SKB Kontur
Since 1988
Ural Federal District of the Russian Federation
620040, pr. Cosmonauts, 56
Top managers:
Mramorov Dmitry Mikhaylovich
Vladimir Bublik
Filatov Evgeny Yuryevich
Srodnykh Mikhail Yuryevich
SKB Kontur is the same age as the IT industry in Russia. The company was established in 1988.
SKB Kontur develops programs for electronic document management, accounting and enterprise management. The SKB Kontur ecosystem allows businesses to simplify interaction with the state and counterparties and make internal processes transparent.
SKB Kontur cooperates with major regulatory bodies:, FTS,, RPF,, SOCIAL INSURANCE FUND,, etc FST Rosstat Federal Service for Alcohol Market Regulation. Rosprirodnadzor
Performance indicators
2024: Revenue growth by 24% to RUB 40.4 billion
The revenue of SKB Kontur in 2024 increased by 24% and reached 40.4 billion rubles. This was announced in March 2025 by the general director of the company Mikhail Srodnykh.
According to the press service of SKB Kontur, the company's customer base in 2024 increased by 5.6% and reached 2.5 million users. According to the Rhodnykh, by March 2025, every third business in Russia uses the company's solutions.
The group's product portfolio includes more than 70 different services. Mikhail Srodnykh noted that the company plans to continue to increase their number, including using the merger and acquisition mechanism M&A (). Currently, negotiations are underway on four potential transactions, in particular, on the acquisition of sales support services.
In 2024, SKB Kontur significantly expanded the functionality of its existing services. One of the main achievements was the signing of the first agreement in Russia on the recognition of foreign electronic signatures. Thanks to this, customers of the Kontur.Diadok service were able to exchange legally significant electronic documents with counterparties from China.
Another important achievement of 2024, as stated in the company, was the receipt by SKB Kontur of the status of the first non-state operator GosEDO (State Electronic Document Management). This opportunity was provided to all "Kontur. Diadoc" clients, who can now exchange informal documents with more than 10 thousand federal, regional and municipal authorities.
The company is already working on the mutual integration of its products. In 2024, it became possible to seamlessly use Kontur. Bank with Kontur. Elba and Kontur. Market. In 2025, it is planned to combine under a single brand three products in the field of information security - Staffcop , Kontur. Access and Kontur.ID.
2023: Revenue growth by almost 23.6% to 32.6 billion rubles
The consolidated revenue of the SKB Kontur group of companies, the developer of the IT services ecosystem for business under the Kontur brand, in 2023 amounted to 32.6 billion rubles, an increase of 23.6% compared to 2022. Representatives of the company reported this at a press event on February 15.
The company did not disclose the indicators of consolidated net income. SKB Kontur CEO Mikhail Srodnykh said that the company has good performance in terms of operating profit, in particular, and they improved by several percent every year.
The company has seven dozen products in its portfolio. At the same time, more than half of the revenue fell on three areas: electronic document management, Focus services, as well as Contour. Extreme, a service for reporting to various regulatory bodies in Russia. They are also called among the fast-growing ones in the company.
Despite the fact that the mentioned products are not new, the continuous expansion of their functionality ensures an influx of new users, the company says. In addition, the emergence of new products in the SKB Kontur line makes a significant contribution to the growth of turnover. They are poured into the portfolio both through transactions for the acquisition of third-party companies in the market, and through the nurturing of startups as part of its internal accelerator.
One of the vectors of product development for the near future is the development of products for service enterprises. There is a significant increase in competition and the need for automation tools for internal business processes related to attracting and retaining customers. In this regard, SKB Kontur is creating a new complex product that is close in functionality to CRM, but provides more opportunities such as internal accounting.
According to SKB Kontur, the total number of users of Kontur services has exceeded 2.5 million: every third company in the country uses them. The locomotive, as already mentioned, remains electronic document management. In 2023, 1.6 billion electronic documents passed through the services of SKB Kontur, which is 26% more than a year earlier. Among them are legally significant documents and EDI messages. The trend towards the distribution of personnel EDO continued: last year the volume of created electronic documents in the Kontur.KEDO service increased 10 times.
At the same time, the company is now developing, among other things, an international EDO - digital business interaction with foreign partners. As part of the experiment, Kontur set up interaction with an operator from China - Sheca. Potential users of MED systems in Russia - about 100 thousand Russian companies trade with China, and their entire inter-country document flow can be converted into electronic form. Among the advantages of this is the acceleration of trade, because the exchange of paper documents, according to SKB Kontur, took up to 45 days. The company is now working to connect other Chinese operators to the EDO.
In the summer of 2023, an amendment to the 63-FZ "On Electronic Signature" was adopted, which allows recognizing foreign electronic signatures on the territory of Russia in the absence of an intergovernmental agreement if there is an agreement between the participants in the EDO. Thanks to her, SKB Kontur was able to refuse to duplicate documents on paper when working with clients as part of a pilot with China. Thus, the international EDO received a new impetus for development.
The certification center "SKB Kontur" in 2023 issued 1 million 105 thousand certificates of qualified electronic signature and opened representative offices for individual residents abroad: in Thailand, Georgia, Israel, Argentina and Italy.
The area of information security, in which SKB Kontur creates an ecosystem for investigating and preventing incidents, in 2023 showed an increase of 28%. The company notes that this is 15% higher than the information security market in absolute growth figures. The main driver of growth here was software for controlling employees and data flows, developed by StaffCop (Atom Security LLC), in which SKB Kontur acquired an 80% stake in 2021.
One of the new directions in the company's contour is the bank, which it bought in 2023 - Bank Yekaterinburg. It was renamed "Kontur.Bank." Mikhail Srodnykh said, answering TAdviser's questions, that the bank is still working in the current model. Its main business at the time of acquisition was associated with salary projects. The company has a goal to change this model so that it is part of the ecosystem of its business: the bank's financial services will be built under the hood of existing solutions of SKB Kontur. At the end of 2023, "Contour. The bank "showed a profit, and its indicators are taken into account in the consolidated indicators of the group's activities for 2023.
The general director of SKB Kontur added that the company seeks to maintain the client base to the maximum and tries to ensure that customers do not experience inconvenience due to translation, but, on the contrary, get new opportunities.
In 2023, SKB Kontur also increased its staff to 11 thousand people. To date, 24% of the company's specialists are junes, 59% are mids, 17% are senior grads senior and lead.
Mikhail Srodnykh said that the company also "employed" a number of software robots with AI to optimize processes in the company. For example, a robot in technical support responds to customer requests and can make sure that the client gets to the employee as quickly as possible, who will best help him with his task. Another robot can work with voice, its task is to answer simple questions from customers when they have a problem, and redirect them to where they will be helped as quickly as possible. There is also a robot working in terms of sales: it explains the features of products, answers key important questions. It is also "sharpened" to the script of reminders of something, if the client has a request for this.
