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2024/09/01 09:18:27

State Information System for Marking Goods

Total Turnover Control System


What is labeling

What is PPE
  • Marking is the process of assigning a unique Control Identification Mark (PPE) to a product.
  • PPE is a kind of electronic label with which you can easily track the production, import and turnover of various groups of goods.
  • Marking is carried out using RFID technology, Barcode CODE39, QR-code. With its help, complete information about the product is entered into the PPE chip. Information is recorded or recorded on the chip using special equipment - an RFID reader.
  • Each brand with a chip is unique and cannot be copied or forged.

How is the process of digital labeling of goods? Example of tobacco products

Main article: System of accounting (labeling) of tobacco products

At the initial stage, the manufacturer applies a unique code specially generated by the marking system to the packaging, which contains information about the date, time and place of production of cigarettes, the product code and the cryptographic element that protects the code from counterfeiting. Data through electronic channels is supplied to the marking system. Further, information on movement of cigarettes between participants of commodity movement is transmitted by means of electronic universal transfer document (APD). The electronic document management operator shall transfer the PDU agreed by the seller and the buyer to the marking system (thereby recording the shipment and receipt). The final stage is the fact of selling tobacco products at the checkout. Information about the sale is sent by the fiscal data operator to the labeling system simultaneously with the sending of data to the Federal Tax Service.

What is needed for labeling

  • Registered legal entity or individual entrepreneur with the usual set of title documents
  • Computer
  • Company and product codes in accordance with the international organization standard GS1
  • Access to your personal account on the website of the state information system for marking goods
  • Control identification marks (PPE).

What data are recorded in the PPE

  • Tag ID - TID that will be reported when characters are received
  • INN
  • description of the item in accordance with the requirements of GS1
  • Declaration of Conformity number
  • name of the manufacturer of the goods
  • name of the manufacturing country
  •  imported or domestic goods
  • customs declaration number (for importers)
  • GTIN Product Identification Number.

Results of product labeling implementation

  • Reducing the share of "gray" goods in circulation, both imported and produced on the territory of the EAEU countries.
  • Growth of revenues in the form of taxes, duties, fees to the state budget.
  • Protection of manufacturers of the EAEU countries from unfair competition, protection of trademarks (brands) of manufacturers of goods.
  • Displacement from the market of counterfeit products, products of underground enterprises, prevention of practices of "dilution" of legal goods counterfeit even in large stores.
  • Increasing control over the legality of production and import of goods.
  • Create a sales accounting tool.
  • The presence of labels on the product serves as a confirmation of the legality of the product for consumers, a kind of quality mark.

Principles of the product traceability system

Labeling Project Curators

As of July 2018:

Until 2024, the CRPT should label all goods[1].

Number of system participants

As of March 2021, 466 thousand participants were registered in the labeling system for all industries.

Marking infrastructure

National Product Traceability System

National Catalogue

Honest Sign

  • Honest Sign is the main task of the system - to guarantee consumers authenticity and declared quality of purchased products.

Labeling Designs

Digital marking of caviar

Digital marking of pipes

Main article: Digital marking of pipes


The main articles are:


Medical devices


Beverages and tobacco

Construction materials

Main article: Digital marking of building materials

Automotive Fluids and Spare Parts

Main article: Digital labelling of automotive liquids and spare parts


Main article: Digital apparel labeling

Footwear and fur products




Musical instruments

Toys and Creative Goods

Video games



Sanitizers and antiseptics

Labeling of goods in the EAEU

Main article: Labeling of goods in the EAEU

Chronicle of product labeling projects

2025: The Ministry of Industry and Trade approves the mandatory digital labeling of sports nutrition

In March 2025, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia proposed the phased introduction of mandatory labeling for sports food products. It is assumed that such changes will take effect on September 1, 2025. The draft decree of the government of the Russian Federation is posted on the official portal of draft regulatory legal acts. According to a senior researcher at the Federal Research Center for Nutrition and Biotechnology, the main problem of the Russian dietary supplement market remains the illegal turnover of products. Read more here

2024: Mandatory digital marking of bicycles begins in Russia

On September 1, 2024, mandatory digital marking of bicycles began in Russia. From the specified date, market participants will need to transfer to the marking information system information about the marking of bicycles by means of identification and about the introduction of goods into circulation.

The introduced rules will have a positive effect on the further development of domestic producers. In addition to the effect of "whitewashing the market," the marking of bicycle products will allow the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia as a regulator to see the full chain of origin of these products and track the correct level of localization of each individual unit, "said Albert Karimov, deputy head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.


Ministry of Industry and Trade: Tax revenues to the budget from the digital labeling system during its operation reached 471 billion rubles

Tax revenues to the budget Russia from the digital labeling system during its operation reached 471 billion. rubles Ministry of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov This was announced by the Deputy Prime Minister - Head of the Russian Federation on September 27, 2023 at a meeting of the President of the Russian Federation with the Vladimir Putin Cabinet of Ministers.

In addition to citizens and responsible businesses, our budget system also receives effects from the introduction of labeling... What is important - fiscal results arise almost immediately after the inclusion of a new commodity group in the project. In particular, in the first year, the volume of tax fees on dairy products increased by a third, - said Manturov (quoted by TASS).

Tax revenues to the budget from the digital labeling system during its operation reached 471 billion rubles

According to him, by the end of September 2023, the labeling system covers 16 categories of goods, which form about 15% of the country's non-resource GDP. "The labeling institute took place and it was put on stream," and in the near future plans to extend the tool also to cosmetics and a number of other product categories, Manturov said.

