The name of the base system (platform): | Rutoken |
Developers: | Asset (Active Software) |
Last Release Date: | 2024/08/22 |
Technology: | Information Security - Encryption Tools |
Main article: Cryptography
Rutoken EDS is a hardware implementation of the Russian electronic digital signature standard and a proven design of Rutoken identifiers. This device supports GOST R 34.10-2001, GOST 34.11-94, GOST 28147-89, the development of session keys (pair keys) according to the VKO GOST R 34.10-2001 scheme (RFC4357) and the RSA algorithm with keys up to 2048 bits. Rutoken EDS supports 3 categories of owners: Administrator, User and Guest. This product comes with a single memory capacity of 64KB.
Due to the calculation of the EDS within the token, the signature private key does not leave the device limits. This eliminates the possibility of key compromise and increases the overall security of the system.
Based on the results of the certification tests of Rutoken EDS, developed by Aktiv and Ankad, a positive conclusion of the FSB was signed that this product meets the basic requirements for CIPF.
As part of the certification tests of Rutoken EDS, the FSB signed a positive conclusion, according to which the CIPF Rutoken EDS meets the "Requirements for encryption (cryptographic) means designed to protect information that does not contain information constituting a state secret "by class KS2, and" Special requirements for encryption (cryptographic) means designed to protect information that does not contain information constituting a state secret and is operated on the territory of the Russian Federation "by the level of the Constitutional Court.
Rutoken EDS is intended for use as an intelligent key medium in remote banking systems, Russian PKI systems, in systems of legally significant electronic document management and in other information systems using electronic digital signature technologies.
The electronic identifier Rutoken EDS is designed on the basis of modern Russian and international standards in the field of information security, so that it can be built without additional effort into existing information systems. A distinctive feature of Rutoken EDS is that all cryptographic operations take place at the hardware level, without downloading any plugins to the token. Secret keys generated and stored in the Rutoken EDS do not leave the device when performing cryptographic operations (for example, calculating the EDS) and it is impossible to steal them.
According to the received document, CIPF Rutoken EDS is allowed to operate until February 1, 2016.
Rutoken EDS Bluetooth
Rootken Bluetooth EDS is a device for the secure storage and use of encryption keys and electronic signatures. The device works in two modes: when connected via the USB interface, it functions as a USB token Rutoken EDS and charges the built-in battery, and in Bluetooth mode it becomes possible to fully work with tablets and smartphones.
Rutoken EDS Bluetooth supports CryptoPro CSP and VPN clients for mobile devices. To ensure the security of the channel, it implements Secure Messaging technology, which encrypts data transmitted via Bluetooth. Rutoken EDS Bluetooth is a universal solution and allows you to uniformly use electronic signature technologies on laptops, tablets and smartphones.
History of development
Cloud Desktop Integration
Cloud Desktop cloud service on the VK Cloud platform supports Rutoken devices from Aktiv to sign documents and ensure secure access to remote infrastructure. It is also supported by Rutoken EDS 3.0. VK Tech announced this on March 17, 2025. Read more here.
Rutoken EDS 3.0 compatibility with sPACE PAM
Within the framework of the technological partnership, Aktiv and Web Control tested and confirmed the correctness of the joint operation of the sPACE PAM privileged access control system and Rutoken EDS 3.0 devices. Multifactor authentication provided by tokens and Rutoken smart cards allows you to protect access to administrator accounts. The Asset announced this on March 19, 2025.
The sPACE PAM Privileged Access Management System is designed to provide secure access for administrators to the IT infrastructure. The solution manages privileged credentials, minimizes privileges and eliminates the accumulation of redundant rights among users, automates access control and controls user actions. For added security, the system provides two-factor authentication to ensure that only authorized users can access the management of business-critical IT resources. Integration with Rutoken products provides the customer with a choice of two-factor authentication method for authorization in the sPACE PAM system. This improves the usability of the product and allows you to fulfill the requirements of the regulator.
The compatibility of the sPACE system with tokens and smart cards Rutoken EDS 3.0 opens up opportunities for organizations seeking to improve the level of information security and protection when accessing the IT infrastructure. Neglect of risks that may arise due to fraudulent actions on behalf of privileged users can cause data breaches, financial losses and negatively affect the company's reputation. The introduction of a comprehensive solution of the class of PAM (Privileged Access Management) and the use of two-factor authentication will help reduce these risks, said Ksenia Shavrova, Head of Technology Partners, Aktiv Company.
One of the advantages of the sPACE PAM system is the flexibility and ability to integrate into the customer's IT infrastructure, as well as to meet the customer's information security requirements. In this regard, if customers require a two-factor user authorization solution, then they can use the Rutoken line of solutions from our partner Aktiv, noted Andrei Bykov, Quality Director, Web Control.
Implementation in the application "Kontur.Diadok"
SKB Kontur implemented mobile signing of documents for managers using USB-token, Rutoken namely -token and USB smart cards Rutoken EDS 3.0 with - NFC chip. This was Asset (Active Software) announced on March 12, 2025. More. here
UBLinux compatibility
The companies Aktiv"" and Yubiteh"" conducted a series of tests that confirmed the compatibility USB of -token smart cards Rutoken and with the family. operating systems UBLinux As a result of testing, the companies signed a certificate confirming the correctness of the joint work of solutions. In particular, the devices were tested: Rutoken EDS 3.0. This was announced by "Asset" on January 27, 2025. More. here More. here
Compatibility with Parus Flash
The companies "Active" and "Sailing" have confirmed the compatibility of the cloud service "Parus FLASH" with USB tokens and smart cards Rutoken EDS 3.0 for electronic signature and two-factor authentication.
Based on the results of testing the collaboration of the Parus FLASH cloud service and USB tokens and smart cards, Rutoken EDS 3.0 signed a compatibility certificate, and Rutoken devices are included in the list of key media recommended by Sailboat.
We saw our task with our colleagues from the Sailor company in giving Parus FLASH users the opportunity to quickly and clearly carry out automated business processes without thinking about the safety of important data and signature secrets for the enterprise. I am sure that the result of our well-coordinated collaboration will be appreciated by users of Parus products, and cooperation will develop within the framework of new interesting tasks, said Ksenia Shavrova, Lead Partner and Customer Support Manager at Aktiv.
Use in mobile applications on the ELMA365 platform
Aktiv and ELMA have tested and confirmed the compatibility of the ELMA365 platform with USB tokens and Rutoken EDS 3.0 NFC smart cards. Users can now use devices to sign into applications and services on the ELMA365 platform in OCAndroid. Elma announced this on December 20, 2024. Read more here.
Compatibility of Rutoken EDS 3.0 with Astra Linux
Astra Group and Aktiv have completed compatibility tests of USB tokens and smart cards of the Rutoken EDS 3.0 NFC line with the Astra Linux operating system. This compatibility allows users to work with an electronic signature both in mobile and desktop mode of the operating system. This was announced by "Asset" on December 13, 2024.
Users of Astra Linux using USB tokens and Rutoken EDS 3.0 NFC smart cards can connect to remote virtual desktops using the Termidesk solution developed by Uveon - Cloud Technologies (part of the Astra Group). In this case, Rutoken EDS 3.0 NFC devices provide the ability to organize secure two-factor authentication at the VDI workplace for safe and fast access to the necessary resources from anywhere in the world. At the same time, user secrets of local data are not stored on a tablet or device with Astra Linux.
Our companies have been technology partners since 2012. We will continue our long-term cooperation with Aktiv, thereby offering our customers an IT ecosystem that meets the highest standards. I am sure that the integration of Astra Linux OS and Rutoken EDS 3.0 NFC devices will become the basis for further innovation and development both in the field of mobile technologies and in the field of information security, "said Shukhrat Makhmadiev, Deputy Head of Project Management at Astra Group. |
We are pleased to provide users with the opportunity to use Rutoken EDS 3.0 NFC devices in everyday life when working with the mobile Astroy. The devices provide an understandable and convenient way to sign documents, simplify the authentication process and reliably protect user secrets, - said Pavel Anfimov, Head of Products and Integration at Aktiv. - A few years ago, we set ourselves the goal of achieving compatibility of the Rutoken EDS 3.0 line with all mobile devices and operating systems. Confirming compatibility with Astra Linux on mobile was a crucial step for us, and this achievement was made possible thanks to the well-coordinated work and professionalism of our partners. |
Rutoken EDS 3.0 compatibility with Forsayt.Mobile Platform
As part of the technological cooperation, Aktiv and Forsyth tested and confirmed the compatibility of the Forsyth mobile application development platform. Mobile platform with USB tokens and Rutoken EDS 3.0 smart cards. This was announced by "Asset" on September 30, 2024. Read more here.
Integration of Rutoken EDS 3.0 with Infrascope
NGR Softlab and Active Company on August 28, 2024 announced the start of a technological partnership. As part of the cooperation, the companies will integrate Rutoken EDS 3.0 products (Aktiv Company) into the Infrascope system (NGR Softlab) and will provide increased control over access to customer IT infrastructures.
The need to combine technologies is caused by increased requirements for information security of organizations that need in-depth data protection and integrated use of NGR Softlab and Aktiv products. Integration will allow you to strengthen access control through PAM Infrascope, which is an entry point into critical customer infrastructures, using additional authentication factors - USB tokens and smart cards of the Rutoken EDS 3.0 line.
The introduction of Rutoken EDS 3.0 devices into the Infrascope system will take place in two stages. First, it will be possible to use USB tokens and Rutoken smart cards as the second authentication factor for accessing the Infrascope user interface. The product will then be refined for authentication using Rutoken products on remote servers protected by Infrascope.
The integration of Rutoken technologies into the Infrascope system was due to the requests of our customers, who sought to ensure maximum protection of critical infrastructures. Partnership with Aktiv will allow us to offer even more reliable and effective solutions to protect against unauthorized access, "said Igor Lyapunov, Development Director of NGR Softlab. |
We are pleased with the beginning of cooperation with NGR Softlab and the planned long-term steps to integrate our products. I am confident that the joint use of the Infrascope solution and Rutoken devices will allow customers to avoid, thanks to multifactor authentication, both internal information security incidents and external attacks on information systems, - said Pavel Anfimov, Head of Product and Integration at Aktiv. |
Rutoken EDS Sales Star 3.0 3120
On August 22, 2024, Aktiv announced the start of sales of Rutoken EDS 3.0 3120 USB tokens, a family of Rutoken EDS 3.0 devices for signing documents with an electronic signature and strict two-factor authentication on desktop and mobile devices.
