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Antivirus in the SberBusiness mobile application can detect a vulnerability at the time of user authorization

Customers: Sberbank

Moscow; Financial Services, Investments and Auditing

Product: Sberbank OnL @ yn

Project date: 2008/03  - 2025/02


Sberbank OnL @ yn is a centralized automated system for conducting financial transactions via the Internet.

Service Usage Statistics

Main article: Who uses Sberbank OnL @ yn and how


Ability to detect a vulnerability at the time of user authorization

An updated antivirus in the SberBusiness mobile application can detect a vulnerability at the time of user authorization and protect it from cyber threats. Sberbank announced this on March 20, 2025.

In addition, experts have improved performance, internal logic (how different elements and functions connect and interact) and the application user interface. So, in the "Vulnerability Protection" section, a special widget in real time displays the scan progress and the threats found. The system will describe the detected malware in detail and help remove it.

Antivirus will also work if you connect your gadget to another by USB and install the program from an unknown source. Once a week, it launches a full system check file and immediately reports threats. If the antivirus update bases fails, it will repeat the installation every 10 seconds and continue to use the previously installed ones.

Antivirus is available to Android users with the latest version of the application.

{{quote 'author=said Anna Loevskaya, Director of the Digital Corporate Bank Division of Sberbank. | For people who run their business on a banking app, it is important that it is not only convenient, but also skillful in preventing threats. Attackers use many different methods of fraud and constantly invent new ones, so protection against viruses and cyber attacks is a necessary function,}}

Ability to open IP

You can register an individual entrepreneur in your personal account in just a few clicks for free to Sberbank Online. Sberbank announced this on February 25, 2025.

To open a business in the section "Services for business" you need to select "Registration of individual entrepreneurs." OKVED codes and the taxation system will help to select a bank, it will only remain to sign documents in the "State Key."

Sberbank itself will send all documents to the Federal Tax Service and track the status of the application. As soon as the individual entrepreneur is registered, the client will be able to open a current account for free with SberBank Online.

Шаблон:Quote 'author=said Alexey Shashkin, director of Sberbank's Maly and Microbusiness division.


GigaChat Integration

Sberbank In Online. integrated artificial intelligence GigaChat Sberbank announced this on December 20, 2024.

Familiar navigation within the application is still available through the search bar. In addition to this, artificial intelligence, for example, will answer the question about the cash withdrawal limit, tell you what a letter of credit and a complex percentage are. Since GigaChat MAX is trained on many knowledge domains, you can not limit yourself to banking topics, but ask any questions, for example, how to pet a dog correctly, choose products for the festive table, what to do if you forget to buy gifts for the New Year.

Search with AI-assister is already available to all SberBank Online users with an application version of at least 16.0 for, iOS at least 16.1 for. OS Android Sberbank will continue to develop the service, expanding and supplementing the knowledge of artificial intelligence in this area in order to help customers solve everyday and banking issues faster. 

Launching a smart tax calculator

A mobile application Sberbank skill has been launched in Online - virtual assistant Salute a smart tax calculator. Since 2025, a progressive five-step personal income tax scale will come into force, in connection with which the tax rate and the income received will change for many citizens. The skill will help Sberbank clients prepare in advance for changes in tax legislation, calculate how much tax they have to pay and how the salary will change. Sberbank announced this on October 24, 2024.

The tax calculator at this stage will allow you to quickly and clearly see exactly how taxes and a person's salary will change in 2025. To use, you just need to write or tell the virtual assistant in the Sberbank application "Salute, calculate my tax," indicate your salary and the approximate size of the annual bonus.

The calculator will show in fractions of seconds:

  • Total revenue for 2025, adjusted for changes
  • Comparison of income with the previous year
  • The exact amount of personal income tax for 2025
  • The dynamics of the amount of personal income tax for previous periods

Шаблон:Quote 'author=said Pavel Burin, Director of Sberbank's Personal Financial Planning Division.

Protection against telephone scammers

mobile application SberBusiness users on devices operating system Android with can now protect themselves from telephone scammers using the fraudulent number identifier. This option is free. Sber has already begun to implement this service, all customers - users Internet of banking on Android - it will be available within a month. Sberbank announced this on July 22, 2024.

All incoming calls are checked against the Sberbank database, which contains millions of numbers from which attackers can call. At the same time, the database is constantly updated, including due to the effective interaction of the bank with mobile operators.

Protection will help protect users of the SberBusiness mobile application from social engineering: in the event of a call from a fraudulent number, a warning inscription will be displayed on the screen of the Sber client's mobile device. Checking incoming calls will also save time, as it allows you to quickly identify advertising calls.

Current schemes of deception against legal entities, including those used by telephone fraudsters, are available on the Sberbank portal via cyber security Cybraria.

{{quote 'author=said Anatoly Popov, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of Sberbank. | Security is one of the most important criteria by which any modern service is evaluated. In recent years, there has been an explosive increase in cyber fraud, new schemes of deception are constantly emerging. Even trained people fall for the bait and transfer their funds or perform illegal actions under the guidance of intruders. The module for checking incoming calls to SberBusiness is a new product for corporate Internet banking that will help reduce the number of dangerous calls and protect entrepreneurs from fraudsters,}}

A similar service can already be used by Sberbank clients - individuals using devices with the Android operating system. They can activate the identifier of fraudulent numbers for free in the SberBank Online mobile application. As practice shows, the risk of deceiving customers who use this service is minimal.

Availability of Financial Analytics in SberBusiness

The free service "Financial Analytics" is now available in the mobile application for corporate clients of SberBusiness - previously it could only be used in the web version. This is a widget on the home page in the Operations tab, which displays on the main screen of the application data on receipts and debits for the current month for all accounts of the organization. Sberbank announced this on June 18, 2024.

Clicking on the widget opens a screen with more details. Information in it can be sorted by period (week, month, quarter, half year, year or set up the desired interval manually) and transaction type (receipts, write-offs or both types of transactions at the same time).

Another useful novelty of the SberBusiness application is the Hot Buttons system widget, which allows you to quickly display the main banking operations on the main screen of your smartphone. You can invoice for payment in one click, make a payment to the counterparty, scan the QR code and write to the chat with support. Perform typical operations with hot buttons quickly and conveniently.

Both options are available to all SberBusiness users on the Android platform.

{{quote 'author=said Anna Loevskaya, Director of the Digital Corporate Bank Division of Sberbank. | Entrepreneurs want to have a multifunctional "bank in their pocket" to manage their finances 24/7 from anywhere in the world. Therefore, we strive to make our mobile application as useful and intuitive as possible. 530 thousand SberBusiness users access the Internet bank every day, and 442 thousand entrepreneurs use the application exclusively. Therefore, the development of mobile SberBusiness is a priority for us. I think the services "Financial Analytics" and "Hot Buttons" will help our customers save time and develop their business,}}

Ability to log in by card number

Sber updated the start page to log into the web version applications SberBank Online and added another way to log in - by number. maps This will simplify the procedure for those who periodically forget their login and. password

Thus, the client can choose any of three login methods: 1) by login and password; 2) by phone; 3) by card number.

In addition, the very appearance of the start page of the web version has become more concise, simple and convenient. Instead of the "Change password" and "Restore access" buttons, one button "Forgot your login or password?" Appeared, which leads to the restoration of access by card number or login.

Шаблон:Quote 'author=said Ksenia Barinova, director of Sberbank's SberBank Online division.

Opportunity for corporate customers to open accounts in precious metals online

Corporate clients of Sberbank - from individual entrepreneurs to the largest companies - can now open bank accounts in precious metals online in the Internet bank SberBusiness. This makes investing in precious metals easier and more affordable. Sberbank announced this on May 7, 2024.

An account in precious metals is an impersonal metal account (OMS), it does not indicate a sample, number and manufacturer (as in ingots), but only the weight in grams is displayed. Thanks to this service, Sberbank's corporate clients can now not only quickly buy or sell precious metals online, but also open a bank account in precious metals in a few clicks in SberBusiness's personal account. You will no longer have to visit the bank's office for this.

By acquiring gold and other precious metals through an impersonal metal account, the business can diversify assets, eliminating the costs associated with storing physical metal.

The minimum amount of gold, platinum and palladium for crediting to the account is 0.1 grams, silver - 1 gram. To purchase precious metal, in the Internet bank SberBusiness you need to make a purchase with payment at the current rate from a settlement account in Sber. After that, the weight of the metal in grams will be displayed on the compulsory medical insurance. At any time, the asset can be sold online to the bank in SberBusiness.

The opening of compulsory medical insurance and operations on it are free, the purchase and sale of metal is at the bank's exchange rate as of the date of the transaction.

Add Currency Exchange at My Rate

The service "Currency exchange at my rate" has appeared in the SberBank Online application. To buy or sell currency at a comfortable rate, Sberbank customers no longer need to monitor its value every day. It is enough to create an application in the application, specifying the rate at which the client would like to exchange non-cash currency and the amount of exchange. The bank will buy or sell the currency automatically if its price reaches the specified value. Sberbank announced this on April 4, 2024.

It is easy to leave an exchange request: you need to find the "Currency exchange rates" section on the main screen of the application SberBank Online or in the "Savings" section, click "More" and select the "Currency exchange at my rate" service. The only thing that will be needed is an open account in the right currency: at the request of customers, a non-cash exchange is available, and dollars USA euro the Chinese yuan.

Applications are valid for 30 days, they can be canceled at any time. If the desired value is not reached in 30 days, the application will be canceled and it will need to be submitted again. Up to three applications can be opened at the same time. Important: according to the restrictions of the Central Bank, only rubles can be withdrawn from a foreign exchange account.

The function is available in the web version of SberBank Online and in the application on. smartphones Android

Automatic loading of data in the section "Taxes and Accounting"

Using the automated simplified taxation system (AUSN) in SberBusiness has become even easier and more convenient. Previously, in the "Taxes and accounting" section, reports FTS on the payment salaries to employees (an analogue of the 6-NDFL form) had to be filled out manually, and now everything personal data about employees is loaded automatically. The same is information available in the "My Organization" section. Sberbank announced this on March 27, 2024.

Also, taxpayers at the AUSN in Sberbank no longer need to check notifications in the tax office. All the necessary information is now available in SberBusiness in Notifications from the Federal Tax Service, and messages are received in the section "Taxes and Accounting."

Another useful change is that in April 2024, the SberBusiness Internet bank will have the opportunity to change the tax base. The client will be able to take into account the amount of expenses in income, refuse this or even withdraw from simplified mode through the "Settings" tab. Previously, these options were available only in the personal account of the Federal Tax Service.

{{quote 'author=said Anna Loevskaya, Director of the Digital Corporate Bank Division of Sberbank. | Since January 1, 2024, the number of entrepreneurs at AUSN who have open settlement accounts in Sberbank has grown by 25%. As a result, already 30% of all legal entities using AUSN work with this mode in our Internet bank. We will continue to improve the operation of this service, making it more convenient and functional for small enterprises, because the new AUSN mode was created specifically for entrepreneurs with small business scales,}}

Sberbank launched a service for doing business on AUSN in July 2022. During this time, through SberBusiness, it was marked up with tax codes and sent to the Federal Tax Service more than 800 thousand transactions on the settlement accounts of clients applying AUSN. In the Internet bank SberBusiness, they can get complete information about what rule for marking from the recommendations of the Federal Tax Service is used for the operation. In some cases, the client is also given tips on what to write in the purpose of the payment. The success of the automated marking of Sberbank has already reached 97%, that is, only in 3% of cases customers have to make edits themselves.

Also in SberBusiness appeared the section "Requests for payment." Thanks to him, entrepreneurs can work with documents for payment in a single space. In it you can see the invoices issued by counterparties and incoming payment requirements, independently issue outgoing payment requirements, issue invoices for payment to your counterparties, and so on. In May 2024, the service will have the opportunity to form a link for payment through the Fast Payment System (FPS) and send it to counterparties, and by the end of the year - information about possible fines and charges.

Compatibility with Alt OS

According to the results of testing, the web version of Sberbank's Internet banking for business is recognized as fully compatible with the Alt family of operating systems from BASEALT, including the Alt SP distribution certified by FSTEC. Sberbank announced this on January 23, 2024. Read more here.


Add Taxes and Accounting

Sberbank has improved the SberBusiness application for corporate clients to make working with taxes faster and more convenient. Now useful accounting and tax services for some customers will be collected in the new section "Taxes and Accounting," and the button for replenishing the unified tax account (EN) is located in the section "Accounts and Payments" to speed up the process. The bank announced this on November 29, 2023.

The section "Taxes and Accounting" optimizes the work with tax payments and reduces the time for preparing documents. In it you can learn about the upcoming tax events, quickly form payment orders for paying taxes and go to the product "Accounting for individual entrepreneurs" (free as part of the package of services). In 2024, it is planned to circulate these improvements to all customers of the micro-business and small business segments.

{{quote 'author=said Anna Loevskaya, Director of the Digital Corporate Bank Division of Sberbank. | Optimizing the routine process of paying taxes saves the most valuable resource for an entrepreneur - his time. To do this, we created a special section "Taxes and Accounting" and simplified the procedure for replenishing the ENU. In addition, we have expanded the capabilities of entrepreneurs who work under the automated simplified taxation system (AUSN). At the request of customers, we have added functions: now in the SberBusiness application you can upload AUSN transactions and personal income tax registers to Excel, and drafts of payment registers will be deleted automatically if the client has not contacted them for 60 days,}}

For clients working with AUSN, the ability to pay injury contributions in a couple of clicks has been added Social Fund of Russia and to change the FTS information employee income sent in without going to the personal account on the website of the tax authority. The display of information in terms of specifying tax codes for operations was also optimized: the client can see who last changed the value of the tax code, he can quickly check the correctness of assigning a tax code for an operation in the guidelines of the Federal Tax Service. Additionally, a markup comment field has been added in which the customer can specify the reason why they changed the tax code assigned to the transaction by the bank.

Customers working with this tax regime will see reminders to pay tax in the "My Business" widget on the home page and in the "Taxes and Accounting" section.

Ability to generate screensavers using Kandinsky

In the update SberBank Online on - Androidsmartphones you can realize your creative potential and generate screensavers to log into the application using. neuronets Sberbank Kandinsky Sberbank announced this on November 22, 2023.

You can draw up to five screensavers, they will alternate each time you enter the application. Moreover, each of them will be unique, because the generation of the neural network is never repeated.

It takes from a few seconds to a couple of minutes to create an image. The user needs to come up with a text description (prompt) of what he wants to see in the picture, and then the neural network will do everything itself. The more detailed the request will be, the more accurate and high-quality the final image will be. Nothing is impossible for Kandinsky: the model is able to create an image with an infinite number of themes. Cosmonaut cats, fairy-tale heroes or New Year's landscapes, the world of magic and magic, Soviet painting or cyberpunk - the entire flight of fantasy can now be on the SaberBank Online screensaver.

Шаблон:Quote 'author=said Alexey Kruglov, Vice President, Director of Sberbank's B2C Digital Channels Department.

The screensaver generation service is available on the main screen by "• • •" - "Screensavers from Kandinsky" (or by the word "Screensavers" in the search bar). To use it, you need to update the mobile application on Android devices to version 14.18 and higher.

Ability to apply for a pension

You can now calculate the size of the future pension, go through the appointment procedure and transfer details to the Social Fund of Russia (EMF) to receive it without leaving your home. Sberbank on October 30, 2023 launched the service "Appointment of a pension": on one tab in the SberBank Online application, everything you need to apply for an age pension has been collected. You can also get the service at any Sberbank office.

Thanks to this service, the client can prepare and send an application to the EME for an age insurance pension, as well as for a pension to a card or account in Sberbank, in a few clicks. For the convenience and speed of access in the SberBank Online mobile application, in the search bar it is enough to type "Pension assignment," then fill out the questionnaire and confirm the sending of an application for the appointment of a pension to the Social Fund.

The full range of services includes the calculation of the future pension, its appointment and the transfer of account/card details. For registration, it is enough to have an account on the portal of public services - you no longer need to contact the Social Fund of Russia directly.

Шаблон:Quote 'author=said Ekaterina Gartseva, Director of the Social and Salary Solutions Division of Sberbank.

Availability of ATI.SU member account confirmation through SberBusiness

Thanks integration to the system remote banking service for legal entities individual entrepreneurs SberBusiness freight exchange ATI.SU and plans to offer customers convenient services and options. Among them - the ability for new users to quickly register, confirming the account of the Exchange participant, as well as make a quick payment through Internet SberBusiness banking. This was announced on October 26, 2023 by representatives of ATI.SU. More details. here

Massive update for Android

Sberbank on October 23, 2023 announced that it had updated the SberBank Online application on Android - it has become even easier, more convenient and faster. That's what's changed.


  • More than two cards are now placed in this section. If the client has more than one card, the total amount of them will also be displayed.
  • To copy a card number or CVV, just hold your finger on the desired card for a couple of seconds.
  • You can hide the card balance by selecting the button.
  • The Security section is next to the wallet.
  • Bonuses SberThank you "moved" from the main screen, their balance is available when moving inside the wallet. To do this, you need to click on the "Wallet," the total amount in the wallet or on the "All accounts, cards and bonuses" button.

The Dialogues section has been renamed to Transfers to Sberbank. In order to translate it was more convenient and faster, recommended contacts appeared here, to which customers regularly send money by phone number.

Now the main screen shows the expenses by categories and the total amount of expenses for the month. You can quickly see how much money is spent on supermarkets, housing and communal services and the Internet or transport. And if you establish an expense plan, then next to the total amount you will see the money available for spending this month.

The currency exchange rate card is now at the bottom of the home screen. Previously, two currencies were placed in it - now three. The rest are available by clicking on the "More" button. Precious metal courses "moved" to the "Accumulation" screen (below).

In the hat on the main screen, Sberbank will inform the client that the salary has been credited, new invoices have been received for payment, a credit card delay has appeared, and so on.

Шаблон:Quote 'author=said Ksenia Barinova, director of the SberBank Online division.

All privileges on the same screen

SberBank Online users can now see all the personal profitable opportunities available for them on one screen. Sberbank announced this on October 17, 2023. The "Profile" for each client contains information not only about connected packages of services, valid subscriptions, but also about discounts from Sberbank and its partners: tariff plans from SberMobile, special offers for a tax deduction from SberSolution, discounts on medicines in Sber Eapteka, consultations of lawyers in SberPravo.

Users of the mobile application who receive a salary, pension or social support on the Sberbank card will also be able to learn about special offers. These can be discounts from the bank and its partners, increased bonuses SberThank you, free card notifications, increased deposit rates and other privileges.

There, in the mobile application, these categories of customers can use the necessary services: get a 2-NDFL certificate, an extract from a work book, an extract about work experience, the amount of pension, and others. Documents can be obtained for free in just a couple of clicks. In addition to financial privileges, clients of the premium segment can use the sets of screensavers and backgrounds when entering the application.

For all SberBank Online users, current news is available in the What's New information channel and navigation by settings is simplified.

The updated section "Profile" (to go to the section, you need to click on the avatar in the upper left corner of the main screen) is available to customers with smartphones on the Android platform, starting from version 14.18.

Шаблон:Quote 'author=said Ksenia Barinova, Director of Sberbank Online Sberbank.

Adding Non-Banking Services for Legal Entities

Sberbank on July 28, 2023 announced that it had significantly expanded the capabilities of Internet banking for legal entities of SberBusiness and added non-banking services to the mobile and web versions of the application.

Jivo communication platform. With its help, companies can combine different channels of communication with customers in one application. For convenience, you can connect subscription payments. This became possible thanks to the SberBusinessAPI payment solution "Corporate Subscriptions." The service is available in the web version of SberBusiness.

ИТуслуга.ру. Now you can purchase computer and cash registers with technical support from SberService, as well as licensed software. The service implements a tool for buying goods using the bank's leverage through the SberBusinessAPI Installment for Business payment solution. The service is available in the web version and in the SberBusiness mobile application.

Evotor. Entrepreneurs can purchase ready-made solutions for automating trade - Evotor smart terminals, fiscal drives and scanners, as well as all the services necessary for work. Seamless authorization directly from SberBusiness makes the purchase of a solution simple and convenient.

Corporate clients of the bank can use 37 non-bank services, 14 of them are available not only in the web version, but also in the SberBusiness mobile application.

{{quote 'author=said Anna Loevskaya, Director of the Digital Corporate Bank Division of Sberbank. | We want to make the work of our clients in the Internet bank as convenient and responsive to all their requests as possible. The ability to connect a variety of non-banking services allows you to take another step in this direction - each client can choose and connect the services necessary and useful to him. And the ability to work with non-banking services not only in the web version, but also in the SberBusiness mobile application makes interaction even more convenient. The client can work from any convenient point, a mobile phone with an installed application is enough to work. We are working to expand the range of applications for our customers and hope that they will appreciate the new items in the list of non-financial services,}}

Quick access to the web version from a smartphone

Sberbank on July 24, 2023 announced the introduction of quick access to the web version of SberBank Online from a smartphone.

This was made possible by PWA (Progressive Web Application) and WebAuthentication (Web Authentication) technologies. They allow customers to add the SberBank Online website shortcut to the desktop and use it as an application - without browser tabs, address bar, control panel and with quick access by face or fingerprint.

Шаблон:Quote 'author=said Ksenia Barinova, director of Sberbank's SberBank Online division.

You can add a shortcut to the web version of SberBank Online to your phone desktop: just go from your mobile device to the website and follow the hint at the top of the screen. On devices with iOS, we recommend installing the shortcut in, and Safari on - in Androidsmartphones. Google Chrome

Image:Сберонлайн веб версия в смартфоне.png

You can configure quick login when you normally log into the web version of SberBank Online - the smartphone itself will offer this option if the browser supports it.

Red OS Compatibility

SberBusiness received a certificate of compatibility with RED OS. Sberbank announced this on July 13, 2023. According to the results of testing, the web version of Sberbank's Internet banking for entrepreneurs is recognized as fully compatible with the operating system, all functionality of the remote banking system is available to RED OS users. The bank on its side is ready to interact with companies operating on this operating system.

Internet banking SberBusiness is regularly used by over 2.7 million clients of Sber, including companies that work only with domestic software. Obtaining a certificate of compatibility of SberBusiness with the RED OS operating system confirms our desire to ensure the availability of the Internet bank taking into account the most current requirements and circumstances,
said Anna Loevskaya, Director of the Digital Corporate Bank Division of Sberbank.

Now on the RED OS operating system, full-fledged work with Internet banking SberBusiness is possible. This is another step in the development of digital banking and the creation of a user-friendly ecosystem of Russian software,
noted Rustam Rustamov, Deputy General Director of RED SOFT.

Ability to check the security of the site

Online users mobile application Sberbank can now check the security of the site quickly and free of charge. This was Sberbank announced on May 5, 2023. Any Internet link received in, SMS by or e-mail through, messengers can be checked in the bank's mobile application in the "Security" - "Site Verification" section. After a quick analysis, the service will find out if the site is fraudulent or. harmful

To check the Internet link, you need to enter or copy its address in a special field in SberBank Online (when copying, it is important not to accidentally follow the link). The service will check it by many parameters in various sources and in a few seconds will issue a verdict.

The service is available to users with mobile application version 14.11.0 for Android and iOS. You can download the latest version of the SberBank Online mobile application for Android on the bank's website. To install the latest version of the iOS application, customers can contact the bank's offices.

