Developers: | Web Control (WEB Control DC) |
Date of the premiere of the system: | 2021 |
Last Release Date: | 2024/07/26 |
Technology: | PAM Privileged Access Management |
Content |
sPACE is a the Russian FRAMES system designed to provide controlled remote access privileged users to the IT company's systems.
Compatible with Libercat Certified
Axiom JDK (Axiom JSC) and Web Control completed joint tests and ensured the compatibility of products for use in landscapes with increased information security requirements. The tests confirmed the full performance of the sPACE PAM privileged access control system with a domestic Java Axiom JDK Certified development and execution environment and a Libercat Certified Java application server certified by FSTEC. Axiom JDK announced this on March 21, 2025. Read more here.
Compatibility with Rutoken EDS 3.0
Within the framework of the technological partnership, Aktiv and Web Control tested and confirmed the correctness of the joint operation of the sPACE PAM privileged access control system and Rutoken EDS 3.0 devices. Multifactor authentication provided by tokens and Rutoken smart cards allows you to protect access to administrator accounts. The Asset announced this on March 19, 2025. Read more here.
Compatible with Postgres Pro Standard and Postgres Pro Standard
Postgres Professional and Web Control on September 9, 2024 announced the compatibility of their products.
The certificate issued by Postgres Professional confirms the correct operation of sPACE PAM and certified editions of Postgres Pro Standard, Postgres Pro Enterprise (version 16).
As part of the certification work FSTEC , we conducted a complete integration sPACE PAM system with Postgres Pro. The system uses database as internal storage for privileged access session records and privileged credentials. Integration with Postgres Pro Enterprise 16 allows you to build a failover database cluster based on data. domestic software We can offer companies that focus on certification to install sPACE with Postgres Pro Certified 16, "said Web Igor Bazelyuk Control, one of the project managers of the sPACE PAM system. |
Multifactor Compatibility
Web Control and MULTIFACTOR confirmed the compatibility of the MULTIFACTOR two-factor authentication and access control system with the sPACE privileged access control system. As part of the partnership, the parties conducted tests and signed a certificate of compatibility. Multifactor announced this on September 3, 2024. Read more here.
Refinement of Privileged Access Management System
On July 26, 2024, WEB Control DC announced the completion of the refinement of the sPACE privileged access management system. The project was implemented with grant support from RFRIT.
According to the company, the sPACE software product is designed to provide secure technological access for administrators to the IT infrastructure. The system manages privileged accounts, minimizes privileges and eliminates the accumulation of redundant rights in users, automates access control and monitors user actions.
sPACE was created by Russian developers from scratch and as of July 2024 is a fully domestic corporate-level PAM system. It replaces solutions such as CyberArk, BeyondTrust, One Identity, Fudo. The transition to sPACE will avoid external risks associated with the departure of foreign suppliers of comparable solutions from the Russian market.
The sPACE system has been finalized with grant support from the Russian Information Technology Development Fund (part of the ВЭБ.РФ group) within the framework of the Digital Economy national project. The amount of the grant amounted to 48.15 million rubles, the total cost of the project - 60.9 million rubles.
PAM solutions traditionally use Microsoft RDS. This poses a threat to the stable functioning of the business due to the sanction pressure on Russian users. The sPACE team has set themselves the task is to give customers the opportunity to completely abandon foreign technologies and ensure the operation of the system on domestic platforms. Grant support from the state made it possible to solve this problem in a short time.
{{quote 'author
= said Igor Bazelyuk, Operations Director of WEB Control DC, one of the project managers of the sPACE PAM system' State support made it possible to strengthen the team
by qualified specialists. This helped us to quickly realize what we had in mind for this project.}}
Another important result of the project was the ability to run a Linux-based system. This should interest companies that are switching to open source operating systems, including Russian ones. The functionality related to ensuring the operation of domestic information security ecosystems has also been supplemented: support for Russian cryptographic protection tools, SIEM and multifactor authentication tools has appeared.
In response to requests from providers of domestic cloud services, multitenance functionality was developed. In the sPACE PAM system, it became possible to provide users with isolated access to individual tenants with separate privilege management within one deployment. This functionality Large corporate clients may also be in demand with specific requirements for division of privileges at the division level.
When developing our product, we used all the accumulated experience with solutions from world leaders, took into account their shortcomings and tried to get rid of the traditional problems when implementing PAM, as well as make it more universal and relevant in terms of market needs. We did not focus on some industry. Our product will be of interest to companies from any sector of the economy with the optimal level of business digitalization. One of the tasks of the project was to enter the corporate market. We achieved our goal, were able to declare ourselves and get the first large corporate customers. At the end of 2023, sPACE was presented at GITEX and interested potential partners. told Andrey Akinin, CEO of WEB Control DC |
In addition, the project expanded the functionality of Policy Based Access Management (PBAM) for both interactive user sessions and machine access sessions, including IoT and industrial automation.