The use of robots both increases the speed of processing client requests, and allows employees whose time is released to invest more effort without increasing the cost for the company in making the service better. SKB Kontur already offers robots and its clients for use in their business.
2025: Up to 100% stake in Moneyplace
On February 3, 2025, it became known that PF SKB Kontur JSC entered into an agreement on the acquisition of Manipleis LLC, the developer of the Moneyplace analytical platform, which helps optimize the work of sellers on major marketplaces. There is no information on the value of the transaction as of the specified date. Read more here.
Joining the AI Code of Ethics
SKB Kontur joined the Code of Ethics in the field of artificial intelligence.
The Code was signed on October 24, 2024. The document was developed by the largest IT companies in Russia, which united in the Alliance in the field of artificial intelligence.
The document contains the basic principles and standards of behavior that companies in the field of artificial intelligence should be guided by in their activities. The Code notes that the main priority of the development of AI technologies is to protect the interests and rights of people and the individual.
As of October 2024, the Government of the Sverdlovsk Region, SKB Kontur, UTSB and the Institute of Radio Electronics and Information Technologies-RTF UrFU joined the Code. The experience gained by IT companies and the University will become the basis for the transformation of artificial intelligence based on a humanistic approach.
{{quote 'author=said Dmitry Ionin, Deputy Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region. | Artificial intelligence technologies are changing the business models of many processes. Thanks to this, the efficiency of the public sector is growing, the quality of life of citizens is increasing. I hope that a positive trend will be formed for the constant development and introduction of artificial intelligence technologies in the sectors of the economy, social sphere and in the public administration system,}}
{{quote 'author=noted Mikhail Srodnykh, General Director of SKB Kontur. |
Business must present increased requirements for the ethics of specialists in the field of information security and join forces to develop human-centered artificial intelligence in the country. That is why we decided to join the Code. The signing of this document confirms our intention to follow its recommendations and practices adopted in the professional community for the safe and effective operation of AI. In addition, the issue of AI development requires discussion at the state level. In this regard, we are especially pleased that the Government of the Sverdlovsk Region also takes part in the signing,}}
{{quote 'author=noted Andrey Neznamov, Chairman of the National Commission for the Implementation of the Code of Ethics in the field of artificial intelligence. | The norms of our Code of Ethics in the field of AI are based on a human-centered principle, according to which technology should contribute to the realization of all potential human capabilities. Our common task is to make sure that the development is as safe and ethical as possible,}}
Up to 95% increase in share in employee tracking software developer StaffCop
SKB Kontur became the owner of 95% of the software manufacturer for tracking StaffCop employees. This was announced on August 15, 2024. Read more here.
Agreement with Ural Federal University and Yandex.Cloud on the training of IT specialists
SKB Kontur, Ural Federal University and Yandex Cloud entered into a strategic partnership to train IT specialists. SKB Kontur announced this on July 12, 2024. Read more here.
Purchase of the developer of electronic document management for retail "E-Com"
On May 8, 2024, it became known that the operator of the electronic document management system (EDO) SKB Kontur signed an agreement on the acquisition of Russian business Docrobot, a developer of similar solutions for retail. The amount of the transaction, according to available data, is 1.5 billion rubles. Read more here.
Purchase of communication automation service with customer base
SKB Kontur acquired the service of analytics and automation of communications with the client base On April 26, 2024, representatives of SKB Kontur informed TAdviser about the transaction, the terms of which were not disclosed. The service was integrated into the ecosystem for the Contour business, and the entire platform team was included in the Contour structure. Learn more here.
1st place in TAdviser ranking "Largest SaaS service providers in Russia"
SKB Kontur took 1st place in the ranking "Largest SaaS service providers in Russia," prepared by TAdviser in October 2024 based on the companies' revenue from the provision of SaaS services in 2023. Read more here.
Acquisition by SKB Kontur of a stake in Manipleis LLC
The SKB Kontur group of companies, under the Kontur brand developing an ecosystem for business, acquired a stake in Moneyplace (Manipleis LLC), which provides a set of services and services for successful sales on marketplaces. Representatives of SKB Kontur reported this to TAdviser on December 25, 2023. According to them, after the deal, the service team, including the founders, remains in full force. At the same time, all business processes, as well as agreements with partners and customers remain unchanged. The amount of the transaction and the acquired share are not disclosed. Read more here.
How to effectively manage employees' electronic signatures
In three years, the popularity of qualified electronic signature has almost doubled. This is due to an increase in the share of EDO and legislative changes. Experts from the Corporate Center for Registration of the Contour told how large companies can secure and simplify the issuance of certificates of electronic signatures using modern technologies. Read more here.
In 17th place in the world ranking of PostgreSQL DBMS developers
Russian companies Three at once entered the world rating of developers DBMS with, open source PostgreSQL prepared and published at the end of March 2023 by the company. EDB This was announced on April 27, 2023 by TAdviser representatives. Postgres Professional
Thus, the Russian company Postgres Professional managed to take second place in the ranking. The other two domestic developers - Kontur and Arenadata - are located in 17 and 33 places, respectively. Read more here.
Russians - in second place in the world ranking of PostgreSQL developers
Revenue growth by 16.8% to 26.4 billion rubles
At the end of 2022, the revenue of the SKB Kontur Group of Companies increased by 16.8% to 26.4 billion rubles. In the ranking "TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia 2023," such an indicator allowed the company to take 21st place.
SKB Kontur is a key shareholder of Bank Yekaterinburg
In 2022, the SKB Kontur group of companies became a key shareholder of Bank Yekaterinburg PJSC. The acquisition of a financial institution gave the company the opportunity to develop a fintech direction. The main goal is to supplement the ecosystem for business Contour with financial services, seamlessly integrate them into the current customer workflows.
Appointment of Mikhail Srodnykh as General Director of SKB Kontur
SKB Kontur Group of Companies, a player and IT market developer of the Kontur business product ecosystem, announced TAdviser its appointment as CEO on March 23, 2022. Mikhail Srodnykh In this post, he replaced, Evgenia Filatova who led the company since 2019 and will continue to work on the board of directors of SKB Kontur. More. here
Assistance of the Federal Tax Service in issuing qualified certificates of electronic signature
Operators E-DOCUMENT FLOW - SKB Kontur, Tensor"," Taxcom"," "- and Kaluga Astral certification center FTS created a service one integration for issuing qualified certificates of electronic signature of the Federal Tax Service. This was announced on March 16, 2022. SKB Kontur More. here
New assignments
Two top managers have changed at SKB Kontur. The company announced this on January 12, 2022.
