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Certification center of SKB Kontur

The name of the base system (platform): CryptoPro CA
Developers: SKB Kontur
Last Release Date: 2025/03/05
Branches: Information Technology
Technology: Information Security - Encryption Tools


Certification center SKB Kontur is the largest commercial certification center in Russia (according to CNews). It was created in 2003 on the basis of the software complex certified by the FSB of Russia "CryptoPro CT Certification Center." Actively works with the largest electronic trading platforms of the Russian Federation (Sberbank-AST, ETP MICEX Public Procurement, Gazprom Neft, etc.).


Automatic error correction when working with an electronic signature

Certification Centre SKB Kontur automatically fixes errors when working with. electronically signed The company announced on March 5, 2025.

CT Kontur has developed an application that solves up to 700 thousand technical issues every month without involving technical support and the owner of the electronic signature himself.

The Autodiagnostics application is free. The Contour client receives it along with the electronic signature certificate. All he needs is to just install the application on his computer.

The solution works in the background like an antivirus: it monitors the state of the user's computer, updates the programs in time for the correct operation of the electronic signature and independently fixes the errors that the user has. At the end of the day, sends a report to the owner of the EP certificate.

{{quote 'author=said Dmitry Pokryshkin, Head of the Kontur Certification Center. | Working with an electronic signature and installing it can raise many questions for users. Therefore, we try to create such conditions that the owner of the signature is minimally involved in solving technical issues. Auto diagnostics is a convenient tool for simplifying work. The service will solve problems even before they begin to interfere with the user's work. For six months, with the help of Autodiagnostics, 4.6 million user problems were eliminated. }}

Issue of 18 million electronic signature certificates

CT Contour has issued 18 million certificates of electronic signatures. This is the total number of qualified electronic signatures of individuals, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, as well as unqualified EPs for the entire period of operation of the 一 CA for 21 years. SKB Kontur announced this on January 24, 2025.

The Certification Center of the Kontur includes TC JSC PF SKB Kontur and LLC Sertum-Pro 一 both have been continuously extending their accreditation for 12 years and confirm the right to issue certificates of qualified electronic signatures. In 2024, individuals issued almost 900 thousand KEP certificates through them.

{{quote 'author=said Dmitry Pokryshkin, Head of SKB Kontur Certification Center. | The Contour Certification Center has been in the top of the commercial CA for many years. Through it, you can not only issue certificates of electronic signatures, but also manage machine-readable powers of attorney - in 2024, one of our services became the leader in the number of registered MFDs in the distributed register of the Federal Tax Service. In addition, experts from our certification center regularly help users deal with the MFD and KEP in different information systems - in 2024 they held more than six thousand personal consultations, }}


The ability to issue a CEP certificate with the help of the State Department

Now you can issue a KEP certificate in the Contour using the State Department. SKB Kontur announced this on November 25, 2024.

This will allow the certificate holder to save time and get more opportunities to work with documents and reporting.

To obtain a certificate of qualified electronic signature (KEP), you need to confirm your identity. Previously, clients of the Kontur Certification Center could go through this procedure remotely, without visiting the CA, using a valid KEP certificate. Now they have access to another way to confirm their identity - through the State Key.

You can use the State Department certificates only in the mobile application. They are not supported by all platforms and electronic document management systems.

Шаблон:Quote 'author=said Dmitry Pokryshkin, head of the Contour Certification Center.

Opening offices in Argentina, Uzbekistan and Spain

Thanks to the Contour, Russians will be able to remotely sign documents in three more stranakh.​. The Certification Center SKB Contour has opened additional foreign offices in Argentina, Uzbekistan and Spain. The company announced this on August 27, 2024.

In the representative offices of the CA, Russians can receive, as well as extend the certificate of electronic signature. To do this, you need to personally come to the representative office, seizing the original Russian or foreign passport, inform the SNILS and TIN numbers.

In these countries, Russians will be able to release only individual CEPs. You can solve personal affairs with it and partially 一 business issues: sign personnel documents, buy and sell real estate, go to court, register a business. But it will not be possible to issue a certificate [individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur)|individual entrepreneur]] or a legal entity abroad.

Шаблон:Quote 'author=said Dmitry Pokryshkin, head of the Contour Certification Center.