In addition, the head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade pointed out that the presence of a digital tool for controlling trade turnover forces many companies to leave the "gray" zone. For example, in the water market, labeling revealed about 450 producers who had not previously reported to the authorities. All of them registered and began to pay taxes. The share of illegal goods of the perfume industry decreased by a quarter, shoes - by a third, for tires and tires, the share of counterfeit products decreased by half. According to Manturov, more than 11 million Russians have installed the Honest Sign application on the phone.

In addition, a public service service has been added to the Honest Sign scanner this summer. The Ministry of Digital Development and I are now working to include this application in the list of programs for mandatory pre-installation on all phones that are imported into Russia, the minister emphasized at the end of September 2023.[2]

Mishustin approved indicators for assessing the effectiveness of the work of authorities with a digital labeling system

Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree approving indicators for assessing the effectiveness of federal executive bodies using data and tools of the state information system for monitoring the turnover of goods subject to mandatory labeling. The indicators relate to certain types of medical devices for 2023-2025. The press service of the Ministry of Industry and Trade announced this on September 4, 2023.

According to the agency, earlier in 2023, indicators of the effectiveness of the activities of federal bodies in the areas of commodity turnover of labeled goods in relation to beer, beer-based drinks and certain types of low-alcohol drinks, as well as tobacco products were approved. In addition, indicators were approved for packaged water, wheelchair seats, clothes and shoes, as well as dietary supplements. In the future, the list will cover all commodity groups subject to mandatory labeling, the Ministry of Industry and Trade emphasized.

Mikhail Mishustin

The new indicators are aimed at organizing monitoring and assessing the situation in the field of illegal trafficking in medical devices using data and tools of the state labeling system, the effectiveness of the tools used in this information system, and product safety.

Among these indicators: legalization of the market, a decrease in the volume of sales of goods without documents, confirmation of origin, with non-compliance with the raw materials used or with revoked state registration certificates.

The order obliges the authorities on a quarterly basis to calculate intermediate values ​ ​ of indicators, as well as submit final reports to the [[Government of the Russian Federation "Government of the Russian Federation on the effectiveness of using information from the labeling system in the exercise of powers to control the circulation of goods[3]

Digital marking of titanium metal products is being launched in Russia

Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree on the start of an experiment on digital labeling of titanium metal products. It will begin on September 1 and run until March 31, 2024. The list of products includes ingots, slabs, slabs, plates, sheets, bars, billets and forgings of rectangular shape made of titanium alloys.

Digital marking of fiber is launched in Russia

In July 2023, the Ministry of Industry and Trade announced the upcoming launch of an experiment on labeling certain types of fiber optic products. It starts on September 1, 2023 and will last until December 1, 2024. Read more here.

Sales of delinquencies in stores in Russia will be blocked automatically by the state IT system

On June 30, 2023, the Ministry of Industry and Trade announced the creation of a mechanism for blocking the sale of goods subject to mandatory labeling by means of identification, if they are in illegal circulation or expiration date. The launch of the system is scheduled for November 1, 2023.

As noted in the department, thanks to the information contained in the labeling information system, retail stores will be able to quickly receive the necessary information about the product and, if reasons are found that prohibit the circulation of a specific unit of product, prevent its sale to the consumer, for example, if the shelf life of the product has expired.

A mechanism has been created to block the sale of goods subject to mandatory labeling by means of identification

At the first stage - from the end of 2023 to March 2024 - retail stores will be voluntarily connected to checking codes and information about the product, and from March 1, 2024 it is planned that such a regime will become mandatory for the first commodity group - tobacco products.

In order to prepare for the implementation of this mechanism, from February 1 to August 1, 2023, a voluntary experiment is being carried out to exclude the possibility of selling individual positions in food, tobacco and nicotine-containing products.

During the experiment, business representatives prepare for new requirements and take part in the development of mechanisms for blocking products based on information from the labeling information system.

By the end of June 2023, about 10 federal chains and more than 30 representatives of small retail trade had already joined the experiment. Manufacturers of cash registers work out the necessary software solutions as part of the experiment and integrate them into cash terminals so that all trade representatives have the opportunity to work in new conditions, the Ministry of Industry and Trade added.[4]

2022: Proposals of the Ministry of Industry and Trade for new groups of goods for labeling

The government is preparing to extend the labeling system to new product groups. In January 2022, the Ministry of Industry and Trade prepared the following proposals for the timing:

  • Strong alcohol and wine

Experiment from June 1, 2022 to August 31, 2023: natural grape wines, including fortified, vermouth and grape natural wines with the addition of vegetable or aromatic substances, alcohol tinctures, liqueurs, etc.

  • Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beer

Mandatory labeling: from September 1 - non-alcoholic beer in a special package, from December 1 - in another package. From this time, the introduction of unmarked products into circulation is not allowed. The one already in circulation can be implemented within a year from the specified dates (within the expiration date).

  • Canned food

Experiment: canned fish - from April 1, 2022 to February 28, 2023; meat, vegetable and fruit - from May 1, 2022 to February 28, 2023.

  • Pet food (except agricultural)

Experiment from May 1, 2022 to February 28, 2023.


Putin: Russians should access data on products in digital format

In October 2021, the President Russia Vladimir Putin instructed the Cabinet to ensure digital access of all Russians to food data and approve recommendations for monitoring product compliance with standards, technical regulations and conditions.