The changes affected the main production unit - the department of software products, as well as the human resources department. Positions were taken by employees who have been working for the company for many years.
The Software Products Department is a key manufacturing division of the company. This is development, technical support, marketing, sales methodology. From January 1, 2022, the department was headed by Ilya Bublik.
Шаблон:Quote 'author=said Ilya Bublik, Director of Software Products Department, SKB Kontur.
Previously, the department was headed by Vladimir Bublik. Leaving the position of director of the department, Vladimir Bublik remains in the company - now he will fully focus on working on the board of directors.
Together with Vladimir Bublik, Anton Sabitov, commercial director of the department, leaves his position. Anton will deal with strategic issues in the department of software products.
Alexandra Batina, who previously headed the client service department, became the HR director. Alexandra joined the company in 2006 as a technical support specialist and over a decade and a half studied almost all roles in the division, including those related to recruitment, training, motivation and career growth of employees. The successor of Alexandra in the management of client service was Evgenia Gilenyuk.
Шаблон:Quote 'author=noted Alexandra Batina, HR Director of SKB Kontur.
Svetlana Slackova, who headed the human resources department earlier, will work in two positions at once. The first is the position of director of the SKB Kontur Charitable Foundation, which Svetlana holds already in January 2022. The second is the role of adviser to the general director on social responsibility.
Consolidated revenue growth by 25% to RUB 22.6 billion
SKB Kontur Group of Companies, a developer of a business product ecosystem, shared its key results for 2021 with TAdviser on February 9, 2022. The consolidated revenue of the group of companies at the end of 2021 increased by 25% - to 22.6 billion rubles. In the ranking TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia 2022, SKB Kontur took 27th place. At the same time, revenue from the development of its own software amounted to 22 billion rubles. The group's combined 5-year CAGR was 21.3%.
Among the main growth drivers are the company's traditional areas: electronic signature, electronic document management in the field of B2G and B2B, verification of counterparties. Areas related to the purchase and automation of small and medium-sized businesses have also grown.
In 2021, the group of companies merged more than 70 of its services into an ecosystem of business products. This means a course towards internal connectivity of services focused on one segment, a single internal infrastructure and promotion under a single master brand "Contour," the company explained.
electronic document management More than 850 million electronic documents passed through the services of "Contour" in 2021. These are legally significant and - EDI documentation. According to analysts "Kontur," this is 40% of the all-Russian volume of transferred electronic documents. The largest increase in connections to EDO, as well as a year earlier, was shown trade,,. sport education In addition, the leaders included budget organizations, catering, companies providing household services engaged in the field tourism of recreation.
One of the main growth drivers is electronic document management. Over the year, we handed over 850 million electronic documents, and this, according to our estimates, is 40% of the all-Russian traffic. A few years ago it was a startup, but we relied on it and did not lose: EDO finally became a trend, and the pandemic only pushed companies to abandon paper. I think the trend will continue in 2022. At the end of 2021, a law on personnel EDO was adopted, and now personnel documents will be added to electronic documents on transactions - acts, invoices - - said Yevgeny Filatov, general director of the SKB Kontur group of companies. |
The growth rate for EDI traffic was 15%. This is higher than the market average, the company noted. The reason is the proactive position when working with clients, activating their counterparties and the prepared infrastructure for transferring customer business processes to EDM.
The increase in the number of connections to UWEDO systems in the country as a whole over the past year is approximately the same as that of Kontur, + 40%. In absolute terms, the volume of document management in 2021 reached 1100 million documents for all operators, in 2020 this figure amounted to about 850 million documents. At the same time, only the share of invoices annually accounts for 4.1 billion (according to the Federal Tax Service of Russia), of which no more than 10% has been transferred to electronic form. The potential market for EDO in the country as a whole is estimated at about 4 million individual entrepreneurs and legal entities.
According to the company, the operator of EDO SKB Kontur is one of the leaders in the number of roaming connections (30 operators in, roaming 10 of them in auto-trading) and the leader in the EDI market in the number of connected retail chains (more than 350).
Certification centers of the Contour in 2021 issued more than 2.1 million qualified certificates - 29% more than in 2020.
In total, in 2021, accredited CTs issued 13.5 million qualified certificates of electronic signature in Russia (according to the federal situation center of Electronic Government). According to analysts at Kontur, most of the certificates were issued to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs (88%), the rest to individuals. In the coming years, the number of issued certificates will increase, including a noticeable increase in the share of certificates of individuals. To this, there are changes in the 63-FZ "About electronic signature." According to them, employees and authorized persons will need their own certificates to sign documents on behalf of the organization. Previously, employees in some organizations used copies of the manager's certificate - in the future it will not work according to this scheme.
The business partner verification service "Kontur. Focus" expands the geography of inspections. If in 2020 it was possible to order business certificates about companies from 42 countries, then in 2021 it is already 160 countries. In the top - requests for Kazakhstan, China and Germany.
In 2021, Kontur acquired the Ytips cashless tip service. It became part of the Kontur.Market trademark. Also, the group of companies "SKB Kontur" included LLC "Atom Security" from Novosibirsk. The company's flagship product is the StaffCop platform, which prevents data from leaking from work computers. Thanks to this purchase, Kontur entered the information security market.
For the development of companies within the group and for the implementation of new transactions, exclusively own funds were used. The amount of costs for this activity is increasing, but so far they do not represent significant values for the company's business. There are also no plans to raise borrowed funds in 2022.
Purchase of 80% of Atom Security
November 18, 2021 it was announced the sale of the company Atom Security"" to the manufacturer of IT solutions SKB "Kontur." Financial and other deal parameters are not disclosed. It is only known that the buyer will receive not 100% of the system developer, but information security StaffCop 80%. More. here
Acquisition of startup Ytips
SKB Kontur on October 12, 2021 announced TAdviser that it had acquired startup Ytips for electronic tips. More. here
Plans to create an "IT Competency Accelerator" together with UrFU
SKB Kontur on February 4, 2021 announced that, together with UrFU, they signed an agreement on the creation of the Ural consortium "IT Competence Accelerator." Read more here.
Revenue growth by 11% to 18.1 billion rubles
On March 16, 2021, SKB Kontur Group of Companies announced to TAdviser that it had earned 18.1 billion rubles in 2020. This allowed her to take 30th place in the ranking of TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia 2021.
This is 11% more than in 2019, despite the pandemic .
Photo source: YouTube
SKB Kontur Group continues to expand its business both through organic growth and through. M&A So, in July 2020, CJSC "" joined the Contour. TaxNet This is one of the significant players in the reporting market and. electronic signature Tatarstan
The pandemic spurred the transition to EDO: Kontur analysts estimate the advance of the natural trend at 3-7%. In 2020, 359 million electronic legally significant documents (against 255 million in 2019) and 422 million EDI documents (against 348 million in 2019) passed through the services of the Contour. The flagship of the direction is Kontur.Diadok. Among the actively growing projects are also personnel EDO, EDO on electronic trading platforms, EDO in logistics, insurance and pharmaceuticals.