Addresses of representative offices abroad:

  • Thailand, Bangkok 18, 6 Udom Suk 31 Alley, Khwaeng Bang Chak, Khet Phra Khanong, Bangkok 10260.
  • Georgia, Kobuleti 350, Agmashenebeli St., Kobuleti, Adjara, Georgia, 6200
  • Israel Mail
  • Italy, Genoa Corso Torino, 78r, 16129 Genova GE, Italy
  • Argentina, Buenos Aires Azcuénaga 1460, C1117 Cdad. Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Uzbekistan, Tashkent 100031, Uzbekistan, city: Tashkent, district: Mirabadsky, st. Buyuk Turon, 77
  • Spain, Barcelona Passatge del Tèxtil, 29, Sant Martí, 08018 Barcelona

Opening of offices in 4 countries

The Contour Certification Center has opened representative offices in four more countries Now an electronic signature certificate can be obtained not only in Russia and Thailand, but also in Georgia, Israel, Hungary and Italy. SKB Kontur announced this on March 11, 2024.

To issue an electronic signature certificate, the future owner needs to personally come to the representative office. Take your passport, SNILS and TIN with you. Employees of the TC branch will confirm his identity and in a day will issue a certificate and electronic signature keys.

In the branches of the Certification Center abroad, you can issue a certificate of electronic signature of an individual or renew the previous one. With such an EP, Russians abroad will be able to sign documents from the employer, sell and buy apartments, go to court, apply for a passport, register a business and much more. It is impossible to obtain a KEP certificate for individual entrepreneurs or legal entities abroad.

Шаблон:Quote 'author=said Dmitry Pokryshkin, head of the Contour Certification Center.

2023: Establishment of a representative office in Thailand

The certification center of SKB Kontur opened a representative office in Thailand. SKB Kontur announced this on July 31, 2023.

Now citizens of the Russian Federation can issue a new certificate of electronic signature of an individual in Bangkok or extend the old one, if they did not have time to do it on time.

The procedure for obtaining electronic signature certificates is the same as in Russia. The future owner needs to come to the representative office with a passport and prove his identity. You can only get an individual certificate in Thailand, and until September 1, 2023 - also an employee certificate. The electronic signature of the individual entrepreneur and legal entity will not be obtained.

{{quote 'author=said Sergei Kazakov, Head of the Certification Center. | Citizens of the Russian Federation who live in other countries have repeatedly asked us to open representative offices of the certification center in different countries. Since the issuance of certificates is not an easy process, we have been looking for a partner for a long time and carefully who could ensure the issuance of EP abroad according to all security standards. Such a partner was found in Bangkok, we have been cooperating with him for several years,}}

With the electronic signature of the CA, Kontur owners will be able to exchange documents online, submit and receive documents from the court, register an individual entrepreneur or LLC, apply for a passport and much more.

The UC Bangkok office is located at 18/6 Soi Udomsak 31, Khwaeng Bangchak, Khet Phrakanong, Bangkok 10260, tel. +66610691784. In the near future, UTs Kontur plans to open a representative office for citizens of the Russian Federation in Georgia.

2012: Forecasts of the development of the SKB Kontur Research Center

In February 2012, the company announced its own development forecasts.

In 2012, a number of legislative changes will take place, the consequences of which will affect the business of certification centers in different ways.

The increase in the number of EDS users will be facilitated by the Federal Law of 18.07.2011 No. 223-FZ, which entered into force on January 1, 2012, designed to make transparent purchases of state corporations and natural monopolies. Which, in turn, will push the latter to enter electronic trading, since it is this format that allows for the openness of information about purchases. Thus, the money that will be played out in electronic trading will become much more, and this will attract new suppliers from different areas of business to them.

In addition, the list of information systems and useful services available to ordinary citizens in electronic form using EDS will expand. For example, Rosreestr plans to expand the functionality of its electronic interaction system with users and by the end of 2012 begin registering real estate rights in electronic form.

If in 2012 the Federal Law on Public Procurement No. 94-FZ is replaced by the Federal Contract System, then the need to use EDS for business may decrease. The fact is that the CSF will significantly expand the ways of implementing public procurement, in particular, those that do not require the use of EDS will appear.

Starting July 1, 2012, the Federal Law "On Electronic Digital Signature" No. 1-FZ will expire. Only the Federal Law "On Electronic Signature" No. 63-FZ will regulate the area of ​ ​ electronic signature. This means that the requirements for certification centers, certificates and electronic signatures will change. In addition, one of the main innovations of the law is the introduction of a qualified certificate, which will be recognized by absolutely all information systems.