To provide the population with high-quality food products, the Government of the Russian Federation to complete the creation of a system for managing the quality and safety of food products through the formation of an integrated mechanism for its traceability based on the existing state information systems, ensuring: availability for consumers of reliable data in digital format on the origin of food components, including those contained in state information systems in the field of veterinary medicine and monitoring the circulation of goods subject to mandatory labeling by means of identification, is reported on the Kremlin website.

Vladimir Putin: Russians should access data on products in digital format

Also, the Cabinet of Ministers needs to provide a phased addition of information systems with information characterizing the safety and quality of food and its elements, including: raw materials of animal, plant origin, ingredients, enzyme preparations, GMOs and microorganisms; on the content of substances critical for the body (sugar, salt, saturated fatty acids and others), taking into account the recommended daily intake.

According to the instruction, the government must:

  • approve recommendations on the implementation of production control over compliance of manufactured products with standards, technical regulations and conditions;
  • ensure the adoption of measures to supplement state IT systems with the function of processing production and laboratory control data;
  • To develop programs to stimulate the interaction of food producers with small agricultural producers in order to improve its quality and ensure traceability.

A report on these issues should be submitted by April 1, 2022, then - once every six months.[5]

The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation has developed a program for financing hardware and software systems for digital labeling of goods

The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation has developed a program for financing hardware and software systems for digital labeling of goods. This became known on September 16, 2021.

According to RIA Novosti, with reference to the document published by the department, it is proposed to provide financial support for the program of preferential borrowed financing for business for the purchase of systems used for labeling goods by means of identification at the expense of funds in the accounts of the Russian Technological Development Fund formed from refunds on previously issued loans. As of August 13, 2021, the balance of funds in the fund's accounts amounted to 17.1 billion rubles. The projected volume of refunds in 2021-2024 from loans, according to the document, is estimated at 138.8 billion rubles.

The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation presented a program for financing hardware and software systems for digital labeling of goods

According to the Center for the Development of Advanced Technologies (CRPT; system operator), the cost of technical solutions for marking can start from several thousand rubles. For example, for a small dairy enterprise, costs start at 25 thousand rubles. This amount includes a label printer, scanner and software.

In the case of representatives of medium-sized businesses, the size of investments depends on the chosen method of application: with the printing method, a vision camera and software will be required, which cost from 100 thousand rubles, with direct application - an industrial label printer, a vision camera, an applicator and software, and the costs can become several times more.

Earlier, the Russian Fund for Technological Development implemented preferential financing of the drug labeling program, under which enterprises in the pharmaceutical industry were provided with preferential loans to finance equipment intended for labeling drugs by means of identification, a total of 60 projects in the amount of 2.1 billion rubles were supported.[6]

Criminal liability for counterfeiting the labelling of goods

On June 16, 2021, the State Duma of the Russian Federation in the third (final) reading adopted a bill introducing criminal liability for counterfeiting labeling of goods, including digital.

According to TASS, the Information Agency of Russia, citing this document developed by the Government of the Russian Federation, the production or sale of goods using deliberately fake means of identification for labeling products will be punished with a fine of up to 300 thousand rubles or imprisonment for up to three years with a fine of up to 80 thousand rubles.

Russia adopted a law on criminal liability for counterfeiting digital marking

In the event of a preliminary conspiracy or participation in a crime of a group of persons, the term of imprisonment can be up to four years with a fine of up to 100 thousand rubles, and for the use of fake means of identification in large consignments of goods, the monetary punishment will be up to 400 thousand rubles, and the criminal punishment - up to three years.

According to the authors of the initiative, the previous edition of the Criminal Code regulated responsibility for the introduction and circulation of unmarked goods subject to mandatory labeling. At the same time, it was necessary to supplement Article 171.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation with responsibility for putting into circulation and selling goods labeled with deliberately fake means of identification. The Cabinet believes that this can be equated with the absence of marking.

The main goal of the changes is state control over the traceability of the turnover of goods, Viktor Yevtukhov, deputy head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, explained to the deputies earlier. This measure, he said, will be preventive and will help effectively combat the illegal circulation of industrial products.[7]


Completion of the foundation of the product marking system

On September 9, 2020, the Ministry of Industry and Trade reported on the completion of the foundation of the product labeling system. The project covered 12 product groups, the number of issued codes approached 20 billion, and the number of companies registered in the system exceeded 270 thousand.

Now this work has been completed as a whole, the necessary regulatory framework has been adopted, an information platform is functioning, a single labeling system operator has been identified, "said Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov at a meeting of President RFVladimir Putin with members of the government.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade announced the completion of the foundation of the labeling system for goods

According to Manturov, a public-private partnership format was chosen for the implementation of the project without attracting budget funds. The created infrastructure allows you to "rhythmically" expand the nomenclature of labeled products, he said.

Manturov says that a tangible economic and social effect is visible from the introduction of the product labeling system. In particular, on drugs, together with Roszdravnadzor, it was possible to identify the work of the so-called black pharmacists, who in Moscow traded preferential drugs for HIV therapy and cancer, intended for patients in other regions, he said.

According to the minister, Russian labeling of goods has no analogues in the world, and the system is planned to be expanded in stages. By September 2020 Russia , there is digital labeling for medicines, shoes, cigarettes and fur coats. The Ministry of Industry and Trade proposes to extend it to alcoholic beverages. This will protect the consumer from low-quality goods, the department is sure. The experiment is proposed to start with beer, and in the future to extend to other alcoholic beverages.