In 2020, more than 1.5 million organizations and individual entrepreneurs interacted with the state through Kontur.Extern. The total document flow with government agencies amounted to 184 million documents, of which 54 million were reports.
In 2020, companies switched to electronic work books and began to submit another report - SZV-TD. In many companies, this is not done by accountants, but by personnel officers. This means that now they have become permanent participants in the EDO with the state.
Due to the pandemic, additional types of document management have appeared between business and regulatory authorities. So, after Kontur. Extern could fill out and send an application for a subsidy for companies from the most affected industries. In May-June 2020, 168 thousand companies and individual entrepreneurs sent these statements through Extreme.
Another trend that has been picked up by Extreme is the self-employed. The service has a convenient solution for self-employed accountants, which allows them to report for their clients.
In 2020, labeling started in six product groups at once: shoes, tobacco, medicines, perfumes, cameras, tires, clothes. For business, this is an incentive to switch to EDO. According to the law, data on the turnover of marked goods must be transmitted to the Honest Sign GIS. Until January 1, 2022, there is an alternative: this can be done either through EDO operators - automatically or manually (the exception is medicines: there is its own data transfer system to the labeling system). As an EDO operator, Kontur interacts with Honest Sign: documents on marked goods that users send through Diadoc are transferred to the state labeling system.
Due to the requirements introduced, other business processes in companies are also changing, so the Kontur service continues to actively develop. Marking, launched at the end of 2019. It automates the work with marked goods in production, warehouse, when importing goods and can be used on data collection terminals (shipping documentation). The solution includes the 1C module, connectors, API and web version. Adapted for labeling and solutions for retail - Kontur. Market and Contur.OFD.
The Kontur entered the market for automation of accounting for catering. To the previously developed solution for working with the cash register and EGAIS, specific opportunities for catering were added: working with tables and forming pre-checks, printing an order in the kitchen by workshop, working with technological maps of dishes, calculating the nutritional value of dishes according to built-in directories, calculating losses when processing ingredients, writing off and tracking ingredient residues, calculating the cost of ingredients.
According to Kontur Fokus, 2020 enterprises closed in Russia in 12%: there were 7.5 million, it became 6.6 million. Economic risks have increased for existing companies. To help reduce them, the team of Kontur. Focus has launched the "Field Checks" service. Experts travel to the company's legal address, communicate with the company's employees, interview neighbors and compile a report with photos and videos.
The real estate market is also moving online. At the end of 2018, the service Kontur. Reestro. It helps to execute real estate transactions electronically. In 2020, the service has grown more than three times compared to 2019. In 2020, the service has a popular opportunity - Expert Verification. The audit expert collects information about the seller, buyer and real estate in one report and highlights the possible risks during the transaction. First of all, the product is useful to realtors and lawyers.
Due to the crisis, management accounting has become relevant for many companies. In December 2020, Kontur released a service that closes this task for small and medium-sized businesses - Kontur. Pulsov. The service analyzes bank statements, the planned budget, upcoming payments, indicates possible cash gaps, helps to track actual profitability in the context of business, branches, projects, divisions.
Contour. The school caught a wave of online education. Plus, the team launched directions on labor protection and marketing to train accountants and bidders. An additional training format has appeared - a lecture hall. These are 8-hour author's advanced training courses.
{{quote 'author=said Evgeny Filatov, General Director of SKB Kontur|2020 showed that we can quickly change, adapting to the circumstances: work remotely, hold events online, communicate with clients in a new way. This is a good base to continue to increase our efficiency and help our customers become more efficient, }}
Participation in TAdviser Banks IT Day
JSC PF SKB Kontur is a member of the Association of Financial Market and Payment Industry Participants "Financial Innovations" and has five years of experience in creating software products for banks.
One of our activities is the development of a comprehensive solution for financial monitoring and identification of dubious transactions - Kontur.Prism.
During the speech at the Banks IT Day 2020 conference , the types of sanctions regimes, problems of compliance with sanctions legislation will be highlighted, a solution to the Kontur will be presented. The prism for the implementation of the Global Sanctions Lists, namely, the collection and adaptation of information from primary sources, the mechanism for creating and combining profiles, the problems of implementing the 50% Rule and how to solve them.
Purchase of TaxNet CJSC
SKB Kontur Group of Companies on July 29, 2020 announced the acquisition of the Kazan developer TaksNet. Read more here.
Head of RDIF: 1.5 billion rubles are planned to be invested in SKB Kontur
The Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), together with RTP Global and direct investment funds Elbrus Capital and Baring Vostok, plans to invest 1.5 billion rubles in SKB Kontur. This was reported on June 19, 2020 by RBC with reference to the head of the RDIF Kirill Dmitriev.
According to him, SKB Kontur can receive funds in exchange for a minority stake. Its size is not specified. The RDIF only noted that the investments will help the development of the company's business, while none of it comes out.
The company is fundamentally very high quality. Against the background of the coronavirus pandemic, new growth points are opening, the implementation of which requires strong partners and funding. The purpose of the investment is to expand the product line and increase the number of customers, "a representative of RDIF told RBC. |
According to Dmitry Marmarov, chairman of the board of directors of SKB Kontur, the pandemic has spurred demand for electronic document management systems. In the second half of April - May, the volume of customer connections to them turned out to be 50% higher than the company expected. By June 19, 2020, according to SKB Kontur, about 10% of Russian companies use electronic document management systems.
The pandemic did not become a driver for finding investors, it coincided. We are looking not just for money, but for business partners, "the head of the company explained to RBC. |
It is expected that the investment in SKB Kontur can be carried out within the framework of the created RDIF, RTP Global, Elbrus Capital and Baring Vostok in early June 2020 investment platforms of up to $200 million and focused on medium-sized companies affected by the crisis. Dmitry Marmarov confirmed negotiations with RDIF and other participants in the platform, but said that they were at the initial stage.[1]
Inclusion in the list of backbone companies in Russia
The Russian government has included SKB Kontur in the list of backbone companies. This was reported on April 3, 2020 by SKB Kontur
The list included 646 organizations. Industry agencies should monitor their financiallyeconomic status, and the government, based on these reports, will make decisions on support measures.
The list of backbone enterprises appeared in 2008, when, due to the crisis, many companies were on the verge of bankruptcy. Against the background of the crisis in the global economy caused by the coronavirus pandemic, the government undertook to update the list.