Only certification centers will be able to issue qualified certificates, which this spring will have time to pass the appropriate accreditation in a short time. However, before that, it is necessary that the Ministry of Communications approve the procedure for accreditation of certification centers, and the FSB adopts the requirements for the means of the certification center and electronic signature. Certificates issued under the FZ-1 will be valid until the end of their term.


Issue of 493,052 EDS certificates

In 2011, the Certification Center (CA) of SKB Kontur issued 493,052 certificates of electronic digital signature (EDS). This includes certificates for electronic trading platforms, as well as various information systems (EIAS FST of Russia, Rosimushchestvo, Kontur-Extreme electronic reporting system and Diadoc electronic document management, etc.).

File:УЦ СКБ Контур сертификаты ЭЦП 2003-2011.JPG

State order The main direction of business development of the SKB Kontur Center in 2011 was the issuance of certificates for state agencies. Following the transfer of open auctions of state orders to electronic format, a market appeared in Russia for the provision of EDS certificates for state orders. Of the 270 existing certification centers of the Russian Federation, only 58 players were able to obtain accreditation and take their place in it.

Over the year, over 150 thousand companies participating in electronic tenders of the state order used their services. According to CT SKB Kontur, the market capacity for issuing certificates for state orders amounted to about 1 billion rubles.

Individuals opened the entrance to state cities

  • On March 18, 2011, the List of Instructions of the President of the Russian Federation dated 11.03.2011 was issued, according to which the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation were recommended to ensure the connection of organizations engaged in regulated activities to the Federal State Information System "EIAS FST of Russia" by June 1, 2011.

In this regard, in the first half of 2011, the Certification Center of SKB Kontur issued one and a half times more special EDS certificates for the EIAS FST than for the entire 2010.

  • Since March 21, 2011, individuals can act as suppliers of various goods and services for government agencies with the help of EDS from the largest commercial certification center in the country. An individual can declare his desire to become a supplier at an electronic auction of a state order. And in the event of a win, he is expected to conclude a profitable contract.

Certification center SKB Kontur has begun issuing a certificate of electronic digital signature for individuals as well. This EDS gives any person the opportunity to enter a completely new market and offer their products or services to the state. In addition, the emerging EDS certificate can be used to post bankruptcy information in the Unified Federal Register of Bankruptcy Information (EFRSB). Arbitration managers, who are also individuals, are obliged to publish this information from April 1, 2011.

At the moment, 149 service centers of the CS SKB Kontur in 67 regions of the country are engaged in issuing EDS to individuals. To obtain an electronic digital signature certificate, individuals must provide a passport, as well as an original or notarized copy of the registration certificate (TIN).

The cost of the certificate for individuals coincides with the cost of a similar EDS for organizations:

  • In August 2011, the Certification Center SKB Kontur announced the issuance of one and a half million certificates of electronic digital signature. This is the maximum performance for certification centers in Russia.

There are several reasons for the increase in turnover. Firstly, with an increase in demand for certificates for electronic trading. In particular, tenders for obtaining a state order, which are held at five federal electronic trading platforms (Sberbank-AST, EETP, AGZRT, RTS-tender, ETP MICEX "State Procurement"). In total, according to the latest data announced at the State Order 2011 exhibition, about 100,000 commercial organizations are now registered at the five mentioned sites.

In 2011, 193 service centers for issuing certificates of electronic digital signature (EDS) for state agencies in all regions of Russia were accredited. Currently, the CT SKB Kontur has the largest federal network for issuing an EDS to participate in state order auctions. The number of EDS certificates issued by the TC in 2011 amounted to about 500 thousand (in total, since 2003, the TC has issued 1.6 million certificates).

The second reason for the record performance is that the Certification Center SKB Kontur serves the largest electronic reporting system "Kontur-Extreme," the number of subscribers of which is increasing every year. The use of electronic digital signature certificates ensures the safe transfer of electronic documents to regulatory authorities and their legal significance.

  • Immediately after receiving accreditation in November 2010, CT SKB Kontur began issuing certificates for all electronic trading platforms selected for open auctions for the right to conclude state contracts.

Since the beginning of 2011, CT SKB Kontur has concentrated its activities in two directions. Firstly, on the accreditation of its own service centers. During the year, 193 regional representative offices of the TC received the right to issue EDS for state agencies. As of February 2012, it is the largest network in Russia. Secondly, CS SKB Kontur was engaged in the development of the service component of its services.

"Basically, all certification centers provide the same product. The main thing that distinguishes us is the quality of service and a number of additional opportunities that we can offer the client, "comments Nikita Baranov, head of the SKB Kontur Certification Center.