From October 1, 2020, the digital code should be on cameras and perfume. In November, a special sign will be obliged to apply to tires. In January 2021, clothing and dairy products will be labeled.[8]

RAEK sent a letter to Mikhail Mishustin with a request to postpone the introduction of labeling

RAEC appealed to the Government of the Russian Federation with a letter on the consideration of the possibility of postponing the introduction of mandatory labeling of products and residues for all groups of goods where such labeling has not yet been launched, postponing the introduction of a national traceability system, extending the sale of unmarked products by 9 months. An official letter was sent to Mikhail Mishustin on March 20, 2020. At the same time, RAEK announced this[9].

According to the order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 792-r, in 2020 there is a deadline for mandatory registration in the labeling system for most product categories (included in the list of goods for which labeling is valid), and by the end of 2020 the sale of unmarked goods will be prohibited. An exception was made for the category "shoes" (in February 2020, the Government of the Russian Federation decided to postpone the period for this category to July 01, 2020)

Also, from July 01, 2020, it is planned to launch the National System of Traceability of Goods, which should ensure the traceability of imported goods on the domestic market of the EAEU member states.

At the same time, due to the deteriorating economic and epidemiological situation, the large-scale transfer of the Russian employees of enterprises to remote work, as well as the rush demand for many categories of goods (drugs, etc.), as of March 2020, Russian business has seriously limited resources for the introduction of information systems like this.

In addition, market companies have accumulated a significant number of questions about the stability and sustainability of labeling systems, the absence of labeling scenarios for remote trading and Internet companies.

In connection with the above, RAEC asks the Government of the Russian Federation to consider the possibility of:

  • Postponement of the introduction of mandatory labeling of products and residues for all groups of goods where such labeling has not yet been launched,
  • Rescheduling the introduction of a national traceability system,
  • Extension of the terms of sale of unmarked products - by 9 months.

Roszdravnadzor: cryptographic marking of wheelchair seats will reduce the number of manufacturers

Cryptographic marking of wheelchair seats will reduce the number of manufacturers, so such verification codes should be excluded, according to a letter that the head of Roszdravnadzor Mikhail Murashko wrote a letter to the head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov. Read more here.


Ministry of Health decided to digitally label diapers and coronary stents

In December 2019, it became about the digital labeling of medical devices planned by the Government of the Russian Federation. From February 1, 2020 to September 1, 2021, it is planned to conduct a pilot project to control the supply of diapers and coronary stents. Read more here.

Entry into force of the law on digital labeling of perfumes, blouses and tires

On December 1, 2019, a law came into force to expand the list of goods that are subject to mandatory digital labeling in Russia.

According to the order published on the website of the Cabinet of Ministers, the updated list includes perfume and toilet water, tires and tires, cameras and bed linen. In addition, the markings apply to some types of clothing, including work clothes made of natural or composite leather, coats, cloaks, jackets, windbreakers and blouses.

On December 1, 2019, a law came into force to expand the list of goods that are subject to mandatory digital labeling in Russia

After the labeled products begin to arrive in stores, customers will be able to find out information about the product using a mobile application.

As the head of the working group on labeling and traceability of goods of AKORTNA Orlova explained, the transition to labeling in four groups, which are determined from December 1, 2019, will be smooth.

First, everyone must register in the system, then start labeling products: both residues and newly produced products, and the ban on the turnover of unmarked products will come much later, she said.

The experiment on the labeling of perfume was held in Russia from July 1 to November 30, 2019. Its purpose is to check the operation of a new mechanism for labeling perfume and toilet water with identification means to counter the illegal import and circulation of such goods. According to TASS, the Russian Information Agency, Deputy Director General of the Center for the Development of Advanced Technologies (CRPT) Revaz Yusupov, the pilot project was supported by 650 companies, including L'Etoile, Novaya Zarya, Riv Gosh, Brockard.

As part of the tests, more than 560 thousand codes were issued, 4.8 thousand goods were described, compromises were found on a number of issues important for the industries, including, for example, labeling of probes, kits and kits, he said.[10]

Voluntary digital marking of bicycles launched in Russia

On September 16, 2019, a project for marking bicycles and bicycle frames was launched in Russia. It will last until May 31, 2020. The corresponding decree was signed by Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

The experiment was launched in order to determine the need to introduce mandatory marking of bicycles in order to prevent the illegal import of goods into Russia and standardize the accounting of their turnover.

The government also intends to test the effectiveness of labeling mechanisms. Bicycle manufacturers and importers can participate in the experiment. Participation in the experiment is voluntary.

A project for marking bicycles and bicycle frames has started in Russia

The project is being implemented by Operator-CRPT, a subsidiary of the Center for the Development of Advanced Technologies, 50% of which belongs to Alisher Usmanov, 25% to Rostec and another 25% to Alexander Galitsky (Almaz Capital).

CRPT works with the industry, a working group has already been formed, which includes manufacturers, distributors, retail. It has about 15 companies, - commented on RIA Novosti in the press service of the CRPT.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Communications, the FSB, the Federal Tax Service, the Federal Customs Service and the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Well-Being will also carry out labeling.

By September 30, guidelines and a schedule for the experiment should be developed. Large manufacturers, in particular Velomotors, Forward, Velobalt and, took the initiative to launch a digital bicycle labeling system. Sportmaster

According to the head of the National Association for the Development of the Bicycle Industry Pavel Shmidov, tags are the right thing. They and lovers of cycling will protect against smuggling and falsification, and the market itself will make it more understandable. According to him, by September 2019, imports account for 70% of the Russian bicycle market, some of them are not declared or declared in bad faith, Rossiyskaya Gazeta reports. [11]

A project for marking clothes with QR codes starts in Russia

On June 24, 2019, it became known about the launch in Russia of a project to label clothes using QR codes. The experiment will take place from June 27 to November 30, 2019. 