The fact that SKB Kontur was included in the list of system-forming enterprises confirms the reliability of our company, for us this is a great responsibility. In this difficult time, we work normally so that our customers can smoothly exchange electronic documents, order, take into account and sell goods in retail chains, and submit reports. We hope that our efforts will help companies survive the quarantine and become even stronger when life returns to normal, "commented Evgeny Filatov, General Director of SKB Kontur. |
In addition to SKB Kontur, the list includes such IT companies as 1C, Yandex, Мэйл.ру. Read more here.
Revenue exceeded 15 billion rubles
On February 12, 2020, SKB Kontur told TAdviser that at the end of 2019, the company's revenue reached 15.4 billion rubles. The increase compared to the previous year was 15%.
In 2019, 603 million electronic documents were transferred through the company's systems - against 500 million in 2018. The main trend of the year was the transfer of industry business processes to EDO: logistics translates typical technological work order into electronic form, construction - acts of KS2 and KS3. SKB Kontur launches industry solutions for the needs of such companies and individual roles. For example, Diadoc's mobile application is designed for people who work not in the office, but in warehouses or behind the counter.
The second trend is the introduction of EDO in electronic trading. Since January 1, 2019, electronic procurement has become mandatory (Federal Law of 31.12.2017 No. 504-FZ). Electronic trading platforms can themselves become EDO operators, or they can cooperate with other operators. SKB Kontur also entered this market: three electronic trading platforms use Kontur.Diadok to fully manage the document flow from submission of an application to a contract in electronic form.
Cross-border EDO is developing. Thus, SKB Kontur helps Russian companies and their counterparties to exchange electronic documents in, and Kazakhstan. Belarus But Uzbekistan for now, the technology works for countries and companies that recognize Russian unskilled. electronic signatures
In 2019, the third wave of the transition to online cash registers ended: equipment connected retail without employees and services with employees. The market stabilized and developers focused on integration solutions, sales analytics and niche products. Thus, Kontur.OFD, based on big data from checks, forms analytics for manufacturers of goods, and Kontur. The market has completely updated the cash program and added opportunities for the service sector - car services, hairdressers and dental clinics.
In 2019, tobacco and footwear labeling began. Participants in the turnover of shoes began to receive codes in the Honest Sign system for marking goods for import, production and marking of residues. The tobacco and footwear industry began to transfer information about the turnover of marked goods to Honest SIGN. Experiments on labeling in dairy products, wheelchair seats and bicycles continue.
SKB Kontur has developed solutions that close all business processes affected by labeling: production, import, export, shipment, acceptance, sale, labeling of residues and storage. Through the services of SKB Kontur, you can register in the Honest Sign, and then form and transfer all the necessary information to this system.
The trend was the verification of partners in international transactions. Contour. Focus It became possible to request business certificates about companies from 30 countries. Europe This is useful for Russian importers and exporters. data And about Russian business are needed by foreign companies that are looking for partners in. In Russia 2019, the service was connected to, Kazakhstan Belarus,,,,,,, To Lithuania,,, and Latvia Estonia To Poland Azerbaijan To Moldova Great Britain Malta Switzerland. Netherlands
The demand for unskilled electronic signature (NEP) has increased. Most often, companies receive NEP when they implement internal EDO. Kontur offers large enterprises of SKB Kontur a service that allows you to track the issuance, renewal and revocation of employee certificates. The system allows you to control the issuance of both qualified and unqualified certificates.
Solutions for bidders are developing. Despite the decrease in the number of state suppliers, which is indicated by open data in the EIS, the service Kontur. Purchases attract customers. For customers, the company has released a solution Contour. Supply.
For a long time, the state has been a driver of business automation. This incentive ceases to be key: companies already have everything the state requires. The question is whether we understand the needs of the business and how we can help companies reduce costs and succeed. In 2019, we co-founded ANO 'Digital Economy' to track trends and influence decision-making. We are developing Data Science, developing industry solutions, launching internal startups focused on various markets. This story is no longer about the automation of processes, but about the digitalization of the economy. In a few years, much of what is perceived as a hype will become a hygienic minimum for business, comments General Director of SKB Kontur Evgeny Filatov
Cooperation with UrFU on the development of the direction "Fundamental informatics and information technologies"
On July 10, 2019, SKB Kontur announced that it would assist the UrFU in developing the direction of training under the Fundamental Informatics and Information Technologies program. Read more here.
13.4 billion rubles (+ 23%)
The revenue of SKB Kontur for 2018 amounted to 13.4 billion, rubles an increase of 23% compared to 2017. At the same time, the customer base increased during the reporting period from 1.87 to 1.97 million companies, TAdviser SKB Kontur reported on February 26, 2019. Among the growth drivers are electronic document management and retail services.
In 2018, more than 500 million electronic documents were transferred through the electronic document management systems of SKB Kontur - against 410 million in 2017. More than 1.5 million companies from almost all industries were registered with Kontur Diadoc. The highest transactions are telecom, banks, the auto industry and retail.
In 2018, there were experiments on voluntary labeling of tobacco, shoes and medicines. SKB Kontur participated in pilot projects and released solutions for small retail and large companies - retail chains, manufacturers, wholesalers and distributors.
In 2018, the company developed two products for transactions between suppliers and buyers: Contour Factoring for electronic document management between supplier, factor and buyer; Kontur. Discount "for large buyers and suppliers who give the buyer a discount upon early payment of the invoice. At the same time, SKB Kontur released: the Kontur.Prism service for automating AML/CFT processes (countering the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism); products Kontur Specter "- obtaining a bank guarantee for purchases and" Kontur. Restro "- interaction with Rosreestr. In addition, the company entered the market of solutions combining Internet bank and online accounting with Elba.Bank (while in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Chelyabinsk and Yekaterinburg). The service was created on the APIBank platform together with Gazprombank.
In 2018, SKB Kontur continued to develop international markets, including developing sales that Contour Focus were established in,, Turkey,, Belarus,, Latvia,,, and To Lithuania Kazakhstan. At Germany UAE To Moldova Estonia the end of Great Britain 2018, SKB Kontur passed the 1st stage of certification (REC) under the Russian Export Center Made in Russia program and entered the Register of bona fide exporters.
General Director and Chairman of the Board of Directors change at SKB Kontur
On December 17, 2018, SKB Kontur informed TAdviser about the upcoming changes in the management structure. From January 21, 2019, Dmitry Marmarov will leave the post of CEO of the company, which he has held since 2009, and will head the Board of Directors. In this capacity, he will simultaneously develop the structure of the company and investment activities, as well as projects in the field of education.
Instead of Dmitry Marmarov, the role of the head of SKB Kontur will be taken over by Evgeny Filatov, who has been working at the company since 2004. In turn, Vladimir Kosulnikov, who led the work of the board of directors since 1998, will remain in the company as a consultant.
