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2024/06/12 17:47:47

Animal feed labelling


Main article: State information system for marking goods


2024: Mandatory digital labeling of animal feed launched in Russia

From September 1, 2024, the Russian Federation introduces mandatory digital coding of pet food. Such an order was approved in May 2024 by the head of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mishustin. Starting from the specified date, all participants in the turnover of products for feeding animals must be registered in the Fair Sign labeling system.

From October 1, 2024, manufacturers and importers should start applying codes for dry foods and treats for pets. Wet feeds are subject to mandatory labeling from March 1, 2025. Information on the withdrawal of goods from circulation must be transmitted to the coding system starting from September 1, 2025.

Mandatory digital coding of pet food is introduced in the Russian Federation

The working groups include 100 unique participants in trade, including 73 manufacturers and 12 importers. At the moment, almost 7 thousand participants are registered in the system, - commented the Deputy General Director. CRPT Revaz Yusupov

He added that in the period from December 25, 2023 to August 31, 2024, a voluntary experiment is being carried out in Russia on the labeling of animal feed in order to test the system. The decision to introduce mandatory coding was made due to the high level of counterfeit on the market: according to the HSE, in 2022 the share of counterfeit products was 10%.

Yusupov noted that in parallel with pet food, mandatory labeling of veterinary drugs will start on October 1, 2024. Manufacturers and importers are obliged to transfer information about the release of such products into circulation to the Honest Sign system. Data on the retail sale of veterinary drugs are subject to entry from March 1, 2025, and information on supplies to veterinary medical institutions and agricultural holdings - from September 1, 2025.[1]