USB token Rutoken EDS 3.0 3120 is a family of devices made on the basis of the 3.0 platform that has already proven itself positively, which is distinguished by reliability, functionality and performance. The core of the Rutoken EDS 3.0 family of devices is the updated Rutoken operating system with a security event log, optimized electronic signature execution speed and a secure microcontroller built using smart card technology. USB tokens Rutoken EDS 3.0 3120 are suitable for working with qualified certificates of the TC FTS, are supported in the EGAIS system. Full compatibility with other Rutoken EDS 3.0 devices is ensured.
These devices can be supplied in several form factors: in the form of a full-size USB token, in micro-version, in a metal case. By the end of 2024, a number of models with a USB-C connector will go on sale, as well as Rutoken EDS 3.0 3120 Touch devices with a touch button for physically confirming electronic signature operations.
In addition to Rutoken devices with unrecoverable keys, the update also affected the Rutoken Lite line of basic products: the transition to Rutoken Lite 1010 models has been completed, and devices in metal and micro versions have gone on sale.
To improve the comfort of our partners and customers, metal and micro versions of Rutoken EDS 3.0 3120 and Rutoken Lite 1010 devices are offered at prices identical to the full-size classic case.
Compatibility of Rutoken EDS 3.0 with GOST Eyepiece
As part of the technological cooperation, Aktiv and Laboratory 50 tested and confirmed the correctness of the collaboration of the Okular GOST application for signing PDF documents using USB tokens and smart cards Rutoken EDS 3.0 and Rutoken Lite. The Asset announced this on August 21, 2024. Read more here.
Compatibility with MFPs and Katyusha printers
The companies Aktiv"" and Katyusha"" have confirmed the compatibility of smart cards Rutoken EDS 3.0 3100 RF (EM) with office MFP printers and Katyusha. The Asset announced this on August 8, 2024.
The use of Rutoken smart cards provides secure access to Katyusha office devices, which can be part of corporate systems. Testing was carried out surrounded by the Russian Smart Print printing control system using Russian access card readers Katyusha SK121, Katyusha SK223, Katyusha SK224 and Katyusha SK3111, as well as contactless card readers from foreign manufacturer Elatec.
Rutoken EDS 3.0 3100 smart cards are designed for secure strict two-factor user authentication, generation of electronic signature keys, generation and verification of electronic signature "on board" of the device, as well as storage of digital certificates and other data. Rutoken smart cards are also effective as a single identification device for the user to access different elements of the corporate system.
Rutoken smart cards meet security requirements and effectively complement Katyusha office equipment, increasing the level of security of devices against unauthorized access, said Alena Tarakanova, Project Manager of Aktiv.
Keys "Rutoken EDS" 3.0 3120 received FSB certificate
On August 7, 2024, the Aktiv company announced that it had received an FSB certificate for a wide range of models key media Rutoken EDS 3.0 3120. This hardware platform, combined with the updated Rutoken operating system, made it possible to significantly increase the speed of electronic signature operations and provided additional capabilities.
The active key media of the Rutoken EDS 3.0 3120 family are fully compatible with existing software and infrastructure and do not require any effort to integrate into current information systems. The updated smart card hardware platform made it possible to significantly increase the speed of electronic signature operations: the RSA-2048 speed doubled by more than an order of magnitude, GOST 34.10-2012. The speed of generating key pairs has increased and new cryptographic capabilities have been added.
Active key media of the Rutoken EDS 3.0 line (which includes the new Rutoken EDS 3.0 3120 family) are designed to sign documents with an enhanced electronic signature and strict two-factor authentication (ownership and knowledge factors - PIN code). The devices are certified according to the requirements of the FSB of Russia and are FSTEC of Russia suitable for obtaining qualified certificates TC FTS in and work in Personal offices SP and legal entities of the Federal Tax Service, systems, Honest Sign OFD, etc UNIFIED STATE AUTOMATED INFORMATION SYSTEM. Public services The most important property of active key media is the non-deliverability of the electronic signature key, the impossibility of cloning it and the guarantee of the signature key exists only in a single copy and belongs only to its owner.
The most important change in the Rutoken EDS 3.0 3120 family is the hardware log of security events inside the token. The log records the operations of formatting, changing PIN codes, as well as deleting/generating private keys. This functionality provides security administrators and employees of accredited certification centers with an effective tool for resolving incidents. Rutoken EDS 3.0 3120 offers three form factors with USB Type-C interface and four with USB Type-A interface. The family will feature models in the Nano Type-C form factor for the first time, the smallest Rutoken devices for August 2024. In addition, the Rutoken EDS 3.0 3120 family of certified USB tokens includes several models equipped with a touch button for additional confirmation of electronic signature operations. Thus, the family presents the largest model range of cryptographic USB tokens Rutoken.
I am very glad to state that now our main line Rutoken EDS 3.0 has become even more powerful, more stable and more functional. Models 3120 stood on a par with models 3100 and 3220. Now we have three independent hardware platforms and certified models for all cases and applications, with dual and even triple redundancy. Taking into account all the speed and functional characteristics, as well as positive statistics on the stability of the platform, the Rutoken EDS 3.0 3120 family is doomed to become a new flagship. In 2024 and 2025, we plan to transfer all mass projects to models from this family. said Dmitry Gorelov, Commercial Director, Managing Partner of Aktiv.
The start of wide sales of most Rutoken EDS 3.0 3120 models is scheduled for the second half of August 2024.
Compatibility of Rutoken EDS 3.0 with BARS. Healthcare-MIS
The companies "Active" and "BARS Group" tested and confirmed the correctness of the joint operation of the program for computers "BARS. Healthcare-MIS" with tokens and smart cards Rutoken EDS 3.0. Read more here.
Rutoken EDS 3.0 compatibility with Dallas Lock
The companies "Asset" and "Confidence" conducted tests and confirmed the correctness of the joint operation of tokens and smart cards Rutoken EDS 3.0 (including with a contactless NFC interface) with information protection systems Dallas Lock. Read more here.
Support for Rutoken EDS 3.0 NFC with R-Fon smartphone
The companies STC IT ROSA and "" Aktiv on June 25, 2024 announced the implementation of support USB for -token smart cards and Rutoken EDS 3.0 in, NFC smartphone R-FON operating on the domestic. operating system ROSA Mobile More here.
Availability of "Rutoken EDS" 3.0 NFC in the SBIS application
The use of tokens smart cards and Rutoken EDS 3.0 NFC for the formation of an electronic signature has become possible in. mobile applications GSI The compatibility of the products of the Company "Asset" (Rutoken) and the company "" (Tensor SBIS) is proof that users receive a comprehensive tool for working with electronic documents. This was announced by "Asset" on June 3, 2024. More. here
Termit Compatibility
The companies Aktiv"" Orion Soft and conducted successful testing for the compatibility of the terminal access system TERMIT and active key media of the Rutoken EDS 3.0 line (including with NFC the -antenna), as well as - USB tockens Rutoken Lite and smart card readers. Rutoken SCR 3001 The test results are recorded in a two-sided certificate of compatibility. This was announced by "Asset" on May 14, 2024. More. here
Compatibility with Fplus devices
Aktiv"" confirmed the technological compatibility of tokens smart cards Rutoken Russian with the manufacturer's enterprise-class devices. electronic engineers Fplus This was announced by "Asset" on April 22, 2024.
The company's specialists conducted test tests to check the correctness of the key media with monoblocks, laptops, as well as Fplus tablets and smartphones on the Aurora mobile operating system. According to their results, the parties signed compatibility certificates.
Active key media Rutoken EDS 3.0 is a line of tokens and smart cards that allows you to sign documents on smartphones and tablets. Rutoken EDS 3.0 devices, supplemented with NFC, can also protect access to the Aurora mobile OS. The use of Rutoken devices prevents unauthorized access to key information used in signing documents (including a qualified electronic signature), building secure connections to web resources.
Cryptographic tokens and Rutoken EDS 3.0 smart cards provide generation and secure storage of key information, form an electronic signature (EA) and can be used as a second authentication factor. Rutoken EDS 3.0 and Rutoken EDS 2.0 products are fully functional hardwares CIPF certified by the FSB of Russia and FSTEC of Russia. Cryptographic operations are performed without extracting the key into the memory of the computer or mobile device.
We are pleased to present users with a comprehensive domestic solution: together with our colleagues, we were convinced of the correct operation of active key media of the Rutoken EDS 3.0 line with computers and mobile devices Fplus. Thus, tokens and Rutoken smart cards ensure the information security of workplaces (including mobile ones), protecting them using multifactor authentication, and also make it possible to sign various documents, said Ksenia Shavrova, lead partner and customer support manager for Aktiv.
The technological partnership with Aktiv opens up great prospects for us, since the topic of trusted products is very popular. Such solutions are especially in demand in the state and corporate segments, where increased attention is paid to ensuring the protection of information. Now customers and partners have the opportunity to take control of data security and sign documents from mobile and personal devices Fplus, said Timur Bigulov, Fplus Client PAC Project Manager.
Start of production and sales of Rutoken EDS 3.0 3100 SAM
On January 29, 2024, Aktiv announced the start of serial production and sales of the Rutoken EDS 3.0 3100 SAM smart card model.
The Rutoken EDS 3.0 3100 SAM smart card is a certified secure access module. The device is produced in various formats - mini SIM (2FF), micro SIM (3FF) and nano SIM (4FF), which makes it versatile and convenient for use in various fields of activity.
SAM module (Secure access module) provides convenience and reliability in working with cryptographic keys, providing users with the opportunity to effectively protect their data and sign documents. The device is intended for integration into various equipment as a certified security module. The Rutoken EDS 3.0 3100 SAM smart card is used in secure transaction solutions such as ATMs, POS terminals, and other systems where secret keys are recommended as a security measure, for example, in the field of the Internet of Things and machine-to-machine interaction, which makes its use even more universal. The Rutoken EDS 3.0 3100 SAM smart card is certified according to the requirements of the FSB and FSTEC.