Add Refill Auto service

The service "Refuel Auto" appeared in SberBank Online. Sberbank announced this on April 5, 2023.

Now retail customers of the bank will be able to quickly and conveniently pay for fuel without leaving the car. For refueling, it is enough to say or write "I want to refuel" to the virtual assistant Salyut in the SberBank Online application, select a gas station and specify the type of fuel, column, volume of refueling. The service already has 7,000 gas stations available in various regions of the country.

Moreover, up to 99% of the cost of gasoline can be paid with bonuses SberThank you. For each online refueling, 1% of the purchase will return with bonuses to the card, and if you connect a SberPrime + subscription - up to 10%. Accumulated bonuses can be exchanged for purchases with a discount of up to 99% from SberThank you partners throughout Russia.

Corporate customers can use the service to reduce the costs of their business. The solution allows entrepreneurs to track fuel consumption in the corporate fleet in the context of cars, drivers and territories, manage their limits and receive fuel discounts. It is easy to connect to it - just register on the site.

Шаблон:Quote 'author=said Alexander Belokopytov, Vice President for B2B Development of Sberbank.

Шаблон:Quote 'author=noted Iskhak Kazanbiev, General Director of Refuel Auto service.

Add Business Potential

Any individual entrepreneur can now find out the available loan amount with Sberbank, even if his current account is opened with another bank. To do this, Sberbank has created a section "Business Potential" in the SberBank Online application for private clients. Sberbank announced this on February 6, 2023.

The calculation of the credit potential will take up to three minutes, additional documents and extracts from third-party banks will not be needed. The credit limit is valid for 30 days - then you can calculate it again according to a similar scheme. The service is available 24/7. In the same section, you can register the UI. The service is available in the web version of SberBank Online, as well as in mobile applications on Android and iOS (version 14.3 and higher).

Шаблон:Quote 'author=said Alexey Shashkin, director of Sberbank's Maly and Microbusiness division.


Possibility for individual entrepreneurs to transfer to cards of individuals from the Internet bank

On December 15, 2022, Sberbank provided individual entrepreneurs with the opportunity to transfer money to their personal card of a Sber individual from the SberBusiness Internet bank. All necessary data - details of the recipient, details of the sender - are pulled up automatically. All that is required of the client is to fill in the transfer amount.

This option was one of the most popular among users. About 15% of all calls to the customer support service concerned the possibility of transferring an individual to the card. The overwhelming number of representatives of individual entrepreneurs were served in Sberbank both as a legal entity and as an individual. If earlier users had to withdraw money to themselves as a counterparty through a card account, which took several minutes, now the client goes all this way in a couple of seconds. Also, this solution allows you to reduce to almost zero errors in the formation of a payment order when transferring money to a personal account.

{{quote 'author=said Anna Loevskaya, Director of the Digital Corporate Bank Division of Sberbank. | Customer requests and customer experience are the best measure of what a business really needs. For individual entrepreneurs, the issue of withdrawing money to an individual's card was quite acute. We had to resort to temporary solutions that did not meet the standards of speed and quality of service for Sberbank corporate clients. We are glad to announce that now transferring money to your card from the Internet bank SberBusiness has become as easy as transferring money from SberBank Online,}}

The option to transfer to your card will be gradually connected to the territorial banks of Sberbank. As of December 2022, this decision is being implemented as part of a pilot for individual entrepreneurs loyal to the bank. It will be fully replicated in 2023.

Security Certificate Solution Ministry of Digital Development Russia

Sberbank In developed a solution that determines the presence of security certificates issued by clients National Certification Center (NTC) Ministry of Digital Development of Russia when entering - Internetbank SberBusiness. It records whether the client has a NTC certificate installed and sends him a reminder at the next login to the Internet bank. So, from December 2022, users of corporate Internet banking SberBusiness, who have not yet installed NTC certificates, will receive notifications with a proposal to install them. The bank announced this on December 2, 2022.

{{quote 'author=said Anna Loevskaya, Director of the Digital Corporate Bank Division of Sberbank. | The availability of our Internet banking is critical for business, since in SberBusiness our users not only make transactions, but also manage the company's processes. The Certificate Definition Solution will provide targeted information to customers about the need to install a certificate and avoid access problems,}}

In September 2022, Sberbank transferred the website to NTC certificates. The update was carried out as part of a large-scale transition of Sberbank sites, resources and systems to domestic certificates. This solution ensures the bank's independence from foreign certification centers.

The ability to continue working in SberBusiness without a visit to the bank after changing the SIM card

Sberbank on November 22, 2022 provided customers with the opportunity to continue working in Sberbank without a visit to the bank after changing the SIM card.

Previously, the change of a SIM card or mobile operator by the client almost always meant a visit to the bank's office to re-confirm the identity. Such additional checks were most often forced: if the Internet bank SberBusiness records a change in the international mobile subscriber ID (IMSI), this means that the signing of documents using an SMS code is suspended, and the client in the application has an "Unknown SIM card" error when trying to sign.

For customers whose business is associated with frequent absence in the country or regular business trips, such a need could turn into big inconveniences. Based on an analysis of client experience and real cases with solving such problems, the bank revised the remote identification process and made changes to it that will significantly simplify the client experience.

Now, in the event of such an error or when changing a SIM card, it is enough to contact the bank using a single support number for legal entities (0321) or through the SberBusiness application. In most cases, you can go through remote identification in dialogue with the operator and restore the ability to conduct operations in SberBusiness.

{{quote 'author=said Anna Loevskaya, Director of the Digital Corporate Bank Division of Sberbank. | We support users and strive to ensure the availability of our applications in all conditions. Restoring the possibility of transactions using remote identification was one of the frequent wishes of our customers. Thanks to this process, this became possible. The availability of the digital environment and tools for working in it, especially in corporate banking, where time it has a price, is the basis of any service. We hope that the physical visit of the client to confirm his identity to the bank office after changing the SIM card or mobile operator communications will remain in the past, }}

Launch the service "Where are your accounts and cards linked"

Sberbank announced the launch of the service "Where are your accounts and cards tied" as part of the Sberbank Online application. Its name reflects its entire meaning - it allows you to instantly find out to which services, for example, to marketplaces, a bank card or account is tied. This became known on November 17, 2022.

For example, if the cardholder paid for purchases from it in Wildberries and Ozon, then this service of Sberbank will show this. Information about debits is saved, even if you untie the card from your profile in the marketplace, which allows you to always be aware of where and when the money was debited.

The same applies to any online stores. Food delivery services, as well as paid online publications that love to automatically link a card to a profile after the first payment, will also not remain unnoticed.

Access to "Where are your accounts and cards tied" opens, in fact, from the main screen of the Sberbank Online application. The main condition is that in the modification for Android it must be updated to at least version 14.4. The source conducted tests in assembly 14.5 of November 17, 2022.

To launch the service, you need to click on the "All cards" link in the "Wallet" section and click on its name on the screen ("Where are your accounts and cards tied"). After that, the user will see a list of Internet resources to which this or that map is tied. Information on only one map will be displayed - to select information about another, you will need to switch to the one you need inside the section.

The Sberbank service also allows you to find out about all card charges, for example, subscriptions to services, be it streaming music services, online cinemas, online television or a monthly selection of paid e-books.

Any specific write-off can be prohibited - the service allows you to do this. However, this opportunity is available exclusively to Sberbank owners - those who use another Sberbank card will not be able to use it. In the future, this restriction is likely to be canceled, but Sberbank did not specify exactly when.

You can untie the card from the Avito profile in the official application of the platform, "Avito representatives told CNews.

Sberbank customers can protect themselves from this by completely banning payment by card via the Internet. To do this, go to the map settings, select the "Limits and Restrictions" menu item and turn off the slider opposite the "Online Purchases" option.

There are several important restrictions in the work of the service "Where your accounts and cards are linked." The first of them is that it does not function in older versions of Sberbank Online for the Apple iOS platform. There are no updated versions of the Sberbank Online utility for this platform - Apple removed the official Sberbank application in the spring of 2022 under the influence of Western sanctions.

In the web version of Sberbank Online, which can be used through browser PERSONAL COMPUTER or Apple mobile devices, there was no service at the time of publication of the material. When asked when this defect will be eliminated, and whether, in principle, representatives of Sberbank did not answer. There is also no data service in the SBOL application, which Sberbank released iOS under contrary to sanctions. On November 17, 2022, it was available for download on Apple. App Store

Further, even in the Android version, the service "Where are your accounts and cards tied" does not provide all the details about card bindings - there are time limits. {{quote 'The service begins to analyze your purchases from the end of October, in the future, we will analyze transactions over the past three months, - representatives[1] CNews[2]. }}

Start of automatic generation of payment orders

Internet-bank for entrepreneurs SberBusiness learned to recognize ruble accounts and automatically form payment orders for counterparties. This was Sber announced on October 26, 2022.

It is enough for an entrepreneur to go to the "Payment orders" section and upload an invoice for payment in pdf, jpg, jpeg or png format to a special form. The service will analyze the document and form a completed payment order. It remains only to check the correctness of the data, sign the order and send it to the bank.

Previously, data had to be transferred manually, which took a long time and sometimes led to errors. Now the speed of transfer of funds between counterparties will increase, and the number of payments on incorrect details will decrease.

The Internet bank must be convenient and intuitive in order to understand all its capabilities instantly. This is how we created SberBusiness and every day we continue to improve it. Automatic account recognition and payment generation will save our clients time, simplify their lives and help them focus on business development and other important things, "said Anna Loevskaya, Director of the Digital Corporate Bank Division of Sberbank.

Automated simplified taxation system became available in the mobile application

Convenient automated simplified taxation system (AUSN) has become available to users. mobile application SberBusiness This was announced Sberbank by the company on October 14, 2022. In July 2022 Sber , one of the first to the country to provide the opportunity to notify tax about the application of the tax regime in the corporate bank Internet SberBusiness. Now you can do this mobile in the application. Recall that within the framework of the experiment conducted, AUSN Federal Tax Service of Russia can be used by entrepreneurs in, and, To Moscow Moscow as well as in Kaluzhskaya regions. Republic of Tatarstan

In the SberBusiness mobile application, you can submit a notification about the transition to AUSN and see the accrued taxes. The service allows you to delegate to bank part of the functions of the tax agent, for example, calculating personal income tax for your employees. The amount of tax FTS will be assigned independently based on data the transferred by the bank.

It is extremely important to support customers in all their endeavors and provide them with an up-to-date line of services and services. The appearance of the AUSN service in the SberBusiness mobile application simplifies reporting and allows you to fully manage the company's business processes from a smartphone, which frees up the entrepreneur's time to solve strategic business development tasks,
noted Anna Loevskaya, Director of the Digital Corporate Bank Division of Sberbank.

With the help of AUSN, companies can almost completely abandon reporting (in some cases - and from the services of an accountant and HR specialist) and save due to zero rates on insurance premiums. AUSN can be selected only when registering a business or within 30 days after that, and from January 1, 2023, all individual entrepreneurs and legal entities in the regions of the experiment will have this opportunity, regardless of the current tax regime.

Built-in billing service in SberBusiness

In Internet-bank for entrepreneurs SberBusiness users have become available a built-in billing service. With the help of the service, customers can quickly create an invoice for payment and send it to the counterparty in the personal account of SberBusiness and on. lectron mail This was reported on July 25, 2022 in. Sberbank

The printed form of the account contains a QR code that can be scanned to make a payment. It also contains information about goods and services that need to be paid, it can be added from a special reference book. In addition, it is possible to customize the printed form of the account by selecting a form displaying a mark about signing with a simple electronic signature or leaving the fields empty for manual signing.

The counterparty receives a notification about a new account in his personal account and can instantly pay for it. To pay, just press one button, and the system will automatically form a payment order by filling out all the fields based on the account. After that, the order will only remain to sign and send. This will reduce the time spent working with payment orders by several times and reduce the number of refusals for payments due to incorrect filling of details. The system monitors and changes the status of the account immediately after payment, both from the sender and from the recipient, which allows you to quickly obtain information about payment.

So far, the service is available to a limited sample of clients from among those who use SMS to confirm operations. Soon the service will become available to all users, including customers using electronic keys to confirm operations (the so-called "tokens").

Android app update

On July 12, 2022, it became known that Sberbank announced the release of an updated version of the Sberbank Online mobile application. The updated utility received a redesigned interface. The changes affected the main screens of the application.

Sberbank Online

As reported, the user will see the functions of Sberbank Online immediately after entering the PIN code. The developers have reassembled the main screen - now this is primarily a quick menu for transferring money to cards of other Sberbank customers.

The update of the Sberbank Online application is available exclusively to users. OS Android According to representatives of Sberbank, the update is not yet available to all customers. Most of them can already install an updated version, the rest will be given such an opportunity later.

When asked when exactly the updated version of Sberbank Online will be available to all owners of Android smartphones, representatives of the bank did not answer. You can try out the updated functions of the utility without waiting for a message to appear in it about the availability of the updated version. The distribution of the application for July 2022 is available for download from the official website of Sberbank.

The main application screen now contains the Dialogs menu. It shows the customers to whom the profile owner most often sends money. The chat retains the entire history of financial relations with a person - this allows you to quickly find the desired translation without referring to the general history of all card transactions.

After entering the PIN code, the user will see not only the changed main screen, but also shuffled icons on the lower navigation bar. The Payments icon has shifted to the right, and now the Accumulations icon is in its place.

This is another innovation in the Sberbank Online application, which was absent in previous versions. The Accumulations screen contains information about all user savings, including deposit and investment products of the bank.

According to representatives of Sberbank, the decision to create an updated screen and place a link to it on the navigation bar was made on purpose. This is done so that bank customers can quickly get information about their "financial cushion," which is especially important during periods of economic instability in the country.

In addition to the above, the developers have also reassembled the "Payments" screen. It is simplified to one input field, in which you need to enter the necessary details for translation.

It can be a phone number, card or account. After entering, the application will offer the necessary service for transferring money, for example, the "Fast Payment System."

The updated application of Sberbank received an additional section "Learn and Try," designed to increase the level of financial literacy of Russians. For July 2022, the material contains two training courses - "How to save money" and "How to save money in a period of uncertainty."

The first course is an instruction from several steps on the use of savings tools built into Sberbank online and talks about the advantages of saving part of the income. The second tells of existing financial instruments used to save their money from inflation and depreciation.

You can download the application from the bank's website the Russian and app stores[3]

View Adapted Web Version

Sberbank on July 6, 2022 presented an adapted web version of the application for corporate clients of SberBusiness. The program has been improved to work with smartphones and tablets, and is available for both iOS and Android users. The functionality of the application has been improved, changes have been made to the interface and the most popular sections: the main page and menu, creation of payment orders, work with statements, loans, a salary project. When the application is launched, it automatically adjusts to the screen size of the mobile device.

By creating an adaptive and ensuring its operation on mobile gadgets, Sberbank once again confirms its focus on providing the widest access to its services. The removal of the business app from the App Store and Google Play in April did not lead to a decrease in the number of new customers. Users who had not previously installed the program retained the ability to download it from the bank's website, in SmartMarket, AppGallery for Huawei, as well as in RuStore. The program showed high demand: during this period, the number of SberBusiness downloads from all platforms per month averaged 150 thousand, and the increase in the number of new users monthly approached 60 thousand. As of July 2022, the monthly active audience of the application is over 1 million customers.

We support users and strive to ensure the availability of our applications in all conditions. At the same time, our corporate Internet bank continues to develop: new functionality appears, the process of user interaction with the program is simplified. And this work will definitely be continued: it is important for us to provide customers with the most necessary services and services from their point of view for successful business, "said Anna Loevskaya, Director of the Digital Corporate Bank Division of Sberbank.

Launch of a service for automated simplified taxation system in SberBusiness

On July 1, 2022, Sberbank announced the launch of a service for an automated simplified taxation system (AUSN) in the SberBusiness Internet bank. It is available to bank customers in four constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in which an experiment by the Federal Tax Service is being conducted to introduce a special tax regime: in Moscow, Moscow and Kaluga regions, as well as the Republic of Tatarstan.

With the help of the Sberbank service, an entrepreneur can apply to switch to AUSN, receive information about tax charges and pay them in a few clicks. In addition, the service allows you to assign to the bank some of the functions of a tax agent, for example, when calculating personal income tax for your employees. The tax amount of the Federal Tax Service of Russia will appoint independently on the basis of data transferred by the bank or taxpayer through the cash register or personal account.

As of July 2022, Sberbank serves more than 2.7 million individual entrepreneurs and small businesses. Having the opportunity to evaluate business requests from within, we constantly interact with the Federal Tax Service to develop solutions aimed at supporting this segment. The introduction of an automated simplified taxation system is just the step that will help small companies reduce costs. We are pleased to offer our clients a special service that will fully take advantage of the advantages of applying this tax regime: almost completely abandon reporting, and in some cases, the services of an accountant and a personnel employee, as well as save due to zero rates on insurance premiums, "said Anatoly Popov, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of Sberbank.

From January 1, 2023, all individual entrepreneurs and legal entities in the regions of the experiment will have the opportunity to connect to the service.

Availability of the SberBusiness Internet Bank solution "SberBusiness. Services" for the Android platform

SberBusiness.The service sector has become available to owners of beauty salons and hairdressing salons throughout Russia. Sberbank announced this on June 6, 2022.

The product is available in Internet-bank mobile application and in SberBusiness (on the platform). Android More. here

SberBusinessAPI Connectivity

Corporate clients Sberbank can now independently connect to the services of the digital channel SberBusinessAPI in - Internetbank SberBusiness. This was announced Sberbank by the company on June 2, 2022. More. here

Astra Linux Compatibility

On May 25, 2022, Astra Group announced that, together with Sberbank, they confirmed the compatibility of OCAstra Linux and the Internet banking platforms SberBusiness and SberPro. Read more here.

Availability of the "Pay with One Look" service at Smartix cash desks

self-service cash desks Smartix Payment with a glance will become available in - a service from Sberbank and based on VisionLabs. computer vision Sberbank announced this on April 26, 2022. Any Sberbank client will be able to connect the service. To do this mobile application SberBank Online , you need to go to the settings, maps select the item "Payment with one glance" and take a selfie. After that, at the Smartix self-service checkout, the buyer will only have to choose the appropriate payment method and look at the camera. More. here

Availability of the industry solution "SberBusiness. Wholesale Trade" in the Internet bank "SberBusiness"

On April 21, 2022, the Moscow Bank announced the launch of the SberBusiness Wholesale industry solution with a set of digital services for entrepreneurs from the wholesale sector. This solution will allow companies to access a large set of functions in a single window, automate routine operations and increase sales efficiency. The service is built into the Internet bank SberBusiness and is available to customers of Sber for free. Read more here.

Inaccessibility on Google Play due to sanctions

Due to the sanctions, the SberBank Online mobile application on the Android platform is not available for download and updates in the Google Play store. Sberbank announced this on April 13, 2022.

The previously installed application works, there are no restrictions on its use. Sberbank recommends customers not to delete the installed bank application.

The Bank clarified that it is necessary to be vigilant and install Sberbank applications only at the link on the bank's official website.

To carry out the necessary banking operations, you can also use the web version of SberBank Online, which is adapted for use on mobile devices.

Sberbank's systems and infrastructure are operating normally, customer funds are safe.


Launch of the SberBusiness industry application "Cargo Transportation Management"

Sberbank December 22, 2021 announced the launch of an industry solution for managing cargo transportation, built into the Internet bank for entrepreneurs of SberBusiness. It is already available to customers of the Central Russian Bank. The potential coverage in this territorial bank is up to 6 thousand entrepreneurs working in this area.

Customers who connect the solution in SberBusiness will be able to manage their business for free in the "one window" format. In the Cargo Transportation Management application, entrepreneurs can manage orders for the movement of goods, the fleet and driver profiles, and monitor business performance using operational analytics widgets. Cargo carriers will be able to appoint drivers on flights, check the reliability of their customer, calculate route costs, manage order status and work with debtors. Their employees have access to a mobile application for drivers, in which they can view orders assigned to the driver, take them into work and complete them, quickly contact contacts at loading and unloading points.

Industry solutions, such as Transport, offer our Sberbank customers quick access to key indicators of their business, services relevant to their activities, and a convenient way to manage their business in a single window. A lightweight interface, a well-thought-out client path, all the necessary functionality - all this is done so that the client is not distracted from business for the sake of a visit to an Internet bank, but conducts activities directly from it - Anna Loevskaya, director of the Digital Corporate Bank division of Sberbank.

Industry solutions differ from traditional Internet banking with a more ergonomic interface and the presence of industry-specific tools that make it easier and more efficient to conduct and manage business on a daily basis. You can connect the industry solution "Cargo Transportation Management" free of charge in the SberBusiness Internet bank.

Launch of the industry solution "Real Estate"

Sber On November 18, 2021, he announced that he had launched specialized digital applications built into Internet-bank for SberBusiness entrepreneurs. The sets of services offered in these applications are selected taking into account the specifics of conducting and managing business in various industries of entrepreneurial activity.

Solutions differ from traditional Internet banking with a more ergonomic interface and the presence of industry-specific tools that make it easier and more efficient to conduct business and manage it on a daily basis.

The first industry solution "Real Estate" has already been launched for customers in Moscow. It is designed specifically for entrepreneurs who rent out one or more commercial properties.

The industry solution "Real Estate" has everything you need both for performing routine tasks and special opportunities for landlords. For example, managing real estate and lease agreements, searching for tenants and placing ads through the DomClick service, invoicing tenants, informing them about debts, paying for utilities for real estate objects, checking counterparties, document designer and other current services. The service allows you to manage your business in a "one window" format.

{{quote 'author=said Anatoly Popov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Sberbank. |

Industry solutions are a specialized tool that specifically takes into account the nuances of industries and is designed to simplify routine tasks business processes in entrepreneurs. Our product allows you to fully manage the business and conduct the company's activities. Accumulated, bank data its expertise and many years of experience in servicing entrepreneurs make it possible to accurately determine what the most popular business sectors need in their daily work. Soon we plan to launch specialized sets of services for popular industries of entrepreneurial activity, for example, the service sector,, and transport retail others, }}

Opportunity to book a taxi from Citymobil

In mobile applications Salyut and SberBank Online, you can now order a taxi from the city mobility service Citymobil|using Salyut's virtual assistants. Sberbank announced this on November 9, 2021. Read more here.

75% of application users turn to Salyut virtual assistants orally

Communicating with Salyut virtual assistants in the SberBank Online application, clients in 75% of cases prefer to formulate requests orally, Sberbank found out by analyzing the application data. The remaining 25% are screen taps. Most of these taps are tips from assistants within the current user communication scenario. Recommendations help to get more complete information or clarify the request. Sberbank announced this on October 12, 2021.

Informing customers about their personal finances is one of the most used skills of Salyut virtual assistants in the SberBank Online application. 82% of users who turned to this skill were interested in analytics of their expenses. Salute assistants help analyze income and expenses for any user-defined period, not only for a calendar month. They can report how much money and what category was spent last weekend or for the whole year. For example, if the user returned from vacation and wants to understand how much money he spent on the trip and on what, suffice to say: "Salute, show my expenses for the last week." Assistants diversify their answer with an interesting fact about expenses - they will show their favorite place of purchase or the most expensive operations for this period. You can interact with assistants both by voice and by printing messages in the chat.