As part of the pilot project, light industry goods will be labeled from the list determined by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 28, 2018 No. 792-r. It included items of clothing including work clothes, blouses, blouses and blouses knitted machine or hand knitting, coats, half violos, capes, cloaks, jackets, windbreakers, stormwork and similar items, as well as bed, table, toilet and kitchen linen.

A project for marking clothes with QR codes starts in Russia

One of the main goals of the experiment is to check whether labeling will help combat illegal import and production of clothing, as well as whether it will increase the collection of customs and tax fees, the document says.

An experiment in labeling clothing in order to counter its illegal import, production and circulation is carried out by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Communications, the FSB, the Federal Tax Service, the Federal Customs Service and Rospotrebnadzor. The operator of the information system providing information support for the experiment is defined as the "Operator-CRPT" - a subsidiary of the Center for the Development of Advanced Technologies (CRPT).

Work on preparations for labeling light industry goods began in the fall of 2018, says Revaz Yusupov, deputy general director of the CRPT .

Given the constructive position demonstrated by the business, the time allotted for the experimental phase will be enough to work out all the subtleties of the work. The experience gained in the shoe industry can be quickly scaled up to a wide group of light industry products, Yusupov said.

Before the pilot began, the CRPT carried out full-fledged surveys of the production sites of a number of companies, as well as laboratory tests of possible labeling technologies and methods.[12]


On December 18, 2018, Government Order No. 2828-r "On the System for Monitoring the Movement of Drugs Using Identification Means" was issued, according to which the Operator-CRPT became the operator of the system for monitoring the movement of drugs for human use.

On December 28, 2018, government order No. 2963-r "On Approval of the Concept for the Creation and Functioning of the Russian Federation of the System for Marking Goods by Means of Identification and Traceability of Movement of Goods" was issued, and on February 28, 2019, government decree No. 224 "On Approval of the Rules for Labeling Tobacco Products by Means of Identification" was issued.

GIS labeling of goods in Russia finally received legal status

On December 26, 2018, it became known that a legal basis was finally created in Russia to create a state information system (GIS) for labeling goods and monitoring their turnover. This follows from changes and amendments to the federal law "On the Basics of State Regulation of Trade Activities in the Russian Federation ," adopted in three readings in the lower house of the State Duma and approved by the Federation Council.

A unified control system will allow you to fight illegal trafficking in goods, protect against low-quality or falsified goods. The document, which comes into force on January 1, 2019, empowers the Russian Government to determine the procedure for the work of the unified GIS of labeling goods.

The marking GIS operator will also be determined by the Government. In the process of conducting preliminary experiments on labeling various groups of goods, the GIS operator was the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

The document also defines the process of creating, developing, putting into operation and operating GIS labeling within the framework of a public-private partnership at the expense of a private partner, without attracting federal budget funds.

As of December 2018, the information system, which will data stored contain about labeled goods, is under creation and testing. The operator of GIS marking at no cost is LLC "Operator" CRPT(Center for the Development of Promising Technologies), created as a joint project of USM Holdings (Alisher Usmanova 50%), state corporation "" Rostec(25%) and "Elvis-Plus groups" (25 Alexandra Galitsky %).

As suitable identification means, the document defines marking codes in machine-readable form represented by a barcode, radio frequency tag (RFID), or other automatic identification means. The marking code in turn includes a sequence of identification code and verification code symbols.

An identification code means a unique number of an instance of a product, the verification code is the result of cryptographic conversion of the id-code (encryption) when checking with a fiscal drive and/or other technical means. Encryption will be carried out by software and hardware approved by the federal executive body with the appropriate certificate.

It is entirely the responsibility of a single marking GIS operator to ensure centralized generation of inspection codes.

Goods subject to mandatory labeling and GIS labeling will be determined by the adopted law and a number of additional regulations. In addition to approving the requirements for labeling and technical means for its application and accounting, the document also prescribes the approval of the procedure for the seizure and destruction of unmarked goods withdrawn from circulation.

The amount and procedure for charging fees for the provision of services for marking, identification and monitoring of the movement of marked goods will be established by additional regulatory acts. For manufacturers of goods subject to labeling, access to information about their goods is provided free of charge.

The turnover participants are obliged to provide the operator with data on the turnover of goods to include this information in the GIS. The data provided, in particular, should include information about the participants in the circulation of marked goods, information about the goods themselves, data about the technical means used in this process, all violations of the labeling requirements identified by users, and other data that the Government will determine.

Only the operator has full access to GIS data with the ability to process them. Access to information in the monitoring GIS is provided by the operator in the manner determined by the Government, subject to the legislation on state secrets, commercial secrets and other secrets protected by law.

Users of the system are provided with limited access to information, without the possibility of making changes to it. GIS data that have received public status will be publicly available via the Internet.

A separate item also notes the ability of the GIS operator to process data of an individual participant in the turnover of labeled products, without anonymizing such information. If the data is depersonalized, the GIS operator can use the data for statistical and other research purposes.

In connection with the adoption of the law on GIS marking, corresponding changes were also made to the Federal Law "On the Use of Cash Registers in Settlements in the Russian Federation" (54-FZ).