According to SKB Kontur, during the work of Dmitry Marmarov as general director, the company's business has grown significantly both in money and in terms of the scale of operations. Thus, the revenue of SKB Kontur in 2009 amounted to 1.8 billion rubles, and in 2017 - 10.9 billion rubles. As of December 17, the developer's product portfolio includes more than 30 services for accounting and business, which allows the company to annually increase sales by 20-25%. SKB Kontur has acquired representative offices in 70 cities of Russia, has 7 development offices, while the company employs over 7 thousand employees.
2017: 10.9 billion rubles (+ 26%)
The revenue of SKB Kontur in 2017 increased by 26% and reached 10.9 billion rubles. The company continues to focus its efforts on smart accounting and business services that make things easier. In 2017, the company released several new products and significantly increased its customer base. At the end of the year, 1.87 million legal entities and individual entrepreneurs use the decisions of SKB Kontur.
The transition to online cash registers was the main event for business last year. The first wave of connections took place before July 1, 2017, the second will be before July 1, 2018. SKB Kontur received the status of a fiscal data operator and offers small businesses a comprehensive solution that allows you to fulfill all the requirements of the 54-FZ. This is an online cash desk for trade, the Kontur. Market service for working at the cash desk and accounting for goods and the Kontur.OFD service for transferring data to the Federal Tax Service.
The rapid growth in the company's business shows the direction of electronic document management. In 2017, 2.6 times more electronic documents were transferred using the services of SKB Kontur than in 2016 (378.2 million versus 290.1 million). A notable market driver was the transition from July 1 to a new invoice format. The direction associated with electronic signature (EP) is also actively growing. The company associates this, first of all, with the development of EDO and the emergence of new areas of application of EP.
In the counterparty verification service, SKB Kontur relies on data visualization and analytics, including using machine learning technologies. So, "Kontur. Focus" itself analyzes data about the company based on the recommendations of the Federal Tax Service and expert methods for checking counterparties and focuses the user's attention on critical information. The service for transmitting electronic reporting Kontur.Extern "is being built deeper into the business processes of companies. It adds the ability to form a payment in a few clicks, simplifies the processing of FTS requirements in companies with a large document flow, etc.
In 2017, SKB Kontur released the first version of the unified accounting and management system. " Kontur. Gosoblako It keeps personnel records of employees, takes into account information about organizations, buildings, equipment, information and communication infrastructure, etc. The system meets all import substitution requirements, is developed in the architecture of a high-load web service and is already integrated with industry and federal information systems.
In 2017, the company launched the Kontur Park investment project, which involves the arrangement of 16.8 hectares in the Shirokaya Rechka area (Yekaterinburg) - next to the first and second phase of the SKB Kontur office building under construction. The plans include office space for 3,000 employees, a kindergarten, a computer technology campus, sports grounds and paths, as well as an indoor climbing wall unique to Russia. The Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region recognized Kontur Park as a large-scale investment project. Part of the project will be built at the expense of the company's own funds, part - at the expense of public-private partnership. The first objects should appear in 2022, and the entire project is designed for a period until 2030.
Previously, the company solved mainly private application problems. Now the focus has shifted to tools that make it easier to do business and organize work. This increases the value of our products in the eyes of customers and opens up opportunities for us to grow even in highly competitive markets, - comments Dmitry Marmarov, General Director of SKB Kontur. |
2016: 8.6 billion rubles (+ 23%)
In the ranking "TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia" at the end of 2016, SKB Kontur took 27th place.
On February 21, 2017, SKB Kontur announced some results of its work for the previous year. In 2016, SKB Kontur's revenue amounted to over 8.6 billion rubles, which is 23% more than a year earlier. The highest contribution to this rise, as before, was made by reporting products Kontur.Extern " and" Kontur.Alko ").
The company noted high indicators in such areas as electronic signature, electronic document management (EDO) (Kontur.Diadok and Kontur.EDI), verification of counterparties Kontur.Focus ") and Internet accounting (" Kontur. Bukhgalteria "and" Kontur. Elba ").
The company's report states that in 2016 the volume of electronic legally significant documents transferred through the Kontur.Diadok system doubled and exceeded 100 million to 1.4 million Russian companies.
Switching to EDO is economically justified, and the increase in traffic in 2016 confirms this. Large companies that have implemented EDO save tens of millions of rubles a year. Another important factor is the tightened control over the calculation and payment of VAT, - said the head of SKB Kontur Dmitry Marmarov. |
The rise in the company's income is also facilitated by new markets: EGAIS (alcohol sellers must transfer data on supplies and sales of products to a single system) and cash desks (using cash desks of a new model with the transfer of fiscal data to tax authorities online).
In addition, SKB Kontur noted a noticeable growth in the electronic signature (EP) market due to the stabilization of the situation in the economy and the emergence of new areas of application of EP. Changes in the alcohol market also spurred demand for a qualified electronic signature: by law, each outlet had to purchase a crypto key with an electronic signature.[2]
2015: RUB 6.9 billion (+ 27%)
The total revenue of the company at the end of the year amounted to 6.9 billion rubles, which is 27% more than in 2014. The largest contribution to the financial result was traditionally made by Internet reporting Kontur.Extern "), electronic document management (" Kontur.Diadok "and" Kontur.EDI "), Internet accounting (services" Kontur. Bukhgalteria "and" Kontur. Elba "), verification of counterparties (" Kontur. Phocus ") and services related to the electronic signature of WCen SKB Kontur
2014: 5.5 billion rubles (+ 23%)
Revenue amounted to 5.5 billion rubles - 23% more than a year earlier, and the customer base increased by 20%, exceeding 1.2 million organizations. The main reasons for the growth in the number of customers in the company are the increase in the interest of the latter in solutions in the field of Internet reporting and EDO.
The "Kontur" believes that changes in legislation contributed to the popularization of electronic reporting. Since 2014, VAT payers are required to submit declarations electronically through EDM operators. In 2015, the requirements were still tightened: if earlier the report on paper could still be handed over, paying a fine, now the declaration transferred on paper is considered unrepresented. And this threatens not only with more serious fines, but also with blocking accounts. The company indicates that in this regard, many VAT payers, without waiting for 2015, entered into agreements with EDO operators in advance, one of which was Kontur[3]
2013: 4.47 billion rubles (+ 19 %)
The company's revenue in 2013 amounted to 4.47 billion rubles, which is 19% more than in 2012. The partner network reached 1.6 thousand organizations, and the branch structure was replenished with five new divisions, CNews told SKB Kontura.
In 2013, the company, in addition to the progressive development of the Kontur-Extreme service, offered customers a new service The service is intended for companies that have not previously had experience in using electronic reporting, is distinguished by ease of use and an affordable price.