In addition to analyzing expenses, 10% of users found out the amount of funds in all accounts ("Salute, how much money do I have?"), 5% - upcoming payments ("Salute, show the next payments"), 3% - your income ("Salute, how much money did I receive last month?").

{{quote 'Personal finance management is traditionally considered a complex and difficult activity. Solutions come to the rescue that simplify the accounting and control of funds. 28% of all SberBank Online users use monthly personal finance management services (analysis of spending, calculation of the total amount in accounts, setting goals, budget). We are actively developing the capabilities of Salute's virtual assistants, and the number of skills available to them continues to grow. With their capabilities, managing personal finances and performing other routine tasks in Sberbank becomes even easier, clearer and more accessible, "said Anton Shatokhin, Executive Director of Sberbank Personal Financial Planning Division.}}

Availability of SberMarket in SberBusiness Internet Banking

Sberbank on September 27, 2021 offered customers in corporate Internet banking "SberBusiness" "SberMarket" - a service that will help provide the company's employees with products, as well as stationery and household goods. With this service, the number of non-financial services in the Internet bank reached 44.

Products and goods for the company in SberMarket can be obtained already on the day of the order, all the necessary documents can be issued online, VAT is refunded when paying for the invoice. Free delivery is carried out from 7,000 rubles.

SberMarket is a service for the delivery of products and goods, operating in September 2021 in more than 150 cities of Russia. The company focuses on the prompt delivery of goods directly from store shelves. In SberMarket you can order goods and products from 77 retail chains. Special offers for certain products are available in the service - the discount can reach 50%. The catalog contains over 100,000 items, including electronics, auto goods, household and garden goods, and household chemicals.

In order to make an order, the entrepreneur needs to go to the "All Products" section, select "SberMarket" and sign the offer. After that, the service will transfer the client to the SberMarket website for B2B clients, to an online showcase The assortment includes food, office and other products from such partners as Metro, Lenta, Auchan, O'KEY, BILLA, Megamart, etc.

Add Money Request Service

SberBank Online has a convenient service to request money. Sberbank announced this on August 19, 2021. Now you can request money from SberBank customers in the Dialogues of the SberBank Online mobile application. The "Requests for money" function will avoid awkward correspondence in instant messengers or conversations during personal meetings.

Prior to this, the "money request" function already existed in the application, but now its script and design have become more convenient and comfortable. The user just needs to open the Dialogs and select any person from the list. If another has SberBank Online installed, just request the required amount in the chat.

Our research has shown that people often face situations where they have to request money. It is a natural process that, however, can be associated with some interpersonal or technical problems. We solved both of these issues by adding a money request function to the Dialogs of the SberBank Online mobile application.

By adding the ability to request money in the Mobile App Dialogs, we have made this process faster and more convenient for our customers. Now you can remind about the need to transfer money directly in the bank's application without using other instant messengers or phone calls, - said Alexey Kruglov, Director of the Digital Platform Division of Sberbank.

Ability to make transactions directly from a bank card account

Customers Sberbank will now be able to make transactions directly from the account, bank maps including in payments translations "," SberBank Online even if the card is blocked. This was reported to Sberbank on August 18, 2021.

The bank decided to make the card account payable, which will allow it to be independent of the card, and customers will have greater flexibility in managing their daily finances. SberBank's solution will be implemented smoothly in all regions, Russia it will become available to all customers bank within 1.5 months. When issuing a new SberCard in SberBank Online, a Payment Account will open with it. Old cards will continue to be served unchanged.

The bill used to be part of the card. We decided to separate them to give customers more flexibility in their financial tasks. Customer service will be built from the account, and the card will be one of the tools for accessing the account. For example, to begin with, the blocked card will cease to be an obstacle, it will be possible to make payments and transfers to SberBank Online using a payment account while the plastic is being reissued. Later, we will give customers the opportunity to re-link the card to different payment accounts - this way they can store their funds in different accounts, and link the card to the right one at SberBank Online. Over time, the volume of available transactions with the "Payment Account" will grow. The functionality of the Payment Account will gradually become available for the new ones opened at SberBank Online, and SberKart the products already available to customers will continue to work unchanged, "said Igor Kovalev, director of the Client's Wallet division of SberBank.

According to him, millions of customers of SberBank "Payment account" will provide convenience, comfort and tranquility.

Ability to perform foreign exchange transactions by voice

Users of the SberBank Online mobile application have the opportunity to perform foreign exchange transactions by voice - using virtual assistants of the Salyut family. This was reported in Sberbank on August 3, 2021.

SberBank became the first bank in Russia to implement such an opportunity - a client can not only recognize the current exchange rate, but also conduct foreign exchange transactions with the help of Sber, Joy or Athens.

In order to use the service, suffice it to say: "Salute, buy 100 dollars." The assistant will immediately pick up the necessary account for crediting currency, tell you the amount of the transaction, the current rate and tell you how to make an operation on more favorable terms.

All currencies that already exist in SberBank Online are available for work - there are 11 of them on August 3.

In the future, Sberbank intends to continue to develop this skill: it is planned, in the hour, to add the ability to track the dynamics of the exchange rate, find out currency news, as well as set up an auto-purchase of currency to the account.

2GIS availability for iOS users

Sberbank and ecosystem services are switching to 2GIS geotechnology. The bank announced this on July 27, 2021.


The geoservice card has already appeared in SberBank Online for iOS, next in line is the version for Android.

Mobile SDK - software that makes it possible to integrate 2GIS solutions into other mobile applications.

As of July 2021, the audience of the SberBank Online application is 69 million people a month. 2GIS cards are now available to iOS customers - and this is just the beginning of our partnership. In the future, everyone will be able to try a variety of services based on 2GIS within the framework of SberBank Online, and the geoservice will have an additional audience. In the near future, we will switch to 2GIS technologies in the Android version, "said Alexey Kruglov, Director of the Digital Platform Division of Sberbank.

The first work on the Mobile SDK began more than a year ago. But even before the official release, we began to iteratively integrate it into ecosystem products. It turned out to be a classic win-win - we develop the tools most necessary for partners, and from them we get an early operational feedback. The release of our product in SberBank Online is a good indicator of our painstaking work. Our SDK has been tested by BI.Zone and received a high assessment of the security of the code, which indicates applicability even in the banking sector, - said Anton Spiridonov, Service Station, Director of Research and Development, Director of 2GIS.

Prior to this, ecosystem companies used separate APIs to solve geo-problems.

In addition to the map, ecosystem companies have started using geodata 2GIS. SberBox and SberPortal build routes, talk about the situation on the roads and where you can, for example, have a snack. The 2GIS card is already working in special projects of Sberbank - for example, the Green Marathon and the SberNear service. On the main website of SberBank, the card will gradually become available to all visitors.

Integration with Max Portal Assistant

On July 7, 2021, Sberbank announced that virtual assistants Athena, Joy and Sberbank would simplify the receipt of public services thanks to integration with the robot Max, an assistant to the portal

The SberDevices team has completed the first stage of integrating the skills of the Max robot into the SberBank Online and Sber Salyut mobile applications, as well as Sber smart devices. Read more here.

Launch of the "International Delivery" service in the Internet bank SberBusiness

May 27, 2021 Sber announced the launch of the International Delivery service for entrepreneurs. This is a digital platform for sending goods and delivering them from abroad in Internet the SberBusiness bank, which presents operators and transportlogistic SberLogistics "."Translog

Sberbank's corporate clients can calculate the cost and delivery time, issue an application and sign an agreement with the forwarding agent with an electronic signature, and then track the status of the cargo. All necessary documents are saved in SberBusiness and are available at any time.

Delivery is carried out by rail, sea and aviation transport from countries Asia (including China Hong Kong Vietnam South Korea,,,,,,,,). In Japan Taiwan Thailand June, Indonesia Malaysia it is planned to connect routes to the service. automobile the European

To use International Delivery, you need to connect the Additional electronic document management tariff and have an enhanced qualified electronic signature (UKEP).

Adding the "Wallet" section

Sberbank on April 28, 2021 presented the next services for the whole country. Profitable changes appeared in the SberBank Online mobile application.

Bank cards, financial management services (expense analysis, budget, total balance of funds in accounts), bonuses from SberThank you and exchange rates are now collected in one section - Wallet - SberBank Online mobile application. Previously, they were in different tabs of the mobile application.

Access to numerous services of the application has become faster. It is enough to click on the lavashar of one of the virtual assistants of the Salyut family, which is now located right on the main screen, and pronounce the name of the desired service. You no longer need to wander around the menu items. Just say: "What is the currency rate?," "Change the PIN," "Where is the nearest ATM?" or "Pay mobile" - and the assistant will help. In addition, now with the help of Sberbank, Athens and Joy, users will be able to choose and order products with fast delivery "Scooter" right inside the SberBank Online application.

Virtual assistants Salyut learned to analyze the client's expenses, tell how many funds the client has, track the established budget, offer investment instruments, advise on mutual investment funds, trust management strategies, individual pension plans and compulsory pension provision. They will talk about the rates of Russian and foreign shares and changes in prices for them, as well as inform about the rates of precious metals and currencies, help exchange currency.

In a couple of clicks, you can: enable incoming call verification; check if the data fell to the scammers; report a fraudster; study the materials and pass tests on the safe management of money in SberBank Online.

Flagship subscription SberPrime + - for only 399 rubles a month. This is a comprehensive offer collected from the most popular financial and non-financial services of Sberbank, which saves customers up to 5,000 rubles a month.

For April 2021, SberPrime + includes:

  • SberCard with free service, increased bonuses (10% at all gas stations and taxis, Citymobil"" 5% - in all cafes, restaurants, taxi services and on SberMarket""), cash withdrawal without commission at any ATMs in the world and a profitable exchange rate;
  • unlimited transfers throughout the country within SberBank;
  • 80,000 films - Okko in the subscription "Optimum," 150 minutes and 3 GB - in the tariff "Start" from SberMobaila"," discounts and advantages in the services of the Sberbank ecosystem.

We presented the main update of the year for the SberBank Online application. Our clients have been using not only financial services for a long time, and the current update is largely about this - the flagship product of the ecosystem SberPrime + subscription and a separate section with cybersecurity services have appeared on the main screen. The virtual assistant has been updated, and for clarity of everything related to finance, we have created a section - "Wallet," said Alexey Kruglov, director of the Digital Platform division of Sberbank.

Launch a service that shows users their total pension

Sberbank has launched an online service in SberBank that shows users their total pension, calculated at the moment, and makes it possible to use tools for long-term savings. All information is reflected in the section "Pension and services of SberNPF." Sber NPF announced this on April 20, 2021.

The compulsory pension insurance system (OPS), which for April 2021 forms the future pension of working Russians, consists of two parts - insurance and funded pensions. The insurance part consists of a fixed amount and accumulated pension points, the number of which depends on the experience of the future pensioner and his income. The "pension showcase" from SberNPF allows you to see the monthly pension payment calculated for the current day, current points and experience, and also talks about the mechanisms for calculating the insurance part of the pension.

The funded part until 2014 was formed from employer contributions; in the past seven years, it has not been replenished, but only grows in investment income. The service helps to find out the size of your funded pension and see which NPF (or PFR) the user's savings are currently in.

To use the service, you need to go to SberBank Online, select the "Investments and Pensions" section - "Pension and Services of SberNPF" and give consent to receive user data from " portal. The information will be processed in 5-10 minutes, after which all information about the pension will appear on the screen.

For two months of the service's operation in test mode, about three million Russians entered the Investments and Pensions section. Of these, a little more than 700 thousand people, having analyzed the information, became interested in tools for independent savings for retirement (for example, IPP) and moved to the corresponding section. The Pension Showcase forms an understanding: in order to ensure a comfortable life after completing a career, you need to take care of this yourself, "said Igor Mamontov, Vice President, Director of the Investments and Savings Division of Sberbank.

As a recent survey of NPF Sberbank showed, 51% of Russians do not understand how their pension is formed. The "pension showcase" facilitates this task: we not only show people the calculation of the monthly pension payment for the current day, but also "highlight" information in case of a lack of experience or points to the necessary minimum values ​ ​ for calculating the pension. So we increase the financial literacy of our clients and help them start saving in advance for the future, - said Alexander Zaretsky, General Director of NPF Sberbank.

Start of online registration of real estate transactions in the secondary market

At the end of January 2021, Sberbank launched a service for remote opening of a letter of credit for transactions between individuals in the secondary real estate market. Now you can pay for the purchase of housing not in a new building completely via the Internet.

As part of the new service, Sberbank's partner, a real estate agency or realtor, transmits the transaction parameters to the bank via secure electronic communication channels. After that, the bank creates an application for a letter of credit, which is reflected in the Sberbank Online mobile application. The client is included in the application to read the terms and conditions and confirm the opening of a letter of credit.

Online registration of real estate transactions in the secondary market began in the Russian Federation

At all stages of the transaction, the payer and the recipient receive an SMS - that the application has been formed, the letter of credit is open, and then executed. The funds are placed by the buyer in a letter of credit account with the bank and are received by the seller only after he fulfills the terms of the transaction, remind the financial institution of the essence of the instrument.

Director of the Trade Finance Department of Sberbank Evgeny Kravchenko, commenting on the launch of a remote opening of a letter of credit service for transactions between individuals, noted that such a product is available only at Sberbank by the end of January 2021. This service allows you to significantly speed up the transaction, since customers do not need to visit the office of a credit institution, he stressed.

A secure settlement tool like a letter of credit is becoming increasingly popular in real estate purchase and sale transactions. So, in 2020, more than 150 thousand letters of credit were opened at Sberbank for such transactions, which is twice as much as in 2019. To make the use of this product even more convenient, last year we transferred letters of credit to online for buyers of real estate in new buildings, and now for transactions in the secondary market, "Kravchenko said.

The first deal under the new scheme was concluded in Moscow with the participation of the Etazhi real estate agency[4]


17 million users of personal finance management services

The number of monthly users of online personal management services finance Sberbank in December 2020 reached 17 million people, which is 1.3 times more than in December 2019. This was announced on January 20, 2021 by Sberbank Life Insurance"."

The PFM for January 2021 includes six services:

  • "Analysis of Finance" (shows clients analytics on expenses and credits on cards, and also calculates the forecast for the next month);
  • "Your budget" (allows you to take control of expenses and start postponing);
  • "Goals" (allows you to save up for travel, training, a large purchase or deposit funds in an envelope);
  • "Piggy bank" (allows you to automate the accumulation process);
  • "Total funds" (makes it possible to assess your capital, see the history of how it was formed and open a new product);
  • "Investment Showcase" (allows you to buy various investment products online).

Popular PFM services:

  • "Analysis of Finance" - the number of users reached 11.5 million people;
  • "Your budget" - 4.7 million people;
  • "Total funds" - 4.3 million people.

Personal financial planning services are excellent assistants in managing personal finances, and the number of their users is growing rapidly. In 2020, Sberbank received the status of an investment adviser, and in the first half of 2021 we will begin to give clients individual investment recommendations based on their investment profile, "said Natalya Alymova, Senior Vice President, Head of the Wealth Management Unit of Sberbank

The development of personal financial planning services in Sberbank is being carried out by the Wealth Management unit. Online services in SberBank Online help to manage capital taking into account the risk profile and financial goals of customers.

The ability to connect to the service of registered mail "Post of Russia"

Connection to the service of registered mail "Post of Russia" and their receipt became available in the SberBank Online mobile application. Sberbank announced this on December 18, 2020. Read more here.

The ability to confirm operations on macOS

Corporate clients Sberbank can now confirm operations in Internet the SberBusiness bank computers from to using macOS the enhanced one. The electronic signature bank announced this on December 16, 2020. The development of an electronic key (token) compatible with was one of ON Apple the most frequent wishes of SberBusiness users.

This electronic key was developed by the company Aktiv"" specifically for Sberbank on the initiative and with the direct participation cyber security of the Bank's Department. It allows you to sign contracts with the bank and bilateral documents in a package. The keys on the token cannot be copied and are used only inside the token - this ensures the security of the procedure. Before offering TLS to Rutoken a large audience, Sberbank conducted pilot tests among 1,500 entrepreneurs for 10 months. Moscow

As of December 2020, our Internet bank SberBusiness uses 550 thousand entrepreneurs who have electronic keys for signing documents and files with an enhanced electronic signature. We launched the key for macOS at the numerous wishes of users who will now be able to work with the Internet bank in the operating system where it is convenient for them, "said Anna Loevskaya, Director of the Digital Corporate Bank Division of Sberbank.

All clients of the SberBusiness Internet bank operating with an enhanced electronic signature can order the release of Rutoken TLS. To do this, they need to fill out a corrective application, indicate in paragraph 1.2 "Standard on macOS," transfer it to the bank's office and pay a commission.

Consultations with the chatbot in the SberBank Online mobile application under the NSJ and ILI programs

The chat bot in the SberBank Online mobile application has become even smarter: now it answers questions on the investment and savings life insurance programs (NSZ and ILI) of Sberbank Life Insurance, and, if necessary, connects it with the operator. This was reported on December 3, 2020 in Sberbank.

The service is located on the main page of the application in the "Dialogs" tab. He can tell clients about all the conditions of the NSJ and ILI programs, the execution and termination of contracts, the payment of an insurance premium, the procedure for acting upon the occurrence of an insured event or the end of the contract.

In the fall, we launched savings and investment life insurance programs at SberBank Online and are gradually supplementing them with various services. Customers bank can now get information about insurance programs not only from branch employees, but also from those virtual assistant who answer questions around the clock. Soon we will integrate advice on NSJ and ILI into the Sberbank family of virtual assistants, "said Olga Monakhova, executive director of the Investments and Savings division. Sberbank

Ability to design eSIM "SberMobile"

Virtual Carrier SberMobile, part of the ecosystem, Sberbank launched a virtual SIM card, eSIM which can be issued and used completely online in the mobile version of SberBank Online. Sberbank announced this on November 18, 2020. More. here

Add Insurance Document Exchange

On November 5, 2020, Sberbank announced that, together with SberKorus (part of the Sberbank ecosystem), it had expanded the functionality of the Document Management service specifically for customers who entered into corporate insurance contracts with Sberbank's subsidiary Sberbank Insurance.

The updated service function allows you to completely abandon the exchange of insurance documents on paper. Now you can settle losses online, without waiting for the original of the missing document to be delivered from a remote region of the Russian Federation.

With the help of a free service, Sberbank Insurance customers will be able to declare an insurance event and settle a loss online. Previously, customers had to mail in the missing documents to make changes to the insurance contract or terminate it. Now it will take only a few minutes, and the information will go to the insurance company instantly.

Uploading, sending and signing documents by electronic signature take place in the "Document Flow" service of the Internet bank for entrepreneurs of SberBusiness. After signing the documents with an electronic signature (EA) by both parties, the document becomes fully legal. If the client does not have an EP, you can release it for free to work in the service.

Denis Kuzavlev, Senior Managing Director, Director of the Corporate Insurance Center of Sberbank:

{{quote "The presented service allows the client and the insurance company to instantly exchange legally significant documents and significantly reduce the time for settling losses. The service not only simplifies the client's path, but also saves customers time and money for the delivery of documents on paper, eliminates the risks of losing documents. The service is especially relevant when many companies have switched to remote operation. One of our main priorities is the most convenient customer path for post-sales service. The introduction of a free ʺDokumentooborotʺ service for our customers is another important milestone in the implementation of this priority. }}

Availability of the SberZdorovye service in the SberBusiness marketplace

Medical service SberZdorovye is now available in the marketplace of the Internet bank for legal entities SberBusiness. Sberbank announced this on October 22, 2020. Read more here.

Launch of a car evacuation alert service in Moscow

On October 9, 2020, Sberbank announced the launch of a car evacuation alert service in Moscow. It is available in the Sberbank Online system thanks to the bank's cooperation with the GKU Administrator of the Moscow Parking Space. Read more here.

Launch of the "Digital Profile" in consumer lending

Sberbank on October 5, 2020 announced the expansion of the possibility of consumer lending thanks to the Digital Profile. Now, government data can be used instead of paper certificates to obtain a cash loan.

Now clients who do not receive a salary or pension to an account with Sberbank can apply for a loan of up to 1 million rubles to Sberbank Online without certificates and visiting the office. When submitting an application, it is enough for the client to agree to receive information about income from the Public services portal, and Sberbank will receive information about the client from the Digital Profile and use it in making a decision. The service was launched for users of the web version of Sberbank Online, later it will be available in the mobile application on the iOS and Android platforms.

The "digital profile" is a set of information contained in the information systems of government agencies about citizens and legal entities, ensures their identification and safe exchange of confirmed data. The tool is integrated with the Unified Portal of Public Services of the Russian Federation.

Sergey Shirokov, Director of the "Borrow and Save" division of Sberbank:

The convenience and quality of client service is our main priority. We know how inconvenient it is to receive a certificate from your place of work and a copy of a work book for obtaining a loan. We are glad that integration with the state portal will make it possible to get rid of this step and make consumer loans even more affordable for customers who do not receive income to an account with Sberbank. We look forward to further expanding the documents available in the service to improve the quality of client services.

Providing a cloud-based payment signing service

On September 23, 2020, Sberbank offered entrepreneurs a cloud service for signing payments in a mobile application.

Internet banking users for corporate clients can now confirm payments and sign documents using the cloud service of enhanced unqualified electronic signature (abbreviated as UNEP). The service will be available to all users of the Sberbank Business Online mobile application in the near future.

What are the advantages for the client?

  • Simple retrieval procedure.
  • Usability.
  • Security.
  • The possibility of signing documents in the absence of cellular communication is enough to have an Internet connection.

To use this service, you need to connect it through the Sberbank Business Online mobile application. After the connection, electronic signature keys will be formed and placed on the bank's cloud resources, as well as the UNEP certificate will be issued by the bank's certification center. At the time of signing the document, you need to confirm access to the authentication key through biometrics or a PIN code, after which the application will send a confirmation to the cloud to create an electronic signature.

Anna Loevskaya, Director of the Digital Corporate Bank Division of Sberbank:

According to our estimates, the potential audience of this technology is at least 800 thousand users of the Sberbank Business Online mobile application. As of September 2020, to confirm operations, they all enter a code that is received in real time via SMS. The absence of a cellular signal can become an intractable obstacle to the operation. This type of signature solves this problem. For example, one of the first users to evaluate this technology was a bank client who needed to make a payment from the Arctic Ocean, in the absence of mobile communications. At the same time, the technology used to create UNEP meets the highest security and security requirements. The client's personal key is stored on the crypto server in encrypted form in the internal perimeter of the bank and is available only from the client's smartphone through the Sberbank Business Online mobile application after passing a reliable authentication procedure.

As of September 2020, an enhanced unqualified electronic signature is available to bank customers, but requires the use of a special flash media (token) and can only be applied in the web version of Sberbank Business Online. UNEP in a mobile application will give users opportunities that are not available when using SMS confirmation, so in the near future it will be possible to mass sign payments. The reliability and security of operations will also increase, and the analysis of incidents and disputes will be simplified.

Opportunity to pay for the services of the mobile operator of Kyrgyzstan

September 23, 2020 Sberbank announced the connection to its payment system mobile operator. communications Kyrgyzstan Sberbank customers can now quickly and safely pay for the services of a mobile operator, "OH!" (NUR Telecom) located anywhere in the world. You can instantly replenish the balance of your phone - both your own and your loved ones - in, Sberbank Online as well as in self-service devices. There is no transaction fee.

