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OS Alt formerly Alt Linux

Developers: Basalt SAT (BaseALT) formerly ALT Linux, IVC
Last Release Date: 2025/01/23
Branches: State and social structures,  Education and science,  Pharmaceuticals, medicine, health
Technology: OS


Main Article: Operating Systems

The family of operating systems with, open source originally developed by the company (Alt Linux ALT). Linux In 2016, its employees in full force moved to a company that BaseALT continues to develop these products using the Alt trademark.

As of fall 2016, distributions of Alt Workstation, Alt Server and Alt Education have been released.


As part of RuBackup OneClick

RuBackup (part of Astra Group) on March 18, 2025 announced the release of RuBackup OneClick, a software system for quickly creating a data preservation system. The solution also included ALT Linux 10. Read more here.

Compatibility with Luxms BI

YASP and BASEALT have confirmed the compatibility of the Luxms BI analytical platform (including Luxms BI Arenadata Platform Edition) with the Alt SP operating system certified by the FSTEC of Russia. Based on the results of the tests, a bilateral certificate was signed. This was announced by "BASEALT" on January 28, 2025. Read more here.

Alt SP release 10: certified DBMS, support for Elbrus 2S3 and Elbrus processors 8SV

On January 23, 2025, BASEALT"" announced the release FSTEC of Russia operating system of the Alt SP Certified Update Release 10. This version includes DBMS PostgreSQL in addition to certified tools virtualizations and containerization.

According to the company, the compliance certificate has been re-issued, but its number and validity period have not changed. All Alt SP users release 10 need to update the OS. The update is performed from the repository according to the standard procedure. Images on Platform 9 will be supported until August 2026. Alt SP OS provides execution of programs in a protected environment. The operating system includes software interpreters php perl(,,, lua python nodejs) and web- () that server nginx have passed tests to identify vulnerabilities and undeclared capabilities in accordance with the FSTEC methodology Russia in full.

Alt SP includes the PostgreSQL database management system version 16.6, certified for compliance with Order No. 64 of the FSTEC of Russia for class 4 protection.

At the same time, not only single DBMS installations are protected, but also clusters from several databases. The computer hardware specification and performance characteristics can be viewed on the product page. Architectures supported by Alt SP Assemblies for x86_64 and aarch64 architectures are traditionally released in the version Workstation and Server. A kernel with support for Rockchip 3588 devices has been added to the build for aarch64.

The updated version has assemblies for workstations for the Elbrus 8SV and Elbrus 2C3 processors. Assemblies for Elbrus 4S and Elbrus 8S processors are based on the 9th platform and are included in the limited support release (until August 2026). For those who want to switch to release 10 for the Elbrus 8C processor, you can use the image for the Elbrus 8CV processor.

In the updated version, the installer allows you to select the desired applications at the installation stage. This optimizes initial system configuration, especially for users who need minimal configuration to use virtualization or containerization tools.

Alt SP release 10

Tools podman (4.9.4) and (kubernetes 1.31) are still used, the set of podsec scripts has been improved: actions that previously had to be performed manually are now automated. A set of kubernetes packages from version 1.22 to 1.31 is available, which allows users to smoothly move to the updated one. ON

The containers included in the product have also been updated. Added basic containers, including distroless images. You can get programs and their updates through the service (by the c10f2 tag).

Updated virtualization system based on Proxmox Virtual Environment (PVE). The ceph file system has been updated to version 17 - a software object storage network that provides both file and block access interfaces.

Added Linstor module to manage block storage devices. data Linstor places volumes for data storage and enables replication for them. Added library for software-defined network.

To improve failover of the PVE cluster, the Corosync Quarum service has been added to allow the cluster to withstand more node failures than standard quorum rules allow.

The Server execution includes a software package for centralized management of computers and user accounts "Alt Domain," it can be selected at the installation stage as a separate group of packages. In the version, the Workstation has the groups "Domain Client" and "Group Policy Management Tools," with their help the deployment of the Alt Domain PC is simplified.

The Keycloak access identification and control system has appeared. It is used for authentication and authorization both through local servers and through social networks and other resources, and also supports two-factor authentication and SSO Single Sign-On technology. Allows you to enter several related services with a single login and password thanks to linking to corporate account storage systems).

The security event monitoring tools have added a modern flexible tool icinga2, which can be used instead of the nagios program.

Alt SP release 10

OEM installation mode has been added, so hardware vendors can massively preinstall the OS on their devices.

The main functions for monitoring and limiting user actions with USB devices are performed by the Alterator-usbguard and Alterator-usbmount packages.

There is a function to restrict the use of USB devices through the USBGuard module, which is available through the Web version of the System Control Center. You can specify rules to allow or block devices by their characteristics, such as IDs or interfaces. The user can manage policies through a convenient interface, with the ability to import settings and audit events.

Added the ability to restrict access to the file system of USB devices using the Alterator-usbmount package. It allows you to configure access rights for users and groups and file systems for access control. An updated kiosk mode mechanism has been added. It allows you to limit the ability to run programs according to the lists prepared by the system administrator. The system includes examples of profiles that can be used as samples.

In Alt SP, the theme "like windows" is set by default, which makes the appearance of the system familiar to the user.

Alt SP release 10

Alt SP release 10

A virtual keyboard has been configured for the screen keeper login and unlock window. An application has appeared that allows an administrator to remotely connect to the user's desktop when using the MATE graphical shell.

An extension has been added to the system file manager, which allows you to calculate and compare checksums of files, including according to the algorithm GOST R 34.11-2012. The workstation includes recoll - a tool for searching for information in documents, archives, and letters by various parameters, including a fragment of text. Added LTS version of Java 21.

The OS includes a cryptopro-preinstall module (only for architecture x86_64), which simplifies the installation of official CryptoPro CSP packages (with support for Rutoken S and ECP). Root certificates for sites from the Russian certification center TCI LLC have been added. Support was provided for Signature-L, a cryptographic authorization system for electronic documents developed by the Bank of Russia. It is intended for cryptographic protection of electronic messages in the environment of Linux operating systems. Support for the Medical Information System "SAMSON" is also implemented.

Support for versions on the 9th platform (images without specifying the release number) ends in August 2026.


Compatible with Garda DLP 6.0

The updated version of Garda DLP will help customers move towards technological sovereignty, improve workplace control, and increase transparency in the movement of sensitive data. The product is compatible with the Alt 8 SP operating system. Garda Technology reported this on December 5, 2024. Read more here.

Russia has agreed on the production of Alt tablets and servers based on Elbrus processors in India

In September 2024, Russian and Indian companies agreed to create a joint venture for the production of tablets based on the Alt operating system and servers with Elbrus processors in India. The decision was part of broader cooperation between the two countries in the IT space.

According to the Cnews chairman of the board of the association "" and Russoft Valentin Makarov the executive director of the Chamber of Indo-Russian Technological Cooperation (RISING) Debjit Chakraborty spoke about the creation of four joint ventures (JVs) between members of Russoft and Indian IT companies.

B110 server with Elbrus-8SV processor

One of these joint ventures will be engaged in the production of tablets based on the operating system created on the basis of the Russian Alt OS. Chairman of the Board of Directors of BASEALT Alexei Smirnov confirmed that the company will deliver a platform for creating an operating system to India. In the future, it is also planned to establish the assembly of laptops and servers based on Russian processors, including Elbrus.

The creation of joint ventures was the result of the technological sovereignty course chosen by the Indian authorities in 2022. JV products will be considered Indian and meet the requirements of the Made in India program, which will ensure access to government grants and orders.

In the city of Uterpradesh, on the territory of former military units, it is planned to provide land plots for the placement of industries free of charge. Shares in joint ventures are distributed in a proportion of 50:50, which, according to the parties, is optimal for avoiding conflicts.

In total, it is planned to create from 20 to 25 Russian-Indian JVs in various fields, including information security, artificial intelligence, quantum cryptography and engineering software.

Valentin Makarov noted that the experience of interaction with India in the future is planned to be used for the export of technologies to other BRICS countries, including China, South Africa, Brazil, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran and the United Arab Emirates.[1]

Compatibility with Sakura PC

IT Expertise and BASEALT have successfully tested the compatibility of the SAKURA information security software complex with the Alt Workstation 10, Alt Server 10 and Alt SP 10 operating systems on the x86 _ 64 platform. About this "IT-Expertise" reported on September 20, 2024. Read more here.

Implementation of the description of closed vulnerabilities in the Oval language

On June 19, 2024, BASEALT announced the implementation of an Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language (Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language) description of closed vulnerability and operational systems of the Alt family. This enables customers to quickly obtain patch information and centrally manage security updates within companies.

As reported, file OVAL contains a description of the target system configuration for the applied patch and a link to the fact sheet with detailed information. Available data for NOS (Information Security Threats Data Bank FSTEC of Russia) and CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures, System, identifications vulnerabilities International Format) databases.

A separate file is created for each software platform on which one generation of operating systems is based. Files are updated daily after the repository is published. Information about fixes gets into them in real time and immediately becomes public.

Special applications can, based on the received OVAL data, manage the update of operating systems on the organization's network. Alt distributions also have a Trivy program that works with this format, but users can use other compatible applications.

ALT Linux Wiki gives instructions for obtaining OVAL data through the API.

Private users can also view the list of vulnerabilities on the Alt Linux Team website and decide whether to update the system.

Alt SP and Alt Virtualization operating systems provide tools that will regularly download OVAL files and check containers and the installed system.

Compatibility with EDMS "Etla"

As part of the comprehensive work on import substitution and providing users with stable software, tests were performed that confirmed excellent compatibility between EDMS Etla and OS Alt (BASEALT). Their implementation demonstrates the ability to share software without failures and difficulties of a different nature, which has a positive effect on the digitalization of the company's activities and acceleration of its work. This was announced by Atlas Soft on June 14, 2024. More here.

Availability in the Rosukrep cloud

The Alt Server operating systems and the Alt SP Server certified FSTEC from BASEALT are now available in the Rosukrep cloud. The company "BASEALT" announced this on June 6, 2024. Read more here.

Integration of Alt SP Server into RCloud by 3data

Two operating systems from the developer company "BASEALT" - "Alt Server" and "Alt SP Server" have become available to users of the cloud platform RCloud by 3data. This was announced by "BASEALT" on February 21, 2024. Read more here.

Compatible with VisionLabs Luna

The companies VisionLabs and "" BASEALT entered into an agreement on a technological partnership aimed at developing joint import-independent solutions for corporate, transport and. of the public sector The first step in the collaboration was comprehensive testing and compatibility of computer vision LUNA the VisionLabs platform with the Alt family of operating systems. VisionLabs announced this on January 24, 2024. More. here

Compatibility with Sberbank Internet Banking

According to the results of testing, the web version of Sberbank's Internet banking for business is recognized as fully compatible with the Alt family of operating systems from BASEALT, including the Alt SP distribution certified by FSTEC. Sberbank announced this on January 23, 2024.

SberBusiness received a certificate of full compatibility with the OS: all the functionality of the Internet bank is available to Alt users. So now corporate clients of Sberbank can use a set of banking services in a reliable and secure domestic operating system.

{{quote 'author=said Anna Loevskaya, Director of the Digital Corporate Bank Division of Sberbank. | Among the users of SberBusiness there are companies that, due to the specifics of their activities, work only with domestic software. As of January 2024, we are already working with three Russian operating systems based on Linux and continue to increase their number, receiving compliance and security certificates from domestic software manufacturers. Our goal is to make the bank's digital services as affordable as possible for business,}}

It is natural that SberBusiness now works for the Alt OS. This tandem provides a comfortable, multifunctional and, crucially, secure digital environment for the financial operations of more than a million government organizations and commercial companies. Together with the developers of Sberbank, we will maintain compatibility of the latest versions of our products so that users have a reliable platform for business activity,
noted Evgenia Krynina, and. about. Commercial Director of BASEALT

Alt SP Workstation Release 10 Compatibility with Rutoken Control Center

BASEALT and Aktiv have confirmed the compatibility and correctness of Alt operating systems (OS) on the x86_64 and aarch64 platforms and the Rutoken Control Center software product. This was announced by "BASEALT" on January 22, 2024.

The application is intended for use, including in the Alt SP Workstation Release 10 OS. Read more here.


T1 Cloud Availability

Operating systems Alt Server"" and "Alt SP Server" appeared in. cloud provider T1 Cloud The service allows companies to build IT infrastructure any scale on the basis of independent import solutions and speed up the transition to. domestic software This is the fourth in which cloud service the products of the company "" are available, which BASEALT announced this on November 27, 2023. More. here

Compatibility with Loongarch processors

The first Russian operating system compatible with Loongarch processors has been released (developed by the Chinese company Loongson Technology). We are talking about the Alt platform developed by BASEALT. The press service of the latter spoke about the new project on November 16, 2023.

BaseALT has released a technological assembly of the Alt OS based on Loongarch64 chips. This operating system can already be installed on laptops, workstations and servers.

Architecture Loongarch64

As noted in the company "BASEALT," the developers managed to adapt the OS "Alt" for full-fledged work with Loongarch64 in just nine months. Such a quick result was made possible thanks to the automation of the assembly process using a unique technology - catch-up assembly of packages. When new programs appear in the main repositories, the robot automatically creates a task for assembling similar programs for "catching up" platforms, the company explained.

At the same time, the Chinese company Loongson Technology supported BASEALT by providing all detailed documentation, modern OS testing servers, and also took an active part in the work of free software developers, implementing and promoting support for Loongarch.

According to Sergey Trandin, General Director of BASEALT, processors with Loongarch64 architecture have a significant advantage: Chinese developers provide all the necessary technical documentation for their solutions, which allows them to be used at critical information infrastructure facilities. In addition, the processors have already been put into mass production, in connection with which they can be considered as a real alternative to Western counterparts.

By mid-November 2023, Alt OS runs on 8 architectures: the main ones are i586, x86_64, aarch64, armh, ppc64le, and the catch-up ones are Elbrus, mipsel, riscv64.[2]

Alt SP release 10 compatibility with P7-Office

P7-Office is compatible with Russian operational systems. The company P7-Office announced this on October 25, 2023.

