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2025/03/07 14:29:46

Import substitution of software in the public sector

In June 2015, a law was adopted on the creation of a register of domestic software, and in November a resolution was signed that introduces a restriction for state customers on the purchase of software that is not in the register. The register itself has been operating in Russia since the beginning of 2016. In July 2016, the plan for the transition to Russian software was approved. Since then, the import substitution process went with a creak, until during the conflict in Ukraine, foreign companies themselves left the Russian market.


Legislative regulation of software in the public sector

Main article: Regulation of software in the public sector

Register of Russian Software

Main article: Register of Russian software

Import substitution in state-owned companies

Main article: software in state-owned companies in Russia

Import substitution in the Federal Treasury

Main article: Import substitution of information systems in the Federal Treasury

Import substitution of software in higher educational institutions

Main article: Import substitution of software in higher educational institutions

Import substitution of office software in the public sector

Main article: Office software in the public sector of Russia



eXpress provided secure communication to the Federation Council

Senators of the Russian Federation conduct working communication on the domestic corporate communications platform eXpress. Unlimited Production announced this on March 11, 2025. Read more here.

Self-written software of state-owned companies fills the register of Ministry of Digital Development: Why do they need it and how it will affect the market - TA opinions

At the end of February 2025, 10 information systems developed by Russian Post appeared in the register of domestic software. This is far from the first case of the appearance of self-written software of state-owned companies in the register, and we can already talk about the emerging trend. TAdviser spoke on this topic with market participants and the Ministry of Digital Development.

The ministry noted that when Russian software is included in the register, including self-written software, certain requirements are imposed on it. For example, the presence of development and technical support centers on the territory of the Russian Federation, the absence of critical dependencies on foreign components, the distribution of which is limited in the Russian Federation and others. The inclusion of the solution in the register confirms that the product meets the basic requirement for technological independence. In this regard, the introduction of self-written software into the register is a logical step to confirm the security of information systems, the Ministry of Digital Development emphasized.

Since the beginning of 2025, software that is not included in the register cannot be used at CII facilities. Since most state-owned companies are subjects of KII, in order to comply with these requirements, they actively include their developments in the register, taking into account their revision to the requirements for Russian software, the department added in a commentary for TAdviser.

According to Vitaly Trepykhalin, Vice President for Information Systems Development at Rostelecom, the own software development in state structures is due solely to specific tasks, the expertise and experience of solving which only those state institutions that face them have. Such an approach can also be explained by the fact that it is not cost-effective for third-party companies to develop solutions for point projects - such products will not have a market, it will work for one customer, he continues.

As the head of the business automation department of the IT company SimbirSoft Hovhannes Stepanyan noted, registration of own developments not only allows you to join a "closed club," which gives access to benefits and subsidies, but also simplifies interaction with other state customers, by creating an ecosystem of "your" decisions. Even if passing software certification is sometimes perceived as a formality, the very fact of inclusion in the register emphasizes the state's desire to develop its own domestic technologies, and not depend on others. This is part of an import substitution strategy that can reduce dependence on foreign technologies, Stepanyan said.

According to Oleg Vylegzhanin, resource director of Develonika (Softline Group of Companies), state structures, creating their own products, reduce the demand for external developments. In addition, software development by state-owned companies is probably cheaper due to the use of internal resources. This puts commercial companies in a less favorable position, since they are forced to take into account market costs, continues Vylegzhanin.

Dmitry Parshin, Executive Director of ALMIS Partner, and Kirill Semion, General Director of the National Competence Center for Holding Information Management Systems (NCC ISU), are confident that the posted self-described software of state-owned companies will not affect the market, because we are talking about specialized solutions tailored for the specific tasks of a particular organization.

It is naive to expect that these systems can be reused somewhere else without significant refinement or rework, since their design primarily took into account the need to meet the needs of the Russian Post, and not to create a universal, scalable and customizable solution for the mass market, - said Dmitry Parshin.

The same position adheres to the director of the department "Custom Development" of the company "Reksoft" Evgeny Grachev. According to him, if state-owned companies want to make money on their IT products, their success will largely depend on their willingness to invest in the refinement and production of their solutions, including cooperation with professional IT partners, which will help minimize risks and achieve commercial goals.

According to Kirill Semion, initially Ministry of Digital Development declared that there were no obstacles to inclusion in the register of self-described products that had no market analogues. The introduction of self-written software products of state-owned companies into it shows that the approach declared by the ministry works in practice, the interlocutor of TAdviser believes.

Trepykhalin from Rostelecom adds that highly specialized products represent a small part of the entire IT solutions market, so it is unlikely that the development of software by state-owned companies and its inclusion in the register of the Ministry of Digital Development will significantly affect the market situation.


The government of the Voronezh region continues the transition to Russian software

Astra Group and Peremena Group of Companies on December 23, 2024 announced the completion of the first stages of a large-scale plan to introduce domestic software (hereinafter referred to as software) into the IT infrastructure of the Voronezh Region Government, regional executive bodies and subordinate organizations. Read more here.

OBIT contributes to the transition of the Leningrad Region to a domestic operating system

The operator of IT solutions "OBIT" takes part in the project on the transfer of objects of the Leningrad region to Russian software. The project in total will cover the migration of hundreds of servers and more than a thousand jobs to the operating system Red OS and is aimed at implementing the provisions of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 166. OBIT announced this on November 22, 2024. Read more here.

Shadayev: Those who failed to switch to Russian software of KII owners will be forced to do so under a forward contract

The Minister of Digital Development of Russia Maksut Shadayev made a statement on November 7, 2024 that the owners of significant objects of critical information infrastructure (CII), who did not comply with the requirements of presidential decree No. 166 on the transition to domestic software, will be obliged to conclude forward contracts for the development of the necessary solutions. Read more here.

Executive authorities of the Kaluga region are switching to domestic software

On September 4, 2024, RED SOFT announced that the Executive Authorities of the Kaluga Region are switching to domestic IT solutions, preserving in full the functionality necessary for the work of employees. RED SOFT and Astral.Security have already migrated 1,364 automated workplaces and adapted applied software and peripheral equipment for the updated ecosystem. Read more here.

ICL Services and Astra Group transfer hundreds of thousands of Tatarstan civil servants to Russian software

ICL Services (part of ICL Group of Companies) acted as the executor of a large-scale project on IT transformation of state bodies of the Republic of Tatarstan. Together with the strategic partner Astra Group and ICL Astra Services, the company provides support for the migration of more than a hundred thousand civil servants to domestic software and the Astra Linux operating system. ICL announced this on September 5, 2024. Read more here.

GIS in Russia should now use the services of hosting providers whose servers are located only in Russia

On September 1, 2024, requirements came into force in Russia, according to which state, municipal information systems, as well as systems of unitary enterprises and state institutions, must use the services of only those hosting providers whose servers are located on the territory of the Russian Federation. Moreover, such providers should be Russian legal entities and be connected to the state system for countering cyber attacks.

In accordance with the new rules, GIS operators, when creating and operating information platforms, as well as when interacting in electronic form, including with citizens (individuals) and organizations, do not have the right to use systems and (or) programs belonging to foreign legal entities and (or) foreign citizens that work via the Internet (except for cases established by the Government of the Russian Federation).

GIS in Russia should use servers in Russia

It is not allowed to carry out activities to provide computing power for placing information in a system constantly connected to the Internet by hosting providers, information about which is not included in a special register. If the hosting provider does not eliminate the detected violations within the specified time frame, it can be excluded from the specified register.

The rules for forming and maintaining a register of hosting providers, the composition of the information included, as well as the procedure for including/excluding organizations and providing data are established by the Government of the Russian Federation. At the same time, in accordance with the approved rules, the hosting provider has the right to carry out activities to provide computing power for posting information in an information system constantly connected to the Internet to customers only after they are identified and (or) authenticated.[1]

The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation proposes to introduce a complete ban on the purchase by government agencies of foreign software and microcircuits

On August 26, 2024, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation announced a draft resolution that provides for the introduction of a complete ban on the purchase by government agencies and state-owned companies of foreign software and microcircuits. It is expected that such measures will contribute to the support of Russian manufacturers with participation in public procurement in such areas as electrical and gas supply, heat supply and water disposal, etc.

The initiative involves amendments to some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on the procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs and purchases by certain types of legal entities. As part of the procedure (44-FZ and 223-FZ), the Ministry of Finance proposes to impose a ban on purchases through tender platforms of foreign integrated circuits, smart cards, software and goods of other classes that are not related to IT.

The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation proposes to prohibit government agencies from purchasing foreign software and microcircuits

In addition, the department has determined a list of more than 400 products of different categories, for the purchase of which it is proposed to extend the restriction, but not a complete ban. These are, in particular, computers, tablets and other electronics. State-owned companies will be able to purchase foreign electronics if there are no Russian analogues on the market.

GS Group Mikhail Dobrokhotov, director of interaction with authorities, says that the list of goods prohibited for procurement needs to be expanded in favor of domestic products, for example, computer equipment. Computing Technology Consortium The head (ANO VT) Svetlana Legostaeva emphasizes that the initiative of the Ministry of Finance requires careful study at the industry level, taking into account all changes. "MyOffice" Ilya Kryuchkov, head of the business process management department, notes that most software classes present modern Russian analogues that are not inferior in functionality to foreign solutions. At the same time, according to him, it is necessary to take into account the risks of switching to domestic software: for example, it will be difficult to quickly replace foreign software with Russian counterparts on machines.[2] with[3]

Amur Region switches to the Russian operating system "Ptl OS"

The Government of the Amur Region is actively implementing measures to switch to the use of the domestic operating system "Red OS." As of August 2024, the system has already been implemented in the Ministry of Digital Development and Communications of the region, as well as in the Ministry of Project Management and Personnel Policy. Red Soft announced this on August 21, 2024. Read more here.

St. Petersburg Transport Planning Center switches to Russian solutions of Astra Group

SPb GBU Transport Planning Center of St. Petersburg"" switches to the Russian solutions of Astra Group: (OS Astra Linux user server and versions), system, and. backup RuBackup software complexes "Brest" ALD Pro This was announced on August 15, 2024 by representatives. "Astra Groups" More. here

The administration of the city of Pskov is switching to the domestic software "Astra Group"

Administration of the city of Pskov completed the transition to. mail server RuPost This was announced on August 12, 2024 in. "Group Astra" 80% server OS replaced by the OS, and Astra Linux ALD Pro will become the main domain. This was an important step in ensuring information security and independence of city government. More. here

Government complex switches from Microsoft AD to Russian ALD Pro

and "Astra Group" Rostelecom"" On August 12, 2024, they announced the introduction of tools for managing domain objects ALD Pro in one of the contours IT infrastructures governmental of the complex in the "IQ-quarter," located on the territory of the Moscow International Business Center "." Moscow City The solution is deployed at the workplaces of employees Ministry of Economic Development who are managed. OS Astra Linux Ensuring the smooth operation of the federal authorities located here takes critical priority. More. here

Structures of the Ministry of Health switched to the Russian office suite AlterOffice

In November 2023, the structures Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation decided to introduce the classic version AlterOffice of the Standard office suite. This was Almi Partner announced on July 15, 2024. Read more here.