Шаблон:Quote 'author=said Nikita Demin, Head of the Department of Smart Cards and Readers, Aktiv
Compatibility of Rutoken EDS 3.0 with the application "Mig24"
The companies Aktiv"" and "" NTSsoft confirmed the compatibility and correctness of the tokens smart cards and Rutoken EDS 3.0 with the services of signing documents and managing machine-readable powers of attorney in. This was mobile application Mig24 announced by "Asset" on January 15, 2024. More. here
Compatibility of Rutoken EDS 3.0 with TONK TOS
TONK Group and Aktiv Company have confirmed the correct collaboration of TONK thin clients with a pre-installed TONK TOS operating system and Rutoken devices. The company "Aktiv" announced this on November 13, 2023. The correct operation of the following key media and cryptographic information protection tools Rutoken has been confirmed: Rutoken EDS 3.0, including the family of Rutoken EDS 3.0 NFC, Rutoken EDS 2.0 and Rutoken Lite devices. Read more here.
Compatibility with Alt SP release 10
The company BASEALT"," developer Russian operating systems "Alt," and the company Aktiv"," the developer and manufacturer of products and solutions for providing, information security completed testing of OS "" Alt SP release 10 performed on architectures x86_64 and aarch64 with - USB tockens, smart cards Rutoken including Rutoken 3.0, EDS ON and Rutoken Plugin. The company "BASEALT" announced this on October 3, 2023. More. here
Start of production "Rutoken EDS" 3.0 3100
Aktiv, a developer and manufacturer of information security products and solutions, on September 5, 2023 announced the start of large-scale production of Rutoken EDS 3.0 3100 smart cards, which became an addition to the Rutoken EDS 3.0 product line. Smart cards are designed for electronic signature, reliable two-factor user authentication and high-quality security support for secure electronic document management systems. The devices are also used as intelligent key media in complex information security solutions.
Rutoken Certified EDS 3.0 3100 supports a wide range of operating systems: MS Windows, macOS, Linux, etc. The devices meet all the requirements for cryptographic key media. In smart cards, GOST R 34.10-2012 with a key length of 256/512 bits and GOST R 34.11-2012, symmetric ciphers "Magma" and "Grasshopper," as well as international electronic signature algorithms RSA and ECDSA are hardware implemented. Cryptographic operations are performed without copying the key into the computer's memory. Rutoken EDS 3.0 3100 devices are certified according to the requirements of the FSB and FSTEC of Russia.
Unlike Rutoken EDS 3.0 3100 smart cards NFC , devices can be equipped with various - RFID tags for integration ACS in and logical access control systems. You can apply any to the surface of the card (information personal data employee, his photo, company logo, etc.). All this allows you to make a universal electronic certificate of an employee from the Rutoken EDS 3.0 3100 smart card.
Rutoken EDS 3.0 3100 smart cards are the generation of devices that replaced the usual Rutoken EDS 2.0 2100 smart cards and collected all the best from previous versions. These smart cards have become more reliable, their speed has increased, and support for the latest GOST algorithms has appeared. Devices are great for various tasks: configuring and supporting user authentication on the computer and on the network, electronic signature and encryption, electronic identity, remote access, and much more. Rutoken EDS 3.0 3100 smart cards have confirmed compatibility with many software and hardware solutions in the information security market, "said Nikita Demin, Head of Smart Cards at Aktiv. |
Compatibility of Rutoken EDS 3.0 with SDZ SafeNode System Loader
Gazinformservice and Active completed a series of tests on the correctness of the joint functioning of their own products - SDZ SafeNode System Loader and Rutoken devices, including Rutoken EDS 3.0. Gazinformservice announced this on August 9, 2023. Read more here.
Support in CryptoPro DSS Client and CryptoPro myDSS 2.0
and with CryptoPro DSS Client CryptoPro myDSS 2.0 Rutoken EDS 3.0 support NFC provide on. electronic signature This was announced smartphone on July 27, 2023 by the company. Crypto-Pro More. here
Compatibility with "CryptoAWS GOST" version 3
Companies Digital technologies"" and "" Aktiv have confirmed the correctness of the collaboration of the signature program enciphering files and "" CryptoAWS GOST version 3 and devices. Rutoken This was announced on July 25, 2023 by the company "."Aktiv
The following key media and means of cryptographic protection of Rutoken information have been confirmed to work correctly: the flagship line of USB tokens and Rutoken EDS 3.0 smart cards, including the Rutoken EDS 3.0 NFC family of devices, and Rutoken Lite. Read more here.
Ability to sign documents in Directum Solo on iOS and iPadOS version 16.2
Directum Solo iOS In, you can sign documents Rutoken using for OS iOS iPadOS and version 16.2 and later. The company Aktiv-soft announced this on July 20, 2023.
Test tests were carried out for USB tokens and smart cards of the Rutoken EDS 2.0 and 3.0 NFC lines (including those with Type-C connectors). Read more here.
Compatibility with Atlant OS
Aktiv and Applite have completed testing of a joint solution involving two-factor authentication in the system using Rutoken key media. This was announced on July 17, 2023 by the company Active Software (rutoken).
Specialists of Applite Group and Aktiv Company conducted test tests for the correctness of the joint operation of key media (USB tokens and smart cards) Rutoken in the domestic operating system Atlant (OS Atlant). The tests were completed successfully, following the results of the parties signed a certificate and compatibility protocol presented on the Rutoken website.
The presence two-factor authentications in the Atlant OS as an alternative to login to the password and prevents attackers from accessing important information and accounts computers with this, OS and also protects entry electronic document management systems. into the Two-factor authentication technology assumes that one of the factors is knowledge of a simple -code, and PIN the other is possession of a Rutoken device.
Compatibility confirmed for the following Rutoken product lines and models and Atlant OS versions
One of the main tasks of Asset in working with technology partners in the current environment is to ensure compatibility with key Russian operating systems. We thank our partners, colleagues from Applite Group for prompt testing and close cooperation. Thanks to this, we were able to quickly provide user data of the Atlant OS with reliable protection using hardware cryptography, said Pavel Anfimov, Head of Product and Integration at Aktiv.
Шаблон:Quote 'author=noted Dmitry Eliseev, Commercial Director of Applite Group of Companies.
Compatibility with "Continent ZTN Client for Linux"
The companies "Security Code" and "Asset" have confirmed the correct operation of the following key media and cryptographic information protection tools Rutoken: Rutoken Lite, the flagship line of USB tokens and smart cards Rutoken EDS 3.0 and the line of Rutoken EDS 2.0 2100 devices with the solution "Continent ZTN Client for Linux." The company "Aktiv" announced this on June 1, 2023. Read more here.
Compatibility with SKDPU NT "iT Bastion"
Rutoken EDS 3.0 devices are compatible with the iT Bastion privileged user action control system. ATI Bastion announced this on May 18, 2023.
USB tokens and Rutoken smart cards interact with the SCADA NT to provide reliable two-factor authentication. This integration of solutions is relevant for information systems with high information security requirements in the financial, oil and gas, production and public sectors. With an end-to-end solution, the user can confirm the validity of critical operations, even outside of physical access to his workstation.
Ignoring the risks associated with attackers taking critical actions on behalf of privileged users can lead to data breaches, financial losses and damage to the reputation of the entire company. Using a comprehensive two-factor authentication solution will help mitigate these risks. In addition, the integration of NP MCDS with Rutoken devices simplifies the process of increasing the reliability of the IT infrastructure protection system, which includes domestic solutions, |
Integration of solutions certified by FSTEC of Russia is always a simplification of the life of our customers working with a critical information infrastructure. In this case, the technological compatibility of the NP DCS with tokens and smart cards Rutoken EDS 3.0 will become a bundle of solutions in demand where additional confirmation of user rights is required, noted Dmitry Mikheev, technical director of iT Bastion.
Compatibility of Rutoken EDS 3.0 3220 with Astra Linux Special Edition 1.7
The compatibility of OCAstra Linux Special Edition 1.7 and the USB token Rutoken EDS 3.0 3220 has been confirmed. The joint solution ensures the highest degree of IT security by protecting access to information systems and data at once at the hardware and software levels. The technology stack can be used for import substitution in a variety of infrastructures, including those that process restricted information. About this GC Astra.
Start of production "Rutoken EDS" 3.0 3220
On April 20, 2023, Aktiv announced the start of large-scale production of the flagship Rutoken EDS 3.0 3220 model in new form factors - a miniature token with a USB Type-C interface and a combined USB token with a microSD memory card connector.
Aktiv continues to develop the flagship Rutoken EDS 3.0 product line announced in the summer of 2021 and is starting to produce other form factors for the popular model of the Rutoken EDS 3.0 3220 line, expanding the scope of authentication and electronic signature tools.
The first solution is the Rutoken EDS 3.0 3220 token in a miniature form factor with a USB Type-C connector. These are the most versatile device developed by the specialists of the Company "Aktiv" for use laptops in control, and operating systems Windows. macOS Linux The model in this form factor is also suitable for working with OS devices Android and is compatible with. tablets Apple iPad
Rutoken EDS 3.0 3220 Type-C device is certified in FSTEC and FSB, provides full backward compatibility with models of the Rutoken EDS 2.0 line.
The second solution is the Rutoken EDS 3.0 3220 model with a microSD card reader built into the USB connector. This device combines all the advantages of the current models of the Rutoken EDS 3.0 line, supplemented by the ability to distribute documents and software directly on the token.
This token, called Rutoken EDS 3.0 3220 SD, is produced in a smaller case. It is well suited for storing and transferring non-confidential information, and is also convenient for distributing software distributions or running them directly from a Rutoken device. Rutoken EDS 3.0 3220 SD can come with or without a pre-installed high-speed microSD memory card. The device is certified by the FSTEC of Russia.
USB tokens Rutoken EDS 3.0 3220 in the presented form factors can be bought from May 3, 2023.