Certificates confirmed the correct work of desktop editors "P7-Office" version 7.3 in Astra Linux Special Edition (update 1.7), version 7.4 - in "Alt SP release 10" and "Alt Workstation 10," "RED OS 7.3" in standard and certified versions of FSTEC, "ROSA CHROME 12 workstation" and "ROSA" COBALT "workstation. Read more here.

Alt SP Server Release 10 and Alt SP Workstation Release 10 compatibility with Esmart media

The company BASEALT"" confirmed the compatibility of the certified FSTEC of Russia operating systems "Alt SP Server release 10" and "Alt SP Workstation release 10" with key media ESMART produced by LLC "." AT Bureau The company "BASEALT" announced this on October 23, 2023. More. here

Compatibility of Alt SP Workstation 10 with CryptoAWS GOST 3

BaseALT confirmed the compatibility of the Alt Server 10, Alt Workstation 10 and Alt SP Workstation Release 10 operating systems with the CryptoARM GOST 3 software product developed by Digital Technologies. This was announced on October 4, 2023 by the BASEALT company. Read more here.

Alt SP compatibility release 10 with Rutoken products and Rutoken Plugin software

Alt, BASEALT developer Russian operating systems Alto, and Aktiv Alto, the developer and manufacturer of collateral products and solutions, information security have completed testing OS Alt SP release 10 in x86_64 and aarch64 architectures with - USB tocenes, and. smart cards Rutoken The ON Rutoken Plugin company "BASEALT" announced this on October 3, 2023.

The updated software and hardware stack is necessary for organizations of the critical information infrastructure (CII) to conduct legally significant electronic document management, participate in electronic tenders, interact with state information systems and submit reports in electronic form. Based on Alt OS, Rutoken devices act as secure hardware key media for generating and storing electronic signature keys and securely logging into OS user accounts and personal accounts using two-factor authentication.

As a result of testing, the compatibility of the Alt SP Workstation Release 10 and Alt SP Server Release 10 OS products for x86_64 and aarch64 (Baikal-M) processors with the following Rutoken devices was confirmed:

  • Rutoken EDS 3.0
  • Rutoken EDS 3.0 Smart Card
  • Rutoken Lite (micro)
  • Rutoken EDS 2.0 3000 (micro/Type-C)
  • Rutoken EDS 2.0 2100 (micro/Type-C)
  • Rutoken EDS 2.0 2100 Smart Card
  • Rutoken S (tested with Alt SP OS release 10 execution for the platform x86_64).

The Rutoken Plugin software, which supports work with all devices of the Rutoken EDS 3.0 and Rutoken EDS 2.0 lines, was checked for the correctness of collaboration with the Alt SP Workstation Release 10 and the Alt SP Release 10 operating systems. Rutoken Plugin solution is used for electronic signature, encryption and strict two-factor authentication in web services from the browser.

It is always important for our company to test its own products with leading domestic operating systems. Together with our colleagues from BASEALT, we are pleased to create high-quality Russian products that ensure full compliance with modern information security requirements,
said Pavel Anfimov, Head of Product and Integration at Aktiv.

As part of the "Stationary PAC" of domestic developers

The companies Basis Fplus",,,,", " MyOfficeKaspersky Lab and DION Getmobit BASEALT September 21, 2023 presented software and hardware complexes for a stationary workplace and ensuring the operation of the server center. Stationary PAC includes Alt. OS Linux More. here

Alt SP release 10 meets the new requirements of the FSTEC of Russia for the protection of virtualization and containerization tools

The company "BASEALT" on August 3, 2023 announced the release of the Russian operational system "Alt SP" release 10. The release number is indicated in the software form and means the release on the 10th platform of a stable branch of the independent Sisyphus repository.

Alt SP release 10 has been released for two hardware architectures: x86_64 (AMD, Intel) and AArch64 (ARMv8). In both cases, the following delivery options are available:

  • workstation;
  • server;
  • workstation + server.

Alt SP release 10, developed jointly by BASEALT and, IVC received, confirming certificate FSTEC of Russia compliance with OS the requirements protection for and. virtualizations containerization Using this operating system, customers will be able to create systems that meet the requirements of the regulator safe information , allowing them to work with confidential. information

The certificate will expand the scope of the Alt SP OS, allow customers to use familiar and convenient virtualization and containerization tools at critical information infrastructure facilities, and simplify the process of certification of solutions. We are constantly improving our products to meet customer needs,
said Sergey Trandin, CEO of BASEALT.

Certification was carried out in accordance with the documents "Information Security Requirements for Virtualization Tools" (Order of the FSTEC of Russia dated October 27, 2022 No. 187) and "Information Security Requirements for Containerization Tools" (Order of the FSTEC of Russia dated July 4, 2022 No. 118).

Certificate No. 3866, issued by FSTEC of Russia in 2018 to the Alt SP operating system and valid until August 10, 2023, has been re-issued until 2028.

The Alt SP OS on the 9th platform (according to the form - without a release number) is supported by the vendor until August 10, 2026 and can be used in certified circuits subject to the operating conditions, in particular, the conditions for regular updates from the corresponding repository.

The main differences of the Alt SP OS release 10:

  • added tools to check the integrity of virtual machines and containers with mechanisms to block the launch of compromised images;
  • added a mechanism for checking containers, virtual machine images and individual packages for vulnerabilities; verification is carried out both on the international vulnerability database (CVE) and on the vulnerability database of the FSTEC of Russia (BDU);
  • containerization, in accordance with the requirements of the FSTEC of Russia, is implemented on the basis of podman and operates in an unprivileged mode (rootless). For ease of use, security settings are assembled into a separate package;
  • The server distribution includes a set of containers for local deployment of kubernetes, which in a secure configuration, like podman, works in unprivileged mode. Security updates will be provided through the Container Register;
  • PVE infrastructures (open virtualization system source code based on Proxmox) is included in the distribution to build a full-fledged virtual one;
  • Proxmox Backup Server is available as backup tools in the image, combined with PVE;
  • Remote/terminal access clients added
  • Provides a complete virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) solution
  • Updated the Samba server and group policy engine, added its own graphical tools for managing LDAP objects and editing policies.

Package versions at the time of release:

  • core 6.1 (un-def);
  • virtualization: qemu 8.0, libvirt 9.3, proxmox 7.4, PBS 2.2.6, ceph 16.2, Glusterfs 9.3;
  • containerization: podman 4.4.4, kubernetes 1.26, cri-o 1.26;
  • Multi-platform connection broker for creating and managing OpenUDS 3.5 virtual desktops
  • group policies: Samba - 4.16.9, gpupdate -, ADMC - 0.12.0, GPUI - 0.2.17.

Updates are communicated to consumers through a public repository prior to appropriate product requirements testing. information security

Placing Code in the National Software Repository

On June 6, 2023, the BASEALT company announced that it had passed the selection and was included in the number of participants in the experiment to create a national repository of free software. The list of participants is posted on the website by the Ministry of Digital Development.

The company's developers will publish the source code of the Alt OS for the RISC-V platform in the national repository. Thus, "BASEALT" will solve two problems at once: it will provide code for general use and contribute to the development of a hardware platform, alternative x86.

Participation in the creation of a national repository was an organic continuation of the BASEALT course for a mutually beneficial technological exchange with the Russian community of free software.

The national repository is conceived as a Russian analogue of GitHub. The experiment lays the foundation for the consistent implementation of the open source development strategy in Russia. On May 31, 2023, Order of the Ministry of Digital Development of Russia No. 496 approved the list of participants in the experiment to grant the right to use programs for electronic computers, algorithms, databases and documentation thereto, including the exclusive right to which the Russian Federation belongs, under an open license and creating conditions for using open source software.

The developers will place the code of their solutions in the national repository under the terms of an open state license. Any user of the repository will be able to use this software and its components to create and develop their own products.

Compatibility of Alt 8 SP OS with Garda Masking, Garda DB and Garda Monitor solutions

On March 30, 2023, the company BASEALT announced that three products Russian of the system developer "" information security Garda Technology were certified tested at once and confirmed compatibility domestic OS with Alt 8 SP: "" for Garda Camouflage depersonalization, databases agent of the base system "" protection data and the Garda DB NTA system "." Garda Monitor The joint use of software products will allow organizations to create a trusted digital environment for working with confidential and. information personal data

First of all, the joint use of Garda products and Technologies Alt 8 SP OS will be beneficial for owners: critical information infrastructure state authorities, enterprises, defense ENERGY INDUSTRY industrial industries complex, industry and health care transport sector financial. Customers will receive a reliable tool for complex from protection internal and external, threats IT infrastructures personal data (including the environment for) safe , testings databases.

The software stack, which includes the products "Garda Technology" and OS "Alt 8SP," allows customers to solve two problems at once: to transfer the information security circuit to sanctions-resistant Russian software and ensure reliable protection of the corporate digital environment. Expanding the ecosystem of Russian application software, the company is primarily focused on experts from the Russian IT market. Garda Technology is just such a technological partner with progressive solutions that have been tested in companies in different industries. The joint solution will serve as the basis for building a trusted IT infrastructure of government and commercial organizations,

One of the competitive features is market INFORMATION SECURITY the compatibility of products with domestic ones. operating systems Its importance is growing in the context of security import-independent countries in the part. information technology Proving the compatibility of Garda Technologies products with the Alt 8 SP operating system, the company offers customers flexible comprehensive tools to create and ensure the uninterrupted functioning of a secure information environment.
commented on Garda Technology Product Development Director Dmitry Larin.

Availability in the Yandex cloud

Alt operating systems on the Yandex Cloud platform will help organizations significantly save on IT infrastructure and strengthen the protection of their digital resources. This was announced on March 20, 2023 by Yandex.Cloud.

In just half an hour, in the Yandex cloud, you can deploy a server or even a data center equipped with Alt Server and Alt SP Server OS with built-in protection. Read more here.

Launch of sales through

Softline Group of Companies on March 9, 2023 announced the start of sales of Alt operating systems (OS) through the online showcase of software products of the Softline Subscriptions service. The Alt operating systems of BASEALT are available to customers Softline Group of companies according to the subscription model. The use of Russian Alt operating systems provides the necessary level of protection for the corporate IT infrastructure.

Rent is a very convenient and economical form of acquaintance or temporary work with software. Daily charging makes it possible not to purchase a license at full cost, but to pay for work with the OS during the period chosen by the customer.

We are pleased to cooperate with the Russian developer BASEALT and are confident that our customers will actively order subscriptions to Alt operating systems that ensure high data security. The product line from BASEALT is represented by several solutions for business and educational organizations at once. Subscriptions are issued for a month with the possibility of renewal. For our clients, the possibility of changing the number of licenses within the subscription in the personal account is available, while charging is carried out only for actually used resources in increments of a day, - explained Irina Kuznetsova, head of the department "Automation of the subscription business" at Softline Group of Companies.

{{quote 'Enterprise customers may purchase the right to use the operating system within an arbitrary period of time. For example, to test the functionality of the OS, its compatibility with the application software and equipment used and make a reasoned decision on implementation. The ability to rent an OS is also needed to equip additional computers during events, provide temporary working groups, etc., - said Roman Myskin, commercial director of BASEALT. }}

Alt SP operating systems with built-in security, Alt Server, Alt Virtualization Server, Alt Workstation and Alt Education are available to users on the website.

Operating systems of the Alt family are included in the Unified Register of Russian Software. They are developing on the basis of BASEALT 's own development infrastructure and a stable branch of the independent repository of the Sisyphus project, which are located in and under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation. Alt SP OS is certified by the FSTEC of Russia, confirming the possibility of its use for working with information containing official, commercial and other types of secrets, as well as personal data.


Installation of 13,000 servers and workstations in Tatarstan

In 2022, more than 13 thousand servers and workstations in the Republic of Tatarstan began operating on Alt operating systems. This was announced in September 2023 at the BASEALT company, which develops these OSs.

It is reported that in 2022, more than 5 thousand automated workplaces (AWS) and servers in healthcare organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan were transferred to the Russian Alt OS. In addition, more than 800 automated jobs in enterprises of the fuel and energy complex were transferred to these OSs.

More than 13,000 servers and workstations in Tatarstan were transferred to Alt OS in a year

As stated in BASEALT, in 2022, more than 95 thousand servers and jobs in educational institutions of Russia were transferred to the Alt Education, Alt Workstation and Alt Server OS. In 2022, more than 5 thousand licenses for Alt Education were delivered to Tatarstan.

According to Roman Myskin, commercial director of BASEALT, over 5 years, Alt OS has transferred more than 20 thousand servers and workstations in Tatarstan. In 2023, the company plans to expand the partner ecosystem and open a new multifunctional office in the republic.

In 2022, the republic became one of the leaders in the transfer of medical institutions to reliable, safe, meeting the requirements of the technological sovereignty of the Alt SP OS. To date, more than 13 thousand AWS operate on the Alt OS in the region. In 2023, it is planned to introduce operating systems in several more large medical institutions, - said Roman Myskin in September 2023.

He added that "Tatarstan is a strategically important region for BASEALT." The republic was one of the first to initiative the construction of technological sovereignty - joint work on the transfer of the region to the Alt OS has been underway for more than 15 years, said the top manager of BASEALT.

Alt SP preinstallation on F + tech laptops

Russian companies Basalt SPO, a software developer, and F + tech, a manufacturer of infrastructure equipment and mobile solutions, have reached an agreement to pre-install Alt operating systems on laptops for government organizations and the corporate sector. This was reported on December 29, 2022 by BASEALT.

Consumers have access to F + tech laptops, which are preinstalled with Alt Workstation or Alt SP OS with built-in protection, as well as with application programs for everyday tasks of users. Read more here.

Alt 8 SP compatibility with Arenadata EDP platform

Russian companies Arenadata and BASEALT ensured the compatibility of all components of the Arenadata EDP platform with the Alt SP (Alt 8 SP) certified FSTEC operating system. The test results showed that all Arenadata products work correctly with the Russian Alt 8 SP OS on the x86_64 platform. Compatibility of software products is confirmed by two-way certificates. Arenadata told about this on December 1, 2022. Read more here.