Vyacheslav Tsybulnikov, Vice President of Sberbank - Chairman of the Moscow Bank:

Sberbank's digital services allow people in different countries to be closer to each other and always stay in touch. It is possible to replenish the balance of a loved one's phone, regardless of the distance, almost instantly without additional transfers of money to accounts or cards, without the need to visit bank offices and without commission.

Less than a year ago, at the end of 2019, Sberbank entered the international payment market by signing the first agreements with the national operator of the Republic Tajikistan Tcell and the company MegaFon"." The service turned out to be in demand among the bank's customers - working Russia in foreigners, tourists and citizens whose RUSSIAN FEDERATION loved ones live in Tajikistan. Therefore, it was decided to expand the interaction of Sberbank with mobile operators of countries. As of CIS September 2020, Sberbank Online can replenish the balance of operators,, and cellular communications Tajikistan Uzbekistan Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan.

Start of OSAGO sales from Insurance House VSK

On August 31, 2020, the VSK Insurance House announced the start of OSAGO sales on the Sberbank marketplace.

To apply for a policy through the marketplace, a motorist will need a STS (certificate of registration transport of a means) or a PTS (vehicle passport), as well as a passport and driver's license. On the retail Internet site, it is possible to calculate and compare the cost of the OSAGO policy in several insurance companies at once, find out your "accident rate," get a discount for trouble-free driving and purchase a policy. Since authorization it is carried out according to, Sberbank ID during the execution of the contract, you do not need to enter: personal data the client is already in the pre-filled form. The issued policy of the selected insurance company will be sent to the email client. It is not necessary to print it - it is enough to know the series and document number or show it on the screen. If mobile phone desired, the car owner can print an electronic policy on ordinary paper.

The service for remote selection and purchase of the OSAGO policy became available thanks to the law adopted at the end of April 2020, which lifted restrictions on the full sale of insurance products with the involvement of high-tech partners using online platforms.

Sberbank is an agent of insurance companies whose policies can be issued online. At the same time, a full client path has been built on the site with the participation of partners - from the choice of an insurance company to the conclusion of an agreement and payment of the policy. In the near future, the sale of auto insurance policies will also be implemented on the marketplace. In addition, in the future, it is planned to configure the operation of the Internet site so that the proposal to issue or extend auto insurance is received by customers if they have such a need, - said Katrin Soomre, director of the Protective Insurance Products and Services division of the Blagosostoyanie Block of Sberbank.

Insurance House VSK and Sberbank connects fruitful cooperation. We are confident that the marketplace will be in great demand among car owners due to the ease of use and completeness of the information provided. The online retail platform creates even more opportunities for buying car insurance in accordance with the individual needs of each car owner, - commented Olga Sorokina, Deputy General Director for Business Development of the Insurance House of VSK.

The ability to insure your favorite things in Sberbank Online by photo

87% of Russians are careful about things that are especially valuable to them, but at the same time 73% at least once faced with their damage, loss or theft, Sberbank found out, having conducted a number of studies among active people for 20-45 years. About half of the respondents believe that the usual ways to save items dear to the heart are not enough. Especially for them, Sberbank and Sberbank Insurance have developed the product "Protection of Favorite Things." This was reported on August 20, 2020 by Sberbank.

"In the course of research, it turned out that 46% of respondents thought about alternative ways to protect the most expensive items for them and are ready to consider as such ways. insurance Of course, the insurance policy will not be able to return the lost, but at least compensates for material losses. Under our new program "Protecting Your Favorite Things," you can insure,, laptops tablets cameras, video and action cameras, bicycles, ski equipment and even - a rarity for the Russian market -. quadcopters It is very easy to issue an insurance contract: in "" Sberbank Online you need to upload a photo of your favorite thing, a check confirming its cost, choose the risks and duration of insurance. In this case, the policy can be issued for a period of 14 days to 31 days - for example, during a vacation or business trip - or for a year. "

The insurance program will protect your favorite things from fire, theft, falls, mechanical damage, exposure to liquids, damage as a result of an accident and other risks. Insurance protection is valid 24/7 anywhere in the world.

Launch of transfers from Sberbank cards to QIWI Wallet and back

Customers QIWI were able to transfer funds QIWI Purse from to cards Sberbank and back, as well as replenish the maps bank with cash from QIWI terminals. A one-time payment ranges from 10 to rubles 15 thousand rubles. Qiwi Group announced this on July 6, 2020.

Transactions are available from Sberbank Online and self-service devices. Read more here.

Possibility of opening an individual pension plan without commission

On June 22, 2020, NPF Sberbank announced that it had become more profitable to open and replenish individual pension plan (IPP) agreements: Sberbank Online can now do this without commission. In addition, the conditions for the return of funds upon early termination of the IPP contract have improved.

If earlier, after 5 years of the program, it was possible to collect no more than 98% of personal contributions and 80% of investment income, now after 5 years there is a restriction only on the return of the amount of investment income, and your own contributions can be taken in full. After 10 years, the client can, if necessary, return in full the amount of personal contributions, and all the investment income accumulated under the program.

Igor Mamontov, Vice President, Director of the Investments and Savings Division of Sberbank:

{{quote "We are constantly improving savings and savings services Sberbank online and making them available to all customers. bank The culture of self-care in the future is becoming more and more popular, especially among young people: 35% of all individual pension plans in Sberbank Online were concluded by clients aged 25 to 33 years. Young people choose individual pension plans, because this is a simple and understandable savings tool: by saving an amount equivalent to a cup of coffee in the IPP every day, in the future you can get up to 50 thousand rubles of a monthly increase in the state pension. }}

An individual pension plan is a financial instrument that allows you to independently form a future pension in a comfortable mode. Savings are growing not only due to the regular replenishment of IPPs, but also due to the investment income that the fund accrues annually. At the end of 2019, the yield on IPP "Target" contracts in NPF Sberbank amounted to 9.64% per annum. When opening a IPP agreement in bank branches, the commission is 1.5% of the contribution amount.

Connection of mobile operators of Kazakhstan

On June 11, 2020, Sberbank announced the connection of all mobile operators of the Republic of Kazakhstan to its payment system. Sberbank customers can now pay for Activ, Beeline, Tele2, Kcell, Altel and Kazakhtelecom mobile services anywhere in the world.

You can instantly replenish the balance of the mobile operator of Kazakhstan, including for relatives and friends, both at Sberbank Online and through self-service devices. All operations are carried out without commission.

Vyacheslav Tsybulnikov, Vice President of Sberbank - Chairman of the Moscow Bank: {{quote "The possibility of remote payment for the services of any mobile operator of Kazakhstan will certainly be in demand not only by citizens of a neighboring state who come to Russia on business or to earn money, but also by our compatriots whose relatives and acquaintances live in Kazakhstan. Now you can replenish the balance of their phones almost instantly without additional transfers of money to accounts or cards, without the need to visit bank offices and without commission. }}

Kirill Dmitriyev, Director of the Payments and Transfers division of Sberbank: {{quote 'Many citizens of Kazakhstan who have previously arrived in Russia cannot return to their homeland due to the coronavirus pandemic, so mobile communications are almost the only channel for communication with relatives and friends. Sberbank provided the opportunity to replenish the balance of a subscriber of any mobile operator of Kazakhstan through Sberbank Online. }}

At the end of 2019, Sberbank entered the international payment market by signing agreements with the National Operator of the Republic of Tajikistan Tcell and. MegaFon The service turned out to be in demand among the bank's clients - working Russia in foreigners visiting the country as tourists, as well as citizens RUSSIAN FEDERATION whose loved ones live in neighboring countries. In this regard, it was decided to expand the interaction of Sberbank with mobile operators of countries. Already at the CIS beginning of June 2020, Sberbank Online can replenish the balance of mobile operators, and. Tajikistan Uzbekistan Kyrgyzstan

Launch of the project "Artists in Sberbank Online"

On May 28, 2020, Sberbank"" announced the launch of the project "Artists in Sberbank Online," which will allow you to personalize design bank applications using works of art. The first series of the project starts in partnership with. State Hermitage Museum

A set of welcome screensavers and digital postcards with images of paintings by 19th-century French painters from the museum's collection has appeared in the mobile application. The Hermitage series includes 15 works by famous representatives of impressionism and post-impressionism, including paintings by Claude Monet, Paul Cezanne, Alfred Sisley and Vincent van Gogh.

Artists in Sberbank Online

The Impressionism greeting series can be connected in the profile settings. After that, the works of great artists will appear at the entrance to the application, and a gallery with information on each painting will appear in the profile.

Four digital cards with the works of impressionists appeared in Sberbank Online Dialogues - they can be sent to friends along with a money transfer or just like that.

In order to access visual content, users need to update the Sberbank Online mobile application to the latest version. A series of greetings and digital postcards with paintings of the State Hermitage Museum will be available until July 15 inclusive.

The coming time of innovation reminds that the museum has several functions: to store, study and make collections accessible. The way to make collections available today has been moved online. I must say that to a large extent it was. We're trying to combine two kinds of work like that. One is to "receive" a visitor at the Hermitage. Another - using various technologies, talk about the museum. I think, to some extent, this is a recipe for the future life of culture as a whole,

- says Mikhail Borisovich Piotrovsky, General Director of the State Hermitage Museum

We are glad that the paintings from the collection of one of the leading museums in the world have become a little closer for tens of millions of our clients: for some it will be the first acquaintance with impressionists, someone will smile when they see one of their favorite masterpieces. Cooperation with the Hermitage inspired us, and Sberbank Online will definitely continue to interact with the world of art. I would like in our daily life more often there is a place for beauty,

- says Alexey Kruglov, director of the Digital Platform division of the Retail Business block of Sberbank

Ability to exchange legally relevant documents without leaving the accounting system

Now Sberbank Business Online customers will be able to exchange legally significant documents without leaving the 1C accounting system. This opportunity was provided by the "Integration module of EDO for working in 1C," the developer of which was the ecosystem company of Sberbank "Korus Consulting CIS." This was announced on May 27, 2020 by Sberbank. Read more here.

Voice Dial Availability

On May 8, 2020, Sberbank announced that voice dialing is now available to users of the Sberbank Business Online mobile application (Internet banking for legal entities): entrepreneurs can dictate by voice any message in a dialogue with an operator or bot. This allows you to get advice even in situations where it is uncomfortable to type or difficult to formulate a question.

The developed solution uses speech recognition technologies developed by SberDevices. At the testing stage, the technology showed a good quality of recognition of terms specific to legal entities and will constantly learn more from the post-launch data. The service is already available to 50% of users who have installed an updated version of Sberbank Business Online on iOS and Android platforms. 100% availability of the service will be ensured until the end of May 2020.

We have introduced this technology, responding to the needs of entrepreneurs who are already accustomed to voice dialing in other communication channels. Our immediate plans are to provide a different format of interaction with the bank to all corporate clients. In the future, our customers will be able to send audio tracks and communicate with a voice assistant - a full-fledged assistant with whom they can discuss various business development issues.
said Sergey Lekhanov, Director of the Corporate Solutions Center Division of Sberbank

Availability of Sberbank and Sberbank products

April 27, 2020 Sberbank reported that together with Savings studies launched logistic services in - Internetbank Sberbank Business Online. More than 2.5 million legal entities can connect the services of Sberbank in a few minutes via SberBusiness ID. The contract is formed automatically without paper documents, and immediately after its confirmation, corporate customers can deliver goods throughout the country on a postpaid basis.

Two products are available for sending correspondence and parcels to Sberbank Business Online users - Sberbank and Sberbank.

A "savings courier" is a door-to-door delivery. Sberbank's own courier networks cover 800 settlements for April 2020. The company's couriers are equipped with all the necessary protective equipment and work according to contactless delivery algorithms.

"Sberpellka" - delivery to points of issue of orders. As of April 2020, 13,000 points of issue are available to Sberbank customers, including Sberbank branches and checkpoints.

In the intuitive interface of your personal account, you can calculate the cost of delivery, call a courier, send a parcel to the nearest point of issue for the recipient and track the status for each order online. The service automates the preparation and sending of parcels, in one window you can manage all logistics processes.

The developed infrastructure network of Sberbank will help business to increase its presence in regional markets and provide customers with high-quality delivery at an affordable price. The delivery geography covers 26 thousand settlements of Russia, regional centers of Sberbank are represented in 26 largest cities (as of April 2020). Own class A warehouses with a total area of ​ ​ more than 100 square meters. m are located in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Rostov-on-Don and Vladivostok.

Sberbank Business Online is a full-fledged digital platform for entrepreneurs that helps to maintain business activity and support activities even in a situation of remote work. Thanks to Sberbank, our users can physically send goods and goods without involving external contractors. A simple and convenient way to connect to Sberbank provides a seamless authorization mechanism for SberBusiness ID, based on Sberbank's own development - the Fintech API solution. In total, by April 27, 2020, Sberbank's corporate Internet bank, in addition to traditional banking services, presented more than 30 non-financial services that allow you to conduct and develop business remotely,
said Anna Loevskaya, Managing Director of Sberbank's Digital Corporate Bank Division

The presented service in the Sberbank Business Online marketplace combines logistics and financial services. The personal account of a legal entity is a full-fledged online office, where users can issue delivery in a matter of seconds, track the status of shipments and manage all processes. We provide convenient access to digital logistics services, reliable delivery and uniform quality standards throughout the country, helping Sberbank's corporate clients reduce logistics costs and focus on business development.
noted Sergey Malyshev, General Director of Sberbank

Possibility of making NSF contributions through a mobile application

On April 23, 2020, Sberbank's subsidiary insurance company Sberbank Life Insurance announced the provision of customers with the opportunity to pay regular premiums under accumulative life insurance (NSZ) agreements in the Sberbank Online mobile application. This opportunity has become available to more than 300 thousand existing customers of the company for NSW throughout Russia.

Previously, clients of a life insurance company replenished their contracts at bank branches or by paying details. This can now be done in the "Investments and Pensions" tab on the home page of the mobile application. To complete the transaction, go to the product card in the "Investments and pensions" section and select "Make a payment" by specifying the desired card. If desired, you can set up the auto payment function to replenish the contract.

As of the end of the first quarter of 2020, Sberbank Life Insurance had almost 318 thousand NSZ contracts. Now they can all make regular payments under contracts without leaving their homes. In the product card in Sberbank Online, the client also has access to detailed information about the NSF policy: the amount of savings, the amount of investment income, the date and amount of the next payment, the date of the beginning and end of the contract, and so on,
said Olga Monakhova, Executive Director of Sberbank's Investments and Savings Division

Cumulative life insurance is a program created to form financial a reserve by a certain date for any purpose, for example, to pay for higher formations children or buy an apartment. The program provides insurance protection for the life and health of the client for the entire period of the contract. Including customers are insured against newly occurring infectious or viral diseases, including. coronavirus An important component of the product is that when adverse events occur, the company will continue to make regular contributions for the client and complete the savings by the scheduled date.

Launch of the service "Personal account of the developer"

On April 14, 2020 Sberbank , he announced that Sberbank Business Online launched the Developer's Personal Account service into commercial operation, with the help of which you can apply credit for project financing housing, track the stages of its passage and send all the documents necessary to obtain a loan. Both clients and bank legal entities that are just planning to start cooperation with Sberbank can apply.

Those companies that are not clients of the bank need to leave an application on the Sberbank website in the section "Corporate clients - online lending." After completion identification data , the company will be provided with access to a limited version of Sberbank Business Online with the possibility of applying for loans.

In the first weeks of launching the service into commercial operation, we received through it about 15% of applications from developers. We expect further growth in the use of this product, as in the current environment it becomes even more relevant and will ensure the work of companies without compromising the operating activities of companies and the implementation of their investment programs. In total, in the first quarter of 2020, we approved more than 110 applications for project financing with escrow in the amount of more than 150 billion rubles. Since the beginning of the year, the loan portfolio in the direction of "Housing Development" has grown by 12% and approached the figure of half a trillion rubles, mainly due to projects with escrow. In general, the share of project financing with escrow in the portfolio is already about 50%,
said Sergey Bessonov, Vice President - Director of the Credit Products and Processes Division of Sberbank

After submitting an application in the personal account, developers have the opportunity to monitor at what stage it is in the status tracker, which includes several stages:

  • The Bank conducts preliminary analysis of the project, forms and discusses preconditions with the borrower.
  • The Borrower shall collect the full package of documents for consideration of the application.
  • Detailed analysis of the transaction is carried out on the basis of the documents provided.
  • The Bank decides on the possibility of lending.
  • Credit and security documentation is being prepared.

Thanks to this service, existing customers of the bank may not visit the bank's office until the signing of the credit documentation. If the legal entity is not yet a client of the bank, then in order to carry out electronic circulation on the application, he should come to the office and join the terms of remote banking and further continue all interaction with the bank as part of the consideration of the project financing transaction online.

An important point is that when a client downloads documents, you can quickly get feedback. If the bank for some reason rejected the document, the client will see the reason and correct the error, if possible (for example, if not all pages were scanned). Some documents can already be stored in the bank and their submission is not required. That is why the list of documents is formed individually for each specific project after submitting an application and receiving information about the legal entity by the bank.

Adapting the Web Version for the Blind and Visually Impaired

On April 13, 2020, Sberbank announced the adaptation of the web version of its Internet banking for the blind and visually impaired. Now they can conduct basic financial transactions not only in their smartphone, but also on a computer or laptop. The Sberbank Online mobile application was available for this category of customers earlier.

Sberbank Online

During the adaptation of Sberbank Online, the contrast of the color palette has been improved, text information for graphic elements has been added and navigation has been simplified. When using the web version, blind and visually impaired clients can use screen readers - special programs (NVDA, JAWS or Voiceover) that read information from the screen applications or web page to the user and provide him with convenient navigation functionality. Only the keyboard is enough to control.

To make the interface of the web version of Sberbank Online accessible, special roadlines were guided by the development process. They are based on easy perception, clarity of the interface and content, availability even when changing the browser or operating system, the ability to use the interface by all clients, regardless of physical or technical limitations.

At all stages of the development of the updated version of Sberbank Online, tests were carried out with the participation of blind experts.

It is important for us that each client, regardless of its peculiarities, can use Sberbank products and services in the digital environment. Moreover, he could manage services in a way that is available to him and convenient. Adapting the web version of Sberbank Online is another step of the bank towards inclusion. We really hope that our example will become an additional motivation for other companies and the IT community,
said Alexandra Altukhova, Director of the Special Solutions Division of Sberbank

Add Catalog and Web Version Search

April 13, 2020 Sberbank announced the release of a large-scale update of the web version of Sberbank Online. - Internetbank replenished with additional features, including:

  • Catalog. It contains all the products of the bank and partners, as well as profitable personalized offers - special for each client.
  • Search. Now you can easily search by transaction history, functions and service providers for payments - just drive keywords into the search bar.

Sberbank Online

Important information and useful services have become closer. A menu with basic products has been added - this is quick access to all cards, accounts and other products. Payment cards appeared on the main screen, with which you can quickly perform the desired operation.

Sberbank Online

The appearance of the main screens has changed significantly. The design has become more modern, flexible and accentual. It has more emotions: now at the entrance, customers will see an atmospheric splash screen, and on some screens there will be illustrations with friendly characters.

Sberbank Online

It is convenient to use the updated web version of Sberbank Online from any device, including tablets: the design adjusts to screens of different sizes.

The Internet bank has been adapted for blind and visually impaired customers. Now the main functions are convenient to use using screen readers. To make the interface accessible, special roadlines were guided by the development process. In addition, blind experts participated in the testing.

{{quote 'author=noted Alexey Kruglov, director of the Digital Platform division of the Retail Business unit of Sberbank' Most of our customers prefer the Sberbank Online mobile application, but millions of people continue to use the web version. We hope this update will help them meet their financial challenges faster, especially since our launch coincided with a period when many stay at home. This is just the beginning of the changes - we will continue to refine and improve our Internet bank, }}

Almost 10 million customers are actively using the web version as of April 2020. According to Sberbank, among the most popular operations are payment for details services, viewing the history of operations and information on existing banking products. 50% of users of the web version actively use the Sberbank Online mobile application.

Availability of the delivery service in the Sberbank Online mobile application in 22 regions of Russia

On April 1, 2020, Sberbank announced the availability of a parcel and correspondence delivery service in a mobile application for cardholders in 22 regions of Russia. The delivery operator is the Sberbank ecosystem company - Sberbank. The service was launched in January and initially worked only in Moscow.

The Send Package button is located in the menu on the main screen of the Sberbank Online application and is now available to more than 23 million users To Moscow in and, and Moscow region, St. Petersburg in Leningrad Region,,,,, Vladivostok,, Volgograd,, Voronezh,, Yekaterinburg,, Irkutsk,, and Kazan Krasnodar. Krasnoyarsk Nizhny Novgorod Novosibirsk Omsk Perm Rostov-on-Don To Samara To Ufa Khabarovsk Chelyabinsk

Sberbank Online users can send a parcel, firstly, with a courier using the Savings Courier product at a price of 370 rubles. At the same time, Sberbank's own courier services throughout the country are provided with all the necessary protective equipment (FFP3 masks, gloves, antiseptics) and work according to contactless delivery algorithms.

Secondly, on the terms of the "Sberposylka" product, the departure can be made, also avoiding unnecessary contacts, through checkpoints that work both for receiving parcels and for issuing. The cost of such a service within the framework of a special promoter is only 99 rubles.

When issuing a parcel in the application, users indicate the destination city, the delivery method available for this city ("Savings Courier" or "Transfer"), as well as the contact details of the recipient, his address or convenient point of issue.

To pay for delivery through the application, it is necessary to indicate the weight of the parcel (up to 5 or up to 10 kg), dimensions and, if desired, its estimated cost for inclusion in the insurance rate. After payment from the application, you can immediately print the form and paste it on the parcel. This can also be done by a courier or an employee of the bank branch where the parcel receiving point operates.

The sender can use the free packaging in the participating branches of the bank or pack his parcel on his own. After the delivery of the parcel, the sender can track its status in the application and using SMS notifications.

Sberbank ditches Apple speech recognition technology in online banking platform

Sberbank abandoned the use of Apple's speech recognition technology in the Sberbank Online platform, replacing it with its own ASR (Automatic Speech Recognition) system, TAdviser found out in March 2020. The update was received by the application for iOS, and in the spring of 2020, the Android application Sberbank Online will also receive a voice search update, TAdviser was told in Sberbank.

The recognition system was developed by Sberbank's SberDevices division, TAdviser was specified in the bank. In August 2019, Sberbank closed a deal to acquire 51% of the Center for Speech Technologies (CST) company, which develops software in the field of speech recognition, but, according to a bank representative, the developments of the CST were not used in the system in question.

Our task is to ensure the maximum safety of client data and therefore we strive to process them completely inside the bank's technological circuit, - explained to TAdviser in Sberbank the reasons for replacing speech recognition technology at Sberbank Online.

By processing voice search requests in Sberbank Online applications on its own, the bank improves the experience of user interaction with the application, Sberbank notes "(photo -"

In addition, by processing voice search requests in Sberbank Online applications independently, the bank also improves the experience of user interaction with the application, Sberbank added. ASR's own technology is focused on the specifics of bank requests. She better understands what the client is looking for, which means she forms a more complete and accurate answer for the request.

The bank said that this is confirmed by the results of internal studies on several key parameters for such systems.

In addition, speech technologies today are a new base for building client services and we, as a technology company, invest a lot in its development. In this case, it is logical to use our own developments in our technology products, the company told TAdviser.