"Red Soft" will transfer more than 15 thousand jobs in educational institutions of Udmurtia to "Red OS"

and the Government of the Udmurt Republic Russian developer Red Soft"" on June 5, 2024 signed a cooperation agreement. The parties will jointly implement the program import substitution IT in order to strengthen the digital sovereignty of the region. Read more here. .

The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation will completely switch to Russian software by the end of 2024

The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation is transferring its central office to OCAstra Linux and the ALD Pro domain management system. In 2023, the first licenses were purchased, and by the end of 2024, it is expected that all jobs of the department's employees will be transferred to domestic software. Astra Group announced this on May 31, 2024. Read more here.

The Ministry of Finance of the Chelyabinsk Region transferred information systems to domestic software

Ministry of Finance of Chelyabinsk Region has BFT-Holding jointly implemented a project to transfer information systems (IE) of budget execution and planning to the database management system (). DBMS Postgres Pro Certified Migration to a certified Russian solution allowed FSTEC the agency to completely exclude IT equipment and software products of foreign vendors from its -landschaft, while maintaining high quality processing data and ease of work for end users. BFT-Holding announced this on March 27, 2024. Read more here. [1]


Khakassia government introduces Russian server virtualization management platform

"Astra Group" started implementing a management platform server virtualization VMmanager for. governments of Khakassia The created virtual environment will be used by more than 250 employees, its use will also increase the level of fault tolerance IT infrastructures and provide reliable, data storage representatives of Astra Group said on December 1, 2023. More. here

The Government of the Russian Federation introduces a new procedure for allocating budget funds for the creation of GIS

On September 7, 2023, it became known about the new procedure for subsidizing state information systems developed by the Government of the Russian Federation. As explained in the Ministry of Finance of Russia, the goals of the innovations are to help business in the transition to domestic software and search for sources of financing for such a solution.

The published decree enshrines the mechanism for allocating subsidies from the budget to state corporations, state-owned companies and public law companies for capital investments in the creation and development of GIS. The stages of agreeing on the provision of money to the developer will include several departments: first, obtaining the consent of the Ministry of Finance, then Ministry of Digital Development, and then - the government commission on budget design.

A new procedure for subsidizing state information systems has been developed

In accordance with the document, the developed GIS will be included in the Electronic Budget system for budget planning and government informatization. The final result of the allocated subsidies should be the information system put into operation. The Ministry of Finance will allocate money only to finalize the existing or create a new GIS. The department will conclude an agreement with the recipient of the subsidy, and in case of violation of the deadlines for its execution, the company will pay a fine.

Pavel Grinevich, Technical Director of Tsifa Group of Zyfra, in a conversation with Kommersant, noted that the new rules will give the customer the opportunity to reduce the cost of the final solution. The initiative can stimulate state-owned companies to switch to domestic software, admits Ildar Zakiev, head of the infrastructure department at Lanit-Integration. The fact is that the issued decrees and government decrees clearly establish the term for the transition to Russian decisions, "but state-owned companies do not always have free funds for such large-scale projects," he added. According to the source of the publication, under the new order, the state corporation can act as the recipient of budget funds.[4]

CIT of the Murmansk region switched to video communication Vinteo

The system integrator Open Vision , together with the company, Neutronix the general, implemented distributor Vinteo a project to implement Russian the solution () video conferencings AEROSPACE FORCES in the GOBU Vinteo "." This was Center for Information Technologies of the Murmansk Region announced on September 15, 2023 by Vinteo. More. here

The Legislative Assembly of the Tver Region migrated to the import-independent EDMS CompanyMedia

Specialists Trinities"" completed a project to transfer Legislative Assembly of the Tver Region to import-independent electronic document management system CompanyMedia from the company. InterTrust The organization also connected to the Interdepartmental Electronic Turnover through. Representatives GosEDO Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation of InterTrust reported this on August 16, 2023. More. here

TFCMI of the Orenburg region switched to the independent version of CompanyMedia

The Territorial Compulsory Health Insurance Fund (TFCMI) of the Orenburg Region has switched to the import independent system for managing documents and tasks of CompanyMedia. This was announced on August 4, 2023 by InterTrust. The main goals of the transition were to expand the functionality of the current system and transfer it to an updated version of the CompanyMedia system, which is a completely Russian development and is included under number 871 in the Unified Register of Russian Programs for Electronic Computers and Databases. This transfer to non-import-dependent software was carried out as part of the planned transition to the use of domestic operational systems and application software. Read more here.

In the Rostov region, the translation of the "Archival Business" system into an import-independent environment has ended

In the Rostov region, the successful transfer of the regional system of archival storage of documents to completely domestic software has been completed. The work of the archive is automated on the basis of the Archival Business system (used since 2016), and since 2017, a pilot project for creating an archive of electronic originals has been implemented in the region. The region has once again confirmed the status of a leader among the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the digitalization of public administration processes, fulfilling the important task of ensuring technological independence through independent import-dependent developments. Read more here.

Import substitution of software in Russia has accelerated

According to the results of the first half of 2023, business and public sector spending on import substitution in the field of software reached 53% of total IT investments. For comparison: a year earlier, this figure was 45%. Such data were published on June 28, 2023 by the Competence Center for Import Substitution in the ICT Sector (CKIT).

According to the Kommersant newspaper, import substitution is faster in the public sector than in the corporate market. Many companies implement a "hybrid approach": they purchase domestic software and at the same time continue to use foreign products. It is noted that integrators and suppliers receive orders both to maintain the work of the software familiar to the company, and to integrate systems with domestic products.

Business and public sector spending on import substitution in software reached 53% of total investment

However, the transition to Russian solutions is hindered by long project implementation periods. Against the background of growing demand for domestic software, it can take up to a year to fulfill orders in some cases. Meanwhile, according to the presidential decree of March 30, 2022, government agencies and companies-subjects of critical information infrastructure (CII) since 2025 are prohibited from using foreign software. This is due to the need to ensure cybersecurity.

Since last [2022], companies have faced a situation where it is necessary to switch to Russian solutions to ensure cybersecurity, including because foreign ones have begun to degrade, but the delivery time for software and related technologies reaches 12 months, said Alexei Martyntsev, director of the information protection and IT infrastructure department at Norilsk Nickel.

A similar situation is observed in the segment of hardware and software systems. Due to the current geopolitical situation and sanctions, equipment supplies are delayed: in the case of large orders, the waiting times for equipment vary from several months to six months.[5]

Russian software and hardware solutions will be tested in the Tver region

Tver region In will test the Russian software and hardware solutions. This was announced on June 15, 2023 by the company. Red Soft

Software and equipment will be provided by RED SOFT, Aquarius and Keysystems. Read more here.

The government of the Penza region switched to the independent version of the EDMS CompanyMedia

On April 20, 2023, InterTrust announced that the Government of the Penza Region had completed a project to switch to an independent import-dependent Electronic Document Management and Workflow System (EDMS), implemented on the basis of the CompanyMedia system. The main goals of the project were import substitution - the transition to an updated version of the CompanyMedia system based on free software and the introduction of the MEDO format - 2.7.1. As of April 2023, more than 2,500 users work in this version of the EDD. Read more here.

Chernyshenko: Public sector investments in Russian software until 2024 will exceed 922 billion rubles

Investments of state-owned companies and state corporations in domestic software for 2022-2024. will exceed 922 billion rubles. This was announced on April 13, 2023 by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko.

There is no doubt that competitive digital solutions of a global scale operate in our country. Now they need to be prepared for export and do it through the institute of "digital attaches," - said the Deputy Prime Minister.

Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Chernyshenko

According to him, the industrial software being created, including system-wide, almost completely replaces, and in many ways exceeds, existing foreign products. Chernyshenko also noted that by mid-April 2023 there are about 23 thousand IT companies in the Russian Federation, in 2022 there were about 70% more of them.

The Deputy Prime Minister recalled the statement of Russian President Vladimir Putin that technological sovereignty is the key to the country's stability in the coming decades. He also said that in the Russian Federation there are 16 industry committees on key sectors of the economy, which oversee 33 industrial centers of competence, designed to establish effective intra-industry and inter-industry interaction.

On April 13, 2023, Kirill Menshov, Senior Vice President for Information Technology at Rostelecom, noted that against the background of the departure of foreign vendors, the Russian IT market is experiencing a boom in the production of domestic software. However, according to the expert, a large number of identical software products can negatively affect their quality "due to the spraying of resources."

We had a huge number of opportunities when the vendors left. Everyone decided to occupy this space: we have 19 Linux, 12 virtualization systems, three national mobile operating systems. Obviously we're going to have to go a long way of surviving and dying off those stories that don't find their client. Speaking about the issue of entering foreign markets, I see a very big risk in the fact that we will smear our efforts and investments, and as a result, the product will not be successful due to the spraying of resources, "he said[6]

Rosobrnadzor will exercise control in the field of education and science with the help of the Russian Aerospace Forces

The Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science of Russia has switched to the autonomous VKS platform TrueConf. Based on the solution, a video conferencing network was launched for internal communications, remote work and external online meetings with government agencies and regional divisions. TrueConf announced this on March 29, 2023. Read more here.

Omsk region continues the transition to Astra Linux OS

Omsk region continues cooperation with Astra Group of Companies and the transition to the domestic operating system Astra Linux. During the phased implementation of the IT import substitution plan, the regional government additionally acquired 10,000 licenses for Astra Linux. This was announced on January 9, 2023 by representatives of the Astra Group of Companies.


The Ministry of Sports of Russia switched to the TrueConf Server video communication system

The Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation transferred all communications of the department to the domestic video communication platform TrueConf Server. This was announced on January 24, 2023 by TrueConf. Read more here.

The government of the Sverdlovsk region has introduced a video conferencing service from SKB Kontur

The Ministry of Digital Development and Communications of the Sverdlovsk Region has introduced and is using Kontur. Tolk is an import-substituting video conferencing service from SKB Kontur, which announced this on January 12, 2023. Read more here.

The Ministry of Construction of Russia switched to domestic VKS and ATC systems

Hi-Tech Integration, SATEL and IVA Technologies have completed the creation of a digital unified communications platform for the Ministry of Construction of Russia. This was announced on December 19, 2022 by SATEL. The department needed a unified communication environment that ensures effective interaction of employees with each other. It was supposed to fully replace the previous solution, built on the products of Avaya, which completely ceased its activities in Russia. During the project, the video conferencing system IVA MCU and the PBX network based on the RTU platform were integrated. Read more here.