InfoWatch Traffic Monitor Compatibility

InfoWatch and BASEALT ensured the compatibility of the InfoWatch Traffic Monitor Confidential Information Leakage Prevention and Communication Analysis (DLP) system with Alt operating systems. This was announced on September 22, 2022 by InfoWatch. Read more here.

Alt SP Workstation compatibility with SETERE OCR version 1.0

The companies "BASEALT" and SETERE ("TBI") ensured the compatibility of the optical text recognition system "SETERE OCR" version 1.0 with the operating system "Alt SP Workstation." The results of tests conducted by SETERE specialists showed that the OCR system works correctly in the environment of this Russian OS. The company "BASEALT" announced this on August 24, 2022. Read more here.

Alt SP compatibility with Yandex.Browser

The companies "BASEALT" and Yandex ensured the compatibility of the browser with the Russian operational systems "Alt." This became known on August 10, 2022. The test results confirmed the correctness of the Alt Workstation 10, Alt Server 10, Alt Education 10 and Alt SP OS and the updated version of Yandex Browser. Read more here.

Security Vision Platform Compatibility

On July 12, 2022, the Russian company Intellectual Security announced that it had confirmed the compatibility of its software products together with BASEALT. Experts conducted test tests of the joint operation of the automated information security platform Security Vision with Alt 8 SP. Read more here.

Transition to the domestic version of the kernel

On June 27, 2022, it became known that three certified domestic ones operating systems began to use kernel Linux 5.10. So, they switched to the Alt 8 SP, "" "and" "core. Red OSBasis More. here

Implementation of support for root security certificates of the Ministry of Digital Development

On March 22, 2022, the BASEA LT company announced that it had provided support for root security certificates Ministry of Digital Development Russia.

Now organizations and individuals are protected from the risk of losing access to the sites of critical organizations in the country, and sites - from the risk of unstable functioning in the Russian segment of the Internet. The problem arose due to the fact that recently a number of foreign certification centers have revoked the certificates that were used in Russia. Now this problem can be solved with the help of the certification center of the Ministry of Digital Development of Russia, issuing certificates, and interaction with domestic developers, to whom the ministry asked to ensure support for Russian certificates in their products.

Users of the updated Alt OS can receive services on the websites of financial and government organizations in a secure mode, using encrypted traffic. The use of the certificate allows you to protect both the owner of the site and its clients. The Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation reported that the current list of sites for which certificates have been issued will be publicly available.

Basalt SPO "one of the first Russian OS developers provided support for security certificates of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of Russia," said Alexey Smirnov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of BASEALT. - The Ministry of Digital Development has deployed a national root certification center. Root security certificates are issued on the basis of the information system of the center. Support for these certificates in Alt OS provides continuous and secure access to important sites on the Internet. Our developers have implemented support for trust in certificates in both domestic Alt OS and browsers that come with our operating systems.

From March 15, 2022, security certificates are installed in Alt operating systems. The update for the used Alt OS can be downloaded from the Sisyphus repository, which is being developed by BASEALT, it is located in Russian jurisdiction. The security update assembly is in the form of packages.

Confirmation of compliance with Russian FSTEC requirements

The Russian Alt SP operating system for servers and workstations has confirmed compliance with the requirements of the FSTEC of Russia. The company "BASEALT" announced this on March 16, 2022. An alternative name for this OS is "Alt 8 SP." The updated version of the operating system has been amended to help organizations ensure reliable protection of the corporate digital environment, seamlessly integrate the IT infrastructure under the control of the Russian and inherited foreign OS, and apply uniform group policies for all computers and users - regardless of which OS they work with. Such an operating system is necessary for both the public sector and business to build a technologically independent IT infrastructure. The activities of organizations that did not switch to Russian software as of March 16, 2022 may be at risk. Therefore, many companies and enterprises are actively building such an infrastructure. The Alt SP OS with built-in software means of protection information works on computers with 7 processors hardware architectures: x86 (32 and 64 bits), e2kv3 and e2kv4, (ARMv8 aarch64), ARMv7, ppc64le (OpenPower). Test tests showed that Alt SP belongs to operating systems of type "A." It is designed to work on servers general-purpose personal computers. Based on it, you can create automated systems for processing information containing personal data non-secret information state.

State and commercial organizations that transfer their digital infrastructure to Russian solutions want to be confident in the reliable protection and up-to-date functionality of the Russian operating system. The current version is developing on the basis of the Ninth Platform of the Russian repository "Sisyphus." It accumulates the best developments of Russian and international free software projects . The developers pay special attention to improving the built-in OS protection tools, providing customers with the opportunity to build a secure digital environment,
noted Sergey Trandin, General Director of BASEALT.

The main changes in the Alt SP OS are as follows.

  • Alt SP OS is capable of working on computers with//+,, Elbrus 4S8C1C Baikal M mcom02 (Salute), Power 8/9 processors. Organizations Get More Options to Choose Computers for Enterprise IT
  • Updated OS releases for i586, x86_64, ARMv8 architectures are built on kernel Linux version 5.10 with long-term support (LTS).
  • Updated SAMBA to version 4.14.10, with support for the original development of BASEALT - new group policies for managing computers and domain users. Added ADMC management tool - graphical shell for working with Active Directory domain and group policies.
  • The x86, aarch64, and ppc64le hardware platform server assemblies have updated the and components virtualizations. containerization A virtualization license is required to use virtualization and containers.
  • Add OpenUDS client and server multi-platform applications to create and manage virtual desktops and applications (VDI).
  • Alt-scp-cryptopro is enabled to run CryptoPro CSP crypto provider commands to check and create an electronic signature.
  • Added an alterator-multiseat module for configuring multiple workstations - a graphical tool for configuring multi-terminal mode, allowing multiple users to work simultaneously on the same computer. Now, based on the Alt SP OS, it is possible to deploy multi-seat Gorynych workstations (BASEALT technology). Up to six users can work autonomously on one such workstation.
  • Extended monitoring and backup tools to create a failover cluster.

Alt SP OS is jointly developed by the Russian companies BASEALT and IVK. The updated version of the OS is subject to the certificate of conformity of the FSTEC of Russia No. 3866 dated 10.08.2018, the 25.12.2020 is re-issued (valid until 10.08.2023).

Rutoken Line Compatibility

The Russian The companies BASEALT"" and Aktiv"," the creator of products and solutions for providing, information security completed tests and confirmed the compatibility of devices and software products Rutoken operating system with Alt distributions on the Russian platforms "" and Baikal-M"" and Elbrus classical architectures x86/x86-64. The company "BASEALT" announced this in March 2022.

According to the signed certificates, the versions of the Alt Workstation 10 and Alt Server 10 operating systems for x86/x86-64, aarch64 (Baikal-M) and e2k/e2kv4 (Elbrus) processors work correctly with USB tokens, smart cards of the Rutoken Lite, Rutoken ECP 2.0, Rutoken ECP 3.0 lines and software products of the Rutoken Smart Card Reader.

The sharing of Rutoken devices with the Alt family of operating systems provides users with secure access to the OS environment through two-factor authentication, as well as secure storage of an electronic signature. Cryptographic active media from the Rutoken EDS 2.0 and 3.0 lines can also act as a means of generating an electronic signature at the employee's workplace. These capabilities are especially important for critical information infrastructure owners.

Compatibility with the Alt OS solution Rutoken Plugin guarantees the operation of electronic signature, encryption and strict two-factor authentication in the browser using Rutoken EDS 2.0 and 3.0 devices.

Rutoken's hardware and software products are compatible with most of the Russian operating systems underlying migration to domestic solutions and import substitution. Together with the specialists of BASEALT, we did everything possible so that, having started working with the updated Alt operating system, the user could use Rutoken as a secure key medium of electronic signature and authentication tool without any restrictions. Rutoken and the Alt OS help with two-factor authentication to prevent attackers from trying to gain legal user rights and access to critical information.
said Pavel Anfimov, Head of Product and Integration at Aktiv.

The tasks of ensuring technological independence in the IT field must be solved inextricably with the tasks of ensuring information security. Our colleagues from Aktiv provide our customers with this opportunity. Regularly, as our product lines are updated, we create software and hardware stacks. Using them, an organization can deploy a technologically independent, reliably protected and functional digital environment,
noted Sergey Trandin, director of BASEALT.

In August 2022, the compatibility and correctness of the Rutoken smart card readers SCR 3001 and the Rutoken Plugin software with the Alt SP Workstation and Alt SP Server OS on the e2k/e2kv4 architectures (domestic Elbrus processors) and aarch64 (ARM processors, including domestic Baikal-M) was also confirmed.


Compatibility with the information and computing system "Pyramid 2.0"

IVK and Systems and Technologies ensured the compatibility of the Alt 8 SP secure operating system (developed by IVK and BASEALT) with the Pyramid 2.0 information and computing system (developed by Systems and Technologies). IVK announced this on December 20, 2021. Read more here.

Alt OS 10.0: Development on the tenth platform of the Sisyphus repository

On December 16, 2021, the company BASEALT"" announced the release of an updated version the Russian operating systems Alt Workstation 10.0,,. Alt Server 10.0 Alt Education 10.0 Now they are developing on the basis of the Tenth Platform (p10 Aronia) - a branch of the Sisyphus free program repository (). Sisyphus The developers paid special attention to solutions that help organizations seamlessly integrate the legacy infrastructure built on foreign ones with ON the infrastructure running domestic operating systems. Including - to provide support for AD Microsoft and uniform group policies. This is one of the most pressing tasks for thousands of Russian organizations that are building a technologically independent digital environment for 2021. They need to ensure continuity, software establish the work of employees at computers the Alt OS and gradually Windows replace the imported OS with the Russian one. This is facilitated by the development of BASEALT. The Alt OS sale on the Tenth Platform will arrive in 2022.

Image:Новые российские ОС «Альт» развиваются на Десятой платформе репозитория «Сизиф».jpg
Russian Alt OS is developing on the tenth platform of the Sisyphus repository

According to the company, OS Alt 10.0 includes a whole set of tools for evolutionary migration to Russian software and hardware. Their application allows you to perform a transition without failures in a heterogeneous IT infrastructure and at the same time save money. Also, the Alt 10.0 OS includes modern tools for remote work. They help ensure that employees "remotely" have the effect of being in the office with a secure and reliable connection to corporate information systems.

The Alt family OS is capable of operating on different hardware platforms. All these versions are created on a single code base of the Tenth Platform. As of December 2021, users have at their disposal the Alt Workstation operating systems for i586, x86_64, ARM64 (Baikal-M), e2k (Elbrus), Alt Server OS for x86_64, ARM64 (Baikal-M, Huawei Taishan), ppc64le, e2k (Elbrus) architectures; Alt Education OS for i586, x86_64, ARM64 (Baikal-M, Raspberry Pi4), e2k (Elbrus) architectures. The Elbrus architecture is supported from the third version to the fifth (from 4S to 8SV).

The basis of the products was the core Linux (std-def) 5.10 (5.4 for Elbrus), languages programming Perl ​ ​ 5.34, Python 3.9.6, PHP 8.0.13 and 7.4.26, GCC 10.3.1.

The release of Alt operating systems based on the Tenth Platform is another round of their life cycle. We are announcing an update to three operating systems of the Alt family, and in the very near future the entire line of our operating systems will develop on the Tenth Platform. "Under the Christmas tree" we plan to release the updated "Alt Virtualization Server" and "Simply Linux."

noted Alexey Novodvorsky, Deputy General Director of BASEALT

The main changes in Alt Workstation 10.0, Alt Server 10.0, Alt Education 10.0 are as follows:

  • The operating system's trusted boot schema has changed. The tightening affected the secure boot signature. These changes eliminate vulnerabilities such as "Boot Hole" and "Secure Boot Bypass 2021." All Alt operating systems can still be installed without disabling SecureBoot.
  • The functionality of group policies has been expanded. They now support the management of the MATE and Xfce work environments. You can customize the screen keeper, desktop background, and user restrictions. In particular, prohibit user switching, selection of desktop topics, screen blocking, etc.
  • Group policy templates have been added. The group policy component is included in all versions of Alt Workstation 10.0, Alt Server 10.0, Alt Education 10.0 OS. Use your own free ADMC tool (a graphical application for managing users, groups, and AD domain group policies) to manage the heterogeneous IT infrastructure of your enterprise.
  • Virtual desktop infrastructure support capabilities have increased. Alt Server 10.0 includes an OpenUDS tool that is compatible with many systems: virtualizations PVE OpenNebula,,,. oVirt OpenStack It can also be used to create an analogue of a terminal solution without virtualization on a separate one. server OpenUDS can serve as a multi-platform connection broker for creating and managing virtual desktops and applications. The user VDI browser through selects the virtual machine template available to him (visible in the web interface) and using the remote access client connects to his desktop, which is located on the terminal server or in. virtual machine cloud OpenNebula
  • The deploy package has been expanded to deploy system services to the local computer. It optimizes administration. In particular, you can use predefined service installation and configuration scenarios.
  • The appinstall application provides installation from the official sites of various programs:, browserGoogle Chrome clients,, AEROSPACE FORCES Zoom" Skype Spherum" and others.
  • The "Application Center" of the OS has added support for the Flathub repository for installing third-party applications in flatpak format. The FlatPak system protects the OS from the possible negative impact of applications - for example, games that run on the Steam platform.
  • The work of distributions on Baikal-M boards was tested on the basis of sdk 5.3 - as of December 2021, the latest version of the firmware of the motherboard for Baikal.

You can update the images of the Ninth Platform OS to the functionality of the Tenth Platform according to the instructions. You can see what application software works in the Alt p10 OS environment in the compatibility table on the BASEALT website. It is constantly updated with information about compatibility.

Under the license agreement, individuals can use Alt Workstation 10.0, Alt Server 10.0, and Alt Education 10.0 free of charge for personal purposes. Distributions are available for free download. Legal persons need to purchase a license.

Technical support for software updates and patches safety is included in the license. Basic technical support for a year for users will also be included in the perpetual license, in addition, higher levels of support - standard and extended - will be available to users for additional payment.