In particular, the law on GIS labeling does not apply to monitoring the movement of medicinal products for human use from the manufacturer to the consumer. This information is processed by the GIS monitoring operator in accordance with Law No. 61-FZ "On the Circulation of Medicines."

The Government of the Russian Federation received the authority to label various groups of goods with the adoption on December 31, 2017 of amendments to the law "On the Basics of State Regulation of Trade Activities in the Russian Federation."

In Russia, an experiment is being carried out on the labeling of medicines and medicines, which was extended until the end of 2018. The bar code on the package is read using a smartphone or a special scanner. Municipal pharmacies are equipped with the necessary equipment at the expense of city budgets, private pharmacies have to purchase devices on their own.

Labeling of all drugs in Russia should become mandatory from the beginning of 2020.

The start of the final formation of the Unified Federal System for Marking Goods was given in February 2018 following the successful completion of the experiment with marking fur coats is carried out on the territory of the EAEU (Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan). All participants in the pilot are obliged to transmit thematic information to the labeling information resource operated by the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

From June 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019, an experiment is also being conducted in Russia to label shoe goods in order to combat their illegal circulation. The corresponding government decree No. 620 was adopted on May 30, 2018. Marking shoes will make it possible to track and stop cases of illegal production, import and sale of shoe goods. This, in turn, will lead to the fact that all taxes and customs duties will be paid from goods, explained on the government website. It is assumed that marking shoes will become mandatory from July 1, 2019.

On April 28, 2018, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed government order No. 792-r, which approved the list of goods subject to mandatory labeling in Russia in order to combat their illegal circulation.

In total, ten groups of goods were included in the list of goods subject to mandatory labeling. In addition to shoes, the list of goods includes tobacco products, for which labeling will become mandatory from March 1, 2019, as well as perfume and toilet water, rubber tires and tires, leather garments, women's blouses, men's and women's coats and jackets, various types of linen and photographic equipment, for which labeling will become mandatory from December 1, 2019[13] for[14].

Marking and traceability will reduce the share of the shadow economy by 50-60%

Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Center for the Development of Advanced Technologies Mikhail Dubin, speaking in September 2018 at one of the largest business forums, spoke about the national system of digital labeling and traceability of goods "Honest Sign" - the first public-private partnership project in information technology in Russia - and how large-scale IT projects stimulate the development of the economy [15]].

"From analytics about people and the external environment, we move on to a new stage - analytics about goods. Through the Fair Sign platform of reliable information about the movement of goods, we make the entire economy visible. Legislative "freedom" of data turnover will directly achieve a one-time increase in GDP up to 1.5% due to increased consumption of new products and services and the growth of export potential, "said Mikhail Dubin

Marking and traceability will reduce the share of the shadow economy by 50-60%, increase the collection of excise taxes by 20-40% in 1-2 years, deepen integration within the EAEU, as well as increase the efficiency of the state and business. Thanks to the implementation of the system, the costs of logistics, stocks, exchange and return of goods will be reduced by 6-7%.

PPP in terms of marking and traceability is beneficial for the state and business. The private partner of the CRPT takes on all commercial risks and is ready to invest more than 200 billion rubles in the system. for 15 years. The main contribution of the state to the project is the elimination of regulatory risk in the new industry. The total effect of the introduction of labeling of more than 10 product groups will be more than 1 trillion rubles.

Data availability is a key condition for achieving claimed effects. This factor is necessary not only for the development of the labeling system, but also for the creation of new technologies, products and services. They, in turn, will lead to the emergence of new businesses, increase labor productivity and create a better quality of life for citizens. In addition, the available data will give impetus to the growth of Russia's competitiveness in the world. According to the European Commission, the unrealized growth potential of the digital economy is now 450 billion euros. Legislative "freedom" of data turnover will directly achieve GDP growth of up to 1.5% due to increased consumption of new products and services and increased export potential. Countries with the greatest availability of information have already achieved a significant gap in the development of the industry. For example, according to the materials of the international research and consulting company International Data Corporation (IDC), the global big data analytics market, estimated at $166 billion, is divided as follows: the United States accounts for 53%, Western Europe - 21%, Asia - 14%, the rest of the countries - 11%. The market volume of the Russian Federation is only 0.03% or $40 million.

The digital labeling project creates opportunities for other markets to grow. Due to the emergence of services based on big data, reliable analytics about sales will appear, there will be a transition to Industry 4.0, that is, production for needs. The use of EDO will help optimize logistics, factoring will be improved with the help of financial technologies, B2B2C services will make it possible to establish communication with consumers. Automation of industries in general will give impetus to the emergence of new products - for example, an electronic recipe for pharma.

In the near future, the Honest Sign system will cover tobacco products, perfumes, tires and tires, light industry products, shoes, cameras and flash lights, medicines, fur products, finished dairy products, etc. Mandatory labeling of these goods begins in 2019.

The cost of creating a system for labeling goods in Russia was estimated at 205.7 billion rubles

In August 2018, it became known about the costs of creating an IT system in Russia for labeling goods - more than 200 billion rubles. The system operator will be the Center for the Development of Advanced Technologies (CRPT).

According to Vedomosti, citing informed sources, the cost of creating the system is estimated at 205.7 billion rubles over 15 years. 68 billion rubles of this amount will have capital expenditures, and 137.7 billion rubles will be operating expenses. At the same time, the investor plans to reach a payback in seven years (with a yield of 16%).