To quickly support users, a 24-hour free multi-channel 8-800 line was launched. Over the year, call center specialists processed 19,224 requests. The most frequent was the question of what needs to be installed on the user's computer to work on the electronic trading platform.

On the site of the CT SKB Kontur, the form of an online application for a certificate was implemented, the completion of which requires only one minute. During 2011, 6159 applications were accepted through this form. A tariff has appeared in the line of proposals of the CT SKB Kontur, which allows you to obtain an EDS certificate for trading as quickly as possible - an hour after payment of the invoice (Sertum Platinum certificate). And also began selling EDS for individuals.

Within the framework of the SKB Kontur Training Center, training courses on working at tenders for customers and suppliers have started. Another 12 regional representative offices of the SC SKB Kontur were accredited to provide training services: in Yekaterinburg, Perm, Veliky Novgorod and other cities.

  • During 2011, CT SKB Kontur actively expanded the scope of its certificates: agreements with 15 information systems were signed during the year. These are various electronic trading platforms (the Rostov portal of public procurement "Referee," uTender,, etc.), as well as state information systems (Unified Federal Register of Bankruptcy Information, Federal Service for Financial Markets of Russia, Federal Property Management Agency, etc.). The total number of information systems with which CS SKB Kontur cooperates reached 29 as of February 2012.

"We pay great attention to partnerships with information systems, this allows us to issue certificates of the required format and advise clients most accurately, in particular, in our lists you will not find systems that are currently not working for any reason. In addition, we are constantly expanding the list of our partners, because new information systems regularly appear, "adds N. Baranov.

2010: First Million EDS Certificates

  • On November 24, 2010, the Certification Center SKB Kontur began selling a new class certificate. This certificate is necessary for enterprises wishing to participate in electronic tenders for obtaining a state order in 2011. And these are all federal, regional and municipal suppliers.

  • In December 2010, the certification center registered the issue of a millionth electronic digital signature certificate. "Over the past year, the demand for electronic digital signature certificates has increased by 30%. In 2010 alone, we issued more than 330,000 certificates. There are no more commercial certification centers of this level in the country, "comments Baranov Nikita, head of the Certification Center of SKB Kontur.

The anniversary certificate of electronic digital signature (EDS) was issued to UMMC-OTSM, a company specializing in asset management of UMMC-Holding in the field of non-ferrous metal processing. "An electronic digital signature certificate is an integral tool for business development. Due to the fact that the state translates the entire state order into electronic form, having an EDS certificate becomes a necessary condition for participating in electronic tenders. It was for this purpose that we turned to the Certification Center of SKB Kontur and promptly received the necessary digital signature, "commented Alexey Shcherbakov, Sales and Marketing Director of UMMC-OTSM.

Nikita Baranov, Head of the Certification Center of SKB Kontur, comments:

  • The fact of issuing a million certificates of electronic digital signature to Russian enterprises suggests that the country has created the necessary infrastructure for the implementation of electronic services in the field of G2B and V2V. Electronic services of government agencies, banks and other information systems need the highest degree of data protection, as well as one hundred percent legal significance of electronic documents. Electronic digital signature of the Certification Center SKB Kontur fully meets these needs. Our TC fulfills all the norms of the Federal Law of 10.01.2002 No. 1-FZ "On Electronic Digital Signature," has FSB licenses and a certificate of compliance with security requirements for class 1G. This certificate is a guarantee of the highest degree of security of the Certification Center in the field of ensuring the security of confidential data and trade secrets.

As of December 2010, the CA had 450 service centers and thus was present in every region of the country.

2008: Start issuing digital signatures for ETP bidding

Since 2008, digital signatures have been added to them for trading on electronic trading platforms. The number of EDS for trading issued for 10 months of 2010 exceeds the 2008 figures by 35 times. This is largely due to the entry into force on January 1, 2010 of the part of the Federal Law of 21.07.2005 No. 94-FZ, according to which all federal customers began trading exclusively in electronic form. In this regard, companies interested in obtaining a state order were forced to follow them to electronic trading platforms.

Compared to 2003, there were changes in the scheme for issuing certificates. Now you can send an application for a digital signature directly from the website of the Certification Center. After that, the service center specialist will contact the client himself and explain further actions. As a result, even the most complex certificate (according to the issuance scheme) can be obtained during the working day.

2003: Getting Started

The certification center (CA) of the federal company SKB Kontur has been operating since 2003. For the first five years, 98% of electronic digital signature certificates were issued for electronic reporting systems.