As part of the domestic PAC "Patriot"

The Ministry of Digital Development of the Novosibirsk Region is transferring regional infrastructure to domestic software. This was reported on September 23, 2021 in the Galex Group of Companies.

During this project, Galex formed the Patriot software and hardware complex, which included the solutions of the Russian companies BASEALT, R7-Office, and MBK Laboratory. Read more here.

Linter DBMS Compatibility

On August 17, 2021, the Russian companies BASEALT and RELEX announced the successful testing of the LINTER BASTION database management system in the latest versions of the Alt family of operating systems. DBMS LINTER BASTION and OS Alt, working together, create a completely domestic software ecosystem. Both solutions are used, including on Russian hardware and are included in the Unified Register of Russian Software.

The full compatibility and correctness of the Alt operating systems with the LINTER BASTION database management system allows us to recommend their joint use by enterprises of the military-industrial complex, Rostec, Rosatom, oil and gas and banking sectors both in state and commercial automated systems and in specialized software and hardware complexes designed for processing data with increased security requirements.

Data management is a critical element of any infrastructure. A data leak or uncontrolled access to them, their unauthorized change can not only shake the commercial condition of the enterprise, stop the production or extraction of minerals, but also seriously harm the state authorities of the region or the whole state, "said Mikhail Baklanov, director of the RELEX DBMS Center. - The secure database management system LINTER BASTION developed by us guarantees safe and reliable operation with data at the lower level, which is invisible to ordinary users of applications such as EDMS, APCS or MCDS. We have been working with BASEALT for a long time and we hope that the number of solutions using Alt OS and DBMS Linter will constantly increase.

We have been cooperating with RELEX for many years and are pleased with the emergence of a complex of Alt OS and DBMS Linter, which is designed for use on various hardware platforms, including domestic ones, "said Alexey Smirnov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of BASEALT. - This is necessary, first of all, for solutions that are used at CII facilities, as well as in other cases where serious information protection is required. Verification of compatibility is an important element in creating a software ecosystem for domestic processors.

Alto 9.2 OS

On August 3, 2021, BASEALT announced the release of versions 9.2 of the Russian operating systems Alt Workstation, Alt Server and Alt Virtualization Server. These are the final versions of the OS based on the Ninth Alt Platform (p9), a stable branch of the Russian independent repository Sisyphus. Further, the Alt OS family will develop on the basis of the Tenth Platform (p10), which will be released in the near future.

When creating software products of version 9.2, the developers paid special attention to tools for the smooth migration of the digital infrastructure of users to Russian free software and domestic hardware solutions. Alt runs on boards with the Russian Baikal-M processor. Organizations can purchase these versions, and regular users can download for free for home use.

We strive to provide our users with the means to create complex infrastructure solutions that ensure gradual import substitution using open technologies, - said Alexey Novodvorsky, Deputy General Director of BASEALT. - All code developed by BASEALT is distributed exclusively under free licenses, which ensures its development and verification.

To ensure smooth migration IT infrastructures to free technologies and domestic hardware solutions, the Alt Workstation 9.2 and Alt Server 9.2 OS includes a system for supporting group policies based on. Samba This original development of BASEALT, based on an international project The development of Russian programmers makes it possible to gradually transfer the digital resources of an organization from foreign to domestic solutions, managing the infrastructure with Alt OS and OS as Windows a whole.

To version 9.2. ADMC is a graphical tool for working with the Active Directory domain and managing group policies. Now settings no longer require a Windows computer.

The Alt Workstation and Alt Server distributions include the OpenUDS Free Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) client and server, respectively. The Alt Virtualization Server 9.2 operating system can be used as a platform for launching client environments and applications.

Alt Workstation 9.2 and Alt Server 9.2 are built on the current kernel Linux 5.10 LTS (long-term support). This core provides, among other things, operating systems on systems AMD with Zen3 Intel and Rocket Lake series processors, as well as ARM64 architecture processors.

The source code of the Alt Workstation 9.2, Alt Server 9.2 and Alt Virtualization Server 9.2 OS packages is free, published and available to everyone. A small exception is a number of proprietary drivers and firmware.

As part of the Alt software complex -CommuniGate Pro 6.3

On June 23, 2021, BASEALT and CommuniGate Systems announced the creation of a software complex for corporate communications, fully built on Russian solutions. The test results confirmed: the CommuniGate Pro 6.3 unified communications platform correctly works in the environment of the Russian Alt Server 9 OS and the protected Alt 8 SP Server OS, certified by the FSTEC of Russia. Read more here.

Compatible with BarsUp.Net

BARS Group, a subsidiary of the National Center for Informatization (NCI, part of Rostec State Corporation), and the developer of Russian operational systems BASEALT ensured the compatibility of the BarsUp.Net platform with the protected Alt 8 SP operating system. This was announced on April 13, 2021 by BARS Group. Read more here.

Compatibility of Alt 8 SP with EDO Etla

BASEALT and Etlas-Soft announced the compatibility of Alt 8 JV with the ETLA electronic document management system. Read more here.

FSTEC certification for seven hardware platforms

The Russian protected operating system Alt 8 SP for servers and workstations passed the inspection control of the FSTEC of Russia. This became known on February 3, 2021. The updated version of Alt 8 SP for February 2021 is capable of operating on seven hardware platforms; three of them were added for the first time. The use of Alt 8 SP will allow organizations to create a trusted digital environment for working with confidential information and personal data. This task is relevant, first of all, for the owners of critical information infrastructure, state authorities, the fuel and energy complex, the industrial and defense sectors, healthcare, transport enterprises and banks.

The Alt 8 SP OS was created on the basis of the code base, on the basis of the Ninth Platform - a stable branch of the domestic technologically independent repository Sisyphus. The platform includes the latest versions of software packages developed by Russian and foreign participants in free software projects. All packages have been tested for compatibility and ensure the stable operation of the software product.

I am pleased to announce that we have solved the most important task of certification of Alt operating systems by FSTEC in twelve versions for seven hardware platforms. Now users have received a large selection of secure solutions on a single and modern code base of the Ninth Alt platform, "said Alexey Novodvorsky, Deputy General Director of BASEALT. - The variety of hardware platforms supported by Alt 8 SP gives organizations the ability to select the computers that best meet customer-specific requirements. This is especially important for owners of critical information infrastructure facilities, who are obliged to switch to domestic software and equipment in a short time.

In recent years, the FSTEC of Russia has carried out great work on the formation of information security requirements, which are supported by scientific research by the V.P. Ivannikov Institute of System Programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences and analysis tools developed by the institute's employees. The Phobos-NT testing laboratory tested the Alt 8SP OS distribution in accordance with these latest requirements and methods. The specialists of BASEALT and IVC have done everything necessary to ensure the compliance of the product and the development system itself with the rules and to pass tests in accordance with the current methods.

Test tests confirmed that the Alt 8 SP OS meets the requirements of the FSTEC of Russia for operating systems of type "A" of the 4th protection class and the requirements of the FSTEC of Russia for the security of information technologies according to the 4th level of trust. The Alt 8 SP OS is designed to operate on general-purpose computing equipment - servers, personal computers, laptops, tablets, etc. Based on the OS, you can create automated systems for processing information containing personal data and confidential information that do not constitute a state secret. Alt 8 SP is subject to the Russian FSTEC Certificate of Conformity No. 3866. The certificate is valid until August 10, 2023.

The developers have made a number of significant changes to the latest version of the Alt 8 SP OS. First of all, they have expanded the range of processor architectures that the operating system supports. Now certified "Alt 8 SP" is capable of working on computers with Russian and foreign processors:

  • x86 32-bit and 64-bit. Alt 8 SP Server"" and Alt 8 SP Workstation"" work on hardware processors Intel with x86 32-bit and 64-bit architecture;
  • e2kv3 и e2kv4. The operation of Alt 8 SP Server and Alt 8 SP Workstation was ensured on computers with Russian Elbrus 4S and Elbrus 8S and 1C + processors. The operating system interacts with Elbrus processors in native codes, which allows you to optimally use processor performance. The e2k architecture was developed by Russian engineers, therefore, software and hardware complexes based on computers with Elbrus processors running Alt 8 SP OS provide true technological independence of the digital infrastructure of domestic enterprises;
  • ARM64 (aarch64). Alt 8 SP Workstation has been tested on workstations with Huawei Kunpeng processors experimental boards "" up-to-date at the time of release, Baikal M single-board computers Raspberry. Pi3 The Alt 8 SP Server OS was also tested for servers Huawei Taishan TaiShan v2;
  • ARM32 (ARMv7). The operation of Alt 8 SP Workstation on computers with Mcom-02 boards of the Russian company ELVIS was ensured. BaseALT is ready to cooperate with other manufacturers of boards based on ARMv7 processors in order to promptly ensure the compatibility of Alt 8 SP with their equipment and include the necessary improvements in the next certified OS version being prepared for inspection;
  • POWER8 и POWER9. Alt 8 SP Server supports, and servers Yadro IBM other manufacturers on processors POWER8 and POWER9.

Also, the Alt 8 SP OS supports systems based on Russian Baikal-T processors. BASEALT plans to organize inspection control of the OS version for these processors.

The updated version of the Alt 8 SP OS is the only Russia certified operating system that runs on kernels Linux version 5.4 (except for the ARM32 architecture). Its application allowed OS developers to expand the range of supported hardware and operating system capabilities.

The Alt 8 SP certified operating systems for each of the processor architectures include a set of programs for managing group policies. Group policies are a set of rules that configure the operating system environment. The group policy management system included in the Alt 8 SP distribution allows you to ensure the interaction of the IT infrastructure running Alt 8 SP with the legacy IT infrastructure that works with MS Active Directory. This opens up the opportunity for organizations to gradually transfer the already created digital infrastructure to domestic solutions, without destroying it and without carrying a large one-time financial burden.

The Alt 8 SP OS has been replenished with basic virtualization tools - KVM, libvirt, QEMU. These tools enable you to deploy virtual systems to increase the flexibility and scalability of your IT resources while reducing the cost of operating them. The products also include tools for managing lxc containers, and for 64-bit architectures "also docker-ce and kubernetes. The OS option for the e2k architecture (Elbrus processors) includes a set of virtualization tools corresponding to the current hardware capabilities, as well as the lxc assembly.

The Alt 8 SP operating system is jointly developed by BASEALT and the IVK group of companies.

{{quote 'Information systems of Russian organizations and enterprises should be built on domestic technologically independent solutions with a high level of protection and a long life cycle, - said Grigory Sizonenko, General Director of the IVK Group. - The use of Alt 8 SP operating systems allows you to work in a secure digital environment. Including - to form its IT infrastructure in accordance with the requirements of the FSTEC, the FSB and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. }}


Delivery of more than 110 thousand licenses per year

In 2020, BASEALT delivered more than 110 thousand licenses of operating systems of the Alt family (including those certified by the FSTEC of Russia) to organizations in the state and commercial sectors. The total cost of licenses amounted to 491.5 million rubles. The developer announced this on February 18, 2021.

Operating systems of the Alt family run on nine hardware platforms and are compatible with a large range of applications ON Unified Register of Russian Programs.. Thanks to this, organizations of all industries economies state and authorities have the opportunity to transfer their digital infrastructure to and from domestic software computers. the Russian processors The geography of Alt OS implementation projects covers the entire country. Russian Alt operating systems use bodies state power medical and institutions of many districts, regions and regions of the country, for example, the Unified State Register Pension Fund of Russia Office,,,,,,,, National Medical Research Center RUSSIAN RAILWAY Gazprom Surgutneftegas Goznak Rossiya Airlines of Oncology Federal Tax Service of Russia,,,,, Central Research Institute EMERCOM of Russia Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation of Aerospace Forces, regional structures and many others. MINISTRY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION

For the first time, the bulk of supplies fell on objects critical information infrastructure (CII) - they acquired about 70 thousand licenses. Over the past five years, KII owner organizations have implemented more than 130 thousand Alt OS distributions. According to the law, critical information infrastructure is owned by state bodies, institutions, and health care transport- communications bankingfinancial spheres, enterprises of the fuel power complex, atomic energy, defense, rocket and space, and. mining metallurgical chemical industries

Despite the large concentration of resources to combat the pandemic, in 2020, health organizations completed large-scale projects to introduce the Russian operating system. More than 52 thousand distributions of the Alt OS were installed on workplaces and servers in medical institutions in Moscow, Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Voronezh, Lipetsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Tyumen, Yaroslavl and other regions, the Republic of Kalmykia and Kamchatka Territory. Among the equipped institutions: the National Medical Research Center for Children's Health, the National Medical Research Center for Hematology, the National Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Narcology named after V.P. Serbsky, the Main Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1 of the Tyumen Region, the City Polyclinic No. 56 of St. Petersburg, the Territorial Compulsory Health Insurance Fund of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and others.

More than 8 thousand licenses of the Alt OS were acquired by the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation. This delivery was the next stage of the project to create a digital environment for the "Unified State Register of Civil Status Records" (USR Registry Office). The Federal Tax Service of Russia has equipped Alt operating systems with server resources of the data center and jobs in regional divisions.

One of the largest was the supply project in the organization of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia - more than 6350 licenses.

In 2020, federal and regional authorities implemented comprehensive projects to build a digital infrastructure based on domestic software. BASEALT 's partners have delivered about 6,200 licenses to the public sector of the Stavropol Territory, Kurskaya, Rostovskaya and Tambovskaya and regions, the Republics of Buryatia, Sakha (Yakutia), Crimea and others.

2020 launched the migration of enterprises industries transport to domestic software and equipment. Basically, enterprises are still creating test zones in order to study the capabilities of Russian software products and equipment and draw up a plan for their integration use. IT infrastructure Nevertheless, 1,500 Alt operating systems in 2021 have already become part of the working IT infrastructure "," Gazprom Transgaz Yugorsk"," "Gazprom Transgaz SurgutGazprom mining by Urengoy," "," "," "Gazprom Transgaz Belarus Volgograd Yakutskenergo Shipyard," "," mechanical engineeringSPC Business Automation Federal Service for Supervision in the field, etc. transport St. Petersburg metro

The state has outlined quite strict deadlines for the transfer of KII facilities to domestic software and equipment, - said Alexey Smirnov, General Director of BASEALT. - To fulfill these requirements, KII subjects do not need individual products, but software and hardware complexes that will allow replacing entire blocks of digital infrastructure. And first of all - operating systems compatible with a large range of hardware platforms and application software. Anticipating the emergence of this task, BASEALT is developing an ecosystem of Russian application software and equipment around the Alt OS. Our customers can purchase ready-made software and hardware complexes for transferring large segments of their IT infrastructure to domestic solutions.