{{quote 'author=said Andrey Stepin, Deputy General Director, Aktiv. | Our team of design engineers, electronics specialists and all employees of Aktiv can rightly be proud of the products of the ever-expanding Rutoken EDS 3.0 line. The presented form factors of devices give additional impetus in the development and popularization of Rutoken technologies, allowing the use of tokens in any devices on any operating systems. I would especially like to note the combined solution, which includes Rutoken EDS 3.0 devices and a microSD card reader. The compactness of the token gives Rutoken users a tactile feel, and also expands the marketing and technical arsenal of our customers and partners. With this device, you can refresh and improve the user experience. This form factor can even reduce the qualification requirements of the end user. By placing software such as a portable client of an electronic document management system or remote banking in the flash memory of a token, you can ensure that the solution works out of the box. The microSD card can be easily removed from the device and used in any other card reader.}}
Compatibility of Rutoken EDS 3.0 NFC with Taxcom-Filer
The companies Aktiv"" and Taxcom"" have confirmed the compatibility and correctness of the tokens smart cards and Rutoken EDS 3.0 NFC in "," mobile application Taxcom-Fyler intended for. This was announced electronic document management on April 4, 2023 by the Aktiv company. More. here
Compatibility of Rutoken EDS 3.0 NFC 3100 and ViPNet PKI Client for iOS version 1.5
The companies InfoTeCS"" and Aktiv"" have completed testing the compatibility of the product for working to infrastructure in public keys ViPNet with - USB tockens smart cards and Rutoken. The correct collaboration of Rutoken 3.0 EDS 3100 NFC and ViPNet Client PKI for iOS version 1.5 has been confirmed. This was announced on March 21, 2023 by the Aktiv company.
ViPNet PKI Client is a universal client for working in the public key infrastructure, the main functions of which are key generation, generation and EDS verification of display, as well enciphering data as the organization protected TLS of connections. ViPNet PKI Client supports,, and operating systems Windows Linux mobile OS Android iOS.
Active USB tokens and smart cards of the Rutoken EDS 3.0 line provide secure storage of electronic signature keys, form an electronic signature on the device itself. The devices are certified by the FSB of Russia and the FSTEC of Russia and are fully functional hardwares CIPF. The token and Rutoken EDS 3.0 NFC 3100 smart card have a contactless interface (NFC) that allows you to sign documents on smartphones and tablets, including Apple iPhones. Smart cards and USB tokens Rutoken EDS 3.0 3100 NFC can work without an Internet connection or mobile communication, additional power supplies are also not required.
When using an electronic signature using Rutoken EDS 3.0 3100 NFC, a high level of security is ensured by its formation directly on board the device and the use of non-removable EDS keys that do not leave the device and cannot be copied to the RAM of a computer or smartphone. NFC technology, which is the basis of Rutoken EDS 3.0 3100 products, ensures reliable operation of devices, as well as organizes a quick signing process.
Tokens and smart cards Rutoken EDS 3.0 NFC 3100 allow users of applications and services to quickly, safely and in any convenient place, having at hand only a smartphone, sign electronic documents. The signature is carried out in a contactless way on mobile devices running the iOS operating system. ViPNet PKI Client iOS 1.5 compatibility with Rutoken EDS 3.0 3100 NFC expands the capabilities of users working with a qualified electronic signature on Apple iPhone devices.
It is always important for the company to release solutions market that make the work of users easier and more comfortable, while maintaining the security of personal secrets that users trusted to store Rutoken EDS 3.0 devices. With Rutoken devices, you can to secure personally sign and focus on specialized tasks and business development. Thanks to integration with InfoTeCS, a long-standing partner with whom Aktiv has been associated for decades of joint work and a series of joint projects, the company offers customers an integrated approach to the issue of comfortable and safe signing of documents with a personal electronic signature "on the run" from mobile devices. noted Pavel Anfimov, Head of Product and Integration at Rutoken, Active.
At the end of 2022, the companies tested and confirmed the correctness of the collaboration of a number of ViPNet products with tokens and Rutoken smart cards, now this list is supplemented by ViPNet PKI Client for iOS. Together with the Company "Asset," "InfoTeCS" tries to timely develop functionality, ensure compatibility and regularly expand the range of products, maintaining a high level of trust of users who get reliable and fast operation of complex solutions intended for protection information resources. added Nikolai Smirnov, Product Director of InfoTeCS.
Compatibility of USB tokens and smart cards "Rutoken EDS" 3.0 NFC 3100 with "Aurora OS"
The company Aktiv"" together with the laboratory NPO Echelon"" conducted tests for the correctness of the joint operation USB of -token smart cards Rutoken EDS and 3.0 3100 NFC s. the Russian mobile OS Aurora This was announced on February 7, 2023 by representatives of the company "."Open mobile platform
USB tokens and smart cards Rutoken EDS 3.0 3100 NFC provide two-factor authentication OS in Aurora. Aurora OS - certified FSTEC of Russia FSB of Russia and mobile for operating system corporate. market The platform allows you to create and use trusted solutions technologies information protection and communications for mobile workplaces state structures both large commercial organizations. The use of Aurora OS allows you to ensure the safety of sensitive, both using data applied layered mechanisms safety implemented in the OS, and due to the fact that Aurora OS does not collect user data and does not transfer it to third-party ones. servers
To increase the level of security in Aurora, it is possible to use two-factor authentication technology instead of simple password authentication. In this case, the first factor is knowledge (password, PIN-code), and the second is possession (for example, tokens or Rutoken smart cards).
To obtain secure access to a tablet or smartphone with Aurora OS, in addition to entering a password, the user will need to attach a token or smart card Rutoken EDS 3.0 NFC 3100 to the mobile device and enter a simple PIN code. Rutoken limits the number of attempts to enter the wrong PIN, so it can be short and easy to remember. In addition, the possibility of cloning Rutoken EDS 3.0 NFC 3100 is excluded, since the key information used to log into the information system is protected hardware and does not leave the device's crypto core. The presence of a dual (contact and contactless/NFC) interface in the Rutoken EDS 3.0 line provides convenience in working with both Aurora mobile devices and desktop PCs.
Two-factor authentication can be implemented not only to log into the Aurora OS, but also in individual applications. For this, the Developer Kit can be used.
Active USB tokens and smart cards Rutoken EDS 3.0 NFC 3100 - Russian serial products with Russian cryptography "on board" based on NFC technology, are part of the Rutoken software and hardware complex (PAC) version 5. PAC is a software and hardware means of user authentication when processing information that does not contain information constituting a state secret. The complex is certified by the FSTEC of Russia according to the 4th, highest, level of trust assigned to the means of protecting confidential information.
More and more users working outside the office on smartphones or tablets are wondering how to provide secure access to data on a working tool - a mobile device. It is gratifying that there is a domestic mobile OS that supports two-factor authentication mechanisms using Russian solutions. Aktiv is a manufacturer of authentication hardware that tested key media with NFC in Aurora OS. A lot of efforts have been made to offer hardware two-factor authentication tools certified by FSTEC to everyone who works in Aurora OS in 2023. The certificate will be useful to many partners and customers. The company is always open to cooperation with Russian developers and is ready to integrate its own solutions into complex IT and information security systems, commented Pavel Anfimov, Head of Product and Integration at Aktiv.
Compatibility of USB tokens and smart cards "Rutoken EDS" 2.0 and 3.0 with "Red OS"
The companies "Active" and "RED SOFT" conducted another series of tests and confirmed the correctness of the joint operation of Rutoken devices of various models in the domestic operating system RED OS, including USB tokens and smart cards of the Rutoken EDS 3.0 line with the ability to work through a contact and contactless interface. The Red Soft company announced this on February 3, 2023.
USB tokens and Rutoken smart cards are used in RED OS to safely store electronic signature keys, and also strengthen protection against unauthorized access to confidential information. For this, two-factor authentication technology is used, replacing insecure password authentication. The combination of physical ownership of the device and knowledge of the PIN-code is a reliable method of protection, which assumes that only owners of physical Rutoken devices who know the PIN-code are allowed to work in the information system. In addition, active cryptographic tokens and smart cards of the Rutoken EDS 2.0 and 3.0 lines are able to form an electronic signature of documents and files inside the device without passing the keys used for signing into the memory of the working computer.
During the next series of tests, specialists from Aktiv and RED SOFT tested and confirmed the correctness of the joint work of RED OS and the following Rutoken devices: USB tokens
- Rutoken EDS 3.0 line, including Rutoken EDS 3.0 3200 and Rutoken EDS 3.0 3100 NFC;
- Rutoken EDS 2.0 (micro, Flash), Rutoken EDS 2.0 2100 (micro, Type-C); Rutoken EDS 2.0 3000 (micro, Type-C);
- Rutoken EDS PKI (micro, Type-C);
- Rutoken Lite (micro);
- Rutoken S (micro).
- Smart cards
- Rutoken EDS 3.0 3100 NFC;
- Rutoken EDS 2.0 2100.
Based on the results of joint tests, Aktiv and RED SOFT signed a compatibility certificate.
Developing technological cooperation, Aktiv works with manufacturers of Russian operating platforms. Even before the new Rutoken devices enter the market, we are integrating them into the most current and popular OS versions . Together with specialists from RED SOFT, we help users of state organizations to carry out the process of switching to fully Russian integrated secure solutions. We are grateful to your colleagues for their reliable cooperation! said Pavel Anfimov, Head of Product and Integration at Aktiv.
{{quote 'RED SOFT and "Active" have been cooperating for many years. Through collaboration, users of the RED OS operating system can use current and reliable information security solutions. The software package meets safety requirements and can be used, among other things, at KII facilities, where it is especially necessary, "said Rustam Rustamov, Deputy General Director of RED SOFT. }}
Directum Solo Compatibility
The companies Aktiv"" Directum and have signed a certificate of compatibility confirming that USB they are current smart cards Rutoken and fully compatible mobile application with Directum Solo for. OS Android This was announced on December 27, 2022 by Directum. More. here
Ability to work with Rutoken devices in the Honest Sign application. Business on Android
Aktiv and CRPT provided support and checked the correctness of Rutoken Lite devices, USB tokens and smart cards of the Rutoken EDS 2.0 and Rutoken EDS 3.0 lines in the Honest SIGN application. This is version 1.11.0 and higher for Android. This was announced on December 26, 2022 by the Aktiv company. Read more here.
Compatible with ViPNet products
And InfoTeCS the company Aktiv"" on December 22, 2022 announced the completion of testing and confirmed the correctness of the collaboration of ViPNet products with tokens and. smart cards Rutoken information See the table for details on compatible product versions.
The collaboration of ViPNet products with key media Rutoken ensures secure storage of electronic signature keys. When using tokens and smart cards from the Rutoken EDS family, the formation of an electronic signature is most secure, since the internal crypto core of key media is used. The use of Rutoken devices prevents unauthorized access to key information used in building secure connections to web resources, as well as access to internal corporate infrastructure on ViPNet networks.