The investor will invest 205 billion rubles in the creation of a unified digital labeling system. and plans to make money on consumers and manufacturers of goods

Most investments will go to the purchase of equipment for registering the release of labeled goods. Such equipment is produced by Trekmark - an enterprise of the CRPT, the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) and the Swiss SICPA. Such registrars will be received free of charge by manufacturers of goods that are waiting for labeling, medical institutions and pharmacies.

We are not talking about government investments. It is expected that investor funds will be paid off by the profits that marking services will give. Thus, the CRPT is going to charge 0.5 rubles for services, excluding VAT for each unit of marked goods.

The exception will be vital medicines cheaper than 20 rubles - the CRPT will label them for free. In addition, in the future, the company is going to make money on the sale of analytics, the newspaper writes.

As the representative of the Ministry of Industry and Trade told the newspaper, the private partner will bear all the costs and risks of creating the system, and the state will ensure the timely adoption of all documents. He added that the ministry had sent the basic terms of the agreement to the government.

The labeling project started in 2016 with fur products. They and medicines are marked by the Federal Tax Service, alcohol - by the EGAIS system, tobacco and shoes - by the CRPT. But until 2024 , all groups of goods will come under the control of the CRPT.[16]

Deputy Prime Minister for Digital Economy Maxim Akimov will become the curator of product labeling projects

On June 15, Rostec CEO Sergei Chemezov suggested that Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev appoint Deputy Prime Minister Maxim Akimov as coordinator of product labeling projects. Valery Sidorenko, deputy head of the government apparatus, supported the candidacy, and on July 4 Medvedev also agreed, Vedomosti reported[17] citing copies of the letter and orders of the Prime Minister.

Maxim Akimov will oversee projects for labeling goods

Rostec is a co-owner of the goods labeling operator, the Center for the Development of Advanced Technologies (CRPT). The project started back in 2016, when special digital tags began to be applied to fur products.

The idea of ​ ​ combating counterfeit goods by marking goods was promoted by former First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov. After his departure from the government in May 2018, the question arose who would continue to oversee this topic. The candidacy of First Deputy Prime Minister - Finance Minister Anton Siluanov was seriously discussed, but the idea had to be abandoned due to too much workload. Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak was also considered, but Rostec was afraid that under Kozak it might have competitors among labeling operators, the Vedomosti interlocutor said.

Medvedev has long decided that the curator of labeling goods will be the Deputy Prime Minister in charge of the digital economy, said the press secretary of the Prime Minister Natalya Timakova. The decision was made regardless of Rostec's letters, she added. This is done not only to ensure the technological unity of the labeling system, the main thing is that the system itself will collect and generate a huge number of valuable and sensitive data. It is necessary that these data serve public, not private interests and that no one can privatize them, Timakova concluded. This is the position of Akimov, said his friend.

Akimov was against the concentration of all goods in the hands of one operator, two federal officials told Vedomosti. Sberbank also wanted to participate in the project - in early June, its president, German Gref, in a letter suggested Kozak to use the Corus Catalog cloud service of Sberbank when forming a catalog of labeled goods and allowed the creation of a joint venture with Rostec in this area.

At the end of June, a meeting was held with the Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov, where they finally decided that there was one operator - the CRPT, two federal officials noted. In early July, Manturov announced this decision in an interview with TASS Information Agency of Russia. A representative of Sberbank declined to comment. A source close to Sberbank added that the bank did not receive an official refusal and the story is not over yet.

Medicines and fur products are already being prepared for the transfer of the CRPT, Chemezov points out in a letter. In the third quarter of 2018, a pilot project on the traceability of tobacco products for the EAEU countries will be launched. Preparations are underway for the launch in 2018 of pilot projects for light industry, dairy and food products, he lists.

From 2019, they will begin to label even more goods - from perfumes and tires to cameras and bed linen. The interim results of the labeling experiment show that the project needs "a single center for coordination and operational decision-making at the government level," Chemezov writes.

Chemezov is right - it is strange that each area and each question is covered by its own curator, one person is needed who will represent the interests of everyone, a person close to the Rostec structure said in a conversation with Vedomosti. It is logical that the profile Deputy Prime Minister will do this, the panelist noted.

Chemezov is one of the nine most influential people in the country and Rostec has big business interests in labeling, political analyst Yevgeny Minchenko recalled: "It is not surprising that Chemezov himself sent a letter with a proposal from the curator." Akimov is the most logical candidate for this post, this is his sphere of activity in the distribution of duties between deputy prime ministers, the political scientist noted. Akimov oversees the Digital Economy national program, a national project to create safe and high-quality roads, and digitalization of public administration. Also in his area of ​ ​ responsibility is transport, communications, innovation, real estate and intellectual property.

Akimov feels good business, said his former colleague. For example, when he was deputy governor of the Kaluga region, Akimov organized railway transportation for export to China through a hub in the region. He dealt with this topic from beginning to end: he invented, organized, brought the project to the start of deliveries, the Vedomosti interlocutor noted.

Akimov will have to solve many problems, an employee of a large pharmaceutical company said. Many manufacturers oppose labeling, fearing it will drive up prices. Thus, the system was criticized by members of the Union of Russian Brewers, which unites large companies, which account for more than 70% of sales. The installation of marking equipment on one production line, according to preliminary estimates, will cost $1 million, calculated the brewing company AB InBev Efes. It is necessary to ensure that the project works, but the burden on the business was not too great, concluded an employee of a pharmaceutical company.

Akimov is a reference young technocrat that prioritizes efficiency, Minchenko said:

He is a completely sane person with whom both private and state business can do business.