Compatibility with GIS Panorama

JSC KB "Panorama" and the company "IVK" ensured the compatibility of the family of Russian geoinformation systems "Panorama" with the domestic protected operating system "Alt 8 SP" on the platforms "Elbrus" with the processor "Elbrus-8C." This became known on October 21, 2020.

The created software package will allow organizations of all sectors of the economy, defense of the country, education and culture to build a technologically independent IT infrastructure for working with spatial data. Its full cycle includes the creation, storage, updating and publication of data, including with automated formation of geocopies.

There is no longer a single area of ​ ​ activity where cards would not be used, - notes Grigory Sizonenko, General Director of the IVK Group of Companies. - Visualized information allows you to clearly see the picture of what is happening and on its basis manage the territory and objects on it. Geoinformation systems became part of the critical information infrastructure of the country's economic facilities and defense complex. Therefore, we joined forces with the developer of one of the Russian GIS to provide consumers with the opportunity to implement this section of digital infrastructure on the Russian software and hardware base.

Having your own developments, technologies and knowledge has always been an important goal for any country, "said Sergey Kirichenko, General Director of Panorama Design Bureau JSC. - In this vein, combining the efforts of IVK and Panorama CB JSC will make it possible to create and develop Russian solutions for the use of GIS. As a result, it will be possible to use GIS on a completely domestic software and hardware base in government agencies, large companies, and small enterprises.

Based on the test results, the full compatibility and correctness of working in the Alt 8 SP environment of software products was confirmed:

• GIS WebServer SE

  • Imagery Creator

The possibility of remote operation using the VPN client "Continent AP 4"

Users of the Russian Alt 8 SP operational system (developed by IVK) will be able to remotely connect to the digital resources of their organizations in a secure mode. This became known on October 2, 2020. This opportunity was provided by the Security Code company, having developed the Continent AP 4 VPN client for the Alt Workstation 8 SP operating system. Read more here.

As part of the solution for safe remote work from BASEALT and Active

The Russian companies BASEALT and Aktiv have completed the next testing for compatibility of Rutoken authentication and electronic signature tools and operating systems of the Alt family. This was announced on September 9, 2020 by the Aktiv company. Partners offer customers a solution for secure remote work. A ready-made workplace on a flash drive makes it possible to effectively combine remote and face-to-face forms of personnel work.

Secure Remote Work Solution

In a pandemic, the number of employees of enterprises working from home has increased significantly. Employees of not only private companies, but also representatives of state-owned enterprises and banks began to go "to remote work." This became possible thanks to the security of remote communications with the help of domestic products.

To provide secure remote access to information corporate resources located on servers or cloud in the organization, Asset and BASEALT offer a comprehensive solution based on a device with protected Rutoken EDS 2.0 Flash memory and Alt OS. The workplace is configured "in one click" - everything ON is located on the USB device and ready for immediate operation, without installation on. computer

The correctness of the electronic identifiers Rutoken and the Alt family of operating systems was confirmed during tests. Testing involved OS "9 Alt Workstation ," "Alt 8 SP" and Rutoken EDS 2.0 Flash/Touch, Rutoken S (micro, Type-C), Rutoken Lite (micro), Rutoken EDS 2.0 (micro, Type-C), Rutoken Micro EDS 2.0 2100 (micro, Type-C), Rutoken ETS (Micro-Micro) Rutoken 2151 3000 PKI smart cards Tokens and smart cards can be used as secure hardware media for authentication in the OS, as well as for generating an electronic signature.

We have been cooperating with the developers of Alt operating systems for more than ten years. Over the years, the need for Russian IT solutions has grown significantly, and this cannot but rejoice. In 2020, due to the pandemic, the focus of attention has shifted to comprehensive solutions for remote work. I believe that we promptly offered the market a solution based on Rutoken hardware carriers operating among Russian Alt OS. I am sure that the solution will interest both our customers and our partners, - said Dmitry Gorelov, commercial director of Aktiv.

The solution based on the Alt OS and Rutoken EDS 2.0 Flash allows you to fulfill the requirements of regulators to transfer digital infrastructure to domestic software and hardware, - said Alexey Smirnov, General Director of BASEALT. - When an employee has such a flash drive at his disposal, he is always "in the office," regardless of the actual location. Thanks to the use of Rutoken EDS 2.0 Flash, it can work with any resources and documents, including those requiring electronic signature.

Arenadata DB v6.7 DBMS Compatibility

Arenadata DB runs in a secure operating system "Alt 8 SP." This became known on August 31, 2020. Read more here.

As part of the Russian monoblock "Edelweiss"

On August 24, 2020 the Russian , the companies Edelweiss"," the developer, and "," the electronic engineersBASEALT developer of the operating systems Alt family, announced the release monoblock computer of a touch screen based on the domestic processor Baikal-M Alt OS. More. here

VDI Security Compatibility

On August 12, 2020, the company Thionyx"," Russian a manufacturer of software products for the provision cloudy of services, announced the development of a lightweight version VDI Security for ensuring security remote work with corporate services. This solution works, among other things, for "" OS or Astra Linux"Alt Linux." More. here

Alto 9.1 OS

On July 29, 2020, BASEALT announced that it had released an updated release of the Alt family of operating systems - version 9.1. The Alt Server, Alt Workstation and Alt Education operating systems were developed. Among the main features of the release is the expansion of the range of supported Russian and foreign systems on a single open code base of the stable repository of the ninth Alt platform. The use of Alt operating systems makes it possible to ensure a smooth process of transferring the IT infrastructure to Russian hardware and software, expands the possibilities of choosing computer equipment with processors of different architectures.

BaseALT released the release of the Alt OS 9.1

According to the company, Alt operating systems for July 2020 are available for eight Russian and foreign hardware platforms: 32 and 64-bit x86 processors, 32-bit and 64-bit ARM processors, Elbrus 3 and 4 processors, as well as Power (8.9) and 32-bit MIPS. Assemblies for domestic systems based on processors "Elbrus," "Baikal-M," "Baikal-T," Mcom-02 are available.

Alt Server, Alt Workstation and Alt Education are included in the Unified Register of Russian Computer and Database Programs. They are compatible with Russian system and application software from the registry, as well as various hardware systems, the list of which is regularly updated.

Operating systems of the Alt family are not derivatives of foreign systems, they are created on the basis of the ninth platform of the Russian repository Sisyphus, which is under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation. The repository is open to Russian and foreign software developers and users: software packages for all supported hardware platforms are freely available, except for packages for Elbrus. You can also use the development, assembly, and lifecycle infrastructure that develops Alt OS for your purposes.

Updated features in the Alt 9.1 OS version:

  • For the first time, the image of the Alt Workstation OS is available for the mini-ITX board on the domestic Baikal-M processor (ARM64).
  • For the first time, the Alt Workstation distribution was released on the ARM32 platform, it works on computers with Elvees MCom-02 (Salyut-EL24PM2) boards.
  • For the first time, images were presented for the Raspberry Pi 4 (ARM64) single-board computer of the Alt Workstation and Alt Education distributions.
  • Supported platforms include Huawei Kunpeng Desktop (ARM64).
  • For the first time, a development was introduced to support Active Directory group policies.
  • Most platforms have migrated to kernel version 5.4.
  • The 64-bit platform 86 server distribution includes a free Jitsi Meet video conferencing platform.

The Alt Virtualization Server 9.1 product will be presented in early fall 2020.

As part of a secure office employee's workplace

On June 8, 2020, IVK announced that it had developed a ready-made secure workplace for an office employee. This is a USB solution that includes software products manufactured by IVK: the Alt 8 SP certified operating system, the cryptographic information protection tool (CIPF) IVK Crypto and a set of application software for everyday work from the OS distribution. By agreement with the customer, an application software from the Unified Register of Russian Programs compatible with the Alt 8 SP OS can be additionally installed on the flash drive. Read more here.

As part of the DSS based on the Aerodisk Engine

Companies Aero disk"" and BASEALT"" have created a hardware and software system data storage (). DSS It includes a line of domestic DSS of Aerodisk Engine the Russian operating system systems and Alt 8 SPs with a high level of protection. This became known on May 21, 2020. More. here

Confirmation of Alt 8 SP compliance with FSTEC requirements for development safety and security

On May 14, 2020, IVK announced that the Alt 8 SP operating system was tested for compliance with the requirements of FSTEC Order No. 131 of July 30, 2018 "Information Security Requirements Establishing Levels of Trust in Information Security Tools and Information Technology Security Tools" according to the fourth level of trust.

Alt 8 SP

According to the company, the test results confirmed that tools, technological operations and organizational measures are used in the development of the OS, which provide it with the proper level of quality and security. Thanks to the long life cycle and reliability of the Alt 8 JV OS, it serves as the basis for building a technologically independent digital environment in government bodies of all levels, at critical information infrastructure facilities, and at enterprises of strategically important industries .

OS Alt 8 SP is a Russian operating system developing on the basis of the domestic development infrastructure and the Russian repository Sisif, which is supported by BASEALT. The OS is intended for organizations that need domestic software products with the necessary level of protection. The Alt 8 SP distribution is included in the Unified Register of Russian Software (registration number 4305). The software product is intended for use in state information systems of the 1st security class; in automated systems for control of production and technological processes of protection class 1; in personal data information systems, if it is necessary to ensure 1 level of personal data security; in Class II public information systems.

Information - for May 2020, the most valuable key resource of government agencies and business, which needs reliable protection. The Alt 8 SP operating system allows you to create a trusted digital environment for working with limited access information containing service, commercial and other types of secrets, as well as personal data. To develop the operating system, we have created a quality control system that defines and documents the methods, goals and obligations to ensure the consumer properties of the OS.

told Grigory Sizonenko, CEO of IVK Group of Companies

The results of testing the software product are confirmed by the certificate of conformity No. 3866, re-issued by the FSTEC of Russia on April 22, 2020. The document was issued to IVK on August 10, 2018 and is valid until August 10, 2023. The certificate certifies that the Alt 8 SP OS is classified as operating systems of type A and meets the Information Security Requirements for Operating Systems (FSTEC of Russia, 2016) and the Protection Profile of operating systems of type A of the fourth protection class. IT.OS.A4.PZ "(FSTEC of Russia, 2017). Certification tests were carried out by the NPO Echelon test laboratory.

The expert commission of NPO Echelon conducted an audit of a set of technological operations and organizational measures that are used in the development and serial production of the Alt 8 SP OS. In particular, experts have established the following. The organization of development processes complies with the requirements of GOST R 56939-2016 "Information Protection. Development of secure software. General requirements. " The design, design, operational, process and regulatory documentation developed on the Alt 8 SP OS meets the requirements of the current regulatory documents and standards of the Russian Federation. The material and technical base meets the requirements required for the serial production of the Alt 8 SP OS. The conditions and organization of production of the Alt 8 SP OS meet the requirements of the current regulatory documents. The applied technology of production of Alt 8 SP OS allows to achieve the required stability of its parameters. The quality system used by the developer makes it possible to ensure the required level of quality and invariability of certified parameters during serial production of Alt 8 SP OS.

To ensure the secure development of the Alt 8 SP OS, we use a wide range of methods and tools for verifying program code. Our developers have tools for fuzzing testing, static and dynamic analysis. The code is investigated at all stages of development, including using automated vulnerability checking procedures.

noted Alexey Smirnov, General Director of BASEALT

"Alt 8 SP" operation on "Aerodisk Vostok" DSS of system with "Elbrus" processors

On April 20, 2020, it became known that the system data storage () DSS "," Aerodysk Vostok which works on OS Alt 8 JV and "," processors Elbrus-8C now fully complies with the basic requirements Russian of legislation for the safety of work with confidential. information More. here

Obtaining FSTEC certificate for Alt 8 SP

On April 7, 2020, it became known that the Russian operating system Alt 8 JV servers successfully passed inspection control for both workstations. FSTEC Russia This is the latest version of the OS, it works not only computers Intel on i586/x86_64 processors, but also on Russian/, and Elbrus-4C8C also controls the operation of modern network and peripheral equipment.

Test tests showed that Alt 8 SP belongs to operating systems of type "A." It is designed to operate on general-purpose computing equipment - servers, personal computers, laptops, tablets, etc. Based on this OS, you can create automated systems for processing information containing personal data and information that does not constitute a state secret (provided that the requirements of the operational documentation are met).

Russian software and hardware complexes based on computers with Elbrus processors and Alt 8 SP OS provide true technological independence of domestic enterprises, organizations, the state as a whole. Based on them, you can build a trusted digital environment of any scale with a long life cycle. This is especially important when the technological race for leadership in the global IT market is accompanied by a policy of sanctions restrictions,
emphasized Grigory Sizonenko, CEO of IVK Group of Companies

The latest version of the Alt 8 SP OS is subject to the certificate of conformity of the FSTEC of Russia No. 3866 dated 10.08.2018 (valid until 10.08.2023). The test results confirmed that it meets the "Requirements for secure information for operating systems" (FSTEC of Russia, 2016) and "Protection profile of operating systems of type A of the fourth class of IT.OS.A4.PZ protection" (FSTEC of Russia, 2017).

Process steam, consisting of the Alt 8 SP OS and the Elbrus processor, is the point of crystallization of the Russian ecosystem of applied software and equipment. processors Domestic computers, DSS production equipment, industrial sensors and other devices operate at Elbrus. Together with the developers of the Russian application software included in, we Unified Register are working to ensure the compatibility of our software products. Thus, a "constructor" is formed, the elements of which can be used in various combinations to build a protected one, import-independent IT infrastructures
noted Alexey Smirnov, General Director of BASEALT

It is planned to check the Alt 8 SP OS for compliance with the requirements of GOST R ISO/IEC 15408-3-2013 "Information Technology (IT). Methods and means of safety assurance. Information Technology Security Assessment Criteria. Part 3. Security Trust Components.