By launching products with new improved characteristics on the market, we strive to quickly ensure their compatibility with solutions for protecting the information of leading Russian developers. We thank our long-term partners InfoTeCS for the prompt testing of a significant number of Rutoken devices and ViPNet products!, - said Pavel Anfimov, Head of Product and Integration at Aktiv. |
InfoTeCS provides users with a wide range of information protection products that allow you to implement almost any scenario of secure access to corporate resources, including working with electronic document management, EDS, building TLS connections, etc. To guarantee our users the reliable and fast operation of complex solutions designed to protect information resources, we, together with Aktiv, try to develop functionality in a timely manner, ensure compatibility and regularly expand the range of our products, "added Nikolai Smirnov, Product Director of InfoTeCS. |
Compatibility of Rutoken EDS 3.0 with Rosa Chrome 12 and Rosa Virtualization 2.1
The companies "Asset" and "STC IT ROSA" checked the correctness of the joint operation of the operating system ROSA "CHROME" 12 and the virtualization system ROSA Virtualization 2.1 with USB tokens and smart cards of the updated flagship line Rutoken EDS 3.0. As a result of the tests, the parties signed a certificate of compatibility. This was announced by the company "Asset" on December 8, 2022.
USB tokens and smart cards of the Rutoken EDS 3.0 line are designed for strict authentication and secure work with electronic signatures on a personal computer, mobile devices and in virtual environments. In the ROSA "CHROME" operating system, 12 Rutoken EDS 3.0 devices provide protection of access to user accounts and information resources, including in a remote operation scenario, using a two-factor authentication mechanism. The fact of ownership of the Rutoken device complements the second security factor - knowledge of the PIN code (analogue of a password).
To work with a USB token or smart card in the ROSA Virtualization 2.1 environment, you just need to redirect Rutoken to the OS, after which you can start working. Signed based on the results of testing by the companies "" certificates of compatibility are presented on the Rutoken website. The document notes that Rutoken key media are recommended for use in ROSA CHROME 12 and ROSA Virtualization 2.1.
The devices recently introduced on the market Rutoken EDS 3.0 line are full-featured, CIPF supporting all key the Russian operating systems. The company is pleased to cooperate with STC IT ROSA and the ability to provide safety information resources for corporate users of OS ROSA CHROME "12 and work in ROSA Virtualization 2.1," noted Pavel Anfimov, Head of Product and Integration at Aktiv.
It is important for the company to develop cooperation with partners in terms of testing solutions so that end users can have access to a wide range of compatible software and hardware. The compatibility of ROSA products with USB tokens and smart cards of the flagship Rutoken EDS 3.0 line has been confirmed. Together with the company "Active" we are happy to offer the market a secure solution, explained the general director of the STC IT ROSA , Oleg Karpitsky.
Compatibility of Rutoken EDS 3.0 and MDS Numa Arce
Aktiv and NumaTech have confirmed the correct operation of the active key media of the Rutoken EDS 3.0 and MDC Numa Arce line.
Compatibility certificates confirming the positive results of testing MDC Numa Arce and USB tokens and smart cards Rutoken EDS 3.0 are presented on the Rutoken website.
Pavel Anfimov, Head of Product and Integration Department of Aktiv: 'Thanks to our actively developing partnership with NumaTech, we were able to test and confirm reliable work with the Numa Arce trusted boot module of active key media: USB tokens and smart cards of the flagship Rutoken EDS 3.0 line in a short time. Now users have access to a modern, domestic, certified solution to reduce the risk of unauthorized intrusion of an attacker into the system thanks to two-factor authentications the NSD protection means - MDC Numa Arce. '
Support for tokens and smart cards Rutoken has long been a standard option for MDC Numa Arce and is in demand by our technology partners - manufacturers of computer and server equipment. Thanks to the established partnerships with colleagues from the Aktiv Company, we have the opportunity to support all current versions and performances of Rutoken. The key media of Rutoken EDS 3.0 were no exception. We quickly provided their support in MDA Numa Arce and can recommend key Rutoken EDS 3.0 media for tasks that require the use of appropriate hardware. Thank your colleagues for their cooperation, Alexander Oleinik, Deputy General Director of NumaTech.
Obtaining a certificate of FSTEC of Russia in level 4 of trust
On September 23, 2022, Aktiv Company announces that it has received a certificate from the FSTEC of Russia for level 4 trust in the Rutoken version 5 authentication and storage software and hardware complex (PAC). The certificate was issued on September 8, 2022, valid until September 8, 2027.
PAK Rutoken version 5 is a software and hardware means of authenticating users when processing information that does not contain information constituting a state secret. Trust Level 4 is the highest level assigned to confidential information protection tools.
The received FSTEC certificate applies to all models of the Rutoken EDS 2.0 lines. and Rutoken EDS 3.0, including Rutoken EDS 2.0 3000; Rutoken EDS 2.0 Flash; Rutoken EDS 3.0 3100; Rutoken EDS 3.0 3100 NFC; Rutoken EDS 3.0 3100 NFC smart cards, as well as Rutoken SCR 3001 smart card readers.
Obtaining an FSTEC certificate means the ability to use PAC of authentication and storage of Rutoken version 5 information in significant objects of the critical information infrastructure of category 1, in state information systems of 1 security class, in automated control systems of production and technological processes of 1 security class, in personal data information systems, if it is necessary to ensure 1 level of personal data security, in class II public information systems processing restricted information, including personal data, service, commercial and other types of confidential information.
The FSTEC certificate for PAC of authentication and storage of Rutoken version 5 information will be valid until September 8, 2027. Given the technical support of the complex until 2032, the document will provide the opportunity to use Rutoken devices in information systems and successfully pass the audit of supervisory authorities for 10 years.
The time-consuming and complex certification work for PAC Rutoken version 5 has been successfully completed. Certification of FSTEC in the fourth level of trust is a significant step in confirming the compliance of Rutoken solutions with the highest requirements for the protection of CII facilities and not only. Rutoken key media and authentication hardware are used in government and corporate projects, this compliance certificate will allow our customers and partners to use the latest models of our devices and current versions of Rutoken software. said Dmitry Gorelov, Commercial Director, Aktiv.
Received FSB certificate for USB tokens and smart cards Rutoken EDS 3.0
Aktiv, a developer and manufacturer of information security products and solutions, announced on August 18, 2022 that it had received a certificate from the FSB of Russia for CIPF Rutoken EDS 3.0.
The obtained certificate of the FSB Russia No. SF/124-4307 confirms that CIPF Rutoken EDS 3.0 meets the requirements of the Federal Law "On" No. electronic signature 63-FZ and the requirements for funds cryptographic information protection intended for those that protection information do not contain information constituting state a secret, classes KS1, KS2 and can be used for cryptographic protection (creating and managing key information,, data encryption calculating a simulation bet, calculating a hash function value for data those contained in the CIPF RAM areas, creating and verifying an electronic signature, creating a key and verifying an electronic signature). The certificate was issued on the basis of the results of certification tests conducted by LLC "" and ANKAD Company will be valid until August 11, 2025.
The Rutoken EDS 3.0 product line entered the market in the summer of 2021. The line includes cross-platform tokens smart cards with a dual interface based on technologies. NFC Devices and included in software the CIPF Rutoken EDS 3.0 are designed for electronic signature and enhancement safety of secure systems, they are electronic document management also used for reliable two-factor authentication users of information systems and are used as intelligent key media in complex support solutions. cyber security Rutoken Certified EDS 3.0 supports a wide range of products including: operating systems MS,,,, etc mobile OS. Windows macOS Linux iOS Android
The certificate of the FSB of Russia under number SF/124-4307 applies to Rutoken EDS 3.0 smart cards with and without NFC interface, to Rutoken EDS 3.0 NFC 3100, Rutoken EDS 3.0 3100, Rutoken EDS 3.0 3200 USB tokens in both full-size token and micro-token form factors and with USB Type-C connector.
The flagship line of Rutoken EDS 3.0 products is full-fledged software and hardware CIPFs that allow you to work with a qualified electronic signature, regardless of circumstances, on, and personal computers laptops mobile devices in any location. An important property of tokens and smart cards is that they work equally well infrastructure with to the country both the current, classic qualified electronic signature, which successfully functions throughout our vast and promising solutions for mobile platforms. The company made big investments in the development and production of Rutoken EDS 3.0 and it turned out a really universal solution, noted Dmitry Gorelov, commercial director of Aktiv.
Compatibility with Red Baza Dannykh DBMS
The company Aktiv"" and "" RED SOFT conducted joint testing and confirmed the performance USB of -token smart cards and lines Rutoken 2.0 and Rutoken EDS 3.0 s. This was DBMS Ed. Database announced by Red Soft on April 14, 2022. More. here
Stratodesk NoTouch Desktop (NoTouch OS) Compatibility
The company Aktiv"," Russian a manufacturer and developer of hardware and software, and the company information security tools"," OLLIE Information Technology distributor companies in the Stratodesk territory Russia and UES, completed tests that confirmed compatibility and correct work in No operating system Touch Desktop-tokens and intellectual USB"." This was smart cards Rutoken announced on March 23, 2022 by the Aktiv company.
The complete solution of Stratodesk and Active provides protection of remote connection to the resources of the organization and workplaces through the client with No Touch OS. The protection is based on strict two-factor authentication technology using smart USB tokens and Rutoken 2151 smart cards, Rutoken EDS 2.0 and Rutoken EDS 3.0 NFC lines. Read more here.
Compatibility with Alt OS distributions
The Russian The companies BASEALT"" and Aktiv"," the creator of products and solutions for providing, information security completed tests and confirmed the compatibility of devices and software products Rutoken with distributions "" operating system Viola on Russian platforms "" and Baikal-M"" and Elbrus classic architectures x86/x86-64. More. here
Compatible with Docrobot and Docrobot.ETrH platform
The specialists of the companies "" Aktiv Docrobot and conducted tests and confirmed the correctness of the joint operation of the devices Rutoken on Docrobot platform and in the service for the formation and signing of the document of electronic transport invoices. Docrobot.ETrN Based on the test results, the parties signed certificates of compatibility. The company "Aktiv" announced this on February 9, 2022. More. here
As part of the solution "Asset" and EOS for mobile electronic signature EOSmobile
EOS and Aktiv provided the possibility of a mobile electronic signature EOSmobile for Android with USB tokens and Rutoken smart cards. This was announced on January 24, 2022 by the EOS company. Read more here
Rutoken Metal sales start
Aktiv has begun selling Rutoken Metal devices, the usual USB tokens made in a monolithic metal case of increased strength. The company announced this on December 23, 2021. Read more here.