Rosalkogolregulirovanie switched to the Russian videoconferencing platform

Federal Alcohol Market Regulatory Service transferred internal communications, as well as remote meetings with regional divisions to the Russian AEROSPACE FORCES platform. TrueConf Enterprise The platform, video conferencings deployed by the department's specialists, runs on a secure communication protocol and eliminates the risks of blocking and inaccessibility of VKS services, the company said on December 15, 2022. TrueConf More. here

The Republic of Sakha in 2023 plans to transfer all authorities to Astra Linux OS

The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) plans to transfer all authorities to OCAstra Linux in 2023 . This was announced on November 25, 2022 by the Astra Group of Companies. Read more here.

Krasnodar administration continues migration to Astra Linux OS

More than 3000 licenses are OS Astra Linux delivered in. Administration of Krasnodar The product will be installed on jobs in all divisions of the organization, including, Control and Accounts Chamber as well as in the City Duma. At the same time, active training is planned to begin in the region: to Russian to software Astra will Linux be used and studied in universities and schools. This was announced on November 15, 2022 by the Civil Code. Aster More. here

Ministry of Digital Development instructed to enlarge projects for the development of Russian software

On September 23, 2022, it became known about the instructions of the Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin regarding the consolidation of development projects Russian software in order to replace foreign solutions with them. We are talking about projects based on industry (industrial competence centers ICC). More. here

The Ministry of Finance of the Irkutsk Region protects data using Cyber ​ ​ Backup

The Ministry of Finance of the Irkutsk Region protects data using Cyber ​ ​ Backup. This was announced on September 15, 2022 by Cyberprotect. Read more here.

Rostelecom DPC organized a postal service for the Government of Buryatia on the basis of a domestic decision

On September 5, 2022, the Rostelecom DPC company announced that it had transferred three thousand mailboxes of subordinate institutions of the Government of the Republic of Buryatia from public mail services to the domestic communication platform CommuniGate Pro. Read more here.

Putin instructed to work out the conditions for the use of foreign software in Russia

In early September 2022, it became known Russia Vladimir Putin about the instructions signed by the president to develop the country's technological sovereignty. Instructions were given following a meeting of the Council for Strategic Development and National Projects, held on July 18, 2022.

By October 1, 2022, the Government of the Russian Federation will have to "submit proposals on determining special conditions for the use of foreign software, in respect of which it is impossible for bona fide Russian users to fulfill their existing contractual obligations."

Putin instructed to work out the conditions for the use of foreign software in the Russian Federation

Earlier, the government expected that the share of domestic software in the cost of purchases should be at least 70% for the authorities and at least 50% for state corporations and companies with state participation. But in connection with the departure of Western players and the introduction of sanctions from the spring of 2022, the demand for Russian software increased by 300% both in government agencies and in business. Ministry of Digital Development expects that by 2024 the public sector will increase spending on Russian software by 3.4 times, to more than 650 billion rubles.

At the end of March 2022, Ilya Massukh, director of the Competence Center for Import Substitution in the Field of IT Technologies, a member of the headquarters for measures to support the IT industry under the Ministry of Digital Industry, said that in Russia from 2024 it is possible to introduce a ban on the use of foreign software by state-owned companies and critical infrastructure facilities.

Massukh called on Russian state-owned companies to abandon purchases of foreign software, "especially since it is not sold to you," and re-profile internal resources to stop its use. According to him, in all software classes there are "worthy domestic analogues."

We have a self-sufficient IT industry that depends little on some supplies and technologies, "he said.[7]

The public sector in Russia will increase spending on domestic software by 3.4 times

The public sector in Russia by 2024 will increase spending on domestic software by 3.4 times. This is stated in the report to the Ministry of Digital Development of president, agreed with the Ministry of Economic Development. Some excerpts from this document "Kommersant" leads on August 24, 2022.

According to Ministry of Digital Development forecasts, by 2024, Russian solutions will account for up to 80% of the IT budgets of state-owned companies. 43 state-owned companies in 2021-2024 will have costs for IT products of more than 934 billion rubles, of which 650 billion rubles will be spent on Russian software and related work during this period.

The public sector in Russia will increase spending on domestic software

Allocating 80% of the cost of software is not an imbalance, but a reflection of the current situation, "sanctions are for a long time, therefore, the public sector in the next couple of years will be able to purchase only domestic software and services - Western software will not be sold to us, as well as new equipment," says Director of the APKITNikolai Association Komlev. He considers it justified to spend 80% of IT funds on the purchase of Russian software, however, as Komlev noted, the authorities must also provide for the purchase of equipment that cannot be supplied to Russia legally by August 2022, and is assembled in the country from foreign components.

According to Softline, the demand for domestic software in the public sector has literally grown "tenfold," and the highest demand was noted in financial institutions and the fuel and energy complex. At the same time, the departure of some foreign companies from the market dictates either the use of foreign software without updates or domestic options, but there is a request to transfer the functionality of foreign developments to domestic solutions.

At the beginning of June 2022, Deputy Head of the Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation Maxim Parshin said that the ministry was discussing amendments to the methodological recommendations for the digital transformation of state-owned companies, in particular, it was proposed to normatively consolidate the increase in total spending on domestic software to 80%. Moreover, 70% of such software should be purchased from external developers and only 30% can be developed within the state-owned company, the deputy minister said.[8]

Irkutsk region switched to the domestic postal system with the help of Greenatom Simple Solutions

Specialists of the Competence Center for Import Substitution of Greenatom Simple Solutions JSC, within the framework of a state contract with OGAU Information and Technical Center of the Irkutsk Region, implemented the transfer of the IOGV postal system of the Irkutsk Region from the imported Microsoft Exchange product to the Russian CommuniGate Pro system. The company Greenatom announced this on May 13, 2022. Read more here.

The government of the Vologda Oblast has switched to the independent import system Directum RX

On May 12, 2022, the Directum company announced that the Vologda Oblast Government had switched to the Directum RX import-independent system and retained the amount of accumulated data - more than 40,000 documents. Read more here.

CIT of the Volgograd Region has introduced the Russian communication platform CommuniGate Pro

On April 20, 2022, Axoft announced that the state budgetary institution of the Volgograd Region "Center for Information Technologies of the Volgograd Region" (GBU VO "CIT VO") has completed work on setting up the CommuniGate Pro communication platform for executive authorities and municipal institutions of the region. The project was implemented within the framework of the import substitution policy with the technical support of Axoft. Read more here

The Ministry of Digital Development announced the inadmissibility of using Zoom, Webex and Microsoft Teams in government agencies

The Ministry of Digital Development informed government agencies about the inadmissibility of using foreign software video conferencing systems (VKS) - Zoom, Zello, Webex, Discord, Microsoft Teams and Skype. For video calls and conferences, government agencies are recommended to use software products from Russian companies IVA Technologies and TrueConf. An official letter signed by Minister Maksut Shadayev (TAdviser has it) was sent on April 1, 2022 to all plenipotentiary representatives of the president in federal districts, to federal executive bodies and senior officials of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In mid-March, Russian developers turned to Ministry of Digital Development with a proposal to act as an information intermediary between consumers and domestic vendors.

Large international IT companies cease their activities in Russia, which will inevitably lead to the impossibility of fulfilling and breaking existing contracts for the supply of software and hardware video conferencing solutions for domestic organizations. As a Russian manufacturer of video communication solutions, whose products are used in all spheres of the domestic economy, we recognize all the threats of such an outcome: companies will not be able to receive the IT products announced in the contracts, which are necessary for organizing communication and collaboration, as well as ensuring a continuous working process in remote mode, - turned to the Ministry of Digital Development, CEO of TrueConf Lev Yakupov.

We have launched a support program for Russian companies, according to which we are ready to provide our system to any Russian company for free in an amount that will help maintain the usual tools for interaction between the organization's employees, "wrote Stanislav Iodkovsky, CEO of IVA Technologies, in a letter.

In addition to IVA Technology and TrueConf Ministry of Digital Development as an alternative to the solutions of foreign companies, it also recommends using other domestic solutions: Videzovonki VK, Yandex.Telemost, Вебинар.ру, Spherum, Vega-Irida, Jazz [2] and Vinteo.

In addition, in the same letter, the Ministry of Digital Development recalled that more than 12 thousand products were registered in the Russian register of domestic software and recommended using the register of domestic software and the Domestic Software ARPP catalog, which compares domestic and foreign products. In the appendix to the letter, Ministry of Digital Development listed domestic analogues of the most popular services and digital solutions of foreign companies that have completely or partially stopped working in Russia.

No. PO Category Company Name Complete or partial suspension of activities in Russia (yes/no) Service Name Recommended analogues
1.Social media messengers andMeta (extremist organization banned in the Russian Federation)Facebookrowspan =Vkontakte '8'|(VK
) TamTamYash

My World
Twitter да Twitter
ByteDance yesTikTok
[[Meta Platforms|Meta да Instagram]]
Meta да Messenger
Meta yesWhatsApp
Snap Inc. yesSnapchat
Salesforce yesSlack
2.Video conferencing and communication programs |Zoom Video CommunicationsnoZoom|rowspan='5' |
Spherum Video Calls VK
IVA AVES S Video Calls
Zello Inc. yesZello
[[Cisco|Cisco System Inc. да Webex]]
Discord Inc. noneDiscord
Microsoft Microsoft Teams Skype|
3.rowspan='3'Anti-virus|programs|NortonLifeLock|Inc.yesNortonrowspan='3 Kaspersky
Dr. Web' |
[[AVAST Software|Avast Software да Avast]]
4.Document Editors |AlphabetyesGoogle
Google Documents
Google Tables
My office
P7 Office
Yandex 360
Microsoft yes
PowerPoint Word
Apple да Apple Keynote
5.E-mail servicesAlphabetyesGmailrowspan='4 '|Mail Mail.Ru
My Office Mail
[[Microsoft OutlookдаOutlook Hotmail]]
Yahoo Inc.noYahoo! Mail
[[Proton Technologies AG|
Proton Technologies AG
да ProtonMail]]
6.Online translation servicesAlphabetyes [[Google TranslateGoogle Translate]]rowspan='2'|Yandex.TranslatorPROMT
Microsoft yesBing
7.Web browsersAlphabet[[Google ChromeGoogle Chrome]]rowspan='5 '|Yandex.Atom Browser
noneFire fox
Opera Software noneOpera
Samsung нет Samsung Internet
Apple yesSafari
8.Web AnalyticsAlphabetYes Google Analyticsrowspan='4'Yandex.Metric
Matomo noneMatomo
9.Educational Resources |StorytelYesStorytelrowspan='3 Skillfactory
' |
Stepik Netology
SF Education
Network Academy Training Center InfoTeCS
School of Data Analysis () - Yandex.Workshop
Academy of Information Systems (ANO DPO CPC AIS)
Mobile Electronic Education (MEO)
Training Center SKB Kontur
Pearson да Pearson
Coursera Inc. да Coursera
10.Mapping servicesAlphabetyes Google Mapsrowspan =Yandex.Maps
'3'|Maps GUI Horizon
[[Apple Mapsда Apple Maps]]
HERE Maps B.V. noneHERE
11. Online employee search sitesHaysyesHaysPro
Head Hunter
Work in Russia
Federal Management personnel Portal
12.e-commerce VenuesEbayyesEbayrowspan='2' Wildberries
SberMarket| Inc. yesAmazon
13.Accommodation booking servicesAirnbyesAimb
Island Ya ndex.
Travel Командировка.ру
Ozon Travel
Expedia Group да
14.Taxi services UberTechnologies Inc.noneUberrowspan='2'Yandex.Taxi
Maxims Lucky
15.Air Ticket Ordering ServicesMomondo GroupyesMomondo Aviasales
Yandex.Travel Ozon Travel

Rosfinmonitoring translates its systems to PostgreSQL

The Federal Financial Monitoring Service (Rosfinmonitoring) has begun to transfer the components of its Unified Information System (EIS) to a database management system (DBMS) based on domestic or open source software . This became known on March 23, 2022. Read more here.