Price reduction for educational institutions

On March 26, 2020 BaseALT , he announced that in 2020 the Russian educational , institutions will be able to purchase distributions of the domestic operating systems Alt family for servers workstations at reduced prices. Thus, BASEALT, the developer of the Alt OS, and, Softline the provider of IT solutions and services, contribute to the digitalization of the education system in, to the Russia development of distance learning. The proposal applies to all institutions of preschool, school, secondary special and higher education, as well as institutions of additional education. Thanks to this, a large number of Russian educational institutions will be able to economically transfer their digital infrastructure to the domestic one. import-independent software

The Alt OS family includes the Alt Workstation, Alt Server, Alt Education, Alt 8 SP operating systems (protected OS of special use). They come in the form of distributions, each containing an operating system and a large set of application programs. For example, the Alt Education OS for educational institutions of all levels includes a large set of Russified application programs for teaching programming, studying technical, natural science and humanitarian disciplines, as well as an office suite, means of working on the Internet (browser, email), tools for editing graphics, audio and video, etc. When installing the distribution kit on a computer, you can select a set of programs for various levels and training profiles. All Alt operating systems are included in the Unified Register of Russian Programs for Computers and Databases.

The transition to domestic software under a free license gives educational institutions many opportunities. First, it saves from sanctions risks. Secondly, schoolchildren and students can study open source programs and participate in projects to develop them. Thirdly, teachers immediately receive a ready-made set of programs for teaching various subjects, for full equipment of workplaces, for centralized management of the classroom. Schoolchildren, students, teachers can download distributions to their home computers for free and use the same programs,
emphasized Vladimir Cherny, Head of Contracts and Sales at BASEALT

The supply, implementation and technical support of the Alt Education OS to educational institutions in Russia is carried out by Softline. The company has representative offices in all regions of the country, its partner network is integrated with more than 3000 software and hardware suppliers throughout the country.

We have already implemented many IT projects in the field of education. As a member of the BASEALT partner program, Softline has the status of a distributor, integrator and authorized training center for BASEALT products. Our specialists provide educational organizations throughout the country with a full-cycle service, integrate developer products into the existing IT infrastructure, provide technical support, train users,
noted the business development manager of the domestic system software Softline Denis Korsakov

BaseALT recalls that in 2019 about 12 thousand distributions of Alt operating systems were introduced in Russian educational institutions. In total, as of March 2020, more than 60,000 computers are running on these operating systems in educational institutions of the country.

Compatibility with Yakhont-UVM E12, Yakhont-UVM E24 and Yakhont-UVM E124

On March 18, 2020, the company BASEALT"" announced that, together with NORSI-TRANCE"," they ensured the compatibility operating systems of Alt servers with the Yakhont-UVM series. The created software and hardware complex will help solve the problem. import substitution IT infrastructures More. here


Installation of more than 24 thousand OS distributions in federal and regional authorities

In 2019, dozens of organizations and enterprises Russia transferred their servers and workstations to operating system Alt 8 JV with a high level of protection. More than 24 thousand OS distributions are installed in federal and regional authorities, in enterprises, in critical infrastructure medical educational institutions, in bodies and. MINISTRY OF EMERGENCY SITUATIONS MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX This became known on February 3, 2020. Customers will receive a domestic software product for building a trusted information environment.

Deliveries were carried out through the partner network of IVK and BASEALT, which are members of the IVK Group of Companies.

Operating system Alt 8 SP for servers and workstations was developed by IVK. Protection functions are introduced into the OS already at the stage of architecture design and are an integral part of it. Alt 8 SP is certified FSTEC Russia FSB in Russia and. Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Designed for:

The distribution is included in the Unified Register of Russian Computer Programs, compatible with applications and computer equipment of Russian and foreign production.

The quality of digitalization of Russian enterprises and organizations directly affects the level of economic, social and defense potential of our state. Therefore, domestic consumers are interested in the formation of a trusted digital environment, guaranteed to be protected from sanctions risks and external interference in the operation of information systems. For organizations with increased requirements for the protection of corporate information, we are creating a modern multifunctional operating system, the life cycle of which is fully implemented on the Russian technological base,
noted Grigory Sizonenko, CEO of IVK Group of Companies

Compatibility with Epson device drivers

On December 23, 2019, it became known that the IVK group of companies is developing an ecosystem of modern peripheral equipment compatible with the Alt 8 SP operating system (joint development with BASEALT). The test results confirmed the full compatibility and correctness of the drivers of popular Epson devices (printers, scanners and multifunctional devices) in the Alt 8 SP environment:

  • Epson WorkForce Pro WF-M5299DWSV is a monochrome A4 printer for small and medium offices. Fewer consumables compared to laser devices can save on maintenance and reduce the cost of ownership of this device;
  • Epson M2140 is a compact and easy-to-use MFP with large ink containers instead of cartridges. Thanks to a special design under the Print Factory brand, it allows you to print documents at a record low cost;
  • Epson WorkForce Pro WF-C5790DWF is one of the most economical MFPs on the small and medium office color printing market with network connectivity, high load (up to 45,000 wanderers per month) and low cost of ownership;
  • Epson WorkForce Pro WF-M5799DWFMV - monochrome multifunctional A4 format device for small and medium office with low printing costs and ownership;
  • Epson WorkForce DS-1630 - a compact tablet scanner for small workgroups with a two-way automatic document feeder for streaming scanning;
  • Epson WorkForce DS-530 is a compact streaming scanner with high scanning speed and high load for small and medium workgroups. It supports work with long documents up to 6096 mm.

We strive primarily to ensure the compatibility of Alt 8 SP OS with the peripheral equipment that is most common in Russian offices. Thus, we create comfortable conditions for most organizations and enterprises to switch to the Russian operating system, relieving them of the worries of integrating peripheral equipment into an updated digital environment built on domestic technologically independent software products,
noted Grigory Sizonenko, CEO of IVK Group of Companies

Compatibility with the Regulation Execution System, BARS. Healthcare and Unidata

The IVK Group of Companies, a Russian manufacturer of computer equipment, system-forming software and information protection tools, announced on November 29, 2019 that it was increasing the ecosystem of Russian application software compatible with the Alt 8 SP operating system.

Based on the test results, the full compatibility and correctness of working in the Alt 8 SP environment of software products was confirmed:

The provision of state and municipal services in electronic form is one of the priority tasks of the state. Its solution allows improving the quality and accessibility of state and municipal services, simplifying the procedure for their provision, reducing administrative barriers and, ultimately, improving the quality of life of every citizen. Therefore, IVK fully contributes to the creation of technologically independent Russian software stacks for state information systems that implement a progressive model of state management,
emphasized Grigory Sizonenko, CEO of IVK Group of Companies

Avanpost IDM 6.0 Compatibility

On October 29, 2019, it became known that BASEALT and Outpost officially announced the successful completion of compatibility testing of the latest versions of their products: the certified Alt 8 JV operating system and the centralized access control system for enterprise information resources, application and infrastructure software Avanpost IDM 6.0. Read more here.

Obtaining a certificate of the FSB of Russia for Alt 8 SP

On October 29, 2019, it became known that the company, IVC Russian the manufacturer computer of equipment and the backbone ON , received certificate of conformity FSB Russia No. SF/SZI-0283 from the 08.08.2019 for the Operating system Alt 8 SP software product.

The certificate certifies that the "Alt 8 SP Operating System" product complies with the requirements for means of protection of limited access information, designed to protect information that does not contain information constituting a state secret from unauthorized access, of the ACC class. Based on the Alt 8 SP OS, it is possible to create automated systems for processing information that does not contain information constituting a state secret, provided that the requirements of the operational documentation are met.

Certification tests were carried out by the testing laboratory of NPO Echelon CJSC.

The Alt 8 JV operating system will find application in organizations that have increased requirements for the security of their data, will help the public sector, business and law enforcement agencies lay the technological basis for transferring IT infrastructures to import-independent domestic solutions.

Compatibility with Tibero and R-Vision SGRC

On September 30, 2019, it became known that IVK is expanding the ecosystem of Russian and foreign application software compatible with the Alt 8 SP operating system (joint development with BASEALT). Based on the test results, the full compatibility and correctness of working in the Alt 8 SP environment of software products was confirmed:

The software has been tested for compatibility by BASEALT.

Data in the era of digitalization has become a vital resource for organizations and enterprises. Therefore, we consider it a priority to create technologically independent software stacks for secure storage and protection of information. The inclusion of solutions from Asian partners in the stacks will expand the market range of Alt 8 JV OS and provide Russian and foreign customers with sanctions-resistant infrastructure solutions,

Compatibility with EDMS "Delo-Web" and "Karma"

On September 19, 2019, EOS announced that, together with BASEALT, within the framework of a technological partnership, it tested the compatibility of the Delo-Web subsystem, the KARMA system (both manufactured by EOS) with the Alt Workstation 8 and Alt 8 SP OS (developed by BASEALT). Read more here.

Compatibility with eDocLib

On September 18, 2019, EOS announced that, together with BASEALT, it had successfully completed compatibility testing of the eDocLib Enterprise Content Management System (ECM) ( EOS development) and the Alt 8 SP and Alt Workstation 8 operating systems (developed by BASEALT). Read more here.

Release of the Ninth ALT Platform (Vaccinium) of the Sisyphus Repository

On August 21, 2019, BASEALT announced the release of the Ninth ALT Platform (Vaccinium). This is a stable branch of the Sisyphus repository of free programs, designed to develop, test, distribute, update and support complex solutions of all levels - from built-in devices to enterprise servers and data centers. The ninth platform (p9) is created and developed by the ALT Linux Team and is supported by BASEALT.

Sisif's own independent repository, on which all the company's developments are based, is one of the largest in the world, it is located in Russian jurisdiction.

The ninth ALT platform contains data package storage and infrastructure for working with eight architectures:

  • The four main (parallel assembly, open repositories) are x86_64, i586, aarch64 (ARMv8), ppc64le (Power8.9);
  • Two additional (catch-up assembly, open repositories): mipsel (MIPS 32 bits), armh (ARMv7);
  • Two closed (separate assembly, repositories on request): e2k (Elbrus-4C), e2kv4 (Elbrus-8C/1C +).

Assembly for all architectures is native, without cross-compilation. The ninth platform provides users and developers with the ability to use Russian systems "Elbrus," "Tavolga," Yadro, "Elvis" and compatible, wide range of equipment from world manufacturers, including powerful servers ARMv8 Huawei and various single-board systems ARMv7 and ARMv8.

The developers paid special attention to free solutions that allow corporate users to migrate from a proprietary infrastructure, develop and implement modern complex solutions. To quickly start working with the Ninth Platform, BASEALT offers users who prefer to independently determine the composition and design of the system, boot images of input kits (starter kits) for supported architectures. Beta versions of ALT products on Platform Nine are also available.

New products for various categories of users will be released in the fall of 2019.

Compatibility with analytic platform from Polymatica

On August 19, 2019, Polymatica, the Russian developer of the platform for hyperanalytics and Data Science, announced the release of a version compatible with the Alt 8 JV operating system (OS), developed by BASEALT. Read more here.

Compatibility with Tessa, ConsultantPlus and P7-Office

On August 13, 2019, it became known that IVK, a Russian manufacturer of computer equipment, system-forming software and information protection tools, continues to expand the ecosystem of Russian application software compatible with the Alt 8 SP operating system. The results of testing confirmed the full compatibility and correctness of work in the Alt 8 environment of SP software products:

Software products compatible with Alt 8 OS are included in the Unified Register of Russian Programs. Software testing was carried out by BASEALT, the developer of Russian general-purpose operating systems.

Electronic document management is rightfully called the "circulatory system" of the organization. It builds a model of the organization's business processes and end-to-end interdepartmental processes. Therefore, one of the priority tasks we see is the creation of software stacks, which include the Russian Alt 8 SP operating system and compatible systems that allow working with electronic documents, including legal ones. Ready-made software stacks allow you to quickly and economically deploy the corporate document management infrastructure on Russian technologically independent solutions,

Compatible with ViPNet Client for Linux

On August 9, 2019, it became known that BASEALT, the developer of the Alt family of operating systems, and InfoTeCS, a manufacturer of high-tech software and hardware information protection tools, ensured the compatibility of their software products. Read more here.

RUSTEK Compatibility

On August 1, 2019, the company BASEALT"" announced that together with SBKleod"" they ensured the compatibility the Russian of the automated platform virtualizations RUSTEK with domestic operating systems () OS Alt. More. here

Compatibility with P7-Office

On July 31, 2019, it became known that BASEALT and New Communication Technologies (NKT) tested the latest versions of their products: Alt family operating systems and the P7-Office desktop application. Read more Here.

Compatibility with Samson MIS and CryptoARM GOST

On July 24, 2019, it became known that IVK, a Russian manufacturer of computer equipment, system-forming software and information protection tools, is expanding the ecosystem of Russian application software compatible with the Alt 8 SP operating system. The results of testing confirmed the full compatibility and correctness of work in the Alt 8 environment of SP software products:

Software products compatible with Alt 8 OS are included in the Unified Register of Russian Programs. Software testing was carried out by BASEALT, the developer of Russian general-purpose operating systems.

Security issues in the modern world are especially acute. Protection and quality control are required both for human health and for the most valuable information resource - corporate data. By forming an ecosystem of domestic application software compatible with Alt OS, my colleagues from BASEALT and I are trying to give priority to software stacks that help provide a wide range of security aspects,

JaCarta Compatibility

On July 23, 2019, Aladdin RD"." and BASEALT"" announced the successful testing of electronic keys smart cards JaCarta and production of Aladdin R.D. operating systems and the Alt family of BASEALT. More. here

Compatibility with VoiceKey.Platform

On July 18, 2019, BASEALT"" announced that together with "CST innovation "(MDG GC) they successfully completed testing for compatibility of the latest versions of their products - the program complex of multimodal biometric authentications VoiceKey.PLATFORM production" CST innovation "and" operating system Alt 8 SP "developed by" BASEALT. " More. here

4.X Guarantor and RAIDIX system Compatibility

On July 1, 2019, the company IVC , a Russian manufacturer computer of equipment, backbone ON and tools information protection , announced the inclusion of Russian software products in the ecosystem ON compatible with Alt operating system 8 SP. Based on the test results, the full compatibility and correctness of working in the Alt 8 SP environment of software products was confirmed:

All software products compatible with Alt 8 SP OS are included in the Unified Register of Russian Programs. Software testing was carried out by BASEALT, the developer of Russian general-purpose operating systems.