Speaking about the differences between Apple speech recognition software and the bank's own solution, Sberbank said that from the point of view of technology they use "the most advanced stack to date."

In addition, the amount of data that Sberbank possesses and the unique examination of our speech technology team made it possible to achieve impressive results in the speed of processing and the quality of recognition of voice requests in Russian, the bank says. - Proprietary technology does a better job at a specific task and increases customer satisfaction with the experience of interacting with the application.

The bank has not decided whether to offer this solution to the market, as it does with some products originally designed for domestic needs. Sberbank told TAdviser that they are still introducing this technology into their products.

Now we are focused on introducing the technology into our products, for example, Sberbank Online, the Okko Smart Box TV set-top box, etc., but we do not exclude the possibility of bringing the solution to the open market, the potential of which is obvious, - said TAdviser in Sberbank.

Launch of the "Tax payment" service for the self-employed

On March 24, 2020, Sberbank announced the launch of the "Tax Payment" service for the self-employed. Now you can simply pay tax: you don't even need to pay the amount of tax on professional income and details for payment, just go to the section "Your business" - "My taxes" in the mobile application "Sberbank Online."

The amount of tax accrued by the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation (if it is more than 100 rubles) will be visible in the appendix starting from the 12th of the month following the reporting month. You need to pay monthly tax until the 25th.

To take advantage of the innovation, you need to register in the "Own Business" service with Sberbank Online and have a mobile device running on iOS or Android with a version of the Sberbank Online mobile application version 10.10 and higher.

Our clients no longer need to use several services to pay tax on professional income, now all operations from registration of the self-employed to tax can be performed without leaving the Sberbank Online application. This is another step towards maximum time savings and the convenience of doing business for self-employed customers. After all, this frees up time for the main thing - the development of your business,
noted Alexey Shashkin, Director of the Small and Micro Business Division of Sberbank

Adding a marketplace with services and services of Sberbank, its partners and subsidiaries to mobile applications

February 20, 2020 Sberbank presented updated versions mobile application for corporate Internet banking Sberbank Business Online for devices with and. operating systems iOS The Android updated version has added a marketplace with services and services of Sberbank, its partners and subsidiaries.

In addition, Sberbank Business Online now uses a single user experience and a similar client path for the main functions of the application for both operating systems. This approach to UX/UI (User Experience/User Interface design, client experience and interface design, English) allows the application to maintain its logic, recognition and corporate identity, regardless of which smartphone customers use. Through applications, users can fully work with payments, salary statements, statements, recognize accounts for instant payment, manage business cards, instantly transfer funds from cards of a legal entity to other cards (both individuals and legal entities). In addition, in applications on both iOS and Android operating systems, such features are available as setting up the "Pay QR " service on the store side, biometric signing of payment orders (using Face ID and Touch ID), switching between several organizations, Internet calls to support service and much more.

An important update of the Sberbank Business Online mobile application was the ability to connect services and services of Sberbank, its partners and subsidiaries from the built-in marketplace. This will help in the development and conduct of business. The first service on the showcase of the Sberbank ecosystem was a salary project, in total, in the near future, 17 more services will appear in the marketplace that meet the most common needs of entrepreneurs, including the CRM system, instant settlement services between legal entities, accounting and legal services, etc.

{{quote 'author=said Anna Loevskaya, Managing Director of the Digital Corporate Bank division of Sberbank'By February 20, 2020, at least 800 thousand users work with the Sberbank Business Online mobile application. The average rating of online banking in the App Store and Google Play app stores remains at 4.7 out of 5. According to this indicator, Sberbank Business Online maintains a leading position in the ratings of stors and mobile application markets in the domestic corporate mobile Internet banking market. We are pleased to offer our audience an updated version of the application that helps not only in daily transactional activity, but also in doing business, and in solving the urgent needs of most entrepreneurs that arise. }}

Connection to Sberbank OnL @ yn of mobile operators of Uzbekistan

On February 12, 2020, Sberbank announced the connection of all mobile operators of the Republic of Uzbekistan to its payment system. Sberbank customers can pay for communication services of Ucell, Beeline Uzbekistan, UzMobile, UMS and Perfectum Mobile anywhere in the world.

You can instantly replenish the balance of your phone of the operator Uzbekistan, including for relatives and friends, both in Sberbank Online and through self-service devices. All operations are carried out without commission.   At the end of 2019, Sberbank entered the international payment market by signing an agreement with the National Operator. Tajikistan Tcell The service turned out to be in demand among the bank's clients - working Russia in foreigners visiting the country as tourists, as well as Russian citizens whose loved ones live in the republic. In this regard, it was decided to expand the interaction of Sberbank with mobile operators of countries. CIS

Possibility of free connection of three employees to the service "Counterparty verification"

Korus Consulting CIS"" (part of the ecosystem) Sberbank has expanded the capabilities of the counterparty verification service ("Counterparty Verification"). Now all users of the service can connect up to three employees of the company to it for free. This was announced on February 6, 2020 by Sberbank. The service is available to all users Internet of the bank. Sberbank Business Online Security and legal control services, accounting, tender and procurement departments may receive information information about the activities of counterparty companies without having access to the account of the owner of the Counterparty Audit and other confidential ones. to data Additional users have access to all the possibilities of the service: checking the connections and affiliates of the counterparty, requesting information on the bankruptcy of a legal entity and the presence of arbitration claims, extended data FTS and an official extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

To connect company employees to the service, you need to go to it from Sberbank Business Online, select the "Add Employee" item, enter data and send an invitation to the user.

{{quote 'author=said Sergey Mashurin, head of Korus Consulting CIS|We provide a whole range of data on companies with which our clients plan to cooperate or already cooperate. The service "Checking counterparties" recognizes unreliable suppliers, checks the company's details, finds up-to-date information about won and placed state contracts, and performs a number of other actions. Thus, we identify potential defaulters, minimizing the risks of receivables, and identify counterparties operating in the "gray zone," which in the future may lead to the blocking of the client's settlement accounts, }}

"Checking counterparties" analyzes all information on the counterparty and assigns it a reliability indicator according to the traffic light principle (green, yellow or red).

Sberbank provides corporate clients with access to credit history

Sberbank, together with HES Fintech, in January 2020 provided its corporate clients with access to credit history through Sberbank Business Online.

Reports from the United Credit Bureau (OKB) and the National Bureau of Credit Histories (NBCH) are available to customers. The service allows you to identify possible negative aspects of the credit history, make timely adjustments and get rid of errors in personal data or credit information.

Launch Package Delivery and Correspondence Service

On January 30, 2020, Sberbank launched a parcel and correspondence delivery service in its mobile application for cardholders. The delivery operator is the Sberbank ecosystem company - Sberbank. The "Send Parcel" button appeared in the menu on the main page of the Sberbank Online application and more than 14 million users of the Moscow Territorial Bank are available.

You can send a parcel from Moscow to 500 cities on pickup terms and to 19 cities, including Moscow, with a door-to-door courier. When making a parcel in the application, users choose the destination city, the delivery method available for this city - "Savings Courier" or "Savings Messenger" - as well as the address and data of the recipient.

A "savings courier" is a door-to-door delivery of packages with a courier. In the first release of the delivery functionality in the Sberbank application, it is still available only inside Moscow, as well as when shipped from Moscow to 18 the Russian cities Vladivostok Volgograd Voronezh Yekaterinburg Irkutsk Kazan Krasnodar Krasnoyarsk Nizhny Novgorod(,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,). Novosibirsk Omsk Perm Rostov-on-Don Samara St. Petersburg Ufa Khabarovsk Chelyabinsk

"Transfer" - delivery on the terms of pickup, that is, from the point of receipt of parcels to the point of delivery. You can send a parcel in this way through the Sberbank Online application and receive it on January 30, 2020 at 7,500 points of reception and issuance, including Sberbank branches and checkpoints, in 500 settlements of Russia. When issuing, the sender can choose the most convenient points for receiving and issuing a parcel on the card.

To pay for delivery through the application, you must indicate the weight of the parcel (up to 5 or up to 10 kg) and, if desired, its estimated cost for inclusion in the insurance rate. After payment from the application, you can immediately print the form and paste it on the parcel. This can also be done by a courier or an employee of the bank branch where the parcel receiving point operates.

The sender can use the free packaging in the participating branches of the bank or pack his parcel on his own. After the delivery of the parcel, the sender can track its status in the application and using SMS notifications.

Sberbank Online has long been not just a banking application: it organically combines financial and non-financial services. For example, you can choose and buy partner services in the Catalog, use public services, communicate in Dialogues. Delivery of parcels through Sberbank Online is another useful opportunity that will now be always at hand with our customers,
said Alexey Kruglov, director of the Digital Platform division of the Retail Business block of Sberbank

We strive to meet one of the main goals of Sberbank's ecosystem - to provide customers with the most comprehensive range of affordable and high-quality services, and delivery service is one of them. Now it is as easy as calling a taxi to arrange the delivery of parcels, gifts and documents through Sberbank Online. We are developing a large network of conveniently located points for receiving and issuing parcels. More than 7,000 points of receipt and delivery of parcels are available for Sberbank Online customers. In 2020, 2,500 Sberbank branches in 800 cities of Russia and 5,000 posts will join the project,
noted Sergey Malyshev, General Director of Sberbank

Possibility of issuing letters of credit without visiting the bank

On January 21, 2020, Sberbank announced that it continues to improve real estate transaction services that ensure the security of settlements. Now in the Sberbank Online mobile application you can issue a letter of credit without visiting the bank's office. To do this, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the terms of the letter of credit and confirm them.

All registration takes place online with developer partners using the Sberbank Business Online Internet bank or the SberAPI service to create a draft application for a letter of credit. To find an application for a letter of credit in the Sberbank Online mobile application, the client needs to scan the QR code in the sales office or use the search for the word "letter of credit" in the application. Customers can view the detailed status of the executed letter of credit (valid, executed) in the mobile application in the "Letters of Credit" section.

The first partner using this service was Absolut Real Estate LLC.

We are constantly expanding the capabilities of our mobile services so that customers can access bank services in just a few clicks. Issuing a letter of credit online is an offer on the market that will significantly reduce the transaction time. As of January 21, 2020, using the application, you can issue a letter of credit for transactions in which real estate is purchased at the expense of customers' own funds and without using escrow accounts, but in the near future the range of capabilities of this product will be expanded,
said Evgeny Kravchenko, Senior Managing Director trade financings of Sberbank

Appearance of the "Insurance" section on the home page of the mobile application

On January 15, 2020, Sberbank Life Insurance announced that the Insurance section appeared on the main page in the Sberbank Online mobile application. Now the bank's customers have access to detailed information about all existing risk insurance contracts issued by Sberbank Insurance and Sberbank Life Insurance subsidiary insurance companies.

Earlier, Sberbank Online already had access to the execution and extension of contracts under risk insurance contracts. Now a separate full-fledged section "Insurance" has appeared in the mobile application, in which customers can see all their insurance contracts, see the start and end date of the contract, the series and number of the insurance policy, a list of insurance risks and additional services. In addition, in this section, you can quickly contact the insurance company.

Sberbank Online has access to information about existing insurance contracts under the programs "Home Protection," "Card Protection," "Protection of Loved Ones Plus," "Travel Insurance," "Mortgage Insurance," "Tick Protection," "Cancer Insurance," "Consumer Loan Borrowers Life Insurance," "Credit Card Holder Insurance."

It is important for us that customers can not only draw up or renew contracts in the Sberbank mobile application, but also have easy convenient access to detailed information about all existing contracts. In 2020, we will make available online and post-sale services, in particular, the opportunity to declare an insured event, receive a payment, make regular payments under multi-year contracts, and connect additional services to contracts. Our task is to bring 75% of services related to insurance to Sberbank online,
said Natalia Alymova, Senior Vice President, Head of the Wealth Management Unit of Sberbank


Marketplace Sberbank Business Online

Launch of payment on ivi by QR code through the Sberbank Online application

December 30, 2019 Sberbank reported that together online movie theater ivi with launched an option for users who prefer not to pay in by bank card. Internet In order to pay for purchases on ivi, it is no longer necessary to enter data cards. It is enough to scan to match through QR code application Sberbank Online and confirm the purchase in the application itself. Payment by QR code through the Sberbank Online mobile application at the end of December 2019 is available only on the web, but in the very near future it will appear for Smart TV users.

{{quote 'author=said Vice President of Sberbank - Chairman of the Moscow Bank Vyacheslav Tsybulnikov' It is very important for Sberbank to provide its customers with the most modern and convenient services with which you can easily pay for the necessary goods and services. That is why Sberbank's partners are increasingly becoming popular domestic online services, which are used not only by Russians, but also by residents of other countries, }}

The culture of paid content is developing due to the user's existing need to receive a convenient product and high-quality content. By our example, we see growing loyalty to legal video services, including paid content. And we try to offer users not only a huge library of films and TV shows in the best quality, but also a good product offer, including a user-friendly payment method. We believe that the ability to pay using a QR code through the Sberbank Online mobile application will help reduce the barrier for users to paying online and will help increase the paying audience.
noted Director of Business Development, Partnerships and Paid Model of ivi online cinema Irina Grandel

In the near future, Sberbank plans to conclude similar agreements with other online cinemas. According to Sberbank, already in 2020, the volume of payments to these companies through Sberbank Online may exceed 1 billion rubles.

Digital Credit Card Issue

On December 26, 2019, Sberbank announced the release of a digital credit card. You can issue it in just a few minutes in the mobile application or the web version of Sberbank Online. The card is available to customers who have a pre-approved offer. Read more here.

Launch of Sberbank Business Online service - CRM24

On December 25, 2019, Sberbank informed TAdviser about the next service of the Internet bank for legal entities Sberbank Business Online - CRM24. It connects in a few clicks directly from the Internet bank.

This service is a tool for digitalizing business, increasing sales and establishing a process of communication with customers.

CRM24 allows you to "digitize" all the company's communication channels with customers: from phone to instant messengers and social networks (WhatsApp, Facebook, VK, Viber, etc.). It stores and updates contacts in the customer base of the company, organizes and automates the sales process. The system helps to build a "sales funnel," prompts the manager for the next step in the transaction, or performs this action for him. In addition, the service allows you to increase conversion, return customers, increase re-sales using CRM marketing tools . "Seamless login" has already been implemented for Internet bank users - you can switch to CRM from Sberbank Business Online without additional authorization in the service.

The CRM service is designed to help our customers automate and manage sales processes online. This tool was previously only available to large or wealthy companies,
said Sergey Parshikov, Managing Director of Sberbank's Digital Corporate Bank Division

The service is provided by Sberbank's partner, 1C-Bitrix. The developers' immediate plans include integration with the infrastructure of all Sberbank corporate services, displaying all company transactions by customer and supplier, automatic generation and payment of bills between Sberbank customer companies based on transactions in Bitrix24, as well as automatic enrichment of client card data in Bitrix24 through its details in Sberbank Business Online.

The joint digital platform with Sberbank is a very important and priority project for 1C-Bitrix. We are very happy to provide Russian business with a tool that will significantly reduce their time costs for the routine, show "weak" points and help bring the business to maximum speed,
Sergey Kuleshov commented, deputy CEO 1C of "-Bitrix"

Thanks to the service, Sberbank customers have access to segmentation of their market, customization of advertising, creation of analytical reports on sales of any level of complexity and monitoring of the company's sales in real time.

The ability to replenish the pension account opened in the Sberbank Online application with the Sberbank NPF

Sberbank customers can now replenish their pension account under an individual pension plan agreement with Sberbank NPF in the Sberbank Online mobile application. The function is available in the section "Investments and pensions" - "Individual pension plan" - "Replenish," reported on December 4, 2019 in Sberbank.

Thus, in order to replenish their pension account, participants in the Individual Pension Plan program from Sberbank NPF no longer need to visit bank branches, go to the fund's website, enter additional passwords or personal data of their card for payment on third-party sites.

The development of remote service channels is one of the priority areas of work of Sberbank NPF. We not only provide our clients with the opportunity to use convenient and modern services, but also show those who have not yet begun to save for retirement that taking care of their future income will not take much time and effort, - said Alexander Zaretsky, General Director of NPF Sberbank.

An individual pension plan (IPP) is a tool that allows you to maintain a comfortable standard of living after the end of your career. As part of the IPP, a non-state pension is formed at the expense of independent contributions and investment income of the fund. The accumulated funds grow annually due to investment income.

Launch the service "Raise money and split a check"

On November 28, 2019, Sberbank announced the launch of the Collect Money and Split Check service in the Dialogues section of the Sberbank Online mobile application.

The service allows you to organize a collective fundraising as easily as possible and keep records of the money raised. So, for example, you can raise money for a gift for a colleague's birthday, for the needs of the class at school, to pay the bill in a restaurant. To do this, it is enough to add users of the Sberbank Online mobile application to one group chat, in which you can discuss the collection and immediately make a translation. In one group chat, you can organize several fees at once (for example, one person for a gift, another for flowers).

We strive to provide our customers with additional opportunities that help simplify routine activities and save time. This service "Raise money and divide a check" is another step towards improving the client experience, which will be appreciated by everyone who has at least once faced the sharing of costs for collective events and activities,
said Oksana Sinelnik, Managing Director of the Payments and Transfers Division of Sberbank PJSC

Only users of the Sberbank Online mobile application can use the service.

Integration of mobile versions of Sberbank Online and the Personal Account of Taxpayers for Individuals

Sberbank and the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation on November 26, 2019 announced that they had completed the integration of mobile versions of the Sberbank Online and Personal Accounts of Taxpayers for Individuals services. That is, now the bank's customers will be able to pay taxes using the Sberbank Online mobile application.

To pay taxes, it is enough to clarify the amount in the mobile version of the Internet service "Personal account of taxpayers for individuals" and, by clicking the "Sberbank Online" button, go to the confirmation of the payment in the bank's application. This payment method is convenient in that you do not have to manually enter payment details and bank card parameters (its number, expiration date and three-digit CVC code). The payment check can always be found in the transaction history and printed if necessary. In addition, it becomes possible at any time to form a certificate-confirmation of payment with a blue seal - the same as issued in branches.

Of all the tax payments of Russians who went through the payment services of Sberbank in 2018, about 45% of payments fell on digital channels. The number of tax payments in the Sberbank Online mobile application is growing most actively, thanks to the ability to scan the barcode from the tax notification. Thus, in October 2019, the increase in the number of payments amounted to + 33% compared to the same period in 2018.

Debit Card Early Reissue Service

On November 14, 2019, Sberbank announced that it had provided all users of the Sberbank Online mobile application with a service for early reissue of debit cards.

Previously, the client could order a reissue at the bank's office, through a contact center or in the web version of Sberbank Online. Now, if something happened to the client's card, for example, it broke or got lost, it is enough to open the mobile application, select the desired card, go to "Settings" and use the "Reissue" option. You can pick up the reissued card in the most convenient department for the client - for this you need to choose an office for delivery in the application.

We appreciate our customers' time. Therefore, we launch a service that will save time. Moreover, smartphones have long become an integral part of our life and one of the main tools with which you can solve any issue in two clicks, - said Dmitry Malykh, director of the Acquiring and Bank Cards division.

As of November 2019, the regional network of Sberbank includes more than 14 thousand divisions in 83 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The ability to issue and renew mortgage insurance in the mobile application

November 8, 2019 Sberbank announced the availability of registration and extension of contracts mortgage insurance of the companies "" and Sberbank insurance"" in Sberbank Life Insurance mobile application Sberbank Online. Previously, such an opportunity was in the web version of Sberbank Online, and now it has become available for users of the mobile application.

To apply for policies in Sberbank Online, you need to select the "Insurance" section in the "Catalog" and find products of interest - "Mortgage real estate insurance" and "Mortgage life insurance." The online purchase process takes no more than two minutes. All the information necessary for obtaining insurance is already contained in the Sberbank Online account and is entered automatically - you do not need to enter your name, passport and other data or look for additional documents. This eliminates the risk of incorrect calculation of the insurance premium and saves customers time.

In addition, insurance rates for online purchases are lower than for policies at Sberbank offices, so this method of concluding insurance contracts is more beneficial for customers.

{{quote 'author=said Katrin Soomre, Director of the Protective Insurance Products and Services Division of Sberbank' More than 50 million people throughout Russia are already users of Sberbank's mobile application, and hundreds of thousands of Russians issue mortgages annually. It is important for us that the experience of interaction between clients and the bank is as comfortable and convenient as possible. Therefore, we consistently bring all insurance, savings and investment products of the ʺUpravleniye blagosostoyaniyemʺ block to Sberbank online. Most of the existing insurance products will be fully presented in Sberbank Online in late 2019 - early 2020, }}

The ability to make transfers to accounts around the world

Sberbank on October 28, 2019 announced the expansion of the possibility of transfers abroad: customers will be able to make transfers to accounts around the world, including in favor of legal entities. You can now pay for services or training abroad without leaving your home - using the Sberbank Online mobile application.

To transfer, you need to enter Sberbank Online, select the "Abroad" option in the payment menu - "By account number," the type of recipient and the purpose of the transfer. Further, indicate the client's details in a foreign bank: account number, SWIFT code, name of the recipient or name of the organization. The money will be credited to the addressee's account.

The money transfer can be sent in dollars or euros, the limit at the time of launch will be 300,000 rubles per day or the equivalent of this amount in the currency of the debit card. The transfer fee will be only 1% of the amount (at least 150 rubles).

We continue to develop international transfer services in the Sberbank Online mobile application. The proposed service opens up additional opportunities for our clients: now you can pay for a reservation of a foreign hotel or make a transfer to a loved one in any of 200 countries without leaving your home, - said Oksana Sinelnik, Payments and Transfers division of Sberbank.

The appearance of the "Take a mortgage" section and the transition to DomClick

On October 2, 2019, Sberbank announced that the "Take a mortgage" section appeared in the Sberbank Online mobile application, which allows you to switch to applying for a Sberbank mortgage and choose a suitable apartment using the DomClick service.

Mortgage in the Sberbank Online application

In the application, the user needs to go to the section "Loans" - "Calculate and take a loan" - "Take a mortgage." After that, the client will go to the DomClick application, where he will be able to send a mortgage application in 5 minutes from his mobile phone and receive the bank's decision within 24 hours.

Further mortgage registration, real estate search and preparation for the transaction also take place in the mobile application or on the DomClick website. You only need to come to the bank to sign documents.

Шаблон:Quote 'author=said Nikolai Vasev, director of the DomClick division

Launch of international money transfer service to Visa and Mastercard cards

October 1, 2019 Sberbank announced the launch of an international money transfer service to cards payment systems Visa Mastercard and in "." mobile application Sberbank Online

To make a transfer, the client needs to enter the Sberbank Online mobile application, select the "Abroad" - "By card number" option in the payment menu, enter the recipient's card number, indicate the amount, currency of the transfer, as well as the recipient's last name and name. The delivery time will be several minutes. In rare cases, and only in some banks, transfers can be credited longer, but even then the period will not exceed three working days, according to Sberbank.

As noted in Sberbank, funds can be transferred to Visa and Mastercard cards of any country, with the exception of USA Taiwan Cubes Iran,,,,,,,,. North Korea Somalia Sudan Syria Japan You can make a transfer in, dollars and rubles euros, and the amount of one transfer should not exceed 150,000 or rubles the equivalent of this amount in the currency of the debit card. The transfer fee will be only 1% of the amount, regardless of the selected transfer currency.