Integration of Rutoken EDS 3.0 with ADIS Mobile
The company "," "Aktiv Firm" "New system technologies and the company" "Vegastar on November 24, 2021 presented an updated version of the mobile solution for the work of visiting teams of ambulance stations medical -". " ADIS Mobile Devices Rutoken are included in the list of recommended key media for mobile application ADIS Mobile. More. here
GM-Box Compatibility
On October 28, 2021, Aktiv, a Russian manufacturer and developer of information security software and hardware, and Getmobit, a developer and manufacturer of hardware products and software for comprehensive workplace automation, announced the start of a technological partnership and compatibility of the GM Smart System solution and Rutoken products. Read more here.
AlterOS compatibility
Aktiv On September 27, 2021, the company announced that it GC "ALMIS" had completed compatibility and correct performance tests cryptographic information protection tools Rutoken and solutions. AlterOS More. here
As part of the solution of "Asset" and "Crypto-Pro" for remote work
The company Aktiv"" Crypto-Pro and presented a solution for organizing remote work and safe access to corporate resources of organizations. This was announced on August 10, 2021 by the Aktiv company. The solution involves the joint use TLSVPN of a high-performance/-key and CryptoPro NGate intelligent key media Rutoken 3.0. EDS NFC More. here
Compatibility of Rutoken EDS 3.0 NFC, Rutoken EDS 2.0 2100, Rutoken EDS 2.0 3000 with ViPNet PKI Client Android 1.4
On July 12, 2021, the Aktiv company announced that, together with InfoTeCS, it had completed testing and confirmed the correctness of the joint operation of the ViPNet PKI Client Android 1.4 software complex with Rutoken EDS 3.0 NFC smart cards and Rutoken EDS 2.0 2100, Rutoken EDS 2.0 3000 tokens in USB Type-C and USB MICRO form factors. Read more here.
Rutoken EDS 3.0
On July 5, 2021, Aktiv, a manufacturer and developer of information security software and hardware, announced the launch of the updated Rutoken EDS 3.0 product line. The line includes cross-platform tokens and dual-interface smart cards for two-factor authentication and electronic signature based on NFC and Bluetooth LE technologies.
According to the company, Rutoken cryptographic protection products are addressed to users who are focused on significant mobility and at the same time have requirements for protecting data and operations in work processes, including in a remote office.
The Rutoken EDS 3.0 line includes fundamentally different tokens and smart cards designed for electronic signature, secure electronic document management and two-factor authentication on PERSONAL COMPUTER from,, and OS Windows macOS Linux mobile devices from,,, iOS Android Aurora. The line also includes the Rutoken EDS 3.0 Flash product family, which allows you to create secure remote workstations and use hardware for enciphering enhanced protection of sensitive ones. Tokens and data smart cards Rutoken EDS 3.0 supplemented smart card readers for Rutoken SCR 3101 contact and contactless interaction, as well as a virtual reader VCR 3001 NFC, which allows you to sign documents with an electronic signature on a iPad token or smart card.
The Rutoken EDS 3.0 product line is based on two technologies - universal Near Field Communication (NFC) data transmission technology and Bluetooth Low Energy. NFC technology provides full contactless access to a secure smart card microcontroller and robust hardware cryptography. Using Bluetooth LE involves a long token operation without recharging and allows you to sign documents even on the iPad without taking the token out of your pocket.
Compatibility of Rutoken EDS 2.0/Rutoken EDS 2.0 2100 with UTM version 4
On May 14, 2021, CenterInform, a system integrator in the field of informatization and information protection, and Aktiv, a Russian developer of hardware and software information security tools, report positive results of compatibility testing of the Universal Transport Module version 4 software product in the EGAIS environment and smart hardware identifiers Rutoken EDS 2.0/Rutoken EDS 2.0 2100. Read more here.
Integration into RBS "UBS-Office, Legal Entities"
The companies "Active" and UniSAB announced the start of a technological partnership. The parties agreed to integrate Rutoken's products and solutions into the UBS-Office, Legal Entities RBS system, which is part of ABS UBS.NET. This was announced by Asset on May 11, 2021. Read more here.
Compatibility "Rutoken EDS" 3.0 NFC
The company "Asset April 28, 2021 reported that together with the company" B2-Group "conducted test tests for the compatibility of their products. During the testing, the correct operation of the operational management software of the ALTAN enterprise, as well as the V2GR/Mobile mobile application module with dual smart cards Rutoken EDS 3.0 NFC, was confirmed. Read more here.
Compatibility with Red OS 7.3
Specialists "Active" and "RED SOFT" conducted another series of tests that confirmed the compatibility of USB tokens and Rutoken smart cards with the latest version of the operating system RED OS 7.3. As a result of testing, the companies signed a certificate confirming the correctness of the joint work of solutions. Red Soft announced this on April 13, 2021. Read more here.
MyOffice Compatibility
New Cloud Technologies, a Russian manufacturer of office software for document collaboration and communication, and Aktiv, a Russian developer and provider of information security solutions under the Rutoken brand, announced a technological partnership on March 31, 2021. Read more here.
Compatibility of Rutoken EDS 3.0 NFC and Rutoken EDS 2.0 3000 with CryptoPro CSP version 5.0 R2
As part of many years of technological cooperation, Aktiv and Crypto-PRO conducted testing that confirmed the compatibility of smart cards and Rutoken tokens with the cryptographic information protection tool CryptoPro CSP version 5.0 R2. This was announced by "Asset" on March 15, 2021.
CryptoPro CSP 5.0 R2 in PKK mode with unrecoverable keys and communication channel protection supports dual smart cards Rutoken EDS 3.0 NFC and Rutoken EDS 2.0 3000 (Type-C, micro). The SESPAKE protocol (PKK) allows authentication without transmitting the user's PIN in clear text, and establishes an encrypted channel for exchanging messages between the crypto provider and the media.
CryptoPro CSP in secure key storage mode works with Rutoken EDS PKI (Type-C, micro), Rutoken S (micro) and Rutoken Lite (micro). The use of these devices allows crypto provider users to protect key information from unauthorized use. Keys and certificates are stored in the secure file system of key media.
In the "active computer" mode, the keys of the CryptoPro container are created immediately in the protected memory of the device. Signing documents is also possible on unrecoverable hardware keys. This mode prevents the key from being retrieved into the computer's memory at the time of signing.
Working with non-removable keys is possible with the following devices: Rutoken EDS 2.0 (micro); Rutoken EDS 2.0 2100 (Type-C, micro); Rutoken EDS 2.0 2151; Rutoken EDS 2.0 Flash/Touch; Rutoken EDS 2.0 3000 (Type-C, micro); Rutoken EDS 3.0 NFC; Rutoken EDS Bluetooth; Rutoken EDS 2.0 2100 smart cards.
Testing of Rutoken and crypto provider devices was performed in operating systems WindowsLinuxmacOS///. FreeBSD Dual smart cards Rutoken EDS 3.0 NFC and Rutoken EDS Bluetooth work with/and iOSAndroid over wireless channels.
Together with CryptoPro, we do our best to ensure that our solutions work clearly and harmoniously in various information systems. To do this, work is regularly carried out to test the latest versions of products. I hope customers will appreciate the capabilities of dual smart cards Rutoken EDS 3.0 NFC, - said Pavel Anfimov, Head of Product and Integration Department at Rutoken Aktiv. |
Rutoken EDS 2.0 is compatible with BioMIS
Completed a series of compatibility tests medical system BioMIS with Rutoken electronic signature solutions. Studies have shown that the system works correctly Rutoken EDS with 2.0. This was Active software (rutoken) announced on February 25, 2021. More. here
MIG T8/T10/T8X and MIG compatibility S6/C55
On January 26, 2021, it became known that Mobile Inform Group, a Russian developer, a manufacturer of functional hardware solutions for intensive operation, and Asset, a Russian developer of information security tools, a manufacturer of electronic identifiers, electronic keys and software protection solutions, conducted test tests for the compatibility of their products.
As explained, the testing confirmed the correctness of the protected MIG tablets T8, MIG T10, MIG T8X and industrial smartphones MIG S6, MIG C55 running OS Android with the Rutoken 3.0 smart smart card EDS. NFC More. here
Compatibility with "OUTPOST Client" VPN/FW "OUTPOST, version 6"
On December 16, 2020, the company Elvis-Plus"" announced that, together with Aktiv"," they conducted a series of compatibility tests for their products. Based on the results obtained, a compatibility certificate was issued confirming the correct operation of the software complex, ""VPN/FW" OUTPOST CLIENT version 6" with electronic identifiers and, smart cards Rutoken including Rutoken. EDS More. here
Compatibility with ECP.MIS and ECP.MIS
On November 3, 2020, it became known that the compatibility medical of systems ECP.MIS ECP.LIS with solutions for and was confirmed. authentications electronic signature Rutoken The test results showed that the systems work correctly with Rutoken 2.0 EDS (including Rutoken EDS 2.0 2100), Rutoken S and Rutoken Lite. More. here
Rootken EDS 3.0 with the ability to work over the NFC wireless channel
On October 26, 2020, the company Aktiv"" announced the release of dual smart cards Rutoken EDS 3.0 with the ability to work over a wireless channel. NFC The model is designed for contactless electronic signature and mobile two-factor authentication with support for work on and. Android iOS
According to the company, Rutoken EDS 3.0 NFC is a multifunctional modern device that, in addition to the ability to work on NFC, retains all the full functionality of a classic smart card or token. Smart card functions are available through two interfaces: traditional contact and contactless (NFC). This allows you to sign documents on smartphones and tablets as easily as paying with a contactless bank card or paying for travel in transport.
The NFC wireless channel allows you to make a full-fledged workplace on your Android phone or tablet with the ability to electronically sign documents stored on mobile devices. To do this, just attach the smart card to the surface of the phone or tablet - and in a matter of seconds the electronic document is processed, the signature on the crypto chip of the smart card is counted and returned back to the application.
Support for domestic and international algorithms allows you to use Rutoken EDS 3.0 NFC smart cards in information systems with appropriate security requirements in the financial, corporate and government segments. Rutoken software runs on modern desktop and mobile operating systems. The SDK allows you to integrate device support into classic, mobile, and web applications.