More than 3 thousand licenses of the Russian Red OS will be introduced in the Perm Territory

On March 18, 2022, the RED SOFT company announced the supply of more than 3 thousand licensing operations system RED OS for the Ministry of Information Development and Communications of the Perm Territory. Read more here.

Tyumen region switched to Directum RX

On March 14, 2022, Directum announced that now authorities employees work in a single electronic document management and workflow system created on the basis of Russian software. Read more here.

Government agencies in Russia banned the use of foreign software for processing geodata

On February 22, 2022, the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted a bill that prohibits state bodies from using foreign software for processing geospatial data.

State authorities and local governments, as well as organizations subordinate to them, using geoinformation software for processing spatial data in order to exercise its powers and using geoinformation software, are not domestic and do not comply with the requirements of this Federal Law, is not entitled to use such software from January 1, 2026, - says the text of the bill, which leads TASS.

The State Duma approved restrictions for foreign software when processing geodata

The explanatory note notes that about 87) federal and regional executive bodies by February 2022 are already using domestic geoinformation systems software in their activities every day.

The search, collection, storage, processing, provision and distribution of spatial data, including using information systems, is regulated by the federal law of December 30, 2015 No. 431-FZ "On Geodesy, Cartography and Spatial Data...." It provides for the creation of a federal spatial data fund, and also defines the requirements for its operation and development.

The law also establishes the peculiarities of organizing cartographic activities and using geo-information software, including the protection of spatial data. In particular, to protect information about regime and other objects, information about which is submitted to state secrets, the Cabinet of Ministers will be able to establish a special procedure for performing geodetic and cartographic work in certain territories. Also, the spatial data themselves will be able to be attributed to information constituting a state secret.[9]


The State Emergency Service Department of the city of Moscow has implemented CommuniGate Pro

The State Emergency Service Department of the city of Moscow is switching to domestic IT solutions. This was announced on December 6, 2021 by CommuniGate Systems. Read more here.

State institutions of the Krasnoyarsk Territory are switching to Russian OS Alt

In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, a large-scale project continues to transfer state digital resources to the Alt Russian operational systems. Basalt SPO (BaseALT) previously announced this ALT Linux on December 6, 2021. Read more here.

The Ministry of Digital Development of the Sverdlovsk Region will test the domestic communication platform

The Ministry of Digital Development and Communications of the Sverdlovsk Region and CommuniGate Systems signed a memorandum of cooperation as part of the transition to domestic software provided for by the national project "Digital Economy of Russia." CommuniGate Systems announced this on November 1, 2021. Read more here.

FSO buys domestic DBMS Postgres Pro instead of Oracle

On September 27, 2021, it became known that the special communications and information service of the Federal Security Service of Russia (FSO Sepetsvyaz) is ready to spend up to 2.09 million rubles. for the purchase of licenses of the Russian Postgres Pro Enterprise DBMS by Postgres Professional. Read more here.

Jobs of civil servants in the Novosibirsk region transferred to domestic software

The Ministry of Digital Development of the Novosibirsk Region is transferring regional infrastructure to domestic software. This was reported on September 23, 2021 in the Galex Group of Companies. Read more here.

Ministry of Digital Development of the Kaluga Region switches to Red OS

The Ministry of Digital Development of the Kaluga Region and the Russian developer RED SOFT have signed an agreement on interaction and cooperation in order to implement a program of import substitution of information technologies in the region. Red Soft announced this on August 12, 2021. Read more here.

The electronic government of Russia has 100% switched to domestic software

The electronic government of Russia has 100% switched to domestic software. This was announced on August 13, 2021 by the Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation Maksut Shadayev. According to him, the decision to completely exclude foreign software was influenced by a large-scale failure on the public services portal, which occurred in May 2020 (then problems with the site were observed for almost a day). Read more here.

Transfer of all civil servants and state employees to Russian messengers and VKS services

On August 9, 2021, it became known about the plans of the Russian government to forcibly transfer all civil servants and public sector employees to domestic messengers, postal services and video conferencing solutions (VKS).

Such information, as Kommersant writes, is contained in the action plan of the state program "Creating additional conditions for the development of the information technology industry," which the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development sent to the government. The publication got acquainted with the document and reports that by the end of 2021 the Ministry of Digital Development will create a regulatory framework for such a translation, by February 2022 the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Education will create appropriate recommendations for teachers and teachers.

All civil servants and state employees will be transferred to Russian instant messengers and VKS services

The office of Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko, who oversees communications, said that the initiative had already been approved by the government commission on digital development. The concept of the state platform involves the development of services for the operational exchange of data between departments, including during remote work. These are e-mail, instant messengers, audio and VKS services, electronic document management services and a number of other digital services of Russian development. The Chernyshenko apparatus noted that we are talking about existing software solutions, but did not specify the names of the products.

IVA Technologies CEO Stanislav Iodkovsky said that even at the state level, foreign platforms are often used. According to Vladimir Ufnarovsky, co-owner of LANIT-Terkoma, the initiative is useful, but it is difficult to implement it.

In addition, Valentin Makarov, President of the Russoft Association, expressed his opinion on this matter. He stressed that the implementation of state policy requires a combination of "stick and carrot." As Makarov added, he meant that subsidies and other incentives for switching to domestic software are often combined with the dismissal of specific performers.[10]

Russian Railways created a national competence center for import substitution of ERP systems

Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko at a meeting of the Committee on Digital Transformation and Innovative Development of the Board of Directors of Russian Railways on June 21, 2021 approved the creation of the National Competence Center for Import Substitution of ERP Systems on the basis of the company. Read more here.

Due to which you can speed up import substitution of software. Public sector opinion

The state has been supporting the transition to domestic information technologies for more than five years. In 2015, foreign software was banned from being purchased by government authorities. Then, for them, as well as state corporations, they approved a plan for the transition to domestic software.

Further, in the national program "Digital Economy of Russia," state structures and state-owned companies have established a strict deadline for switching to Russian software: its share in state authorities by 2024 should be more than 70%, in companies with state participation - at least 50%. From 2024 to 2025, the transition to Russian developments should be carried out by those organizations that fall under the 187-FZ "On the Security of Critical Information Infrastructure." These, in particular, include many large industrial and financial companies.

However, the process of import substitution of software is not going as quickly as lawmakers would like. TAdviser interviewed a number of departments and state corporations and learned what features of Russian software are important for them and what steps IT companies should take to accelerate the development of this area.

According to Alexander Kuzhekin, director of digital transformation of organizations at the Rostec-digital Transformation ANO, it is important that Russian software has sufficient functionality that is not inferior to its imported counterparts. This is necessary to ensure continuity of business processes and sustainable development.

For each of the activities of the State Corporation - engine building, aircraft manufacturing, radio electronics, the production of medical equipment, mechanical engineering - specialized, often narrowly focused, "sharpened" solutions for a certain industry are needed. At the same time, they must meet the tasks of unification and compatibility with general corporate digital management and accounting systems, "said Alexander Kuzhekin in a conversation with TAdviser.

An extremely important condition for IT contractors to work with customers in industry, in his opinion, is close interaction with constant feedback at all stages of creation, testing and implementation of digital products, as well as a deep immersion in the specifics of the industry. No less important, according to Kuzhekin, is the effective timely technical support of users for an operational transition to solutions created on the basis of domestic software. The expert considers the fulfillment of all requirements related to information security to be the basic condition for the successful import substitution of foreign software.

Thus, for the successful import substitution and development of domestic IT products, it is necessary to consolidate the efforts of all players: developers, customers and regulatory bodies, - said Alexander Kuzhekin.

The Central Election Commission adheres to a similar position, recommending to Russian manufacturers and suppliers "the implementation and provision of competitive key functional, technical, high-quality and operational characteristics of the manufactured ICT products and supplied services, confirmed by the requirements of state and municipal customers." The agency also recommends that companies include their decisions in the relevant registries.

In Rosseti, TAdviser drew attention to the fact that, ultimately, import substitution should lead to the creation of a holistic domestic IT landscape.

Therefore, it is necessary to start a convergence in IT solutions of different directions so that the customer is not left alone with the problem of product interaction. It is necessary to create more "open storefronts" for unhindered acquaintance with the functionality of Russian IT solutions, placing development plans, and reducing the risks of the absence of critical functions. More load tests are also required with the publication of their results in the public domain, - noted in Rosseti.

They also recommended that IT companies strengthen the direction of ERP systems, since by April 2021, in their opinion, there are no competitive solutions that can cover all risks. In addition, the company sees the need for domestic operating systems with office packages.

"Such solutions exist, but there is a shortage of large successful projects," Rosseti explains. According to the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, Russian developers can concentrate their efforts on the formation of digital ecosystems around software and hardware platforms of domestic production.

Companies that will participate in the formation of such platforms will be able to receive additional measures of state support. At the same time, it is advisable to form ecosystems in conjunction with the development of domestic processors and system software. This will allow initially to develop domestic software products, taking into account the capabilities of the domestic one, microelectronic industries which will reduce the total financial and time costs, - explain in. Ministry of Economic Development

Stimulating the production of domestic processors, on the basis of which technological platforms are being developed, according to the department, is a key core in increasing the technological stability of the economy. However, the development of such platforms will take considerable time.

State customers and state-owned companies should be supplied with Russian software products of proper quality. This will ensure a flexible transition to domestic technologies. This is especially true for state facilities of critical information infrastructure, the Ministry of Economic Development notes.

According to Elena Martynova, Deputy Head of Rosreestr, for the development of import substitution in Russia, IT companies should pay attention to the preparation and development of high-quality technical documentation - for example, methodological materials, since the manufacturer's technical support is often absent.

For example, to design and implement a multi-domain catalog service, it is necessary to support the manufacturer in a large volume and on an ongoing basis. At the design stage, methodological materials are required, but they are practically not. This includes the development of internal competencies of IT companies. In addition, Russian software in some cases needs access to imported repositories. Therefore, for the successful introduction of Russian systems, it is necessary to ensure the creation and placement of the necessary repositories in Russia, - Elena Martynova assured Tadviser.