"In 2019, several additional ways to transfer money abroad appeared in the Sberbank Online mobile application. Cooperation with card payment systems Visa and Mastercard opens up another opportunity for our users to transfer to cards to almost any country in the world. The main advantages of the service will be its convenience, security and speed of delivery of funds to the recipient, "

The owners of devices on the platform will be the first to see the option, and Android later it will appear on IOS devices.

The ability to transfer money to the cards of clients of four banks of Tajikistan

On September 23, 2019, Sberbank"" announced that mobile application Sberbank Online customers will be able to transfer money to maps clients of Dushanbe MDO City, Commerzbank Tajikistan Spitamen Bank and the Republic of Tajikistan. And in early October 2019, the list banks will be supplemented. Eschata Bank

The service is available in the section of transfers abroad, "By phone number to card/account." To translate, it is enough to specify the number of mobile phone the recipient tied to his card. The transfer fee will be 1%, the maximum transfer amount is 50 thousand. rubles Transfers can be made in, rubles when credited to a card in the Republic of Tajikistan, it will be converted into the currency of the card. The service can be used by device owners with, at the operating system Android end of October it will appear on with. smartphones iOS

We continue to develop cooperation with foreign partners. And we are glad to present a transfer service by phone number to Tajikistan, which will allow sending money even more convenient and faster and, most importantly, with transparent conditions for commissions,
'said Igor Mamontov, Vice President of Sberbank, Director of the Payments and Transfers Division '

Launch of wholesale procurement service "on the shelf"

On September 25, 2019, Sberbank announced a wholesale procurement service "on the shelf" in a corporate Internet bank. It is available to all users of the Internet bank for legal entities Sberbank Business Online and allows you to quickly make purchases of goods in bulk. The user does not need additional registration - just log in to the Internet bank and go to the selection of products.

On-Shelf Service

The purchasing process is constructed as follows. Sberbank Business Online user goes to the service "on the shelf," finds the necessary goods, compares offers from various suppliers, selects the most suitable ones, sends the goods to the basket and makes an order. The supplier delivers the order along with the closing documents the next day, and the entrepreneur pays for the delivery by cashless payment or cash.

The "on the shelf" service for September 2019 presents over 60,000 product items offered by more than 160 large suppliers. Groceries, drinks, dairy products, canned foods, tea and coffee, household chemicals and cosmetics - a variety of products allows you to form a wide range in retail stores and HoReCa establishments, as well as purchase products at the office - all without additional markups from suppliers. The minimum order size is from 2.5 thousand rubles. up to 15 thousand rubles, depending on the conditions of the specific supplier who performs the delivery.

Шаблон:Quote 'author=noted Evgeny Kolbin, Vice President, Director of the Digital Corporate Bank Division of Sberbank

As of September 2019, there are more than 30 services in the line of non-financial products and services for entrepreneurs, they are available in the marketplace of the Sberbank Business Online Internet bank in the section "All products and services." The service was implemented jointly with a subsidiary of the bank Evotor LLC (part of the Sberbank ecosystem).

Launch of the credit card transfer service in the Sberbank Online mobile application

On September 17, 2019, Sberbank announced that it continues to expand the functionality of credit cards - now credit card transfers have become available in the Sberbank Online mobile application.

You can transfer money to a Sberbank debit card in a mobile application by card number phone or number, as well as through the "Dialogues" section. The funds are credited instantly.

We strive to constantly expand the capabilities of our products and make them more convenient in response to the wishes of customers. At the end of June, a credit card transfer service became available in the web version of Sberbank Online. During this time, more than 130 thousand people have already used it. Now you can make transfers from a credit card in the Sberbank Online mobile application. It is popular among our customers, so we expect the number of credit card holders who will appreciate the service's capabilities to grow several times, "said Igor Kovalev, Managing Director of the Borrow and Save Division.

For the service, the same commission is charged as for the operation of withdrawing cash from credit cards at Sberbank ATMs - 3% of the transferred amount, but at least 390 rubles. The amount of the fee does not depend on the region and is displayed on the screen when the operation is performed.

The ability to replenish Sberbank cards from cards of other banks through a mobile application

On September 10, 2019, Sberbank announced that now customers can instantly transfer money from any debit cards of Russian banks to Sberbank cards in the Sberbank Online mobile application.

This function will be useful for those who use cards of different banks, but the main one is the Sberbank card. The transfer fee is 1.2% (but not less than 30 rubles). Sberbank credit cards are replenished without commission.

To make a transfer, the client in the Sberbank Online mobile application in the "Cards" menu needs to click the "Top up" button and select "From a card of another bank." Then, in the column - enter the transfer amount, card details of another bank and confirm the transaction with a password. This method of transfers is fast and safe, emphasized in Sberbank.

The same operation can be performed on the Sberbank website. In the web version of Sberbank Online, the service is not yet available.

We understand that our customers can use the services of other banks. Our task is to make their interaction with Sberbank convenient and comfortable, so that an ordinary user does not have difficulties when replenishing our cards from cards of other banks. Thus, we are expanding the horizon of opportunities and mobility of our clients, - said Dmitry Malykh, director of the Acquiring and Bank Cards division.

The possibility of installing a PIN-code by card in the web version of Sberbank Online

On September 6, 2019, Sberbank provided the opportunity to install a PIN code in the web version of Sberbank Online. Previously, this option was only available to customers in the mobile application.

Thanks to the expansion of the service, bank customers will now be able to install a PIN code on the card and in the web version of Sberbank Online. This option will be especially in demand among those who have forgotten the PIN-code for the issued card, want to access their funds as quickly as possible, but do not use the Sberbank Online mobile application.

Before the appearance of this functionality in Sberbank Online, a client who forgot his PIN-code had to order a reissue of the card, wait for it to be made and taken away at a bank branch.

Remote banking service for letters of credit

On August 9, 2019, Sberbank announced that it had implemented a remote banking service under letters of credit in the Sberbank Business Online (SBBOL) system. As of August 2019, the service is already used by more than 600 legal entities.

Sberbank Business Online

Customers can create applications for letters of credit online and send them to the bank for execution on their own. The entire document flow is transferred online: customers can send letters on current transactions, make changes, send applications for early payments, as well as respond in one click to letters and requests from the bank.

All necessary information on letters of credit is available to customers in the personal account of SBBOL: terms of master agreements, correspondence with the bank on letters of credit in one window, status of applications, register of letters of credit and correspondence on them.

We aim to quickly bring products to remote channels and strive to reduce paper flow. Thanks to this service, a paper application is replaced by an electronic structured document. Now customers can see all transactions in real time and correspond with the bank. By the end of the year, all our clients - legal entities - will have the opportunity to issue letters of credit online,

Ability to pay for purchases using the Pay QR service

On August 5, 2019, Sberbank announced that users of the Sberbank Online application can now pay for purchases with smartphones using the Pay QR payment service. Read more here.

iPhone and Android update: Personal cards appear on the main menu

On July 18, 2019, Sberbank presented a large-scale update of Sberbank Online for iPhone and Android. Now the application adjusts to the tasks of each client.

Sberbank presented a large-scale update of Sberbank Online for iPhone and Android

Cards with actions appeared on the main screen, for example, with payments and transfers to specific organizations and people. Algorithms using artificial intelligence analyze client preferences by 1000 parameters and offer options for the most relevant actions individually for each user. With the help of such cards, it will be possible to more conveniently and quickly perform the usual operations, including money transfers to parents, payment for housing and communal services or cellular communications. Individual cards will pay attention to important events, for example, payroll.

"Sberbank Online is used by tens of millions of people, and each of them has different interests. For example, some most often go to the application to make a translation to their relatives, others pay for the Internet, others - for parking or computer games. We strive to make Sberbank Online convenient for each client, and reduce the path to the desired action to a minimum. This is especially important for our application, which has more and more services and functions every month, "

In addition to personal cards at the top of the main screen, you can, as before, see "Stories," the balance "Thank you" and analytics on your finances.

The section with bank cards also began to adapt to the user: if the client has more than two cards, only those that are actively used will remain on the main screen. The rest can be viewed by expanding the section.

An updated screensaver appeared on Sberbank Online at the entrance. Photo:

The other part of the big update is the emotion. To use Sberbank Online, it was more pleasant, the application had an updated splash screen at the entrance. Sun and stars, sunsets and dawns in a revamped design. Residents of some cities will see a local attraction on the screen, Sberbank noted.

In addition, sounds appeared on Sberbank Online for the iPhone. With them, according to Sberbank, it is more convenient to use the application: sounds will pay attention to notifications and other important events.

The third component of the launch is information channels in Dialogues with useful and interesting publications about finance and technology, real estate, investment and entrepreneurship. They are easy to find in the search by application.

Improvements are available to customers starting July 18, 2019.

Launch of Sberbank Online information channels

On July 18, 2019, Sberbank announced that information channels with unique content appeared in the Sberbank Online application. They are available in the Dialogues service, where now you can not only conveniently send money and correspond in chat format, but also read interesting posts.

At the start, you can subscribe to five channels on various topics: "Finance and Technology" (current news, analytics and the brightest launches of the industry), "DomClick" (about home, renovation and interior design), "Happy Parent" (life hacks for mothers and dads, upbringing issues), "Investments are intelligible" (just about investing for beginners and professionals), "Own business" (success stories of entrepreneurs and businessmen). The plans include the launch of new channels from the bank and partners.

Last year, we added stories, stickers and postcards to Sberbank Online, which customers are already actively using. The channels in Dialogues are our next experiment in content projects. We want not only to develop useful services, but also to share interesting information in areas where we have expertise. In the format of channels, this can be done unobtrusively and conveniently for the client, - said Alexey Kruglov, director of the Digital Platform division of the Retail Business unit of Sberbank.

Channels are easy to find through searching the app. They are available in the current version of Sberbank Online for Android and iPhone as of July 18.

Ability to make changes to a legal case online

Sberbank made it possible for corporate clients to make changes to the legal case without visiting the office. Fifteen of the most popular types of changes, including a change of address, extension of the powers of the head and officials, a change in the composition of the founders - all this can be made in three clicks in the Internet bank for entrepreneurs Sberbank Business Online, the bank said on July 17, 2019.

To change your company information, under Organization Management, click the Information tab, and then click Make Changes. In the Change Type list, select one or more options, generate a statement, and attach supporting documents. To sign the application, click the "Receive SMS Code" button, enter the received code and send the application to the bank. If a token is selected as the confirmation method, documents are signed with it. The status of the requisition can be tracked online.

As a digital bank, we continue to develop remote services. Making changes to the legal case - one of the most popular - is now available in Sberbank Business Online. We hope that our clients will appreciate the proposed service and it will allow them to focus more on the development of their business, as little as possible distracted by the preparation and processing of documents, - said Sergei Popov, Director of the Transactional Business Division of Sberbank.

Updated Business Profile Service

On July 16, 2019, Sberbank announced that, together with Yandex.Money, it had restarted the online B2C- and B2B payment service for entrepreneurs. The updated service is called the Business Profile. It allows you to create a company website in a few clicks. Read more Here.

The possibility of crediting social benefits for holders of nominal accounts in the mobile Sberbank Online

On July 15, 2019, Sberbank announced that holders of nominal accounts for crediting social benefits can now make transactions in the Sberbank Online mobile application (on iOS and Android platforms). In December 2018, Sberbank made this service available in the web version of Sberbank Online.

The proposed service allows you to transfer funds from a nominal account to another account or bank card online without visiting a bank branch (and then, if necessary, withdraw them from an ATM), view and print the account details to provide them to the body that pays social funds intended for the maintenance of the ward (beneficiary on the nominal account).

In addition, alimony, payments for compensation for harm to health and compensation for harm suffered in the event of the death of the breadwinner, as well as payments for the maintenance of the beneficiary can be transferred to the nominal account from other accounts. Details of the terms of the nominal account can be found on the Sberbank website.

Digital postcards announced by AI appeared in the mobile Sberbank Online

On June 28, 2019, Sberbank announced that it would provide users of the Sberbank Online application with the opportunity to create a digital postcard with the Sberbank Kusey virtual cat. The text entered by the user is voiced by the voice of the hero popular among users of social networks - the girlfriend of the character Savings. You can choose from three thematic postcards with Kusya: at sea, at a party, at a skete.

Kusei Virtual Cat Digital Postcards

This digital solution based on artificial intelligence is first used in an entertainment product inside a banking application. Kusi's voice is synthesized by the neural network.

Sberbank already uses artificial intelligence to solve some business problems and improve customer experience and plans to continue introducing breakthrough technologies in this area.

Three digital postcards with the speaker Kusya are available in the Sberbank Online mobile application for iOS and Android devices. To use the service, the user in the mobile application needs to go to dialogs and in a chat with a friend select "Postcard" in the message entry window.

Availability of inDriver electronic billing service

Sberbank, together with inDriver, an international passenger transportation service, implemented payment for services using the electronic billing service in the Sberbank Online mobile application. This was reported on June 21, 2019 by Sberbank.

Previously, to replenish a personal account, inDriver customers were required to make payments through terminals or using payroll sites.

Sberbank has greatly simplified this process. Now inDriver users will be able to replenish their personal account quickly and without commissions by going from the inDriver mobile application to the account submitted to Sberbank Online. To make a payment, it will be enough to confirm the payment already prepared without manually entering the details.

According to inDriver, the proposed service improves the convenience and security of calculations for users of the inDriver platform.

Thanks to this integration, each inDriver customer will be able to appreciate the convenience of the payment service provided by Sberbank. We are confident that the presented functionality will simplify the replenishment of personal accounts for users and reduce the number of erroneous payments, - said Alexander Pavlov, director of development of the inDriver network.

In the future, Sberbank plans to expand the number of service providers connected to the system of issuing electronic invoices for services.

Launch of the payment service "My Operations" in the mobile application "Sberbank Online"

On June 13, 2019, Sberbank announced that the "My Operations" service appeared in the "Payments" section - a list of organizations most often used by the client for payments.

The list is generated automatically using an algorithm that analyzes the customer's payment history. The system "remembers" the details entered earlier by the client and automatically fills them in at subsequent payments. Now, to pay for utilities and other services, it is enough to check the amount and confirm the payment.

After the payment is made, the check is saved in the transaction history. If necessary, it can be printed or mailed.

Availability in IRBIS NB245 Pro Laptops

On June 10, 2019, the manufacturer of computer equipment IRBIS announced the start of sales of ultra-thin laptops for entrepreneurs - IRBIS NB245 Pro with the pre-installed Sberbank Business Online application and the ability to authorize using a fingerprint. Read more here.

Launch of digital business cards with telemedicine

On June 5, 2019, Sberbank announced the launch of digital business cards for corporate clients and individual entrepreneurs - Mastercard Digital Business of Sberbank and Visa Digital Business of Sberbank. You can issue such a card at the Sberbank Business Online online bank without visiting the bank's office. Read more here.

Withdrawal of payment. Currency Payments/Transfers Status Tracker

On June 5, 2019, Sberbank announced that recently a whole set of significant updates has appeared in the Internet bank for entrepreneurs Sberbank Business Online.

Status tracker for currency payments/transfers. 100% of clients can track currency payments at all stages of their passage, including in foreign banks along the entire chain of settlement participants, from the moment of execution to crediting to the counterparty's account. The updated online service shows the status of the payment in foreign banks, the time, the amount of the commission withheld, the conversion rate (if applicable) and the amount of the transfer to be credited to the counterparty.

Withdrawal of payment. By clicking the button, you can withdraw the payment online. This is a very popular service, for example, in cases where the user realized that he had made a mistake in the payment order. The return time is less than 1 minute. An exception is transfers within Sberbank, they are made almost instantly, and to withdraw a payment, you must already contact the counterparty directly.

Update currency payment details. Now requests and correspondence from correspondent banks to clarify the details of currency payments are reflected in Sberbank Business Online. The client can also create a structured unsolicited clarification of details or respond to a request from the correspondent bank in two clicks by filling in the fields necessary for the change.

Pre-specified acceptance online. A service for issuing/canceling consent to automatic payment of payment claims from regular suppliers and contractors has become available for customers without coming to the VSP. All that is necessary for this is to accept the terms of the relevant agreement in Sberbank Business Online. The updated service allows you to conveniently and quickly manage settlements with counterparties, increase the efficiency and speed of settlements.

Safe Deal Service

On May 6, 2019, Sberbank announced the Safe Deal service to create escrow transactions from a corporate Internet bank. The service is a simple and convenient online analogue of a bank letter of credit, working in b2b settlements.

"Safe Deal" will provide a guarantee of refund in case of default by the contractor and a guarantee of full prepayment from the customer for the contractor. The service is integrated into Sberbank's online bank for entrepreneurs (Sberbank Business Online) and operates as follows. The user just needs to log in to the Internet bank, go to the "Products and services" section, select "Safe deal." After clicking the button, he goes to the service page, from where he fills out the terms of the contract and sends an invitation to another participant in the transaction who receives an invitation, goes to the service page and confirms the proposed terms of the transaction.

When the customer transfers money to a buffer account in the service, the contractor receives a notification and starts work. Having completed the work, the executor informs the system about it, and the system informs the customer. If the customer confirms the execution of the transaction, the service transfers the money to the contractor, after which the transaction is closed. If at least one of the parties does not agree with the result of the work, the service team begins arbitration consideration of the transaction and makes a decision in favor of one of the parties.

The service is relevant for entrepreneurs. According to statistics from the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, in 2018, the arbitration courts of Russia examined 1,908 million cases. This is 160 thousand more than a year earlier. At the same time, 60% of all disputes, or 1.15 million cases, related to civil law relations, 85% of disputes were about non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of contractual obligations.

author '= Sergey Parshikov, Project Director of Sberbank's Digital Corporate Bank Division
The Secure Transaction service in Sberbank Business Online is designed to reduce risks in mutual settlements between legal entities and is optimal when you start working with unknown contractors or customers. Creating a secure transaction in the service is as simple as, for example, making a purchase in a regular online store. Thanks to the integration of the service with the Internet bank, the creation and payment of secure transactions takes place in a few clicks. Each step is confirmed by the code from the SMS message. You can secure any transaction, starting from 5,000 rubles.

The commission for using the service is 1.45% of the transaction amount and does not depend on its size. This commission can be attributed both to one of the parties to the transaction, and in a proportion of 50/50.

"Safe deal" will be included in the ecosystem of services for business in the Internet bank "Sberbank Business Online." All services are available in the "Products and Services" section of the Sberbank corporate Internet bank and close most of the basic needs of the business. Some of them are built into typical customer action scenarios and are offered to the user only when this is relevant for him (for example, "Counterparty Verification," highlighting the aggregated risk assessment when creating a payment order to the counterparty). By May 2019, 300 thousand customers used paid versions of these services.

The service was implemented by Sberbank partner SafeCrow (Seifcrow LLC).

Service for concluding contracts for accepting payments from individuals

On April 17, 2019, Sberbank announced the provision of its corporate customers - suppliers of goods and services - a service for concluding contracts for accepting payments from individuals.

This service, presented in the corporate Internet bank Sberbank Business Online, greatly simplifies the conclusion of contracts with the bank for enterprises and entrepreneurs - Sberbank customers. Now this can be done quickly and simply by signing an application for the conclusion of an agreement with an electronic signature. The contract is concluded online within five minutes using paperless technology and does not require visiting bank branches.

Reducing the use of paper in the activities of the bank also allows Sberbank and its clients to contribute to solving environmental problems of society and protecting the environment.

To conclude an agreement for accepting payments, you need to enter Sberbank Business Online, select the service "Payments of individuals" and fill out an application. The very next day after the conclusion of the agreement, customers - individuals will be able to easily pay for the services of the supplier company at Sberbank Online, self-service devices or ATMs of Sberbank anywhere in Russia, as well as connect the Auto Payment service.

The service was created as a result of the synergy of two Sberbank blocks - retail and corporate investment.

The presented service of Sberbank not only saves the time of our customers, but also sets the standard for the client experience of service providers, which makes purchases and payments even more convenient and easier for both buyers and sellers. Now corporate clients of the Internet bank will be able to reduce the cost of concluding contracts and gain access to receiving payments through the bank's channels in a simple and convenient way, and their buyers will be able to easily pay their bills.

Ability to set up transaction notifications and change phone number

On April 15, 2019, Sberbank announced that in the Sberbank Online mobile application it became possible to configure notifications about transactions and change the phone number to which the card is tied.

The notification service is included in the Mobile Bank service and allows Sberbank customers to receive notifications about card transactions on the phone. Now, in order to connect or disable notifications, as well as change the phone number to which the card is tied, customers do not have to contact the contact center, look for an ATM or go to a bank branch - they can do this in the Sberbank Online mobile application.

[[:Шаблон:Quote 'author = Alexey Kruglov, Acting Director of the Digital Platform Division of Sberbank's Retail Business Unit]]

To set up notifications in the Sberbank Online application, you need to go to your profile and in the "Settings" select "Card notifications." For each card, the user will be able to connect or disable notifications (change the tariff) and change the phone number at the same time for all cards tied to it. It is also possible to configure the way notifications are delivered - push or SMS.

Built-in account service in Windows 10

On April 9, 2019, Sberbank announced the release of an updated version of the Sberbank Business Online application for Windows 10. Its key advantage was the built-in account service.

In the updated application, entrepreneurs can bill (with signature and print substitution, as in accounting systems), as well as import invoices from a file or recognize from a photo. Having recognized the account, the application automatically creates a payment order to pay for it - the user will only have to confirm the payment and send the order to the bank in one click.

A characteristic feature of the operating system from Microsoft is work on all gadgets. By downloading and installing Sberbank Business Online for Windows 10, users will be able to work in this operating system from any device: from a computer, tablet, laptop or 2 in 1 gadgets. Through the application, Sberbank corporate clients can make payments and read push notifications about their execution, download statements and send them in instant messengers or through mail, work with a salary project, open deposits, work with company business cards and with organization loans.

The Sberbank Business Online application gives customers a number of advantages over traditional ones. Internetbanks The user does not need to think about what browser he uses (not all browsers are compatible with Internet banks), whether the version of the application is outdated (the update takes place automatically). To enter the application, just enter the PIN or put your finger to the scanner on the prints.

Evgeny Kolbin, Vice President, Director of the Digital Corporate Bank Division of the Corporate Investment Business block of Sberbank, noted:

More than 10 thousand companies work with the Sberbank Business Online application for Windows 10. These are mainly small companies that have one current account and no more than three users from the organization. We have offered them a user experience where a routine billing process that takes time and creates error risk will be a thing of the past. It is very important for us to make our application as convenient and easy to use daily on any device running the most common operating system. "

Launch Your Own Business Service Package

On March 28, 2019, Sberbank announced the launch of a free package of services "Own Business" for the self-employed. Sberbank also began testing the functionality of the service for registering citizens as payers of the Professional Income Tax in its Sberbank Online application. For March 2019, a limited number of users of the application have the opportunity to register and receive a package of services.

Launch Your Own Business Service Package

Federal Law No. 422 "On Conducting an Experiment to Establish a Special Tax Regime" Tax on Professional Income "in the City of Federal Significance Moscow, in the Moscow and Kaluga Regions, as well as in the Republic of Tatarstan" entered into force on 01.01.2019.