Rutoken EDS 3.0 NFC smart cards are already compatible with the following cryptographic packages and crypto providers: Signal-COM CSP,, ViPNet CSP 5 Cryptoautomated workplace ,, Rutoken Plugin Cryptoprovider Rutoken (), RSA OpenSSH,, OpenSSL OpenVPN. For October 2020, compatibility CryptoPro CSP with and KripotoAWS GOST is being prepared.
The world and technology are changing, and we are with them. If earlier many vendors focused more on purely hardware-based information security tools, then for October 2020, together with our partners, we are looking towards smart and secure mobility. Information security based on domestic cryptography is becoming more and more popular on mobile platforms. told Dmitry Gorelov, Commercial Director of Aktiv |
The Rutoken EDS 3.0 NFC dual smart card will be in demand both among traditional users of personal CIPF and electronic signature tools with hardware support for cryptography, and in information systems with the requirements for strict hardware authentication of subjects and their use of a qualified electronic signature.
As of October 2020, Rutoken EDS 3.0 NFC smart cards are certified according to the requirements of the FSB of Russia.
As part of the solution for safe remote work from BASEALT and Active
The Russian companies BASEALT and Aktiv have completed the next testing for compatibility of Rutoken authentication and electronic signature tools and operating systems of the Alt family. This was announced on September 9, 2020 by the Aktiv company. Partners offer customers a solution for secure remote work. Rutoken EDS also participated in testing. Read more here.
As part of the Mobile Client solution for secure remote access
The companies "Asset" and "CryptoPro" tested the joint solution "Mobile Client," designed to organize secure remote access taking into account the requirements of information security legislation. This was announced on August 31, 2020 by the Active-Software company. Read more here.
Compatible with ViPNet CSP versions 4.4, ViPNet Client versions 4.5, and ViPNet PKI Client versions 1.3 and 1.4
On July 30, 2020, Aktiv-Soft announced that Rutoken product lines: Rutoken Lite (+ micro), Rutoken S (+ micro), Rutoken EDS 2.0 (+ micro), Rutoken EDS SC smart card have been tested on compatibility with ViPNet information security tools.
Compatible with Secret Net LSP versions 1.8, 1.9, 1.10
Aktiv"" and Security Code"" on July 23, 2020 reported positive results for compatibility of electronic identifiers Rutoken and the latest versions information protection Secret Net of LSP tools for OS the family. Linux More. here
Certification of the FSB of Russia models "Rutoken EDS" 2.0 2100 in micro and Type-C form factors
The Rutoken EDS 2.0 2100 family has additional models in micro and Type-C form factors certified by the FSB of Russia. This was announced on July 3, 2020 by Active Software.
Aktiv has agreed on the Change Notices, according to which the CIPF certificate Rutoken EDS 2.0 2100 now applies to token models in micro and USB Type-C form factors.
Rutoken EDS 2.0 2100 micro and Rutoken EDS 2100 Type-C can be used not only on desktop, operating systems but also on mobile OS Android as part of the certified CIPF "Rutoken EDS 2.0 Android."
CIPF "Rutoken EDS 2.0 Android" is software that works with intelligent key media Rutoken on mobile devices running Android OS. "Rutoken EDS 2.0 Android" allows you to make a full-fledged workplace on your phone, tablet, smart terminal and sign documents on these devices with a qualified electronic signature.
The cryptographic core of Rutoken EDS 2.0 products allows you to sign documents internally, offline. All models of the Rutoken EDS 2.0 2100 family are built on a secure smart card microcontroller and provide quick implementation of Russian and international electronic signature algorithms.
Now in the Rutoken EDS 2.0 2100 family, all models are certified by the FSB of Russia. This gives even more opportunities to our partners and customers. Rutoken identifiers in the USB Type-C form factor can be used in various equipment: laptops, tablets, smartphones. In our line, there are already two such models certified as CIPF and as electronic signatures: Rutoken EDS 3000 Type-C and Rutoken EDS 2100 Type-C. For projects where software and hardware CIPF is required in the smart card form factor, our clients can use the Rutoken EDS 2.0 2100 smart card, - said Dmitry Gorelov, Commercial Director of Aktiv. |
Launch of Information Alienation Level SCM Solution
On June 5, 2020, it became known that the companies Confidant"" and Aktiv"" developed a joint solution - the SKN module of the level of information alienation as part of the CSR from the Dallas Lock 8.0 NSD. An integral part of the product is the well-established Rutoken EDS 2.0 Flash, designed for strict, and two-factor authentications electronic signature enciphering data on non-extractable keys with the ability to safely store a significant amount of data. More. here
Tionix VDI Connect Compatibility
The domestic manufacturer and developer of tools information protection "" and Aktiv Russian the manufacturer of software products for the provision of cloudy services "" (Thionyx a subsidiary of PJSC "") Rostelecom have successfully completed compatibility tests of tools authentications and. electronic signature Rutoken In TIONIX VDI Connect particular, Rutoken 2.0 EDS Flash was tested. This was announced on May 20, 2020 by Thionics. More. here
Compatibility with OSnova and Sagittarius
On May 18, 2020, it became known that Aktiv the companies "" and NPPCT"" conducted a series of tests that confirmed the compatibility of USB-tockens and smart cards Rutoken EDS operating systems with general purpose "" and Basis"." Strelets More. here
Russian FSTEC 4 Level of Trust Certificate for Rutoken EDS 2.0 (2100) and EDS PKI
On April 30, 2020, the Aktiv company announced the renewal of the certificate of FSTEC Rossi and at PAC Rutoken in the fourth level of trust. The certificate was re-issued on March 24, 2020. Read more here.
Compatibility Red OS 7.2
March 26, 2020 RED RedSoft announced the completion of testing that confirmed the compatibility of - USB token smart cards Rutoken RED OS and with 7.2. In particular, Rutoken was tested. EDS More. here
Provision of a special price for the period of the coronavirus epidemic
On March 24, 2020, the company Aktiv"" announced the proposal of a solution for organizing safe remote work on special conditions. As part of the promotion, until May 1, 2020, there is a special price for a set USB of tokens, and the Rutoken EDS PKI software product Rutoken VPN is provided free of charge. More. here
Compatibility with Continent AP 4
On March 23, 2020, the company Security Code"" announced that, together with Aktiv"," they tested for compatibility identifiers of electronic/and smart cards Rutoken cryptographic protective equipment. " Continent AP More. here
Use of Rutoken EDS 2.0 as electronic signature for "Fair Mark"
Crypto key Rutoken EDS 2.0 and PORutocken The plugin can now be used to work in a single personal account of the national product labeling system "Honest Sign." This was announced on March 4, 2020 by the Active-Software company.
Interaction between legal entities, including individual entrepreneurs, and government agencies is gradually becoming electronic. Authentication and electronic signature technologies contribute to this transition.
Depending on the type of products being marked, the main site of the Honest Sign system sends the user to the personal account of a specific type of goods. Until now, entrepreneurs could use Rutoken's solutions to work with labeled cigarettes. Now the software component for working with an electronic signature Rutoken Plugin is integrated into a single personal account of the Honest Sign marking system for the following products: shoes, cameras and flashes, tires, clothes, dairy products, chairs - strollers and perfumes.
Honest Sign users can use Rutoken EDS 2.0 as an electronic signature tool. Rutoken EDS 2.0 fully complies with all requirements of 63-FZ and Order FSB No. 796 to means of EP, Cryptographic algorithms implemented in Rutoken EDS 2.0, comply with standards GOST R 34.10-2012, GOST R 34.11-2012, VKO GOST R 34.10-2012 (RFC 7836).
The hardware implementation of Russian and international cryptographic standards ensures the safe formation of an electronic signature "inside the device" without the possibility of issuing closed key information to the outside. Rutoken EDS 2.0 have high speed characteristics - signing documents does not require a long wait. The device is ready to work immediately after connection - without installing drivers.
Using Rutoken EDS 2.0 smart media with unrecoverable electronic signature keys in combination with Rutoken Plugin saves users time and improves system security. Rutoken Plugin is installed without administrative rights in 4 clicks. Works in any popular browser, on any platform.
Compatible with Astra Linux Special Edition release 'Smolensk' version 1.6
Astra Linux Group and Aktiv have completed another series of tests that confirmed the compatibility of USB tokens and Rutoken smart cards with the special-purpose operating system Astra Linux Special Edition release 'Smolensk' version 1.6. This was announced on January 28, 2020 by Astra Linux. The study involved Rutoken EDS 2.0, Rutoken EDS 2.0 2100, Rutoken EDS 2.0 Flash/Touch, Rutoken 2151, Rutoken EDS PKI, Rutoken 215, Rutoken EDS SC smart cards and Rutoken EDS 2.0 2100/2151 smart cards. Read more here.
Use on Evotor and Marking Smart Terminals
On January 15, 2020, the Evotor IT company announced that it had provided support for Rutoken EDS 2.0 devices for all services using electronic signature technology on smart terminals (EGAIS, Marking). Entrepreneurs will be able to use one universal tool for different applications. Read more here.
Softswitch ECSS-10 Compatibility
February 27, 2019 Eltex reported that the software and hardware complex ECSS-10 Softswitch received a certificate of compatibility with various electronic models. identifiers Rutoken More. here
Serial production of Rutoken USB Type-C
February 15, 2019 In 2019, the company Aktiv"" announced that it was starting mass production of tokens USB with a Type-C connector. computer In the industry, USB-C is the latest trend because it is not only an advanced charging connector, but also a way to abandon a large set of specific ports in favor of one universal connector. Rutoken EDS 2.0 and Rutoken EDS PKI are tokens with a USB Type-C connector on the Russian market authentications and electronic signature.
Rutokens interface with USB Type-C do an excellent job with their traditional tasks: Rutoken EDS 2.0 securely stores and signs with a qualified electronic signature, and Rutoken EDS PKI - solves password protection problems, protects documents and remote access in the corporate environment.
EDS rutokens with USB Type-C are connected without adapters or USB hubs to computers iMac of both the latest generation Mac mini to laptops , MacBook Pro, MacBook Air and MacBook, as well as to others, and to tablets to smartphones laptops from other manufacturers equipped with a USB Type-C or 3 connector. Thunderbolt
Rutoken EDS PKIs are compatible and successfully work in conjunction with the solutions of world enterprise solutions vendors. With Microsoft, Cisco, Citrix, VMWare, Checkpoint, SAP, 1C and a number of other companies, a long-term partnership is maintained and developed, and the list is constantly increasing.