{{quote 'author
= noted Eduard Shakirov, Deputy Head of the Automation and Communications Department of the Information Technology Department of TATSOTSBANK JSC|We are pleased with the purchased product, because he solved several problems at once: he allowed to fulfill the requirements of the banking GOST, manage privileged accounts, as well as create a single point of connection for external employees, contractors and organize control over their actions, including when working with our service in the data center. The acquisition and implementation procedure was comfortable: we deployed the server, Veb Control specialists quickly provided the distribution kit, helped with the installation, and promptly conducted a small training of staff. sPACE contains all
the functionality we need, its interface is clear and does not raise questions. The solution meets our requirements and, despite constant monitoring of the market, we do not yet see a worthy alternative to it.}}
{{quote 'author
= emphasized Vasily Okulessky, Vice President for Information Security of TsMRBanka'sPACE cannot be called a purely import-substituting product. This is an independent solution developed by the company for the requirements of Russian customers. Corporate software products traditionally solve the problems of either IT or information security, and the consumer has to look for a compromise. sPACE is the "middle ground." It is an IT tool for automating the routine activities of administrators and at the same time organizing controlled access to critical IT assets, which already applies to information security tasks. The work of the administrator becomes
transparent and understandable, at the same time well documented, which allows for investigations. sPACE reduces the labor intensity of routine operations, and the more systems under control, the more noticeable and tangible the effect of reducing labor intensity. This ultimately minimizes the risk of errors and failures due to overloading of personnel. It is also valuable that the system is supported by the vendor "here and now," which increases the efficiency of the system operation as a whole.}}
WEB Control DC continues to actively develop the product and plans to make sPACE a world-class competitive PAM system by the end of 2025.
2023: Development grant in the amount of 48.15 million rubles
According to the results of the competitive selection of projects for the development of Russian solutions in the field of information technology of the Russian Fund for the Development of Information Technologies (RFRIT), the sPACE decision of WEB Control DC was among 43 domestic developments in the field of IT that received development support in the form of a state grant of about 48.15 million rubles (48 149 676.21). The company WEB Control DC announced this on January 18, 2023.
First of all, the grant funds will be used to complete the transition of the system to domestic platforms of the family Linux and domestic crypto tools. No less important area of development is support for domestic cloud services and platforms/, virtualizationscontainerization which will be implemented during 2023. State the grant will significantly expand support for Policy Based Access Management (PBAM) functionality for interactive/user and machine access sessions, including IoT industrial automation. This approach allows you to control the specific rights and powers of privileged users and related systems directly at the time of access. Access is regulated using detailed rules, which allows you to know exactly who, when and how uses elevated privileges on controlled IT systems. This significantly reduces the risk of misuse or unfair use of elevated privileges by users of corporate IT systems.
sPACE is designed primarily for the organization of controlled and secure technological access of privileged users to the company's IT infrastructure and is focused on the corporate user, but the ease of installation, integration and use allows it to be applied to both medium and small businesses interested in the security of their IT infrastructure. The system is characterized by high scalability, performance of system components and self-integration capabilities by the customer.
With privileged access management solutions, our company began operating as a distributor more than 10 years ago. In the process of their implementation and support, we accumulated expertise, studied customer requirements and continuously investigated global market trends. This made it possible to form the image of the "ideal" PAM, its functional and operational characteristics. sPACE is designed based on the appearance of IT systems, which distinguishes it from most existing domestic PAM systems that have been on the market for many years. It implements an original mechanism for delegating access control functions directly to IT system owners, which is critical in large organizations. Multiple duplication of all system components, cluster architecture and a flexible mechanism for configuring privileged access scenarios provide high horizontal and vertical scalability. The current set of functionality allows you to close all current customer needs. Thanks to state support, the product was able to develop in maximum accordance with global trends in the development of the market for privileged access systems - said Igor Bazelyuk, project manager and operating director of WEB Control DC. |
Red OS Compatibility
On October 25, 2022, WEB Control DC and Red Soft announced the completion of software tests. As a result, the developers confirmed the compatibility of the sPACE PAM access system and the operating system RED OS.
sPACE PAM is a system for organizing controlled access of privileged users to a critical IT infrastructure. The system is included in the Unified Register of Russian Programs for Electronic Computers and Databases (No. 12925).
RED OS the Russian operating system Linux is a family for and servers workstations that provides a universal environment for using application software. The product is certified (FSTEC of Russia No. 4060 of 12.01.2019), which confirms its compliance with the requirements information security and allows its use state in information systems. RED OS is registered in the Unified Register of Russian Programs for and (COMPUTER No. 3751 databases).
sPACE capabilities
According to the developers, the sPACE solution is a replacement for foreign PAM solutions BeyondTrust, CyberArk, Fudo PAM, Wallix. The solution is designed to solve the problems of managing privileged access to the IT infrastructure, monitoring and auditing the work of privileged users.
sPACE capabilities for October 2022:
- Store privileged credentials data and ensure their full lifecycle
- Automate the process of ensuring that employees and external contractors have access to the company's IT systems
- Implementation of the principle of least privileges
- Quick integration with any administration object
- Working only with trusted administration tools and running them in a secure environment
- Recording user activity and auditing user actions
- Internal System Monitoring
- Support for two-factor authentication
- Ease of work and focus not only on IT professionals, but also on business users
- Failover and Clustering
It can be used not only for organizing a single node of remote access to the IT infrastructure, controlling privileges, monitoring user actions and auditing their actions, as well as for solving various application tasks related to this.
The solution can be used in companies of various industries and any size.
2021: Market Entry
In 2021, the company Web Control launched the sPACE privileged access management system, which entered the market. register of domestic software Ministry of Digital Development