According to SKB Kontur, another driver of the growth of the electronic reporting market was the submission of declarations to Rosalkogolregulirovanie. The obligation to submit alcohol reporting in electronic form appeared at alcohol retailers in 2012. 2013 was the year of improvement of programs for preparing and sending declarations to the FSRAD. Thus, SKB Kontur continues to develop the Kontur service. " In addition, the company has launched the Alkosverka. Contour service, which allows you to check with counterparties before submitting an alcohol declaration, avoiding discrepancies and reducing the risk of a fine or revocation of a license.
The service of checking counterparties "Contour-Focus" continues to develop. In 2013, government contracts, arbitration cases, bankruptcy reports, trademarks, as well as mentions of the company on websites appeared in the service.
One of the most important events of the year for both SKB Kontur and the entire electronic document management market was the emergence of roaming between EDO operators. The roaming agreement on the transfer of the exchange of electronic documents into industrial operation was signed by the operators of EDO SKB Kontur and Korus Consulting CIS.
In the fourth quarter of 2013, an electronic document flow was launched between SKB Kontur and Kontur-Extreme subscribers. By the end of 2013, the share of documents that were signed by addressees reached 73%. The number of documents transferred through the Diadoc system continues to increase. Over the year, traffic on invoices increased by 615%, on TORG-12 - by 813%.
The customer base of Kontur "service in 2013 increased by 80%. This was not least facilitated by the development of product functionality, the company noted. So, in the "Professional version" of the product (for accountants) there was a multi-user mode, import from 1C at the start of work, auto-filling out the details of counterparties according to TIN, sending documents by e-mail directly from the service, as well as accounting and reporting for companies on USN. In the "Light Version" (for entrepreneurs), in addition to the multi-user mode, the blocks "Warehouse," "Backup," "Account-Contract" and "Contract Designer" appeared.
The electronic trading market also experienced a rise in 2013. The growth driver was the growing interest of the business in the field of state order, according to SKB Kontur.
"The issuance of certificates of qualified electronic signature, as well as information and technical support of clients, became, of course, the leitmotif of 2013 for the CA 'SKB Kontur'. At the same time, several important technological changes were made, "the company emphasized.
Thus, CT "SKB Kontur" switched to an optimized qualified electronic signature. As noted, its format allows you to confirm the validity of the certificate at the time of signing an electronic document even after the expiration of this certificate. The second significant innovation is the new Independent Registrar service for FTS, which adds data on the exact time of sending electronic documents to documents, which is important for many customers.
3.75 billion rubles (+ 20 %)
The company's consolidated revenue for the year amounted to 3.75 billion rubles, which is 20% higher than in 2011. In 2012, a hundred million report was sent through the Kontur-Extreme system, a nine million document was transferred to Diadoc, and the certification center issued a two million certificate of electronic signature.
Strategy review
In 2012, the management and shareholders of SKB Kontur revised the company's development strategy. Now it provides for the formation of three areas in product development. The first is services that allow businesses to interact comfortably with the state. The second includes solutions that help organize document management between companies. The third is programs for automating accounting within organizations. Each direction includes a "flagship" product. For the first direction, this is "Contour-Extreme," for the second - "Diadoc," for the third - Kontur. "
The main activities of SKB Kontur are joined by additional: services of the certification center, local accounting solutions for automation of accounting at enterprises, educational projects.
The first stage of the strategy was the launch of a portal for accounting and business The new platform allows the user to choose solutions suitable specifically for his business (individual entrepreneur, organization without an accountant, small and medium-sized businesses, large enterprises, budgetary sphere, etc.) and buy the service he likes online.
In 2012, the long-term project SKB Kontur and Sberbank of Russia was launched. At the first stage of its implementation, the portal "Business Environment" was launched - a communication platform for business. The most important task of the portal is the exchange of ideas between representatives of the business community.
One of the key capabilities of the portal was the business application store, in the development of which specialists from SKB Kontur took part. In addition, the Business Environment store has become one of the sites on which entrepreneurs can purchase popular solutions of SKB Kontur, such as Focus, Documentary Expert, Standard, etc., in one click.
The end of the year was the launch of the Practician Finguru project jointly with the Settlement Center partner company. During its development, it was possible to combine the technologies of SKB Kontur (Internet accounting,) EDS with the methodology for providing accounting services on the mass market and the customer experience of the RC Praktik.
The Diadoc project team implemented support for electronic invoices, consignment notes and acts of acceptance of work according to standards approved by the Federal Tax Service. The functionality of "Diadoc" was also replenished with the capabilities of the EDMS: coordination of documents, exchange of internal documents of the company between divisions, electronic archive.
Subscribers of the Kontur-Extreme system began to receive the requirements of tax inspections in electronic form and were able to notify the inspection via the Internet about the opening/closing of the account and other events. In addition, the system has an SMS notification service that helps customers keep abreast of the requirements of the tax authorities, the results of checking reports, etc.
Especially for the subjects of retail alcohol trade, the service "Alkodeclarization. Contour" was created. With its help, the client of any CA can quickly prepare alcohol reporting and send it to the portal of the regional authority and the FSRAR in literally one click.
Elba and Eureka have merged into a new product of the company - Kontur. " The service allows accounting for small and medium-sized businesses, offering two versions - light (for entrepreneurs) and professional (for accountants).
The certification center "SKB Kontur" in 2012 began to issue qualified electronic signatures (KEP), having received accreditation from the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications. With the help of KEP, TC customers can participate in tenders for public procurement on electronic trading platforms. Also, CT specialists managed to complete the integration of cryptographic information protection tools (CIPF) and certificates of electronic signatures. In the fall of 2012, UTs began issuing electronic signatures with a built-in CIPF.
"The past year has become a year of new opportunities and favorable changes for the company. We formulated new strategic areas of activity, opened our own universal platform for business, launched the first legitimate electronic invoice in Russia, presented a new product "Accountancy. Kontur," and also continued the successful development of existing services for accountants and entrepreneurs. In general, I can assess 2012 as a difficult, but fruitful year, "commented Dmitry Marmarov, General Director of SKB Kontur, on the results of the year.
2011: 3.1 billion rubles (+ 30 %)
- In May 2011, SKB Kontur acquired 34% of the Documentary web service. This is the first transaction since November 2010, when SKB Kontur, a developer of business and accounting software, began actively looking for promising startups for investments. This process was launched not only in order to diversify the business and cover new market niches, but also to provide existing customers of the company with a more complete set of services. According to the idea of "SKB Kontur," "Documentary Expert" will become a kind of entry point for customers to the rest of the company's offers. The entrepreneur's acquaintance with the complex of electronic services "SKB Kontur," which help to take into account taxes, calculate salaries for employees, send a report to the tax service, etc. will begin with an Internet service for issuing documents for business registration.