Integration with SAP Systems
On November 26, 2018, Aktiv"" reported that it SAP CIS had jointly completed testing that confirmed the compatibility of products Rutoken EDS with systems. SAP
SAP CIS specialists conducted preliminary testing, which showed that the Rutoken USB token produced by the Russian company Active can be used for two-factor authentication in SAP systems. Testing was carried out on the S/4HANA version 1709 system based on the SAP NW ABAP version 7.52 application server using the Rutoken EDS 2.0 USB token. When signing certificates, the RSA cryptographic algorithm was used.
One of the problems with using passwords during authentication is that the password can be compromised, intercepted, after which an attacker can work in the system under the rights and without the knowledge of the real owner. When using two-factor authentication, the user must connect his personal USB token Rutoken to the USB port of the computer before starting work.
At the moment when the user, working with the computer, initiates the process of logging into the SAP system, he will additionally be asked for a personal password from the token. Thus, the possession of Rutoken will be the first factor in authentication, and knowledge of the password will be the second. In this case, intercepting one password will be useless, since the USB token itself is also needed for access. And in case of theft of the device, the user will detect the loss, notify the system administrator and access will be blocked.
As of November 2018, two-factor authentication is necessary for most medium and large companies, corporations and financial organizations. For example, safety data the industry standard payment cards PCI DSS directly requires the use of two-factor authentication for all organizations involved in payment card processing. In addition, the use of two-factor authentication is necessary to protect personal data and ensure the security of critical information objects. infrastructures
author '= Kirill Meshcheryakov, Product Management Director Rutoken of Aktiv The collaboration between Asset and SAP CIS is one step towards promoting secure and compatible solutions. The support of the Rutoken product line in SAP systems opens up additional opportunities for our customers to apply two-factor authentication to systems built using SAP solutions, and also helps to increase their localization. |
Certification of smart cards Rutoken EDS 2.0 in FSTEC of Russia
On November 23, 2018, Aktiv announced the certification of Rutoken EDS 2.0 smart cards as part of PAC Rutoken version 4 in FSTEC Russia. The FSTEC Certificate of Conformity No. 3753 was re-issued in October 2018.
According to the company, the certificate confirms that the Rutoken software and hardware complex is a software and hardware means of user authentication when processing information that does not contain information constituting a state secret. PAC "Rutoken" implements the functions of authentication and access control to authentication information and settings of SMT, including in virtual infrastructure.
Certification was carried out in accordance with the requirements of the technical specifications and guiding documents for the fourth level of control of the absence of undeclared capabilities (EID 4).
The updated certificate is now valid for Rutoken EDS 2.0 smart cards. Rutoken EDS 2.0 smart cards can be used for strict and two-factor authentication cryptographic information protection electronic signatures. The devices support the Russian algorithms GOST R 34.10-2012, GOST R 34.11-2012 with a key length of 256 and 512 bits, as well as session key generation schemes (RFC 7836). The devices provide the speed of cryptographic operations. The validity period of private keys and electronic signature keys is 3 years.
Thanks to our company's certification policy, we can offer Rutoken smart cards to the corporate sector, combining extensive functionality and a high degree of security. As of November 2018, Rutoken smart cards are compatible with all common solutions in the information security market. Dmitry Gorelov, Commercial Director of Aktiv |
Certificate of the FSB of the Russian Federation for KS1 and KS2 classes
On August 31, 2018, the Aktiv company announced that it had received a certificate from the FSB of Russia on the compliance of Rutoken EDS 2.0 smart cards with the requirements for CIPF in KS1 and KS2 classes.
Certificate No. SF/124-3499 of the FSB of the Russian Federation certifies that CIPF "Smart card Rutoken EDS 2.0,2100" implements the algorithms GOST R 28147-89, GOST R 34.10-2012, GOST R 34.11-2012 and meets the requirements of the FSB of Russia for cryptographic protection of information of class KS1, KS2, requirements for electronic signatures approved by the order of the FSB of Russia dated December 27, 2001. No. 796, established for class KS1, KS2.
Rutoken EDS 2.0 smart cards can be used to cryptographically protect information that does not contain information constituting a state secret (creating and managing key information enciphering data contained in the CIPF RAM areas, calculating simulations for data from the CIPF RAM, calculating a hash function for data from the CIPF RAM).
The devices are also designed to implement the functions of electronic signature (creation of an electronic signature, verification of an electronic signature, creation of an electronic signature key, creation of an electronic signature verification key) in accordance with the Federal Law of April 6, 2011 No. 63-FZ "On Electronic Signature." The certificate is valid until August 24, 2021.
Smart cards support Russian algorithms GOST R 34.10-2012, GOST R 34.11-2012 with a key length of 256 and 512 bits, as well as VKO_GOSTR3410_2012_256, VKO_GOSTR3410_2012_512 schemes (RFC 7836). The devices provide a high rate of cryptographic operations. The validity period of private keys and electronic signature keys is 3 years.
author '= Dmitry Gorelov, Commercial Director of Aktiv Over the past few years, we have significantly increased our presence in the state, corporate and banking sectors. The Rutoken EDS 2.0 USB token was well received by the information security market, primarily due to the high reliability and timely implementation of electronic signature algorithms. With the increase in the number of sales of certified tokens Rutoken EDS 2.0, requests for certified smart cards appeared. Now the security of smart cards Rutoken EDS 2.0 is confirmed by the certificate of the FSB of Russia. Rutoken EDS 2.0 certified smart cards can be used by customers for whom reliability and maximum confidence in equipment are important. First of all, these are government agencies, to whose information systems the most stringent security requirements are imposed, as well as large corporations and banks. |
Red OS Compatibility
On July 27, 2018, the companies Aktiv"" and RED SOFT"" reported positive results for electronic testing, identifiers Rutoken including Rutoken, and EDS for operating system RED OS compatibility. More. here
Update of the Russian FSTEC certificate for PAC Rutoken version 4
"Asset" On July 18, 2018, the company announced the renewal FSTEC Russia of the Rutoken Software and Hardware Suite Certificate authentications and Information Storage Version 4, including Rutoken 2.0 EDS , Rutoken EDS PKI and Rutoken EDS smart cards. More. here
Compatibility with SEC-Trust EDMS
"Asset" NTC STEK In February 2018, the companies and "" completed test tests, as a result of which they confirmed the compatibility and correctness of the joint operation of electronic identifiers (Rutoken Rutoken EDS 2.0, Rutoken EDS 2.0 Flash Rutoken EDS PKI) with the secure document management system. " In the STEK-Trust mobile version of STACK-Trust, Rutoken EDS 2.0 Flash was successfully tested.
Key media are recommended for strict user authentication and electronic signature generation in a secure document management system.
With the help of the STACK-Trust system, users will be able to submit reports via the Internet, exchange invoices with counterparties, send letters, contracts and messages through a secure channel.
Using Rutoken solutions for electronic signature in the SEC-Trust EDMS, users will receive a convenient tool that provides an increased level of system security and ensures the legal significance of actions in the EDMS, "said Vladimir Salykin, Product Manager Rutoken Company "Aktiv. " |
2017: FSB certification of the export version of Rutoken EDS 2.0
"Asset" In December 2017, the company announced the receipt of a certificate FSB Russia of compliance with Rutoken EDS 2.0 Performance A with the requirements for CIPF for classes KS1 and KS2.
Certificate No. SF/121-3241 dated November 21, 2017 certifies that CIPF Rutoken EDS 2.0 executed by A implements the algorithms GOST R 34.11-94, GOST R 34.10-2001, GOST R 34.10-2012, GOST R 34.11-2012 and meets the requirements of the FSB of Russia for cryptographic protection of information of class KS1, KS2, requirements for electronic signatures approved by the order of the FSB of Russia of December 27, 2001. No. 796, established for class KS1, KS2.
CIPF Rutoken EDS 2.0 in version A can be used to cryptographically protect information that does not contain information constituting a state secret (calculating the hash function value for data contained in the CIPF RAM areas). Also, this version of the device is intended to implement the functions of an electronic signature (creation of an electronic signature, verification of an electronic signature, creation of an electronic signature key, creation of an electronic signature verification key) in accordance with Federal Law No. 63-FZ "On Electronic Signature" dated April 6, 2011. The certificate is valid until December 31, 2018.
According to the "Asset," "Rutoken EDS 2.0 version A" is intended for strict two-factor authentication and work with an electronic signature. The device hardware supports the functions of hashing and computing EP. A notification was received for this execution, which allows you to legally export CIPF outside the Russian Federation. The corresponding permit is registered for Rutoken EDS 2.0 execution A in the register of notifications of the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC). The notification number is RU0000033719.
With the increase in the number of sales, the geography of the presence of devices also expanded, which led to an increase in requests related to the execution of permits for the export of CIPF outside the Russian Federation. To save our partners and customers from difficulties with paperwork, we have released an export version of Rutoken EDS 2.0. It took us a little more time than expected, but now the security of the device has been confirmed by the FSB certificate, and the notification allows us to save partners from paperwork, - said Nikita Netskin, head of financial sector at Aktiv. |
2011: Support for Rutoken EDS hardware token in LISSI-CSP
In March 2011, LISSIE specialists, together with Aktiv specialists, implemented support for Rutoken EDS (token with hardware implementation of Russian cryptography) in the LISSI-CSP crypto provider. When using LISSI-CSP with Rutoken EDS, all cryptographic operations that require access to the private key are performed inside the token, and the private key never leaves its limits. LISSI-CSP uses the Rutoken EDS functionality to perform the following cryptographic operations:
- generation of non-removable keys as per GOST R 34.10-2001;
- generation of electronic digital signature as per GOST R 34.10-2001;
- calculating the Diffie-Hellman matching key (RFC 4357).
LISSI-CSP provides the ability to generate cryptographic messages in PKCS7 format (signed and/or encrypted) using unrecoverable Rutoken EDS private keys. Rutoken EDS support in LISSI-CSP allows you to use non-extractable keys in application programs, for example, for signing and encrypting documents in SignMaker or in SAP AG systems through the LISSI-SSF library, as well as in remote banking systems (RBS), in secure document management systems, in reporting systems for provision in electronic form, etc.