She also considers it necessary to speed up the release of security updates for Russian software, which, according to her, appear with a long delay in April 2021 and do not mitigate current vulnerabilities in the software. This situation, as Martynova explains, in particular, is caused by the need to certify each update from the regulator.

It is also necessary to ensure the release of high-quality and stable updates. To this end, it is necessary to organize the necessary tests on the side of the solution manufacturer. Installing system updates is a risky operation, which creates operational difficulties. Another necessary measure is a clear designation of the "life cycle" of equipment and software, - Elena Martynova told Tadviser.

According to the Federal Property Management Agency, Russian IT companies first of all need to pay attention to the support measures implemented by the government and adopt the established rules, secondly, to the quality of the decisions created - how high-quality their functionality and documentation are.

When the development of information and digital technologies is proceeding at a faster pace, functionality often needs to be anticipated. At the same time, in order to easier and faster confirm the compliance of its products with the requirements, it is necessary to have high-quality documentation that meets the standards in force in Russia, - explained TAdviser in the Federal Property Management Agency.

The department also noted that there is already competition in many IT areas in Russia - there are a sufficient number of information systems that automate the basic functions of state authorities and commercial organizations.

Developers who are ready are known, and, importantly, capable of creating unique solutions. At the same time, there remain free "niches," for example, such as the production of computer equipment and certain types of telecommunication equipment. It is clear that some of them require investment, but even here today the state offers various forms of support, from grants and subsidies, to partnerships. Do not neglect them, - noticed in the Federal Property Management Agency.

Rosstat noted the importance of providing effective technical and warranty support for information systems and operated equipment. In addition, the department announced the need to motivate the staff of IT and digital development departments, providing them with professional growth and the ability to create project and industry teams within the framework of the department and interdepartmental projects.

In Rosavtodor, a large number of departmental information systems developed at different times in different software environments using heterogeneous technologies are considered the main problem in making a full-fledged transition to domestic software. As noted in the department, this process requires time and appropriate funding.

It should be noted that since 2019, the agency has adopted a practice when planning IT costs not even to consider import solutions, if it is possible to use domestic or import-independent (distributed under a free license) software with comparable characteristics, - said TAdviser in Rosavtodor.

According to Yuri Ursu, Director of the Department of Audit of Digital Development and State Support for Entrepreneurship of the Accounts Chamber of Russia, IT companies should pay attention to the observance of the legal purity of rights to their products, especially when using open source software in their composition, since GNU GPL and other publicly available licenses impose certain restrictions and obligations when using such open source products that are often ignored by developers.

It is also important to undergo procedures for entering products into the registers of domestic software and domestic radioelectronic products, since it is mandatory for state customers to purchase products from the relevant registers. At the same time, it is necessary that domestic IT companies spend more resources on R&D and a global increase in the competitiveness of their products, since limiting or eliminating competition with foreign products creates almost guaranteed revenue for them and, as a result, reduces their motivation for development, "Yuri Ursu explained to TAdviser.

The Director information technology Ministry of Health Vadim Vankov of the Department of Digital Development and Russia told the publication that IT companies should pay attention to the real needs of consumers and to the level of functionality of imported analogues.

It is important to understand how the product or solution fits into the customer's infrastructure. IT companies also need to strengthen the level of service and approaches to after-sales service. This applies both to the customization and individualization of the product, and the quality and timing of the provision of services, - said Vadim Vankov.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia TAdviser said that IT companies should pay attention to the expansion of the range of manufactured radio-electronic products and software, as this will help accelerate the import substitution process.

Also, IT companies must not forget about "feedback," determining the needs of potential consumers, focusing on the demand for the release of current products that are fully ready for use. IT companies should organize a wide demonstration of successful products to potential customers, said TAdviser in the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Belousov instructed the ministries to deal with the problem of import substitution of software in the public sector

As it became known on April 12, 2021, the Deputy Prime Andrey Belousov Minister sent Ministry of Industry and Trade Ministry of Digital Development Ministry of Economics Ministry of Finance an order to,,, and other ministries, which deals with the need to work out the problem of reducing the pace of import substitution of IT in the public sector.

According to Kommersant, the order was given at the request of the developer of the ALMIS Partner software, who complained that the decrease in the pace of import substitution negatively affects the financial stability of domestic developers. In addition, "there are barriers to placing government orders, for example, the opacity of technical tasks and unnecessary, unreasonable requirements that make it impossible to participate in tenders," the company said.

Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Belousov
There are barriers to placing government orders, for example, the opacity of technical tasks and unnecessary, unreasonable requirements that make it impossible to participate in tenders, - added to ALMIS Partner.

This complaint was also supported by other domestic developers. Natalia Agafonova, general director of the P7-Office company, recalled that often public procurement specifically prescribes requirements for a foreign company.

In turn, the head of the board of directors of the developer BaseALTAlexey Smirnov noted that the main problem of import substitution remains the sharpening of state information systems for Windows. At the same time, he believes that in the near future the situation will worsen, since the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development intends to simplify access to the register of domestic software.

Mechanisms are required that will prevent clones of foreign software from entering the register, said Renat Lashin, executive director of the Domestic Software Software Developers Association.

The Ministry of Digital Development confirmed to the publication the receipt of Belousov's order, the Ministry of Finance said that it would be "worked out when it arrives."[11]

The Ministry of Digital Development plans to transfer IoT equipment in the public sector to Russian software

At the end of March 2021, it became known about Ministry of Digital Development 's plans to introduce in Russia a requirement for the mandatory use of domestic operating systems on Internet of Things devices in regulated areas. Due to this measure, which is included in the plan developed by the department to support the IT industry, it is planned to increase the security of IoT in government agencies and sectors of the economy sensitive to cyber threats. Read more here.

Information systems and IT infrastructure of the ZATO Seversk Administration have been transferred to Astra Linux OS

On March 26, 2021, Astra Linux GC announced that, together with Mask Safe (Musk Safe LLC), IT infrastructures, as well as Electronic Interaction and Electronic Document Management information systems of the ZATO Seversk Administration of the Tomsk Region, were transferred to operating systems of the Astra Linux family. Read more here.

"Greenatom" transferred the jobs of civil servants of the Chelyabinsk region to Russian software

Greenatom March 22, 2021 announced the completion of the transfer of jobs of civil servants of the Chelyabinsk region to Astra Linux. Read more here.

Created Regional GIS of the Ryazan Region with a server part based on the Russian Astra Linux OS

The Panorama Design Bureau has released the Regional Geo-Information System of the Ryazan Region with a server part based on OCAstra Linux. The product makes it possible to provide the state authorities of the region with reliable information about its territory, as well as to form and integrate information resources that employees need to exercise their powers and make decisions. This was announced on March 1, 2021 by Astra Linux. Read more here.

The administration of the city of Murmansk switched to the import-independent EDMS CompanyMedia

On February 7, 2021, it became known that in 2020, the administration of the city of Murmansk carried out the introduction of the import-independent EDMS CompanyMedia in 141 subordinate organizations. In total, as of February 2021, 155 system organizations operate in the city administration in the CompanyMedia system: an administration with different committees and institutions subordinate to the education and housing policy committees. The administration of the city of Murmansk is planning a complete transition to the independent version of CompanyMedia. Read more here.

Greenatom transfers Magnitogorsk administration to Russian software

On January 18, 2021, the Green atom announced that its specialists of a separate unit in Chelyabinsk had implemented a pilot project to transfer jobs of employees of the administration of the city of Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk Region, to use an import-independent operating system. Read more here.

State authorities in Stavropol are switching to Russian Alt operating systems

In the Stavropol Territory, the first stage of a large-scale project to transfer the regional government to Russian software has been completed. This became known on January 12, 2021. Read more here.


SearchInform: almost 50% of state customers admitted that they have not yet begun import substitution

Almost 50% of state customers admitted that they had not yet begun import substitution. This was announced on December 14, 2020 by the SearchInform company.

In 2020, the program of import substitution of software in the public sector was supposed to be completed, but since 2019, the issue of postponing has been repeatedly raised. The SearchInform company interviewed representatives of domestic companies about the progress of import substitution and the difficulties they face.

In the public sector, almost equally those who have not yet replaced anything (such 47%) and those who have the process or have come to an end (in the amount of 53%). But the number of companies that have most of them already replaced by only 13%.

In the commercial sector, only a third of the companies surveyed are relevant to the issue of import substitution - these are large commercial organizations with state participation. Of these, 43% have not yet replaced anything, and half of the respondents are actively involved in the process.

Thus, only every tenth company has time for the initially established deadlines within the framework of import substitution.

In the commercial sector, the import substitution process has overtaken the state in terms of efficiency. This is a consequence of the specifics of private business, which demonstrates dynamism, autonomous decision-making, the availability of personnel and finances. However, classic state-owned companies did not lag far behind - an indicator of a conditional 50% is a good result. However, it is worrying that very few companies are completing or completing the transition to domestic software. This is evidence not of applied, but of systemic problems of import substitution, - comments Alexey Parfentiev, head of the analytics department at SearchInform.

The questionnaire also asked about the difficulties in import substitution. The layout of the answers reflects the situation regarding the availability of production programs and equipment Russian for customers. There are no difficulties in developing corporate systems on the Russian market, but there is a shortage ON for a wide range of users.

System software is the hardest to replace. This is the expected result of the survey, because it's not only about labor costs, but also about the need to retrain employees, adapt the fleet of existing application software. You can't do it quickly - it will take years to debug, refine and integrate software into large companies, - comments Alexey Parfentiev. - The transition to domestic equipment has not really started at all, because the basic hardware (processors, hard drives, boards and chipsets) on an industrial scale has not yet been made. A relatively low number of answers can be associated with this: respondents consider the work on replacing equipment to be the least relevant, its turn has simply not yet come.

SearchInform conducted a survey in September-November, more than 800 companies took part in it.

The Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development asked for compatibility of IT systems of ministries and departments with domestic software

As it became known on November 26, 2020, the Association of Software Developers (ARPP) "Domestic Software" sent a letter to the head of the Ministry of Digital Development Maksut Shadayev, in which it asks the department to oblige government agencies to implement the compatibility of their state information systems (GIS ) with domestic software. Read more here.

The UED of the Government of the Ulyanovsk Region has been upgraded to an import-independent version of CompanyMedia

On November 16, 2020, it became known that the Government of the Ulyanovsk Region modernized the unified electronic document management system (ESED) at the end of 2018. As of November 2020, the Government is working in an independent EPED based on the CompanyMedia system . During the transition, more than a million documents were also transferred from the previously existing system storage to another, more modern one. The Government of the Ulyanovsk Region, 20 executive bodies of state power, 167 municipalities, including 3 urban districts, work in a single space of electronic document management. Read more here.

Ivanovo region switches to Russian OS

On November 11, 2020, the company [Astra Group of Companies' Astra Linux]] informed TAdviser that the transfer of IT infrastructures of 26 executive authorities to operating systems of the Astra Linux family and other domestic software products has started in the Ivanovo region. Read more here.