Alexander Vedyakhin, First Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of Sberbank:

As a financial institution, we consider ourselves responsible for helping millions of our clients who have decided to register and develop their business. Together with the solution, which includes basic functions, we launch a wide range of product solutions, developed taking into account the special needs of this category of customers, including a free package of services "Own business." The package includes several specialized products that will help citizens in solving urgent tasks related to the conduct of professional activities.

The package of services will enable the self-employed to consult a lawyer, create their own website, access the educational platform "Business Environment" with materials specially developed for this category of clients, and use the online calendar to record customers - a particularly popular service for those who conduct their business in the service sector.

You can register as self-employed in a couple of minutes in the Sberbank Online mobile application, which our customers love so much. Additional documents and a visit to the bank's office are not required. The solution allows you not only to register your case, but also to carry out the necessary operations for its management. Until the end of the first quarter of 2019, it will be available to all Sberbank Online users.

In the mobile application "Sberbank Online" self-employed will be able to:

  • link a personal card to account for income from your business or remotely open a digital card with free service;
  • automatically generate checks on all receipts from individuals to the selected card for income confirmation and further tax calculation by the Federal Tax Service (FTS);
  • form checks manually, if the self-employed received a fee for his services from clients in cash or transfer from a legal entity;
  • connect auto payment for timely payment of tax to the Federal Tax Service;
  • withdraw the erroneously formed check.

Machine Learning Based Search Implemented

On March 11, 2019, Sberbank announced that searching in the Sberbank Online mobile application (iOS and Android) has become more convenient using machine learning tools .

A single application search on the home screen allows you to search for contacts for transfers, organizations for payments, application functions and banking products. Now, due to self-learning algorithms, search results are configured for the client, which allows him to quickly switch to the desired application screen. When the user begins to enter a word to search for, the first positions show the options that the client is most likely to look for (for example, contacts from the address book with which the user most often interacts). To do this, the search analyzes user activity both in the application and in the search itself. The more the client uses the application, the more accurate the search results will be.

Sberbank Online has more and more products and services. So that customers can easily find what they need, we are developing an application search. For example, thanks to data analysis and machine learning, the average number of characters that the user enters in a search query has decreased from 6 to 3.
'Alexey Kruglov, Acting Director of the Digital Platform Division of the Retail Business Unit of Sberbank

Before entering the first characters, the user now sees the recommended operations - based on machine learning, the system predicts that the client will search. The recommended transactions display relevant payments and transfers that were previously made not only in the mobile application, but also in branches, ATMs, on the website. Recommendations form a neural network based on contacts and organizations demanded by the user, taking into account the frequency of his actions and other dependencies (for example, the search will offer, as usual, to pay for housing and communal services at the beginning of the month or transfer money to someone after receiving a salary). For March 2019, the function is available only to iPhone users, later it will also appear in the Android application.

Through integration with Sberbank's NLP platform (speech recognition platform), the search began to understand natural language queries and correct typos, offering the client relevant answers. You can ask questions using words in context, spoken language (for example, "How to issue a loan," "Where to see the card details," etc.).


Applying for Consumer Credit via Mobile App

On December 27, 2018, Sberbank announced the expansion of the possibility of online lending to individuals. Now users of the Sberbank Online mobile application can apply for a consumer loan and get a solution, and then money to their card without visiting the bank's office.

author '= Sergey Shirokov, Managing Director of the "Borrow and Save" division of the "Retail Business" unit of Sberbank
Sberbank seeks to transfer the maximum of its services to Digital. We present users of the Sberbank Online mobile application for operating system Android a convenient service that allows you to issue a consumer loan at any time and anywhere without the need to visit the bank's office. Already in December 2018, more than half of the bank's customers apply for a consumer loan online, receiving a decision on it in a few minutes. This is especially important on the eve of the New Year holidays, when the bank's branches will serve customers on a reduced schedule, while Sberbank Online operates 24/7.

This service is available to users of devices running on the Android operating system, and within a few months it will appear on iOS devices.

Currency Payment Status Tracker

On December 24, 2018, Sberbank announced that a currency payment status tracker is available to corporate customers in the Sberbank Business Online Internet banking system.

According to the company, customers see online:

  • Currency Payment Flow Chain
  • the status of your payment with another bank;
  • date, time, fee, rate and amount of transfer.

The tracker shows through which banks the payment passed, which commission was debited, at what exchange rate the currency conversion was made. The service is simple and easy to use, since all information is clearly presented and is available in 1-2 clicks for December 2018.

The updated service Sberbank Business Online relieves uncertainty, and this is very important for businesses of any scale and profile. As of December 2018, our customers receive full information about current currency payments, which saves time and increases the efficiency of business processes.

Anatoly Popov, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of Sberbank

Creation of stories by Sberbank and RBC for Sberbank Online mobile

On December 20, 2018, Sberbank and RBC announced the launch of a joint content project in the "Recommendations" section of the Sberbank Online mobile application. Recommendations have already appeared in the bank's application (in October - on iOS and in December - on Android). If earlier the content was prepared exclusively by the bank, now the RBC business media holding has joined the project. The stories created with him are a unique content product and are being prepared specifically for this collaboration, Sberbank emphasized.

Each recommendation consists of one or more slides with short text and visual design. With the help of such recommendations, the bank talks about the capabilities of its products and services, increases the financial literacy of users, helps to understand modern technologies and trends, that is, it makes its application, including a source of knowledge and useful information. From December 22, Sberbank Online will additionally publish a news digest from RBC, from which users will learn about the main events of the past week.

As part of a joint project with RBC, Sberbank's mobile application will publish both universal recommendations that are sent to all bank clients, as well as audiences targeted at certain segments - Parents, Youth, Pensioners, and so on. According to representatives of Sberbank, this is possible thanks to the technologies for personalizing the bank's content: customers will not receive deliberately unnecessary information, each of them will receive only the content that will be useful and interesting to a specific user.

All recommendations created as part of this interaction will be published in the Sberbank Online application, some will also be posted on the RBC website. To do this, a special showcase has been developed on the main page of the publication to show recommendations, which will be updated daily. For RBC, this content format is also unique - the media did not publish "stories" before that.

We are expanding the customer experience of the bank's customers by adding new formats of content to the Sberbank Online mobile application, including news and stories from RBC. The Recommendations section is our relatively new communication channel, and we consider it one of the priorities. It is especially important for us to be able to personalize our content in this section - to send to specific segments of the audience those stories that will definitely be of interest to them, - said Vladislav Kreinin, Vice President, Marketing Director of Sberbank.

Fast Siri commands for Sberbank Online iPhone application

On November 28, 2018, Sberbank"" announced that now the owners iPhone can set their own quick team Siri to replenish their balance mobile phone through Sberbank Online, transfer to a bank client and other actions.

Siri Shortcuts (or Siri quick commands) can be self-created for the voice assistant Apple to automate actions often performed on the iPhone. With the advent of operating system iOS 12 in September 2018, Siri's fast teams became available to owners of all iPhones, starting with the iPhone 5s model.

The configured quick command works as follows: For example, saying Siri the phrase "Replenish my mobile," the user activates the command that will launch the Sberbank Online application. After entering the application, the user's mobile phone replenishment screen will open. It remains to specify the amount and complete the transaction.

To be able to set a command, you need to make sure that the system has been updated to iOS 12, and at least once take the necessary action at Sberbank Online - for example, replenish your cell phone. After that, the action will be active for use in Siri Shortcuts.

To create a command, you need to go to the iPhone settings, the "Siri and search" section, select "All quick commands." On this screen you need to find Sberbank Online, select an action and record a voice command for it. It is by this phrase that the desired action will be launched in the future. You can create your own command for other actions: transferring a bank to a client, going to the application search screen or to the traffic police fines search screen.

Own photo or video as a "Postcard" in the Android app

On November 26, 2018, Sberbank announced that the Sberbank Online application on Android added the ability to send your own photo or video as a cash "Postcard."

This opportunity appeared on the basis of cash "Postcards" launched in the "Dialogues" section of the Sberbank Online application on October 1, 2018.

At the time of launch, making a transfer of funds, the user could choose a postcard from 50 ready-made options (with popular performers of the 90s, cartoon characters, etc.). Now you can take a photo or video card yourself in the application or select a photo from the gallery. smartphone

The update is available to users with Android 5.0 and higher.

The function is also already available to owners of iOS devices.

Internet Call Service for Android

On November 9, 2018, Sberbank announced that the Internet Call function appeared in the Sberbank Online application for Android, which allows you to contact the Sberbank contact center via voice over the Internet. On iOS, a similar feature appeared in June 2018.

When connected to the Internet via Wi-Fi, the call for the client becomes completely free from anywhere in the world and is possible even with a negative balance of the mobile phone account. If connected through a cellular network, the application will use Internet traffic paid in accordance with the tariff of the mobile operator.

The service is especially relevant for people traveling outside the home region or outside Russia, as well as Sberbank customers who are often on business trips, live abroad or use tariffs with a sufficient limit of Internet traffic.

The Internet communication function is designed to help bank customers when a regular call to a contact center is either impossible, due to the lack of coverage of the cellular network, or too expensive due to roaming. By the end of 2018, we will introduce a number of services that will make our application even more convenient for communication with the bank.

The ability to send your own photo or video as a cash "Postcard"

On October 23, 2018, Sberbank announced that in the Sberbank Online application on the iPhone it became possible to send your own photo or video as a cash "Postcard."

A gift made with your own hands always causes a lot of emotions and is remembered for a long time. Also in the digital environment - a photo or video created directly for the recipient will turn a regular money transfer into a mental wish or simply cheer up. Therefore, we supplemented the ready-made "Postcards" in "Dialogues" in Sberbank Online with the opportunity to record our congratulations.
'Svyatoslav Ostrovsky, Head of the Digital Platform Division of Sberbank

The added opportunity appeared on the basis of cash "Postcards" launched in the "Dialogues" section of the Sberbank Online application on October 1, 2018. At the time of launch, making a money transfer, the user could choose a postcard from 50 ready-made options (with popular performers of the 90s, cartoon characters, etc.). Now you can record a photo or video for a postcard yourself in the application or select a photo from the gallery. smartphone

By the end of 2018, this feature will also be available to owners of Android devices.

Start the "Payment calendar" mode

On October 18, 2018, Sberbank introduced a mode of working with a web version of an Internet bank for business called the "Payment Calendar." The mode allows you to switch the Sberbank Business Online interface to the Event Feed format.

By pressing a button, the user translates the Internet bank into a format familiar to him from most popular social networks - event feeds. The screen displays calendar dates and the main events associated with them in corporate Internet banking: salary payments, payments to the budget, settlements with partners and customers. By clicking on the desired date, the user can request an extract, schedule a payment or payment.

The function in Sberbank Business Online "Payment Calendar" is the next step towards the client. It allows you to simplify the use of the main functions of the Internet bank and make working with Sberbank Business Online convenient, accessible and understandable even to a novice businessman or accountant - any user, regardless of work experience and professional background, said Anatoly Popov, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of Sberbank.

On October 18, the function is available to most Sberbank Business Online customers. You can connect it yourself by writing a letter to the email box of Sberbank, indicating in the subject line of the letter "Payment calendar," and in the letter itself - the TIN of the organization.

Cash "Postcards" and Sberbank Online update on iPhone

On October 1, 2018, Sberbank presented cash "Postcards" and an update of Sberbank Online on the iPhone.

According to the company, in Dialogues to Sberbank Online it became possible to send money "Postcards." This is an animated and voiced image to which the sender attaches a wish and a money order. For October 2018, the user can choose postcards from more than 50 options - with the heroes of Soyuzmultfilm familiar from childhood (Winnie the Pooh, Well, wait a minute!), Popular performers of the 90s, fabulous characters.

In January 2018, we launched the Dialogues service at Sberbank Online. It is quickly gaining popularity: users can already communicate, send stickers with SberKot and transfer money to each other right in the chat.

Svyatoslav Ostrovsky, Head of the Digital Platform Division of Sberbank

"Postcards" will be available to Sberbank Online users on iPhone and Android starting October 1, 2018.

The updated Sberbank Online also has several significant improvements:

  • useful " Recommendations" appeared on the main screen - financial advice, personal offers, instructions for working with the application;

  • Search the Home screen for contacts for transfers, organizations for payments, application features, and banking products.

  • The Transaction History displays a complete list of transactions, including in-store purchases and cash withdrawals;

  • payment of traffic police fines to Sberbank Online has become more convenient - you can see the lists of the next and already paid fines, save the driver's license data and vehicle registration certificates, check the photo and place on the map.

Improvements will be available to iPhone users from October 1, 2018.

Online Bank Counterparty Confirmation Option for Windows 10

On September 18, 2018, Sberbank presented an update to the Internet banking application for the Windows 10 operating system. The key option was the ability to confirm counterparties, thanks to which Sberbank Business Online users for Windows 10 can create and confirm counterparties directly in the application. For convenience, this option is built into the payment creation process.

Earlier, Sberbank customers - users of mobile applications - could make payments to unconfirmed counterparties in the amount of up to 50 thousand rubles per day. To send funds for a large amount, they needed to go to the web version of Sberbank Business Online and confirm the counterparty using an electronic signature (via SMS or digital key - token). This restriction was introduced for security reasons.

"With the introduction of the ability to sign a counterparty in the application, Sberbank Business Online for Windows 10 turns into a full-fledged Internet bank on the gadget. If earlier our customers used the application mainly in order to control the movement of funds in the account and monitor, then after updating the application they can use it to manage business and company funds. As of September 2018, 12,000 clients use the Windows 10 application, while Microsoft has at least 600,000 operating systems. "

As noted in Sberbank, a set of less noticeable, but convenient additions appeared in the update. One of them is support for the right-click menu on all tiles with several options. To receive a statement, just right-click on the "Current account" tile on the main page of the application and select the item "Get statement for today." On average, it takes up to 60 seconds for the application user to create and send a ruble payment order.

The key difference between the Sberbank Business Online application for Windows 10 and the rest of the bank's mobile applications for corporate clients remains its multiplatform. By downloading and installing Sberbank Business Online for Windows 10, users will be able to work in it on any devices with this OS: on a computer, tablet, laptop or "2 in 1 gadgets." According to Sberbank, the application allows the user not to think about which browser he uses (not all browsers are compatible with Internet banks), whether the version of the Internet bank is outdated (the update is automatic).

In addition to traditional banking functionality, the application provides the ability to authenticate by face (using Windows Hello technology), quickly send documents to the contact list of a mobile device, import and export 1C documents, open deposits and more.

You can download Sberbank Business Online for Windows 10 from the Microsoft Store.

Launch of remote issue service for bidding

On September 11, 2018, Sberbank announced the introduction of a remote electronic signature service for trading. According to the company, corporate clients can order it from the Sberbank Business Online Internet bank in the Products and Services section by choosing the Electronic Signature for Bidding service. The product developer is KORUS Consulting CIS. Read more here.

Launch of two Internet services of public services together with the FIU

Sberbank Online has two pension Internet services for public services prepared jointly with. Pension Fund of Russia Fully digital services allow you to receive pension services without visits to the bank's branch, the FIU and, MPSC according to June 28, 2018 in. Sberbank

The first service is the transfer of receiving a pension to an account with Sberbank. It will allow pensioners to postpone receiving a pension to Sberbank in a few clicks without a visit to the Pension Fund.

The second service is to receive an extract from the individual personal account of the FIU. The extract will help to understand what kind of work experience the client has, his current pension savings and which management company they are in. This will allow the user to assess the situation and take it into account in plans for the future.

The access to public services that we offer to our clients reflects the ideas inherent in our Strategy 2020, "said German Gref, President and Chairman of the Management Board. - Pension services are just the beginning, we will make every effort to ensure that our clients can receive various government services through Sberbank channels.

The launched services are available in the "Other - Pension programs" section of the web version of Sberbank Online and the "Payments" tab of the mobile application. As of June 28, clients of the Central Russian Territorial Bank of Sberbank can use electronic pension services.

According to representatives of Sberbank, together with the Pension Fund of Russia, the bank is preparing to launch a number of services, including online registration, receipt and use of maternity capital.

Adapting the Android version for blind customers

Sberbank Online

On July 3, 2018, it became known that the adaptation of Sberbank Online for Android devices was completed.

In the presented version of Sberbank Online for Android, the TalkBack announcer duplicates all client actions with his voice, which allows the blind person to freely navigate the application. Such options as transfers and payments of various types are connected to voice support, including connecting and disabling auto payments, opening and closing deposits, applications for a credit card, blocking bank cards, transactions with Sberbank's Piggy Bank and impersonal metal accounts.

Adaptation of applications is included in Sberbank's program to improve the ecosystem "Special Bank"[5].

Support for updated role model implemented

On June 5, 2018, Sberbank announced that Sberbank Business Online received support for a role model that will allow you to independently configure access to functions and information. Previously, for any change in access settings to the Sberbank Internet bank, customers had to contact the bank's branch.

In the updated Sberbank Business Online, a client or an authorized person of the client can independently create new users, assign them roles in the system and even form a set of permissions. In addition, the customer can additionally set up restrictions on accounts, transaction amounts and counterparties.

For large companies that have a unique structure and business processes, you can fine-tune access to and operations with products. With these settings, the company can create its own unique roles.

The possibility of delimiting access to Sberbank Business Online will allow the head of the company to provide access to the Internet bank to a new employee without visiting the bank's office or change the powers of an online employee already working with Sberbank Business Online. The role model also allows you to reduce the risks of fraud - it allows you to avoid situations where the head of the company transfers his signature (his login and password) to third parties to perform transactions in an Internet bank.

As of June 5, the function of remotely creating new users without signing rights can already be available to clients. They will only need to fill out an online questionnaire indicating the passport and contact details of the new user, choose a role for him, if necessary, set up restrictions and sign an application for creating a new account. Within 15 minutes after sending the application, the user will receive an SMS from the bank with information to log into the Internet bank.

In the near future, Sberbank plans to add the ability to remotely create users with the right to sign. In the meantime, the user for whom an account with the right to sign is created must personally visit the bank's office.

Sberbank began open sales of insurance products through an online bank

Sberbank has made available to all Sberbank users online purchases using the Internet of insurance products of Sberbank Life Insurance and Sberbank Insurance. These are the programs "Travel Insurance," "Protection of Loved Ones," "Head of the Family," "Mortgage Insurance," "Home Protection," "Bank Card Protection," "Protected Borrower," "Credit Card Holder Insurance" and "Consumer Credit Borrower Insurance."

Over the past month, the functionality of offering insurance products has been worked out in pilot mode on a limited number of users. As a result of the pilot, the technology has been replicated throughout the federal network and more than 25 million active users of Sberbank Online are now available.

The section "Insurance," which has so far been created only in the web version of Sberbank Online, contains information about all existing policies (including those issued through client managers). The functionality for registration of insurance products is also presented here. The online purchase process takes no more than two minutes and consists of three stages: choosing an insurance program, registration and payment.

The information necessary for insurance is already contained in the Sberbank Online account, so it is entered automatically - you do not need to enter your name, passport and other data or look for additional documents. This is not only convenient, but also excludes the risk of incorrect calculation of the insurance premium due to errors in filling out the application, the program developers note.

"The display of our risky insurance products in Sberbank Online is the first stage of the project to bring online the entire set of products and services of the" Wealth Management "unit of Sberbank," says Sergey Mruz, Managing Director of the Department of Products and Development of Relations with Sberbank Clients. - This year our clients will have new opportunities in Sberbank Online. This is an important trend aimed at expanding the range of services and services for our customers. We should not be limited to providing them with only banking products. "

Sberbank has reduced the processing time of payments to a minute

Anatoly Popov, Senior Vice President of Sberbank, Head of the Corporate Business Unit, during a speech at the panel session "Small and Medium Businesses: Priorities Known, How to Achieve?," Which took place on the first day of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, noted: "The speed of payments has always been one of our main competitive advantages. We understand that the most important thing for customers is time, and the client knows that his payment will be delivered almost instantly. And with the new digital standard for internal transfers, Sberbank may well be called an instant transaction bank. "

The bank's specialists completed technological transformations, which made it possible to reduce the processing time of payments within Sberbank by more than half. Now corporate clients will be able to pay each other within the framework of the Sberbank payment system as quickly as possible.

Previously, the digital standard for internal transfer to the account of a legal entity in any Russian entity was no more than 3 minutes.

Thus, the bank took another step towards achieving its strategic goal of developing Sberbank's payment system by 2020.

Start "Electronic Archive"

On May 18, 2018, Sberbank launched the Electronic Archive service. This cloud Solution SaaS is designed for the long-term storage of electronic and scanned documents of the company in electronic form.

The "electronic archive" allows you to organize and store both documents already created in electronic form and scanned documents. The service also has an automatic reporting function for tax checks. With the introduction of the "Electronic Archive" to customers of the Internet bank for business, the entire range of services has become available to switch to paperless document management, according to the company.

According to Sberbank, the service will create a single database of financial documents, reliably preserve them and delete them with the protocol after the expiration of the storage period. A system of advanced filters and convenient grouping by folders will speed up the search for documents. The "electronic archive" is integrated with other products of Sberbank Business Online, in particular, with the E-invoicing service: the signed document can be immediately transferred to the desired folder, in which it will be found in a matter of seconds.

An important feature of the service is the ability to unload the necessary documents at the request of the Federal Tax Service. "Electronic Archive" will automatically form a package of documents in electronic form with a complete inventory. Such functionality allows you to reduce the number of errors in the formation of reporting, and therefore the risks of receiving fines, noted in Sberbank.

Also, "Electronic Archive" provides the ability to manage access rights. Flexible settings ensure the confidentiality of all documentation and the safety of archival businesses. The system allows you to track the actions of each employee within the authorization granted to them. The actions of all users are recorded in the file history.

The service is available to corporate clients of Sberbank in the Internet bank Sberbank Business Online. The service was developed by KORUS Consulting CIS, a member of the Sberbank Group.

Updated version for Windows 10

On April 17, 2018, Sberbank released an updated version of the Sberbank Business Online application for Windows 10. Its key features were deposit management and integration with the 1C system.

In the updated solution of Sberbank Business Online on Windows 10, entrepreneurs can open deposits, set up their conditions, extend the terms of placement of funds and set irreducible balances. Also, the presented version of the application allows you to import payment orders from 1C, download statements from Sberbank Business Online and upload them to 1C. In addition, statements can be saved in PDF format and sent to contacts from the directory (phone book) on a gadget or computer in a couple of clicks.

A characteristic feature of the operating system from Microsoft is work on all gadgets. By downloading and installing Sberbank Business Online for Windows 10, users will be able to work from any device on this operating system: from a computer, tablet, laptop or 2-in-1 gadgets, the bank says.

You can download Sberbank Business Online for Windows 10 from the Microsoft Store. According to Sberbank for April, the application is already used by more than 10 thousand Russian entrepreneurs.

Simplified connection of cash registers to PDD

and Sberbank , OFD Platform the Russian fiscal data operator, in March 2018 launched a simplified connection of cash desks to the fiscal data operator (OFD) as part of the Fiscal Data Operator service in Internet the Sberbank Business Online (SBBOL) bank. The solution allows you to transfer checks FTS Russia to through the "OFD Platform" operator.

The service is available to Sberbank corporate clients and SBBOL users. The service is connected using an activation key, a special protected code. This will ensure the owners of cash registers the security of their data processing, as well as access to business development tools in the OFD ecosystem.