Information is the "blood" of any organization, the material for implementing its business processes and making management decisions. Ensuring the compatibility of our operating system with Russian software products designed to reliably store corporate information and support its legal reliability,

Compatibility with EDMS THESIS

On June 5, 2019, the company Haulmont announced the compatibility of the current versions EDMS THESIS OS and the "" family. Viola More. here

Compatibility with "Trinities" servers

On May 23, 2019, IVK, a Russian manufacturer of computer equipment, system-forming software and information protection tools, announces the successful completion of compatibility testing of the Alt 8 SP operating system and servers manufactured by Trinities. According to the test results, the reliable performance of the hardware and software complex has been fully confirmed.

The complex, which includes the products of IVK and Trinities, expands the possibilities for building a reliable IT infrastructure of organizations whose activities are related to the processing of confidential information and personal data. Software testing was carried out by BASEALT, the developer of Russian general-purpose operating systems.

Grigory Sizonenko noted:

[[:Шаблон:Quote 'author = Grigory Sizonenko, CEO of IVK]]

The servers of the Russian assembly "Trinities" are a flexible and reliable solution that meets the modern requirements of Russian customers. The equipment of the machines allows them to be attributed to the budget segment.

Alt 8 SP is a functional, secure operating system with a Russian interface for workstations and servers. Certified by FSTEC and the Ministry of Defense of Russia.

Compatibility with the Vershok software platform

On May 22, 2019, BASEALT announced the successful completion of testing the compatibility of the Vershok software platform and the Koreshok distributed real-time database for the development of the Fizpribor plant with operating systems on the Alt platform. The compatibility and correctness of their work with distributions of the Alt 8 SP, Alt Server 8 and Alt Workstation 8 operating systems has been confirmed. Read more here.

Extending the List of Compatible Products

On May 14, 2019, it became known that IVK, a Russian manufacturer of computer equipment, system-forming software and information protection tools, announces the expansion of the ecosystem of Russian application software compatible with the Alt 8 SP operating system. The results of testing confirmed the full compatibility and correctness of work in the Alt 8 environment of SP software products:

All software products compatible with Alt 8 OS are included in the Unified Register of Russian Programs. Software testing was carried out by BASEALT, the developer of Russian general-purpose operating systems.

author '= Grigory Sizonenko, CEO of IVK
A wide set of domestic application software compatible with the Alt 8 JV operating system allows organizations to transfer business processes to Russian software as much as possible without losing the performance, functionality and reliability of information systems. Organizations are guaranteed to receive modern software with a long life cycle that is not subject to sanctions risks.

Compatible with Raidix DSS

On May 7, 2019, Raidix announced the successful completion of testing PORAIDIX 4.X and Alt family operating systems. Read more here.

ELAR Compatibility Context

On April 24, 2019, ELAR announced that its ELAR Context software package has passed a full cycle of testing for compatibility with the Alt 8 SP operating system from BASEALT. Read more here.

VideoMost Compatibility

On April 23, 2019, the company BASEALT"" SPIRIT and announced the successful completion of testing of software servers and clients for video conferencings unified communications VideoMost and production of SPIRIT and operating systems () OS of the Alt family developed by BASEALT. More. here

Compatible with Postgres Pro Standard v. 11

On March 26, 2019, BASEALT"" announced that it had Postgres Professional successfully completed compatibility testing of the latest versions DBMS Postgres Pro of Standard v. 11 manufactured by Postgres Professional and the Alt family operating systems OS of the BASEALT development. More. here

Compatibility with PC "Elbrus" and "BARS. Education "

On March 4, 2019, the Avtomatika concern announced that INEUM named after I.S. Brook in collaboration with BARS Group and BASEALT provided technological support for the BARS solution. Education. " Read more here.

Integration with TONK computers

On March 6, 2019, BASEALT"" announced that together with TONK integrated computers the TONK OS Group of Companies and the Alt family of operating systems in hardware and software complexes (PAC). Complex solutions of BASEALT and TONK Group of Companies can serve as a technological basis for building modern, flexible and economical IT infrastructures within the framework of corporate programs. import substitution Organizations and enterprises will be able to abandon the archaic and costly infrastructure model with equipping each workplace with a system unit. Using Thin Clients will significantly reduce initial investment in IT infrastructure and total cost of ownership of it, will simplify administration of the corporate network, will increase data security, enabling rapid deployment of workplaces and saving electricity.

{{quote 'author = Alexey Smirnov, CEO of BASEALT|The main task of our cooperation with TONK is to provide organizations and enterprises with the ability to quickly and economically form workplaces on the basis of modern domestic equipment and software. Customer receives computers where the operating system is not only installed but already configured and debugged, making the use of PACs simple and convenient.}}

A great advantage of PAC BASEALT and TONK Group of Companies is their use in their composition computers without moving parts. This property makes the equipment completely silent and significantly increases its service life.

{{quote 'author = Mikhail Ushakov, General Director of TONK Group of Companies|By creating a PAC, my colleagues from BASEALT and I solve the problem of an integrated approach to universal workplaces, both in large state and corporate information systems using VDI and cloud technologies, and for small and medium-sized businesses. The reliability of workplaces and a high degree of information protection are ensured by the reliability of the TONK equipment and the OS functionality Alt ruler.}}

Test tests performed confirmed full compatibility and correctness hardware and software collaboration:

Software and hardware complex "BASEALT" and the group of companies "TONK" can recommend to build an IT infrastructure of any scale and complexity.

As part of the Russian domestic industrial computer

The companies BASEALT, Baikal Electronics and Hamster Robotics Engineering have joined forces to develop the "first Russian industrial computer platform," which includes BE-T1000 processor-based computing equipment (Baikal-T1) and Alt operating systems for servers and workstations. Initial sales are planned from 1 thousand computers per month; the task for the next 2 years is to increase it to 10 thousand per month, TAdviser was told on February 25, 2019 in Hamster Robotics. Read more here.

DocsVision Compatibility

On February 21, 2019, Docsvision"" reported that, together with BASEALT"," they successfully completed testing the work of a web client EDMS Docsvision manufactured by Docsvision with the Alt family operating systems OS developed by BASEALT. More. here

Compatibility with the SKALA-R hyperconverged complex

February 19, 2019 IBS Interlab reported that together with "" BASEALT tested a hyperconverged complex Scala-R in the environment of operating systems () OS of the Alt family.

OS Alt Workstation 8, OS Alt Workstation K 8, OS Alt Server 8, OS Alt Education 8, OS Alt 8 SP, Alt Linux SPT 7 - distributions based on the Linux kernel, including an operating system and a set of applications for full operation, supporting various additional equipment.

During testing, full compatibility and correct collaboration of products were confirmed, which makes it possible to recommend the Skala-R hyperconverged complex for use with the Alt family OS.


Compatibility with P-Virtualization 7 and P-Storage 7

On October 31, 2018, the company BASEALT"" reported that, together with Rosplatforma"," they checked for correct work operating systems on the Alt platform as guests in the environment of server virtualizations Rosplatforma. Confirmed full compatibility and correct operation,, Alt Linux SPT 7.0 Alt Workstation Alt Workstation K, Alt Server and Alt 8 SP. As a virtualization environment, it was used from hyper convergent IT infrastructure the products "7" and "R-virtualization 7."R-storage

author '= Alexey Smirnov, General Director of BASEALT
The operation of Alt operating systems as guest systems on the domestic virtualization system of Rosplatforma will allow organizations and enterprises to make the most of their server resources. The domestic hardware and software solution, first of all, will be useful for large departments and corporations that place their information resources in data centers and at the same time implement corporate import substitution programs.

Certificate of FSTEC of Russia

On August 30, 2018, the company BASEALT announced that the Russian operating system ALT 8 joint venture received a certificate. Federal Service for Technical and Export Control The software product meets the requirements FSTEC Russia for operating systems. Certificate No. 3866 is valid until August 10, 2023.

The certificate of FSTEC of Russia certifies that OS ALT 8 JV:

  • is an operating system of type A with built-in means of protection against unauthorized access to information that does not contain information constituting a state secret;
  • complies with the requirements of guiding documents: "Information security requirements for operating systems (FSTEC of Russia, 2016) and" Protection profile of operating systems of type A of the fourth protection class. IT.OS.A4.PZ "(FSTEC of Russia, 2017).

author '= Alexey Smirnov, CEO of BASEALT
ALT 8 SP belongs to the ALT family of operating systems. These are Russian OS, whose life cycle is implemented on the domestic development infrastructure and the Russian repository "Sisyphus." Control from the jurisdiction of our country over the implementation of the life cycle of ALT operating systems ensures their technological independence, compliance with the requirements of Russian regulators and compatibility with domestic hardware and software solutions.

Compatibility with MyOffice Standard and MyOffice Education

On August 14, 2018, it became known that the Russian companies BASEALT and New Cloud Technologies announced the successful completion of testing the latest versions of their products: My MyOffice Standard and My MyOffice Education developed by New Cloud Technologies with operating systems on the ALT platform of BASEALT.

On the basis of OS ALT and MyOffice Standard office suite, organizations can create ready-made workplaces for civil servants and office employees equipped with a full set of necessary software for working with documents. The software package can be used in public authorities, state corporations, educational institutions and business structures.

The full compatibility and correctness of the products has been confirmed, which makes it possible to recommend "MyOffice Standard" and "MyOffice Education" for work in the operating systems Alt Linux SPT 7.0, Alt Workstation, Alt Education and Alt 8 SP.

Another result of the technological partnership between BASEALT and New Cloud Technologies is an online course. The course "Preparing a teacher to work with electronic documents in MyOffice Education" will help to study the features of the product, as well as master the technology of working with editors of text documents, spreadsheets and presentations included in the package. "MyOffice Education" meets the requirements of the FSES Standard, is included in the unified register of domestic software and is suitable for training and work in educational organizations.

Inclusion in the protected digital platform APCS/IIoT for NPP

BaseALT "Fizpribor" On August 9, 2018, the Russian IT company and the Moscow plant announced the inclusion of operating system Alt secure digital platform APCS IIoT in/for nuclear power plants and other industrial automation facilities.

Alt OS was chosen by the plant as a certified Russian system with a high level of reliability and unlimited life (technological) cycle duration, which is ensured by the development of a system based on the Russian independent repository Sizif and a developed ecosystem of Russian software developers, noted in BASEALT.

We are grateful to the Fizpribor plant for choosing OS Alt as a component of its products, - said Alexey Smirnov, General Director of BASEALT. - The use of a domestic Linux-based operating system in the critical infrastructure of nuclear power will ensure the technological independence of its digital platform, resistance to network attacks, high-performance operation of the used software and hardware. In further cooperation with the plant, we will rely on our many years of experience in releasing non-standard distributions tailored to the needs of large customers.

In the course of joint work, the companies plan to develop a specialized distribution of Alt OS for its application in APCS and the industrial Internet of Things.

We are aimed at long-term cooperation with BASEALT, which will allow the company to produce products with an embedded domestic operating system that supports a wide class of domestic and foreign hardware platforms, modern APCS/IoT protocols, communications tools, device drivers and special-purpose software, - said Vadim Podolny, Deputy General Director for System Integration and Cybersecurity of the Moscow Fizpribor plant. - Our developers have the opportunity to use the experience of the partner ecosystem "BASEALT" to improve the culture of development and safety of software "Physical Equipment" within all types of developed software.

Alt distribution for servers and PCs based on Elbrus

On June 6, 2018, the company BASEALT"" presented a distribution of the domestic Alt software platform OS based on the kernel, Linux designed to work on domestic processors with the architecture "." Elbrus The development was created within the framework of the cooperation of BASEALT with and (MCST "Institute of Electronic Control Machines named after I.S. Bruk" part of Concern "Automatics" the state corporation). Rostec

According to the developers, the distribution contains an operating system and a set of application programs for servers and workstations. All software works in the main processor mode (in Elbrus binary codes). This provides higher performance compared to the binary translation mode, which allows you to run programs assembled for x86 processors.

The distribution is adapted for work on servers Elbrus 4.4 both personal computers "" and Elbrus 401"Elbrus-801" produced by INEUM named after Brook.

The development is based on a domestic repository that Sisyphus allows you to ensure a full life cycle of distributions created on its basis. In addition to software packages, it contains the original domestic infrastructure for assembling and maintaining integrity.

The release of Alt OS is a significant step towards building a software ecosystem for the Elbrus platform. We plan to continue to support the development of various operating systems for the Elbrus platform, "said Alexander Kim, General Director of ICST JSC and INEUM named after I.S. Bruk.

According to BASEALT, Russian organizations and enterprises can already deploy full-fledged servers and workstations based on the Alt-Elbrus OS technological pair.

Compatibility with Prognoz Platform 9.0

Russian IT developers Forsyth and BASEALT announced in February 2018 the compatibility of the latest versions of products - the Prognoz Platform 9.0 analytical complex and the Alt 8 SP operating system. As part of the testing, the correctness of the joint work of software solutions was confirmed. This means that users of the Alt 8 SP operating system can fully use the analytical functionality of the Prognoz Platform 9.0 platform in their work, which will enter the market in the near future.

Compatibility with EDMS THESIS

In February 2018, Holmont received a certificate of compatibility of the TESIS document and task management system with Alt operating systems manufactured by BASEALT. He confirms that the EDMS THESIS works correctly in the Alt Linux SPT 7, Alt Server 8.2 and Alt 8 SP systems. Read more here.