Executive authorities of the Irkutsk region are switching to domestic software

On November 9, 2020, TAdviser received material on the introduction of software for workplaces in the Irkutsk Region. The main composition of the tools used included P7-Office, the 1C cloud and the network version of the Consultant Plus software product running MicrosoftWindows Server. Read more here.

IT companies consider the new timing of the transition to domestic software and equipment of CII owners too tough

The Ministry of Digital Development has outlined new dates for the transition to domestic software (software) and equipment of owners of critical information infrastructure ( CII ). TAdviser learned the opinion about the new terms of representatives of the IT industry. Most respondents consider them too tough. Read more here.

BFT and Red Soft will transfer state authorities of the Kaliningrad region to domestic software

On September 22, 2020, a meeting was held in Kaliningrad, within the framework of which the Ministry of Digital Technologies and Communications of the region, BFT Company and RED SOFT Company signed a tripartite cooperation agreement. Within its framework, a number of joint measures will be taken to transfer the state authorities of the Kaliningrad region to the use of Russian software. Also, the region will consider the possibility of creating a resource center to popularize domestic software. This was announced on September 23, 2020 by BFT. Read more here.

The share of domestic software in the procurement of government agencies should increase to 70%

On September 10, 2020, it became known that the share of Russian software in the cost of purchases by the end of 2020 should be at least 70% for government agencies and at least 50% for state corporations and companies with state participation. Such data are cited by Kommersant with reference to the draft Government plan to achieve the national development goals of Russia until 2024. Government agencies complain that a large number of information systems developed at different times, in different software environments and using different technologies need to be transferred to domestic software. This significantly slows down the process.

The source recalled that the Digital Economy of Russia program provides that by 2024 the share of domestic software in the procurement of authorities should be 90%, and in companies with state participation - 70%. At the end of 2019, there was a decrease in planned indicators: the share of purchases of domestic software by government agencies fell from 62.2% (2018 figure) to 55%, and in state-owned companies and corporations - from 65.2% a year earlier to 38.9%. According to information published in the Unified Interdepartmental Information and Statistical System, the costs of state corporations and state-owned companies for the purchase of Russian software in 2019 amounted to 1.6 billion rubles, and together with foreign software - 4.2 billion rubles, government agencies - 7.3 billion rubles. and 13.3 billion rubles. respectively.

Kommersant refers to experts who explain the drop in indicators in 2019 by the postponement of certain large tenders or a general decrease in costs for Russian software caused by the centralization of its purchases. Since 2019, the Ministry of Communications has been conducting centralized purchases of domestic office software and antivirus software for all federal executive bodies (FOIV).

The document, as specified in, Ministry of Economic Development will be finalized by October 30, 2020. That is when the project report should be submitted to the President. Russia Vladimir Putin The working group includes representatives of the Ministry of Communications, the Ministry of Economy and other federal bodies, as well as experts and business representatives.

In 2020, several state-owned companies began to master Russian software at once: among other things, Russian Railways began using Russian software developments in the field of e-mail and web surfing.

In September 2020, the authorities proposed to classify state-owned companies and state corporations as objects of critical information infrastructure (CII) on a par with government agencies and banks from January 1, 2021. This will mean an accelerated transition to domestic software and equipment, the procedure for which will be determined by the government. The [12] Read more here.

Rosatom's daughter engaged in the transfer of government agencies to Russian software

On May 14, 2020, Greenatom, the IT integrator of Rosatom State Corporation, informed TAdviser about the completion of a comprehensive survey of the IT infrastructure of executive authorities of the Chelyabinsk region as part of the execution of a state contract with the Ministry of Information Technologies, Communications and Digital Development of the Chelyabinsk Region. Read more here.


Import substitution of software in Russian government agencies for the first time decreased

The level of import substitution of software in Russian state bodies in 2019 for the first time decreased - to 55% from 62.2% a year earlier. In state corporations and companies with state participation, the indicator also decreased - from 65.2% to 38.9%. Such data are given in the draft government plan to achieve the national development goals of the Russian Federation until 2024.

According to the document, excerpts from which "," the Kommersant expenses of state corporations and state-owned companies for the acquisition of Russian software in 2019 reached 1.6 billion, and rubles in aggregate with foreign - 4.2 billion rubles, - state agencies 7.3 billion rubles and 13.3 billion rubles, respectively.

It is assumed that the share of domestic software in the cost of purchases should be at least 70% for state authorities and at least 50% for state corporations and companies with state participation.

The level of import substitution of software in Russian state bodies in 2019 for the first time decreased - to 55%, in 2018 the figure was 62.2%

As explained to the publication in Rosstat, the data are based on information published in the Unified Interdepartmental Information and Statistical System.

The draft government plan to achieve the national development goals of the Russian Federation until 2024 by September 10, 2020 is being developed, Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media Ministry of Economic Development as well as experts and the business community. RUSSIAN FEDERATION Vladimir Putin The Ministry of Economic Development told the newspaper that the results will be presented to the president by October 30, 2020.

Softline does not feel a decrease in the share of purchased Russian software in working with its customers, Dmitry Sorokin, head of the sales development department of the company's domestic software, told Kommersant.

According to the head of Astra LinuxIlya Sivtsev, if earlier domestic software could only be found in a number of national projects and individual authorities, then by September 2020 every federal executive body is engaged in import substitution.[13]

In "Voskhod" will start a stand for testing for compatibility of various software configurations for civil servants

On November 8, 2019, it became known that from 2020 Research Institute "Sunrise" a stand for testing for compatibility of various configurations ON for will be constantly launched in. government employees Will be investigated from. software In the " Register of domestic software iron" part of the stand Russian to processors , there is still a place only on - not computers on. servers The testing itself will begin in 2020. This CNews was told in and in the Research Institute " Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media Sunrise." More. here

Russian software manufacturers asked for 70 billion rubles for import substitution

On September 17, 2019, it became known that Russian software manufacturers estimate import substitution of software in state bodies at more than 70 billion rubles.

The developers asked for state support for the introduction of Russian software instead of foreign software, Vedomosti reported with reference to the presentation of the working group on information security of the Digital Economy program.

Programmers ask the state for 70 billion rubles for import substitution

The workgroup has identified several software classes that require additional support:

  • operating systems;
  • office applications, search engines, browsers and communication software;
  • Database management system (DMS);
  • enterprise management systems, etc.

For each of the classes in the presentation there are examples of companies that produce such software, and the means that may be needed.

Money, in particular, is proposed to be spent on the development of products, on training users, on financing their purchases by government agencies.

Operating systems developers asked for 25.5 billion rubles for 2019-2024. They want to transfer about 5 million jobs to domestic software and earn up to 1 billion rubles a year from exporting their OS.

Developers of office applications, search engines, browsers and communication software asked for more than 1.5 billion rubles for 2019-2022. These funds are supposed to be used for subsidies to developers and for the creation of user risk insurance systems when introducing domestic software.

According to the presentation, DBMS requires 1.8 billion rubles until 2022. These are, first of all, subsidies, compensation for the costs of state-owned companies for Russian software and personnel training. If you add all the requests for different classes of software, the amount is about 70 billion rubles.

The representative of the ANO "Digital Economy" told the publication that the program provides for 5 billion rubles for import substitution of foreign software in government agencies.[14]

Putin on a direct line: The market for domestic IT products should be provided even with not entirely market methods

On June 20, 2019, a direct line took place with President Vladimir Putin, during which he answered questions from citizens. The direct line lasted more than 4 hours, and the vast majority of it fell on burning issues related to the social sphere. However, other areas were also affected, including information technology. Read more here.

The share of Russian software in the procurement of government agencies reached 65%

On April 24, 2019, it became known that the share domestic software in procurement state agencies is 65% as of April 2019, while in 2015 it reached only 20%. Such data were cited by the deputy head. Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media Aleksei Sokolov

According to the calculations of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, by 2024 the share of Russian software will be brought to 90% in the procurement of government agencies, and to 70% in the procurement of state-owned companies. For 2019, an indicator of at least 45% is planned for state-owned companies.

The ministry also cited current data on the Register of Domestic Software, which has been running since 2016 - as of April 2019, there are more than 5.2 thousand software products in 24 different classes.

In April 2018, the previous head of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications Nikolai Nikiforov reported that the share of Russian software in the procurement of federal government agencies during the existence of the register increased from 20% to 65%. Interviewed market representatives then expressed distrust of the reliability of these data.

According to Sokolov, Russian Railways managed to achieve certain successes in the transition to Russian software. Under the state-owned company, a permanent coordination body was formed, headed by the head of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications Konstantin Noskov. The IT strategy was also finalized, in addition, the government approved a plan for the phased transition of the company to domestic architecture, and Russian Railways is already implementing this plan.

The ministry also notes that state-owned companies were asked to create an interdepartmental working group in the field of import substitution of software. The group will have four sections - finance, transport, power and industry.

According to Sokolov, import substitution is also implemented in the field of public procurement of telecommunications equipment. As of April 2019, a draft government decree is already under interdepartmental approval, which will limit government purchases of foreign electronic products. Software, which is part of such products, must be in the Register of Domestic Software.

The authorities also intend to issue directives prescribing the purchase of mainly Russian telecom equipment when creating IT infrastructure at public expense. For example, the list of equipment required to connect socially significant objects to the Internet includes 419 items. The list has already been prepared by the Ministry of Communications and the Ministry of Industry and Trade, with a quantitative breakdown by year and technical characteristics of products[15]


Rostelecom will prepare a plan for the transition to Russian software

On December 26, 2018, it became known that the board of directors of Rostelecom instructed the company's manager to prepare a plan for the transition to the use of domestic software in the next two months. The board of directors will approve this plan within a similar period, and then it will be included in the long-term development program of Rostelecom. Read more here.

Plan and start of the pilot for the transition of federal departments to 1C cloud accounting

On October 31, 2018, an order of the Treasury was registered with the Ministry of Justice establishing a schedule for the transition of departments to centralized accounting[16] the[17]Earlier in 2018, the development of a cloud solution for centralized accounting in departments also began. She is engaged in the company "1C," which by the end of 2018 should launch a pilot project. Read more here.

Head of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications N. Nikiforov: thanks to the software register, developers receive billions of additional revenue

Companies that placed their products in the register of domestic software received additional contracts totaling billions of rubles. This was stated by Minister of Communications and Mass Media Nikolai Nikiforov, speaking at the TAdviser IT Government Day conference on February 28, 2018. It is difficult to calculate the exact amount of additional revenue for these developers, the minister noted, but we can talk about about 5 billion rubles a year.

Nikiforov admitted that he has a certain share of disappointment in the issue of import substitution. A breakthrough in import substitution may occur "when the United States adopts the next package of sanctions and everything turns off for everyone," he joked.

Nikolay Nikiforov spoke at the TAdviser IT Government Day conference on February 28

Subsidizing the development of domestic software, such as subsidizing agriculture, could stimulate more active import substitution. The agricultural sector receives about 240 billion rubles of subsidies from the federal budget annually, the minister cited the data. And Russia has already become the first in the world in grain production. At the same time, there are no subsidies for the development of system software products.

