the "Samsung IoT Academy" is called the "Samsung IT Academy."

2016: MIREA teaches how to work at SAP

On October 6, 2016, the SAP press service and the Moscow Technological University (MIREA) announced the start of cooperation to create solutions in the field of business applications on the SAP HANA platform.

According to the memorandum signed by SAP and MIREA, cooperation in the field of IT-Innovations is focused on the joint development and development of solutions for the processing of regulatory reference information (NSI), projects in the field of creating domestic and foreign catalogs of industrial products, the Internet of Things, robotics, medicine and ecology.

Document of Intent Signing Ceremony, (2016)

MIREA plans to use the SAP HANA platform and other company solutions in development and projects. In addition, SAP and MIREA agreed to jointly promote the created solutions, their use in the information systems of enterprises of various sectors of the economy.

MIREA's leadership in the field of training highly qualified specialists for knowledge-intensive and high-tech industries is based on the use of the most innovative and demanded solutions in the educational process. Cooperation with SAP, the global technology leader, expands our ability to train specialists who are ready for complex and interesting projects in the fields of telecommunications, cybernetics, biotechnology, chemistry, production automation and other promising industries.

Stanislav Kuj, Rector of MIREA

Strategic cooperation with leading universities is part of SAP's mission to maximize innovation in all areas of the economy. We are confident that the basis of the digital economy is knowledge, the ability to analyze all the diversity of information and highlight the most valuable for both the growth of the company and the development of each person. The interaction between SAP and MIREA will allow the younger generation of specialists to enter the labor market with the necessary preparation for real business tasks.

Natalia Parmenova, Executive Director of SAP CIS

The memorandum provides for MIREA to join the SAP University Alliance and include in the educational process courses on topics in SAP which students will carry out course and diploma projects.

2015: MITHT and MIREA merged into the Ministry of Education

On May 27, 2015, the official website of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation posted an order to reorganize the Moscow State University of Fine Chemical Technologies named after M.V. Lomonosov (MITHT) in the form of joining the Moscow State University of Information Technologies, Radio Engineering and Electronics (MIREA). University rectors were ordered to carry out all necessary legal actions to reorganize the universities and their subsequent merger.

On June 17, 2015, information appeared on the university's website that the enlarged MIREA received a new name - Moscow Technological University - MTU. The name was also changed by all its branches.

2014: Connection of MGUPI and IPAiKE

According to the order Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of June 9, 2014 MSTU , MIREA was joined MGUPI by (IPAiKE Institute of Professional Administration and Integrated Energy Efficiency).


Appointment as rector of Stanislav Kuj

In 2013, Stanislav Kuj was approved as rector of MSTU MIREA. In this post, he was replaced by Alexander Sigov, who headed the university since 1998.

Joining RosNIIITiAP and VNIITE

On June 14, 2013, by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, RosNIIITiAP (Russian Scientific Research Institute of Information Technologies and Computer-Aided Design Systems) and VNIITE (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Technical Aesthetics) were attached as structural divisions to the Moscow State Technical University.

In 1998-2013, the rector of MSTU MIREA was Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Alexander Sergeyevich Sigov, who since 2013 became the president of the university.

1994: State Licensing and Accreditation as a Technical University

In 1994, the university passed state licensing and accreditation as a technical university.

1993: Technical University Status

According to the Decree of the Council of Ministers of June 16, 1993 and the order of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Higher Education of November 22, 1993, MIREA received the status of a technical university.

1967: Transformation of VZEI into the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation (MIREA)

In 1967, according to a government decree of June 30, 1967, VZEI (All-Union Correspondence Energy Institute for the Training and Improvement of Engineers) was transformed into the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation (MIREA). The main area of ​ ​ activity is the training of highly qualified engineering personnel for the knowledge-intensive industries of the electronic and radio industry, mechanical engineering and instrumentation, automation equipment and control systems of the USSR.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Evtikhiev was elected rector of MIREA. For 1967-1992, the graduation of specialists amounted to 44,897 people.

1947: Creation of the All-Union Correspondence Energy Institute for the Training and Improvement of Engineers (VZEI)

The All-Union Correspondence Energy Institute for the Training and Improvement of Engineers (VZEI) was created on May 28, 1947 by transforming the Correspondence Institute for the Improvement of Engineering and Technical Workers of the Ministry of Power Plants. VZEI became the head university in the system of correspondence education in energy and radio engineering specialties with branches in Leningrad, Kyiv, Baku, Tashkent, Sverdlovsk and Novosibirsk. Later, branches and educational and consulting points became the basis for opening for technical universities in Omsk, Kemerovo, Kirov and other cities.

MOUTH MIREA in the ratings

  • The rating of the best higher education institutions Russia in the engineering, technical and natural-mathematical spheres is 23rd place (, RAEX 2021).
  • 100 best Russian universities according to Forbes - 50th place (2020).
  • The best universities in Russia RAEX - 57th place (2020).
  • Russian National Rating of Universities - 51st place (2020).
  • The best universities in the world THE WUR-2021 (1,527 universities from 93 countries) - 17th place among 48 Russian universities included in the rating.
  • One of the leading universities in terms of positive student reviews, according to the Tabiturient project (2018, 2019, 2020).