2017: Plan for development of the IT system of total trade control in the Russian Federation

In November 2017, it became known about the possible development in Russia of a system of continuous traceability of trade turnover, which will allow controlling any commodity operations of the business together with retail sales and taxation, the Kommersant newspaper reports. 

Following a meeting held on November 10, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev was instructed by five departments (the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Finance, the Federal Tax Service, the Federal Customs Service, and the Federal Security Service) to develop and submit "draft concepts for creating a system for labeling goods with control (identification) signs in the Russian Federation." The deadline for the execution of the order was set on February 10, 2018.

Medvedev instructed to create an IT system for total control of trade

We are talking about the preparation of a legislative and conceptual framework for one of the largest projects for controlling commodity markets in the history of the country - a system of continuous labeling of goods with identification marks until 2024 and "measures to switch to a system of traceability of movement of all groups of goods on the territory of the Russian Federation." Similar projects already exist for drugs, fur and tobacco products.

Transparency of trade will allow analyzing most of commodity transactions in real time, force entrepreneurs to invest in the automation and digitalization of their companies. Such expenses may only be able to big business.

Some entrepreneurs will be forced to stop economic activity or completely go into the shadows. On the contrary, it will most likely be more profitable for larger players to completely whitewash sales. According to the Association of Certified Certified Accountants for 2016, the shadow sector of the economy in Russia accounted for 39% of GDP.

The cost of the project aimed at total tracking of trade in Russia is not reported.[18]


RFID Bookos is integrated into the Marking system of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation

The equipment of the Russian manufacturer of radio frequency identification systems () RFID "" RUTI Inventas is integrated into the system for accounting for fur products "Marking." Federal Tax Service

RFID reader Bookos 2.0 FE from "" RUTI Inventas is designed to work with fur products marked with control identification marks (KiZ) and is fully compatible with. software FTS Bookos 2.0 FE meets all the requirements of the tax service for RFID equipment for checking, individualization and reading KiZ.

Bookos Main Article (RFID)

Contract with USP Complink for 650 million rubles

In March 2016, the Federal Tax Service signed a contract with USP Complink in the amount of 649.3 million rubles for the supply of equipment, software and the creation of a software and hardware complex for the industrial circuit of information systems for marking goods.

Contract for 139 million rubles from CenterInform for the development of software of the national component of Russia

In February 2016, the Federal Tax Service signed a contract with FSUE CenterInform in the amount of 138.5 million rubles for the development of software for the national component of the information system for labeling goods in Russia.

Inline Technologies receives 472 million rubles for the supply of equipment and the development of software for the labeling system in the EAEU countries

In January 2016, the Federal Tax Service signed a contract with Inline Technologies in the amount of 472.6 million rubles for the supply of equipment, software and the creation of a software and hardware complex of the central accounting system of the information system for marking goods in the member states of the Customs Union (stage No. 1).

The system of labeling of light industry goods is created to control their turnover and ensure the legality of import and production in the territories of the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union. The main goal of creating labeling of goods is to reduce the share of illegally imported or produced goods, to increase revenues to the budget from the payment of customs duties and value added tax.

The operator of the national component of Russia of the labeling system of goods is the Federal Tax Service.

As of August 2016, the Federal Tax Service entered into government contracts totaling more than 1.28 billion rubles for the supply of products and the performance of work related to the creation of the system.

The system is based on the technology of marking with reference identification signs with radio frequency tags (RFID tags, from the English Radio Frequency IDidentification). Information about the product is entered into a brand equipped with a radio frequency label, after which information is transferred to the Labeling system of the Federal Tax Service of Russia using cloud technologies.

Each radio frequency tag has its own unique number, which excludes the possibility of forgery, according to the Federal Tax Service[19]. In addition, the business will not have access to the data store, so it is impossible to replace the information.

In turn, buyers of fur products will be able to check the legality of the product using their smartphones, using applications that allow using the brand's QR code to obtain information about the product: country of origin, type of fur, manufacturer, and so on.

Diagram of the Russian component in the product labeling information system


  1. Chemezov lobbied for the appointment of the curator of the product labeling project
  2. Manturov said that tax revenues to the budget from labeling reached 471 billion rubles
  3. The government approved indicators for assessing the effectiveness of the authorities with a digital labeling system for medical devices
  4. The mechanism of automatic prohibition of sales of illegal and expired goods subject to labeling will work in retail
  5. List of instructions based on the results of the audit of the implementation of the provisions of the legislation and decisions of the President aimed at creating a national system of food quality management based on the introduction of an integrated traceability mechanism
  6. The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation has developed a program for financing hardware and software systems for digital labeling of goods
  7. The State Duma introduced criminal punishment for fake means of labeling
  8. Meeting with members of the Government
  9. to RAEK appealed to the Prime Minister with a request to postpone the introduction of mandatory labeling
  10. On approval of the list of goods subject to mandatory marking with control signs
  11. A decision was made to conduct an experiment on the labeling of bicycles and bicycle frames
  12. The government has determined the dates of the clothing labeling experiment
  13. [ The authorities legalized the IT system
  14. labeling goods]
  15. [CNews:
  16. galleries% 2F140737489010675% 2Fnormal% 2F1 Usmanov and partners are ready to spend 200 billion rubles on a product labeling system
  18. The White-Only Game
  19. The head of the Federal Tax Service of Russia Mikhail Mishustin demonstrated to the participants of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council a system for labeling goods in the Russian Federation