If it were at least the 10th part of what is spent on agriculture only from the federal budget, it would be a breakthrough, and a lot could be done, "Nikolai Nikiforov believes.

At the same time, import substitution projects are underway, and there are many of them, Nikiforov said. Just not all of them advertise to avoid unnecessary political coloring. Judging by the share of purchases of domestic software, we can talk about successes: in 2014 it was about 20-30%, now it is 60-70%, the minister cited the data.

At the same time, the overwhelming number of new key systems in the country is based, if not on fully Russian software products, then on open source products, Nikiforov said. They practically do not use foreign proprietary software.

Regarding the transition of government agencies to domestic office software, the minister noted that no one forces anyone to do this, and the decisions made on this issue were soft. Purchases of imported software continue.

Simply purchasing such products has become more difficult: government agencies can now ask unnecessary uncomfortable questions, the antimonopoly service can cancel tenders or something else, - explained the Minister of Communications

During Nikolai Nikiforov's speech at the TAdviser conference, the question was raised about allowing government agencies to choose operating systems not from the register of domestic software, since many of them are based on the global Linux kernel, and allow them to use world assemblies with open source and at the same time free. Nikolai Nikiforov noted that there is no ban on the use of world Linux assemblies. And if you do not buy them, and they are free, then especially there is no ban, he added.

Import substitution has moved off the ground: government agencies have massively outlined plans and are testing Russian software

At the end of 2017 and at the beginning of 2018, government agencies intensified with the publication of their plans-schedules for the transition to domestic office software (software). This happened after the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications in 2017 approved methodological recommendations for the transition of government agencies to such software.

In 2018, in particular, plans-schedules for the transition to domestic office software, Ministry of Health,, Ministry of Culture,, Ministry of Energy(Ministry of Transport FTS Office of the President of the Russian Federation more about the plan -),,,, appeared in the public domain. here Ministry of Natural Resources National Guard of the Russian Federation Roskomnadzor Ministries of North Caucasus Affairs

Russian software developers note a real increase in demand for their products from government agencies.

Among those who previously published their plans Federal Treasury Rosimushchestvo Federal Bailiff Service are,,,,,, and Rospotrebnadzor Federal Penitentiary Service Federal Agency for State Reserves Rostrud others.

According to the recommended form of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications and recommended indicators, already in 2017 the share of domestic OS in the central offices of government agencies should be at least 30% and at least 20% in their territorial bodies, and in 2018 - at least 50% and 40%, respectively.

For the basic set of applications for working with text, tables, presentations, etc., similar indicators for 2017 are set for operating systems - at least 50% and 20%, for 2018 - at least 80% and 50%, respectively.

A source close to one of the departments calls the published schedules, rather, "an unsubscribe for the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications" and believes that they often have little to do with real plans.

Russian software developers, however, note a real increase in demand for their products. The general director of the developer of the Basalt SPO OS, Alexei Smirnov, in a conversation with TAdviser, noted that the situation with the transition to domestic OS has noticeably changed since the second half of 2017: if earlier state customers often tried to find various reasons not to use domestic products, now they are meaningfully looking for where you can replace imported OS without loss.

There are a lot of tests, demonstrations of the OS on the stand, he says. This trend also affected the real sales of BASEALT, says Smirnov.

As examples of projects, the general director of BASEALT cited the use of the FTS OS for the Resstr Registry Office - on servers in the data center and workplaces in the registry offices, on servers of the new generation passport system, in the State Duma. The Moscow region acquires a large volume of the OS, there are projects in Tyumen and other regions.

Alexey Smirnov noted that there were deliveries before that, but now they have acquired a systematic character. This, according to Smirnov, is also facilitated by changes to the law banning the admission of imported software, which since January began to apply not only to the purchase of licenses, but also to rent, software cloud subscriptions, the purchase of equipment with preinstalled software, etc. Favoring a more active transition is the fact that entire complexes of applications for Linux-based OS are already being built up, allowing you to solve various problems.

The general director of BASEALT believes that they are slowing down the more active transition of government agencies to domestic OSs based on Linux the peculiarities of state information systems. Many of them were originally developed for users Windows OS with both a browser, and Internet Explorer (browser), it turns out, replacing the OS and office software with domestic ones, officials cannot fully work with such state information resources. Such a problem, for example, existed with. public procurement system

In "New Cloud Technologies" - the developer of the office suite "MyOffice," they say that at the end of 2017, due to the fact that a decree was issued clarifying the concept of "software" and correcting the rules for determining the ownership of software, several large tenders for the supply of imported software were canceled, and large purchases were made much less than usually at the end of the year. A number of contests were postponed to 2018. In this sense, the company sees positive dynamics.

Obviously, the interest of state bodies in domestic solutions has grown, there is a dialogue with developers to facilitate the process of switching to domestic software. In particular, we release regular updates and develop macro and SDK technologies that allow you to seamlessly integrate MyOffice into the current business processes of organizations and facilitate the transition to our solutions, TAdviser said at the company.

New Cloud Technologies expects an increase in demand in the 3rd and 4th quarters of 2018, when they publish major purchases.

Sergei Alexandrov, general director of STC IT ROSA, which also develops an OS based on Linux, notes the increased demand for ROSA software and calls the following factors the main drivers - the creation of a register of domestic software, the release of a roadmap for the Ministry of Communications in the summer of 2017 on the transition of state departments to Russian software and a government decree banning the admission of foreign software to purchases in government agencies in the presence of domestic analogues. The fact that the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications obliged FOIVs and other government agencies to publish schedule plans also spurred demand, he said.

If at the beginning of 2017, STC IT ROSA received about 1-2 requests for familiarization and testing with ROSA products per day, now it is about 5 requests per day, and mainly these are requests from state customers who are preparing for the transition to Russian software, - said Alexandrov TAdviser. - Many requests come from the regions.

Sergei Alexandrov, in a conversation with TAdviser, noted that there were many trial purchases of small batches of licenses. As part of small pilot projects, state customers want to enter into line with the plan of the Ministry of Communications and test ROSA Products on their infrastructure.

The problem of incompatibility of Linux-based OS with existing state information systems (based mainly on Microsoft products) is certainly there, says the CEO of STC IT ROSA. It is solved individually with each customer depending on the existing applied IT landscape. But there are other problems when switching to Linux - using EDS, with work in complex systems like CAD systems that are not focused on Linux, says Sergei Alexandrov. He added that STC IT ROSA has a set of tools to solve these problems.


Basic software in federal state information systems remains foreign

Numerous words about import substitution in information technologies, sounding from the lips of senior officials, have not yet led to significant changes in the IT infrastructure of federal authorities in favor of domestic products. This conclusion follows from the analysis of the basic software underlying 339 federal state information systems (FSIS). Read more here.

Deputy Prime Minister Rogozin proposed to ban the purchase of foreign software without source code

Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin proposed banning public procurement of imported software if the developer refuses to disclose its source code, TASS news agency Russian News Agency reported in October.

According to him, it is necessary to prohibit the purchase of equipment to the public sector from sellers who do not provide the source code and documentation for its subsequent modernization in-house. The supply of foreign equipment, such as switches, routers and servers, involves working with constantly upgraded foreign software that can be used for industrial espionage.

we're just dragging a bomb into our own home and we don't know how this story will work amid a worsening relationship. And no one just canceled industrial espionage, so it's just stupid, "said the Deputy Prime Minister

Rogozin also noted the need to set more ambitious tasks for himself, given the potential of the Russian military-industrial complex. According to him, this is not so much a technological as a political task.

The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, late for six months, developed a methodology for the migration of government agencies to domestic software

The development of methodological recommendations for the transition of government agencies to domestic office software was delayed by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications for six months. On the evening of July 3, 2017, the department published on its website an order approving these recommendations signed by Minister of Communications Nikolai Nikiforov. The document says that it was prepared for the implementation of paragraph 8 of the plan for the transition of government agencies to Russian software in 2016-2018, which was approved by order of the Government of July 26, 2016 No. 1588-r.[18]

In accordance with the aforementioned government order, federal government agencies and extra-budgetary state funds had to approve the schedules for their transition to domestic software before March 1, 2017. At the same time, the recommended forms of these schedules and the values ​ ​ of target indicators for the implementation of various types of software of the Ministry of Communications, again, presented only now - in a package of methodological recommendations. These recommendations generally define the main criteria for the transition of government agencies to the use of domestic office software in 2016-2018. and for the planning period 2019-2020.

The document was developed based on the results of a pilot project held in the first half of 2017, in which the Ministry of Communications, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Finance, the Federal Bailiff Service, the Federal Tax Service, the Social Insurance Fund and the Pension Fund tested Russian software.

the approval of the methodological recommendations, the plans for the transition to domestic office software must be approved by the departments," the Ministry of Communications said in a statement.

It is assumed that the transition will be carried out using programs included in the unified Register of Russian software, supervised by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications. At the same time, the transition to the use of domestic office software can be prescribed not only to government agencies, but also to state corporations and companies, joint-stock companies with state participation.

Transition Performance Indicators

Prepared by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications for government agencies, the recommended form of the plan-schedule for the transition to Russian software in 2017-2018. and for the planning period until 2020 contains target indicators and corresponding indicators of the transition efficiency with a breakdown by certain types of software.

In accordance with the document, the share of Russian OS in the apparatus of a separate government agency in 2017 should be 30%, and by 2020 it should grow to 80%. In the territorial divisions of this body in 2017, the share of domestic OS should be 20%, but by 2020 it should also grow to 80%.

The share of domestic office packages in the same period should grow from 50 to 80% in devices, in divisions - from 20 to 80%, the share of mail programs - from 50 to 100% and from 35 to 100%, respectively, share of document management systems - from 50 to 100% and from 30 to 100%, respectively, the share of Internet browsers - from 30 to 80% and from 20 to 80%, respectively, the share of antiviruses - from 99.5 to 100% everywhere.

Pilot project of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications on the transition of government agencies to domestic software

SDU "Priority" on the Docsvision platform and "Protected Mobility" - participants in a pilot project on the transition of federal government agencies to domestic office software

In May 2017, a pilot project was completed Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media Russia to transfer federal executive bodies and state extrabudgetary funds to the use of domestic office (software PO). The project participants were 16 products from. Unified Register of Russian Software

Pilot tests were carried out on the basis of the order of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation A.V. Dvorkovich dated 19.11.2016 No. AD-P10-6948, the organizer of the project is the Ministry of Communications of Russia. The introduction and testing of products was carried out at the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, the Federal Bailiff Service of Russia, the Federal Tax Service, the Social Insurance Fund of Russia, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and directly at the Ministry of Communications of Russia. There are more than 100 sites in total, including the central offices of departments and their divisions.