- On June 28, 2011, in Russia and at the same time in 39 other countries of the world, a campaign was launched to sell a new cloud product Microsoft Office 365. SKB Kontur became a partner of a company selling a web office in Russia, offering it under the Kontur 365 brand in packages with the Kontur-Extreme system and the Elba electronic accountant. In addition, in the fall, SKB Kontur announced a joint promotion with Microsoft of a new solution for customers of the small and medium-sized business segment, which is implemented on the basis of Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
- The most popular solution in 2011 was the protected electronic document management system Kontur-Extern"." The developers added a number of new functions to it - the ability to send tax and accounting statements to, banks updates through the certificate system, EDS as well as the cloud storage of programs necessary to work with the system.
The number of users of the cloud solution "Electronic accountant" Elba "in 2011 crossed the mark of 150 thousand. Over the year, the company also expanded its functionality and added applications to work with the solution from the iPhone and iPad.
In 2011, the Certification Center of SKB Kontur accredited 193 service centers for issuing EDS certificates for state agencies in all regions of Russia. The company says that at present this center has the largest federal network for issuing EDS to participate in state order auctions. The number of EDS certificates issued by the center in 2011 amounted to about 500 thousand, and in total since 2003 it has issued 1.6 million certificates.
The company also expanded the scope of its certificates - for this, contracts were concluded with the Federal Property Management Agency, the Federal Service for Financial Markets, the Unified Federal Register of Bankruptcy Information and others.
In 2011, the revenue of the software developer SKB Kontur increased by 30%, reaching 3.1 billion rubles.
2010: RUB 2.29 billion (+ 27 %)
The total revenue of the company in 2010 increased by 27% and amounted to 2.29 billion rubles, compared to 1.8 billion rubles in 2009. In the rating "CNews100: The largest IT companies in Russia 2010" with this indicator, SKB Kontur took 52nd place.
The company's classic activity - automation of payroll and personnel accounting - in the last 2 years has been focused on fulfilling individual tasks of customers. And here SKB Kontur achieved good results by concluding deals with a number of large Moscow organizations that were able to assess the flexibility and capabilities of specialized local solutions of SKB Kontur.
The company has significantly expanded its strategic presence in the regions. Representative offices were opened in Novosibirsk, Krasnodar, Stavropol, Rostov, Vologda, Chechnya, Karachay-Cherkessia and North Ossetia. In addition, over the past year, the partner network of SKB Kontur has been actively developed. The number of partners increased by an average of 30% and amounted to 660 organizations in all 83 regions of the Russian Federation.
In 2010, as part of the "Educational Programs," SKB Kontur continued to implement a number of large-scale projects. For open lectures and master classes, the capital of the Urals was visited by world-class programming stars: Udi Dahan, Ilya Kantor and others (project "Guru in the Urals"). The total amount invested by the company in a scholarship and grant fund for students and scientists of Yekaterinburg amounted to 1 million 950 thousand rubles.
The history of the company began in 1988 - on October 31, an order was issued to create a structural self-supporting division of KENPO (Komsomolsk Experimental Research and Production Association) - the Kontur Specialized Design Bureau. The first production automation contract was concluded with the Drilling Engineering Plant.
- In 1989, the company began to create a network of regional partners. (Upper Earrings). In the same year, the first Training Center of SKB "Kontur" was opened in Yekaterinburg.
- In 1990, the first dealership agreement was concluded with a partner in Nakhodka. The release of the Kroha set-top box has begun.
- In 1991, the first version of the Information Processing System (SDI) instrumental environment was released.
- In 1992, the company SKB Kontur"" became the first domestic IT company to legalize the copyright for the development. In software the same year, the program "" was released Chief accountant(developer -). Zavdat Ganiev
- In 1993, the Information and Technical Center "SKB Kontur," the department for implementing programs "SKB Kontur" were created, and the program "Skat-S" was developed to automate the accounting department of a small enterprise.
- In 1995, the Cascade program was created to automate the accounting of a self-accounting enterprise.
- In 1996, a regional development department was opened.
- In 1997, a version of "Cascade - GAAP" was developed for Kazakhstan.
- In 1999, the System Integration Department was established. An agreement has been signed with Microsoft. SKB Kontur was the first in Russia to receive an official license to work with the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA-6) program.
- In 2001, the programs "Printing Documents" and "Report 200X" were released on sale. In 2002, SKB Kontur began distributing cryptographic information protection tools (CIPF) Crypto-Pro CSP and Verba-OW, and also launched the integrated software product Data Transfer to PF on Magnetic Media with the built-in Verba program. In the same year, SKB Kontur certified the Tax Reporting via the Internet system in the GOST R certification system - Gosstandard of Russia.
- In 2003, SKB Kontur received a letter from the FAPSI Licensing and Certification Center No. LSC/L-260, allowing the trial operation of the Certification Center in terms of issuing certificates of public keys of electronic digital signature (EDS), registering owners of EDS keys, providing services related to the use of EDS, confirming the authenticity of EDS.
- In 2007, employees of SKB Kontur created the book "Submitting Reporting in Electronic Form." This is the first full-fledged educational publication in Russia about the delivery of electronic reporting. The order for its writing was received by SKB Kontur from the Tax Info publishing house. At the end of the year, the Kontur-Extreme system was presented in 85 regions of the Russian Federation. A training center for the company's clients has been opened at the Moscow Service Center "SKB Kontur."
Products and Services
SKB Kontur specializes in solutions for electronic document management, accounting, payroll and personnel workflow, as well as issues electronic digital signature certificates (EDS) for various IT systems.
Uninterrupted client access to SKB Kontur services is provided by a server infrastructure that is resistant to high loads. Data centers use equipment that can survive the failure of some components, and the most important applications are repeatedly duplicated.
High-tech services require qualified technical support. More than 300 operators of the federal call center process customer requests. Each of them, before starting to advise users on their own, undergoes 3-month training.
Among the activities of the company, the following can be distinguished:
- Development, implementation and maintenance of accounting and enterprise management software (programs for self-accounting enterprises; programmes for budgetary institutions; reporting programs; programs for housing and communal services and municipalities; document management services)
- Creation of secure external document management systems of enterprises (System Kontur.Extern, "service "Kontur.Diadok, "" Kontur. Retail ")
- Development, implementation and maintenance of software for housing and communal services, social support bodies of the population, urban economy, municipalities (Kontur housing and public utilities Kvartplata; AWS "Cashier"; "Konturs Subsidy"; "Universal Passport Office")
- Development of complex software packages for various enterprises and organizations
- User training
- Providing legal support to your clients
- Certification Center SKB Kontura is the largest commercial certification center in Russia.
The company seeks to strengthen the industry partnership of EDO operators and developers of electronic services systems, and therefore initiated the creation of the non-profit partnership ROSEU.