Compatibility with Red Database

In February 2018, Red Software and BASEALT announced the successful testing of the latest versions of two products from the developer lines: the Red Database DBMS (Red Software Company) and the Alt platform operating systems (BASEALT Company). Read more here.

2017: Operating system line for Russian processors

In December 2017, BASEALT announced the development and planned launch of the Alt line of operating systems (OS) developed specifically for devices based on Russian processors. The line will support Elbrus processors, as well as ARM (32- and 64-bit) and MIPS (32- and 64-bit) architectures. ARM is used, for example, by Russian processors developed by the Elvis SPC, and MIPS by Baikal processors. MIPS-like architecture is also involved in the Komdiv processors developed by NIISI RAS.

The developers note that the Alt OS line thus covers all the main types of computing equipment: servers of different performance, high-performance workstations, office PCs, industrial computers, mobile devices, controllers and telecommunications equipment (switches and routers), information terminals that are demanding on the speed of processing and information transfer.

In the future, BASEALT also plans to create a version of Alt OS for S/390 family processors, which are widely used in mainframes.

The general director of BASEALT, Alexei Smirnov, told TAdviser that the new OS line has already been developed by and large, but there has yet to be joint testing with partners - processor manufacturers. The company plans to start selling Alt OS approximately in the summer of 2018, he says.

The release of commercial versions of the Alt OS for Russian processors will be preceded by testing "(photo - TAdviser)"

The exact prices for the new OS line as of the end of 2017 have not yet been set, Smirnov told TAdviser.

Since 2016, the Alt OS for x86 architecture, present in the register of domestic software, has been available. The retail price of such an OS for a workstation, for example, is about 4 thousand rubles, for servers - about 10 thousand rubles.

The general director of BASEALT noted that all components of Alt OS are available free of charge in the Sisyphus repository, and those who wish can assemble the system from them themselves.

BASEALT says that there are no operating systems on the market that would be suitable for existing Russian processors. Most of them work with Linux-based operating systems, during the launch of which performance is often lost and other various problems arise.

Grigory Sizonenko, CEO of IVK, who previously invested in BASEALT, said that there were requests from the processor developers themselves to develop an OS for their platforms. Due to the fact that there are no optimal operating systems, customers often have the opinion that the processor itself is not good enough, he says.

The developers of the processors of the same name have their own OS - Elbrus. At the same time, Sizonenko says, this OS was created, first of all, for development and testing and does not have complete enough functionality. This is a highly specialized OS, he said in a conversation with TAdviser.

Grigory Sizonenko believes that as of 2017, there is practically no market for domestic processors, linking this to the lack of effectively working operating systems for these processors. "The processor sells the operating system," he says. The emergence of suitable operating systems, according to Sizonenko, will stimulate the technology market on domestic processors, and in about three years it expects its significant growth.

Alexey Smirnov says that the range of application programs compatible with the BASEALT OS, previously created for x86 architecture, is very large. But working on other processor architectures requires rebuilding these programs, he says, which is a difficult and time-consuming task. BASEALT expects that the tools available to their company will simplify the process of transferring programs to other architectures for application developers.

According to TAdviser, the transfer of its programs, for example, is planned by New Cloud Technologies, the developer of the MyOffice office suite.

Features of support for Russian processors in Alt OS

  • On each hardware platform, the Alt OS operates in native mode, and not in the emulation mode of the x86 command system in order to achieve maximum performance, as well as to implement support for all specific features of the processor.

  • The Alt OS line for Russian processors, like the Alt OS for Intel architecture, is created on the basis of the Russian Sisif repository, which is completely independent of any foreign repositories and is being developed by Russian companies and individuals not under the control of foreign legal entities and individuals, according to BASEALT. Sisyphus is one of the four largest independent software repositories in the world along with Debian, Red Hat and SUSE.

  • For each family of Russian processors, BASEALT implements a full technological cycle of creating a line of operating systems, including porting tools that provide work with the repository, assembling and testing the OS itself and other distribution products for this hardware platform, as well as transferring and testing application and infrastructure software ready for installation from system repositories.

  • The Alt OS for Russian processors, as well as the Alt OS for Intel architecture, have built-in free analogues of MicrosoftActive Directory directory services and Microsoft Exchange collaboration tools (Samba DC/Free IPA and SoGo, respectively) to simplify migration to import-independent software. The directory service and the collaboration infrastructure can be created on the basis of servers with Russian processors, for example, Elbrus. And other servers and workstations - with Alt OS for any supported platforms and OS Windows - will run them. This allows you to transfer critical infrastructure for the enterprise to a complex of Russian OS and Russian hardware.

  • Alt OS is provided with technical support based on SLA throughout the Russian Federation in 24x7x365 mode, in the "one window" format, which is implemented on the basis of a partnership with ALP Gorup. Since 2017, the technology of supporting the Alt OS stack, PostgresPro/PostgresSQL DBMS and other infrastructure and applied software products, for example, EDMS, as a single whole has been implemented.

2016: ALT Linux p7 starterkits

On March 14, 2016, ALT Linux published another set of starter kits based on the stable ALT Linux branch[3].

Starter kits are a way to distribute and start working with a stable repository for users who prefer to independently determine the list of application packages and configure the system. Images include a basic system, one of the desktop environments or a window manager, or a set of server applications. By default, the 3.14.64 kernel is used, in some cases others are used.

An important news of the release is the change in the license agreement: a number of distribution-specific restrictions have been removed, now each image as a composite work comes under a free GPLv2 license or more (the content of the packages that make up the image is available under their original licenses).

ISO images are hybrid and suitable for direct writing to USB Flash, and 64-bit images support loading under UEFI (with the exception of jeos). When using, disabling Secure Boot is optional (except hyperv).

The next planned update is expected on June 12, 2016, until that time the release of the first collection of launch kits on the Eighth Platform is expected.

Weekly regular builds based on the unstable Sisyphus repository are available, reflecting the current state of development (approaching the next stable branch) as a LiveCD set.

In the new release, LiveCDs with graphical environments are available:

  • Cinnamon 2.0.14;
  • Enlightenment 0.17.3;
  • GNOME 3.8.0 (kernel 4.1.19);
  • GNUstep (с WindowMaker и sysvinit);
  • IceWM 1.3.8 (with sysvinit and kernel 4.1.19);
  • KDE 4.12.4;
  • LXDE 0.5.5;
  • LXQt 0.8.0;
  • MATE 1.6.0;
  • TDE (an installer with sysvinit is also available);
  • Xfce 4.10.1;
  • WindowMaker 0.95.6 (c sysvinit),

Each environment is equipped with the most suitable browser.

Server installers (sysvinit used):

  • basic;
  • for installation in a virtual machine running Hyper-V, including Gen. 2 (kernel 4.1.19);
  • OpenVZ lightweight virtualization server (kernel 3.14.64/2.6.32-042stab113.11, container template archives are also available);
  • Samba 4.3.6 server in build for Active Directory Domain Controller.

"Dummies" for deployment in virtual environments:

  • KVM disk image;
  • jeos (minimalist installer).

Text Rescue Disk:

  • rescue (includes memory test for BIOS/UEFI, kernel 4.1.19).

  • ALT Text Assembly Tool Image:
  • builder (includes pre-configured hasher, gear, mkimage).

Upgraded openssh (version does not support insecure outdated keys, including DSA; instead, ed25519 is supported), while the rescue assembly allows the use of outdated key types and exchange algorithms.

The default breakdown in server installers and desktop LiveCDs has been upgraded (previously, automation in desktop versions made a partition for the root file system too small, and in server profiles - two or three partitions of approximately the same size, which is not optimal).

In the desktop images, the ESR version of Firefox packages version 38.7.0 (with H.264 support) was selected, auto-move configuration was added to the installed system.

Server assemblies install the default quota package.

The server version with Samba 4 to support domain controller has been additionally rebuilt with a newer version (4.3.6), see also error# 31881.

A firmware-linux package has been added to the rescue image to improve hardware support, as well as several performance tests and additional network security tools.

Following gparted, smartmontools "spread" in the images (while disabling together with cpufreq-simple and powertop in the event of installation on a virtual machine).

In the assembly with cinnamon, the terminal font has been fixed.

Minimalist jeos build continues to gain value outside the context of virtual machines, so it is expanded to support installation on MD RAID.

Server assemblies are sorted out in terms of package composition; further changes are expected already in p8 starterkits.

Beta images of web kiosks, privacy CD and an added experimental version of jeos-ovz are available (minimalistic OpenVZ HN installer with twisted nuts in the style of Dmitry Levin, including ssh access only by key).

2015: Alt Linux Release Released 7.0.5

On May 26, 2015, Alt Linux announced the release of new versions of distributions based on platform 7: ALT Linux 7.0.5 Centaur, ALT Linux 7.0.5 KDesktop, Simply Linux 7.0.5 and Alt Linux kit[4].

Changes to ALT Linux 7.0.5

  • Updated software and closed known vulnerabilities as of May 22, 2015.

  • Added support for the RW partition on the Flash disk when booting under UEFI;

  • Online repositories for updating are mandatory, not only if they are available;

  • ALT Linux KDesktop is a multifunctional custom solution for the three main ALT Linux architectures based on the KDE 4 environment. KDesktop is integrated with the Centaurus server. KDesktop 7.0.5 updated NVIDIA 346.72, 340.76, 304.125, 173.14.39 drivers, fixed loss of installation media during system installation initialization, enabled syslog display on the 12th console. Updated Linux kernel 3.14.41, Mesa 10.0.5, LibreOffice 4.2, Firefox 31.6.0. Fixed various bugs in the Intel graphics card driver.

  • Alt Linux Centaurus 7.0.5 (ALT Linux Centaurus 7.0.5) is a universal server and workstation solution with sysvinit initialization systems for the server and systemd for the workstation. As a graphical environment for workstations, the MATE environment is offered. In the new version, it became possible to enter into the Active Directory domain in the System Control Center. To simplify automatic installation over the network, a poweroff kernel parameter has been added that turns off the computer after installation. Updated time zone rules taking into account changes in Russian legislation;

  • Simply Linux 7.0.5 is an Xfce-based solution for desktop office and home computers. New programs have been added to the new release: imagewriter, bash-completion, skype-preinstall, cabextract, wine-mono, xkill (in install-version). Excluded from delivery wesnoth and celestia. Firefox and thunderbird have been replaced with firefox-esr and thunderbird-esr. A stronger compression is involved for the live system. Language selection removed in LightDM. Updated package versions: kernel Linux 3.14.41, X.Org 1.14.5, NetworkManager, Firefox 31.6, Thunderbird 31.6, LibreOffice 4.2, GIMP 2.8.14, Pidgin 2.10.11, Smplayer 14.3.0.

  • Alt Linux Shkolny 7.0.5 includes a server distribution kit and solutions for teacher and student workstations with a large number of programs that meet educational standards. In this version, it became possible to enter into the Active Directory domain in the System Control Center. Added additional packages for WINE and Skype. To simplify automatic installation over the network, a poweroff kernel parameter has been added that turns off the computer after installation. The inxi program has been added to obtain information about the equipment and system operation.

2013: Alt Linux 7.0

ALT Linux announced in April 2013 the release of the Seventh ALT Linux Platform (p7), a stable ALT Linux repository infrastructure designed to develop, test, distribute, update and support complex solutions of all levels - from built-in and mobile devices to enterprise servers and data centers, created and developed as part of the Sisyphus project by the ALT Linux team (ALT Linux team).

One of the main innovations of the Seventh Platform is full support for the ARMv7 architecture. The ARMv7 architecture repository (armh) is integrated into the Seventh Platform and thanks to the Marvell server hardware (Marvell Technology Group Ltd), it is synchronized by package versions with the p7 repository based on 32-bit and 64-bit Intel architectures.

The Seventh Platform ARMv7 repository is assembled from approximately 10,000 source packages that allow you to create integrated server, desktop, mobile and embedded solutions based on ARMv7 and Intel architectures on a single package base and within the framework of Seventh Platform technologies. The repository ARMv7 the Seventh Platform is one of the largest in the world and has no analogues in Russia.

The seventh ALT Linux platform supports UEFI boot technology, systemd initialization system, IPv6 protocol, creation of LUKS crypto partitions during installation and includes the latest versions of system and application software: kernel 3.8.9, Xorg 1.14 server, Gnome 3.8.1, KDE 4.10.2, Firefox 20, Libreoffice

For a quick start with the Seventh Platform, ALT Linux offers users who prefer to independently determine the composition and design of the system, images of starter kits for i586 and x86_64 architectures in 9 desktop and ARMv7/Nexus7 environments for Enlightenment and KDE.

According to ALT Linux, Seventh Platform products will replace solutions on the Sixth Platform for several years, such as ALT Linux 6.0 Centaurus, protected by Alt Linux SPT 6.0 OS, ALT Linux 6.0 Simply, ALT Linux 6.0 Kdesktop, Informica 6.0 School. Alt Linux continues to support Sixth Platform products within the announced timeframe, and plans to extend the FSTEC certificate for Alt Linux SPT 6.0 for another three years.

2011: Alt Linux 6.0 Centaur

On November 1, 2011, Alt Linux announced the release of the central product of its sixth Alt Linux 6.0 Centaur platform.

It is positioned as a multifunctional distribution for servers and workstations and is intended primarily for use in corporate networks. Reportedly, compared to its predecessor, the Alt Linux 5.0 Ark distribution, Centaur has significantly expanded functionality, and the image with the distribution is hybrid - for recording on both DVD and USB flash.

Among the main features of 'Centaur' are:

  • Select the solutions to deploy (for example, web server and graphics environment) during installation
  • The ability to both deploy and use only specific services without Alterator
  • Install server and end-user solutions from a single drive
  • Easily deploy diskless client downloads.

The GNOME2 environment is supplied as a graphical environment for the workstation, and the FVWM as the minimum environment for server administration. For almost all server components in the distribution kit, it is possible to remotely manage via the web interface. However, installing the web interface is optional.

The central place in server functionality is occupied by the'ALT domain' kit, which includes interconnected, servers LDAP Kerberos, DNS, Samba, DHCP, Postfix, Dovecot, network download server, update server. All of these servers can also be used separately.