Among the tools are the application store, as well as analytical services in the personal account "OFD Platform." ABC analysis allows you to rank goods and services by degree of importance to the customer's business, XYZ analysis reflects the dynamics of demand for goods that are bought constantly or rarely, and ABC-XYZ analysis, which is a combination of previous services, helps to compile a rating of the importance of goods and services in comparison with the frequency of purchases.

Start Billing Service

On March 6, 2018, Sberbank announced the launch of a service that allows businessmen to transfer the process of billing and payment of invoices online and track receivables in real time.

"Billing service" is available in the online bank for business Sberbank Business Online. It allows you to create a payment invoice and send it to the client in PDF format instantly, without filling out complex forms in 1C or Microsoft Excel.

All accounts are displayed in the personal account of the service, their current status is also highlighted there. Real-time entrepreneurs can track the payment status of previously invoiced accounts and thus manage receivables.

An important feature of the service is that if the payer is also connected to Sberbank Business Online, he can pay such an account by pressing one button - without re-entering the details, which takes time from the payer and creates a threat of errors.

Billing is a daily routine for most V2V entrepreneurs. The billing service will help simplify and speed up both the billing and billing process. Another feature of the service is the ability to manage accounts and monitor receivables online, - said Anatoly Popov, senior vice president, head of the Corporate Business unit of Sberbank.

The service is available at, you can connect to it in the online bank Sberbank Business Online.

Availability of integration with 1C:Enterprise 8 to all customers

Thanks to the technological solution, making payments and receiving statements in 1C:Enterprise 8 programs has become available to all users of the Sberbank Business Online online bank.

According to Sberbank, the integration of systems allows you to save time working with documents. The security of the solution ensures seamless data transfer to Sberbank from 1C programs, which excludes the exchange of intermediate files. Other advantages of integration include a familiar interface, high speed and easy setup.

Earlier, the integration capabilities of Sberbank and 1C have already been assessed by employees of companies, mainly large and medium-sized businesses, working in the Sberbank Business Online system using an electronic key (token).

This feature is now available to customers who confirm their transactions using one-time SMS passwords.

Integration with 1C is already used by thousands of customers - representatives of large and medium-sized business segments. Weekly through the Internet bank according to this scheme passes up to 20 thousand documents. According to the most current data, the service is most in demand in Moscow, the Urals and the south of Russia, "said Evgeny Kolbin, director of the Digital Corporate Bank division. - And we're excited to invite new small business customers who use 1C

The integration of Sberbank and 1C is implemented through the 1C: DirectBank service, which is built into modern versions of the 1C:Enterprise 8 system programs.

This service is provided to Sberbank's corporate clients free of charge if there is a valid remote banking service agreement.

Start of "Credit Designer"

The company "Korus Consulting CIS" (part of the Sberbank group of companies) in January 2018 announced the creation of the online service "Credit Designer," the launch of which Sberbank announced on January 15.

Credit Constructor is a service built into the Sberbank Business Online Internet bank. Designed for medium and large business customers, it includes three different services and three additional corporate lending regimes. You can change the credit terms by limiting the limit value and the maximum credit period. Read more here.


Introduction of face recognition technology to the Internet bank on Windows 10

Sberbank November 2, 2017 announced the release of the next version of the application Internet- the bank for corporate clients on. operating system Microsoft Windows 10 This version implements biometric authentications Windows Hello technology used to log into the Internet bank. This technology is also used in Windows 10.

The range of Windows Hello features includes iris, fingerprint and facial recognition.

A characteristic feature of Microsoft's Windows 10 is support for multi-platform applications. By downloading and installing Sberbank Business Online for Windows 10 from the Microsoft store, users will be able to work in a single environment from any device: from a computer, tablet, [[ Laptops (global market)|laptop]] or smartphone.

We presented Sberbank Business Online customers, optimized for Windows 10. In this version, customers already have access to work with accounts and payments, transaction history, exchange rates, - said Anatoly Popov, Senior Vice President, Head of the Corporate Block of Sberbank. - The version for Windows 10 gives our customers a number of opportunities compared to traditional bank clients. The user does not need to think about which browser he uses (not all browsers are compatible with Internet banks), and whether the version of the Internet bank is outdated (the update is automatic).

Sberbank and My Business have simplified accounting for business

On November 1, 2017, the Internet accounting department "My Business" announces integration with Sberbank Business Online. Now entrepreneurs can greatly simplify accounting and automate standard transactions.

Clients of the "My Business" service and holders of a current account with Sberbank will not have to spend time reflecting the flow of funds in the accounting department - the data is automatically transferred from Sberbank Business Online. Bank statements are uploaded to the service, and the generated payment orders are uploaded and sent to the bank. There is no need to enter the login and password many times, and tax and accounting reports are formed in the personal account of the service.

Sberbank Business Online became available for blind entrepreneurs

The version Sberbank of the Business Online mobile application for devices under control operating system iOS has become fully available to people with visual disabilities. Among the possibilities of the application that blind and visually impaired users can now use are the creation and signing of payment orders, preparation of budget payments, search for transactions by name, TIN and amount, chat with a technical support specialist, currency exchange.

"Adapting the interfaces of our products for business is a very important step not only for Sberbank, but also for the industry as a whole, because other organizations, and not only financial ones, are guided by us," said Anatoly Popov, Senior Vice President of Sberbank. - We very much hope that by adapting first mobile applications for individuals and now for legal entities, we will inspire respected colleagues from large companies to do the same. This will create an ecosystem in the country that is accessible to the widest possible range of entrepreneurs. "

Changes in the Sberbank Business Online mobile application

Since July 2017, payment templates Sberbank Business Online have become available in the mobile application. They allow you to make frequent payments quickly and effortlessly. Users do not need to fill out a payment order from scratch: it is enough to save the template once and then, if necessary, edit it.

In addition, users of the mobile application can see the available overdraft amount. It is displayed on the updated "cards" of accounts at the top of the screen.

The appendix contains information on arrests and restrictions imposed on accounts, namely the name of the body that imposed the arrest, as well as the amount.

The application has begun to better recognize electronic versions and photos of accounts in various formats for the rapid formation of payment orders. In addition to this, there was a function of scanning, recognizing and automatically filling out a payment order using a QR code on the account.

IBM became one of the main developers of the mobile "Sberbank Online"

Sberbank summed up the results of the competition for the modernization of mobile applications "Sberbank Online," announced in February 2017.[6] This tender was the second attempt by the bank to choose developers and designers for its software. So, in January , only two companies received applications for the first similar purchase of#.D0.A1.D0.B1.D0.B5.D1.80.D0.B1.D0.B0.D0.BD.D0.BA_.D0.BD.D0.B5_.D1.81.D0.BC.D0.BE.D0.B3_.D0.BD.D0.B0.D0.B9.D1.82.D0.B8_.D1.80.D0.B0.D0.B7.D1.80.D0.B0.D0.B1.D0.BE.D1.82.D1.87.D0.B8.D0.BA.D0.BE.D0.B2_.D0.BC.D0.BE.D0.B1.D0.B8.D0.BB.D1.8C.D0.BD.D1.8B.D1.85_.D0.BF.D1.80.D0.B8.D0.BB.D0.BE.D0.B6.D0.B5.D0.BD.D0.B8.D0.B9.2C_.D0.B3.D0.BE.D1.82.D0.BE.D0.B2.D1.8B.D1.85_.D1.80.D0.B0.D0.B1.D0.BE.D1.82.D0.B0.D1.82.D1.8C_.D0.B7.D0.B0_14-18_.D1.82.D1.8B.D1.81.D1.8F.D1.87_.D1.80.D1.83.D0.B1.D0.BB.D0.B5.D0.B9_.D0.B2_.D0.B4.D0.B5.D0.BD.D1.8C, and two lots were not in demand at all. As a result, the competition was canceled. This time, 11 companies applied for participation at once, but not all of them reached the final stage of the assessment.

Sberbank chose developers and designers for the mobile "Sberbank Online"

The total cost of all lots remained at the same level (273.5 million rubles), the essence of the work turned out to be the same, but the bank still took into account the negative experience of the first competition. So, in the new request for proposals, the division of specialist rates for Moscow and the regions appeared. In Moscow, the bank raised the cost of payment by more than 2 times compared to the total rate of the first competition, the regional rates of developers and designers were also higher than the initial payment. At the same time, the requirements for the size of project teams were reduced. In some cases, the number of necessary developers was cut from 15 to 5 people. In addition, participant experience requirements were also markedly reduced.

Compared to the first competition, the list of places for work was significantly expanded. If earlier the development was to be carried out directly in Moscow, now, in addition to the capital, 7 more cities have become available: Innopolis, Vologda, Omsk, Novosibirsk, Bryansk, Cherepovets and St. Petersburg. Moreover, the presence of specialists in a particular city could affect the overall assessment of the participant's proposal.

In early March, participants in a new request for proposals became known. Some of them decided to fight for all five lots at once - these are IBM (IBM WEA), Team Force (Tim Force) and Globus-IT. BPC Bank Technologies have apply for lots 2, 3, 4 and 5. RedMadRobot (Radmedrobot) chose the first three lots, Manufactory Soft - 1, 3 and 5 lots, Jet Infosystems - lots 2, 3 and 5.

Four more companies decided to compete for the right to develop interfaces for mobile applications (lot No. 1) - this is Artemy Lebedev Studio (Studio Art LLC. Lebedeva ")," Interactive Design Laboratory, "" Agima "and" Article Production. "

However, due to the non-compliance of applications with the requirements of the documentation, not everyone reached the final stage of the assessment. Some companies were completely eliminated from the competition, some remained represented only in part of the lots.

In early April, after the final consideration of proposals for lot No. 1 (Design of interfaces for mobile applications based on iOS, Android, Windows Phone platforms), Radmedrobot was recognized as the winner. The cost of work was reduced from 23.8 to 17.4 million rubles. The rates of the company's specialists were fixed at level of 31 thousand rubles. per day for Moscow and 17.4 thousand rubles. for regions.

For lot No. 2 (Development and modification of mobile applications based on the iOS platform), IBM (IBM BEA) won. The cost of work was reduced from 107.4 to 107 million rubles. Specialist rates were fixed at 38.5 thousand rubles per day for Moscow and 22.6 thousand rubles for the regions.

Lot No. 3 (Development and modification of mobile applications based on the Android platform) went to Team Force. The cost of work was reduced from 85.5 to 83.1 million rubles. The rates of specialists in Moscow amounted to 37.6 thousand rubles per day, in the regions - 22 thousand rubles per day.

The victory in lot No. 4 (Development and modification of mobile applications based on the Windows Phone platform) was won IBM. The cost of work was reduced by 40 thousand rubles, the final price of the general agreement amounted to 21.1 million rubles. The rates of metropolitan specialists amounted to 38.6 thousand rubles per day, specialists in the regions - 22.6 thousand rubles per day.

Only one Tim Force company was allowed to perform work on the development and modification of back-end components of mobile applications before lot No. 5, so the auction did not take place. The sole bidder's application was found to meet the requirements of the documentation. Negotiations will be held with him to optimize the rates of specialists. The initial price of the lot was 35.6 million rubles.

In total, the decrease in four lots amounted to about 9 million rubles.

Sberbank began to give advice to customers using artificial intelligence

Sberbank launched at the beginning of the year the My Assistant service based on, artificial intelligence which will be able to predict user behavior and provide them with relevant information in this regard RBC , a bank representative said. The service is implemented in the form of a section for the Sberbank Online application [7]

The service will collect impersonal user data (spending, accumulations, profile data), form them into mathematical models and draw conclusions on the basis of them.

At the first stage, about 40 models designed based on life situations were loaded into the service. For example, the user abruptly changed his usual behavior and began to spend a lot of time in children's clothing stores. The service can assume that the user is expecting a child, and provide him with a list of documents for the registration of a newborn and the address of government agencies, where this can be done.

Basically, the service offers simple tips after analyzing the user's behavior. If "My Assistant" records a monthly debit, he will understand that the client took out a mortgage and remind him that you can return the tax. ​Takzhe service is able to respond to various triggers - certain actions. For example, a user pays for a car rental abroad - an assistant will offer to refuel a car at a gas station on a secondary road, where gasoline is 5-7% cheaper.

The service is not tied to an application update, so from February 8, Android users will automatically have a new section "My Assistant" in the form of a list of relevant tips. Some suggestions that are current at the moment will also be sent as push notifications. iPhone users will only be able to use the feature by early March.

Sberbank expects that the new service will attract all 20 million customers who are now active users of the Sberbank Online application.

"At the
moment, the monetization of the service will be carried out through the sale of banking products, an increase in card turnover and an increase in account balances," the bank representative explained. - In the future, monetization will be added based on relationships with partners whose services or products will be offered to Sberbank Online users.

Through advice, the company can also promote both its services and those of partners. For example, if a client withdraws money from a certain ATM, My Assistant will recommend using the card more often in order to save Thank You bonuses from Sberbank. It will also show special offers in stores for the holidays, for example, by March 8. According to the representative of the company, the share of councils related to banking products and not related to them will be 1 to 1. Partner councils are now working, for example, with (a site that helps fill out and submit a tax return), the bank plans to connect companies such as Smartreading (a library of non-fiction books in summary format), Qlean (professional cleaning service) and Sberbank Thank you partners (combines various stores and services).

Sberbank could not find developers of mobile applications ready to work for 14-18 thousand rubles a day

Sberbank could not choose developers who were ready to modernize Sberbank Online mobile applications for different platforms on its terms. During the meeting of the competition commission, which took place on January 18, it turned out that out of five lots of procurement with a total value of 273.5 million rubles, participants were interested in only three.[8]. However, even for these lots, the proposals received were not satisfied with the largest Russian bank.

The first lot required the design of interfaces for mobile applications based on iOS, Android and Windows Phone platforms. The tasks of the developers were to create layouts of screen forms of Sberbank Online mobile applications, design user experience and verify the implemented functionality according to the design of the layouts. The cost of the work was estimated at 23.8 million rubles. Applications were submitted for this lot from Webdizine and Radmedrobot. However, they did not pass the qualification requirements, since only six similar projects out of 10 required were described.

Only Radmedrobot received applications for the second and third lot. At the same time, the rates of the developers of this company turned out to be higher than the maximum rates indicated by the bank.

In particular, for lot No. 2 (development and modification of mobile applications based on iOS), the developer rate indicated by Sberbank was about 18.1 thousand rubles per day. "Radmedrobot" proposed to perform the work at a cost of payment for specialists of 21.2 thousand rubles.

For lot No. 3 (development and modification of mobile applications based on Android), the payment gap offered by the bank, and on which the participant agreed, turned out to be even greater. So Sberbank planned to pay 14.4 thousand rubles a day for the work of each specialist, while Radmedrobot agreed to perform work for 21.2 thousand rubles.

Development and modification lots included the tasks of creating an application architecture, developing applications according to business/technical requirements and designing layouts, as well as conducting a code review. The total cost of the second lot was 107.4 million rubles, the third - 85.4 million rubles

For lot No. 4, which involves the development of applications on Windows Phone for a total cost of 21.2 million rubles, not a single application was received. Similarly, the fifth lot remained without offers, within which the development and modification of back-end components of mobile applications (35.6 million rubles) was required.

2016: Development of a prototype messenger inside Sberbank Online

In May 2016, it became known about Sberbank's plans to develop its own messenger for customers, which will be built into Sberbank Online[9]

Sberbank announced the creation of the messenger on its website. The credit institution calls the new digital product a communication platform based on the Sberbank Online system, with the help of which users can communicate with friends and colleagues, as well as with services, stores and local businesses.

Sberbank announced its own messenger

Among the main advantages of the messenger, its developers include a "smart" search, which will help to select the most suitable contacts for each request. The search algorithm takes into account data about the user, his preferences and needs, geoposition and transactional data, Sberbank said in a statement.

The user will be able to pay for services directly in the messenger. The bank intends to take a commission from companies that register business accounts in the service for the sale of goods and services, Vladimir Stasevich, head of Sberbank Online services, told Kommersant.[10]

Sberbank added that they created a messenger together with Rubbles, but in the future it is planned to attract other developers.

Now we have implemented a prototype where developers get access to the Messenging API and the payment API. Thus, they will be able to implement user service scenarios. Moreover, it can be, for example, a fully automated bot, and a tool that allows you to conduct a dialogue with the user in semi-automatic mode, when the operator can, if necessary, participate in a dialogue with the client, - said Sberbank.

First, the messenger will be available only for iOS, in the future the number of supported platforms will increase. Beta testing of the service will begin in August 2016.

2015: Sberbank was the first in the world to integrate antivirus into a financial mobile application

In 2015, Sberbank several times updated Sberbank Online applications for all mobile platforms. Users have access to new features in transfers, payments, personal financial management, etc.

A significant step was taken in the direction of security: Sberbank was the first in the world to integrate antivirus into a financial mobile application for additional protection of Android users. In addition, there is a personalized greeting, a fingerprint login function for iPhone users, the ability to install an avatar, photos to set goals, etc. All this made it possible to make the bank's mobile products not only useful and convenient, but also pleasant to use.


Update "Sberbank OnL @ yn": "Auto payment," expansion of mobile functionality, financial planning function

Among the new products in the fall of 2012 of the Sberbank OnL @ yn service is the Auto Payment service - automatic replenishment of the mobile phone balance from the bank card account when the balance decreases to the specified minimum value. It is planned that in the future the principle of operation of "Auto Payment" will be used to pay for housing and communal services.

Screenshot of the Sberbank OnL @ yn service window, 2014

Together with Aeroflot, Sberbank launched a program to pay for tickets in a way familiar to users of the service in real time. When booking tickets on the official website of the air carrier, the transfer to the personal account of Sberbank OnL @ yn takes place, in which the client will fill out the payment form, select the corresponding card and confirm the operation. If the data is correct, he receives a check indicating the booking parameters and an electronic ticket. Also, previously booked flights can now be paid for at ATMs and self-service terminals of Sberbank.

Sberbank OnL @ yn services provided using a mobile phone have been significantly improved: service users can transfer funds from card to card by specifying the recipient's phone number and amount.

The innovative new products of Sberbank OnL @ yn, whose technological platform is the InterBank software complex, include the function of personal financial planning. It allows you to develop an individual investment strategy to implement the financial goals of each client of Sberbank.

In early 2012, R-Style Softlab announced that Sberbank OnL @ yn was operational on mobile devices with the iOS operating system. Since that moment, tremendous work has been carried out to increase the capabilities of the mobile application - at the moment it has been brought to the level of full-format functionality of the main version of the Internet banking system.

The Company launched the Sberbank OnL @ yn project at the end of 2008. The service was put into commercial operation in six regional banks of Sberbank of Russia in 2010, and by mid-2012, clients of 15 regional banks (a total of 18 of them) became users of centralized remote services.

Sberbank OnL @ yn became available on iOS

At the beginning of 2012, R-Style Softlab ensured the operability of the Sberbank OnL @ yn application for mobile devices with the iOS operating system, expanding the list of customer access channels to remote service.

The InterBank Retail system is integrated with a wide variety of automated software products: with Sberbank card processing, several ABSs, back-office, billing and payment systems. Its modification and adaptation capabilities provide for the use in conditions of territorial disconnection, weak communication channels, time zone differences, etc. Today's scalable industrial database and application servers provide high-quality service to more than 5 million customers in a single space, meeting tough information security requirements.

According to R-Style Softlab experts, communications such as communicators and smartphones will become dominant in many areas of human activity, including financial, in the very near future. Any client of a credit institution through mobile banking receives round-the-clock access to the RBS system (remote banking service) for prompt verification of information on cards, deposits and loans, making transfers between their cards and deposits, repayment of debts and instant payments to mobile operators, Internet providers and other popular service providers.

An important characteristic of mobile banking is public access. This means that, on the one hand, the technical means that allow entering the RBS system should be widespread and affordable, and on the other hand, it is necessary to offer the bank's client access using different channels in any combination of them. Working with Sberbank, we are moving in this direction together. Already, on the basis of our decision, work is underway to ensure the operability of the Sberbank Online application for other popular mobile platforms, "said Alexey Kiryushenkov, director of the R-Style Softlab Electronic Banking Systems Department.


New version of Sberbank-Onl @ yn: visualization of transaction and turnover data

In February 2011, it became known about the release of a new version of the Sberbank-Onl @ yn Internet banking solution. The system, implemented in the form of applications for computers with the Windows operating system and devices from Apple (iPhone and iPad), will have access to visualization of transaction and turnover data, charts and graphs with one click, including a personalized interface combined on several accounts with the ability to create your own unique Internet bank page.

Sberbank of Russia expects to make its Internet banking a real social network and, in order to increase the average time customers are in the system, has developed special games that allow you to accumulate bonuses and exchange them with friends.

11 regional banks connected to Sberbank OnL @ yn

In 2011, eleven regional banks of Sberbank (17 in total) were connected to Sberbank OnL @ yn, a centralized system implemented on the basis of the InterBank software system. InterBank is a component structure based on the concept of a process, executed in SOA architecture and operates on the basis of industrial Oracle Database servers and application servers that support J2EE technology (IBM WebSphere, Oracle WebLogic, etc.).

2008-2010: Implementation of Sberbank OnL @ yn project in six regional banks

In August 2010, R-Style Softlab announced the implementation of the Sberbank OnL @ yn project to provide Internet banking services in six territorial banks of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation: Central Russian, North, Altai, North-East, Volga-Vyatsky, East Siberian. Sberbank's new service in these branches is based on the Internet Client for Individuals (ICFL) remote banking system, which is part of the InterBank software system.

From a technical point of view, the global project "Sberbank OnL @ yn is a centralized automated system that allows any client of this largest credit institution to carry out financial transactions via the Internet. In accordance with the strategic plans announced by Sberbank of Russia, the interaction of customers with the bank through remote channels was to not only reduce queues and thereby unload the bank's offices, but also become an attractive service that contributes to the growth of the client base. However, during the implementation of this project, Sberbank decided to make adjustments to priorities: according to the new development strategy, each client coming to Sberbank should receive the best service on the market. To meet the declared level of the "Best Internet Bank," Sberbank put forward strict requirements for increasing the functionality of the Sberbank Online system, its reliability, attractiveness, convenience of work and the deadlines for putting into commercial operation the updated product.

R-Style Softlab launched the Sberbank OnL @ yn project in 2008 at Sberbank's regional banks. In 2009, other territorial banks were added to the unified processing center of the Sberbank OnL @ yn system, located in the Central Russian Bank of Sberbank of Russia.

To implement the Best Internet Bank project, R-Style Softlab conducted an audit of user preferences and offered Sberbank an exclusive version of the interface and logic of clients inside the system. Changes were made to the functionality of the system, taking into account the existing technologies and business processes of the bank. As a result of the work on this project, the new Internet banking system for private clients was highly appreciated by both Sberbank itself and its clients.

During the work on the Sberbank OnL @ yn project, R-Style Softlab confirmed the integration and loading capabilities of its product and demonstrated the high scalability of the solution under the parameters required by the bank. In six territorial banks of Sberbank of Russia, the Internet Client for Individuals system is integrated with a wide variety of automated software products: with card processing of Sberbank, several ABS, back-office, billing and payment systems. The capabilities of the system for modification and adaptation make it possible to effectively use it in conditions of territorial disconnection, weak communication channels, time zone differences and other similar factors. The use of modern industrial database servers and applications allows today to serve more than 700 thousand customers in a single information space, while the potential of the system allows you to provide high-quality service to an almost unlimited number of users.