The pilot project was carried out in several stages: verification for software compliance with technical and functional requirements, compatibility with products from the Unified Register of Russian Software (PostgresPro, Alt Linux, MyOffice, etc.) and with applied corporate software, testing by the working group. More than 45,000 users became participants.

"The purpose of this project is to check the software included in the Unified Register for compliance with additional requirements for software and databases, to test the possibilities of its integration with the applied software available in the departments in accordance with Government Decree No. 325 of March 23, 2017," said Yakov Tabenkov, Deputy Director of the Department of State Policy in the Field of Informatization of Authorities of the Ministry of Communications of Russia. "The next stage of work will be the replication of implemented solutions to other government agencies

According to this decree, office software includes, among other things, mail applications, an organizer, a file manager, as well as electronic document management systems and anti-virus protection tools. In particular, of all the Digital Design products included in the register, the Protected Mobility and Priority SDU took part in the first pilot project. The resolution spelled out special requirements for each software. As for electronic document management systems, a detailed description of all documentation management processes and information security requirements are spelled out in a separate document - Order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia dated September 2, 2011 No. 221.

The court explained on the example of the Ministry of Construction how it is possible to purchase foreign software bypassing Russian alternatives

At the end of March 2017, the Arbitration Court Moscow explained its decision to refuse to satisfy the claims "New Cloud Technologies" against, To Ministry of Construction which it had made earlier. In its lawsuit, the company demanded to invalidate the electronic auction and the state contract of the Ministry of Construction with Geokepital for the supply of office. ON Microsoft The proceedings are of a precedent nature: the court for the first time assessed the legality of the refusal of Russian software. Read more here.


Assessment of import substitution prospects in the public sector by market participants

Despite the fact that the prospects for import substitution in the public sector are highly appreciated by Russian companies, the process itself will take place slowly and with "big blood." In the face of a falling budget, it is inevitable, although more is said than really done, experts interviewed by TAdviser say.

Migration to new technologies and products is always fraught with various technical problems and inconveniences, and most managers do not want to face their solution. Therefore, some market participants talk about the need to increase pressure from the state so that the process of replacing foreign solutions is successful.

IT market participants do not really believe in rapid import substitution

Where the issues relate to the safety and technological independence of the authorities and management, the tasks of import substitution will be solved and there will be money for them, says Vladimir Andreev, president of Docsvision, adding that in other matters import substitution will be hampered by a lack of funds.

It seems to me that over the past two years, everyone has already come to the understanding that import substitution is not cheaper, but more expensive. More expensive today, although in the future, taking into account the risks and return on investment, it may turn out to be cheaper. Obviously, the solution to the problem of import substitution in the field of software for government agencies is not a campaign, but a long process that will require both time and money, and painstaking management. And, if time and money are resources that may well be found, then everything is much less obvious in terms of management, because until you see some institution that is able to manage this software comprehensively, - said the president of Docsvision

Adopted legislative acts to support the development of the domestic IT industry help many Russian companies enter the market and withstand competition with foreign companies, adds Dmitry Komissarov, CEO of New Cloud Technologies. A particularly important role, in his opinion, is played by the emerging control over the purchase of software that is performed by government agencies and companies.

Unfortunately, due to inertia, some structures prefer to minimize efforts to change the IT infrastructure and adapt to domestic software, and strive to finally make large-scale purchases of foreign software. According to the data of the public procurement portal, the volume of applications for the first half of 2016 exceeded the purchases of 2015. However, several important projects have already been announced confirming the viability of the import substitution strategy, the expert adds

He refers to such examples as a project of the Federal Bailiff Service to deploy an information system based on operating system GosLinux, which allows you to refuse to purchase software Microsoft for several hundred million. rubles Another example is the completion of the migration project in DBMS Oracle PostgreSQL the system electronic document management of the government of the Moscow region. There are a number of other interesting projects, a feature of which is the readiness of key leaders of IT companies to change, which, as a rule, is the key to the success of such projects, adds Komissarov.

In the future, 5-10 years, he believes, the task of import substitution in the public sector will be mainly solved.

Tatyana Tolstova, Deputy General Director of CROC for work with the public sector, adds that if we reach the full replacement of all existing Western software, then in the future of several years.

There are such complex products as the database management system DBMS from, Oracle which is being replaced now, for example, by. PostgreSQL But when it comes to a gigantic amount of data, it is not clear how much the replaceable DBMS will be able to provide performance. But, for example, we are already actively replacing mail with open source software, Zimbra we have already made an implementation in magistrates' courts, EMIAS, we are also replacing the virtualization platform with VMware OVirt Rosstat (% 28% D0% BC% D0% B8% D0% B3% D1% 80% D0% B0% 86% D0% B8% D1% 8F% D1% 81 VMware% D0% D0% D0% D1

Ilya Verigin, Head of Analytics and Public Sector at ELAR Corporation, assesses the prospects for import substitution as high, citing as an example the 1C solutions that replace SAP, Docsvision and EOS products that replace Documentum, as well as the ELAR Saperion solution that replaces IBM FileNet. Only in some areas, Verigin believes, there is nothing to import substitution yet, and the development is difficult and will take a lot of time.

In turn, Dmitry Trofimov, deputy head of the commercial directorate of the Asteros group, proposes the idea of ​ ​ repurchasing technologies and adapting them to existing tasks by the forces of domestic scientific potential. In this case, he believes, the import substitution strategy may work.

It is important at the state level to "conduct" this process so that its participants at all levels of interaction move in one direction, understand the common goal, see the relationship of their efforts with others, and also understand the final result, says the representative of Asteros

Alexander Goltsov, General Director of AMT Group, also speaks about the need to increase pressure from the state. According to him, this is required, because migration to new technologies and products is always associated with the emergence of various technical problems and inconveniences, and most managers do not want to face their solution.

Alexey Pilipchuk, general manager of Tegrus, believes that there can be no quick effect in this matter - "figuratively speaking, it is impossible to pull out the foundation from under a multi-storey building without consequences."

"The import substitution process requires a thoughtful and consistent approach, but this work will have to start," says Pilipchuk.

Maykor also does not expect a massive transition to Russian IT products. Taking into account the limited IT budgets, the lack of Russian analogues to a number of import systems and the announced path to the "state region" to the issue of updating its IT infrastructure, the departments will approach very carefully, says Irina Semenova, vice president of marketing at Maykor.

The president of the Korus Consulting Group of Companies, Alexander Semenov, considers import substitution to be "correct," but he also notes that the process will be "slow and with a lot of blood." At the same time, he considers the fall in the budget to be an incentive for import substitution.

The main thing here is not to engage in pseudo-import substitution, when they will do the same, but Western vendors will hide under the screen of bundle solutions of allegedly Russian production, the expert warns

Increase in the share of domestic software in the purchase of federal and regional structures

The Ministry of Communications of Russia regularly monitors public procurement in the regions. According to the data shared by the head of the department Nikolai Nikiforov, speaking at the board of the ministry on May 3, it is clear how serious the share of domestic software is growing in the purchase of federal and regional structures, including in the purchase of work.

Growth of purchases of domestic software and services in the regions. Data of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media
We perfectly understand that very often not just a license for a particular software product is purchased, but some complex work is purchased, - the minister explained

The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications collects data by interviewing regions.

Despite such an increase in purchases of Russian solutions, it is quite difficult to identify import substitution projects, analysts at TAdviser say. Limited open information on the current infrastructure of the authorities does not always allow us to attribute the introduction of domestic software to the replacement of imports. In addition, many import-substituting implementations are carried out in conjunction with other projects, so it is not always possible to evaluate them financially.

Among the regional authorities, the largest import substitution projects of 2015-2016 include, for example, the migration of the capital's state institutions from a solution Microsoft Exchange to a single e-mail service. "MyOffice" The project started in 2016. The first stage, which was supposed to affect about 6 thousand users, was estimated at 43.6 million. rubles In total, about 600 thousand people should be transferred to the domestic postal service.

2016 data

Among the federal departments, the largest import substitution projects include [3] moving the FMS from the Documentum-based EDMS to the Russian solution "EDMS Logic." The project started in 2015 and was estimated at 74 million rubles.

Some state-owned companies are also switching to domestic products. Among the projects that started in 2015-2016, we can single out [4] the migration of RusHydro from the Documentum EDMS to LanDocs. The project budget amounted to 75 million rubles.

In 2017, the corporation "Galactica" distinguished itself in the good sense of the word. Her project in Transneft for 379 million rubles with a small reservation can also be attributed to import substitution.

2015: Foreign IT companies threaten to leave Russia due to restrictions in public procurement of software

In early November 2015, it became known that the largest Western IT companies could curtail their investment programs in Russia or completely leave the country due to  restrictions on the purchase of foreign software.

At the disposal of the newspaper Kommersant was a letter from the head of the Association of European Businesses (AEB) Frank Schauff,, and Minister of Communications and Mass Media Nikolai Nikiforov Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov Minister of Economic Development Alexey Ulyukaev the head. In the FAS Igor Artemyev letter, Schauff asked to postpone the date of entry into force of the law, which obliges government agencies to provide written justification when purchasing a foreign one, from software January 1 to July 1, 2016. For these six months, AEB proposed to develop criteria for localizing foreign IT companies in Russia so that they could ON be included in the created. Unified Register of Russian Software

European companies announced the risk of leaving the Russian IT market
"If foreign investment is still on the agenda, then an equal approach and non-discrimination are needed and restrictions on free competition and access to the Russian market for foreign companies," Schauff said.

According to him, European business has actively invested in Russia in the past 10 years and was going to continue to do so in the future, however, "in conditions of unclear rules of the game," foreign IT companies may suspend investment programs or even leave the Russian market.

The source of the publication in one of the ministries said that the fears of the AEB were caused not so much by the law obliging government agencies to justify the purchase of foreign software, but by a draft government decree restricting public procurement of foreign software introduced by the Ministry of Communications in June 2015. We are talking about a ban on the purchase of foreign software for state and municipal needs from January 1, 2016.[19]

Read also


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  2. [ You cannot
  3. your software]
  4. Information systems will streamline the budget
  5. Broad hybridization software
  6. . Dmitry Chernyshenko: Investments of state-owned companies and state corporations in domestic software will amount to more than 922 billion rubles
  7. Putin instructed to work out the conditions for the use of foreign software in Russia
  8. Software increases budget
  9. The State Duma approved restrictions for foreign software when processing geodata
  10. Chatno-State Partnership. Teachers and officials will be transferred to Russian instant messengers
  11. The government will reinstall the software in the order of import substitution
  12. share of domestic software in the procurement of government agencies should increase to 70%.
  13. State-owned companies have rolled back the software update. Import substitution is proposed to be accelerated from a low base
  14. Software developers ask for more than 70 billion rubles for import substitution
  15. The share of Russian software in the procurement of government agencies reached 65%. In 2015, it was 20%.
  16. [ Order of
  17. Federal Treasury of October 10, 2018. ]
  18. The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, late for six months, developed a methodology for the migration of government agencies to domestic software
  19. Soft showed firmness