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Developers: NTSsoft
Branches: Internet services

Mig24 is a service designed to sign documents with a qualified electronic signature in accordance with Law No. 63FZ "On Electronic Signature." Mig24 is available at

The service allows you to generate certain types of signatures (unsupported signature, attached signature, PDF signature) or prepare and sign document for certain purposes (quotation, contract, report to FSRAP, document for Rosreestr, document to My Arbitrator system).

In order to sign documents with an improved signature (with a time stamp), the EP certificate must support time stamp operation (OCSP).

2024: Compatibility with Rutoken EDS 3.0

The companies Aktiv"" and "" NTSsoft confirmed the compatibility and correctness of tokens smart cards Rutoken EDS and 3.0 with services for signing documents and managing machine-readable powers of attorney mobile application in the MIG24. This was announced by "Asset" on January 15, 2024.

The application generates a qualified electronic signature MIG24 for documents sent to the application from the services. Now, to sign, it is enough to activate the application and connect your active key media with KEP via - USB port or - NFC channel to the mobile device with. OS Android

MIG24 combines services for using an electronic signature: signing documents with one, two or more EPs; management of machine-readable powers of attorney (MCD) and electronic document management (EDM).

The use of tokens and smart cards Rutoken EDS 3.0 NFC with a USB-C connector or antenna for working over the NFC wireless channel in the MIG24 application provides full exchange of electronic documents on a mobile device using an enhanced qualified electronic signature recorded in the device's secure PIN-code memory. In this case, the signature private key is not retrieved at signing. Therefore, signing documents with an electronic signature on mobile devices using tokens and Rutoken smart cards is quite easy, fast and safe. Based on the results of testing, the companies agreed on a draft compatibility certificate. The document was signed using a qualified electronic signature in the MIG24 document signing service.

EDM services MIG24 with support for smart cards and tokens Rutoken EDS 3.0 is a comprehensive solution that increases the protection of closed keys of electronic signature. Thanks to the compatibility of tokens and smart cards Rutoken EDS 3.0 and services of the mobile application MIG24, an employee can perform his tasks in different places and not be tied to the office,
noted Ksenia Shavrova, Lead Partner and Customer Support Manager at Aktiv.

Our whole life revolves around this small box - a mobile phone. And mine is no exception: these are entertainment, shopping, and business. Is it possible to sign any documents that employees or counterparties sent me using a smartphone? Now you can! And that's super comfortable. Freedom - I'm no longer tied to an office computer on this issue,
said Igor Belotserkovsky, General Director of NTSsoft LLC, a MIG24 services developer.

2017: JaCarta Product Compatibility

On September 8, 2017, the company, "Aladdin RD" the Russian developer and supplier of security solutions, and information security the accredited "" certification center NTSsoft confirmed the correctness of the electronic keys of JaCarta and the electronic service "" Mig24 for signing qualified documents (EP electronically signed). More. here